#raptor x sparta
misky-uwu · 8 months
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Can you write a reader who is a volunteer working at a raptor rehabilitation center with the DMC boys?
She tells them abt her experiences of working with multiple raptors like Bald headed eagles; Vultures; Falcons; Kites (yes the 🪁 was named after the bird, not the other way around); Owls; Hawks;… Her favorites are the Eagles, especially the Harpy Eagle as in her word, relatively docile and its face card does not decline
She also educate visitors abt each raptors and their traits, hunting strategy, habitats,etc
She also gushes to them abt how cute and heavily misunderstood vultures are. In fact, Turkey vultures seem to have a genuine curiosity about people and objects. Roosts are often near humans. In wildlife rehabilitation centers where injured turkey vultures are treated and in the wild, they have been known to bond with a certain individual and follow them around, watching their activities. One story tells of a turkey vulture that found "its person" in a town of 12,000 people. A turkey vulture in rehab will often bring someone an object and then play "tug-of-war." Caretakers who have worked with them have found them to be "...gentle, inquisitive, and very intelligent". Another story tells of a group of turkey vultures playing together every evening with a ball left out in someone's yard.
She even named one of the vultures who bonded with her after the boys because of how affectionate it is, like an oversized stinky feathered puppy.
But mainly; she finds this job to educate people on the importance of protecting some endangered species or species that have a high risk of being endangered, clear up misconceptions abt certain raptors and defend any raptors that got heavily demonized by lots of people
P/S: Do you know that all birds of prey can be raptors but not all raptors can be birds of prey? Also raptors are not a family reunion, more of a description (Jurassic pedicure; god-tier eyesight; sharp-hooked beak)
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(This is a Harpy Eagle, they’re cute)
Yes, those eagles are very cute. Looks just like Vergil, really.
Sparta boys + V x Raptor caretaker!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante loves hearing interesting tidbits about raptors and listening to you explain multiple times that raptor does not mean dinosaur, it refers to specific types of birds.
-Visiting the rehabilitation center is always a noisy, smelly experience but it's fun!
-He loves following you and your tour group around, even though he didn't pay, just happy to be there, looking at birds and listening to you ramble on.
-You talk so much about turkey vultures it makes Dante hungry. He ends up eating turkey sandwiches whenever you tell him a story.
-So, a turkey vulture once found its "person" among 12,000 humans? Doesn't that sound somewhat familiar? Didn't Dante find his special person among billions of humans? Yeah, you get the connectoon.
-Thinks it's so cute for you to have named one of the vultures you care for after him.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil had some respect for birds but not much else. He initially didn't want to go see your rehabilitation center, but you talked him into it.
-He ended up changing his mind about raptors after spending the day there. He found that they are mostly loud, smelly, squawking creatures that he does not find pleasant to be around.
-How you can keep your cool and even touch those things is beyond him.
-The only raptor he liked was the harpy eagle, mostly because it looked somewhat like him. You did not hesitate to point this out.
-He grew very bored of your turkey stories very quickly and once dozed off while you talked.
-When you showed him the vulture you named after him, Vergil wasn't sure if he should be offended or complimented. While vultures certainly share some of his physical characteristics, they are filthy carrion creatures. Do they deserve his respect?
□ Nero □
-Nero used to love dinosaurs as a kid, so when you told him you worked with raptors, he immediately thought of Jurassic Park.
-He was rather disappointed but also very interested to discover that raptors to not refer to meat eating velociraptors, but rather specific types of birds with certain characteristics.
-Was very curious to see and hear about kites. Not the toy, the bird.
-You are very enthusiastic about turkey vultures and that enthusiasm has transferred to Nero. Now neither one of you can stop geeking out over them.
-Is filled with this sense of familiarity whenever he's around harpy eagles.
-Can't stop laughing upon realizing you named a vulture after him.
● V ●
-V is very comfortable around birds thanks to taking care of Griffon all the time.
-He is very curious about the different raptors you take care of, and surprisingly, knew what a raptor was without you having to explain.
-He is loved by all the birds. Whenever you take one out of its enclosure to show it to your tour group, it immediately flies over to V's shoulders.
-Griffon tries to start conversations with your raptors and gets upset when they don't respond.
-V is considering volunteering to work alongside you because he really enjoys being around you, and squawking, stinky, constantly defacating birds.
-When he discovered you named a vulture after him, he was so touched. What a sweet gesture!
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