#rb because the new blog is done!
literally idk how many times i have to say it - LOOK LIKE A BOT, GET BLOCKED LIKE A BOT
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employee052 · 7 months
A Date With Narry WINNERS
The "Date with Narry" event is now over!
Thank you so so so so much to everyone who participated! I didn't expect that there would be more than a handful of submissions, so seeing all of them as the event ends is amazing to me. I can't thank you all enough for participating if you did, whether by asks, or by liking the posts if they came across your dash.
And thank you to everyone new who found @mrthenarrator's blog thanks to this event!
breaking character as the mod of The Narrator's Blog for a bit: I'm so glad everyone was willing to interact with him as a character! I'm not an expert on RP, and this is the first-ever "event/competition" ive hosted, so this event taught me a lot both in hosting, as well as challenged me in terms of roleplay! Plus, thank you for letting me indulge my inner Narry by having him respond to your submissions. Getting to RP as him for the event was incredibly fun and rewarding, and seeing everyones submissions come in through the week was amazing and I loved getting to see all of them appear in the inbox (as well as seeing some of your reactions to his reactions! I do look thru the notes and rbs and i love seeing all your comments to narry's shenanigans) I hope that, even if you didn't win a drawing today, just know that all your submissions and contributions to the event hold a place in my heart, thank you all so so much for participating and I will be perpetually thanking you into the far future for letting me do a little silly event sdkjfgjhg. I hope I can set up more in the future, and hopefully, they won't be centred around getting narry a date /lh
These winners are in no particular order! And, because I am an indecisive little monster, I ended up with FOUR winners instead of Three.
(All of them were so hard to choose it's why this took so long 😭😭😭😭)
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@crowzzznest (and @superaurora16 too, since your submission was a joint effort/has both of your characters)
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For the winners, feel free to send me a DM on this blog of pictures/picrews/whatever you have on hand of your Characters/Sonas for reference, as well as an idea of what might happen on the date you and the Narrator might be! (We can also fit some other characters/sonas into the drawing if you want. it doesn't have to be just one)
Your idea can be as vague or as detailed as you want, and you don't have it all laid out at first if you can't think of anything. We can always bounce ideas around and find one that you like the most for me to draw.
And if you don't want a drawing, that's fine too! Just let me know in DMs so I can know! (and I promise I won't be upset if you don't want one /gen, I'm going back to uni classes next week so I'll be busy trying to get all the drawings done in my free time. which isn't a lot, so I'll just thank you for the millionth time again for participating and let you move on with your day kjsadhf /lh)
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this event! Hope you all have a good night
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rivangel · 2 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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wowww im so sorry this took me literal ages, val. i've written a lot of fics and i kept putting it off😭and hi tobbi❤️❤️ty!
first times anthology (levi x reader)
Intimate, vulnerable, gentle. Concepts Levi is a stranger to, until you.
this is number one for sure jeeeeez. i've kinda been writing fanfic for years, but i'd never finished a longfic until this one, and it was within the first few months of creating my blog. i made friends with levi blogs i respect the HELL out of because of it, and i'm still happy with the fic itself. it was comforting/nice to plan and write. i might've peaked here lol but yeah, i have so many happy memories because of it.
you and death (levihan)
"I told you once, that only two things will have me—you and death."
After retaking Wall Maria, Hange and Levi weren’t the same, and neither was their relationship, it came to happen. Now that they’re finished grieving, it’s brought to a whole new level.
this comes from a weird trio of fics i wrote about the first time trope bc it was my fav😭levi isnt technically a fucking virgin in it because i forgot💀anyway, it was my first real try at levihan and i still enjoy that fic a lot. i kind of forget how fun it is to write hange till i write them again lol
lament, abject (levi x reader)
Not even Levi is invulnerable, both after the war and back then, so it's stupid to be scared when he gets sick. Until it isn't.
i don't have much to say. this makes it bc it's my singular favorite trope ever that idek how to define and i like the fic still.
there is a light that never goes out (eruri)
On the subject of their feelings for each other, there's no new ground to cover, nothing to confess even with years of their relationship separating them. 'I trust you and I want to be by your side'. No one has been reluctant about that fact. It's this world and their roles in it that have always acted like a shiv jammed in the lock.
Except now, what has this world done?
untouchable (gen)
A picture of Levi’s childhood, and how Kenny taught him to be strong—as well as how he’d never be strong enough.
it's always so fun to explore kenny and levi's relationship and i still vividly remember a certain rb from one of my fav blogs that made me SO fucking happy. probably the nicest feedback i ever received and i still enjoy the fic :)
ps this is a little dumb, but it's entirely possible thundershower, no wonder no contest, or canal could be on this level, but it's been so long since i've wrote/read them that i can't judge for sure🧍🏻
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messrsbyler · 1 year
Hello!! what do you think about the tag those days? do you have a fav blog? who do you think is saving the tag from dying with posts and theories?
i think the tag is slowly dying tbh and it's sad to see? the reality is that for the past year or so the tag has been kept alive (from what i've seen and my personal experience here) because of art/fic creators and analysis blogs. however, it's been a year since s4 dropped and as i've seen some people around the tag say, everything that could've been analysed or said about byler in the last season or all seasons has already been said. now, i personally LOVE doing analysis even to this day, doesn't matter if i'm probably repeating something someone else spotted and blogged about two months ago. it's fun to make those posts, but we can't ignore that they are becoming repetitive and that side of the tag is burning out. because of that, things like fics/art/headcanons/ficlets/aus are so important now.
we don't have to run out of content to enjoy in our tag, but people should be willing to step outside their comfort zone and accept that canon is limited to what can he done and said about byler. aus however open new doors that this tag hasn't really explored yet, and for some reason there's a bit of resistance? and that leads us to a dead end because then there's no new not repetitive content and the tag starts dying even with its huge following.
another issue is definitely the lack of rb in the tag. i can jump on any post in the byler tag and check the notes and i know the ratio between likes and rbs will be ridiculous. ofc i can't force anyone to rb if they don't want to, but liking a post and not rb kills a post bc it stops reaching new people who will then engage with said post and then it will reach even more blogs. liking does nothing, it's a dummy button.
rb not only allows a post to stay alive, it's also a great opportunity to create conversations in the tags and engage with other people on this side of the internet. and well if you aren't into that or don't like to add tags to every rb, a simple rb still does much more than a like.
i have many fav blogs and i'll probably forget some, but from the top of my head i have @andiwriteordie (writer and au lover) @foodiewithdahoodie (amazing takes and headcanons) @astrobei (writer and artist) @wiseatom (amazing writer) @doriandrifting (analysis and amazing takes) @emblazons (amazing takes and gifs) @mayahawkins (one of the best gif creators in the tag) @perexcri (amazing writer) @likegoldintheair (amazing writer and amazing headcanons/ficlets) @elekinetic (amazing writer and amazing scripts) @kidovna (beautiful art and aus and comics) @noodles-and-tea (art art art i am obsessed) @nnilkyway (again beautiful art) @strangeswift (writer and a fun blog to check out) and many more that i'm probably forgetting right this moment.
if you (anyone who is reading this) have a blog rec pls lmk!!! i'm always looking for new byler content!!
(if you have stonathan blogs recs uh also lmk i need more stonathans on my dashboard thanks)
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beanerbrujx · 5 months
Finally a blog that isn't toxic I've been wondering while looking at it about the NaruHina being trans and that was mind boggle mind sharing the story for it
It sound hilarious (srry if I may seem like I am making fan of trans it's just that the situation is funny)
Kishimoto accidentally confirmed NaruHina's trans because during an interview, someone asked him why Naruto had whiskers on his cheeks, and Kishimoto just replied it happened from being in the womb of a jinchuriki, but both Himawari and Boruto also have whiskers, so using that logic, Naruto had to have carried them in his womb, and since both kids belong to Hinata, she had to have gotten him pregnant, thus, trans NaruHina
Trans fans of the pairing (such as myself) went wild and so we flooded the NH tag with our own edits and just would RB/post about it because it was fun, and we were literally having fun as NH fans
My mutuals and I (that share the same HC and OTP) also found it hysterical how transphobic NH fans said I was spreading "false news" (for literally quoting Kishimoto) and also said I was posting "Fake manga panels" for my (DONE VERY POORLY ON PURPOSE) manga edits that are clearly not meant to be taken seriously:
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Like I literally made the font different/cut into the speech bubble, cause, yk, it's all meant to be shit posts and I ended up making more out of spite just to piss off transphobes
I make tons of shit post edits of my favs constantly because that's just the kind of fan I am (my icon and header on mobile, for example)
I don't post much Naruto anymore because I left the fandom for the most part (literally most of it SUCKS) but I still occasionally RB/make edits to this day, and I will also say trans NH is canon, just to ruffle transphobic feathers
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originalaccountname · 4 months
ahhh not the other anon but i think i saw a rb of the post you’re talking abt. im fairly new to the fandom and am rlly like. beyond sick of this sort of discourse in other fandoms. like just block and move on if you find it icky. was just wondering if it was super common in bsd’s fandom? no pressure to answer at all <333
I prefer to stick to my curated fandom corner and only really browse the "bsd art" and "bsd fanart" tags these days for multiple reasons.
So in my experience, on tumblr, it's very rare. I block freely the occasional blog that makes a comment about "how gross" X or Y is in the tags, and people who try to start ship wars and other such incidents. Those tend to be isolated little haters with no etiquette, so it's pretty smooth sailing otherwise.
I have witnessed a few incidents though, here and outside, so unpleasantness under the cut:
On tumblr, I've seen some anonymous asks sent to shame people for reblogging art of a ship they thought was problematic (whether the reblogger liked the actual ship or not), and I've seen someone ask an artist if they "were pro or anti", also on anonymous (how brave). I can't even remember which was supposed to be bad in that case, just that it looked like an attempted public execution. But those were very few and far between.
I too often see "proshippers dni" when visiting a blog, but I try to give some leeway by assuming they simply don't want to see such content. When they add a "you're disgusting/kys" or something, I block and never worry about it again.
I know from participating in a few fandom events organized by twitter dwellers that they are way more likely to start fandom drama over "problematic" ships. I've been in an event where a mod shamed someone for mentioning a ship they deemed "problematic" (in the 18+ chat even), which the other mods dealt with when notified, but the harm had been done. I've stayed away from some fanzines/fan events because the rules included terms that were clearly aimed at shaming some ships in particular, by forbidding age gaps of more than 3 years in ships for example. I've been in an event that forbade any talk of any other ships that were not the main pair of the event to prevent drama of the sort.
But, I've also seen zines that proudly said they were not judging any ship or content whether for the zine or outside of it (tagged appropriately), and I know there's a zine being made right now that was set up only for "dead dove" type of content.
Any other incidents were weird little bubbles that went ignored and disappeared after a while (calling Sigma a minor), so those are the most notable things I've seen in the 3+ years I've been in this fandom as someone on tumblr. The fandom is much smaller here, it's calmer.
The most notable ship that gets bad treatment despite how vanilla it is is OdaxDazai, because they have a 4 year age gap and Dazai was 16 when they first met. That's it. Other ships deemed "problematic" are usually self-explanatory, with history of abuse, incestuous-ish, large age gaps, etc.
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sapphicshav · 2 years
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── 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒 | haikyuu.
genre . . . sfw, fluff
characters . . . osamu & iwaizumi x gn! reader
note . . . repost from my old blog.
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OSAMU is the definition of a true gentleman. except all the chores to be done as soon as you get home from a long, hard day at work. you know what the best part is, you don’t even have to ask him to do it he just does because he’s hat sweet. the fridge is freshly stocked, cleaned and organised. every plate, bowl and cup that was piled up in the sink and covered in last night’s dinner, which he obviously helped cooked, was now put away in the cupboards where they belong. he genuinely doesn’t like the idea of you doing tasks alone unless you need to. cooking, cleaning, folding the laundry. he’d ready to accompany you whenever you need him. its always the “wait babe, i’ll help ya with that” or “stop let me do it instead”. samu shows his love for you by alleviating your stress and lightening your load with his assistance. let’s be real, who doesn’t want help from THE osamu miya.
IWAIZUMI adores your presence, especially when you two are alone. he believes that he is the luckiest man in the world because he has you by his side. even if you’re sat in complete silence, nothing but light breathing dancing around the room he appreciates the time you two spent together. he’ll give you his undivided attention whenever you need it. had a bad day at work? his phone is turned off and he’s ready to listen to vent to him about it. expect nothing but spontaneous trips with iwa. this man loves to surprise you with a quick getaway to escape from all your current troubles. he also loves trying new things with you, even if he knows he probably won’t like it. as long as its with you, nothing can seem as bad.
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thank you for reading, rbs are appreciated ♡︎
taglist: @httpghostface @urluvvdomm @avid-idiot
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jgracie · 5 months
hi!! i’m just starting my writing account; do you have any tips/tricks for newbies?
helloooo !!!! first of all congrats on starting a writing blog :) it’s SO fun over here ur gonna have a great time trust 🤍 anw these r all from the top of my head sooo yea
i feel like no one ever talks about it but it quite literally makes ur breaks the beginning of ur blog LOL 😭 if this is a new acc you’ve never used ur most probably not in the tags so u have to follow + interact w a lot of stuff ! tumblr j does this to make sure ur a human LOL
if this is an acc you’ve had for a while and u have been using a lot then it’s most probably either u didn’t verify ur email or u have ur blog hidden from searches !! in settings -> visibility make sure u have these turned off :
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in order to check if ur in the tags, post smth random and tag it w literally anything then check the latest section of that tag n if ur post is in there ur in the tags ! if it’s not then ur not 😞 being in the tags is rly impt as a beginner blog since u have no followers to rb ur stuff and get it around yet !
make sure u have an organised tag system before u start !! make all ur masterlists and rules n all that done before u start posting TRUST ME u will be thanking urself (i’m a second timer on tumblr and i remember the PAIN of making a masterlist later on😭)
link ur masterlist on ur writings as well so ppl can have easy access to it and therefore see more of ur content :)
in the beginning it also helps to be consistent!! when i first started i posted like twice a day but tbh i’m just extra LOL just don’t post and then leave for like a month yk 😣 (unless it’s serious tumblr should NEVER be the priority!!!!!!!)
this one’s really random but i found that it helped a lot w me personally ! i got reqs pretty quickly after making my blog and now the majority of my posts r acc things other people have requested !! i think this helps because u don’t have to think of as many ideas and also cz the people can say what they want so target audience n all that 🗣️
(also it’s just fun to see what they come up with!!!! everyone’s so cool and creative)
i cannot stress this enough!! follow other writers & make friends and have fun w it :) !!! i wouldn’t be here today without my lovely friends on here <3 (SHOUTOUT TO ALL OF U 🤍🤍🤍) honestly this would be SO boring w out them 😣
anyway lmk if u need any more help love u SOOO much !!!!!
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torchickentacos · 9 months
Is there anything you dislike about the pokemon anime?
OH BOY, ANON. Short answer: yes. Long answer, sort of no? Or, rather, nothing that I dislike outside of a petty, mildly annoyed sense OR nothing I care quite enough about to share my discourse take on. I don't have any genuine criticisms, because ultimately any I would have, I kind of signed up for by being a pokeani fan. Like, I know I'm not here for intricate plotlines or incredible character arcs. I'm mostly here for shitposting about the same four characters from 2007. I was the harley's ass blog for a while, after all. But for a more in-depth answer (mostly AG focused since I have to fact-check myself on it the least, though I'm sure I could bring stuff up for each gen)...
...Something that DOES bug me about pokeani is the concept of lost potential, or plots and ideas that lead nowhere. Like, in early early AG, May seems to be avoiding her dad and Petalburg city and then absolutely nothing is done with it. (Projection loss: character does not, in fact, have canon father issues for me to pay attention to instead of my own. Sad.) Another example? Drew being from a movie-only location, only for us to NOT SEE HIM IN THE ACTUAL MOVIE. SURE. But I've made like four posts about that by now, and I'll make another if someone asks me to. Another example??? Solidad as, like, an entire character. That deserves its own post. ily Solidad (Also Chloe- someone in the RBs, feel free to take that and go off about it!!!). Another? The People of the Water apparently being SUPER IMPORTANT TO MAY AND MAX'S HERITAGE, AND IT COMES WITH SOME DEEP INTERNAL CONNECTION TO MANAPHY/THE TEMPLE OF THE SEA but oops nope they only exist in that one movie, dw about it ever again. Brock's issues growing up with too much responsibility? You might get one or two mentions of it per generation but don't count on it actually being important to his character.
I would call this the GS Ball Problem, but at least we got some form of explanation for that one. Sigh. Good news is, here in optimist land, we can take all of this as fic/au opportunities and explore the foundation canon haphazardly laid!!! So, I wouldn't call this something I dislike about the anime per se as much as just something I don't GET, but hey, people take those gaps and do incredibly fun, interesting things with them, so I can't complain too much. Lapses in canon and a barebones foundation set the scene for fandom creativity and interpretation, which I honestly value more than anything canon would have thrown at us anyways.
And again, it's the pokemon anime. I KNOW I signed up for this, so I'm not writing a long post because I'm big mad about it, I'm writing a long post because I can't shut up and I like run-on sentences lmao.
EDIT and a reboot of pokemon chronicles would fix all of this, in this essay I will-
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
The fact that I'm scared to post something because it even so much as mentions the Delanceys
It's terrifying and ridiculous and I hate it
I hate that this fandom has gone from the most welcoming fandom I've ever seen to toxicity and telling people who they can and can't like and how they can or can't write them.
If you don't want to write them that way, that's fine. If you want to write them that way, that is also fine. If you want them to be 2d villains with no depth, that's fine. If you want to give depth that's deeper than the Mariana Trench, that's fine. If you want to make them stick to the personality given, that's fine. If you want to completely upend it and give them new personalities, that is also fine.
What isn't fine, is dictating how other people write. How other people enjoy their favorite characters from their favorite shows. Which characters people can or can't like.
And doing it in the rb of children's posts?!
That is not okay. And if you have the mindset that nobody can like certain characters, then you ought to get the hell off my blog.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
Villains are fascinating characters. I love finding out why they do what they do.
Giving a villain depth doesn't necessarily mean that I'm erasing what they do. I know that they didn't have to continue the cycle of abuse. I know that they didn't have to join the system that destroyed them. I know.
But, they did. And the finding out why? That is my favorite part.
Why did they join them?
And, if you have a problem with me exploring that question, you can just hop on over to someone else's blog.
No hard feelings, no harm done.
I don't want to be afraid of what my friends are going to think or say when I post something. I don't want fights or conflicts in my notifs.
I just want us to have fun talking about dumb little tapping queer-coded newsboys.
Y'all please just let everyone have fun writing what makes them happy.
If it doesn't make you happy, just scroll past it.
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lcftcult · 20 days
Up front, it is my fault for putting this off but I gotta get this PSA for my blogs outta the way:
If y'all wouldn't mind making sure you rb memes, musings, other peoples' promos, etc. from the sources instead of from me, that would be super hecking appreciated!
It didn't always bother me but it's started to within the past couple weeks? Maybe it's because I'm super excited to see what's in my activity feed and when I see notes of stuff I've rb'd being shared instead of replies to my threads, likes on headcanons or starter calls, etc. feeling a little 'aw darn it's not what I was hoping to see in my notifs?'
I will make it clear there is no anger to anyone that's done the above in the past on my blogs! Or if you're just liking it in reference to go back to the original post later. This is just something lately I've started to feel, I can't describe it but it's like "aw man" if that makes sense? And yes I have updated my rules to reflect this new information.
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pinkrelish · 1 year
Prev anon here! You’ve done a great job in keeping reader non specific. I think part of the reason it resonates is because you’ve done a great job at keeping her relatable to so many people, which is not an easy feat. And I know this is a tricky topic(but an important one) but I do see the effort you put it and it’s def appreciated.
And you SHOULD rb all the amazing fan art that’s been made!! Every single one has been so so lovely!! And it’s lovely that people are inspired to make such art. It’s certainly not in your control how others want to depict anyone.
On that note, Idk where the line is in “we’re all just individuals making things!” And “wow somehow so much of the fanart within the fandom is white-centric” there is no easy answer, and it’s not one persons issue to shoulder or even address, but there’s certainly an awareness that can be had around it.
thank you for coming back! i realized after reading over my last response that i talked a lot about myself, and my fic, because i wasn't sure how to react to TYP specifically spawning this larger conversation, and didn't mean to put the sole focus on myself.
i've only contributed to one fandom before this and it was OC heavy, so the idea of people drawing reader inserts—who should be written as vague—is new to me. i've seen three other pieces of fanart for other writer's RI stories, and in two of them the skin tone was left blank and the head was cut off so no hair style could be depicted, and in the third it was chosen to be a white RI.
and even though i haven't been in a fandom as large as this, media in general leans, favors, and worships skinny white women as the ideal, and it's sadly not surprising when i scroll past header after header on fics that exemplify this. do i think writers do this maliciously? no. that's why i reach out in private with the intent to educate. do i also think poc have made RI art, written RI stories, and don't get as much engagement, and have received racist anons saying their art is not inclusive, and made to feel unwelcomed? absolutely. not even a question.
not too long ago when a big blog was pointed out for having an extremely white-coded fic, their response was to double down, call the poc trying to educate them "aggressive", and ultimately ignore them, and acted obtuse about the issue when all they asked for, at minimum, was for the fic to having a warning at the top.
and how many stories on here *don't* have warnings, but have multiple word choices indicating how pale the reader is? ....many. again, i'd wager most white writers aren't even conscious of these decisions until pointed out, but, yeah, poc have spoken up in the eddie munson x reader tag many times about getting part way through a story only to read something white-coded, and get thrown out of the immersion.
i'm not sure how to address the fanart with TYP specifically, and artists choosing to insert themselves, or representing themselves by choosing a skin tone close to their own to give miss mouse, other than to say i hope i'm making this blog a comfortable space for anyone to contribute art if they feel inspired and have the time, and know that i will defend anyone's interpretation because, in essence, she exists as a vehicle to tell a story about eddie finding love. i would love to see more representation for her so everyone can picture themselves in the story.
i'm clearly not an eloquent speaker, but i wanted to answer this with the audience i have, and as you said in the ask, bring awareness to an issue that exists in all fandoms, and is much larger than my story or fanart for my story, and is more about poc not feeling comfortable contributing, or even existing, in fandom spaces.
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henriiiii-1001old · 8 months
coming back/moving blogs
hey, been a while, hasn't it? i hope you're all doing well! this is my official coming-back-to-tumblr post, but it's a little different than i had originally planned.
i've decided it would be in my best interests to move blogs after a bit of thinking. i feel like coming back here would just feel too awkward for both me and you guys, especially with my now deleted drama post. i just wanna move on from all this bullshit, especially since i've had do deal with a lot of other shit, including college.
it's still @/evrydaygets-darkr, just moved to a different account. i still like the name, so i'm keeping it for now. this account will still be up for archival purposes, but it will never be active again. i hope you understand. (EDIT: changed to @henriiiii-1001 bc of shit that happened w ak recently. see this for more info and this for my official statement on it)
as a general life update, i'm done with my first semester of college!! it's been kinda fun so far! i've made a couple friends here and there, and classes (except for math) were super cool!!! i loved most of my professors, and i am honestly excited for the upcoming semester! ive been artblocked to hell and back though, so i don't have much in terms of new art or writing, but i've been trying my best to get out of it. i also gained a new hyperfixation, which is project sekai: colorful stage (abbreviated as pjsk), so i'll probably be posting abt that quite a bit (btw my fav group is wxs and my fav character is tsukasa :3 ), specifically abt stats and achievements w like song completions, maybe some pulls too!
im also gonna put a few updates on aus and oc stories rq:
for my tmc aus: the big ones i'm working on are getting new masterposts and infodumps for the new blog. i would rb posts from this blog to the new one, but due to some personal stuff i don't feel very comfortable doing that. i havent been able to cook much lore-wise for any of them, but i'll probably get back into the swing of things once i start interacting w you guys again. - for specifically father's duty: i'll hopefully have chapter 3 done soon. it's actually been almost done for a while now, i just need to think of the ending. thank you to those who've stuck with me this far <3 (EDIT: all my tmc aus are discontinued. read above for more info)
for murder files: i'm gonna change up the pacing a bit because i feel like i was going a bit too fast with it. i wanna take my time with it and make it feel as real as possible. it might take me a bit to get fully set up bc im probably gonna have to plan a few steps ahead, which i've barely done. i just need time to plan everything out and draw some shit
i will try to post as often as i can to get back into using tumblr like a true tumblrina (even though i see theyve made some more disgusting changes so yay </3 ), though it'll probably take some getting used to.
i really missed you guys. i'll see you on the flipside.
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fnaf-news · 9 months
the fnaf news tumblr blog apparently!
thank you all for the support lately. means a lot!
account ran by @sockstosockk (he/him)
18+ accounts are free to interact aslong as you dont make any sexual comments on any of my posts
(you are free to mute any of these tags if you are bothered by them)
#not fnaf news - for anything that isnt fnaf news. these posts will be rare and non-intrusive HOPEFULLY BBECAUSE IM KIND OF ANNOYING
#fnaf news rb - reblogs, usually done on some of my own posts. i do these because it helps certain posts i deem important gain more traction!
#fnaf news - general tag for all of my news posts. this is also used for things like new game teasers and releases, upcoming movie stuff, etc. because i dont think that needs a special tag
#small fnaf news - is used for eerrrrrr. smaller news, like a new tweet with no significance. like cute promo art and videos that arent lore related
#fnaf merch news - news on things to fnaf merchandise
#fnaf book news - all book news
#fnaf fanverse news - fanverse news
#alt text needed - posts that need alt text (means i havent figured what to write yet sorry)
you are encouraged to inform me of any mistakes and inaccuracies in my posts. or just things that could be improved idk im kinda slow
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koinotame · 9 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
Tumblr media
it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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vro0m · 1 year
I agree with your speculation that it was their original plan to put Daniel back into the Red Bull seat. Honestly, I wouldn't even have been shocked if they had made some excuse about performance and actually replaced Checo at the end of this year if Daniel didn't injure himself and his performances were at least matching or better than Yuki's. The hand injury really did come at the worst possible time for him since there'll (rightfully) always be skepticism about his performance after his mclaren stint and he has less time to prove the naysayers wrong now. Liam performing so well as Daniel's replacement also complicates things too.
I'm curious about why you think it's not a good move for him? Is it because of Max? idk I'm not a fan of red bull but I am a fan of Daniel and I can't think of another place for him that would give him what he needs or wants as a driver. What do you think would be another option for him (besides retirement lol 😭)?
I'm also anticipating the 2024 silly season. I looked it up and there are at least 10 drivers that have expiring contracts next year, so I feel like surely there has to be at least one big or exciting move that happens.. Especially with some big seats opening up like Ferrari, Red Bull and Mclaren. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it lol
Lemme preface this by saying this is only my opinion, I'm not always right, and I can't see the future.
(long post)
First of all as I said, it is the best option for him. In reality it's his only option. Because of his difficult past few years, the teams willing to sign him were backmarkers (namely Haas) and it's very difficult to come back in F1 once you're out of a seat, especially when it's not out of your own free will (understand : retiring then coming back). It's honestly kinda unhoped-for that they're giving him another shot. I'm not sure he'd have had half a chance if Nyck had done better.
The problem is Max indeed. Say he does get the RBR seat in 2025 : he's not gonna beat Max. Then what? As we've touched on before on this blog, you always always have to do better than your teammate (nice essay, go read it!). Doesn't matter if they're still top of the standings, doesn't matter if he manages to finish 2nd himself, he'll be the new Perez sooner or later. All second drivers become Perezes sooner or later. And! That's imagining he's gonna manage to keep up with Max better than Perez, which we don't actually know at this point. Might be worse than being second behind Max. Might be third or fourth or fifth etc. In any case, he's most probably not gonna get a real shot at the title at RBR, except if he suddenly exceeds all expectations which, again, all due respect, but his track record isn't convincing at this point. I truly don't see him – but tbf I don't really see any of them – beating Max in the RB. Maybe if they get it awfully wrong Merc-style in 2026 but like. They have Newey so there's no way it's gonna happen. So?
Say he got the seat. He probably doesn't want to be a second driver to the end of his career right? He wants to win. Otherwise he could have just taken Gunther Steiner's offer, cashed in the check, and done. But he doesn't have a shot at RBR. So he needs another seat. But who's gonna sign him? Again, he's 34. He'll be 36 in 2025 if he gets the RBR seat, so he probably wouldn't be looking for a seat elsewhere before, at best, 2026, at 37. He's getting old, he's running out of time. Ferrari have their own plans for the future with Charles. Mercedes have their own plans for the future with George. Depending on his form then, he might or might not have a better chance to beat another first driver in another car than Max in the RB, but he'll always be considered as a second driver for the team signing him. And, once again, that's if he performs well enough that other teams might want to sign him, whatever his age.
Or maybe there's a sudden unicorn event happening and an unexpected team suddenly makes it to the top and he's conveniently signed there when it happens, but I mean if we're gonna speculate that far-off why not imagine Max retiring at the end of 2024 and actually it's his seat Daniel gets?
When I'm saying I'm not sure it's the best move for him I mean for him. It's the best – it's the only – move for his career in F1. But the way I see it, best case scenario he gets a few more years as a second driver here or there, maybe he even wins a few times with RedBull, then he can retire on his own terms. Hopefully he's okay with it, hopefully he's not beating himself up for not living up to unrealistically high expectations. Hopefully Marko doesn't start bullying him like he did the others.
Worst case scenario, he doesn't fare much better than he has this past couple of years and it's another painful failure.
I understand he wanted more, I understand he can't really realistically be like "okay you're right I'm not worth a seat I'll retire", but I'm not sure it's gonna be the comeback he's wishing for and I hope he's prepared to deal with whatever comes mentally if it's not.
Or maybe I'm completely wrong and he beats Max out of nowhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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