#rather than horrible dubs they do in hindi
How do I learn Telugu in a week?
I need to understand the old prabhas clips everyone keeps using on twitter
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Half Baked Idea a Little More Baked
Right, so the other day I posted Half Baked Idea even though I wasn’t happy with how underdeveloped it was. But yesterday, due to mind numbing boredom at work, the idea went back in the oven and has come out a little more baked, so see how you like this!
Aliens invaded Earth years ago to try and repopulate as the two are compatible, but they usually need multiple mates, except for Thomas Wayne; he denied his soulmate when he fell in love with Martha Kane. Thomas’ mission was to take control of Gotham but when he met Martha, he hoped for a more peaceful co-habitation. Problems arise when Martha gets pregnant.
Knowing his child would be the mate of those who would conquer Gotham, Thomas told everyone, even his old friend and war buddy Alfred that the child was male and stillborn while giving the baby to a human he trusted; Patrick Gordon, who had a son the same night. The same night Bruce Wayne is declared stillborn, Patrick and Maria Gordon have twin babies, James and Bryce.
Now, even among the Aliens, there are Omegas and there are Alphas, and everyone gets a Soul Identifying Mark at 13 so as to begin courtship. The person’s own mark appears as a large tattoo across the shoulders for Alphas and across the lower back for Omegas and the Soul Mate Mark is a bit smaller.
Years pass and Oswald is trying to figure out how the Resistance keeps fighting against them, even with his top Lieutenants; the Legion of Horribles who are all mated to each other. Jerome and Jeremiah are the leaders, with Jerome’s mark being the trademark smile from the show. Jeremiah’s is a maze that the other’s enjoy trying to figure out in bed. The Chemist of the group is Jonathan Crane, who is treated as the baby of the group being the youngest, and his Soul Mark is a crow. Next is the Enforcer of the group, Bridgit whose Soul Mark rather inspired her weapon of choice; a bonfire, and the group is rather protective of her due to her brothers abuse. Then there are the husband and wife Interrogators who double as the Mommy and Daddy of the group; Nora and her beloved and devoted husband, Victor, who actually have the same Soul Mark of entwined snowflakes. Then there’s the Adviser to the group, Jervis Tetch, who can play with your mind and lock you in a horrible nightmare if you are uncooperative during negotiations, and heaven help you if you insult his March Hare or the White Queen (Nora). His Soul Mark inspired his trademark top hat. Finally, there’s Thomas’ old friend, Alfred Pennyworth who, after falling out with Thomas, joined the Legion of Horribles as their behind the scenes Strategist, his mark is that of a Union Jack. Oswald’s mate, Ed, reasons that it’s because the Legion is incomplete as there is one more mark on each of the Horribles; a bat. Alfred reasons that the mark belonged to Thomas’ son, Bruce Wayne as, even though he never cared for Martha, he often felt drawn to the child growing in her belly. Ed finds it strange that the others are even alive as their species isn’t meant to survive fractured; if one mate dies, the others inevitably follow.
One day, Nora and Jonathan are delivering some supplies to Lee’s clinic, which they Patron so she takes care of their wounds and in return, they help provide some funds to fix up the Narrows. But as Jonathan is dropping off some medicine (and Nora is making sure he didn’t slip any of his tricks in) he sees Lee with someone who’s getting a physical. Normally, Jonathan wouldn’t care one way or the other except this person has a large bat tattoo on their lower back. They leaves before Jonathan or Nora can confront them and, no matter what they offer Lee, they know she’ll never give up her patients.
They rush back to the others to reveal what they found but Victor points out there are thousands of Caucasian brunettes in the city; how can they possibly narrow it down to one person? Especially when the body shape suggested female rather than male? Ed then has a brainstorm; Thomas, around the time his wife was pregnant was showing signs of being sympathetic to the human, and would have noticed Alfred being attached to the unborn child. Is it such a stretch that Thomas would give false information regarding the child, including its sex and claiming it was stillborn?
Ed does some digging and can't help finding it interesting the Gordon's had twins the same night Thomas' son died so they go to investigate the twins. Jim is a Detective who's on the fast track to becoming Captain, possibly even Commissioner, but completely human. Bryce Gordon however, is called the golden girl by everyone; with the Wayne's having no children, when Thomas and Martha died, they left their shares of Wayne Enterprises to the Gordon's, who gave them to Bryce as she was the only one with any business sense. Too bad the board wanted nothing to do with a human female and insisted on buying her out. So what did she do?
Bryce takes the money she got from her shares and opened Gordon Industries and in only a matter of 2 years, she is the main competition of Wayne Enterprises thanks to her innovative ideas. She is a black belt and has awards in Karate, Judo, Kickboxing, Kendo, has degrees in engineering, chemistry, biology, computer sciences, can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Hindi, French, German, Italian, is a renowned chess champion and skilled pilot; whatever she puts her hand to, she's brilliant. There were rumours she was feeling depressed so she started adopting kids (last count was 4, but she's always on the lookout for more apparently). No one knows how she does it, but Jim loves his baby sister and is super protective of her and his nieces and nephews (Jason, Tim, Helena, and Cassandra). The others are curious about this 'Girl Wonder' as the papers dubbed her so they send Victor and Jonathan to investigate. Why those 2? Because no one knows what the Scarecrow looks like and Victor has a neat little trick where he can shed his snow white hair and chemical blue eyes for plain brown hair and eyes, completely different from his normal appearance. They talk and Victor is convinced this playgirl, genius, stepmother billionaire is the missing Bryce Wayne and their mate. Nora is thrilled because Bryce already has 4 kids she can mother while being the Mommy of the group.
The reason Bryce doesn't realizes she's actually half alien is because she's been 'treated' for 'ADHD' since she turned 13. In truth, Papa Gordon arranged with a doctor allied with the Resistance to have her supplied with suppressants; hence the hyperactivity and the desperate need for kids, without the connections she could actually die from loneliness as her species just aren't meant to be loners. They know they have to get rid of those suppressants if Bryce is to feel their connection and live, so they send Alfred as a PA since she’s been through three secretaries this month alone, and this last one she’s only hanging onto because she has a trip to Venice coming up and working for Bryce Gordon ensures major spending money. Problem is, once Alfred manages to replace the suppressants with placebos, Bryce starts feeling over 12 years of depression and loneliness hit her like a freight train. Alfred and the Horribles may have to push up their timeline if they want Bryce to survive.
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