g-xix · 3 months
so like i know that you don’t really know AMP like that but can i get a fluffy oneshot for ray?? he’s genuinely so fine and funny and respectful so i just need something with him.
☁️Movie Nights | Rayasianboy_
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Yeah sure I'll do a short lil drabble, im in the mood fo it
(post-writing grace wants to let it be known that it isn't short. u got 6.7k words here. enjoy.)
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Movie nights at the AMP household happened about once every month. What with Duke living so far away and Kai always busy travelling or streaming - about every once a month when Duke stayed the night following a shoot, Kai wasn't too busy with Kevin Hart or some other celebrity chaotically livestreaming, and Agent, Fanum, Davis and Chris were present and available...
AMP movie night happened.
"We should watch a horror-!"
"are you crazy?! Put on a comedy or somethin'-"
"Just 'cus you're pussy doesn't mean we all wanna watch 21 Jump Street for the milli-a-billionth time-"
"I'm with Kai- it doesn't have to be 21 Jump Street- there's some new comedies on Netflix-"
It was always fun. The initial watch of Kai and Fanum arguing it out, Agent and Chris taking their respective sides whilst Davis watched and laughed - all petty debates quickly shut down when Duke just puts on a movie that everyone can agree on...
But the gang wasn't just confined to the AMP crew.
Everyone in the house was summoned when it was AMP house movie night. That included you, of course, as chef for the AMP house and Kai's cousin - he knew you were struggling to put your skills to use and find employment as a 17 year old needing money to support your side of the family as well as live your life. And having been close whilst you grew up, Kai wanted to help you out - hence he asked you to come and help cook at the AMP house and behind the set with the AMP shoots - promising accommodation at the house as well as a wage cut straight from all the money he earnt.
Whilst Kai was your blood relative, the rest of the boys became what you would consider family, also.
You could always play video game basketball with Agent on and off stream, or play little 1v1s on the actual court with Davis. You and Fanum had a special friendship considering he would sometimes just ask for a snack or lurk around the kitchen and have little bits and bobs whilst you cooked - hence there was a friendship that bloomed between you two, centred around food. And Chris and Duke were always interested in roping you into games starting petty wars in the house which you were always happily involved with.
You became the little sister to the AMP house, and this of course, meant that your presence was always necessary for a proper AMP house movie night.
Even if you annoyed everyone by threatening to lie or jump on top of someone.
Unfortunately for you, it seemed as though you were the only one in the house who liked touch. Not in an exclusively romantic or sexual way - no - just wanting to lean against someone or hold onto someone whilst watching movies. In an affirming way. Just for the sake of contact.
Unfortunately for you, being said, as nobody ever agreed with you.
It made sense; being seventeen and the only girl in the establishment, all of the boys made it quite clear that they weren't interested in any sort of contact - regardless of the chaste nature of it. The most you got was normally someone putting the arm around the back of the sofa, behind you - allowing you to somewhat lean against them, lean into their side.
Even Kai, your older cousin you'd grown up with, would disagree to even hugging you sometimes - given that he had always been less into physical contact.
Once, to start the movie night, Fanum had started shit stirring and making the both of you argue (unseriously) about Kai's lack of love or any physical contact. And that had ended with starting the movie an hour later, given that you and Kai began wrestling in the middle of the room (both cheered on by your respective sides), pushing and duelling one another with long polystyrene cylinders you'd randomly found behind a sofa.
There was always chaos and community to be found within your movie nights, and regardless of the movie chosen, or the boys' lack of contact with you... You always had fun.
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"You seen Ray anywhere?" Kai ran into the kitchen, cameraman behind him wielding a camera which panned to you upon the question being asked. The fans knew of your existence as cook in the house and Kai's cousin, and despite the occasional shipping with other AMP members which was a bit odd considering your age was also public on your social media platforms - the fans seemed to be pretty chill and found you likeable too.
Kai slid his phone over so that you could see the chat also, knowing that you liked being able to know what people were saying whilst live.
"Which one's Ray?" You scrunched your brows together in confusion, wondering whether Kai had ever introduced you to a Ray before.
"I never introduced you to Ray??" Kai's own brows knitted together in confusion also, pausing his search to acknowledge that fact. You'd seen a thread on Twitter pointing out how similar yours and Kai's body language was having grown up so close, and found it cute that he mirrored your confusion with the same action of scrunching his brows together - a little smile lighting on your face as you shook your head, indicating that you hadn't in fact, met Ray.
Your smile was joined by a slight chuckle as you looked down at the chat on Kai's phone - watching as they flooded the screen with messages such as INTRODUCE HER TO RAY! and GET THEM TO MEET, expressing their intrinsic want for you to meet the enigmatic Ray.
"How long has he been here for?" You asked, checking up on the stove behind you as you asked the question.
"He been in and out the house for the last month or so - you ain't never seen him?" Kai re-questioned incredulously. "Taiwanese mf, like, this tall-" He stretched his arm out above him to exemplify the height. "-shitty haircut, lanky as hell...?"
"I've not seen a single person that isn't black inside this house, Kai." You shook your head to Kai's disappointment. "He been coming into the house for the last couple months though? How've I not seen him?!"
"Shit, I don't know either." Kai shrugged, setting himself on a barstool at the island. (idk what the amp house looks like i j hope there's barstool n a kitchen island) "Chat, you wanna see Ray meet my cousin?"
"Eurgh, I don't wanna meet someone for the first time on your stream, imma be awkward." You rolled your eyes, turning the hob off and stirring the cuisine within an adjacent pot on the stove. "We doing movie night tonight or is that next week?"
"Oh shit I forgot it's movie night tonight!" Kai exclaimed. "Chat, every month or somethin' we all watch a movie together - whole house and AMP gang - you tell 'em about it-"
Between yourself and Kai, the two of you managed to explain the concept of AMP movie nights to the chat whilst you plated up the rice and stroganoff, laughing and joking with the occasional threat of the wooden spoon - only to laugh whenever Kai flinched when you fake jumped at him with the wooden weapon.
"Go give those plates to Fanum and Davis," You gestured to the two plates on the table. "Duke, Chris and Agent can get theirs after they've played whatever basketball game they're playing... Does your Ray friend want a serving too, you think?"
"He can get a portion if he wants, I dunno," Kai shrugged the question away, picking up Davis' and Fanum's plate, awkwardly pulling his own plate of food between his arms and balancing it on his forearms. "Thanks girlie!"
"Yeah you welcome dawg," You mirrored his eccentric name-calling, chuckling as Kai gave his big bursting laugh as he walked out, cameraman following him.
The thought of Ray kept on your mind as you ate your portion, scrolling through your Twitter feed.
A random guy from another country you'd never seen had randomly joined your house? Without you even noticing...?? It felt a bit ironic, considering you spent most your time either in the living room or kitchen - both of which had a view of the front door and anyone who entered or exited the house...
Strange... You thought, chewing on the mushroom as you hard a distant yell of THANK YOU SWEETHEART from a room in the house, Bronx accent indicating it was likely Fanum shouting his gratitude to you for the food.
Switching from Twitter to Instagram, you looked at Kai's recent post - designer covering the boy from head to toe - the post from just 2 hours ago already decorated with several tens of thousands of likes. Quickly scrolling through the comments, you saw someone mention Ray - sparking an idea.
Clicking on Kai's profile, you clicked on the people Kai is following, typing Ray into the searchbar and looking through the profiles until you saw someone that matched the description Kai had given you.
Tall, Asian and not-as-shit-a-haircut as Kai had told you... You tapped on his recent post, one eyebrow quirking up at the subtle definition of his arms that showed with the white wife beater he wore. Clearly not as lanky as Kai had said, either.
You pulled the phone closer to your face as you scrolled onto the next picture, putting your fork down to zoom into Ray's face on the picture.
He had pretty features. Dark eyes and a cute lil smile...
You dropped your phone in shock, scrolling onto the next picture and seeing Ray without a top.
Your eyes widened as you withdrew yourself from your phone, staring into the distance and just grounding yourself for a second... Before picking your phone up again and bringing the phone close to your face to just...
Because damn was he good looking - broad chest and defined collarbones with subtle ab definition... You couldn't help yourself from zooming into the photo, eyes scouring the picture and just absorbing everything there was to see - marvelling at the pretty boy's posts just as-
You quite literally jumped as the door opened, Duke's yell causing you to elicit a yelp as he ambled through the door with a wide grin and Agent trailing behind.
Your fingers fumbled, phone dropping from your hand and sliding across the table - just out of reach from you.
Duke laughed at your response, bending over and hand having to hold onto the kitchen tabletop to stabilise himself as he laughed at at the fear within your reaction - giving you a moment to reach out and grab your phone.... Realising that it had fallen face up with Ray's Instagram picture still on it's screen - your head snapping upwards and making horrifying eye contact with Agent, who had seen exactly what you'd been looking at on your phone.
"Fuck is you reacting like that for-" Duke guffawed, wiping at his eyes as he straightened up, getting poked in his arm by Agent. "What you doing that's got you all scared 'bout us for-"
"Why you looking at Ray's topless pictures?" Agent spilled with the fattest grin, his unfiltered honesty making you slap a hand over your face as you felt blood rushing to your cheeks at his brutal confession of your online snooping. And Duke was quick to snatch your phone from your hands following that - observing your phone screen despite your disputes and laughing as he saw the topless picture of Ray you'd been looking at on the Instagram profile.
"You thirstin' over Ray?" Duke's grin was astronomical as he asked it almost incredulously, holding the phone and pointing at the picture as if he couldn't believe it.
"What?! No- I don't know him - I've never even met him - why would I thirst over him...?" You rushed out, short fragmented sentences reflecting the panic that infiltrated your mind. "N-nothing wrong if I did though... Right?"
Agent and Duke collapsed against one another, bursting into a fit of laughter at your awkward confession.
"GUYS! Shut up! Apparently he's here in the house right now - I don't even like him! He's probably your old ass ages anyways - I don't know-"
"Girl he's your age, he's seventeen too," Duke cut you off, still donning his wide grin.
"Oh..." You felt a strange hope within the pit of your chest, your heart palpitating just a fraction quicker.
"Does that make you like him?" Agent quirked a brow and asked, handing your phone back to you yet continuing the interrogation nonetheless.
"I..." You trailed off as you thought about it.
For the past year or so you'd sort of forgotten or at least left all your crushes and romantic feelings behind - having devoted yourself to doing your job and helping with streams - all too caught up in Kai's influencer lifestyle.... And even when you'd found yourself initially with a micro-crush on Duke, you'd managed to quickly overcome it because of the age difference you knew was more than problematic.
But Ray being your age and literally being in the house with you?
That certainly changed your crush-thought-process.
"No way you crushing on Ray, that's wild," Agent smiled, less mockingly than Duke, as though he actually found it rather wholesome. Which would've made sense, given that Agent had a partner of his own and often expressed his happiness within having a girlfriend he loved.
"I don't know whether I have a crush," You were quick to shake your head though. "I don't know I don't know I don't know- I only found out about his existence like half an hour ago, Agent, I was just seeing who he was on Instagram..."
"Do you like who he is?" Duke interjected his question. "From what you've seen...?"
"I mean..." You found yourself trailing off again. "I don't know, he's cute and all but... Gosh, it's impossible to really know, isn't it? I mean, I've just seen a few pictures of him-"
"-And you like that shirtless pic of him don't you-"
You stared with a stony expression as Duke and Agent collapsed into a fit of giggles at their supposed witty comment.
"God, it feels weird talking to you two about anything to do with... boys."
"Yeah, weird knowing that's your type." Duke added on, making you facepalm.
"He isn't my type, I don't have a type - I don't date much - I don't even know what my type is."
"You should find out," Agent encouraged. "-by asking Ray for his number and going out with him."
"For his number?!" You repeated incredulously. "My God you two are ancient."
"What do you kids ask for nowadays?" Duke asked in confusion, running his hands through his dreads pensively.
"Snapchat or Instagram." You rolled your eyes. "Why am I talking about boys with either of you - you guys don't know shit about picking people up clearly-"
"HEY HEY HEY HEY-" They both rushed to defend themselves, their overlapping defensive shouts laughable.
"Look," You cut their defensive rambles off, raising your hands to gather than attentions, "This is cute and all, I get it, but you gotta understand... I don't even know who this guy is - yeah, I'll admit he's cute and all - but we're being real optimistic saying anything about guy who doesn't even know I exist - like - I just found out that he exists about half an hour ago! He might not even like me if we talked!"
"You too insecure." Duke rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You ugly but you aren't awful - you don't need to worry 'bout Ray rejecting you, there's plenty out there for you."
"Well thanks I guess."
"You want us to set you guys up?" Agent raised his brows, Duke's eyes widening and mouth forming an o-shape as he realised Agent's genius, looking at you expectantly with a wide smile.
"No." You stated resolutely, crushing their spirits. "Wait 'til I meet him in person or something. He could be weird or we might just be awkward..."
"Ay say less," Duke nodded his head. "When you gon' meet him?"
"I dunno, whenever I see him I guess? He's done a good job avoiding me, considering I haven't seen him in the house EVER, when apparently he's been in and out for months, now..."
Agent gasped, grabbing onto Duke's arm as another lightbulb idea clearly hit him.
"We should introduce them at movie night tonight!"
"We'll make him stay." Agent grinned as Duke nodded along in agreement, letting out a little aaaaa! of excitement from their decided plan.
You couldn't even stop them from doing it, as they giggled and ran out of the room - not even taking their portion of lunch that you'd cooked, as they left the room swiftly, gossiping like schoolgirls as they plotted whilst you just sat. Fearing what the duo was planning.
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You rolled your eyes at your jumpy cousin's yell from the floor below, your continuing to unroll your hair in your attic room, looking at your reflection in the mirror and hoping your curls would fluff out if your brushed them.
There was a knock at the door and before you could even respond, it was busted open.
"You're meant to knock and wait until I say you can come in, asshole."
"Yeah yeah yeah," Kai brushed it off before looking into the mirror and seeing your reflection. "The fuck, are you doing your hair for a movie night? Are you wearin' lashes too?"
You shrugged, feeling Kai's judgement bring a slight blush to your face. You'd sort of convinced yourself that if Ray was staying for movie night (and Duke and Agent were gonna try setting the two of you up) you would put on just a bit of makeup - try make yourself look a little better, you know?
"What you getting all dolled up for?"
You bit down on your lip, wondering whether you should let Kai in on it. Would it be a bit awkward? You'd done just a bit of research on Ray and realised that he was surprisingly Kai's best friend - they were tight as hell... Which meant that telling Kai might just be a liiiittle bit awkward.
"I'm just trying some overnight makeup out," You shrugged after a second. "Euphoria - you know that makeup brand? - they gifted me this, I'm jus' trying it out now... So I can wear it in future, you know?"
Kai stared at you for a second, reading your expression and making you uncomfortable under his gaze, wondering whether he knew you were lying...
"Man, I don't know shit about makeup- just hurry your ass up, we waitin' on you now."
With that, Kai gave you the three minutes you needed to unroll and brush your hair - put a few finishing touches on your makeup - and slip into your comfy hoodie and sweatpants, checking your makeup in the mirror one last time before skipping down the stairs.
You peeked into the living room, Davis catching your eye and gesturing for you to come on in, patting the vacant space besides him on the sofa for you to come sit.
Your eyes scaled down the sofa, seeing Kai - Chris - Fanum - Agent - Duke - Davis...
And no Ray.
"You lookin' for someone?" Agent asked with a knowing grin plastered on his face.
"Nope." You stopped Agent, swiftly advancing from the door to the space besides Davis and ignoring the way you could hear Duke's snickering from besides Agent. "Is that everyone?" You asked casually, finding yourself relaxing slightly as the prospect that maybe you wouldn't have to meet Ray with the pressure of Duke and Agent coercing the two of you into talking and getting close.
"Nah we just waitin' on Ray." Kai responded, throwing some snacks into his mouth. "-OH, that means you'll finally meet Ray tonight!"
"Oh." Your simple response came, Duke and Agent's muffled laughter seemingly ignored by everyone but you.
"He's a nice guy," Kai nattered. "I just met him by accident sometime but he's a nice enough kid - he's your age - you could have a friend in the house if you guys get close too-"
"Fuck you mean a friend, we're all friends here," Fanum cut Kai off.
"We friends tho-"
Kai began wrestling someone at the comment.
You rest your head in your hands for a moment, just letting yourself calm down for a second whilst the duo rolled around on the floor, mock WWE fighting each other at the mere mention of Tyla's friend-zoning.
"What movie we thinkin'?" Duke asked the remainder of people on the sofa.
"We startin' without Ray?" Fanum questioned, Duke just shrugging and mumbling some answer.
"I could do with a horror," You yawned, Davis rolling his eyes and protesting instantly.
"What about a thriller? That's like soft horror, right?"
"The Outsider's one I been wanting to watch for time - check that out-"
"That shit looks scary as fuck, hell nah-"
"Let's watch the opening and if it's all that bad we can try a different film."
Duke pressed play on the movie, Kai breaking up the fight to jump back onto the sofa and settle into his seat to get ready to watch the movie - only to have it paused as the door opened - everyones' heads craning around as the door creaked.
In a pair of Hello Kitty pyjama bottoms and a plain white tee, Ray stood in the doorway.
"You finally come down?!" Kai jumped onto his feet and exclaimed at the quiet boy, Duke pausing the movie. "You was taking longer than HER to get ready!"
Ray looked down the group until he saw the person Kai jabbed his finger at. You. His dark eyes bore into yours, tracing down over your body ever so quickly before meeting with your eyes again. Kai noticing the pause and realising-
"OH- I been meanin' to introduce you two-"
"You Kai's cousin?" Ray questioned, his English broken up slightly, accent evident within his voice which wasn't exactly deep or husky, owning any particularly attractive qualities... but something about it was soothing on the ear, regardless.
"Yeah, you're Ray I'm guessing," You nodded, smiling up at the boy politely, expecting him to be courteous enough to smile back.
Your smile slid off your face as Ray didn't smile back, however. Rude, you thought, internally rolling your eyes and deciding that maybe you weren't all that bothered with someone who wouldn't even smile back at you.
But no, Ray was quite straightforwards in stepping around the boys towards you and giving you a handshake... Which felt strangely formal - until Ray kept his hand intertwined with you and pulled you up to your feet with surprising strength, making you let out the slightest of gasps as Ray put an arm around your back - pulling you into a hug instead.
Your hands slowly wrapped around his body in response - just slightly shocked at... Well, everything.
A) Whatthefuck he was STRONG?! Sure, you'd seen that he had muscles from his Instagram posts - but shit, he wasn't exactly ripped - and he certainly didn't look like he had enough muscle to lift you up just with one hand
B) Ohmyfuck, he's so comfortable just giving a hug? No awkwardness, no weird lead up, just coming over here in front of everyone and pulling me into a hug? That shit's nice as Hell I gotta admit-
C) Damn he smells good - is that like... Pine? Something warm and comforting a lil like vanilla... or maybe some sage too...?
D) OhmyLORD he is tall. You and Kai were both cursed blessed with the short genes of your families, and donned similar heights... Which meant that Ray practically enveloped you within his arms and hug, your head resting just below his chest in such a way you could feel a heat rising to your cheeks - making the blush you'd swiped onto your cheeks earlier futile, as your flustered feelings reflected on your cheeks.
You opened your eyes slightly as you felt your mind going into overdrive at the hug Ray gave - catching the expression of the people on the sofa as you did; Kai and Davis looking relatively normal, though Chris and Fanum donned expressions of suspicion - their minds clearly already sensing some tension or connection, and Agent beaming as though everything was coming together - Duke raising a brow with a knowing expression, as if he'd seen this coming and was encouraging you to continue with... with something(???)
Ray was the first to pull back, making you realise you'd just sorta grappled onto him and forgotten that a hug was only meant to last for a moment.
"You two is both the same age too, so I thought it'd be good for you two to be friends," Kai explained, making you laugh - trying to cover the way you were all too aware about the fact that Ray's arm remained around your shoulders following the hug, still holding you sorta close to his body.
"Thanks Uncle Cenat" You pointed out his behaviour.
"You two should go sit on that couch with each other," Agent gestured to the adjacent sofa. "Given there isn't space for another two of you here."
You watched as Duke subtly bumped his fist against Agent, them two thinking they were sooo smooth at the suggestion, making you just roll your eyes and stay silent - not opposed to what Agent had suggested, but not wanting to pressure Ray into it, or appear as too eager or enthusiastic when Ray might not've cared at all.
However Duke seemed to take your silence as an opportunity to drop more hints.
"She'll try cuddle you though, you gotta watch out-" Duke couldn't even finish his sentence without laughing - your eyes widening in horror at the betrayal you felt as Duke spewed the truth. "She likes hugging and bein all physical like that-"
Your face fell into your hands in horror, shaking your head from side to side as the crew on the sofa burst out laughing at Duke's lack of filter, embarrassing you to no end as you hid your burning face within your palms.
You were horrified Duke was baiting you out. What sick sorta plan did he have to get you two together which involved publicly shaming you?? You could still feel Ray's arm around your shoulders despite Duke's ridiculing, but you could already imagine the expression he would wear: a pitying smile or mocking laugh matching the rest of the gang.
Fucking embarrassing.
You chose to look up at Ray - let his expression tell you that you didn't have a single chance with him, now that you'd been outed and embarrassed for being an oddball. That he thought you were weird and that you had 0 chances of building some sort of connection or having a relationship with the only person anywhere near your age within the AMP house.
Yet to your surprise, as you looked up and your eyes met Ray's - you saw no expression you were expecting.
He was fine with it.
He had a blank, unbothered expression, and seemed more interested in you than anything Duke was flacking.
"You want to cuddle?" Ray questioned with no evident nor underlying judgement within his voice. Just a genuine question, in which he didn't seem opposed to the idea - just wanting to know whether Duke was being genuine or not - clearly not wanting to misread the situation and accidentally be too forwards with you.
Your tongue felt heavy, mind whirring into overdrive as you couldn't even begin to respond to his question - a blush forming on your cheeks as your eyes widened with shock even more - after all, you hadn't even expected Ray to want to talk to you. Let alone be so to-the-point with asking to cuddle.
He was a man of few words.
But the words that Ray did speak? They got straight to your heart, and regardless of whether he knew the effect of what he said, he was only making you more into him.
It felt like some sickening fever dream; a guy your age, attractive and forwards with gestures of interest - asking you to come cuddle him and literally fulfilling one of your few visceral cravings; your want for physical contact with someone satiated by Ray, who was willing to do exactly what you'd been craving.
It was just too bad you didn't know how to express it.
Ray's arm slipped away - leaving your shoulders as he advanced across the room, sitting on the adjacent sofa and seemingly leaving you as he manspread his legs out, one arm wrapping around the back of the seat next to him as he looked up and made eye contact with you.
"Come then," He spoke plainly, leaving it open to you as he pat the seat besides him with his hand.
The AMP boys on the sofa let out OOOOOO's of surprise, Duke and Agent grabbing onto and slapping each others' forearms to get each others' attention and ogle at the way that shit was working out. Kai had his brows furrowed in slight confusion despite his grin - just a bit suspicious of the way that Ray seemed to be making advances towards you. Not to mention that they seemed to be working.
But you personally?
You couldn't help but fixate on how good Ray looked. The way that he was sat with his legs spread, white tee pooling at the bottom and contrasting the darkness of his hair and eyes...
You knew you'd spent too long just awkwardly stood staring, and you decided not to let the awkward moment persist - crossing the room and following in Ray's steps as you sat down besides him, hands within your lap as you felt your leg brushing his - that being enough contact to satisfy your shy self for the moment.
"Yo, pass a blanket." Ray said to Fanum, his blunt demand being met with Fanum widening his eyes with shock at the confidence of the boy with you.
"Hell nah gang, I ain't letting you do shit under a blanket with her," Fanum became defensive, despite the smile on his face.
Agent was the one to throw a bundled up blanket over Fanum's head, reaching Ray and letting him unroll it with Fanum scolding Agent whilst Ray gave you a portion of the blanket, throwing it over your body and getting you comfy.
Duke pressed play on the movie, and the screen lit up with colours, allowing the introduction to play out and capture everyones' attention once more.
Ray's hand drifted from the back of the sofa to your shoulders, whispering a "You okay with this?" which you nodded in response to, leaning back into his arm and enjoying the weight of his arm around your back, hand resting against your shoulder - long fingers running down the length of your arm whilst his thumb rest across the top of your shoulder, parallel to your collarbone. Occasionally, he swiped his thumb over your shoulder in a comforting way, giving you shivers which you had to conceal each time he did it.
As the movie played out, the horror began unveiling itself, until the main character found themself alone, in the dark, walking with solely a torch through a liminal space which had your anxiety rising.
"This shit scary as fuck" You heard Ray mumble from besides you, shuffling closer whilst you could feel his arm muscles tensing in clear fear. You nodded with fear in your body also, every muscle anticipating a jumpscare... And feeling Ray shift closer, you leaned into his body too, letting your body meet with Ray's side, head leaning against his shoulder ever so slightly as if testing to see whether he'd back out... Which he didn't. In fact, his other arm wrapped around your shoulders too, his head behind yours as if whilst holding you he was shielding himself from the screen and the awaiting jumpscare.
It was laughable how scared he was, yet you didn't considering the fact that you were also (metaphorically) shitting it. No, instead you wrapped your hands around his arms which sat around your shoulders, gripping onto Ray and scooting yourself into Ray's body, as though uniting the two of you could save you from a jumpscare on the other side of the screen.
Of course, it didn't.
Screams and yells ricocheted around the room as the tension was released by the jumpscare.
Ray's hands tightened around your body at the scene whilst you yourself jumped at the shock, turning your face away from the screen and squeezing your eyes shut, subsequently hiding your face in the crook of Ray's neck, your forehead resting against his skin whilst his hand just accommodated his movement and rest against your lower back instead.
"That wasn't even that scary," You whispered into Ray's ear as you overcame the shock of the jumpscare, bodies still squished together, embracing just in case another surprise scare appeared.
"You joking?" Ray pulled back, eyes widening as he looked at you, whispering incredulously. "This some of the scariest thing I have ever seen..."
"It was just some goofy creature - we didn't even see what it was," You giggled quietly at the frightened boy, even making him smiling a little bit as though your laughter was contagious.
Ahem. The two of you lost eye contact as Fanum cleared his throat, giving the two of you a pointed look to say-
"Shut the fuck up - is what he's saying." Kai's energetic voice broke the atmosphere. "And stop with all that cute shit too Ray, I introduced you two to be friends, I don't like whatever you're doin'."
You felt a blush return to your cheeks, feeling almost caught by your psuedo-sibling. At least he was projecting his distaste onto Ray instead of you, though.
Rolling your eyes as Fanum raised his brows and gave you a shuthethefuckup look as well, you pulled the blanket up to your neck and tucked yourself further up into Ray's body, letting yourself relax into his side.
Your head leaned slowly towards Ray, eventually making contact with his shoulder and just resting there. His arm still tucked around your shoulders, both of your bodies covered with the blanket... You let out a yawn from the warmth the blanket wrapped you with, simulating a cosy duvet tucking you into bed.
"Tired?" Ray whispered, his head leaning on top yours. He was quiet, but you could still feel the vibrations of voice resonating from his chest and against your body which was still leant up against his.
"Lil bit," You replied, feeling your eyes getting heavy.
"You can lie against me-" Ray shuffled himself around a bit - causing you to detach your head groggily, allowing him to readjust himself before beckoning you back - letting you lie with your back towards the armrest - legs across his lap.
You appreciated Ray's accommodating nature and rotated yourself to swing your legs across his, resting your thighs in his lap and lying your body back against the armrest of the chair - though your body was still close enough to Ray's for him to keep an arm around your back - your body still close to his, now flush with his chest and front.
You rested a hand around Ray's body, sorta hugging him, sorta stabilising yourself. The action made a blush rise to your cheeks as you remembered a mere few hours ago when you were looking at his pictures on Instagram and the abs he had beneath that shirt, back when Agent and Duke had caught you and initially planned on trying to set you and Ray up.
You could feel your eyes getting heavier by the second, breathing slowing despite the pace of the movie which had only just started picking up - and it seemed as though Ray just needed to say one thing before you clocked out.
"You're very pretty." His voice was soft. Quiet, as to not let the boys across the room hear. And his fingers gently ran through your hair as you lay back, near to falling asleep - though his words send impulses down your accelerator nerve, increasing your heartrate.
"Big talk from you," You smiled, returning the compliment. "Your insta pictures are... Nice."
Ray's face broke into a smile, his lips curling upwards - more towards the right than the left - his right eye crinkling with the muscles that uncontrollably contracted in response to the pride that glowed within him from the compliment.
"What you doing tomorrow?" The simple question came.
Was he fucking asking you out???
"Uhm, I think... probably working most of the day..."
"You free tomorrow night?" God he was persistent, and God you fucking loved that he wasn't gonna let go.
"Should be, yeah..."
"You want to go out?" Ray questioned. "With me?"
You literally felt your heart exploding, warmth erupting within your stomach happy chemicals flowing through your body at the fact Ray was interested.
Nodding your head with the fattest smile unwipeable from your lips, Ray grinned at your reaction also, nodding to seal the deal.
"I will take you out," Ray spoke happily, still quiet as to not catch the other guys' attentions. "Date style, yeah?"
"Date style." You nodded in agreement, giggling slightly at the fact Ray needed clarification. Cutie.
"I meant it when I said shut the fuck up, you two." Kai shushed the two of you, eyes glued to the screen but viewing experience diminished by your quietly unintelligible conversation in the corner.
"Sorry!" You apologised quickly, grin evident in your voice from the ecstatic feeling that flowed through your body, having been asked out. And Duke and Agent heard your smile within your voice - turning with knowing smiles towards you.
And this time, instead of rolling your eyes or hiding from Agent or Duke, you grinned back, nodding your head as if to say Yeah, it's working out.
Duke's grin multiplied by tenfold, biting down on his lip to try not to laugh out of excitement for the two of you - your first big shipper. Agent however, rolled his eyes, and you watched as a bill slipped from Agent's pocket into Duke's awaiting palm - wiping the smile of your face and replacing it with a look of confusion which Agent noticed.
Taking out his phone, Agent avidly pressed the screen, before looking up - your phone vibrating from your hoodie pocket.
3 New Messages
Agent: Lol before u came down we bet on what'd happen
Agent: Duke bet that you'd end up successfully making moves
Agent: I bet against lol
You: I'm glad you lost that money.
You slipped your phone back into your pocket, breathing out a breath of relief, contentment and tiredness as you got back into a comfortable position - eyes shutting, head becoming heavy and leaning against Ray's chest where he tucked the blanket around your back and put his arm around your shoulders, his fingers finding purchase within your hair and comfortingly running through the curls you'd rolled up an hour ago.
And listening to Ray's heartbeat and feeling his body warm yours through his white tee - ambient noises of the TV in the background as you slowly inhaled and exhaled, drinking in Ray's comforting cologne, you felt yourself slowly slipping away and happily falling asleep in his arms.
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Waking up the next day, you were not happy with what you saw on Twitter.
I was gonna do a stream having these two mfs meet up but they already seem pretty fuckin cosy 😭
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Duke Dennis
He didn't even ask me for no rizz tips.
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AMP Agent Still can't believe you won the bet smh 🙄😒 Atl smth acc happened here ✅ KingKennysimp101 Damn the spooning w the blanket n all?? I'm sorry i wasn't familiar with ur game Ray 😭😭🙏🙏🙏 AMP Kai I'm gonna be having damn words with that boy. AMP Davis She aint gonna like this post Duke 😭😭😭 Y/n You're damn right ab that Davis AMP Davis Duke your ass better be running💀💀 Duke Dennis Omw back to Atlanta as we speak 🙏
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It's so wild that my first proper write for AMP is for Ray 😭😭 Hopefully this has drawn in some of the AMP girlies tho bc i have a fic in the work for DUKE, FANUM, and AGENT!
(add urself to my taglist if u wanna be notified for when i post them)
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more for AMP and other YouTubers, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
p.s. Customise which Oneshots YOU want to be tagged in by submitting your preferences on THIS GOOGLE FORM
TAGLIST: (sorry I didn't do it last night i fell asleep b4 I could)
@kennysimp101 @speedybeta @thefroggyboggy @zomburexia @zandrax @supaprettyg @gyu-baby @spiritualz @daniiixoxo @koritoji @smh-anon @lila702980 @star-32 @mym3lodii @betashully @fillysmypookie @janialovesbetasquad @lisask8s @mcddyperez
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g-xix · 2 months
Link up of the century
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Right n left both look fine asf - i wont even lie - Ray's been glowing especially recently, idk what it is - his face has j looked so good recently (obvs not in this pic when he's bandaged up but point still stands)
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g-xix · 22 days
Hey, Flako is fanums friend. Ray and him have hung out a lot in New York this summer. And yeah they’re friends. They drink and eat after eachother. This clip was in the same stream he dyed his hair, this was just before it. Also ray never says his sexuality, i cant send videos through here. But on that same day on Kai’s stream gio asked if he was gay or but and he paused and said he was looking for a girl for rn. And then on later ray stream a few days after Gio asked him in the car again abt his sexuality saying that she thinks he gives one hint every stream abt it. And he said sum abt he dont want something to happen on fwitter.
Very mental wow i had no clue ab Flako!
That's quite a cute lil friendship/relationship Ray and Flako have tbf - the Summer hanging out together just gives such vivid images of like peak friendship n going round each other's houses to spend the day together or in the park... Which ik is probably not what a "summer together" means for them, but that's how i envision it from my experience and that's cute asf
Also also also also, hello? I hadn't even considered Ray might not be straight which is quite ignorant on my behalf but really surprising if he is tbf - i would've never thought about it!
Would be super interesting if he did come out or say that he wasn't straight tho - i'd be interested to see how fans react to that - because ik amp fans love Ray, but i also know not many (primarily male) fans are allat acceptant of gay ppl + the gay community
would be really interesting to see whether they respect Ray or go against him or are split.
interesting interesting interesting!
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g-xix · 2 months
hiii i loved ur ray fanfic and i wanted to ask if u can write something similar for fanum :) thank you so much 🤍
Hellooooooo brev i can't say i have anything in the works for fanum rn but i can whip smth up for the future!
Just smth i wanna get off my chest when it comes to writing for AMP members. I'm British whilst obvi they're American (atl North American - shoutout Agent)... So, ofc i always notice their accent and wanna write it into fics, but idk whether that's annoying/jarring for any readers that have American accents?
Like, for example I think Duke would say sweetheart like "Swee'hear'", and even simple sentences like wsg, Kai would say like "Whatchu up to?"
Buuuuuuut is it annoying litr like writing out the accents that AMP members speak in??? Gna run a poll for it bc i rly gotta know before i write any more AMP works
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g-xix · 3 months
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g-xix · 22 days
Now i ship Ray and Flako ever since they kissed😘😘did u see that? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNwc4K57/
Hello? I didn't even know who Flako was ibfr i haven't been watching the streams, that's acc mental tho 😭😭
Are Flako n Ray chill? Bc that did not look comfy for Ray at all, but idk whether they've been friends for a while or summ
Didn't see that or know that happened before viewing that clip tho - very mental stuff
another thing - i thought ray dyed his hair this ginger-y colour, but every time i see him his hair's still dark.... Did i j imagine that up or smth?
Pls n ty Nonhajlant xxx
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g-xix · 22 days
I would ask u to write a ray and flako fan fic but u dont know him so u couldnt write it accurately. U dont really need to know him he’s a regular guy😭 Dominican, chill not loud like kai.
Yeha haha i deffo dont lnow enough about him + i dont think i could write gay fics that well
i tried write a wlw one back in the day and my god that was utter shit. Tbf, i defof think i could write a wayyy better/atl satisfactory wlw or mlm fic now, but i just think it's outside my interests for the time being
flako sounds calm asf tho i respect that haha
maybe one day in the future we'll see it somewhere... D'you think you'd ever write it nonhajlant? lmk id be interested to read if u did
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g-xix · 9 months
AMP Masterlist
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ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ: ᴋᴀɪ ᴄᴇ��ᴀᴛ, ᴅᴜᴋᴇ ᴅᴇɴɴɪꜱ, ꜰᴀɴᴜᴍ, ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ ᴢᴇʀᴏ
☁️= fluff, 🔞= smut, 💢 = angst
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! Send litr anything in thru the inbox n i'll write it (or not)... No promises it'll be done any time soon tho :DD
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Kai Cenat
🔞"AMP eating out HC's" - Headcannons ab what the AMP (+JiDion) are like giving head "AMP x Harry Potter AU Headcanons" - Headcanons of what the AMP Crew are like in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts alternate universe ⚡
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🔞"AMP eating out HC's" - Headcannons ab what the AMP (+JiDion) are like giving head "AMP x Harry Potter AU Headcanons" - Headcanons of what the AMP Crew are like in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts alternate universe ⚡ 🔞"Possessive" - You flirted with Duke and Agent didn't like that. At all. So, as anyone logical would, he decides to take that out on your body (warning - very kinky)
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🔞"AMP eating out HC's" - Headcannons ab what the AMP (+JiDion) are like giving head "AMP x Harry Potter AU Headcanons" - Headcanons of what the AMP Crew are like in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts alternate universe ⚡
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Duke Dennis
🔞"AMP eating out HC's" - Headcannons ab what the AMP (+JiDion) are like giving head "AMP x Harry Potter AU Headcanons" - Headcanons of what the AMP Crew are like in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts alternate universe ⚡
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🔞"AMP eating out HC's" - Headcannons ab what the AMP (+JiDion) are like giving head
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"AMP x Harry Potter AU Headcanons" - Headcanons of what the AMP Crew are like in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts alternate universe ⚡
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Rayasianboy_ ☁️"Movie Nights" - In which Kai Cenat's cousin, chef for the AMP house finds herself cuddling up to a cute guy she only found out about that morning, but already has Duke and Agent betting on them having a little relationship together.... | Kai Cenat!cousin!reader x Ray, super fluffy
ALL!! - silly little drabbles Jfc Agent is FINE AF "Beta Squad x AMP Last to fall asleep challenge gif collection" "Beta Squad x AMP last to fall asleep challenge camera roll" "Beta Squad vs AMP charity match picture book"
looking for someone you can't find? Head back to the main masterlist to check out the other masterlists to see if the person you're looking for is there! Don't be scared to send a message via DMs or thru the inbox if you need any help xx
p.s. Customise which Oneshots YOU want to be tagged in by submitting your preferences on THIS GOOGLE FORM!
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