zadentbc · 5 years
Night Classes
The darkness of the bathroom suffocated Zaden as he lied unconscious. It had grown over the hours he slept. The clean lemon scent faded away by this time, and the air grew stuffy and hot as always. The dry heat swirled around the unconscious eye, but He doesn't have the sense to let it bother him. The drowned cellphone in the sink had sank to the bottom of it, and as result the water in the sink was to the brim. It did not help that the faucet still dripped occasionally, which would send a stream of water down onto Zaden. Much of the pills had spilled out when the sink overflowed earlier. Yet, there were still plenty still floating in the sink like a medical bowl of cereal. In third person, and with much truth, it looked like a hot murder scene.
In his mind, Zaden dreamed of incomprehensible knowledge. The room, Charleston, The thing - whatever it was. All of it together no strand between them. Zaden floated between all of these thoughts. The sudden and unexpected resting state he found himself had proven to be beneficial to his research. Well, if you could call it that.
A slight breeze blows over the boy. In the middle of the sea of peace and harmony, Zaden’s eye lids lift their heavy weight. They feel dusted and old, as if they had been left out in the sun to dry He could sense the feeling of his weathered body returning to him again. The alien feeling coming shortly after. The anxiety too. In only took a bit for him to feel like he was himself again. He wanted to get up quick. Yet, his body ached and cried out in pain.
So he decided lying on the floor for a bit would be a good idea. The occasional drip of water from the faucet that often caused a land slide of water to cascade from the ceramic sink accompanied him. Zaden sometimes opened his mouth to collect it.
What was that thing? Zaden could not help but wonder as another stream of water fell from the sky again. Polsky..He didnt.. He had been in Redacre for less than a year and had encountered many strange phenomenon. But nothing like this. This was something from movies, or books. Or sometimes poorly written short stories. He couldn’t wrap his head around what he saw. He didn’t want too either.
He knew much about the weird things that happened in Redacre. He knew the importance of protecting Redacre and the consequences if it should fail. He knew the goal and purpose; He wanted the peaceful reality, and would work hard for it. After all, he promised he would make it happen, and he intended to keep his word.
But that still never stopped him from feeling scared. He had heard stories of other eyes being kidnapped during their missions. Children being taken by a mysterious boogeyman, and people rising from the dead anew. While many do return eventually, some don’t. He knew the children could be dangerous, and that the voices were worse. He knew it was a risk whenever he went out at night, but the reward was greater than he was. Greater than anyone for that matter.
Zaden coiled his body as he slowly rose up. His bones pop and rattle as they slid back into place. The bathroom was dark after hours. Whoever closed up did not bother leaving on the lights. Albeit economical, Zaden could not help but feel a slight disrespect. Despite this, the darkness did not scare Zaden. It comforted him almost. He couldn't see what was on the other side, but it also couldn’t see him. Or.. well he hoped.
Still...how do i find my way out? Zaden sighed. He pulled out his hands and started to feel for the faucet. He felt silly just waving his hands everywhere, but it was a proven strategy. Jeez, not even a window? What if a fire happened... Who did safety regulation? Zaden moaned. Ah! There it is! His hand pressed against the metallic faucet. It was cold. He dipped his hand into the water and retrieved his phone sliding careful around the yucky pills. The water was surprisingly warm. Oh, this thing is “rek’d.”  He pulled it out.
Zaden shook the phone, and a stream of water shot out from it. Sorry CHORUS, I dropped my phone in the toilet excuse #21312312 He sighed as he stuffed the wet metal in his pocket. Speaking of stuff...my bag? Zaden felt around the floor for his backpack. And for a bit longer. Then longer. This is useless! I can’t see shit! His own breathing frustrated him at this point. 
What If I pop open the door? He almost grinned at the idea. Until he realized the potential that the bathroom door might be locked. Well, only one way to find out.. Zaden reached out his hands and pressed them against the walls and felt for a handle. It took a bit, but he found it. He pulled on it gently, hoping to not make any loud noise. Creek!
The squeaky door hinges sung a soft tune as he opens the door. At night, Central High transformed from the warm and inviting environment it brought into a dark and hellish Fort Knox. Zaden never came here after hours. It was more forbidden than most things, and a lot of things were forbidden in Redacre. He often only came after the custodians had already arrived.
In the current state. It was obvious that the they had not arrived yet. It gave Zaden a rough estimate of time for him to escape without being noticed. He crossed his fingers for a red door he could use. He wasn’t aware of any in the school, but he had seen some in the Daycare. Maybe..down..? Zaden had no idea the layout or the shape of the school. He often blacked out in between his curriculum. Fire escape map? Maybe? He continued to peek out from the bathroom, and searched for another room he might be able to enter.
The open door seeped in just enough light to see the inside of the bathroom. The backpack was nowhere to be seen. Zaden groaned. This show was become routine now, and it only tired him out. Something is out to get me.. The thought made him grit his teeth. He took a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom. The halls looked much larger than before. The empty shadows hid and obscured the forgotten words of the students that never returned, and if this experience had taught Zaden anything; it was that even ghosts had reasons to be afraid. Central High was turning into a mass grave, and Zaden had to do some digging. He just hoped he wouldn’t end up digging his own grave.
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ravenofredacre · 5 years
School Blues
Time itself seemed to slow to a halt as Raven blearily watched the clock. The bell would soon chime in about 13 minutes, and then she would be free from this imprisoning time loop of boredom. With heavy-lidded eyes, it felt like the long hand had gotten stuck, glued into place by some sort of cruel, invisible force. Every time she would glance towards it, it seemed to be in the same exact spot as before. She furrowed her brow, willing the hand to inch forward. Another minute finally passed, but it was nowhere as quick as she would’ve liked. She just wanted to go back home and get away from all these teenagers.
With a silent sigh, she buried her hand into the palm of her hand, turning to face the whiteboard once again. All sorts of Algebra I problems littered the board at this point. Of course math had to be her final period of the school day. But she supposed that it was still a better option than having it for her first period. Raven turned to doodling in her note taking app on her IPad, careful to not draw the attention of her teacher. Sure, she couldn’t use the apps that normally required internet, but it let her stay somewhat organized for class. And lord knows that she really needed that.
She practically stuffed everything into her backpack once the bell finally rang, lazily trying to hide her excitement for the end of the school day. The fresh air outside was practically calling her name, and it was such a nice day. There were hardly any clouds in the sky as the sun doused the area in 2 o’clock light. She would definitely be walking home today if she could help it.
Her teacher called out a final homework reminder as she zipped up her backpack, slipped it on, and quietly filed out of the classroom with the other students. She avoided looking her teacher in the eyes as she wished her a good day. She didn’t know her nearly well enough to comfortably make eye contact with her. God, she felt so awkward sometimes.
The hallway was already bustling with chatty teens by the time she got outside. Raven was quick to make sure to slip into the flow heading towards one of the school’s exits. It sucked being in such a crowded place, and she wanted to get away before she was overwhelmed by it all. And it wasn’t like there was anyone for her to meet up with, so why stay here any longer than needed? Whatever. She continued to shuffle along, following the natural current of bodies.
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