#ravena crimson
yagonox · 2 years
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A dropped wip and multiple attempts at line-less art from 2017
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theroyalthrones · 1 year
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The Media | An excerpt from Flace di Luna Post
Tonight, Our favorite royal duo showed up to a charity gala for St. Micheal's Cancer Research Hospital. The event was also an auction in which many things were sold, but among the most bizarre were the attendants. Supposedly a person could put themselves on auction and spend the day with whoever was crazy enough to bid on them, with all of the earnings going to a number of charities around the country. His Royal Highness, Prince Lucian stunned us all when he put himself up for auction. Many fought over the chance to spend 8 hours with him, doing anything they wanted together. (under an appropriate list made by the individual participants themselves). Prince Lucian racked up 3 Million dollars, presumably "bought" by famed socialite, Ravena Manfredi, from the Manfredi Oil tycoon family. She attended the event in a stunning Deep Bronze form-fitting dress. Ravena is the kind of girl any family would welcome with open arms. And the Cremonesis are no different. It is a well-kept secret, but our staff has heard rumors of the two dating a few years back. She is also a good friend of His Highnesses sister, Princess Lorraine ( Pictured in the backless teal floor-length gown). Clearly, the two have some history and If any good comes from this insane event, it will be Prince Lucian gracing the public with another spectacular Royal Wedding. And Ravena Manfredi might just be that lucky girl.
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x-wanderingsouls · 2 years
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                                    VESTA LUNA NYGAARD 
Age: 36/1000+
Species: Vampire
Affiliation: Vampire faction/Wolf faction
Occupation: Deals in rare artefacts, has a location in Manhattan. 
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Bi-sexual 
FC: Jessica Chastain 
About Vesta 
Born into the Nygaard family, the third sibling was born to the head of the Nygaard family, the King and a princess of a far away tribe that just so happened to be a pack of wolves. The King came home from one of his many conquests, this time with redheaded baby in his arms; the first female after Kensley and the eldest, Ivar. 
The King had taken his daughter without permission from the pack, an act that would later spark consequences that would last a thousand years. 
Vesta grew up strong alongside her brothers, adoring her father and the pair of them, though wondered why her mother didn’t show the same level of affection to her as she did her brothers and then younger sister, Calypso. Think Catelyn Stark to ole Jon Snow. 
Vesta adored the strategy of war, the bloodshed her father talked about and wanted to join in whenever battles were discussed, territories need taken or strongholds needed to be held -- Vesta wanted to learn everything and anything when it came to leading, to being ten steps ahead at all times. 
Not understanding the wolf curse, the King allowed for Vesta to join a raiding party, deeming her skills as a shield maiden worthy and it was at this age of fifteen that Vesta killed her first man; and triggered her unknown wolf curse. 
Ivar, being old enough to notice when she was brought home had been told of her conception and knew that Vesta was their half sister -- he had been on that raid that just so happened to fall on a full moon. Vesta turned into a beast that night, unaware of what was happening to her, she killed many of her father’s men as the others, including Ivar and the King found safety and waited out the morning. 
The King looked to his neighbours, a rival King who’s family were known to make things just happen and one who had always wanted to join the families -- the family were witches, who’s daughter Ravena would marry Ivar should they do the task that was asked of them. The family and their magic were used to lock away Vesta’s werewolf curse so she’d never be able to turn again or access that side of herself. 
Enraged and confused, Vesta lashed out at her father and demanded answers, surprisingly she received the devastating truth though knew that her father loved her despite it looking as though he had taken her to keep the wolves at bay. Either way, Vesta was loyal to her siblings; it was them she truly loved and would do anything for. 
Vesta kept her father’s secret, though she often talked to Ivar about it but found that her eldest brother resented her as he was now forced to marry someone because of her lineage.
Because of the prestige that came with being a Nygaard and that her father was extremely powerful and she did love him, Vesta never told of his affair that and she was afraid of being cast out and even after he died she didn’t say anything, still keeping the secret and being loyal to her brother, who was now King and very much in love with the woman he was forced to marry. 
Vesta was married off to an Earl for political reasons, used by Ivar for her cunning and ability to read people, though she saw this as a slightly against the truth and that he was well aware of it. It was one day that she was approached by a woman who wore her own face and had crimson hair like her own; Vesta knew it to be her mother. 
Vesta met her pack, her other siblings, aunts, uncles -- she met them all and for a few years she visited them, became one with them and felt torn. Though, for all her cunning, she was blinded by this newfound acceptance and a mother’s love that she hadn’t had before, blinded to the fact that they wanted revenge for her being taken and their pack being weakened all those moons ago; Vesta didn’t know the damage her father had done. 
Ivar was away, as were her siblings, leaving Ravena and the children alone -- information that shouldn’t have been shared but was so willingly spoken over the campfire. Her wolf family murdered Ivar’s wife and children and anyone they could get their hands on before being run out of the city when forces and Ivar arrived. 
Vesta felt remorse and a rage like never before, completely devastated and feeling like a pawn, she vowed to Ivar that she would stand by his side and do what had to be done. Ivar asked if she’d kill her family for him, having told her brother everything, Vesta agreed and suddenly found herself waking up and crawling from a shallow grave. It was in that moment that Vesta also found herself being commanded by her older brother to follow his orders and to never speak of her lineage, what their father had done and her part in his families murder. 
Vesta killed her mother, the one who’s face looked so much like her own under Ivar’s command.  
Vesta travelled with Ivar and her siblings (they barely spoke of the one who was killed at Ivar’s hands for wanting to kill them after they were turned) though she forged her own path, not wanting to EVER be caught unaware ever again or used in any way, shape or form. 
Though she could never speak of her other family and the fact that she was in fact, or had been a wolf, Vesta sought out wolves from time to time, enjoying their company and would watch from a safe distance as they turned on full moons; again, she felt torn and trapped from the command she was under. 
Turned Cornelius and broke away from the other’s, especially Ivar who still couldn’t look at her without that hatred in his eyes; she understood but had grown tired of his disscontempt. 
Turned Fallon some years later, seeing potential in the young witch and a leadership quality that Vesta held in high regard. Also, Ivar had perhaps mentioned a coven of witches he was intrigued with, so naturally Vesta went looking for herself. 
Was Queen Elizabeth the First. Is particularly proud of this little trickery and being considered a war queen tickled her fancy even more. 
Does not say sorry, as nothing Vesta does is a mistake; at least she doesn’t think so. 
Will consume human food, doesn’t think anything of it. 
Enjoys horror movies, though one of her favourite movies is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. 
Her mother’s name was Luna. 
Vesta has been trying to find a way to be released from Ivar for centuries -- she adores him as a brother, though not as a maker and wants to be released without compromising the bonds she has with her two progenies. 
Still, to this day, will sit and watch the wolves on a full moon from high above. 
Rarely does anything, including who she talks to, without an agenda. 
Met a skin-walker only once throughout her life and managed to kill it when she was human; getting lucky with silver blades. 
Though loyal, is loyal first and foremost to what she wants, no matter the consequence; Vesta had paid a high enough price already through no fault of her own, as he see’s it. 
Has never had a conventional relationship -- likes multiple partners for different uses depending on her mood. Has carried on romantic relationships for centuries, but does not use the word love. 
Nygaard Siblings
The hybrids 
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littleplebe · 8 years
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Click here to read Part 1 of this series.
He doesn’t want to attend the ball but does so anyway because it is what’s expected of him, she goes because the King of Araweth is the only king strong enough to stand up to her stepfather King Thanos. He’s dressed in his signature crimson, she’s wearing blue. He idly watches people dance while waiting for his fiancé to arrive, she doesn’t intend to dance at all. He’s bored until he sees a young maiden sneak out in the gardens in pursuit of the King, she grumbles when she loses sight of King Hector and finds someone else instead.
“This area of the palace is forbidden to guests, Lady…?”
“Princess. I’m Princess Darcy of Asgard.”
“Unusual name. Please, accompany me back to the ballroom, Princess.”
“I have matters of utmost import to discuss with the King of Araweth.”
“Why don’t you relay your message to me? I shall be sure to pass it on to the king.”
He is curious about what she has to say but also believes that she is exaggerating maybe a little bit, she thinks he’s wasting her precious time. He offers her his arm, she insults him.
“You dare ask me, a princess, to share my personal matters with you, a commoner?”
He looks down at his lavish attire, she does the same. He’s certainly not dressed like a commoner, she knows it too. He wonders who she thinks he is, she reckons maybe he’s a baron or a duke. He looks up when a guard approaches, she’s confused when the guard takes a bow.
“Your fiancé awaits, my prince.”
She looks at him in surprise, he smirks at her.
“You’re Prince Steven?”
“Call me Steve.”
“You’re the heir to Araweth’s throne?”
“Unfortunate but cannot be helped. Royalty by birth, you see.”
“May I have a word with you?”
“Afraid it’ll have to wait, Princess. My… beloved has arrived.”
He sounds rueful, she’s more upset over his careless dismissal. He goes back in, she follows him. He dances with his beloved, she waits. He sees King Thanos having a word with Queen Ravena of Jotunheim, she thinks Ravena is as shrewd as Thanos.
He turns to switch dance partners and comes face to face with the princess again, she slips a letter into his vest. He twirls her around, she shoots him a look he doesn’t understand before she leaves. He never finds the letter, she never hears from him again.
He later tells his father about the strange meeting with the princess of Asgard, she hatches a plan to do something about the sad plight of her kingdom and gets caught stealing from Asgard’s treasury.
He leaves because he wants to live a little, she escapes because her survival is at stake.
They never intended to see each other again but destiny has other plans.
Click here to read Part 3 of this series.
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yagonox · 2 years
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Miscellaneous drawings from spring of 2018
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