#razili edel
teawizard · 11 days
Hi! Um, may I humbly request Razili in your animal crossing style? It's been so fun seeing your renditions of people's ocs and the Madrigals themselves!
Optimistic-violinist and I think that she'd probably be a peacock with normal personality and her phrase would probably be 'I can fix him'
She generally has a purple pirate coat and one day I swear I will actually draw that 😬
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Omg, hi!! I'm so happy you and @optimistic-violinist requested Razili! Beautiful beautiful girl!
I actually thought about her design (along with some other OCs) when I was designing the Madrigals and I thought about making her a monkey, but your suggestion is a lot better ':D
I still know very little about her, unfortunately, 'cause I am in the middle of TBTK and I haven't read anything Razili-centered yet (so that I don't catch possible spoilers), but I will finish TBTK one day just you see!!
Wanted to draw her with a coat you mentioned, but I thought the outfit would look too busy + I know nothing about historical pirate coats + it would obscure the tail so yeah :) (attached the sketch with the coat under the cut though)
I really hope I did her justice!
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(I'm still taking requests, btw!)
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Also, regarding her tail - I know that female peacocks usually have less colorful tails than the males have, but on Nookpedia some female 'ostriches' have beautiful colorful tails and Razili deserves one too
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16magnolias · 8 months
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My very humble contribution to @encanto-extended-edition Week 4 - Share the Love!
For @impossiblefangirl0632 and @optimistic-violinist's OC, the fabulous pirate captain Razili Edel, from their amazing epic modern fantasy adventure AU Take Back the Kingdom, their Encantober shorts 'To Fall Apart, To Reunite', and their upcoming fic featuring the story of Razili and Bruno (check them out on ao3!).
I seriously adore Bruno and Razili. Their story, their relationship, their dynamic - it hits all the right notes for me. 🥺😭❤🥰
Thanks for sharing your fabulous OC and one of my favorite stories of all time. ❤
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