primptownklug · 2 years
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[text id:
Nate: I’m not sure. I mean Sig is in no way someone I look at in a bad light. He doesn’t have any real features about being…well, evil. Maybe he’s so spacey, because of the demon? Remy: . . .
Remy: Bro... I don't think demons cause autism. Remy: And if the demon's connected to a part of the book demon we saw, I don't think that his spacey-ness would be caused by it..
Nate: I-I don’t mean it like that!
end id]
wanted to draw this kinda funny bit in a rp with a good friend of mine
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catboyklug · 2 years
Let's fight an epic battle!
Summary: Remy meets an otherworldly catboy...
Characters: Remy Ratatong (they/he), Ar Tate (made by @autisticartate)
notes: yay
"YOU HEARD ME RIGHT! Let's Tetris, right here, right now!"
"...Sir, I'm trying to w-work..."
For most of the denizens of the small village known as Primp, this would be a regular occurrence - for one Remy Ratatong, however, this was completely out of the ordinary.
A fairly tall man with what appeared to be cat ears stood over Remy, trying and mostly failing to appear intimidating.
Key word "mostly".
"If you could just get out of the way, I need to get back to the supply closet...?" He suggested quietly.
"And why should I?!" The strange man demanded, "I've been utterly dying to compete with someone, and you're the most eligible person I've found yet, so... battle me!"
...This guy talks like Schezo, but even more dramatic.
"Sir, please, itll only take a sec," Remy said, "A-after, I'll battle with you.."
"My name is Ar, not SIR!" The now identified "Ar" yelled angrily, "How about you battle me first, then you get to search your so-called 'supply closet'?"
"My 'so-called'..." Remy said in pure disbelief, "...Okay. If it'll make you leave me al-alone."
"Glad you've finally seen sense! Now, to battle!" Ar exclaimed, "Tetris..."
"Puyo-puyoo~" Remy responded lazily, beginning the battle.
And thus, the epic battle of two pro players began!
...Well, not quite epic.
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Similarly to Remy's very first Puyo battle, he hardly tried to do much at all, just keeping the puyos from stacking too close to the top as he got several five- and six-chains.
Ar, on the other hand...
"Ack! Owch!"
"This must be the end for me..."
"You're hopeless! You're pathe-"
After several minutes of this "Ar" desperately attempting to survive Remy's attacks, the overly kind Ratatong decided to tone it down a notch.
But even with Remy not completing any chains except for the odd one-chain to keep him in the game, his opponent wasn't faring well at all.
About twelve minutes into the battle, Remy checked Ar's board, deciding to simply watch him play.
Ar wasn't doing any hard drops. He wasn't even pushing his pieces to go down faster.
Most impressively of all, it appeared that Ar wasn't holding a single piece.
"Are you going easy on me?" Remy asked, curious. This guy didn't seem like the type to do such a thing, but...
"Going easy- I'm putting all I have into this battle!" Ar retorted.
"Ah, well, you aren't harddropping, or doing any t-spins, or anything special at all, so I just thought-"
"WELL you thought wrong! I simply use...alternative tactics in my battles!"
"Alternative... B-but, do you even know how to harddrop at all? It's a really important, uhm, technique." Remy said, now feeling incredibly awkward.
Ar scoffed. "'Hard drops' mean nothing to me! My techniques are clearly far beyond your level if you think that simply being 'fast' and 'efficient' is what it takes to be good at Tetris!"
Suddenly, the two heard a noise neither of them were expecting - the noise of too many Puyos causing Remy's board to break.
"O-oh, well..." Remy said, falling to the ground in his signature 'loser pose'.
"I won?" Ar said, clearly in shock before shaking his head and recomposing himself, "OF COURSE I won! I'm the greatest Tetris player in the multiverse! Nobody can stand in my way!"
"R-right, okay, now that that's over with... I really need to get back to work," Remy sighed, "My boss won't fire me, but I don't want to leave everyone to do my work..."
Remy began the short walk to the supply closet... and Ar followed him.
"You're the first person I've battled in quite some time. Clearly, this means we were meant to be together!" He announced.
"...'Scuse me?" Remy said blankly.
"You heard me! Your sudden presence must be a good omen... Obviously you shall be the one to bring me to my goal!"
"If your goal's also the supply closet, then sure, otherwise I can't help you." Remy said, then began completely ignoring Ar.
"My goal is far beyond that - it's to the stars! The SS Tetra... I must find it, battle Tee, and reclaim my rightful place as Tetris King!" Ar began ranting, "Of course, you shall be assisting me, as you're clearly almost as powerful as I am! Now, my plan is this..."
And so he continued, all throughout Remy's time at work, until Remy went home and locked Ar out in the rain like the sopping wet flea-covered stray cat he was.
the end
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dogboyklug · 2 years
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klugpuuo · 2 years
16, 17 and 19 for Remy!!
16. Let’s look at their search history. What are the last 5 things they searched?
can i get health insurance when i live on another world
plant that can talk
am i gay quiz 100% accurate
the faint youtube full album band
roar youtube band the band roar the band full album youtube
17. What’s the last thing they searched in an incognito tab 👀 (doesn’t need to be NSFW!)
19. What are their most frequently visited websites?
probably yt [he likes music], azlyrics he likes to browse . uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh motorcycle listings??? and bing.
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ROUND 1.2!!!!
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worked as a mime on her home planet before getting accidentally teleported to primp by none other than ace, an ecolo-like idiot who creates portals to other worlds when stressed out.
scared, alone, missing her brother and seriously concerned about the lack of melanin present in the locals, she was temporarily taken in by remy ratatong [another oc of mine] and maguro sasaki as she attempted to navigate the new world she was thrown in.
she loves pokemon, her favorite characters are ingo and emmet, she even cosplayed as ingo once!
agent 404 found out about the squidbeak splatoon when browsing old government documents before proper security was put in place and you could just... do that. inspired by their comedic antics, he began 'training' himself for the day where he might end up actually joining them.
he ended up meeting tuyen sango (the captain) and lyca murray (new agent 3.2) by chance while watching turf battles and treated them both like celebrities, practically begging for them to let him on the team
he is and was overqualified for the job, so they just gave him the vague titles of "hackerman" and "guy who does cool stuff" so he wouldn't end up taking basically all of their jobs.
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hell-girl69 · 2 years
I had a fun day today. I had to take two test in school both of which i’m sure I did well in and then I went over to ravens to meet up with chris, raven, sara, and juliet. Juliet gave me three eddibles for my sleepover with natalie and michael tommrow. She and chris had to leave but me, raven, and sara are having a sleepover. Were watching ratatong.
My tiktok fyp has also gotten so cool omg. its all edits of hot emo girls. I will be one of them one day
I have the biggest, fattest, crush on victor and emily from corpse bride. both of them are so hotttttt. I love emily’s nice personlity, shes so sweet and you know how i love nervous men. Victors voice is so nice too, its so soft and kind.
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 2 years
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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ryo-maybe · 6 years
Like m a n despite everything, seeing these snippets from the latest KH3 trailer have me smiling like a doofus, and I can only imagine what the entirety of the trailer’s like.
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buckysboobs · 3 years
Im back ratatong
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dogboyklug · 2 years
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remy used to be. SO mean. and he and klug hated each other SO much.
and now?
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why are they like this
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klugpuuo · 2 years
6, 19 and 31 for Remy cuz. Oooo Remy Ratatong my best friend
6: Headcanon VA
maybe like......this. but daycore. maybe im notsure..... i could edit it maybe.........a.
19: Hobbies
motor cycle :] he likes to mod it...legally of course (primp doesnt have any motorcycle laws .
he also likes plantkeeping !! he doesnt have many, only spider plants, but he wants 2 get flowers nd stuff :]
31: What’s their current main conflict?
in htp, he's still considering destroying the portal back to his homeworld. he's powerful enough, but...would it really fix anything? the damage has already been done, nate has left to go...somewhere, and doppel seems to be healing from his time there. would it change anything? hasn't it brought more good than harm? maybe he just doesnt want such a big reminder of his past.
in sing, he is wondering what he should bring to the sleepover . at raffina's mansion house . he cant decide. very fashion-conches....
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klugpuuo · 2 years
For the OC ask game, how about 41 and 45 for Remy?
41: What’s their morning routine like?
in htp: wake up, get yelled at by klug to get food, get a good amount of breakfast, go to work for 5-6 hours, go home, everyone else has already cleaned everything wtf wtf wtf wtf . clean anyway. do literally whatever for the rest of the day (this includes eating). go to bed
in sing: wake up, do not eat (accidental), go to work for ten hours, go home, scream andcry a bit, eat and feel better, clean the entire house, do every chore, sleep
45: Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
for theme song i would say. practically any roar song but especially "the comfort of a laugh track" and / or "stutter" by jack stauber. awesome
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klugpuuo · 2 years
REMY RATATONG!!!!! <3 he’s a meow meow 2 me
infects ur brain w him
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dogboyklug · 2 years
I posted 316 times in 2022
That's 267 more posts than 2021!
249 posts created (79%)
67 posts reblogged (21%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 311 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#klug's sketches - 184 posts
#puyo puyo - 97 posts
#srb - 58 posts
#klug's ocs - 49 posts
#original character - 38 posts
#remy ratatong [oc] - 31 posts
#puyo puyo oc - 29 posts
#firealpaca - 20 posts
#remy [oc] - 20 posts
#shitpost - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#this was gonna be for the song im making for him (still prolly gonna use it) but i cant use a fullbody for the thing i have in mind soooo
My Top Posts in 2022:
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the dos and donts of washing Child
34 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
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37 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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leshy po3 divorce canon
49 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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63 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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76 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
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dogboyklug · 2 years
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[image id: a drawing of remy ratatong, a white man with red eyes and short blue hair, cosplaying as remilia scarlet from touhou. he's sitting on a wall and doing a "raptor hands" pose. he has a vague outline in sunset colors. there is no background. end id]
REMYlia scarlet
idk shit abt remilia other than she's autistic and a vampire i just didn't wanna see sigarle the second i looked up puyo puyo on here
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dogboyklug · 2 years
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halloweeny and scene experimental stuff wahoo. i love them
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