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psychic-type-t · 6 months ago
Hey uh
I just saw something on my rapidashboard
What's a lesbian?
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apricorns-n-ribbons · 5 months ago
Welcome! I’m Xylon, but you can call me Xy for short!
I’m a coordinator, ball artisan (pretty much every pokéball I use I have crafted myself) and general woodworker.
I do custom pokéball commissions* and sales* from time to time.
I’m originally from Alola, but I moved to Hoenn some years ago. Last year, my big brother @prof-nuytsia moved here too, so I have been living with him ever since!
Would love to talk to other coordinators, ball makers, ball enthusiasts or just people generally interested on those topics!
[Lāʻau lāʻau | Pikipeck | Timer Ball | Cute]
[ʻōpuʻu | Caterpie | Friend Ball | Clever]
[Momi | Milotic | Love Ball | Cool]
[Pulupulu | Absol | Moon Ball | Beautiful]
Eliot's guys I'm baby sitting:
[Jack | Clobbopus | Ghost Tera]
[Doozy | Fiorean Skitty | Water/Normal type]
[Sephie | Phanpy | Contest mon]
[Worm | Barboach ]
Pelipper Mail and Union Circle are On, everything else is off
//In Character hatemail is fine
//*Custom pokeball commissions and “sales” will be free, they’re just, like, in universe paid. Feel free to request a pokeball on an ask. “Sales” will work like free adopts.
//Note for mun: Current year is 2021, Xy is 21, he was born in 2000
//Hello! It’s me! Eddie (he/they)!
You know the gist
Art blogs: @reimagining-johto @eddies-silly-art-gallery
Other pokeblogs: @mudboy-eliot @prof-nuytsia @senior-camper-nikita
Tag Glossary:
#rotomblr, #pokemon irl, #pokeblogging, etc: these are your standard RP tags
#xy posts: original content tag
#rapidashboard: reblog tag
#asks: ask tag
#snaps: in-universe photography
#xy balls: ball related original posts
#xy contests: contest related original posts
#xy crafts: woodworking and craft related original posts
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prof-nuytsia · 6 months ago
My name is Taysa Nuytsia, Pokémon Professor, He/Him.
My main field of research is Pokemon hybridization through breeding and symbiotic relationships.
I am native to the Alola region and I’m currently based in Hoenn, although I travel a lot to give lectures and for research.
I’m a former researcher for the Aether Foundation, but since I’m still under NDA, I cannot share much about the findings we made during my time working there, nor anything else that happened at the foundation.
I’m not much of a trainer myself, I have only a couple of the Pokémon I caught during my time doing the Island challenge.
When not doing research or traveling for work, I spend my time volunteering at my local Ranger station rehabilitating sick or injured Pokémon, breeding Pokémon at the Mauville daycare and doing some nature photography.
Sometimes Pokémon are too injured to return to the wild and sometimes the offspring of the Pokémon I’ve bred can’t easily find a trainer in Mauville, so I might use this medium to find these Pokémon a forever home.
Feel free to send inquiries about my field or my personal life. I’ll be happy to answer them.
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Pokémon companions:
Kiko - Snubull
‘iole - Rattata (Alolan)
He’enalu - Surskit
Pahu - Pelipper
Pelipper Mail and Union Circle are on, everything else is off.
//In Character hate mail is not only allowed, but encouraged! Kick his morally grey ass
//Sentient Pokémon, Pokémon hybrids and Eebies may interact, but I will choose wether to respond or not at my own discretion
// Heya! It’s me, Eddie (He/They).
I also run the pokeblog @mudboy-eliot and the art blogs @reimagining-johto and @eddies-silly-art-gallery if you want to see more of my RP and art!
This blog is primarily for adopts, but I will do more general RP as well.
//Taysa currently is 27, he lives in 2021 and was born in 1994. This is mostly info for myself.
Tag glossary:
#rotomblr, #pokemon irl, #pokeblogging, etc: these are your standard RP tags
#professor nuytsia: original content tag
#rapidashboard: reblog tag
#nuytsia adopts: adoptable tag
#inquiries: ask tag
#poryNaturalist: in-universe nature photography
#snaps: in-universe general photography
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mudboy-eliot · 6 months ago
I’ve had a fascination with zubat ever since I moved to Orre! They’re just everywhere at night, pollenizing cacti flowers and stuff.
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got a litter in of some funky little zubats!! they'll just be staying at the center for a short period of time so they can adjust to the climate and weather of Alola
(ignore the ditto please, they think they're being very subtle)
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senior-camper-nikita · 6 months ago
I’m Nikita, I’m 15 years old and I’m a Senior Camper!
My troupe is on its off season, so I decided to move to Johto for a bit and try on the Gym Challenge!
I’m originally from Sinjoh! Lots of ancient buildings and ruins there. My troupe and I love to visit them from time to time and see what we can discover.
I moved to Johto bc Sinjoh doesn’t really have an established Gym Challenge or a Pokémon League. Most “gyms” are just veteran trainers having some fun with newbies to test their skills, no fancy buildings or badges.
My best bud is Buddy (She’s an Urufuman). We met when I was scouting a forest in winter. She was hurt, so as a good Camper, I nursed her back to health! We’ve been inseparable ever since.
I hope I can earn all my badges, beat the league and become the next champion!
Current Location: Mahogany Town, Johto
[Buddy - Urufuman ♀]
[Gills - Pineco ♂]
[Mold - Venonat ♂]
[Ears - Sentret ♀]
[Mist - Misdreavous ♂]
[Suchiruuru - Mareep ♂]
Badges Earned:
[Glacier Badge] [💠]
[Fog Badge] [💠]
[Mineral Badge] []
[Plain Badge] []
[Hive Badge] []
[Zephyr Badge] []
[Rising Badge] []
[Storm Badge] []
Pelipper (Delibird) Mail and Union Circle are on, everything else is off.
//The person who runs this account is an adult, but Nikita is a child
//In-Character hate mail is allowed, but I will in-character cry if you send any
//The only sentient Pokémon that may interact are those who could reasonably be sentient in-canon, like psychic types, humanoids and some legendaries
//Hello! It’s me! Eddie (he/they)!
You know the gist
Art blogs: @reimagining-johto @eddies-silly-art-gallery
Other pokeblogs: @mudboy-eliot @prof-nuytsia
Tag Glossary:
#rotomblr, #pokemon irl, #pokeblogging, etc: these are your standard RP tags
#camper nikita: original content tag
#rapidashboard: reblog tag
#asks: ask tag
#snaps: in-universe photography
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exec-proton · 10 months ago
SOMEONES feeling bold on the rapidashboard today
I'm a guy with some interests, what can I say? Milas is out of commission right now. Not going to risk bothering him. Archer is Archer. And I'd rather be taken apart not by his hounds.
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psn-stalling · 1 year ago
I won't lie for the longest time I. Thought you were a trubbish. Because of your icon. So whenever I saw you on my rapidashboard I thought it was just a Trubbish Posting. On that note can your garbador come to the phone
Unfortunately, I am indeed not a Trubbish, but a dumb teenage boy stuck in a school underwater in the middle of the ocean. Also, poor Oscar is unable to type. But I can certainly give you some photos of him!!
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mudboy-eliot · 6 months ago
Good source of electrolytes! Great to combat dehydration!
accidentally put salt in my late night lemonade instead of sugar but im gonna continue to drink it because im petty and wont let myself win
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saltythirstybirdmother · 5 years ago
Pokémon as artists, Part 1 (Kanto)
Good Charizard (Good Charlotte)
NidoQueen (Queen)
Nidokings of Leon (Kings of Leon)
Parasmore (Paramore)
Arctic Mankeys (Arctic Monkeys)
Arcanine Inch Nails (Nine Inch Nails)
Alakazam! (Wham!)
Tentacoolio (Coolio)
Rapidashboard Confessional (Dashboard Confessional)
Magnetones and I (Tones and I)
Doduo Lipa (Dua Lipa)
Seel (Seal)
Blue Clöyster Cult (Blue Öyster Cult)
Grimers (Grimes)
Gast (Ghost)
Haunter Hayes (Hunter Hayes)
Stevie Onix (Stevie Nicks)
Marowaka Flocka Flame (Waka Flocka Flame)
Weezing (Weezer)
Rhydon Toliver (Don Toliver)
Chansey the Rapper (Chance the Rapper)
Jynx Monsoon (Jinkx Monsoon)
Electabuzzcocks (Buzzcocks)
Magmaroon 5 (Maroon 5)
Magicarpenters (Carpenters)
Laprascal Flatts (Rascal Flatts)
Eeveenescence (Evanescence)
The Vaporeons (The Vapors)
Aerodactylsmith (Aerosmith)
Snorlax Mafia (Shoreline Mafia)
ArticUnoTheActivist (UnoTheActivist)
Zappdos (Zapp)
Möltres Crüe (Mötley Crüe)
Dratini Meat Gang (Tiny Meat Gang)
Dragonitte (Dragonette)
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senior-camper-nikita · 5 months ago
So cute!
Little cloud guy!
Fluffy Pokémon are the best!
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wearing my Blankey, which is made of Me
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apricorns-n-ribbons · 5 months ago
What a big boy! Such a wonderful shuckle. Bet they are a delight to be around! (When wearing a mask, ofc)
Here he is
This is one of the better pictures, he weighs almost 1k lbs. and his shell is six feet long.
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Its shell is home to 24 species of mold, and if you have asthma do not come within like 100 ft. you will probably die. We had to wear masks because of the spores.
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prof-nuytsia · 6 months ago
I originally Intended to make my thesis on this topic, but it was too much of a challenge for me at the time, so I had to pivot.
I still think I could solve this mystery some day even though it is such a tough nut to crack. It is kind of my shiny wailord now that I think about it.
If you wish to anger Pokemon researchers, ask them if the factors that cause Shellder to take its new shape upon biting a Slowpoke's tail are part of the Slowpoke, or the Shellder.
The answer is that no one knows. It is not an evolution, but a transformation, and it makes no goddamn sense.
It is a good reminder for scientists to keep their humility.
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apricorns-n-ribbons · 4 months ago
Thinking about how shifts in climate are affecting the quality of the apricorns I’ve been receiving lately. More than half of the last batch I ordered was… a candidate for mulch and compost, to put it nicely. So many underripe, overripe and weedled apricorns. There’s only so many that end up usable.
So, what up rotomblr after dark? Anything interesting?
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senior-camper-nikita · 6 months ago
Not really a bug catcher, but I did go through a bug observer phase!
There are so many bugs to see in the forests of Sinjoh!
All of them are so interesting to watch! Their behaviors are so fun and so varied!
As I always say: Bugs Do So Much!
Probably should make a T-shirt with that written on it.
Maybe a matching cap with just the initials!
Observing bugs and writing down the behaviors we observed on our pen and paper Pokédex will always be my favorite activity to do with my troupe.
You can learn so much from seeing the bugs by yourself than by letting a silly digital Pokédex scan it and tell you random information about them.
Actually wait- did everyone go through a bug catcher phase as a kid? I know it wasn't a phase for some people but I feel like every other kid I remember from when I was younger had a bug catcher phase at some point.
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senior-camper-nikita · 5 months ago
And companions!
I don’t know where I would be without my pack of buddies!
I see people using a lot of different terms for the Pokémon with them in my work—both as a therapist and during my current volunteer hours. I’m curious what people on this site think though!
Pick whichever one comes to mind first—I know multiple of these might ring true, or that different Pokémon might have different roles! (I’ve also included only positive/neutral terms here, which may be limiting, but I don’t need “they’re my tools” people here. If you call your Pokémon little jerks or what have you that’s perfectly welcome.)
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senior-camper-nikita · 6 months ago
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I spent quite a while just hanging out with Buddy before actually catching her! I only ended up catching her so we could do the Gym Challenge together, but you absolutely don’t need to catch a Pokémon just to be friends!
i think everyone should have at least one little pokemon friend. does not have to actually be yours. just a little pal that comes up to you and you feed it a little pokebean or something
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