#rare i-briefly-dip-my-toe-into-this-fandom-again post
krowscrawl · 3 months
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i listened to jcs again
bonus post-performance kiss
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happy pride month
crops under the cut
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xnumb-little-bugx · 1 year
My Fics
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I thought I'd put together a pinned post for all my fics, which I can add to as I go.
I love writing and I've loved the little community of artists, authors and readers I've discovered since sharing my first fic ❤️
As you will see my current love is Adam Kenyon/Fergus Williams from The Thick Of It, but I'm hoping to broaden out into BBC Ghosts and other fandoms that I adore.
My asks are open for fan-fiction requests and a guide about what I will and won't write can be found in my bio.
Title: An accident, not a mistake
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
A little first time fic that's been sitting in my almost finished folder for a while, so I've tidied it up and posted it
He opens the door and there’s Adam. Looking slightly nervous, which somehow makes Fergus feel a bit better. Adam has clearly been home between the meeting and coming here, because he’s in a dark pair of jeans, with a grey sweatshirt and his hair is still slightly wet from showering. Fergus can only stare at him, his brain short-circuiting.
“Hey.” Adam has obviously taken Fergus’s silence as awkwardness because he runs a hand through his damp hair, beautifully unsure in a way Fergus rarely gets to witness.
Title: First Aid
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
I really enjoyed dipping my toe into Hurt Adam in my recent story, so this time I’ve decided to hit him with a lamp. A little reimagining of the 'Gone Glental' scene in TTOI with Fergus taking care of Adam.
I've flagged this for minor injuries and blood, but I don't go into great detail. Explicit for canon-typical swearing and smut in later chapters!
“There you go.” Fergus whispers. He is torn between genuine concern and desperation to snog Adam senseless. “You could still have a concussion though. Have you got a headache? Any nausea?”
“No. And no.”
Fergus reaches out to smooth his thumb gently across the plaster that’s now sitting across Adam’s cheekbone. He briefly entertains a wild idea about kissing Adam better, and he acts before he can talk himself out of it. He leans closer and kisses Adam’s cheek softly, placing his lips just off centre of the plaster so he can feel Adam’s warm skin beneath his lips. He pulls back and they make eye contact again. Adam looks surprised, but certainly not displeased, so Fergus repeats the gesture just above Adam’s eye.
Title: A bit tied up
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
Adam and Fergus discover a shared kink and have fun exploring it together.
“Well, I might be able to but I’m a bit tied up at the moment.” Fergus chokes on nothing and glances across at Adam. At first he thinks the turn of phrase is just a coincidence, but then Adam makes eye contact with him and winks. Definitely on purpose then.
Fergus puts his middle finger up and Adam just smiles at him. “Yeah, yeah I know.” Adam continues. “But my hands are tied.”
Fergus slides his chair out and flounces out of the room, Adam laughing silently behind him.
Title: A place for me and you
Rating: Explicit
Status: WIP 9/10(?)
Fergus travels to his company's Head Office in Manchester every month, always staying in the same hotel. One day he arrives and finds the hotel has a new manager, Adam, and he definitely isn't immediately taken with this lovable arsehole.
“What a fucking prick.”
Fergus laughs in surprise and Adam looks up sharply at him. “Shit, sorry. That wasn’t very professional of me.” He trails off when he sees Fergus is grinning at him and he offers him a sheepish grin back, sensing a kindred spirit.
“Maybe.” Fergus agrees, “But he was an absolute prick though.” He adds, offering Adam a cigarette.
Adam laughs as he takes a cigarette and lights it. “Thanks.”
Title: It's Alright I'm Here
Rating: Mature (Swearing)
Status: Complete
Adam definitely doesn't have flu (he really does). Fergus takes him home and looks after him.
Fergus reaches out and lays his hand on Adam’s forehead. Adam tries to move away but Fergus gently cups his cheek with his other hand to hold him still. “Fucking hell, Adam, you’re boiling. I think you’re running a temperature.”
For a few seconds Adam looks up at him and Fergus thinks he’s going to argue, but then Adam’s shoulders sink and all the fight seems to drain out of him. “I feel fucking awful, Fergus.” He coughs and Fergus steps back to give him space. He winces at how sore Adam’s throat sounds. Once Adam’s coughing has eased he continues. “I think you’re right, I don’t think this is just a cold.”
Fergus can count on one finger the number of times Adam has admitted Fergus was right, and now he doesn’t even get to enjoy it because he’s so worried about him. He glances at the clock.
Title: Sun-kissed
Rating: Explicit (Swearing, Explicit Sexual Content)
Status: Complete
A little Christmas present to all my fellow Adam/Fergus fans <3
The promised holiday fic from my 'Not The Right Time' series.
Fergus sits down beside Adam on the bed and reaches out to run his hand down his back. Adam’s skin is warm despite his cold shower. He lets his hand drift lower and lower until it just reaches the top of the sheet and then he strokes back up Adam’s back. Adam stirs and turns his head to face Fergus.
“Hey.” Adam mutters, sounding sleepy and relaxed. “S’nice.”
Title: The Only Exception
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete
Adam and Fergus have a friends with benefits thing going on, and they're both free to see other people. They're both totally fine with that. Aren't they?
“What’s up with you?” Fergus’s voice interrupted Adam’s reminiscing.
“Nothing.” He snapped, his frown deepening.
Fergus moves to stand in front of him. “Doesn’t seem like nothing. What’s wrong?”
Adam stands up from the sofa and moves away from Fergus. “Just leave it. Don’t you have a date to go on?” Adam knows he’s probably just shown his hand, but he couldn’t help himself.
Fergus frowns after him and then follows, never able to let it go. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Fergus grabs Adam’s arm and pulls him round to face him. “Are you jealous?!”
Adam pulls his arm out of Fergus’s grasp. “No. Of course I’m fucking not.”
Fergus crosses his arms. “Kind of seems like you are.”
Title: Plus One
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
The NSFW version of my flufftober entry for the prompt "+1". Fergus has a bit of a crisis when he gets a wedding invite with a plus one.
“It’s fine.” But Adam is shaking his head and Fergus isn’t sure he’s even listening. “Seriously Adam, it’s ok. It was nice, and not exactly unwelcome, even if you didn’t really mean it.”
Adam continues. “I overheard that prick taking the piss out of you and I just wanted to wipe the smug look off his face.” By this point Adam is pacing. “It made you uncomfortable and I’m really sorry.”
Adam stops pacing abruptly and looks at Fergus. “Wait, what did you say?”
Fergus realises what he had said and briefly contemplates pleading ignorance, but he really wants to reassure Adam that he’s not upset about this. “I said it was nice.” His voice barely above a whisper. “It wasn’t unwelcome, even though I know you didn’t really mean it.”
Title: Flufftober 2023 Prompts
Rating: Teen
Status: Work in progress (WIP) 30/31
This will be a series of one-shots released each day of October. I'm still planning it out but hope to cover a range of fandoms, including The Thick Of It, BBC Ghosts and Yonderland (and possibly others).
Adam had thought that a Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship team building weekend, at a fucking adult soft play centre no less, was the worst idea Stuart had ever had. Until, that is, he’d announced it was time for half the group to put on blindfolds and be led around a ball pit and foam block obstacle course.
Title: I might be ok, but I’m not fine at all
Rating: Explicit (Swearing, Explicit Sexual Content, brief Non-Consensual Drug Taking/Drink Spiking)
Status: Complete 8/8
It’s him. Adam didn’t even know this photo of him existed. It’s him and Ella on the sofa, that morning at Christmas where she fell asleep on him. Sarah must have taken it and sent it to Fergus. And then Fergus had printed it out and put it in his wallet. The thought of Fergus carrying this photo around with him for two years was making his insides twist with a horrible combination of love, regret and guilt.
Title: I see the signs of a lifetime (you 'til I die)
Rating: Teen (Swearing)
Status: Complete
“If the next word out of your mouth is ‘boyfriend’, I’ll strangle you with your own tie. We’re not f****** teenagers, Adam.”
Title: Christmas
Rating: Explicit (Swearing, Explicit Sexual Content)
Status: Complete
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” His mum replies. “Father Christmas has been.” Heather adds, nodding towards the Christmas tree in the lounge.
Fergus gives an exasperated sigh and rolls his eyes. “I’m an MP mum.”
“I know, but I put in a good word and he brought you some presents anyway.”
Title: The Right Time
Rating: Mature (Swearing, Sexual Content)
Status: Complete
Adam stood at the side of the hall, clutching an insipid cup of tea. He was watching Fergus, who was stood on the little platform at the front of the room that could barely be called a stage. Fergus looked like he was about to throw up, and Adam wasn’t feeling much better. His fingers itched for a cigarette that he hadn’t smoked in years and if he made eye contact with the smirking Tory Special Adviser one more time he might have to f****** punch him.
Title: Not The Right Time
Rating: Teen (Swearing, Slightly Suggestive Themes)
Status: Complete
“They’re a bunch of p*****.” Fergus mumbled against Adam’s neck.
“Yeah, they are.” Adam agreed, not only to placate Fergus. Minister of State for Social Affairs and Citizenship might not be a top government job, but it was better than most of those a******** had got so he could understand why their persistent p*** taking had wound Fergus up. “Not sure that five shots of tequila helped make your point though Fergs.”
Title: Worth Staying Home For
Rating: Teen (Swearing, Slightly Suggestive Themes)
Status: Complete
“Adam? What the f*** are you doing in my house at 3am? I thought I was being burgled!”
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
I *need* to know the history of your fandoms, dear 2012 Tumblr OG 😆
Gonna put this under a cut because there’s always a full story with me lol
I originally started a blog because I was lonely while my mum was away from home recovering from a very bad broken ankle (multiple surgeries, metal in her leg, she’s since recovered but it still gives her issues.) Due to her not being able to get up and down stairs, she was staying at my grandparents, and I was on my own in the condo for the very first time, essentially living completely on my own like the college student I would become, since I graduated HS in 2012. 
2012 was my last year of high school, and I had either drifted away from or actively pushed away my friends irl (untreated depression, anxiety, PTSD, undiagnosed ASD, and dealing with it all by huffing and cutting meant I was a real asshole lmao, putting it mildly.) But with my mum gone, that meant I was going days without talking to anyone aside from a teacher or two, and even my introverted ass needs to talk on occasion. 
I knew nothing of Tumblr, but I had recently started watching Dr. Who at that point, and reading the chapter books written for the series, so I blogged about that at first. When Sherlock came around, I got into it briefly, then got pissed about the shitty writing and have an intense dislike for Steven Moffat to this day (stay off my lawn, Steven. I’ll fight you via script writing.)  
I was also dipping my toes into the LOTR and Hobbit fandom at that time (I even briefly rp’d as Elrond w/someone on here. All gen rp, don’t hold it against me lol. But I dipped out of that fast, there was a shit ton of drama I didn’t want to deal with.) Made some great friends there that unfortunately either aren’t on here anymore or rarely post, but I hope they’re all well! 
Those were my ‘big three’ for the longest time. Way back at the start I also dipped a bit into Supernatural, but again...shit writing made me fall out of love w/it pretty fast. Funny enough, I did watch it long enough to get my mum into it, and she’s still a fan. It got her through a painful part of her life, so even if I don’t like it anymore, I give it props for helping her like that. I also mingled in the Star Trek fandom some, but just a bit. 
Before I got into the Pacific and everything I blog about now, I had a period of just...like nothing. I reblogged random shit on my dash, had like no tags or decent organization, and considered deleting but realized I liked having access to a community where I could meet new people, since that’s not really a thing in my home town or anywhere else irl. Tumblr has its shit, but what community doesn’t? I’m happy to still be here, and grateful that I was able to build any readership for my writing here. I don’t think I could have done that on any other site for sure. it also essentially gave me a place to vent and work on myself where no one except the ppl on here could see it, which was a gift too. 
I didn’t envision having this blog by this age, but I also thought I’d be dead by now (tbh still kind of shocked I’m not lmao. That doesn’t feel real all the time, but that’s for another post.) Despite everything, it’s nice to still be going, still be on here, and to have found the fandoms I have (like Queen-I was always a fan since I was young, but I had no idea there was an extension of the fandom on here, and I’m so glad I found it!!) 
My first fandoms are def what the kids call ‘cringe’ (or not, maybe, idk I’m 25 w/no kids and I live like I’m fifty, I fully admit I have only the barest idea of what ‘the kids’ do now. As long as they’re safe and having fun and not getting traumatized by shit like rotten.com like I was when I was younger lmao) but overall? They gave me an outlet to do something other than hate myself and fear for my future, and I give them kudos for that. 
That’s p much it though, my Tumblr/fandom history lol. 
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amuseoffyre · 5 years
Writing Meme!
I was tagged by @ashfae, because she enjoys causing me pain :P
Author name: Fyre :) Have been using that as my SN since 2001-ish.
Fandoms You Write For: Ahahahahaha. To be making a laughing sound. Anything. Everything. Right now, Good Omens is my main one, but I’ve been ficcing for 20 years and have toe-dipped in around 100 fandoms at last count. I also love a plausible crossover. If I can cross something, I will :D Did briefly make BNF status in HP fandom, around 2002. Very confusing experience, since I don’t generally interact with people, I just throw fic at them.
Where you post: Previously, I had my own sites and used to post on the Pit of Voles. Now, I post on tumblr and AO3 exclusively. Mostly because I’m too lazy to post everywhere else.
Most popular one-shot: Unexpectedly, based on kudos alone, it’s Five Times North Star Assistance Helped The English Guy. It was one of two fics I wrote for Sleepy Hollow during season one. Then season two happened and I never wrote for it again.
Most popular multi-chapter story: No shock that it’s one of my MCU stories: Training Buddies. It was meant to be a one-shot set after CA:TWS, when Matt Murdock accidentally befriends the on-the-run ex-Winter Soldier. Only because it’s me, it got big and I accidentally correctly wrote the events of Civil War the year before the film came out. A few people screeched at me about that.
Favourite story you wrote: Don’t have one. Seriously, dude. Seriously. How can you ask this question? I have over 300 works on AO3 alone and that’s just my stuff I’ve posted since 2008. Asking me to pick one is like… I don’t even know what it’s like! Doesn’t help that I rarely remember what I’ve written until I unexpectedly get comments or kudos for it and go “wait, which one was that?” Fic is just me pulling my brain-words out, splatting them on a keyboard and throwing them at the internet. I don’t really have much of an emotional attachment. (However, if you insult any of my babies, I KEEL YOU)
Story you were nervous to post: First ever, ever, ever fic. That was terrifying. I can’t even remember which one it was now, but it was October 1999. I found a website of an artist who also wrote fic and I made a small fic and tentatively held it out for this Wise Sage Experienced fan’s appraisal. 20 years down the line, I’m still friends with her, I’ve lived with her for a spell, she got me a job and I own a metric ton of her art.
How do you choose your titles? I have no sodding clue. Sometimes they just show up in my brain.
Do you outline? OH LORD. No. No, no, no, no. I keyboard smash. That’s all I ever do. I don’t know what’s coming. Some part of my brain does, but I certainly do not.
Complete: …I did mention I’ve been doing this for 20 years, right? I’ll give you a few of my biggest ones: The Eighth Weasley (Buffy/HP crossover – 412k - started in 2001. Please excuse the writing quality. I was a learner), An Inward Treasure (Once Upon a Time Rumbelle Regency AU - 100k), Avalanche (Peggy Carter as the Winter Soldier AU – 82k), Thaw and Glacier (CA:TWS Sorta-Honey-Trap AU from two POVs – also one of my writing challenges to myself with fixed word counts per chapter), Burning with a Deadly Heat (CA:TWS Cold War AU – 82k), Inverse Omens (Good Omens reverse role AU – 61k + expanded missing scenes of around 60+k as well, because I’m lame). I also did a whole slew of full season 1 rewrites of Once Upon a Time, because why not? :D
In progress: AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH SHUT UP. Main two at the moment as the Hunger series and Crossing Paths, which have no ending in sight because I’m having way too much fun with them.
Coming soon/not started yet: Me no know.
Do you accept prompts? You can lob them at me. Can’t guarantee I’ll use them.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: It’s a novel :D Another one! As well as 275k of fic on AO3 in the past 11 years, I’ve also had six novels, a novella and 7 short stories published. I am a busy bee.
I won’t tag, for mercy’s sake. Feel free to meme if you like.
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