thecursedraven · 1 year
Duality- closed starter
To start off with, there had been a lot going on in his defense. Between handling Weniras duties until she returned, the tearful reunion when she did, and managing several instances of shit that he really shouldn't of had to do, he had been exhausted. So much so that crossing over to the wilds to keep from changing during the full moon didn't cross his mind until he was already backseat in his own body.
Avarice, meanwhile, was less than pleased about the situation. They were missing people. Important people. After relocating the family to the impromptu nest that had been made in Darius'room, they skulked out of the estate and took off, intent on hunting down finding Ick.
Ick was Theirs, after all. And they needed him close to protect claim keep.
Large wings glided surprisingly quiet for such a massive beast, Avarice scanning the area for any sign of the human. Their human.
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thecursedraven · 2 years
“Hello good sir! I hear you have quite the trinket collection, please except my offering of my finest cicada shells my king!” Insecta holds out a handful of perfectly intact cicada shells.
The King grinned, giving a slight bow of consideration before accepting them.
"Ohho- Well thank you kindly!" Despite his sharp nails, he was exceedingly gentle with them, placing them neatly on one of the nearby bookshelves that lined the room.
"Very well received, thank you- So tell me, what brings you my way with such an interesting offering?"
Darius tiled his head, giving the newcome a good onceover.
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thecursedraven · 2 years
Animal Impulses- Closed Starter
Another full moon, another night spent gliding carefully from rooftop to rooftop in search of something... Interesting. It was not his first flight in Gotham in this form, but he was considerably more active this time around.
More places to investigate now that he had the general layout down, and people were less likely to attack a giant bird monster when it seemed to be moving with a purpose.
But, less likely didn't really account for the absolutely stupid.
To be fair though, it was partially his fault.
Swooping down on some poor unfortunate soul who had just robbed a woman off the street, The Raven King was more focused on yanking the assorted gold jewelry from the thief's hands as the human writhed underneath his Talons. Petty robbery of a Petty Robber...
Eyes flickered toward the nearest building at the sound of movement, and the King let out a warbled chuckle. Hopefully, this was not another fool.
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thecursedraven · 2 years
Streetlamp Swing - Open Starter
Very little could be heard as he made his way through the darkened streets and narrow alleyways. He didn't have any particular goal in mind- not right now at least. A firm believer in embracing trouble when it found him, he tilted his head slightly at the faint sound of movement.
"Well, good evening to you- can I help you with anything?"
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thecursedraven · 1 year
continued from here X
The Raven King grinned in response, reshuffling the papers in front of him. While he knew that it was a rather intensive Heist for one person, it wasn't impossible. However, the chance to gain new allies and information as to the people in the area was always a good reason to contract out.
Well, usually.
And hey, she had good reviews!
"Let's go over this one last time then. Despite being labeled as a 'Public Office', there are a number of carefully sealed doors and guards patrolling this place. The Opal in question is in second of three vault rooms, highly protected, and most likely trapped as well. We get in, I'll handle the guards as needed and you should be able to slip inside." The finer details had ready been clarified- and they were professionals after all.
"Any questions?"
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Sazerac - closed starter
He had started to make it a bit of a habit once he had established a deal with the leader of the Nest- Come in about 18 minutes after midnight on wednesdays, order a few drinks for assorted patrons, and attempt to unwind a bit while tucked away in a corner of the bar and chat with those that sought him out for conversation or other means. Not too many people seemed to know who Darius was, and that was often something that worked in his favor- the exception of course being the staff who all at least knew that he was a... Business partner of sorts to their boss.
He was quite the fan of gossip- even more so if people were talking about other operations, including his own. Tonight though, tonight was definitely just a night for lounging and listening- maybe get to know a few of the staff a bit more.
Puling a chair up at the bar and tapping his claws lightly on the smooth wood, he spoke with his default grin as his usual drink order was placed in front of him. "I do have to ask- about how many people besides myself order a Sazerac?"
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thecursedraven · 1 year
"You don't have to prove your worth by running yourself into the ground."
The Raven King paused at those words. Since he'd come back, it had been this massive movement to return everything to how it was, to fix the things that had been done in his absence.
Seal the cracks that had widened into something troublesome while he was out and to take care if anything- or anyone- personally. Sure, he hadn't slept in three days, and perhaps the feathers covering his arms hadn't faded for more than a day or so now, but those were minor things.
And after watching him tear apart several people both physically and verbally, seeing him this still and not actively doing something felt... wrong, somehow.
"I hardly think I'm running myself into the ground- things need to be done. " He offered a tired smile that didn't meet his eyes and a faint laugh.
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thecursedraven · 1 year
“We could get arrested for this.”
Darius blinked very slowly, fingers steepled in front of his face for a moment with a minor look of disbelief.
"Last I checked, that was the risk for a lot of things that involve criminal activity. " He let out a bark of laughter. "Besides, you only get arrested if you get caught."
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"So, are you in, or out?"
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Late night visits- closed starter
for @the-blackened-dove
In his mad hunt to track down Wenira, leaving Gotham had been a difficult but necessary decision in his eyes. He hadn't wanted to leave his new home behind, but leaving the operation there to make sure that his family was safe was something that would consume him otherwise.
As it stood, Avarice hadn't been happy in the least that they had waited this long to take action. Their family, part of their horde was missing.
But, their sister was safe, and after Avarice slipped into a frenzy and caused a number of other problems, Darius was just... Tired. He had somewhat dropped off of the face of the earth and really just. Needed something familiar. Check on the hoard we left behind.
And so he had arrived at her doorstep as the rain slammed down onto the world around them, slipping inside as Avarice coiled beneath his skin and made his way to Roxxys room.
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Short Change Hero- closed starter
Mist flowed through the forest slowly, clinging to anything that disturbed it. Rolling off of large feathers as the beast glided between trees, heavy wing beats were obscured by the echoing calls of the normal Ravens that began to flock as soon as the King had arrived.
There is a hunter in the woods, they sang, laughing as they landed in the branches of the tree that the King had paused in, talons digging into the wood.
Two hunters, but only one is the true prey! They cackled, scattering at the approaching footsteps from down below.
Yes, a hunter for the King. Six eyes watched the mists carefully, the beast near statuesque as it waited for the next fool who dared hunt him. The moon was full, and he had all night to hunt down his newest adversary.
Requested starter for @sirrosamel
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Another Way Out - Closed Starter
The was a monster where it shouldn't be, beak tearing apart trespassers in it's territory despite the lack of a full moon. In the growing dusk, black feathers shone with flecks of blood and an iridescent sheen. A Rumble left the monster's beak, ears flicking as it prowled out of the warehouse, tongue flicking over the gore left around it's teeth.
The Raven King paused, talons clicking against the ground for a moment as it reviewed the alley for any more movement. Finding nothing immediately, he began to preen the longer feathers that had picked up the most blood- and froze as the smallest shuffle caught it's attention.
Six eyes swiveled towards the area of the source, and the King immediately moved to lunge forward, a single strangled word crawling from it's mouth.
requested starter for @nervousleaderr!
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Appetite for Destruction- Closed Starter
The Beast had been restless, as they had entered the city. Writhing beneath his skin and making it feel far too tight to be comfortable. As soon as night had fallen, Darius allowed his form to ripple, stalking through the darker streets in search of what seemed to be driving them mad.
Even It seemed confused as to what or who they were looking for.
Wings offered a boost onto the next building, claws hooking over the ledge as they paused surveying the area.
At this rate, they wouldn't be back at the hotel in time to sleep and be awake for breakfast.
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thecursedraven · 1 year
What is Ick's sexiest feature?
He huffs, turning his head slightly.
"Asking the creature of Greed what his favorite out of several is- did you even think this through?"
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"...his lips or his eyes. "
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thecursedraven · 1 year
“I’ve always done everything by myself, survived by myself. I don’t see why that would change.”
The Raven King paused, a frown crossing his features.
"It can change, if you want to give it a try. I'm not keen on leaving others to weather through their hardships anymore than necessary."
He extended a hand, and let out a soft hum. "Though it may be hard to believe, there are other ways to be without having to do it all by yourself. The world changes all the time- we can only hope to change with it."
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thecursedraven · 1 year
@iamgroareplied to your post “I sold you to a pet store”
Would ya consider $577,765
He laughs, shaking his head.
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"It's all or nothing, kid."
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thecursedraven · 1 year
So... how many hatchlings do you think you've got scampering around out there?
He clicked his tongue against his teeth.
"None by blood. If I did, I would know- and they'd be close by. Something something instincts."
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