#raul snowman
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artely-01 · 21 days ago
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Happy 5th Anniversary Snow Man!!
Since I couldn't upload this fanart the day on the anniversary (January 22nd) I am now uploading it!
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iwamotos · 8 months ago
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now we gotta breakout ♫
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orewashiminda · 2 years ago
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okitssketchbaby · 8 months ago
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heriz · 2 years ago
Do you need another chair?
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snowmaniaph · 2 years ago
Raul - Everchanging
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Changes that happened around me
The system changed; people are now adults at 18 years old (versus the old system where people in Japan are considered an adult when they turn 20 years old). Even though the members and the staff kindly said “Congratulations on being an adult!”, I don’t really feel like it’s real. There are also no changes in me as of now. I want to have adaptability and responsiveness to various changes. I want to properly live as myself even if I suddenly lose my job tomorrow. Conversely, I might like changes in the environment. I also like moving houses. If anything, I seek new stimuli as something that will be good for me.
Something that hasn’t changed at all since before
Human relationships. I’m very close to specific people. I don’t get along with everyone but it’s not because I’m closing them off. I feel happy when I meet people I think are interesting; that’s why I want to get close to them. Something that hasn’t changed at all since about 3 years ago is my large water intake. The reason is simple: my throat gets thirsty (laughs). I don’t think about continuing to do it that’s why I think, on the contrary, I kept on doing it. I can easily drink 2 liters in 1 day! I drink flavored carbonated drinks for pleasure; I drink water to live.
A view or scene that moved you and is still engraved in your heart
When they played Moriyama Naotaro-san’s (singer-songwriter) song and Sugawara Koharu-san (dancer, choreographer, and model) performed a dance with 3 dancers on the same show we performed “Brother Beat” on Music Station. We didn’t watch that through a monitor; we saw it live. I think that was this year’s best view. I like the dance video a lot. I watched Sugawara-san’s dances a lot but watching them live is 100 times better! I was able to realize again how good watching performances live is, and I was happy to be able to be in that place.
Daily conversations between members
Koji-kun and Sakuma-kun imitate anime characters. They do it frequently so I get curious and watch the anime, and when I do I realize that their imitations are totally off the mark. Furthermore, they were imitating a cute girl-type character but their imitations weren’t cute at all. I want them to show self-restraint (laughs). Also, I think my teasing Shoppi (Watanabe) is an everyday scene. I want to tease him because he’s cute. It’s really interesting how Shoppi doesn’t find it bothersome and just says “Oi!” and pretends that he’s angry (laughs).
Recent Talk
There is also my graduation, so the busy days are continuing. I’m mostly inside the room that’s why I intentionally go out during my breaks to take in the sunlight and refresh! I space out on my veranda when I’m alone, or talk if I’m with Meguro-kun. Unexpectedly, there are a few opportunities for us to be alone together and talk.
Source: Potato
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everydayyoulovemeless · 1 year ago
New Vegas companions + reaction to it snowing? I live on the east coast so I don't know what living in a desert is like but I imagine it doesn't snow much :-D
FNV Companions Reactions to it Snowing
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic ➼ A/N » aw, nonnie, reading you're request made me laugh 😭
Boone isn’t bothered by the cold, but he is bothered about having to wear a jacket. He thinks it restricts his movements too much, which causes him to be more on edge about things. He'd much rather be freezing than unprepared, and he refuses to budge on his stance that it makes him less prepared for any possible legion ambushes. The snow makes him a bit antsy in that regard. Not only is he now easier to spot, especially with his beret, but his motions are also limited.
Arcade is one of those people who get cold ridiculously fast, so when it starts snowing for the first time in his life, he'll be in for a rude awakening. Living his whole life in a desert has not prepared him at all for this sudden drop in temperature. He'll be shaking violently the entire time and will beg to go inside--start a fire, anything! He'll be miserable throughout most of it, however, he does like watching it fall from the opening in his tent. He has to admit, it is fairly soothing, and when else will it snow again out here in the Mojave?
Raul’s seen snow once or twice before in his lifetime, but he never imagined he’d ever see it again. It really is a treat, and he can’t help but stand out and stare up at the sky in awe, even if he is freezing. It never snowed much in Mexico, but in those rare few moments that it did, he and his siblings would all go out and play in it before it'd melt away. Seeing it again brings him back to those times, and he can’t help but smile at the memory.
Lily adores the snow and will force you to go out and play in it because “these kinda things only happen every so often!”. She’ll bundle you up in some of her older clothes and teach you how to build a snowman, just like her grandkids used to do it. She's dead set on making memories with you and will force you to take this day off from doing quests to hang out with her. Just be sure not to ask about snowball fights. Leo likes to dominate in those.
Cass finds it to be more of a nuisance than anything, especially for the caravans. How does anyone expect to make it anywhere when the Brahmin are struggling just to walk? Don't even get her started on how cold she is. She hates every second of it and will spend her time inside the nearest bar, forced to listen to the excited chatter and watch as the crowds around the windows and doors grow larger. She's gonna need another bottle...
Veronica’s just glad her robes finally have a use for her. She’ll be the warmest person out there with her thick, dark scribe hood. She’s read about snow once before in some old Brotherhood logs, but seeing it in person really beats the excerpt she read. I mean, honestly, how could someone write such a boring description when experiencing something so beautiful? She loves it and would gladly sit out in the cold for hours just so she can soak it all in before it goes away. If anything, she finds this more of a reason for her chapter to finally leave the bunker and experience life outside.
ED-E gets an absolute kick out of it until the ice freezes his cybernetics. Then he just lays in the snow until someone comes to get him.
Rex will just sit and stare at it. But when someone walks by with a wool hat on their head, he'll go out and chase them. Only then will he discover how much fun the snow is and how much nicer it is on his paws compared to the rough, hot sand he usually stands on.
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On tonight's episode of "The Yakai", which airs tonight at 22.00. p.m. on japanese time and 15.00. p.m. on european time on "TBS".
Super comedy maniac #raul from #snowman will be undergoing the "Manzai Introdon challenge", in which he will have to guess the duo's name after hearing only the common greeting "Hello~" ‼ Ariyoshi is also surprised by his love for comedy ‼😳.
#daikishigeoka from #WEST member is conquering "Jigokuzaka-mamachari" nationwide for the eighth time‼ This time, the challenge will take place in the hometown of self-proclaimed idol #mamachari #shigeoka Daiki challenges a hellish slope in Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture: ‼🚴‍♂ Will he conquer the strongest slope by "gradient", "distance" and "road width" in history? ⛰
Also, #annatsuchiya tries out "Rokuro Time Attack" ‼🏺Anna Tsuchiya is an actress, singer and has many other talents, she is also an artist, exhibits her paintings and has a background in ceramics! ✨ She accepts the challenge with full confidence, but suddenly there is a big entertaining problem ⁉ 🚨.
Don't miss the Challenges of these impressive guests!
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆
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artely-01 · 1 year ago
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"First drawing on 2024 uploading last drawing on 2023"
Snow Man's videos where they play Werewolf Game are really funny so I draw a Werewolf Game themed fanart of these videos 🎉⛄🐺
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mikaeluisc · 9 months ago
new live-action acting by Raul of snowman
Maito Raul Murakami
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big fan of these guys from akabane honeko no bodyguard
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iwamotos · 2 months ago
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(241231) @sn__20200122: ⛄️大晦日生配信第ニ部23:30から⛄️ 第2回ユニットシャッフルGP 全ユニット大健闘でしたね✨ 投票ありがとうございました🏆 第二部も投票参加はマストですよ🫡 第二部は23:30〜⏳ https://www.youtube.com/live/z7eCaRQK918
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orewashiminda · 2 years ago
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keiichirooshima · 2 years ago
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SOEN March  2023 COVER Photographer: Hiroshi Manaka @hiroshi_manaka Stylist: Remi Takenouchi @remitakenouchi Make: Ebara @ebaramakeup Hair: Kunio Kohzaki @kuniokohzaki Design: Keiichiro Oshima #keiichirooshima Model: Raul / snowman
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dandebbfan · 7 months ago
first snowman song they were promoting when i found them
Kimi no kareshi ni naritai
“Wanna be your boyfriend.”
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heriz · 2 years ago
Snowman - 「あいことば」
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kiyosuku · 2 years ago
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Tiffany & Co. with Snow Man
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