#ravyn kusari
pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 7: Free Day
Thought I’d include some summoning chants for each of my OCs today. Final day of @ygoc-week!
Renee Ascella
Starmight Sorciere: "Weave and dance under the night sky and cast a truly illuminating spell! Starmight Sorciere!”
Milky Way Wyvern: “The forces of an entire galaxy collide in one monster! Milky Way Wyvern, enter the atmosphere!”
Alice Ascella
Starsinger Aquarius: "A melody floods through the galaxy. Can you hear it? Can you sing it? Come out, Starsinger Aquarius!"
Lightbringer Virgo: "A million stars will never shine as bright as this! Lightbringer Virgo will light up the field like never before!"
Celestial King Leo: “Ruler of the stars, shake the very galaxy with your presence! Celestial King Leo!”
Ravyn Kusari
Thundero of the Stormy Skies: “Sovereign of the storm, come down and strike the hearts of those who oppose you!”
Midnight Rapidfire Dragon: “Valor of machine and dark of night come together and form an annihilating force!”
Midnight Unicorn: “Magic at its finest takes a majestic new form!”
Midnight Pegasus: “Wings of the night, take flight! Midnight Pegasus enters the field!”
Adira Tsuyoi
Sky Surfer - Thunderstorm: "Cracking lightning, torrential rain, fierce wind. The brewer of storms can sail through even the roughest weather!"
Cyrus Hikari
Solar Flare Dragon: “The light of power takes on a brilliant new form!”
Galactic Flare Dragon: “The light of the universe manifests itself before me! Galactic Flare Dragon!”
Kai Hikari
Mafiaran the Underworld Flame: "There is no fire like that of the underworld. Burst forth from below to incinerate those in your path! Mafiaran the Underworld Flame!"
Sunsitu the Destructive Flame: "Run rampant and set a burning trail of destruction in your path!"
Asher Kanashimi
Mech-Canine Greyhound: “Race at lightspeed and tear up the track, Mech-Canine Greyhound!”
Mech-Canine Cerberus: “Steel guardian of the underworld. Triple the teeth and triple the power. Mech-Canine Cerberus!”
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pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 2: Family
Literally the only relevant family related to my OCs are the twins in my batch of Yugioh VRAINS OCs. The whole friend group could be considered found family though.
Student council president, charismatic, one of the most popular guys at school, an outstanding student. Kai scribbled out the sketch he'd been working on, the pencil and paper falling loose in his grip. It had only been a couple weeks since they'd moved to Den City and his twin was already fitting in as if he'd always lived there.
The redhead craned his head to peer out the crack in the bedroom door to see his brother sitting on the couch. His girlfriend, Adira, was curled into his side. Add a loving boyfriend to that list of accomplishments.
In their friend group of five, it wasn't hard to see Cyrus stood out the most. Making himself known just seemed to come naturally to him. Adira, likewise, always attracted people. Conversation came and moved smoothly whenever she was apart of it and the bright crafts she made brightened up any space. Even Asher and Ravyn, who were more reserved managed to make an impression on others. Asher could charm almost anyone with his music and Ravyn was incredibly smart with her programming skills. Kai couldn't imagine how anyone could find the kid who silently drew in the back of class as impressive as them. All he knew was charcoal lines on white paper.
Kai took his glasses off, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had to remind himself they were just thoughts. Still, he always felt a thousand steps behind his brother at all times. A knock came at the door to distract him. Ravyn poked her head in hesitantly.
“Hey, do you have the notes from math today?” She asked with a sheepish smile, “Yours are always so much neater than mine.”
“Uh, yeah." He scrambled for his backpack to pull out a notebook which he handed to her. Ravyn's eyes briefly met his.
"Are you okay?" She asked, trying to meet his eyes again after he looked away. Kai was all too aware of her perceptiveness. His friend could gauge quite a bit of someone's character and emotions just from their eyes. Ravyn's eyes flitted down to his sketchbook and the giant black cloud he'd filled it with.
"You sure you don't want to talk about it?” Kai glanced back out the door.
“Just not here,” He muttered.
“Then I have an idea.” Ravyn smiled and went to shut the door. As she walked back to his bed, she pulled out her duel disk. Kai similarly picked his disk up from the nightstand. Both attached them to their wrists to link into the VRAINS.
The breeze of the data storm pushed the fiery red hair of Kai's avatar into his face. He looked over to see Ravyn next to him, her black hair turned white and her brown eyes now electric blue.
"So what's going on?" The girl leaned on the railing of the building they stood on top of. He went to stand next to her, shoulder to shoulder.
"It's just Cyrus," Kai admitted.
"Did he do something?"
"He does everything. And he does it so well. Everyone knows him and everyone loves him. And to everyone, I'm just Cyrus' brother." Kai buried his face in his arms on the rail.
"Not to us," Ravyn replied softly, "Me, Adira, Asher. You're not second place compared to Cyrus. I promise."
"Yeah, I guess."
"You don't have to believe it now, but I hope you will eventually." A silence fell between them as they looked out across the virtual world. Kai closed his eyes. For now, he was just glad to get away to a world separate from his reality.
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pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 6: Link Vrains
Infodumping about my VRAINS OCs (Ravyn, Adira, Cyrus, Kai, Asher). They move to Den City together and live in the same apartment while going to school at the academy. Then, they end up getting somewhat involved in the plot. This is very long since there are five OCs so I'm putting four of them under the cut.
Ravyn Kusari
Ravyn is a girl with black hair that falls at her shoulders and dark brown eyes.
Very quiet. Opens up more around her friends though.
She's very intuitive and good at reading emotions, especially if she looks someone directly in the eye. Her friends call it her superpower.
She's a programmer which makes her useful in the virtual world.
Has a crush on Asher. Everyone but him knows about it.
Her and Adira are like sisters. Adira tries to pull her out of her comfort zone.
She relates to Kai a lot as two most reserved in the group.
She's probably the least closest with Cyrus. She knows he won't break Adira's heart but she'd be on him if he did.
Her VRAINS alias is Reaper
Her avatar has long with hair loosely tied in a twist braid and electric blue eyes. She dresses in black clothes and has a tattered gray cloak with chains trailing off it.
Ravyn also programmed herself a scythe with a glowing blue blade that can forcefully push someone out of the virtual world if they're hit with it.
Her and her friends use only Link monsters at first and then gain more summoning methods as they're introduced in the show.
Reaper uses a Midnight Deck. It revolves around DARK monsters that have effects that let you take control of your opponent's monsters and also give them the DARK attribute so you can use them for Link summons.
Later, she also runs Xyz monsters in her deck. Her ace is Thundero of the Stormy Skies, a giant stormcloud in the shape of a bird. She utilizes Rank-Up-Magic cards to bring out more powerful Xyz monsters.
Adira Tsuyoi
Adira is a tall girl with brown hair tied back in a ponytail most of the time and hazel eyes.
She's quite outgoing and outwardly friendly to people.
Like the support pillar of the group. Very empathetic.
Loves arts and crafts. She makes little things for her friends all the time like bracelets, small charms, or tiny clay statues.
She's dating Cyrus. Their friends gag anytime they do anything lovey-dovey. They work very well (absolute power couple getting things done together).
Adira is very protective of Ravyn and teases her about her crush. She cares about her a lot and her wellbeing overall.
She likes to poke fun at Asher
Kai's personality is very opposite of hers so she has a little more trouble connecting with him but she does care about him.
In the VRAINS, Adira goes by Windbreaker
Her avatar has auburn hair tied into twin braids, brown eyes, and she's dressed like an aviator (with the goggles, hat, jacket).
Her archetype is called Sky Surfer. It's a deck made up of WATER, WIND, and LIGHT monsters named after different weather phenomenons (sleet, breeze, sunset, etc.). Her Extra Deck monsters are named after phenomenons that are more geared towards natural disasters/intense natural events (typhoon, heat wave, blizzard, etc.)
Her deck revolves around increasing her monsters' ATK while decreasing the ATK of her opponent's monsters.
Later, she incorporates Xyz and Synchro monsters into her deck too. Her ace is the Synchro monster Sky Surfer - Thunderstorm.
Cyrus Hikari
One of two twins but him and his brother couldn't look more different. Cyrus has curly dark brown hair and brown eyes.
He's very charismatic and charming to people who first meet him. Natural born leader.
He's dating Adira and loves her very much. She supports him a lot which helps him accomplish more things.
Truly cares about his brother but sometimes overlooks him.
Enjoys talking to Asher. (I don't really have a dynamic for them yet)
Doesn't feel like he quite understands Ravyn, but he admires her skills.
His VRAINS persona is named Solarflare.
His avatar has his same curly brown hair and amber eyes. He wears armor that emits this yellow glow.
Cyrus uses a Flare Dragon deck that is a bunch of Light attribute dragons.
He starts out with only Link monsters but later it becomes a Ritual deck too with "Altar" ritual spells. His ace is the Ritual monster Galactic Flare Dragon.
(Clearly he's the one I have the least on)
Kai Hikari
Kai has red hair that's slightly wavy and dark green eyes.
He's pretty introverted and reserved. It's a lot easier for him to focus when he's by himself.
An artist. He mostly works with paper and pencil as his medium. Carries his sketchbook with him at all times.
Knows he's very different from his brother and feels like he's constantly in Cyrus' shadow with all his brother's accomplishments.
Confides in Ravyn sometimes and relates to her, especially when she struggles with her relationship with Asher.
Him and Asher are like the two bystanders that watch their friends' chaos go on from the sidelines.
Adira is more like Cyrus than Kai, very forward and whatnot. He's a little scared of her forwardness.
Kai's VRAINS persona is Inferno
His hair turns bright red and his eyes are blue. He wears this armor that looks like a flickering flame when he moves.
He uses a Flame deck. Its monsters range from tiny to giant beings made of fire. His deck focuses on dealing effect damage.
He later uses Synchro monsters in his deck. His ace is the Synchro monster Mafiaran the Underworld Flame.
Asher Kanashimi
Asher is one of the taller members of the group. He has wavy ginger hair and pale green eyes.
He's a musician and can play the guitar, piano, and flute.
Wants to write more songs but kind of lacks the inspiration to do so.
He's known Ravyn the longest. They met in second grade.
Knows how headstrong Adira is and doesn't try to stand in her way or stop her from teasing him.
Gets along with Cyrus and Kai. The twins are like two ends of a spectrum where Asher is the middle.
His VRAINS alias is Greyhound.
He's dressed like a racer in a purple and gray outfit. His hair becomes a sandy blonde but his eyes are still green.
His deck is called Mech-Canines. It's a bunch of mechanical dogs named after different breeds. Special Summoning from the Extra Deck is a big part of his deck because his monsters' effects activate when they're sent to the Graveyard or part of a Fusion Summon.
He later starts using Fusion monsters alongside Link monsters. His ace is the Fusion monster Mech-Canine Cerberus.
(I have not made any Link monsters for him though)
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pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 4: Relationships - Part 1
This one is about my VRAINS OCs (Ravyn and Asher specifically). @ygoc-week
Ravyn had never been fond of her hair. The sole purpose she had for keeping it somewhat long was to act as a curtain against the world. It hung long and black just past her shoulders to shield her. Adira consistently pushed her to try and do something with it but she never did. That’s definitely how she’d ended up in this situation.
“Come on. It’ll be a nice change of pace, I promise.” Adira ran a brush through her hair as Ravyn sat in a chair. “If you don’t like it, then you can take it out.”
In just a couple minutes, Adira had tied her friend’s hair back in a simple braid. She held a mirror in front of the girl so she could see her new hairstyle.
“I think it looks nice,” Adira commented. Ravyn didn’t mind it, but having it tied back felt weird. She figured she’d put up with it for the rest of the day to please her friend at least.
Ravyn sat on the couch in the living room, figuring out some code for a school project. Her fingers sped across the keyboard of her computer as she was laser focused on the task. Just then, the one thing that could draw her attention away walked through the front door.
“Can someone please help?” Asher asked, multiple bags of groceries weighing down both his hands. With a sigh and a smile, Ravyn got up and relieved half of his load.
“I have no idea how you managed to make it this far by yourself.” She set the bags on the kitchen counter and began putting away the items.
“Wait.” Ravyn paused, thinking she’d done something wrong, and turned to face him.
“What is it?” The ginger haired boy drew closer, making her even more nervous. His hand reached out to touch the braid that rested on her shoulder.
“Your hair.”
“Oh yeah, Adira did that.”
“It looks pretty tied back.” And then he smiled that smile that made her heart skip a beat. She felt a heat rise to her face that she was sure he didn’t notice as he went back to putting away the groceries. Maybe she would braid her hair more often from now on.
Ravyn’s hand tugged on her braid and she brushed her cheek with the end of it. Her mind kept thinking about that text Asher had sent to their friend group.
Do you mind if Aoi comes over?
Of course she’d agreed along with the rest of the others. There was no rational reason why she wouldn’t. Still, it bothered her. For weeks, the girl had joined them for lunch after bumping into Asher. He’d quickly befriended her. They talked a lot. Ravyn could see it in his eyes. The way he looked at Aoi Zaizen in a way he never looked at her. In a way she could only dream he would look at her.
“We’re here!” The front door burst open and speak of the devil, it was those two. Cyrus and Adira had made themselves scarce by going out together and Kai wanted to go sketch in the park. Ravyn should have made up an excuse to leave too. That was a fault on her part. Now she awkwardly sat in the living room as Asher dragged Aoi by the hand. Asher had always been on the reserved side, but compared to Aoi, he was practically on Adira’s level of enthusiasm. Or maybe she just brought out something new in him.
Ravyn waved at the two in greeting which he barely seemed to acknowledge. She knew it was because he was too caught up in showing the brown haired girl around. Knowing that didn’t make it hurt less. She wanted to call out to him, but her voice got caught in her throat. Calling attention to herself wasn’t something she did a lot, even with her friends. As quickly as they’d arrived, the two disappeared into the boys’ shared room. Asher shut the door behind him.
Ravyn let out a shaky breath and retreated to her and Adira’s room, closing the door quietly. She leaned her arms on Adira’s dresser, watching her reflection in the mirror sitting on it against the wall. Her brown eyes narrowed. Why would Asher ever look at her when he had Aoi?
Her hand reached up to undo her braid, black hair falling to frame her face. Ravyn had actually gotten used to tying it back every day so it felt strange to have it falling in front of her eyes again. Although, she didn’t try to push the loose strands away. A sigh left her mouth as she stared at herself. It was better this way.
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pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 7: AU
Yugioh Vrains Be More Chill AU because I listen to the soundtrack and somehow relate it to this. @ygoc-week
Ravyn is Jeremy. She feels kind of inferior and has a crush on this guy who is out of her reach. There’s a time where she connects with him and thinks she has a chance, only to find out he likes someone else. So, she gets a Squip (which I think would be more like something forbidden that can be installed in your duel disk instead of a pill you take). She hopes to slowly drift away from her friends and her feelings for Asher, but is still drawn back to him.
Asher is Christine. Like how she’s very into theatre, he’s very passionate about his music. He’s friendly towards people and that’s how he gets through to Aoi despite her shy exterior.
Spectre is the Squip. In the actual OC lore, Ravyn joins the Knights of Hanoi and becomes close to Revolver, but Spectre has the more intense personality that I think is required of the Squip. Ravyn installs the Squip in her duel disk which lets her see him when she’s in Link VRAINS. His plan is to spread himself like a virus to everyone else in the virtual world. He takes advantage of Ravyn's desire to start a new life away from her friends to accomplish this.
Adira is Michael. She’s Ravyn’s closest friend and support. When Ravyn runs away from their apartment and starts this whole new life, she feels betrayed. In the end, she wants her friend back and will do what it takes to reach her.
Aoi is Jake. In role only really that she connects with Asher and, through that, her personality changes. Being with him makes her come out of her shell.
Ryoken is Brooke. He’s representative of the new life Ravyn has (like how Jeremy dates Brooke once he becomes popular).
These relations are mostly in terms of role in the story versus personality.
Songs (they play like animatics in my head)
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into
The whole song is spent as Ravyn watches the relationship.
In the first verse is her listening in on Aoi trying to imply that she likes someone.
Ravyn also hears Asher confides in Cyrus about this who tells him that she’s definitely into him.
Aoi and Asher start dating and grow closer and closer.
The end of the song is split between Ravyn and Asher after the event of him forgetting her birthday.
Ravyn sits alone in the darkened apartment while Asher is at a fair with Aoi.
Asher’s the guy Ravyn likes while Asher simultaneously tells Aoi he likes her.
It starts out with Ravyn talking to Ryoken , which switches into Spectre coaxing her. She’s hesitant about it though.
While in Link VRAINS, she spots Asher and Aoi talking and being in love.
Spectre directs her attention back to him, tempting her with the fact that if she goes along with his plan, she could be with Asher.
Adira confronts Ravyn about her change in behavior, worried about what’s happened to her friend.
Ravyn thinks about why she ran away and how painful it’s been for her living with Asher.
She uses her scythe to forcibly log Adira out of Link VRAINS.
The Play
Spectre’s plan to spread his virus to everyone is now in motion. People are starting to become like zombies.
Ravyn starts fighting against him.
Adira steps in with a flash drive that will dispel the virus (she got it from Playmaker). The zombies manage to snag it from her though.
She and Ravyn use their ace monsters to fight them.
Ravyn gets her hands on the flash drive and is about to insert it into her duel disk when Spectre confronts her with Asher who has been infected already.
He controls Asher to act like he’s in love with her. Ravyn tries to fight it, knowing it’s not real even if she wants it to be.
“I love you.” Ravyn sheds a few tears. That’s all she ever wanted to hear from him. It didn’t matter if it was romantically or platonically, she just wanted to be by his side and know that he cares about her.
And so she inserts the flash drive into his duel disk.
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