spectre-tabris · 7 months
oc masterlist
i said i was gonna do this weeks ago and hey look i'm finally getting around to it. do i have a whole in-depth oc page already? yep! is it accessible from the app or mobile site? no idea, but probably not! thus, pinned post.
super basic list because i'm lazy like that. and also because there is, as previously mentioned, more details than anyone probably desires on the actual oc page. any character with an at least mostly completed page is linked below, the rest will get linked as i finish the character write-ups (which is...progressing. slowly).
sorted by source
Baldur's Gate
Myrian Callith - BG1/2/ToB, CN elven thief, romanced Viconia Kalye Despana - BG3, N drow wizard, romanced Gale Avryn - BG3, N elven ranger
Elder Scrolls
Jehenara of House Ravenwatch - ESO, CN Dunmer dragonknight Braithe Delconis - ESO, N Breton necromancer Ailith Dakatti - TESIII/TESIV, N Dunmer
Dragon Age
Kyra Lavellan - DAI, NG mage, romanced Cassandra Rion Lavellan - DAI, LN warrior, romanced Dorian Lex Tabris - DAO, CG rogue, romanced Zevran
OwlCat Games
Rysari - Pathfinder: Kingmaker, NG aasimar ranger, romanced Tristian Dinaeve - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, CG human skald, romanced Daeran
Other Video Games
Isadore Chayal - Pillars of Eternity, LG->N moon godlike psyblade Adrienne Shepard - Mass Effect trilogy, NG infiltrator, romanced Kaidan Willow Chrysenfalle - Neverwinter Nights, NG elven ranger Valeria Naeris - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, N Jedi Sentinel, romanced Bastila
Heidrun Raskob - NG human wizard, Wildemount campaign Vyr Atenashi - human monk, Jungles of Chult campaign Laena Chayal - NG->CG->CN->NE (my girl had a Journey) elven wizard, Mad God's Chosen campaign Alinore Northbrooke - CG half-elven rogue/paladin, Tyranny of Dragons campaign Fane of the Dawn - NG tabaxi blood hunter, Curse of Strahd campaign Rhya Vulkyne - CG fire genasi wizard/sorcerer, Out of the Abyss campaign Ravi Vasira - NG->N water genasi cleric, Keepers of the Sun campaign Ruani Zehrik - N half-elven warlock, Eleutherian campaign
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vampire-kaelthas · 3 years
🌀 Ravis 👀👀
09. — chocolate
The two men walked through the gates of Riften, the air heavy with the heat of the summer. The streets were packed, and the market bustling with traders from across Tamriel. Ravis broke the silence between the two of them. “I wonder if they have any chocolate, last time we were here they had none.”
“I hope so. I’ve had a craving for some from Elsweyr, but I’m not sure if they trade it this far north.” Kaidan reached for Ravis’ hand, grabbing it tightly. “Come, I want to see what they have before it’s all bought out.”
They made their ways through the crowds, struggling to squeeze through in certain places. “This place is a lot more crowded than normal” said Ravis, struggling to be heard over the sound of the market.
“Yes, it is, which is why we need to get through and get to the stalls with the chocolate,” replied Kaidan.
“You and your chocolate...” Ravis muttered as he was pulled along. 
The two finally came to the market stall that sold what Kaidan was looking for. His eyes were so wide, and he looked so excited, Ravis found it adorable. Kaidan turned to Ravis, holding out a piece of chocolate, “Hey, taste a piece of this.”
It was some of the best chocolate Ravis had ever tasted. The flavor, the texture, it was amazing. He understood why Kaidan had been trying to make sure they grabbed some. 
Kaidan grabbed the last of the chocolate, and they made their way through the market crowd, and headed home. 
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vampire-kaelthas · 3 years
34 ravis
34. — diary
Kaidan took a sip from his drink. “So, have you ever kept a diary?”
Ravis looked up from stew he was stirring, his ears twitching. “That’s an odd question out of nowhere. What makes you ask?”
The other man shrugged. “You just seem like the kind of person to, and I was curious. To find something with your deepest, darkest thoughts written, it had me intrigued.” He leaned forward, “If it makes you feel better, I have a diary. Very useful, when you have nothing else to do next to a fire while waiting for dinner to finish cooking.”
“Oh really? And let me guess, it’s filled with your deepest, darkest secrets that you would never let see the light of day?” Ravis replied. 
“Hm, maybe. Or, just maybe, those are the deepest, darkest secrets I would let one person see.” Kaidan gestured to his pack inside the tent. “It’s there, if you want to read it, I don’t mind.” Ravis looked over, then shook his head. 
“Maybe someday.”
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
As the Dragon Falls
Hi its a rewrite of this from a while ago. Enjoy again, like last time CW for blood, violence, and death.
The valley was in chaos. No, chaos wasn’t the right word for it. Insanity was what had gripped the valley, it was what was controlling the armies. What else would drive them to act this way, to kill and maim thousands of others Ravis wondered. 
There was blood everywhere, making the ground slick and causing mud puddles to form. No matter if the soldier was alive, they were coated in mud. Everyone was, there was no way to have survived the hours of fighting without getting dirty. There was no telling people apart, there was only fighting for your life, for the chance to go home. 
The healers disappeared an hour after the battle started. They were placed in the back of the lines, to be protected until needed, but they didn’t even stay that long to help. It seemed that as soon as the battle got too rough, too dirty, the healers were called back to wherever they came from to wait this out. Maybe they would return to help, but Ravis didn’t think so. He didn’t have much hope.
Ravis stood near the edge of the battle, looking at the soldiers fighting around him. There were bodies around him, evidence that the last few minutes had not been easy for him. But no matter how many fell to his blade, more kept coming. For every 1 Thalmor they took down, 5 more of Tamriel’s soldiers fell. It didn’t make sense. It was well over half, nearly all of Tamriel against the Thalmor, but that didn’t matter. Every single orc, redguard, nord, imperial, breton, dunmer, argonian, even the bosmer and the khajiit, even if every single person fought against the Thalmor, they wouldn’t win. The Thalmor had sided with the Daedra. 
Somehow, they managed to make a pact. At what cost, Ravis wasn’t sure, but they must’ve been pretty desperate. He wasn’t even sure which Daedra, for all he knew, it was multiple. It didn’t surprise him as much as he had hoped. Years ago, he felt the moontide shift, and he decided to cure himself. It was never good when you could feel the bond to the Daedric Prince you were bound to shift. His choice was a good one too. While he and the rest of his pack that had cured themselves stayed sane, the ones who refused to cure themselves had turned against them, joining the Thalmor against the rest of Tamriel. He never thought he would be the one to put a blade through Aela, but that was before she tried to rip his throat to shreds. She had been acting strange before then, more fidgety than usual and asking if it was necessary to fight the Thalmor, and asking why they couldn’t just surrender. That was the first clue to Ravis something was wrong, Aela didn’t back down from a fight. 
Ravis shook his head, clearing his thoughts and refocusing on the battle in front of him. He didn’t need to get distracted and end up with his arm cut off. He scanned the battlefield, trying to look through the mass of bodies, searching for his commanders. After he couldn’t find them, he moves through the battle, dodging both friend and foe. He reached a more empty spot, searching for the commanders yet again. When he spotted one, he stepped forward to get to him to ask what to do, what the plan was after so many people dying. As he did, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. No, not quite a stabbing pain, but more like someone was ripping a piece of him out. He doubled over, kneeling in the mud. It took all his willpower not to puke. He wasn’t able to focus, his eyesight blurry from the pain. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t him in pain. 
He snapped up, panic taking control. Oh gods. Kaidan where are you? he thought. He lost sight of Kaidan a while ago, when they split up to do more damage to the Thalmor. Once he found Kaidan again, he would never let him out of his sight. He started to slowly make his way through the crowd again, trying to power through the pain that was steadily growing worse and worse. He paused and looked around again, finally seeing Kaidan, maybe 200 feet away. Ravis made his way over as quickly as he could, coming to a halt as he watched an Elf drive a sword through his husbands chest.
He couldn’t describe the emotion he felt at that moment. It was just pure agony. He took off running towards him, not paying any attention to the Elf standing near him except to hit him in the head with his sword.
Ravis slid in the dirt, the tears already streaming down his face. “Oh Gods, Kai…” Ravis said, cupping Kaidans face in his hands. 
Kaidan looked up and smiled weakly. “Hey there love. I knew you would find me. Before…”
Ravis started to shake his head, the tears coming faster. “No, don’t talk like that. You’ll be okay. There has to be a spell or something that can help you.” But as soon as he said that, he knew it was a lie. A sword had gone through Kaidans chest. No spell, no potion, no prayer, nothing could heal that.
Kaidan started to cough, blood spattering Ravis’s face. “Love, you know the truth. No spell nor potion can save me. Those swor-” cough “had poison on them. On most of the swords. That’s why the healers pulled back, they were useless.”
Ravis was sobbing. “No! No, you’ll be okay. There has to be some way, some cure to save you.”
“Ravis,” Kaidan said, his voice getting quieter and quieter, almost covered by the sound of battle around them. “Don’t cry for me. I don’t want my last memory of you sobbing over my dying body.”
“Don’t talk like that! Don’t accept it so easily! You’ll be okay! I promise I-I’ll make sure you’re okay!” Ravis sobbed.
“Please don’t cry… I told you, all those years ago, I would be your sword and shield, till the end of my days, across the world. Here we are. You’re still here, still alive.” cough “I did my duty.” He lifted his hand and brought it to Ravis’s face, wiping a tear away. “All I ask for you my love, is to finish this. Do not let my death, and thousands of others deaths, be in vain. I” the coughing grew louder, and more rough, as blood started to drip out his mouth “will see you again in the afterlife, surrounded by lilies and snapdragons. I Love You, My Roaring Dragon.” Kaidan closed his eyes, let out one last breath, and let his hand fall to the mud. 
Ravis kneeled there in the mud, watching the color fade from his husbands skin. All that love, that joy.. that hope, all of it that Kaidan had.. gone. He had never quite understood what it was like to lose someone, and at that moment, he wished no one would ever go through it again.  It was if a part of him was gone, a part of him he needed to live, to survive. Ravis felt hollow. Empty. He had nothing left. It was as if he had been thrown back into that damned Thalmor cell, with his branding fresh on his back, feeling the worse he had in his whole life. Abandoned. Alone. But this time, no one was going to find him, no one was going to save him this time from being alone. Kaidan was gone, and he wasn’t ever coming back. 
His guide, his light. His love. Gone, with the single thrust of a sword. 
Ravis let go of Kaidan’s hand, it already going cold. He pushed himself up, out of the mud. He refused to fall to the Thalmor like that, to be sitting there to be taken without a fight. He was to honor Kaidan’s wish, no matter what it cost. 
He walked away from his husband, leaving him in the mud, surrounded by bodies. Ravis swore to himself that when this was all over, he would personally take Kaidan’s body home, to make sure he was buried among the tree’s of the Rift. 
Ravis could feel a sort of calm spread throughout his body, relaxing his taunt muscles. Something in his body knew where to go, guiding him to an unknown location. It guided him through the battlefield unscathed. It was as if he was invisible, a ghost drifting across the field. Part of him panicked, feeling as he lost control of his actions. He couldn’t fight against what his body was doing, couldn’t resist as he continued to walk up a hill. He couldn’t even control his breathing.
The more he walked, the less he remembered. He couldn’t remember why he was sad, where he was, who he was. It all seemed to fade away… like.. he couldn’t remember. All he could remember was a face, with red eyes and a tattoo, but it blurred. He couldn’t keep his attention on it, and watched as it faded away from his mind. He became nothing, no name, no thoughts. An empty shell. 
That empty shell made it up the hill, watching what was left of the battle. The Thalmor, whatever that was, was obviously winning, their Daedra obliterating the rest of the fighters. This is all pointless the shell thought. There is no reason to keep this going. This isn’t fun to watch.
If anyone had paid attention to the lone figure on the hill, they would’ve seen the shadow of a dragon slowly rise from behind them, engulfing the figure. The dragon let out a shattering roar. In the moments after, there was silence. There were no screams of mercy, of anger, of sadness. There was no noise at all, for everyone had vanished. The valley was empty, save for puddles of mud, and a patch of snapdragons and lilies.
When Ravis opened his eyes, he saw red and orange leaves above, swaying in the wind. He sat up, and looked around. It was similar to the forests around his house, but yet, not. It seemed more ethereal, more mystical. He stood up, walking towards a clearing in the trees, a clearing full of wildflowers. There was another figure in that clearing, one with messy long black hair. They turned around at the sound of Ravis’s footsteps.
Ravis stopped, memories hitting him as soon as he saw the figures face. “Kaidan?”
The only response he got was a bone breaking hug. “Oh Ravis,” Kaidan sobbed, “I thought I would never see you again. I- I’ve been waiting so long for you.”
“I didn’t think it was that long…”
“To you maybe. But to me, it was eternity. But, you’re here now. And I am never letting you out of my sight.” Kaidan let Ravis go, and reached out to hold his hand. “Now, lets go home, my dragon.”
“But what about Tamriel? We need to-”
“We don’t need to do anything. There is nothing for us to do. The Gods took care of them. Don’t you see what this means? We can live in peace now! We don’t have to save the world anymore! We’re Free.”
Ravis shook his head. He held up his hand, using his nail to trace where the tattoo should be. “No Kaidan, I can’t do that. My destiny is to save Tamriel, and it is far from saved. I would feel guilty if I abandoned them.”
Something passed over Kaidans face. “Why won’t you listen to me? I said, Your Job Is Done. Why do you care about that world? It was never nice to you. It scarred you, beat you, it killed your friends, your family. It killed your sibling in front of you! It gave you no mercy, why do you still care?”
Ravis froze. He never told Kaidan what happened with his siblings. In fact, he told him he was an only child, that his parents didn’t want any more. “How do you know that.” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“How. Do. You. Know. About. My. Siblings.”
“You-You told me. During the-”
“I never told you. I told you I was an only child. You shouldn’t know about them. Unless,” Ravis tilted his head, “You aren’t Kaidan.”
Kaidan, or whatever it was, dropped Ravis’s hand like it burned him. “Be that way.” it snarled. “Go back to your world, the one that spits at you and throws you up. I try to save you, and you say no. You won’t get a second chance.” The figure turned around and started to walk away. 
“Wait! Where’s Kaidan? Is he here!” The figure didn’t stop walking. “Come back here! Tell me where he is!” There was no answer, only something hitting Ravis in the back of his head.
The first thing Ravis noticed is that he was wet. And smelled of dirt. He could hear footsteps around him, and soft whispers. He cracked open his eyes, squinting from the light. He tried to sit up, which got the attention of whoever was around him. He waved them away, looking for Kaidan. 
He didn’t expect to turn to his side and see his sword, in a pile of snapdragons and lilies. 
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Chapter 2 is here, enjoy
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
for the confess thing: honestly i thought kaidan was from mass effect... and i still think he is. idk who kaidan is, to be more honest. is he your oc?
Bahahahah, no hes not an OC of mine! Hes a modded follower (link here) like Inigo or Lucien! Hes custom voiced, and he was originally a custom husband, but was remade to be a non romantic follower as well! I wont go into detail on his story line in case someone hasnt gone through it yet, but he is my favorite modded follower and I've played with a few
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
OC Master List
Updated OC Lists (current as of 5/18/20)
Celean- ESO
He's my necromancer vestige! He's about 24 when his story starts, and he got into necromancy when he was 16! He's very much a disaster gay, so much so he becomes a stuttering mess around Jakarn and any man that compliments him. Very sweet but has anxiety.
Ravis- Skyrim
He's a Ohmes-Raht Khajiit! So hes the Dragonborn and Harbinger for the Companions, along with being a veteran for the Civil war. He came to Skyrim as a secret agent of the Empire, being hidden in the ranks of the Thalmor to spy on them. He gets discovered and spends some time in one of the Thalmor prisons which was... less than kind to him. He ends up escaping with Kaidan and goes on to join the Companions and save the world and all that Jazz. He married Kaidan about a year and a half later, with their home being a cottage in the Rift.
Lyandra- Skyrim
She's a snow elf, who lived in with the group of Snow Elves that hid with Gelabor (ok for this I use my headcanon of time traveling elder scrolls just go with it). When the Falmer attacked the Chantry, (around 4e198 for reference) she runs through the tunnels and ends up literally stumbling into a group of Thalmor. After that, for 3 years she was trained by the Thalmor to be an asset. Elenwen saw Lyandra as a daughter, and even throughout her story still saw her as one. Lyandra joins the Dawnguard and is the Dragonborn, and also dabbles with some stuff at the College of Winterhold. She tries to look for more Snow elves for a few years, but gives up when she finds none left in Skyrim. She doesn't end up with anyone, but she has a huge group of friends that basically live at her giant house in the Pale.
Astreae- Skyrim
Astreae is a Breton, and a demi prince of Light and Stars! She gets fought over by both Azura and Meridia (turns out she has one of them further back in her family tree so it's just in her blood). She lived in High Rock before she came to Skyrim to join the Bards College in Solitude. She ends up with Marcurio. She helps rebuild Windhelm, since she loves the old city (hates the racism). She really brings back the life into the city, while keeping the old rustic stone feel.
Athena- Skyrim
Athena is a wood elf who came to Skyrim with their friends and fiancee. They were ambushed by both the Stormcloaks and Imperials, and Athena watched them all fall around them. Their story is long and difficult, with betrayal at every corner. They end up nearly broken, being nursed back to sanity by Serana.
Raven- Skyrim
She was raised by ex-assassins, trained to join the Dark Brotherhood from a young age. She doesn’t know until the events of Skyrim that she’s actually a demi-prince, related to Mephala (who is confused about why their child would look more like a bosmer than a dunmer). She is in the same world as Keian, and ends up being close friends with her. She ends up as Listener, and both her and Keian are Dragonborns
Keian- Skyrim
Keian is a vampire, born at the beginning of the 4th Era. She was raised Markarth, and lived as an Alchemist in the hills. She was turned when she was out hunting for ingredients. After that, she fled Skyrim and stayed with a small clan in High Rock until 4e201, when she left to explore the world. She is obsessed with history and, along with funds donated by Raven, rebuilds most of the Chantry of Auri-El to give snow elves a home once again when they are found. 
Seline- Skyrim
One of my Half Dragon dragonborns. She was born in the Imperial City, to 2 normal Imperials. She’s dragonborn and ends up as Arch Mage. She does go through the dawnguard questline, but only because she was looking for rare books and finds Serana instead. She ends up living with Serana in Winterhold, where they rebuild the city and make it a haven for wizards and nonviolent vampires. 
Nikoli- Skyrim
Another one of my half dragon ocs, but he was born with the features instead of them coming in later in life. His mother is a Nord and his father is a high elf. He grew up with his mother, far from society until he was 12. From then on he lived at the Rorikstead Inn. When Erik turns 19, he and Nikoli leave to become mercenaries.
Kiliana Ebon-Talon -Skyrim 
She’s a pure Nord, born and raised in Falkreath. She lived with her parents her entire life. When she was 20, she came home from a weekend of hunting to find her parents murdered. She left town after that, drinking her grief away and avoiding any of her friends who would try to find her. She got her dragon looks (horns, scales, and tail) after the battle with the dragon at the West Tower! She goes on to be Dragonborn and Guild Master of the Thieves Guild.
Ran’ik Tzan -Skyrim
Very chaotic, very impulsive fire mage! She accidently ended up in Skyrim due to messing up a portal spell very badly and arrived at the College of Winterhold! She ends up as Archmage and ends up with Ancano
Eats Much Bread -Skyrim
They’re an argonian! Their actual name is a little hard to pronounce, and instead of listening to racist nords purposely mispronounce it, they just went with this instead! They join the Dawnguard
Xianna Septim -Skyrim
A lost descendant of Martin Septim, her family line has been waiting for the Empire to be weak to reclaim it. She was trained as a child at High Hrothgar to be Dragonborn. She ends up reclaiming the throne and marrying Brynjolf. 
Rowan -Oblivion
He’s a demi-prince of Meridia! He doesn’t do much with that knowledge except saying “cool.” He’s a healer, and hes an ancestor to Astreae
Citrane- Oblivion
She ends up joining the DB and falling pretty hard for Lucien, but realizes it too late. I think I’ll have her mantle Sheo, but I haven’t made my mind up yet.
Yakar- Skyrim
Yakar is one of the last Dwemer, hidden away deep in the mountains with the rest of his clan for generations. He leaves to travel Tameriel after no one doing that for generations, and uses the fact that dwemer Animunculi don't attack him to his advantage. He also ends up being wrapped up into the DB. May or may not technically share a soul with Emnoral
Emnoral- Skyrim
Hes the Son of Hircine, literally. He's a demiprince, and half Altmer. He's a very sassy, very charming asshole who only meets Yakar due to being too flirty with the citizens of Tameriel. May or may not technically share a soul with Yakar.
Quinlin- Skyrim
The child between Hermaeus Mora and Uriel VIII (the man had an interesting life), they're the demiprince of Fate. Growing up in apocrypha, the only access to Tameriel they had was through books, so they read all they could. They escape Apocrypha with Miraak and help with the take down of Alduin.
Talnori- Skyrim
She's my daughter of Vivec! She's been around since before the time of the nerevarine, and after Vivecs disappearance, she slowly traveled Morrowind and then all of Tameriel, making a name for herself as a treasure hunter. She makes her way to Skyrim after being hired to help with getting some artifacts (LOTD) when she finds out she's Dragonborn as well.
Celrin- Morrowind & Skyrim
He's a Maomer, one of the last that traveled the seas when he was arrested and sent to Morrowind. He's the Nerevarine, and does his "job" to the letter, and as soon as he's done, he leaves, going back to the seas. He reappears in Skyrim and travels with Talnori. He remembers her, but she doesn't remember him.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Hello everyone here is an ending to my ravis/kaidan thing i am considering. Enjoy cw for blood and violence
The valley was chaos. Left and right, people were falling. It was impossible to tell who was who. The spilled blood had caused the ground to turn to mud. No one had survived that long without getting dirty. Everyone was coated. There was no telling people apart, there was only killing. 
To Ravis, it felt as if it was an endless wave of enemies. For every mer that went down, 5 more men would die. The Empire had spent so much time and septims to get their allies: the Redguard, the Orcs, the Dunmer and the Argonians. But it was no use. The Thalmor had sided with the Daedra. 
Ravis had said, all those years ago, something was changing, shifting. He cured himself when the moontide shifted, and it was a good thing too. All his old werewolf friends had turned on the Empire, joining the Thalmor in its conquest of the world. No one knew why. Ravis had a theory that Hircine had called for them, perhaps calling for the Hunt. 
As Ravis scanned the battlefield, looking for his commanders, something in him began to hurt. It felt like a stabbing pain, driving deeper and deeper into his chest. Then, it felt like something snapped, as if half of him, his soul, was ripped away. He doubled over in pain, nearly puking from shock. His vision was so blurry, he wasn’t even able to focus on the ground in front of him. 
He tried to scan the battlefield once again, panic starting to build. Oh gods. Where are you Kaidan? Whe-. He saw him, with an elf standing above him. He couldn’t move as he watched the Elf drive a sword through Kaidan. 
"Oh gods, oh my sweet Kai," cried Ravis, as he went bolting across the field. He slid across the mud, landing on his knees, and cupped Kaidan’s face in his hands.
Kaidan smiled weakly. "Hey there baby. I knew you would find me."
"No, no, you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it. There has to be a spell or-"
Kaidan started to cough, blood spattering Ravis's face. "No. No spell will save me. There- there was a poison on that sword. On most of the swords. Healing magic won't work. I'm-"
"No. Don’t you dare finish that sentence." Ravis was crying now. "You'll be okay. I promise."
"Don’t cry. I told you, all those years ago. I'll be your sword and shield, to the end of my days and I was. You're still here, still alive. I did," he started coughing again. "-my duty." He brought his hand up and wiped a tear from Ravis's face. "Now please, finish this war. Do not let my death be in vain. And I-" he started to wheeze. "Will see you once again in the afterlife, surrounded by lillies and snapdragons. I love you, my roaring dragon." Kaidan let out one last breath, and his hand fell to the ground.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
After Ravis defeats Alduin, his control starts to fade. Not his mind, he's still mentally sound. But while he was in Sovngarde, he somehow managed to absorb some of Alduin, and his power. Power is a dangerous thing to everyone, and to the dragonborn, it can be deadly.
He never kills anyone he cared about, but he slips into his wolf form more and more, coming to with kaidan holding him and muttering to him hes ok, and theres no need to keep howling and slashing. Every time he feels worse, and it looks worse. Blood and gore everywhere.
He goes to find a cure, and does eventually, but by then, his body craves it. Craves more power than anything. He uses shouts, the larger and violent ones, more than the calmer, quieter ones. He goes from being admired by all to everyone quietly fearing him and his power.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Hi I finally wrote the first chapter with Ravis’s and Kaidans meeting, enjoy
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
"You know you're safe with me" w/ Ravis and Kaidan for the dialogue prompt? :0
Ravis laid in the tent, with Kaidans arms wrapped around him. He could still hear the quiet crackles of the dying campfire, its glow reaching only the edge of the tent. 
“Hey love,” Kaidan muttered. “Why aren’t you sleeping? You were so tired...”
“I know, and I am. I just am having trouble sleeping,” Ravis replied, rolling over and wrapping his arm around Kaidans torso. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, can you tell me what’s wrong? You haven’t slept well in weeks. Since.. you know..”
Ravis sighed. “Kaidan, I promise you, you are not my problem. I... I’m just scared for the future. Alduin’s dead, but that was only one problem. We have the Empire falling apart and scrambling, the Thalmor are trying to take over. I’ve talked with the others, and even they say something in the moon has changed, the Daedra are definitely planning something. Something is changing, and I-” Ravis’s voice cracked. “I’m scared.”
Kaidan sat up and pulled him to his chest as tears started to stream down Ravis’s face. “Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Focus on my voice. I can’t promise what the future will hold, but I can tell you you’re safe with me. You’ll always be safe with me, nothing will change that.”
Ravis sniffled, “really?”
Kaidan looked at him, and pulled the Amulet of Mara from under his pile of clothes. “Ravis, I love you. That will never change, no matter what you do, no matter what happens. You will always be safe with me.”
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
From the prompt list, "Can we stay like this forever?"
Ravis couldn’t believe any of it, it felt like a dream. He finally married Kaidan 2 weeks ago, and it’s been amazing. Well, Kaidan wouldn’t let Ravis out of his sight, but he wasn’t complaining, especially at night. He loved it, and he loved Kaidan. 
Ravis was standing at the kitchen counter, trying to figure out what to make with the scraps of food they had left (Ravis had not truly realized how much Kaidan would eat after they spent the night together) when he felt someone wrap their arms around him. 
“Hello love,” Kaidan said as he placed his head on Ravis’s. “What are you doing?’
“Well,” Ravis said, while picking up the bowl in front of him, “I am attempting to make breakfast.”
“Mmmm what if I don’t want breakfast.”
“Okay, but I want breakfast. So I will make breakfast.”
Kaidan grabbed Ravis’s hand and spun him around to face him. “Orrr, you can get dressed and come with me? I have a day trip I planned for us.”
“A day trip? We’re in the middle of the woods. It’s half a days walk to Ivarstead.”
“Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
Ravis walked through the forest, following Kaidan. “So... what exactly are we doing out here?” He asked.
“I’m looking for someth- Oh! There it is!” Kaidan turned around and grabbed Ravis’s hand, leading him to a patch of flowers.
“Did you drag me out to look at flowers? Because they are beautiful...” 
“No. Just trust me on this,” Kaidan responded, while kneeling down in the flowers, looking for something.
Ravis crossed his arms and sighed. “You got my hopes up for a moment too. I thought you were about to fu-”
“I swear to Talos if you finish that sentence it will not-” Kaidan shook his head, face and ears turning red. “No.”
Ravis chuckled. “It was just a joke, Kai. Now, will you tell me what you’re looking for?”
Kaidan stood up and sighed. “This area is a sort of portal, or at least that’s what the mages told me. You know how in the past, there used to be spells that would allow people to teleport?” Ravis nodded. “Well, that ‘lost magic’ has been found again. I had gotten a stone, that, from what magic talk the mages were saying, that could be attuned between 2 places, and used to teleport.” Kaidan explained.
“So, you got a stone to take us to some secret location, left it at one of the locations, and lost it. Wonderf-” his words were cut off when a portal opened up under their feet. 
The land around them was beautiful. Ravis could hear water hitting the shore, and could smell the the salt water of the ocean. The plants around him were green, and unlike anything he had ever seen. “Kai!” he called out. “Kai, where are you?”
Ravis was not expecting Kaidan to come up behind him and pick him up. He was also not expecting him to run down to the shore, while carrying him, and throw him into the water.
They spent the day there, on that small island. They played in the water, taking ‘turns’ throwing each other off the small cliff, or they would play-fight until one of them slipped and fell into the water. They made sand castles that would be washed away by the crashing waves.
At sunset, Ravis sat next to Kaidan on that small cliff, watching the sun set. Ravis leaned his head on Kaidan. “Can we stay like this forever?” Kaidan asked.
Ravis sighed, and grabbed one of Kaidans hands. “You know we can’t. No matter how much I wish we could,” he added.
“One day. One day we’ll have this. Forever.”
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
💘 for ravis and kaidan!!
💘 What do they love most about their partner(s)? What do their partner(s) love most about them?
The first thing Ravis fell in love with was his voice. The weird mesh of different accents, but it was so calming, so relaxing to listen to. When Kaidan would focus, he was an amazing story teller, even if it was due to his voice. 
Kaidan just loves Ravis’s spirit, who he is. He fell in love with the way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way his ears would perk up when he was embarrassed. But the thing he fell in love with most was his dedication. Ravis’s was so dedicated to helping people, helping Tamriel. Being the True Hero, and Kaidan couldn’t resist.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
How did Ravis realize he was in love with Kaidan?
It was slow, not until Alduin was dead was when Ravis realized he may have feelings. He was in Sovngarde, admiring the beauty, and talking with Kodlak, updating him on the bullshitery that had happened since he died. Ravis realized he would love to take Kaidan there, to see the wonder on his face as he looked at the sky when it hit him like a hammer. He would never come here again, not as a werewolf. Kaidan warned him when he first got the beast blood, that he would be taken into the Hunt when he died. He started to panic. He didnt want to. He didnt want to leave Kaidan behind. He never wanted to leave Kaidan, period.
When he returned to Tamriel, he collapsed in Kaidans arms, sobbing. Poor Kaidan didn't understand what was happening, Ravis was Alive, and unharmed. Nothing was missing, so why was he crying? Ravis refused to say, shaking his head and saying nothing was wrong.
Even after that, it took Ravis a few weeks to think through it, and figure out if Kaidan would even like him back (a true Gay struggle). He never heard him talk about his past lovers, so does he even like men?? Would he laugh at Ravis, or be disgusted? Poor Ravis was barely even able to celebrate the End of Alduin, too busy worrying about every single one of his actions, that if he smiled too big, or leaned too far forward while talking, it would give away his feelings.
On a dare from Vilkas (who was very supportive of his very oblivious gay friend), he bought a amulet of Mara, and luckily Kaidan took notice. Kaidan simply told Ravis to not just settle down with anyone, and he was better than anyone in Skyrim.
A few nights later, after Vilkas "conveniently" left to return after Jorvaskr, Kaidan was acting odd. Fiddling with the tent, and wouldnt even eat his food, just kept tearing his bread into smaller and smaller pieces.
"I'm going to go head off to bed."
"Oh, before you go, it's pretty cold out, and I can think of a few ways to keep warm without a fire.." kaidan replied.
Ravis blushed (or the equivalent of a khajiit blushing). "I-er-um. Sure. Come on."
And I'm not typing anymore of that without payment ;)
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
dragonborn asks: 31, 16, 17 for lyandra and/or ravis
31. VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
16. Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home?
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
luckily for you i like answering questions for both of them so i'll do both
31. She adopts Bran from the Dawnguard! She took him on her adventures during Dawnguard, and couldn’t bear to part with him after Harkon was defeated.
16. She has a... well, massive house in the Pale. She bought the land there because of the snow and solitude. It reminds her of her old home, before she was forced to hide at the Chantry for so long. It doesn’t replace her old home, but she loves it there all the same, surrounded by friends and those she loves.
17. She wore a set of Glass armor after she left the Thalmor to do Dragonborn business. It was a parting gift from Elenwen. After that, she joins the Dawnguard and switches it out for a set of the Light Dawnguard armor (she hates the weight of heavy armor.) In her daily, no-killing clothes, she likes to wear loose fitting shirts and comfy/loose fitting pants. She only wears shoes if she knows she’s doing a lot of walking, otherwise she’s barefoot.
31. The half wolf mutt he rescues while adventuring! He found it in the cage of a bandit camp he was clearing. The poor thing was half blind and nearly staved, but he and Kaidan were able to nurse her back to health. They named her Star due to the way her blind eye looks.
16. He has 2 houses. One in Whiterun, only because he needs a place to stay when he’s dealing with Companions. His other home is in the Rift. A smaller sized cabin, Kaidan was the one who chose it out. Ravis really loves it, due to how quiet it is and how it’s surrounded by color. 
17. Ravis normally wears a set of Companions Armor, and it doesn’t change for most of his story. When he isn’t out adventuring, and is just home lounging around, he’s normally wears pants. Just pants, no shirt unless he doesn’t want anything messing with his back scar.  
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
I'm ridiculously interested in Ravis. Is he a major part in any of the factions? Did he do the Civil War and if he did, who did he side with? How does he feel about the faction leaders? (Sorry, I know this sounds like an interrogation lmao)
He is! He joined the companions after escaping the Thalmor! After 3 months he ended up being Harbinger due to all the events that happened (sidenote: I hate how in like 7 days you can beat that questline it pisses me off so much). He also joins the Dawnguard, as he never wants to outlive Kaidan 🥺 by becoming a Vampire.
He really liked Kodlak, and all the knowledge he had. He was really heartbroken by his death, mainly because he felt responsible for it. He blamed himself for awhile, saying it was because he didnt tell Aela no, he should've waiting for Kodlak to say something. He found a little peace once he cured Kodlak, but it was hard.
He doesn't hate Isran, and he acknowledges he needs to get stuff done and keep people alive, but he hates his attitude. Especially since Isran isnt nice to people, it gets on Ravis's nerves. But Ravis is polite to him, and does what is asked.
He did do the civil war as well. He joined the Imperials since he was a part before being tossed to the Thalmor (that's how he gets major ptsd). He doesnt hate Tullius, but has a hard time trusting him. He does think he's efficient with what he has, though.
Ravis also takes over the Blades! After Delphine orders him to kill Paarth, and he says no and that whole spat, he unofficially takes over until she dies, where he officially takes over. He revives it, and when he dies, it's an organization of near 100 members. He did like Esbern, liking all the knowledge the old man had.
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