#raw chicken breast cat
salemoleander · 1 month
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Son boy is nakey (his fur likes to turn into felt so he needed a shave)
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dduane · 2 years
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Every now and then you're looking through a website's images (when you're the manager) and you realize that one or another of them need to be re-rendered for some reason. So this is tonight's job done, for that page.
Meanwhile, just remember: you may be the premier magic-user of your age, and you may have helped save the world and all that kind of stuff... but if you're out back at the Stuck Pig and you take your eye off your chicken, the cat will not care.
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
Simon who retires and works at the cozy little craft store you start frequenting
i'd piss my pants if he approached me asking me if i needed any help
simon knits a sweater for that raw chicken breast he calls a cat.
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atinylittlepain · 7 months
Miss Sylvia
college!steve harrington x f!oc
part of the girl boy series
word count | 1.7K
He's watching her cat for the weekend, how bad could it possibly be?
a/n | no warnings for this one, it's mostly just fluff
“I don’t know where she is.”
“What do you mean? I thought you said she was going to Boston for a funeral?”
“Not Andy, Sylvia.”
“Ballsack cat?”
“Rob, you can’t call her that. But, yeah, she hasn’t come out since Andy left.” 
“You check under the bed?”
“The closet?”
“You haven’t like, left any windows open or anything?”
“No, and she’s definitely still in here because her food bowl was empty this morning.”
“Okay, Sylvia wants her space then. What’s wrong with that?”
“She needs her bath.” Silence floods over the line for a beat, and just as Steve is about to ask Robin if she’s still there, she lobs a questioning come again, over the phone. 
“You can’t laugh.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Sylvia gets a bath every Saturday. It’s Saturday.”
“Oh my god, Steve.”
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” And that just sends Robin into another peel of it, a wheezed out sorry, I’m sorry while he tries not to hang up on her altogether.
“Wow, you really, really like this one, huh? Giving a cat a bath for love is a first for me, man.” 
“She has a skin condition. Andy said she gets, like, crusty.”
“She is a cat. And also, ew, I didn’t need to know that.”
“Yeah, but she’s Andy’s cat, and I told her I could handle it.” That’s the crux of the whole thing, isn’t it? Andy had gotten a phone call from her mother, something about a relative that she wasn’t close with, but of course, yes, she needed to be there. Big family, big, Boston family full of aunts and cousins and mothers that would talk if the youngest didn’t show up so she had better show up, damn it. So Andy bought a train ticket and talked to her professors and before she could get too stressed out about who was going to take care of the madam, Steve was already volunteering himself, I can, honey, no problem. Right, no problem, except for the fact that his relationship (don’t laugh) with his girlfriend’s cat could be described as tepid at best, tolerance, with the occasional swipe, spat, snit, don’t touch just when he starts to think Sylvia is warming up to him. For the record, the feeling is mutual. Something Eddie had said the first time he came over to watch some MTV unplugged performance him and Andy were both excited about. Steve had laughed, Andy had not, when Eddie met Sylvia and promptly called her a sentient raw chicken breast. No, Andy did not find that particularly amusing, and Sylvia in her own seeming display of indignation, had swiped hard at Eddie’s ankles until he finally had to resort to tucking his feet up under him on the couch. 
He thought this would be his chance at burying the hatchet, bonding (again, don’t laugh), a sort of extended exposure therapy for the both of them. But by the time he got back from seeing Andy off at the station, Sylvia had made herself scarce, and he hasn’t seen her in the twenty-four hours that he has been, in theory, Sylvia-sitting at Andy’s apartment. 
“Did you check in drawers?”
“What do you mean?”
“I had a cat growing up who liked to sleep in my mom’s sock drawer, maybe Sylvia is the same way.”
“Cats do that? No, I don’t think Sylvia does that, how would she even get in there in the first place?”
“Hey, anything’s possible, cats are smart, especially little freaks like Andy’s.” 
“You really think so?”
“It’s worth looking, at least.” And so he does, hangs up with Robin, and opens every drawer in the apartment, only feeling a little like a perv when his brain gets stuck and stilted on a pair of cherry red cotton panties that he definitely hasn’t seen before. But nothing, no sign of Sylvia anywhere, and he’s starting to get worried, starting to rework every time he opened and closed the front door in the last day, wondering if there’s any possibility she could’ve slipped through. No again, though, he reminds himself of her empty food bowl. She’s definitely here, and she definitely doesn’t want to be found. And a cool flicker of panic, and maybe guilt, is starting to tighten in his chest, though he’s quick to start rationalizing. Really, one missed bath can’t cause that much damage, right? Not going to know the difference, right? And really, maybe Robin was right, Sylvia just wants her–
“Oh shit.” The sound of a cabinet slamming in the kitchen sends a startled jolt up his spine, followed fast by a flood of relief because he’s pretty sure he knows what, or who, or yeah, what made that noise. 
Maybe, maybe he does a silent fist pump in the air when he creeps into the kitchen and spots a spindly, hairless tail sticking out from one of the cabinets above the counter. And maybe, when he inches open the cabinet and finds Sylvia slumped awkward in a mixing bowl, her eyes narrowing on him, maybe, he apologizes for Robin calling her a little freak. But that’s neither here nor there, because her bath is back on, and when he picks up the whole mixing bowl with her still in it, she doesn’t flee, doesn’t swipe, or hiss, or otherwise snit at him, just lets out a garbled sound that only seems a little disgruntled as he carries her into the bathroom. 
“Look, I don’t really wanna be doing this either, okay? But your, well– I told Andy I would take care of you, and she left me instructions, so, yeah, let’s, uh, let’s giddy up.” He feels less like a cat-sitter and more like a basketball coach trying to psych a team up, bathroom door closed, and bathtub filling up, and Andy’s hand-written instructions clutched in one hand like a prayer. Sylvia stares at him, placid and unmoved, still in the mixing bowl that he perched on the closed lid of the toilet seat. 
And what follows is about as graceless as he had expected it to be. He tries to pick her up and finally, she hisses, one cursory swipe that gets him on the back of his hand, noted. So he moves slower, long pets that turn into a curled hand around her middle, and then his other hand, and she only twists and twines a little, rumbling protests that die out when he sets her down in the water. He hadn’t really believed Andy when she told him that Sylvia likes getting baths, but he believes it now, because at the very least, she’s no longer trying to draw blood from him, the spiked snarl of her spine starting to soften and relax. 
“Jesus Christ, you really are a raw chicken breast.” She pays him no mind, her bulged eyes closed in something he thinks looks like contentment while he lathers her with Johnson’s baby soap, tear free. If this were a test, he thinks he’d pass with flying colors, double checking Andy’s instructions between each step, even using the exfoliating gloves she left folded over the lip of the tub, tail to toe, while Sylvia makes a noise that he’s pretty sure counts as purring. And when she’s clean, and he picks her up out of the tub and rubs her down with the towel that Andy explicitly told him is her towel, he thinks they’ve made some sort of progress. The final note on the list of instructions, she likes to marinate for a little while. So he leaves the bathroom door open, Sylvia burrowed down in her towel right in front of the heating vent. 
He’s nearly certain he’s having some kind of low-grade heart attack, if that’s a thing, when he wakes up later that night to a particular heat and weight spread over his chest. But then he realizes that said heat and weight is purring, and digging her claws into his shoulder in a way that is not altogether unkind. Yeah, he thinks, he finally passed this test. 
Andy gets home late on Sunday, wind-swept and worn, and relieved to see him waiting for her at the station, smacks a dramatic kiss to his lips and pulls away to pout something awful at him. 
“Is it too pathetic to say that I missed you?” No, he says, missed you too, he says, pathetic too, though he doesn’t say that. And later, back at her place, after dinner and a shower and settled down on the couch, he tries hard to school his expression when Andy’s jaw drops, watching Sylvia leap up onto the couch and curl contentedly in his lap, chin resting on his knee. 
“Oh, do you two have something to tell me?”
“I think we bonded.”
“Yeah, I can see that. So you’re a two-woman kind of guy now?” It becomes apparent fast that they both spoke too soon, because before he can reply, Sylvia is whipping around and swiping hard at his hand that had been stroking her spine, promptly followed by digging her back legs into his stomach in order to launch herself off the couch to another one of her hiding spots. 
“Aw baby, it looks like you’re not getting a second date with Miss Syl.” Andy’s words dissolve with her laughter, taking his abused hand in both of hers, thumbing lightly at the welting scratch marks. He can’t even find it in himself to be upset.
“I just want to know, is she like that with everyone?”
“Mmm, no, she’s only like that with people she really likes.”
“See, you say that, but I’m having a hard time believing it.”
“The fact that you still have all your fingers attached and accounted for after bath day is all the evidence I need. She’s smitten, she just has a hard time expressing herself.” Waggle of her eyebrows and another breathed-out laugh and his yeah, I’ll say, making her laugh a little more, scooting closer to him on the couch, her legs slung across his thighs and her spine curled so she can lean in closer, closer, her nose brushing against his.
“Thank you for watching her so last-minute, baby. I appreciate it, appreciate you.” Her hand curled at his nape, kisses like secrets to the corner of his mouth, his cheek, in between his brows and making him flush in an awful heat. He mumbles an of course, any time, and means it, pulling her even closer, perfect relief to an aching want, having her back, having her home. 
He’ll keep working on Sylvia.
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jessiesjaded · 11 months
That little cat is so funny- she loves raw chicken so whenever I'm making something with chicken breast I chop some up for her and she happily eats it but lately if she clocks me doing stuff to it for /my/ dinner she stops eating her bits and will stare intently at mine but I know she won't like greek marinade so I had to put her plain bits in a bowl like the other and clink my spoon around the sides a bunch and then I gave it back to her and she was like Oh yes :3 Delicious!
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cyanocoraxx · 2 months
wait can centipedes eat cat food??
they can! it's just not ideal for a staple diet. it's more of a treat alongside gutloaded insects. if you give a pede cat food tho it's better to use brands without copper in them as copper appears to stunt their growth and clutch sizes. i use a brand that doesn't include copper because of this
centipedes thrive best on a varied diet of several types of prey, like they would in the wild - they don't have the luxury of picking and choosing out there so they take what they can get.
pedes fed on single types of prey alone don't reach their maximum size or lifespan. with this in mind pedes do seem to benefit from having vertebrate protein in their diet, which is why some keepers offer things like chicken, f/t pinkies and raw meats as well as cat food from time to time. some keepers have said that specific species grow way bigger when fed vertebrate meat as well as insects. fruits are also part of some species' diet in the wild so we try to incorporate those in as well as treats <3
some captive pedes show preferences for certain foods though. i guess in the luxury of knowing they'll be served food often they feel safe enough to hold out for something else. captive lazypedes (like my akaza) sometimes end up waiting for something quick and easy to eat instead of something live -_______- as in like they're obviously hungry but they won't act on it until something nicer comes along. spoiledpedes.
my pedes' favourite foods right now:
akaza (e. trigonopodus): cat food
sukuna (s. morsitans): chicken breast
shrine (s. morsitans): chicken breast
astraeus (s. dehaani): crickets and superworms
eos (s. dehaani): crickets
choso (s. subspinipes): crickets (almost exclusively)
major (s. morsitans): crickets
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req’d by @cats-feminism-and-atla
hm. a few conflicting adjectives there bud
text: Hairy raw chicken breasts
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bluiex · 2 years
yay self care night! (something i have never done XD oh boy i’m depressed) tried my best hopefully it’s alright, your a way better writer then me Bluie
“What’s for dinner?” Scar asked rolling into the kitchen where Grian already was shuffling through the fridge.
“We have many options, you haven’t touched any of it in like 5 days,” Grian says pushing a few sauce bottles to the side with his forearm before making a little ‘aha!’ and grabbing something out of it checking expectation dates.
“Aha? Are we back in last-life?” Scar teased rolling up next to the fridge feeling the cool air hit him slightly.
“Oh shush,” Grian said rolling his eyes “Grab me the penne from the pantry would you?” Grian asked meeting Scar’s eyes, the aforementioned quickly nodding and turning around in his wheelchair with little difficulty.
“So pasta? What kind? Well besides penne of course,” Scar asked teaching into the pantry to grab the box of pasta from the shelf.
“Chicken penne alfredo, you know I hate tomato sauce,” Grian said pulling out some unseasoned raw chicken breasts with a small smirk as he set both down on the kitchen island behind him.
“Carful don’t let Doc hear you say that,” Scar joked making Grian giggle and roll his eyes at the dumb joke. “Need me to grab the pasta pot?” Scar asked rolling up to the island setting the box down.
“Yes please, I don’t want to bend down to grab it,” Grian said graciously walking over to the pantry to grab seasonings.
“I mean I don’t complain when you bend down,” Scar said smirking as a light flush covered both of their faces.
“Oh shut up, we’re having a self care night not a spicy night, you need to relax,” Grian said rolling his eyes grabbing some small bottles from it.
“To bad,” Scar shot back with the same smirk on his face pulling their pink pasta pot from the cupboard in the island. (based on my own pasta pot it’s literally baby pink)
“Alright, I need to cut up the chicken, season it, let it sit as I start the pasta water and junk, sauté it, drain the pasta, add it to the pan with the sauce and then finish it,” Grian said making a verbal and mental list, so he wouldn’t forget the step, something he often did.
“Anything I can particularly help with?” Scar asked.
“Not at this moment, but I’ll ask for you when I need you, oh, wait can you refill Jellie’s water? It’s low,” Grian requested as Scar nodded happily rolling to the cats dish.
They went through the actions, preparing dinner with only a small mess, most of the mess being sauce somehow ending up on Scar’s face making them both burst out laughing. Grian finished up mixing the sauce and pasta into the pan with the chicken and asked Scar to set up the couch and coffee table and to pick a movie on the TV. Scar obviously choosing one of his favorite movies Top Gun.
“Wow, shocker, Top Gun,” Grian said voice drilling with sarcasm as he walked into the living room holding two ceramic bowls of steaming chicken penne alfredo.
“What? It’s one of the best movies to ever exist!” Scar proclaimed switched from his wheelchair to the couch pushing his wheelchair next to the couch to not be in the way.
“Yeah yeah, now scoot over your taking up my spot,” Grian said placing both bowls down on the coffee table where two forks and napkins already wait. Scar moved over to the part of the couch with the taller back and Grian situated himself on the other part where the back dipped lower allowing Grian to keep his wings hanging comfortably without smushing them behind himself. Scar was very proud of the design as it didn’t even look that strange, looked just like a modern couch.
They both leaned over to the table to grab their pasta and sag back up shifting so they were lightly leaning on each other as Scar pressed ‘play’ on the remote.
They watched the movie eating their dinner and as they finished Scar pausing it so grian could run their dishes to the sink and quickly return. They finished the movie snuggling up next to each other with a soft gray blanket wrapped around them.
“Alright,” Grian said stretching out from his spot on the couch looking like a cat “I’ll go statt the kettle, do you want tea or cocoa?” Grian asked standing up stretching again and looking back at Scar.
“Hot cocoa please! With whipped cream as usual,” Scar said with a smile and Grian nodded going to the kitchen.
“Want me to draw us a bath and light some candles so we can enjoy our drinks in comfort?” Scar asked a slight joke to his voice at the end as he brought himself back on the wheelchair, the pain wasn’t bad today but Grian wanted him relaxing so he couldn’t complain using it for the night.
“That sounds good, nothing too-“
“Nothing top string smelling I know,” Scar cut off “Smells are stronger for your poor little bird nose, they should call you a sniffer instead of a watcher, wait- not like the animal, but like- cause watching is a sense and-“ Scar rambled cut off by Grian reappearing to lightly bonk him on the head with a paperback book.
“Stop rambling and start candling,” Grian said with a smirk.
“Oh hey you rhymed!” Scar declared going to draw them a nice bath and light a sweet pine candle.
Grian returned with two very hot mugs as they both got in the bath Grian between Scar as they let themselves melt into it.
Afterwards they got out and fried off slip pinto on some light pajamas putting their empty mugs on a table to be quickly forgotten about.
“Your right, I’ve needed this, but don’t forget you promised to let me do your nails,” Scar said shooting a finger at Grian who rolled his yes playfully.
“I’d hope you’d have forgotten,” Grian said joking returning to the bathroom with Scar as he hopped onto the counter watching Scar ruffle through their bag containing all of the nail polishes. “You better pick a good colour,” Grian said watching him.
“We’ll February 14th is quickly approaching so I was planning on a deep pink with and accent of a white nail,” Scar replied pulling out the first color.
“Woah daring aren’t you? Trying an ancient nail? Better not wake up to find polish in my armpit or something,” Grian replied smoking as Scar pulled the second colour out smoking at him eyes closed.
“Alright give me your fingers,” Scar said then quickly whispered under his breath “That’s what she said.”
“Scar!” Grian yelled batting at Scar’s head with no real venom behind it. Scar laughed shielding himself playfully.
Scar painted Grian’s nails like he said he would, making a small mess of the skin around them but Scar looked so happy Grian couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“Alright, they need to dry so don’t go rushing into bed,” Scar said pulling away to leg Grian admire his work.
“I know, we can just chill till they dry and then we can go to bed,” Grian said giving Scar a soft smile full of nothing but love.
that took me so long cheese and rice, but i did it, now i shall finally check my socials again
oh and the dinner they had is actually my favorite meal and the naila are roughly based on my mom’s naila right now, i’ve also never watched top gun i just know scar really likes in irl
SOSOSO GOOD AND SO CUTE OMG I love them. They're so sweet- GGNHNHNH making me hungry here, reading about the food
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daz4i · 3 months
Does your cat like any specific flavor more when it comes to treats and food?
omg yes, he is so picky 😩
his favorite thing in the world is chicken, especially raw chicken, and specifically chicken breasts. like if you give him bits of other chicken parts he'll eat them gladly but he's not as likely to actually try to steal them (or rather he'll give up on the theft plan faster)
with fish too. he prefers salmon and maybe sometimes tuna, but won't even glance at other types of fish
our go-to pet store said they might stop selling his favorite type of dry food (chicken and rice? i think?) so they gave us beef type samples. he refused to eat them. we tried mixing them together so he'll get used to it but he just ate around them and picked the chicken ones almost one by one. he kept his bowl full even when clearly hungry
tldr: chicken 🍗👍
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elkkiel · 24 days
Nosy ask game 🖤 I asked a lot 😃🙈
hello I am once again many days late answering this!!! but it is lovely to see u here little meow meow
ask game!
6: Age you get mistaken for
Usually 18 or so. Not so much younger that people treat me like a kid, but they're still surprised when I say I'm in my 20s lol
7/8: Have tattoos/want any?
I have a couple, and I really wanna add more to the collection soon! It's been way too long and I'm craving some new art
12: Relationship status
Unbelievably single. Like idk how to even flirt with someone at this point, let alone how to go on a date after so long. So I'm gonna just hang out with my cat and drink wine by myself for a bit ✌️
14: Biggest turn offs
Definitely stubbornness. Which is a little hypocritical, because I can be hella stubborn myself. But in this case I mean it in more of a "my way or the highway" kind of way—sorta selfish stubbornness I guess? Idk I just feel like it's really immature and also affects other things negatively (like respecting boundaries or consent :0 LMAOOO ouchie!!)
27: Description of the girl/boy I like:
Short, British, drummer, big ol blue eyes, short, a citrus enthusiast, passionate about his craft, short
lol but really, I don't have my eye on anyone atm (I don't get out enough to meet many people ;P)
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Vessel Token. Next question
(I have a thing for masks okay?? °//w\\°)
44: A random fact about anything
Koalas are so incredibly smooth brained that if you were to take eucalyptus leaves off of the branch, it wouldn't actually recognize it as food. They only recognize it as food when it's on the branch, so you could stick one of those stupid little fuckers in a room of loose eucalyptus leaves and it would just starve.
Also look up a koala brain sometime. It is so wrinkle free that it looks like a raw chicken breast
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
dadsoap dog vs dadsimon cat, can’t unsee it 🙈
it's canon that simon owns a raw chicken breast old hag of a cat who likes no one but him and soap would own like a mastiff or something. a breed that's big and lazy. just his type. whenever he goes home, all he does is laze around anyway. a sloth in human form. he can't have a dog that'll headbutt him for a walk at 6 am.
i just know that simon would talk shit about soaps dog every chance he gets just to heckle soap
never in front of the dog, he's a good boy.
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Monday, May 30, 2022
I am sweating. Today when i woke up it was 7:20 and i wanted to sleep for two more minutes just to ease my mind but i forget to press the start button on my timer so i almost passed out without knowing. Luckily i woke up in four minutes. Yesterday mom put mosquito spray oil into my lunch bag and i put them in my back pack, the lunch is three cucumbers, two boiled eggs and pork steak, the breakfast, which i ate really late was sandwich with lattice, egg and ham. When I departed i went to take a PCR test and got the code. When I arrive and preparing for opening i found out that the milk refrigerator was full of bugs, i killed them and cleaned it. Why are they here? I even sterilized the inside of the refrigerator with alcohol.
I had the lunch with the lady from reception, we barely talked, she had chicken breast pan fried with soy sauce plus vegetables(purple yam, carrots, cucumber which she complained about why it was cooked rather than raw) and spaghetti with tomato sauce. She gave a bit spaghetti to me and it was good. She left a bit spaghetti and asked for a cup for storing the left over chicken breast and purple yam for the stray kitten that is in the security room. I don’t know why there is a kitten there.
just few minutes before i had two female customers ordered 5 cups sea salt caramel latte, take away. I gave one cup to them with sealed opening because she wanted to drink it but she didn’t. We ran out of the four cups take away bags and i used two cups bags. I apologized about not having the take away bags due to only few customary coming in and one of them(black hair, no glasses) asked how many cups of coffee i have sold today, i told them before them it was five and we only sold for like 2-3 cups per day last weeks, they chuckled. She then asked “i spent Sox much money here can I get something like a discount or benefit?” I proceed gave her a coffee ticket expire before 30th the June. I heard from their conversation that some guy throw the tickets away because they are expired. I then told them that they could still use them here and then they left.
I spent the morning reading Anarchist’s Handbook and it pretty hard to understand some 19 century article which are presented in the book. I asked in WeChat moment for a good anarchism book and a high school philosophy enthusiast replied me with Anti-Odeipus or whatever it is called. That was happened in the noon.
I had two cup of handmade Americano today, it was refreshing because they were icy, but I can’t stop sweating.
uncle brought a bunch hentai games and one of them is hardcore gay sex themed.
I arrived home at six and mom is happy but she told me about the bull dog in our neighbourhood who seemingly having epilepsy, he had seizure attack once. Then we talked about something fun such Margaret Atwood’s fire proof book etc. Dad is not home yet and mom told me another thing: grandpa is coughing (he does that sometimes) and they ran out of the coughing syrup. The pharmacy is not opening for those medicine yet due to the bullshit COVID policies, mom suggest she buy it for them online but they refused thinking its a waste of money. Mom later found two bottles of syrup and bought it to them. Today’s dinner: daikon and rib soup, soy sauce cooked green bean(?), stir fry tomatoes and eggplants, soy sauce cooked pork left over and water boiled shrimps. Dave and mr hua are good. Also i forgot to bring the coffee syrup home, and we forgot to feed the stray cat yesterday
dad is back and he is unhappy, through the whole meal he talked about shit and was grumpy.
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mypaleopetfl · 2 months
Importance Of Buying Herbal Pet Products in Palm Beach Shores and West Palm Beach, FL
Having a playful kitten or a sedate adult cat at home promises relaxation and excitement for the pet parent! While cats are purported to have nine lives, the pet at home may be ill due to the wrong lifestyle or eating the wrong kind of food. It is essential to know that cats are obligate carnivores or voracious meat eaters. Their meal needs to include meat in any form, therefore. True, the feline population also requires some herbs and a few super-foods. While the pet parent is usually not worried about the domestic cat, an occasional visit to the local vet may help them understand the efficacy or mistakes of providing raw cat food in Jupiter and Fort Lauderdale, FL. ​ The first question that comes to mind is the efficacy of raw food, especially meat. It is surprising to learn that raw meat does not necessarily mean it is good for the cat living at home. On the contrary, commercially sourced food may be a tad more nutritious and well-attuned to the domestic cat’s digestion.
That does not mean the pet owner cannot feed the house cat an occasional chicken leg or lamb meat. They must be cleaned carefully and provided in small amounts to observe whether the cat relishes it. Some of the meats that may be sourced for the beloved pet cat/kitten include the following:-
Chicken Chicken meat is loaded with protein and several other nutrients. Doctors recommend feeding white raw meat to house cats to ensure proper muscle development. Chicken breast can also ensure a healthy heart for the friendly feline.
Duck This meat is not white but may be categorized as red meat due to 80% muscle fibers. This meat contains zinc, Vitamins B, and iron making it an incredibly healthy choice for cats. Those felines that are allergic to chicken meat may be fed duck meat as an alternative.
Lamb Although a source of red meat, lamb is full of nutrients that are exceedingly healthy for the domestic cat. A good source of iron can improve blood circulation in cats; lamb meat should be trimmed off fat before being added to the feeding bowl. What’s more? Lamb meat can support the neurological system of the cat, and the brain functions too.
Salmon A cat should not be kept apart from fish. Not all types of fish are fit for an inactive cat who prefers to nap at home. Besides, many fish lead to mercury poisoning in animals, too. It is safe to source salmon for the cat that is sure to relish it. Salmon contains omega-3, three fatty acids, vitamins, and various minerals! Salmon cannot be part of the pet’s daily meal, though. It is best supplied as a treat or on special occasions.
Trying to pick and choose hers for the pets can be time-consuming and exhausting. It is best to source herbal pet products in Palm Beach Shores and West Palm Beach, FL, commercially by ordering them from the best pet food store in town.
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catbreedsblog · 10 months
Caring for Turkish Van Cats: The Swimming Sultans
Introduction to the Turkish Van Cat Breed
The Turkish Van cat, hailing from the beautiful land of Turkey, is a breed that combines a swimmer's grace with a loving heart and a coat that captivates the eyes.
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The Turkish Van Cat Breed
This remarkable breed, believed to have its roots in central and southwest Asia, takes its name from the rugged and picturesque Lake Van region, proudly recognized as Turkey's national cat. Turkish Vans boast semi-longhaired coats with water-resistant cashmere fur, designed perfectly for their renowned swimming abilities.
Appearance: These cats are medium to large in size, showcasing well-defined muscles, broad chests, moderately long legs, and distinctive tails. Their coat patterns are truly a work of art.
Characteristics: Turkish Van cats are known for their boundless energy and playful demeanor. What makes them stand out is their unique fondness for water, a trait often seen in dogs.
Popularity: In recent years, Turkish Vans have been gaining popularity owing to their striking appearance and affectionate nature.
Temperament: Intelligent, friendly, and adventurous – these are the qualities that make Turkish Vans excellent companion cats.
Lifespan: On average, Turkish Van cats live a healthy and fulfilling life for 12-17 years.
Coat Color: Their coats boast distinctive patterns featuring a combination of white and colored patches, including captivating shades of red and cream.
It's important to note that the Turkish Van is a natural landrace breed, originating from cats native to the Lake Van area, rather than being a mix of different breeds.
How to Care for a Turkish Van Cat
Ensure their diet consists of high-quality commercial food that provides the balanced nutrition they need for their active lifestyle.
Consider adding canned or raw food to support their love for water and hydration.
Treat them occasionally with cooked turkey or chicken breast as a protein-rich delight.
Create spaces where they can climb and perch, allowing them to explore their surroundings, as they are naturally curious.
If possible, offer access to a secure garden for supervised outdoor adventures, ensuring safety with escape-proof fencing and doors.
Weekly brushing with a slicker brush helps keep their water-repellent cashmere coat in top condition, removing dead hair.
Regular nail trimming every 2-3 weeks prevents damage during their spirited play.
After their aquatic escapades, make sure to check and dry their ears to prevent any moisture-related issues.
Care Method: Engage their sharp minds with interactive play, respect their independent nature, and provide them with the companionship they cherish.
How to Buy/Adopt a Turkish Van Cat
Locations of Popularity: Turkish Vans are native to Turkey, but you can also find them in North America and parts of Europe.
Average Price: The cost of a Turkish Van cat typically ranges from $600 to $800 USD.
Adoption/Rescue Community: Consider reaching out to organizations such as Turkish Van Rescue and the Turkish Van Cat Club for adoption or rescue options.
What to Check Before Adopting/Buying:
Ensure their overall health by confirming veterinary clearance for parasites and infections.
Request genetic health certificates from reputable breeders.
Check their vaccination status, with kittens needing at least one FVRCP vaccine by 12-16 weeks old as recommended by the vet.
Inquire about their medical history, including screenings for heritable conditions like cardiomyopathy, PKD, and hearing issues in their parents.
Preparing for Life with a Turkish Van Cat
Create a secure outdoor space or enclosure to match their adventurous spirit safely.
Provide them with challenging puzzle toys, cat trees, and regular playtime sessions to keep them engaged and active.
Familiarize yourself with the process of introducing them to other pets, and learn handling techniques that respect their independence and water safety precautions.
Caring for Turkish Van Cats:
Opt for high-protein and easily digestible diets in portioned meals to match their indoor and outdoor activity levels.
Set up cat trees and perches near windows to give them a view of the outside world and encourage climbing and supervision.
Keep their minds and bodies active by rotating interactive wand toys, food puzzles, and treat balls.
Ensure their well-being by maintaining weekly brushing throughout the year, conducting regular nail and ear checks, and scheduling annual vet visits.
If you plan to take them for outdoor walks, consider harness training and use reward-based methods for basic commands.
Gradually introduce them to new environments, people, and pets to build their confidence and social skills.
Provide them with non-tip bowls, scratching posts, waterproof bedding, harnesses, leashes, and stay vigilant for common health issues such as heart disease, FIV, and kidney stones.
Keep their vaccinations up to date, including core FVRCP and Rabies shots, with Feline Leukemia vaccination strongly recommended.
Common Names for Turkish Van Cats:
For these exotic and regal cats, names like Sultan, Ankara, Ozkan, Leyla, Ayla, Nazil, and Beyza suit their charm perfectly.
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catbreedstips · 10 months
Caring for Turkish Van Cats: The Swimming Sultans
Introduction to the Turkish Van Cat Breed
The Turkish Van, a pedigreed cat breed hailing from Turkey, boasts a swimmer's physique, a loving disposition, and captivating coat colors.
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The Turkish Van Cat Breed
Believed to have ancient origins in central and southwest Asia, the Turkish Van breed derives its name from the rugged Lake Van region, proudly known as Turkey's national cat. Turkish Vans sport semi-longhaired, water-resistant cashmere coats that are perfectly suited for their legendary swimming adventures.
Appearance: Turkish Vans are medium-large cats with muscular bodies, broad chests, moderately long legs, and distinctive tails. Their coat patterns are truly striking.
Characteristics: These cats are incredibly energetic and playful, with a unique love for water that resembles a dog's personality.
Popularity: Turkish Vans are gaining popularity due to their striking appearance and affectionate nature.
Temperament: They are known for their intelligence, friendliness, and adventurous spirit, making them excellent companion cats.
Lifespan: Turkish Vans typically live for 12-17 years.
Coat Color: Their coats feature unique patterns with white and colored patches, including shades of red and cream.
Notably, the Turkish Van is a natural landrace breed, originating from cats native to the Lake Van area, rather than being a mixed breed.
How to Care for a Turkish Van Cat
Provide high-quality commercial food that offers balanced nutrition for their energetic lifestyle.
Consider canned or raw mixes to support their water-loving tendencies.
Offer occasional cooked turkey or chicken breast as protein treats.
Create spaces for climbing and perching, allowing them to survey their "territory" due to their inquisitive nature.
If possible, provide access to a garden for supervised outdoor adventures, ensuring safety with escape-proof fencing and doors.
Brush your Turkish Van weekly with a slicker brush to remove dead hairs from their water-repellent cashmere coat.
Trim their nails every 2-3 weeks to prevent damage during exuberant play.
After swimming, check their ears to ensure they are dry.
Care Method: Engage their intelligence through interactive play, respect their independent nature, and provide companionship.
How to Buy/Adopt a Turkish Van Cat
Locations of Popularity: Turkish Vans are native to Turkey and are also found in North America and parts of Europe.
Average Price: Expect to pay between $600 to $800 USD for a Turkish Van cat.
Adoption/Rescue Community: Consider reaching out to organizations like Turkish Van Rescue and the Turkish Van Cat Club.
What to Check Before Adopting/Buying:
Ensure the cat's general health by confirming vet clearance for parasites and infection.
Request genetic health certificates from reputable breeders.
Check the vaccination status, with kittens needing at least one FVRCP vaccine by 12-16 weeks old as recommended by the vet.
Inquire about the medical history, including screening for heritable conditions such as cardiomyopathy, PKD, and hearing issues in the parents.
Preparing for Life with a Turkish Van Cat
Create a cat-proof fence or enclosure for safe outdoor access to match their adventurous spirit.
Provide challenging puzzle toys, cat trees, and regular playtime sessions to engage their active nature.
Familiarize yourself with introducing pets, handling techniques that respect their independence, and water safety precautions.
Caring for Turkish Van Cats:
Choose high-protein and digestible diets in portioned meals to suit their indoor/outdoor activity levels.
Set up cat trees and perches by windows for a view of the outside world, enabling climbing and supervision.
Rotate interactive wand toys, food puzzles, and treat balls to stimulate their body and mind.
Maintain weekly brushing year-round, regular nail and ear checks, and attend annual vet visits.
Consider harness training for safe outdoor walks and use reward-based training for basic commands.
Gradually expose them to new places, people, and pets to build their confidence.
Ensure you have non-tip bowls, scratching posts, waterproof bedding, harnesses/leashes, and stay vigilant for prevalent health issues such as heart disease, FIV, and kidney stones.
Stay up-to-date with core FVRCP and Rabies vaccines, with Feline Leukemia vaccination strongly advised.
Common Names for Turkish Van Cats: Regal names suit the Turkish Van's exotic charm, including options like Sultan, Ankara, Ozkan, Leyla, Ayla, Nazil, and Beyza.
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deregirls · 1 year
hey! really sorry if this is overstepping but if you can, check for an SPCA in your area! They tend to have free pet food for those who can't afford it. If not, a lot of food banks will have pet food, and if they don't, they'll usually have freezer meat like chicken breasts and such! If you can cook raw chicken or even get cans of it, that'll be good for your fur babies until You're able to get them more nutritious food. I highly highly highly HIGHLY recommend food banks for this stuff, I usually get a lot of tuna, chicken breast, rice... Lots of that kind of stuff. It helps keeps me and my animals fed when we can't afford a bag or box of food! I wish you luck!
That's not at all
Sadly most food banks and spcas aren't going to have the food we need (our oldest has allergies and health issues :( ) but we did remember we have chicken in the freezer, and one of our cats fucking LOVES chicken anyway it's her favorite food so to her this is probably a treat xD it'd be worth our time to look into food banks but we both have COVID rn so idk if we'd be able to go to one.
I'm going to get on food stamps ASAP. Hopefully we can get them soon and I can use them on instacart to get more chicken if food banks aren't an option.
Thank you so much!!
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