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razrogue · 3 months ago
A Gentle Touch (Zayne)
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Zayne x Reader/You
Tags: Early Mornings, Sleepiness, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff
Notes: No edit, no beta, we ball (please be kind 😊); curly hair care mentioned; Zayne has a nickname
Words: 830
Read on AO3
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The sunrise was just on the horizon but the apartment was thankfully still dim enough for his exhausted eyes to have a break. Zayne removed his shoes and shirked off his coat, hanging it carefully on the coat rack beside the door. He tossed his own keys into the wooden bowl on the foyer table, grinning as they clinked against the cute keychain set still nestled there. Zayne raised his arms overhead, stretching to the ceiling, trying to ease all the tension in his shoulders and back from his long shift.
He was supposed to get off in the late evening, he’d miss dinner with you but he knew he’d be able to bring a late dessert for the two of you to share. Just as he’d placed his stethoscope around the neck of his lab coat hanging in the small closet, the emergency tone on his phone began blaring. His hands dropped to his side as he sighed and reached for the phone ringing from his desk. “Raincheck on dessert?” He ended the question with one of the snowman emoji you’d installed on his phone and got ready to go tackle the latest emergency that was keeping him out from another evening with you.
His message tone rang out just as you opened the door to his place. Hurrying to free your hands so you could respond, you were a little defeated when you didn’t see a message letting you know he was on his way home. You knew he was a dedicated doctor that was great at his job, in fact you admired that about him. You admired the way he worked hard, sometimes tirelessly, for his patients. He was considerate and thorough and would always see the cases through to a solution. Sometimes though, you wanted him to be a little more selfish, to give a little more time to your relationship. As soon as the thought cropped up, you shook your head vigorously trying to clear it from your mind. You knew what you were signing up for, just like he knew what he was signing up for - the both of you were dedicated to your jobs and to saving lives in your own ways. Pushing that fleeting thought far from your mind, you prepped some bowls for him to quickly heat up once he made it home before settling in with your own meal for the night.
Zayne loosened his tie and headed into the kitchen, the handwritten note on blue paper taped to the fridge door catching his eye as he opened the fridge to see three containers stacked neatly on the top shelf.
Z - From that place we wanted to try. I picked out all the carrots.
The three little hearts signing the note made him chuckle quietly to himself as he grabbed a small bite from the top bowl. With a slightly satisfied hum, Zayne made his way to the bedroom.
He could just make out the nest of blankets near the center of the bed as he removed his clothes. Down to his boxer briefs, he carefully sat on his side of the bed, setting his glasses down before reaching out to the blanket to gently rest his hand on you. Your pineappled curls peek out of the top blanket, scarf no longer on your head, but thankfully Zayne made it a point to buy silk pillowcases to have at his place when you stayed over. He didn’t quite understand at the time but he listened thoughtfully as you explained caring for and protecting your hair to him some months ago. He finally slid into the bed behind you, placing his arm around your waist and carefully pulling you closer to you. With his face nuzzled into the side of your neck, Zayne sighed, the scent of the fruity lotion on your warm skin filling his nose and making him all the more content and happy to be home. You finally stirred from your slumber as he began covering your shoulder in soft kisses, rubbing his cheek against you in bliss every few kisses.
“Z, what are you…”
Before you could finish your statement, he tightened his arm’s hold on you slightly and pulled your body flush with his. Satisfied that you were right where he wanted you to be, Zayne’s hand reached for yours so he could lace your fingers with his own. You freed your other arm from beneath the pillows and rested it on top of the muscled arm around your waist.
“Did you eat yet?” You inquire as you softly caress his forearm. Zayne doesn’t respond, instead closing his hand around yours a little more, settling himself against you, a contented sigh his only answer. You shake your head a little in amusement, continuing your soothing touch along his arm. The two of you remain there in the middle of his bed, cuddled together for who knows how long until you hear soft snores in your ear.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months ago
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WIP Whenever
I got tagged by @razrogue last week and I forgot to do it, so since I've been struggling with writing, here's an art WIP of Majexatli in their camp clothing :)
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coldshrugs · 8 months ago
wip (almost) wednesday
ty for the tag @lavampira 💗💗 and i'll forward that along to: @scionshtola @hythlodaes @galadae @lilas @razrogue @bee-a-ts @fourteenthz @greyyourwarden (no pressure but i'd love to see what you guys are working on for art/writing!!)
here's some heavensward roadtrip for a single word prompt i've been spinning around:
This far into the journey, there is no need to discuss the watch schedule.
Every night, Io takes first watch and promises to wake Ysayle just past the new day’s first bell. Every night, Io breaks this promise, letting her sleep instead. Estinien wakes in the hours of early morning and, in the dark and the quiet, they exchange responsibility for their party's safety with the stiff courtesy of pursed-lipped smiles. They talk a bit during the day, circling the edge of something like camaraderie.
They don't talk at night.
The moon drifts across the sky, little more than a muted glow, shapeless behind the dense, wind-whipped clouds. It is difficult to track its position and discern the time when the stars are hidden, but Io breathes a sigh of relief when Ysayle does not wake at her appointed hour.
It would be needless to bother Ysayle when the simple kindness of restful sleep is more than she experiences from those allied with Ishgard, and still less than she deserves. Even more unnecessary to disturb Alphinaud when he still sees fresh blood on his young hands. Why make a fuss at all, when she can push through for another few bells, and he doesn't seem to mind doing the same?
The beast calls again, a song scratching across the quiet night, high and rough and lonesome.
It is like no music Io has heard before, but some part of her feels she could join in. Hearts in perfect harmony, defeated and defiant. She understands why they’ve named the war for such a lament… A shiver runs down her spine.
Only the wind, she thinks for a moment as the grass rustles again.
Only the wind, until the sound loses its rhythm. There's a dull thud against the ground, then another. Io looks away from the fire, toward the source of the noise: Estinien is shaking in his bedroll.
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20skai · 11 months ago
Steady Love
Wyll x Tav OC (Nemeia)
Summary: After returning from Avernus, Wyll and Nemeia throw a party in their new home. But Wyll wants to spend time with his wife while the party is still in full swing.
Tags: smut, fluff, teasing, voyeur kink (?), voice kink, dirty talk, PIV
Word count: 2410
A/N: I want to thank @razrogue for planting the seed to write this fic and @mooshywrites for setting the stage in a headcanon they made. As well as @foreverxdauntless for always being wonderful and beta reading my trash fics 😂🥰
The party was in full swing and Wyll had just finished regaling Astarion and Minsc about his adventures in Avernus with Karlach. He was pretty proud of how they finally found the forge Zariel tried to hide away to keep Karlach from coming back to Faerûn. Though it had only been eight months since their last party after defeating the Netherbrain another was needed after he, Karlach and Nemeia came back from Avernus for good. Being with friends in his and Nemeia’s home just outside the Gate made this reunion even better. Everyone was happy to be with one another again and even Lae’zel, though still an Astral projection, couldn’t hide her happiness being amongst friends again.
Wyll may have also been a bit tipsy, telling the story which earned him a small shake of the head Nemeia gave as she walked away and left him and Karlach to it. Though she did still give a smile and a peck to his cheek which in turn caused him to flush a tad.
Wanting to find his love his eyes roved across their home and he finally spotted her. She was on the upstairs overlook smiling happily as she observed everyone and their merriment. Nemeia was wearing a simple dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. The soft lighting inside emphasized on the contours of her face and the purple highlights of her hair, she looked devastatingly beautiful to Wyll. It made his heart clench in that good way that always happened when he was around her.
But there was an ache developing, just a bit south. He was glad there was no one around to see his want for his wife, because otherwise he’d have an embarrassing situation he would have to explain to his friends.
He walked upstairs and swaggered over to her and she turned, beaming at him. The way her smile lights up her whole face makes him weak in the knees and his heart race faster. This celebration was exactly what she needed after all the stresses of Avernus and the both of them helping the people of the Coast. And with his father calling on him to help with city affairs there hasn’t been an abundance time for them to spend with one another. Though to his father’s credit he doesn’t call on him often but makes sure to get him home at an appropriate time to see Nemeia.
“Hello, beloved,” she said. “You and Karlach having fun telling our stories in Avernus?”
“Of course.” He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned back against him with a happy sigh and her tail twisting around his thigh. “We three made a great team and accomplished much while there, it needed to be shared.”
“That’s good to hear, beloved. You’ll have to forgive my current state. From cooking dinner for us all and running to the baker for his tiny cakes I had to change into a simpler dress. I’m most likely going to have to bathe after everyone leaves for the night.”
“Mhm . . .” he hummed, and she shivered. Wyll knew how much she loved his voice when he was so close and especially during the throes of passion. He hummed again and nibbled her ear right after. Nemeia pressed herself back against him, pausing for a moment when she felt him harden in his trousers.
“What salacious thoughts are going through your head, beloved?”
“You, in the bath, bare and wet for me.” He spoke softly directly into the cup of her ear, and goosebumps broke out all over her body. Her nipples were just visible beneath her dress, and he ached to touch them and take them in his mouth as he’d done time and time before, however there were too many potential observers downstairs. But Wyll notices while they all may be drinking, they are oblivious to the way Nemeia was grinding herself against his hardened length and making him groan. He kept his lips next to her ear, and his breaths and groans traveled down her spine like a bolt of lightning and her knees nearly buckled.
Gods, how did he do that, she wondered. Nemeia was so aroused now just from his voice that she was ready to drag him into their bedroom and let him do whatever he wanted to her, but Wyll had other plans. He guided her hands to the railing and pinned them there. His body felt so warm and solid at her back.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, love?” he murmured, his lips grazing her neck. “You smell so sweet tonight.”
“I’m sure you’re just being kind, love.” she replied jokingly, but her voice was breathy with barely contained lust. He nipped at her throat and she let out an almost audible gasp.
“You’re so soft and warm and lovely. And you make the sweetest moans for me.” He strokes her arms, sliding up to her shoulders and back down to her wrists. He then licks a slow line up her neck and swirls his tongue around her ear. Nemeia closed her eyes and bit her lip reveling in the attention being heaped on her. Her skin felt feverish and she was trembling slightly, and Wyll wanted to see how far he could take this dance without rousing the suspicions any of their friends.
“Wyll, please, let’s go to our bedroom” she pleaded. His hands slide around her and he pushes his hips against her ass. He was fully erect now, and that thick hardness of his ridged length pressed against her and sent shivering waves of need everywhere he touched.
“Not quite yet, love. I want to try something that’s been on my mind for a while.” His fingertips trailed down her sides to her hips, and she had to muffle a moan. “Would you let me try it, love?
Nemeia nods her head in desperation.
“Thank you, love. Now say my name.”
“Wyll, please.”
“I love the way my name sounds on your lips. No one could ever say it like you do.” He slid his hand up her body, grazing slowly over her breast, making her gasp. He knew how much she had to be controlling her face so as not to give herself away and he almost feels bad for putting her through this with everyone downstairs celebrating. But he needed to see this through, he was so aroused seeing his wife trying to keep composure even though they both know she’s lost in pleasure. “What are you feeling, love? Are you getting wet for me?”
“Y-Yes.” She turns her face into his neck to conceal the soft moan that escapes her lips.
“Can you feel how much I want you?”
He puts a hand over her stomach, feeling the ridges on her body and making his way farther down, placing his hand just below her navel; he could just barely feel the muscles there fluttering in anticipation. He knew how that felt when he was inside her, the way she’d squeeze him and hold him when he did something right.
“Turn around and put your arms around me. Mhm, just like that, love.” His hands wander up and down her back, stroking her hair and neck, caressing her arms, and she feels heat and electricity crackling along her skin making her feel alive. She rubs her cheek against his chest and pleads, “Please, keep talking.”
“Close your eyes and think back to this morning. Can you remember?” She nodded, and her arms tightened around his neck, her body also tightening in arousal. “I woke up before you and I couldn’t help but caress every single inch of you. You looked so sweet and innocent in your sleep. I kissed down your body and you woke up to me between your legs and with them over my shoulders.”
Nemeia takes in a shuddering breath and starts to kiss his neck, her hips tight against his length just beneath in trousers. “Yes, gods, keep going.”
“I love the sounds you make when I tease you, so I took my time, made you beg me to taste you. And I did, you sang so beautifully to me.” Wyll was almost painfully stiff under his trousers. He ached to be inside her, but he is too invested in this to stop now.
“You’re always so responsive and sensitive when you’re drunk on pleasure, and you wanted me so terribly. Gods, do you remember what you said? You had your hands on my horns and said you wanted me to fuck you with my tongue, such a naughty thing for my sweet wife to say. Fuck, you don’t know what that does to me.”
Wyll takes her hand and drags it down his body and on his desire, pushing her palm against him, and her knees almost give out. She’s thankful that she’d been leaning against the railing otherwise she would have collapsed. The way she was breathing, Wyll knew she was close to her peak. “Do you feel me, love? Just thinking about tasting the sweetness of you makes me so stiff, Nemeia.”
“Please, Wyll, please. I need you,” she moaned, bucking her hips to drive the point home. He gives a moan of his own in response.
“How attached are you to this dress, love?” She gives him a curious, then a bewildered look.
“Wait, right here?” She was a little worried, but her breath was shallow and she looked like she didn’t need much convincing from him.
“Yes, my love, right here. Hold very, very still for me.” He rips a small hole through the crotch of her dress with a letter opener that was thankfully on a table beside them.
Luckily they didn’t light many candles on the top floor so the balcony was dimmed in a bit of shadow. “Don’t tell me the thought doesn’t excite you, love. Now, spread your legs a bit wider for me, but not too much. We don’t want the others to notice.” Nemeia turned around to see if anyone was looking, but no one seemed to be paying any attention. “I’ll keep my eye on them, love, don’t worry.” He unlaced his trousers with one hand and, with one more glance below, took his throbbing and ridged length out and slid it between her thighs.
The friction of the dresses fabric gave way to warm, pliable flesh as Wyll pushed through the opening he’d made in her dress. He was delighted in knowing his sweet wife had forgone wearing underwear tonight. He leaned down to kiss her and when she allowed his tongue into her mouth, he entered her, bottoming out in one thrust. She let out a strangled moan and he cupped the back of her head, hand tangled in her locs. He fastens his mouth over hers to swallow the sounds of pleasure she was making. She felt so amazing, so tight, warm and ready for him, that he almost finished right then. He takes a few deep steadying breaths to control himself not wanting this to end too soon.
“Look there, love,” he whispered. “Look at our friends. They’re none the wiser about what we’re doing, how I’m so deep within you right now.” Nemeia gasps, and her breath fans across his face. Her warm channel flutters and clenches around him in need. “Mmm, dammit, squeeze me again. Mhm, just like that. You always feel so good, love. You were made just for me.” Heat coils up in his belly and it rolls throughout his body. He grips the railing and leaves bites and kisses to her neck to hide the look of unadulterated pleasure on his face. Being with each other this long Wyll secretly suspected Nemeia knew just how to bring him over the edge, how to use her body to make him addicted to her just as she is addicted to him.
Not being able to move was beginning to be torturous, the restraint needed too much, and he began to rock his hips as much as he dared. The slow and shallow thrusts were just what she needed, though. Nemeia was already extremely sensitive and swollen with desire, and every thrust and grind he made had him rubbing against her clit. She clenched around him every time he pulled out, as if she didn’t want him parted from her for even a second and was bringing him deeper into her. Giving her a long, languid kiss he buried his face in her shoulder again feeling he was close to the precipice. Nemeia could almost feel her friends down below and imagined all of their gazes on her. Witnessing her being used by her husband and that thought was enough to send her over the edge losing her rhythm undulating her hips as she came and clamped down on his member.
He felt her peak and she had to bite down on his shoulder to stifle the desperate whines and moans that wanted to spill from her lips. The overwhelming pleasure was too much for him as his head was filled with nothing but Nemeia and how her walls clamp and flutter around him as he gives a handful of rough and sloppy thrusts before flying over the edge and flooding her with his hot, sticky seed, gasping as he emptied into her.
After catching his breath Wyll pulls himself from her cum filled channel but still holds her as to not break the magic of their afterglow. After a few minutes they put themselves back together as well as they can and Nemeia wraps her arms around him and kisses him lazily. Wyll grazes his tongue onto the seam of her lips and explores her mouth when she opens up to him, gripping her back with both hands. They finally part and look at each other lovingly with small giggles passing between them at their antics.
“Go and get changed, love. We’ll mingle for a bit more but everyone is leaving within the hour. I’m not done with you yet tonight.” Nemeia nods her head and begins to walk away to their bedroom but not without a playful slap to her ass Wyll gives before she’s out of reach. Going back downstairs Wyll begins chatting with Gale about his students as no one suspects the intimate display that happened just above their heads.
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year ago
Title: Taste of Love (1738 words) Pairing: the dark urge/gortash/tav Warnings: somnophilia, breeding, threesomes (mmf), anal A/N: every time im like i'll work on requests and stuff, my hand slips and i write more durgelopetash (dark urge/penelope/gortash) fhsdkafhjksa; takes place pre-bg3 Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @tragedybunny @astarionsbeloved @razrogue @celestialomlette @rentheannihilator @rinmoon7 @volotramp (if you saw a tag before... no you didn't~ ahfjdjhksfa)
Read on AO3!
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Penelope feels Gortash pull her closer as they sleep. She murmurs to herself, covering her face as she feels his cock hot and hard at her entrance. Even though her body is exhausted, she is wet with sleepy anticipation. He slowly thrusts inside, a deep groan in her ear as he picks up his pace, rocking his hips. She bites her lip, her mind hazy as she realizes what he's doing. His hand lifts her leg as the other slips between her thighs, finding her swollen clit. Her eyes jolt open as she pants, holding on to the covers and Kaine's shirt.
Gortash shushes her as he continues to pound her sweet hole. "Do not wake him, my love," He whispers gruffly in her ear as he slows his thrusts, making sure she feels every inch of his solid cock. She leans back into him as his fingers dig into her thigh. She looks over at Kaine as her brows furrow together, her mouth suddenly dry. Would he be angry that Gortash chose to fuck her while he slept?
She bites her lip as Gortash presses his lips against her neck, before sinking his teeth into her soft skin. "You taste so delicious," Gortash whispers as his hips grind into her, his pace quickening. Penelope holds the covers tight, keeping her eyes on Kaine's face. He wouldn't possibly care, right? She's doing her job. Gortash pulls out, rolling her to her back as he gets on top, kissing her hard. She kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he thrusts back in, the movement shoving Kaine. She buries her face in his shoulder, keeping her moans to a minimum as he groans.
"Ah, sorry love. Didn't mean to wake you." Gortash says with a breathless laugh, pounding her into the bed. Kaine sits up, rubbing his eyes.
"Am I interrupting?" He asks, his sleepy voice deeper than usual. Penelope's heart skips beats as she listens, looking up at Gortash who focuses on Kaine.
"Never, my sweet. You are welcome to join. I had a late-night urge to breed my sweet girl." Penelope's nostrils flare as he glances back down at her, holding her cheeks in between his fingers. "Her cunt is begging to drain my cock, even when she slept." Penelope whimpers as Gortash boasts, fucking her harder. She can feel Kaine's presence in her mind, checking on her as Gortash leans down, kissing her.
"Does she now?" Kaine asks, rolling to his side to watch. Penelope shuts him out before he can say a word, pushing her hips against the counselor. He grunts as he pulls away, his teeth dragging along her bottom lip.
"Of course she does. Her body is begging for her next fill." Gortash growls, his dark eyes meeting Kaine's. A hint of worry is in Kaine's expression before Gortash leans over kissing him next. "Fuck me while I fuck her?" He asks, almost begging.
Kaine laughs, gripping Gortash's hair as he slows down. "If you say please." She swallows hard as Gortash smirks, his hand wrapping around her neck. "Please, my lord."
Kaine gets up, chuckling. "As you wish."
Penelope tastes blood on her lips as she bites down on her bottom lip, pressure building in her head as Gortash squeezes her neck before he softens his grip. He's too busy with Kaine, the men kissing passionately. Gortash's hand slides down her chest, pinching her nipples as Kaine's hands rest on his hips.
Kaine's eyes meet with hers, her confession not even hours away it seems. She glances away quickly as Kaine kisses Gortash's shoulder, helping with the rocking of his hips as he fucks Penelope without care. She can feel her orgasm building. She rests her hands on Gortash's stomach, trying to slow him down.
"Aww, look at her trying to control us." Gortash purrs as he leans down, sucking on her neck. Kaine takes advantage of this new position, spreading Gortash's ass. She hears him whisper a modified grease spell as his hand rubs along his length. Gortash removes his mouth, whimpering as Kaine thrusts inside.
"Be a good boy and fuck your whore." Kaine growls as Gortash holds Penelope's wrists, his dark brows furrowing. His cock twitches inside as he groans, attempting to thrust again, his hips pushing against Kaine. Penelope moans as Gortash obeys Kaine's orders, his cock feeling so engorged with each pump. She holds her breath as she feels herself getting so much closer, unable to move since he's pinned her. He takes in a sharp breath as his legs curl up against her thighs, allowing Kaine more room as his thrusts are harder into Gortash.
Penelope closes her legs, crying out as her nails dig into her palms. She should hold herself back, but he just feels so… Her mind drifts off as Kaine pushes against Gortash, forcing him down, and her legs part. Gortash kisses her sloppily as he lets go of her wrists, gripping the sheets as he writhes, letting Kaine set his pace as he's relentless with his strokes. Penelope wraps her arms around Gortash's head as he moans against her breasts. She can feel him try to push his hips back, but Kaine is more powerful, the sound of his skin against Gortash's filling the room.
"Fill me, please. I want it." Penelope whimpers as Gortash's dazed eyes glance up against hers.
"Ah, I love it when you beg for me," Gortash replies, another attempt at keeping up his pace futile by Kaine.
Penelope drags her nails across his scalp, eliciting a moan from Gortash as he leans forward, kissing her hard. His body feels so warm and hard on hers before he rests his forehead against hers.
"Tell me how it feels," She whispers, as Gortash chuckles. "To have you wrapped around my cock, and Kaine inside of me… Addicting, my love." He whispers back, kissing her again, slamming his hips against hers.
She pulls away, her orgasm on the horizon. "Harder, please." She whines as she looks up at Kaine who licks his lips, obliging. Both of them moan as she wraps her legs around Gortash, closing her eyes tight as both men grunt and groan.
"Come with me, my darling. I want to feel it," Gortash whispers, forcing her to look at him. She nods as yeses fall from her mouth, his tip starting to spasm with each thrust. "Fuck my ass, Kaine. Gods, yes please." He curses, as he sits up, pinning Penelope down again.
Penelope struggles, her breasts bouncing with their erratic rhythm as she holds her hips down, letting Gortash fuck her harder. She sobs as goosebumps travel down her skin, gushing around his thick cock. He joins her in orgasm as he erupts, filling her with his warm sticky cum.
She pants as Kaine continues to fuck Gortash, his moans delicious. Gortash holds his hips firm against Penelope as he kisses her, letting his leaky cock spill inside of her. "Every drop for my little rabbit," Gortash whispers, as he wraps his arms around her back. She mewls as he presses hot kisses down her jaw and neck.
Kaine's thrusts intensify and she feels Gortash's tip spasm more though he does not move. Gortash's cries are more breathless as he lets Kaine use his hole, his fingers digging into Penelope's sides. "Please come on Penelope. I wanna clean it up." Gortash cries as he glances back at Kaine.
The Tieflings' eyes meet and a new blush creeps along Penelope's already pink skin as Kaine nods. "As you wish, my love." She swears she hears him say loves as he pulls out. Gortash lets out a soft moan, before pulling out himself of Penelope. She gasps as Kaine rubs his cock as he assumes the position, aiming for her chest.
She tries to push her thoughts into Kaine's mind, "I wish you could fuck me again, make me cum again." Kaine growls in response, his other hand reaching down for her horn as he holds her still.
Gortash chuckles as his hands massage her breasts. "Isn't our whore so pretty when she's thoroughly fucked?" Gortash asks, sucking on her nipple. She cries out as his tongue flicks on the nub before suckling her breast.
"She sounds so pretty too when you make her sing, my love," Kaine says, as his cock inching closer to her mouth. Gortash chuckles as he continues to play with her ample chest. Kaine tosses his head back as he grunts, his cock spilling out onto her face and neck. He tries to aim for her breasts still, but it gets more on his fingers instead. Probably her fault for teasing him.
Gortash's tongue is quick as he licks her face and neck, moaning at Kaine's taste. Kaine presses his soft cock against her mouth, waiting for her to clean him. She obliges, moaning at the taste of Gortash on his tip. Gortash tuts before joining in, Kaine's cock in between their mouths. She closes her eyes as he gently rubs her horn, setting his pace as he lets them clean him up.
Gortash sighs once Kaine rests back, laughing to himself. She's glad he's kept quiet about their time before bed as she rests on Gortash's hairy chest. "I'm so glad I got to share my jewel with you, Kaine," Gortash says as he looks up at the man.
Kaine chuckles as he slips off the bed. "The most valuable jewel within the city." He says softly as Gortash rests back on the pillows, holding Penelope tighter.
"Will you join us for a cuddle?" Gortash asks, surprisingly sweet.
Kaine shakes his head, "No. Not yet at least. I must check in with… family first."
Penelope's eyes narrow while Gortash nods, "Ah, how could I forget? Take all the time you need, Kaine." Penelope can't hide her suspicion as he pulls on his pants, quickly disappearing out of the room. What could his family want so early in the morning?
Gortash tilts her head towards him as he smiles. "We shall leave come daybreak. This place is not befitting for a lady." He says as he rubs her chin with his thumb. He kisses her softly, before closing his eyes. Penelope watches him for a moment before shifting her focus back to the door. Something must be up. She thinks as her eyes heavy, sleep finally coaxing her back.
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on-wine-dark-seas · 13 days ago
Tag Game: Get to Know Meme
⛩️ RULES: tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @becausedragonage
Last Song:
This song is the theme for chapter 7 of The Invitation, honestly.
Last Movie:
I actually haven't watched any movies lately. I've been focused on reading and writing so my movie brain is off.
Last Book:
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Do you like trans lesbians? Do you want a Hades/Persephone myth that puts Persephone in charge of her destiny?
Do you want some hot mech suit smut?
Last TV Show:
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Was partially the inspiration for The Invitation, actually.
Sweet, savory, or spicy:
Well I cooked tonight and it's savory/spicy. Gonna have some ice cream for dessert.
Relationship Status:
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Me and this beautiful man have been together for six years. I am going to get my requisite cuddles tomorrow.
Last thing I Googled:
I was trying to research Apple Intelligence to see why they want me to integrate it to my systems so badly. With AI beginning to take over everything, I'm frustrated having to comb through the details of every damn OS/iOS update.
Looking forward to:
My requisite cuddles from the boyfriend tomorrow. And also settling in to get stoned and write this next chapter for The Invitation.
Current obsession:
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This fucking asshole. I need him to start coughing up rent for how much brain space he has occupied for the last year. What is his problem, actually.
No Pressure Tags: @thehereticmoon @phyx-m @sweetlandspos @sandwitchstories @goreandbunnies @yuujispinkhair @razrogue @yharnamesque @amacabrefairytale @1ichtbringer
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we-staybhaalin · 1 year ago
Five Character Associations - Niralei Ericia
Tagged by @razrogue (thank you!!! ^^)
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malachite green
lush crimson
cream white
warm gold
sable black
Warm and inviting cinnamon
Fresh cut flowers
An elegant perfume, heady and spicy
Oil, rich and woodsy, clinging to the fingertips
A fragrant and rich wine
A lute with a series of beautiful, shimmering flowers etched into the face
A sack of gold coin very much not in sight but still jingling with every bold step forward
A book stained with ink on the very edge of pages and on the inside, a litany of writing that seems formulaic and written and rewritten over a number of times
Ribbons in a number of different colors, all cut from cloth of different quality
A tiny pot with an impossible red, metallic looking paint in it that matches the shade on pursed lips currently whistling a random tune
Body Language
Tilt of the head, eyes focused on the face, and a lopsided smile stretched across the face
Arms raised high in the air, legs bent at an angle, and head tilted back with eyes closed in bliss
Leaning on one hand with a foot propped up on the surface she is sitting on
Arms crossed, hip cocked, head straight, and shoulders squared
Hand on her chest, voice trembling from the power within, eyes drifting close, but then snapping open as her arms spread wide and her voice carries higher and higher
A kit of daggers with elaborate hilts carefully laid out across a modest and well loved dresser, each of varying size and utility
Fine gold jewelry, soft and well worn, with a few ornate gems set within the frame but nothing too gaudy
Deepest crimson, rich greens, and white but only when it is paired with an elegant Baroque-like design
The delicate plucking of a lone string instrument mixed with the vibrant buzz of pleasant chatter in a room full of people
The hum of a voice in the distance, lyrics rising over the still night and echoing through the empty streets of a sleeping city
No obligation: if you see this, do it!!!! Tag me!
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thetavolution · 1 year ago
five character associations — Ingrid, Bex, and Tessa
Tagged by @razrogue (thank you!)
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dark blue
burnt orange
orchid purple
freshly baked honey cake
chai spices
her tattooing kit
herbs, like sage and lavender
a carving of a spider given as a gift from a loved one
carefully and respectfully collected bones
her quarterstaff
body language
a shy yet kind smile
keeping her eyes averted, nervously
getting lost in a big hug
a squeeze of a hand
staying by someone's side to comfort them
a spider in its web
tattoos delicately drawn on flesh
bones and decaying corpses
a breezy autumn day
curled up with an animal or two, like a cat or an owlbear
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ruby red
mint green
homemade bread
freshly brewed coffee
blood oranges
a cozy bonfire
her antique violin
an old worn recipe book
a well-loved wooden spoon for cooking
her Knife of the Undermountain King
a lovingly baked macaron
body language
discreetly reaching out to link pinkies together
a look of complete detachment, in the throes of dissociating
a gentle squeeze of the arm for support
sitting in a special someone's lap with her arms around them
a genuine smile seeping through her smirk
a warm kitchen filled with fresh baked goods
a violin perched on a shoulder
piles of books, including recipe books
an endless field of poppies
coffee brewing over an open fire
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snow white
dark brown
pine forest
a warm cup of black tea
cranberry cake
crisp, clean snow
the smell of a rainy morning
a pressed rose given to her by her mother
a deck of cards (possibly tampered with)
a notebook to write stories of her own
the shadow of Menzoberranzan to obscure her face
her sword of screams
body language
standing with her arms over her chest, cautious but standoffish
a quick and playful peck on the cheek
hiding in the shadows to disappear from sight
playing with a dagger with one hand
a quick and silent nod of acknowledgement
a cold, snowy day
roses and rose tattoos
a gambling table
an imposing yet loving winter wolf
sitting in front of the fireplace with a book
No obligation tagging: @tavsboots @himbo-hunter-hadrian @whenwindwhispers and anyone else who wants to do it!
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grandmother-goblin · 1 year ago
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @razrogue (Ahhh thank you so much for tagging me!)
I don't have 10 fics so I'll post what I have and some WIPs!
Field Study (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, NSFW): Fear had a way of leaving scars on the mind like blows left bruises and cuts on the skin. No amount of wine could wash away his nightmare, but that did not stop Astarion from trying.
Simple Magic (Gale x Female!Tav, Gale's POV, NSFW): A quiet knock on the door to his room pulled Gale out of the book he was reading. He bookmarked his page with a Sorcerer's Sundries receipt and got to his feet, his muscles aching from hours of disuse. “Just a moment,” he called and stretched his arms above his head, trying to wake his body.
When Soap Isn't Enough (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, SFW): Astarion tilted his head back onto the lip of the bathtub and closed his eyes, enjoying the heat of the clean water and the soothing aroma of lavender scented bath oil. It was technically his second bath of the evening. The first one had been dedicated to ridding himself of so much filth he was surprised he was allowed through the doors of the Elfsong. The second was just for his own sanity.
Savoring the Sunrise (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, NSFW): Mornings had quickly become Astarion’s favorite time of day ever since he could stand in the sun once more. Sunrise used to mean running indoors or underground, or tiptoeing through shadows. It used to spell the end of his tireless nights slaving for Cazador and the beginnings of his daily torment. Dawn used to be just another bitter reminder of the endless cycle of his inescapable hell. Now it meant so much more.
The Best Kind of Gift (Gale x Female!Tav, Gale's POV, NSFW): Four hours ago. Gale was supposed to have been home four hours ago.
Just Watch the Fireworks (Astarion x Female!Reader, Reader's POV, NSFW): Firework shows over Grey Harbor happened only a couple of times a year in Baldur’s Gate. Bright, massive, loud displays that boomed over the whole city and illuminated the night sky in dazzling arrays of colors and lights.
Apotheosis (Halsin x Female!Tav, Dual POV, NSFW): It was only a week ago that Halsin was convinced that Zilvira was interested in him. There hadn’t been a single shadow of doubt in his mind. In fact, it would have been difficult for him to believe she wasn’t interested in him. That knowledge wasn’t just ego or vanity talking: it was years of experience.
WIP! Enough Time for Us (Wyll x Female!Reader, Reader's POV, NSFW): “You should have seen them, Alfira!” Lakrissa said far too loudly. She clumsily set her empty goblet of wine down on the table you shared with her, Alfira, and Wyll. “You’re going to have to write a song about this. Maybe two. I don’t think all of their heroics could fit into just one.” The light from the glowing hearth in the middle of Last Light Inn gave Lakrissa a mischievous glint to her eyes that told you everything you needed to know: she was trying to embarrass you.
WIP! Spikes, Scales and... Shovel (Wyll x Female!Tav, Tav's POV, SFW): “When do we kill ‘em?” Shovel asked, her big, black, bug-like eyes gazing up at Klixic with all the innocence of a puppy begging for a piece of chicken. “There’s even little tiefs. Just a tiny murder? Please? Shovel has been so good.”
Personally, I don't see too much of a pattern, but maybe I'm just blind to it because I'm the writer lol
I don't know who to tag for this that hasn't already been tagged! Tagging anyone who wants to do this (tag me if you do so I can see)!
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omgkalyppso · 10 months ago
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @ghostwise, thank you! It's after midnight in my timezone, but we can pretend.
I have been working on a gift of smut of my oc Étoile and @razrogue's oc Gan. It's 1,577 words so far! Nowhere near done. Here's 900 words of it.
I'll tag @bladesandstars, @bhaalbaaby, @dustdeepsea, @littleplasticrat, @recurringwriter,
@umbralstars and YOU.
Gan followed suit, her fingers grasping at the material of Étoile’s blue shirt as they ran their teeth down her neck and sucked. Étoile followed Gan’s motion in this too as they leaned back enough to admire her, their hands leaving her long enough to pull this shirt of theirs overhead, though they yet wore two tighter layers. “Étoile,” Gan groaned in a flash of brief and half-sincere annoyance. “And these?” she prompted, coy. Her fingers reached out to pull the fabric on their stomach up out of their pants. Étoile’s hands found Gan’s for a moment, reflexive in their insecurities, those these had already crumbled bodily under the weight of Gan’s continued and immensely evident interest. They released her fingers only to grab the hem of their upper layers with a nod. “As much as you desire,” they agreed, warm and fond, before pulling the offending garments overhead.
Gan’s face lit in a smile, though Étoile could tell instantly from how that motion had felt that it was because of whatever that friction had done to their hair. She laughed as they pulled the binding free next, extending a hand out to their chest as she sat up while they leaned to place the ribbon on the edge of her bedside table. With a playfully judgmental tilt to her head, Gan stretched out to retrieve her forgotten goblet of wine. She felt the shift of their breathing, the jolt in their skin and let her eyes drift closed as she drank, closing her hand as Étoile distanced themself as they sat back on their heels. Their left hand rested on her thigh, and their right drifted down over the jut of her ribs and the side of her waist, so that when Gan left her goblet on the table, both of their hands caressed, up and down, to feel their way under her shirt. Their fingertips smoothed over the pliant muscle of Gan’s belly, shuddering with a sigh, while their thumbs slipped down into the crook of her pelvis. Gan’s brown eyes narrowed in focus, and Étoile hunched forward on an amorous exhale as they massaged their thumbs in two firm circles through the soft scrape of Gan’s pubic hair. With a tempting, close-lipped noise of approval, Gan let her head fall back, and Étoile shifted their right hand to rub a thumb back and forth at the top of the hood of her sex. “Beautiful as the waxing moon on a still lake,” Étoile professed in elvish, and Gan looked to them for connection, as a sort of reply and acknowledgement. Instead, she saw the moment Étoile pulled their hand away to lick the side of their thumb, embarrassing a smile out of them though their eyes burned bright; Gan’s own smile could be described as voluptuous. She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows as she shifted her hips beneath herself, tilting one of her feet absently, to touch the side of Étoile’s back as their thumb returned to fondling her.
(t/u/mblr said it was too long)
Their left hand kneaded at her less directly, their thumb and index finger framing one side of her vulva, never dipping quite close enough for their thumb to touch her where she yearned for the promised pressure of their thick digits. Étoile shifted first the whole of their right hand to pet up and over Gan’s pelvis to her navel, and then their opposite arm as they shifted back in the narrow space of the bed until they could descend on her again, leaving two kisses on her stomach and a nip on her thigh. Once between her legs, Étoile caressed over and under Gan’s thighs as she bent her knees and drew their face closer to the warm allure of her pussy, where the scent of her overtook the rose oil. Holding the curve at the base of Gan’s ass, Étoile kissed on and over Gan’s mound, nosing and nuzzling through her bush before plucking at her sex with their puckered lips, gasping across her sensitive skin as her posture tensed in fleeting surprise of sensation. They licked her once slowly, their hands squeezing at the underside of Gan’s thighs so their thumbs just barely didn’t reach her opening, but stretched and teased the skin beneath, and then kissed twice more as they felt her adjust the way their hair fell across her skin; a grateful expression of piety. They licked her again, and again, and again, and then hollowed their cheeks to suck and release her clit in waves as their pace increased and their tongue danced upon her skin. Gan’s fingers in their hair encouraged Étoile to surge forward on occasion when they sucked at her, their breath an eager snuffle where their nose rubbed against her mound. Gan groaned once, deep in her throat, aware of the sound, and realized a deeper purr she was making absently when she was shocked out of it, an exultation of comfort and safety that would have eluded her in other circumstances. An amused gasp bubbled past her lips as an answering, muffled moan tickled Étoile’s lips around the top of her cunt. Étoile’s right hand released their grip and smoothed across freckled skin to where they could feel Gan’s stomach tighten and relax depending on their movements, quickly finding their hand covered by hers, her thumb in the crook of their hand and their fingers across their palm.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months ago
Get to know me game!
I was tagged by @tododeku-or-bust! Thank you 💖. I will no obligation tag @omgkalyppso @cheshirepirouette @ahasiw-okitowin @razrogue & anyone who would like to join!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I have a couple names. My birthname I believe I was named after someone on my mother's side of the family, but I'm not certain. As for my actual names, if it counts, Salamatullah is a theophoric name, so it bears the name of God (Allah) :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
The other day, I was certain everyone I loved was dead and that I was about to die (I was not, no one had died. give it up for psychosis)
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I've been mistaken for being a parent since I was like 16 lmao
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Before my health was Bad(tm), I played a lot of sports in my youth. My favorite was figure skating, though I also played hockey, basketball, volleyball, baseball, archery, etc. through various community programs. I also was a founding member of my high schools cheerleading team, before the transphobia caused me to leave it. And I did horseback riding through a special olympics kinda program.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. Not as often as people I know.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Very little. Genuinely can't think of a specific, I'm very bad with faces and people in general 😂. I think I usually notice piercings or tattoos, maybe just because I have piercings and tattoos so I like seeing other people with em.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Man... I love both.
9. Any talents?
Talent always feels like a strong word. I suppose art is something I'm talented at. And since I've started beading people have said I'm talented with that. I'd like to think I retain some programming talent and technical writing talent from university.
10. Where were you born?
United States, in Minnesota specifically
11. What are your hobbies?
I do a lot of crafts: knitting, embroidery, sewing, beading. Like mentioned I draw, I also write. I like to read. I play video games. I like writing analysis essays about media.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! My old man. He's a little guy and gonna be 14. He's my beloved elderly puppy.
13. How tall are you?
5'9.5 I believe. I get measured pretty regularly since I'm always at the doctor.
14. Favorite subject in school?
In high school, math was my favorite because it was the only one I was good at. In university, linguistics was my favorite but that was quite soured by the fact that academia and linguists in general tend to be horrifically racist and classist and colonialist and I experienced countless of microaggressions every day. (be wary of any yt linguist, self-identified or otherwise)
15. Dream job?
Might seem weird but I would like to be a custodian, but only if we're talking dream where I can also dream up a custodial job that accommodates my disabilities, doesn't treat me as subhuman, and pays enough to life comfortably. I like cleaning, I like doing repetitive tasks, I like that its work that doesn't require me to talk with many people, I can just put on music and chill. It's a perfect autism job. But I don't think I could take the way (white) people treated me when I was cleaning for them.
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coldshrugs · 11 months ago
wip wednesday
hi. i've been tagged for this by several people over the last 3 weeks and haven't had writing to show for it. so i'm tagging all those people back now WITH obligation today: @scionshtola, @lilas, @lavampira, @kirnet, @razrogue, @ghostwise, @gwaha, and @galadae
i'm working on kiss prompts :>
Morning comes, and she wakes with him. Estinien is utilitarian with his words, reserving them for simple requests or directions, and she lets him have the silence (and her hand again, when he needs it) as they pack a small bag with a few provisions. They make coffee, lean into each other while they drink it, skin against warm skin. The air is already thick with heat, but they have grown used to it. At times, it is a perk rather than an obstacle. Io tilts her chin in his direction but the invitation goes unnoticed. His thoughts blind him to all else. It's just as well—he needs her patience today. He declines a coat, insisting partial armor and a thick shirt will suffice. Io is less sure, and she tucks a spare under her arm. "Ready to go?" When he nods, they reach for the west together and, in a shimmering instant, trade Thavnair's burgeoning morning heat for the small hours of a snowy Ishgardian night.
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grandmother-goblin · 11 months ago
Ahhh thank you for tagging me, @marlowethebard!
last song I listened to: Red (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift (I've always got TSwift or country music on while I'm driving lol)
currently watching: I don't watch a lot of TV (the last show I seriously sat down and watched was the last season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
sweet/spicy/savory: Ohhhh, I like all of them, but I would probably lean toward Savory (but I do love a good Sweet/Spicy combo)
relationship status: Married.
current obsession: BG3, writing, and romance novels.
last thing I googled: Names based on plants (I was naming a character lol)
No pressure tagging (sorry for any duplicates): @tragedybunny @icybluepenguin @leomonae @ra-scheln @razrogue @bhaalbaaby
Nine People I'd Like to Know Better
@lenniedoesthings tagged me in this, tysm 🥹
Last Song I Listened to: I think it was Spanish or Vanish from that new duolingo musical lol... If not probably Army by Ben Folds.
Currently Watching: So many things (mostly rewatches). Includes Anne with an E, the Good Doctor, MHA, and the Saw Franchise.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: I love them all 💀, but probably spicy mostly!
Relationship Status: Single and probably for a while yet!
Current Obsession: Probably the Batfamily atm... trying to work my way through the comics is hard, though!
Gentle tagging (no pressure <3)
@snowy-astrophile @lavender-115 @studyblrspace @ros3ybabe @lintroller777 @study-diaries
(Don't think I'm mutuals with anymore people, so instead of 9, 6 I guess lol)
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bhaalbaaby · 6 months ago
Last Six Sentences
Tagged by @omgkalyppso ♥♥
RULES: Post the last six sentences you've written.
tagging: @razrogue @mocha-writes @nocanonhere @tragedybunny @spacebarbarianweird and whoever else~
I did just post a fic today, so I'll do a different wip instead. Was thinking about Dragon Age and plopping Penelope in there again for Veilguard and wrote some backstory.
Penelope looks up at the sky and then back at the paper. "They said there was a hole in the sky now in Fereldan," Penelope says, looking at her husband.
He nods, and she clears her throat. "Should we bring a child into this world?" Her hands rest on her stomach. She's showing now, and Enver raises his eyebrow, "'Tis a bit too late for those questions, love."
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on-wine-dark-seas · 13 days ago
Writing Game
Post the last line you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line.
Not quite tagged but I saw @becausedragonage doing it and wanted to play too! Here's mine:
Sukuna doesn’t understand it.
He sure fucking doesn't. Idiot. 🙄
No Pressure Tags: @phyx-m @yharnamesque @sandwitchstories @razrogue
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we-staybhaalin · 1 year ago
Song Poem Challenge
“Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. Then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of!”
I was tagged by @razrogue! Thank you!
No Obligation Tagging: @bhaalbaaby @feral--darling @nocanonhere @absansombre @sardoniqueen101 and anyone else that wants to participate!
Honestly, this seems like such a jumble giving how different these genres are. Honestly, the vibes on this reminds me of ship I have yet to explore yet which features my tiefling sorceress, Colette, and her eventual relationship with an Astarion that ascends. It doesn't end well for either of them and this kinda reminds me of how volatile that bond between them is.
I know it hurts, you know I'd quench that thirst Tell me whatcha say now? Why can't you want me like the other boys do? I want you to love me First off, I'm not new to this Born in the jungle, it's the lion's den I see a red door and I want it painted black Where stunted hand earns place with man by mere monstrosity Great minds of men will fall down Going nowhere fast
Two Weeks // FKA Twings || The Worst // Jhene Aiko || Crave You // Flight Facilities || Only Girl // Rihanna || Turn to Dust // Kelela || Shaolin's Theme (Pray) // 6lack || Paint It Black // Ciara (cover) || Moment's Silence // Hozier || Minds of Men // FKA Twigs || Climax // Usher
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