emmett-ashford · 6 years
MEREDITH COTES: What does family mean to you?
“Family means everything.”
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ALIS TAN: What is your worst memory?
“I don’t want to talk about that.” The last time he saw his parents. They didn’t even look back as they left him on that woman’s porch. Not a wave. Not a glance. Nothing.
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🏃 for an Exy headcanon.
Emmett is a very, very, aggressive player. He spends a lot of time in the goal and a lot of time out of the goal too. He uses intimidation as a tactic a lot. No one expects a goalie to run at them. At least, not the first time. But Emmett hates standing still and will do all he can to help his team out, even if it means stepping out of the goal for a moment to do so.
💪 for a strength.
Emmett’s ability to find the silver lining in everything. His optimism. His ability to be sunshine. He can’t always do it but those are the days he doesn’t spend time with people so they never know about it. You only live once. There’s no sense in wallowing in the things you cannot change and making yourself miserable because you can’t find the good in a bad situation.
❓ for a random headcanon.
Em can’t cook. He’s tried. He’s really, really, tired. But he can’t. He’s more likely to burn something. He eats a lot of take out and even more frozen meals. The only reason he managed to eat when he was out on his own was because he worked at a diner and they fed him. He’s hopeless, but he tries.
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cadxmitchell · 6 years
CLAUDIA JEWELL: Do you know who you are?
“Do any of us know who we are? I don’t know -- Maybe if you’d asked me when I was younger I would have told you yes. So no, I don’t.” Cade hopes more than anything that he’s not the person he is today or has been the past few years. He wants to be the person he used to be before everything went south.
CASEY HENDRIX: What have you had to sacrifice to get to where you are today?
Cade wouldn’t meet your eyes; would laugh and simply say, “nah.”
📖 + Cade
Cade does not like himself. He’s weak, pathetic, and gullible. At least -- that’s what he believes himself to be when he thinks about himself. Once upon a time he would have thought himself to be sure of himself, strong, and confident. When Cade thinks back to the things he’s done, the things he’s said, he feels sick to his stomach and regrets every part of it. Some nights he wishes desperately that it never happened, that he never lived that life.
😔 for a sad memory
He didn’t leave his room for days afterward. Only late into the middle of the night when he was sure everyone else was asleep. Cade would lay there in bed, sleeping and sleeping and any time he woke up and remembered everything, he’d only find himself starting to cry. By the end of the week, most of everyone had stopped trying. Except on that Saturday morning, Cade’s phone rang for the first time in a long time. It was pure curiosity that made him pick it up, wondering who cared enough. AVA. It took him very little time to rush to the bathroom to throw up.
❓ for a random headcanon
Cade’s second necklace that he wears is silver chain with a silver plated bar hanging down from the end of it. To most, it’s just a simple little silver bar. But hidden from view unless examined is a message engraved on the backside. ‘Keep going,’ Such a simple thing that most people would laugh at or question his choice, but for Cade those are the two words that he repeated to himself over and over again. And he’ll keep repeating them.
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averyneel-blog1 · 6 years
MEREDITH COTES: What does family mean to you?
Doubt. Insecurity. Hope. Uncertainty. Resentment. Adoration. Admiration. Inadequacy. Silence. Pain. Pain and reluctance and fear - sharp and aching and bittersweet. 
“I... I don’t know. It’s complicated, I guess.”
CASEY HENDRIX: What have you had to sacrifice to get to where you are today?
“I’d say something cliche like ‘everything’ but I don’t think that’d really be true. To be honest, it’d just make me sound like a dramatic asshole. I haven’t really sacrificed anything to be at Palmetto - I didn’t have much to lose. Hard to give something up when you have nothing to let go of in the first place, you know?  I think a better question is “What do you have to lose, now that you’ve come so far?” ...For that one I really can say ‘everything’. My family. My dream. My future. I had nothing before Palmetto. I was nothing. Exy gave me things to lose and I... I dunno. I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, anymore.”
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lucaservine · 6 years
👪 for a family headcanon
Lucille and Lennox Ervine. They’re both young, Lucille soon to be 3 years old and Lennox a bubbly one year old who has the second brightest smile of all the Ervine family. So much younger than their older brother who they’ve never met. Lucas has no idea that he has two younger siblings; just a vague idea that it’s possible considering his mother’s rant a long time ago about his father’s new family. But unlike Lucas being in the dark, Lucille and Lennox will not be in the dark. Connor Ervine will make sure of that.
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sashahartashby · 6 years
📖+ @raleigheverhart for your character’s thoughts on that person.
Sasha has a lot of conflicting thoughts about Raleigh. She already had a lot of bias against the Vixens, so she didn’t want to associate with her even before she spoke to her that first time. After their first conversation, she thinks Raleigh cares too much about what other people think about her, and lets herself get pushed around, instead of fighting back. She doesn’t hate her as much as she thought she would though, and it might have something to do with the that night at the Vixen Den. She tries to pretend she forgot it, but she remembers the kiss and how she felt about so vividly that she can’t help but want to see what happens if they keep running into each other. 
😨 for an irrational fear.
Also answered here. Sasha doesn’t have any phobias luckily, and she doesn’t scare easily, but another thing she’s afraid of is going to sleep. Ever since the accident, she has frequent nightmares. She’ll stay up as late as possible, going on walks, reading, or watching movies, until she has no choice but to fall asleep. 
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itsoliviafinch · 6 years
oliva finch, del ramsay
OLIVIA FINCH: Who in your life are you most afraid of disappointing? 
It’s quiet for a moment as she glances down at her lap, knee bouncing a bit out of nerves as she searches for an answer. Her mother, wherever her soul lived now, was a big one. Her father of course, and the constant pressure that had her under his thumb her whole life. Zia, who was someone who believed and stood for her when she couldn’t do it herself. But the answer that leaves her is surprising, even to herself, “Myself.” She admitted, pursing her lips to the side as she took a deep breath, “I’m afraid of disappointing myself, or letting myself down? If that makes sense, which it might not, but when I was little I always believed in myself to do great things. I don’t want to let that little girl down.” She explained, softly in almost a whisper, before clearing her throat with a shrug, “And I don’t intend to.”
DEL RAMSEY: Are you more of a leader or a follower?
Once again, she couldn’t help but shrug because the question was so broad, “I just....it’s hard to answer these. Because most days I try to be a leader, some days I’m a follower. It just depends on where I am, I think. Or the situation....I don’t know.” She explained with a small huff of breath before running her palms over her knees with a sigh, “So it’s a tie.”
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striker-brayden · 6 years
🏃 ❓😊 🎁🏫♌
🏃 for an Exy headcanon.
Brayden didn’t actually choose his position (or Exy at all). Landon played backline for the local little league team and wanted someone to practice protecting the goal against, so he convinced Brayden to help. After a few initial lessons, Brayden caught on surprisingly quick and immediately used his speed to his advantage. He was never an athletic kid, but there was something about running that gave him an adrenaline rush. When his mom forced him to try out for his high school team, he didn’t even consider looking into another position. 
❓ for a random headcanon.
Brayden loves reality TV shows. Mainly anything on HGTV, but some notable ones are Great British Bake Off, America’s Next Top Model, Chopped, and Tiny House Nation. It’s the perfect background noise for when he’s painting, but he also does genuinely pay attention. For how much cooking/baking shows he watches, he’s still absolutely useless in the kitchen.
😊 for a happy memory.
Last semester he had a big art project that was the main focus of that class. The class had to paint representation of Robert Plutchik's of emotions, eight separate paintings. He agonized over it most of the semester, since expressing emotions he rarely experiences is one of his weakest points, but he ended up getting an A. He hardly ever gets A’s, and it was for such a huge project.
🎁 for your character‘s most prized possession.
🏫 for a school headcanon.
Brayden never planned on going to college. Honestly, he didn’t think he would ever graduate high school with how bad he was doing. His original plan was to run off to the east coast as soon as he turned eighteen, and try to work his way up to becoming a tattoo artist. He knew it was unrealistic, given he had no money, and no degree or experience. Plus, he was too far gone at that point to properly function. When Wymack offered him the contract, his first instinct was to turn him down, but then he weighed his options. It would be an out. A stepping stone to get where he really wanted. He’ll never admit, but now Brayden actually likes school–or his major, at least. He’d regret giving up the chance to have an actual degree. 
♌ for your character’s zodiac sign (or other personality indicator).
Pisces Sun and Aries Moon: 
“Its hard to strike a balance between a sense of inward peace, and reactions that are quite impulsive, active and even aggressive. There is a blending of emotional sensitivity, adaptability and understanding that is Pisces, with the high spirit and independence of Aries. With this there is generally a strong urge for personal advancement, fame or at least recognition, but you may need greater confidence and inward incentive to realize these desires.”
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akira-sxto · 6 years
✔️ for something your character likes.
Akira likes a lot of things, his car, exy, his sisters, and so on. But what Akira really, really, likes is his father’s Sukiyaki. An old family recipe he brought over from Japan. They don’t eat it a lot these days, especially since his dad works so much, but Akira has hundreds of fond childhood memories of helping his dad prepare it in the kitchen and then eating it around the table with his family. It was the first meal they made when Akira got home from rehab, although he didn’t really help make it that time around. (And, he’ll never admit it but it made him cry later that night too.)
😊 for a happy memory.
That first week back home from rehab ranks as one of the worst weeks of Akira’s life. Trapped inside behind drawn curtains because of the gathered throngs of press Akira felt a lot like he was suffocating. And it didn’t help that his family was pretty much walking on eggshells or altogether avoiding him. The first, and last time, he’d seen Naomi was when they’d brought him home from the airport. And she didn’t have to say anything for Akira to know she was pissed. At him? At the world? He didn’t know but he was pretty sure it was at him. He didn’t blame her. They were four days into this forced entrapment when Mei all but drug Naomi into his room declaring tonight was going to be about pizza, bad horror movies, and blanket forts. It was the worst blanket fort known to man but by the end of the night all three of the Sato’s were in a food coma and laughing their asses off in it anyways. It was a good night, a great night. And Akira thinks of it often and fondly.
🎁 for your character‘s most prized possession.
His high school exy jersey. He’s never been a very sentimental person but he did keep that. It’s battle worn and tired but it means a lot to him, both happy and bittersweet. It was signed by all of his teammates after they won the championships and Akira’s been meaning to get it framed for years now. He’s simply…been busy enough to forget it exists. For now it lives in his room, hanging on a hanger in his closet.
❓ for a random headcanon.
Akira is fluent in Japanese. His father and mother made sure to raise their kids in the most bilingual environment they could make. Dividing time between speaking both English and Japanese at home and spending time in Japan as well. He doesn’t tend to speak it with anyone that isn’t in his family though. As an added security measure Akira tends to keep his phone in Japanese as well. Can’t steal info from what you can’t read, right?
🕑 for something your character regrets.
A lot. Akira regrets so, so, much. But what he regrets most of all is that first party he went to in L.A. The first party was an eye opening experience and the beginning of the end really. He didn’t get into too much trouble then but for every subsequent party Akira fell deeper and deeper into that pit. The drugs, the alcohol, the drugs. He hadn’t been able to see it back then, how badly he was doing at keeping up. Looking back Akira’s acutely aware of the fact he spent most of season two either totally fucked up or counting down the minutes until he could get fucked up. And he’d been a pretty terrible person and performer because of it. Not that he was having the time of his life on set anyways. TV exy just wasn’t exy. His parents saved him, he knows this. But every morning he wakes up and looks at those track marks on his arms when he gets dressed he’s overwhelmed with his regret of it all.
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tfcrp · 5 years
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“For four teams in the Southeast, Championships is coming right down to the wire. The Edgar Allan Ravens and the Breckenridge Jackals have already locked in their spots, but three games will decide who will fill the remaining two. If the Belmonte Terrapins, currently alone in third, manage to beat the Ravens—an unlikely feat—they’ll manage to hold onto the third-place spot. If they don’t, and the Blackwell Jackrabbits beat the Jacksonville Dolphins, then they’ll both be competing for the remaining two slots with one more team—whoever the victor is between the Palmetto State Foxes and the USC-Columbia Gamecocks.
“With a potential three-way tie for two spots, the three teams will go to a tiebreaker: the ratio of goals scored versus goals against. And when one point either way could be the difference between Championships dreams and bitter defeat, each teams’ offense and defense will have to be at its best.”
“And no game may be more exciting than the Foxes-Gamecocks matchup. With a long-term geographic rivalry and both of their futures on the line, things are sure to be explosive in Palmetto on Friday—and, as their football teams faced off last weekend, their rivalry has already gotten off to an exciting start. After Palmetto’s victory in the football game, the Palmetto Exy court was vandalized—and despite no concrete evidence, the Gamecocks Exy team, in town for the game, were the prime suspects.”
“The Gamecocks, however, have categorically denied those accusations. ’Everyone loves a rivalry, and we love when the fans get into it,’ Gamecock Captain TJ McGrath said. ‘But, yeah, people can take it too far.’ In Palmetto, Fox Captain Grant Rollins said, ‘It's...unfortunate for whoever chose to vandalize our Court though, because far from demoralizing us, it's only made me prouder to be a Fox.’ Rollins seemed more than confident about the Foxes’ chances against the Gamecocks, saying ‘I've said since the beginning that the Foxes will qualify for the second year running, and I stand by that.’ The Foxes, however, will be entering the game down Casey Hendrix, due to a concussion sustained against the Eagles, though Leo Duarte will be back in the lineup after missing three games with a broken hand.”
“After Friday, the picture will become clear: one team will secure third place, a dubious honor when it will pit them against the best of the best in the Championships odds bracket; one team will secure fourth, and a spot in the more forgiving evens bracket—and, for two teams, their season will be over.”
“We may have forgotten about our favorite fuck-ups for a week as our favorite sloppy triumphant football players took the spotlight—but, don’t worry, we’re back on track. Do you have your tickets to the train wreck yet? Word on the street is they’re already sold out. We can’t believe we’re talking about a Fox win as even a possibility, but we’re still confident that, even if they lose, it’s going to be an entertaining night. Maybe keep your pepper spray handy, because we’re hoping for a riot. And if you see any Fox tears, please do your civic duty and snap a photo, for all of us.” 
“Spotted: Two Foxes, up to no good? We don’t know why we added the question mark, because we’re sure that’s the case—we just don’t know exactly what it is they were up to, sneaking back into Fox Tower late at night with a suspicious looking bundle. But we’re definitely taking bets, so please give us your best guess.”
The Foxhole Court, in its many years of existence, has been no stranger to vandalism—and neither are Palmetto’s grounds staff. By the Foxes’ Monday practice, the walls of the court are pristine once again, with no trace of the graffiti that marred them after the football game the previous week.
After the Palmetto football team’s strong performance against the Gamecocks, all eyes are now on the second half of the Rivalry Series—and on the Foxes. While the Foxes are able to ignore the sudden influx of attention one game away from potentially qualifying for the Championships, the Vixens aren’t so lucky: Coach Amanda Corey has decided that there’s no better way to show some Palmetto Unity than allowing her preferred squad to join the Vixens for Friday’s game, forcing them to share the spotlight in what would have been their biggest game of the regular season.
Vixen practices this week happen together with the football squad, and under the usually-absent Coach Corey’s watchful eye. All of the Vixens know which squad their Coach prefers, and know that there’s nothing they can really do in her presence but smile and play nice.
On Friday, December 7, the tension is at its height as Gamecocks fans—and their defeated football team, returning the favor after the Gamecocks Exy team came to support them—pour into campus in preparation for the evening’s game, and for both Fox and Gamecocks fans to know, once and for all, which of them is going to Championships.
(OOC information related to the game under the cut)
The results of the game against the Gamecocks will be posted on Friday night and, in order to put it together, there are a few things I need from you:
Due to the size of the roster, there is a chance that not every player will get to play in every game, so if you want your character not to play in the game (for reasons that could be related to being late to practice, poor performance in practice, mouthing off to Wymack/Grant/Claudia, or any other reason you can think of!) please let me know. And for this game, I’m potentially looking at having to sit some dealers.
If there’s anything exceptional you want to take place during the game (fights, red cards, injuries, exceptionally poor play, etc.) please let me know, and I’ll do my best to work it in. This will work on a first-come-first-serve basis, if the game is getting too packed with details, you might have to wait for the next one;
After each game, two players will be selected to answer questions from the press. If you want to volunteer your character for press duty, please message me! This will also be on a first-come-first-serve basis. And if you volunteer for press duty, please only do so if you expect to be able to play out the thread with your partner in a timely fashion. For this game, we only have one press duty slot available!
Remember, you only have to reach out to me if there’s something very specific you want me to work in!
And, as always, I welcome any feedback!
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xfsins · 6 years
Location: Palmetto Locker Room Date: October 24th Time: 8:18 PM (closed @raph-peruggia​)
Comfort wouldn’t be the best word to describe what Cassius had began to feel with his extended time around the Foxes, for he still found place to be weary of those around him. Not out of fear, rather it was the last time others had been so closely coiled in his life he was seen as nothing more than a shadow of what once was. Of what he’d learn to be. A time that still crept at the edges of his thoughts, and scarred his body. Claimed and marked at the hands of God only to be tossed for the wolves to find. Shame is what it would represent. A holy boy that never was.
The Foxes however, they seemed compliant to never bring up the slips of the boy’s tongue, or the way his skin was silvered with scars. Either no one cared, or they all understood. Something Basil once did, something the Foxes now did. In turn, Cas never minded the slips of moment where his markings were on display, for no one ever starred long enough. It didn’t mean he didn’t hurry his process, or not turn his body in such a way he hoped most wouldn’t be seen. But he was compliant with the matter.
He didn’t know what was different about today, but he could feel the gaze before he turned to see the other. Leaving the stickiness of the showers only half dressed, he was fumbling through his bag attempting to find his clean shirt. The lingering stare was only forcing his shoulders to grow tighter, and jaw to clench. And his bite wasn’t far to follow, “Fuck off.”
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emmett-ashford · 6 years
Location: Statesboro Press Duty Date: November 16 Time: 9:32 p.m. (CLOSED for @raph-peruggia​)
Emmett’s been on a handful of press duties before. He’s been with the Foxes for three years, it’s the only real downside to the team really. He doesn’t hate being picked for it but he doesn’t go out of his way to go either. Reporters are weird and every time he wraps up a session he leaves feeling tongue tied. Not to mention he usually ends up looking foolish too. It’s not so bad if he gets teamed up with someone eloquent but when Wymack taps and and Raph out Emmett knows he’s in for a rough session. Maybe if he keeps it short things will all right. Maybe Raph is an eloquent soul in front of people with notepads and microphones. Who knows. He nods, smiles and stands up front he couch and motions Raph over. “The sooner we get this over with the better, huh?” His smile is wide, maybe a little wider than normal. He doesn’t want Raph to know that he’s all that nervous.
He pushes open the door with his shoulder, the din of the small space an all its people a little overwhelming. If his dad can charm people he can too. He takes his spot in the middle of the room with a big smile on his face. He’s got no reason to be in a bad mood. They won and he’d played what was probably the best game of his career tonight. Even if it was against a team no one was worried about. “Hi. Hello. Good evening. Killer game wasn’t it? The Eagles did a great job for their first year as a Class I team. Just have to work on that temper.” He laughs. Tensions always ran high on the court, fighting happens,  God knows Emmett knows this, he’s on the Foxes after all.
His arms are crossed as he settles into a more comfortable stance. He nods to the gathered crowd and the first reporter of the evening gets the ball rolling. “Raphael, we were wondering how it felt to get back on the court again after your long stint on the bench for violence this season. How’d it feel to get back out there?”
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averyneel-blog1 · 6 years
i'm not done that last casey hendrix was actually supposed to be GRAHAM SOSA and why dontcha throw in an OLIVIA FINCH while ur at it
GRAHAM SOSA: Is the ability to forgive a weakness or a strength?
“I guess it depends on what you’re supposed to be forgiving. Some things you just... can’t accept. No matter how much you want to - how much you think you should be able to. 
Some things you just can’t let go of.”
OLIVIA FINCH: Who in your life are you most afraid of disappointing?
“My parents. It’s always been my parents, even before Palmetto. Before the promise of a decent future. Before the cameras and the interviews and the playoffs. It’s always been them. Even back when mom spent most of her time fucked up on the couch, barely able to open her eyes, and my dad was screening my calls. When mom brought whoever the fuck was willing to support her habit into our house, despite the risk, and Dad sent us Christmas cards of him and his new family vacationing in the Alps out of spite. It’s always been them. But... I really don’t know why, anymore. 
Why do I even fucking care? 
It should be Wymack. And Abby. And Bee and Grant and Casey and- Why is it always them?”
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lucaservine · 6 years
😈 👫😊💪
😈 for a bad habit
Lucas has a few bad habits, a number of little things that show up in his daily life. One in particular that he’s had since he was a child is biting his lips. It’s impossible to pinpoint when it started exactly or why it started, but he’s done it for as long as he can remember. When he was younger, it was hardly something he paid much attention to–it didn’t become a problem till he got older and he realized having raw, bloody lips isn’t exactly attractive or nice feeling. It’s why he carries around chapstick at all times, buying it in bulk and putting it in every spot imaginable so he always has one on-hand.
👫 for a friendship headcanon.
When it comes to friends, Lucas adores being surrounded by them. He puts a lot of his self-worth into the friendships that he has, the relationships that he builds with people. When he sees that he can make someone smile, laugh, or even make their day better with one simple action, it means he matters. Lucas will always do anything for his friends regardless of what it might mean for him. Even if he’s busy with something else, he’s someone you can count on to drop everything and come running whether you actually need help or just want someone to spend time with.
😊 for a happy memory.
One of his favorite memories is with his grandmother, Lulu. They had a falling out after the accident, but Lucas didn’t let that turn his good memories sour. When he was six years old, she’d come to pick him up and babysit him, bringing him to her dance studio. That day was an elderly class learning how to salsa dance and his grandmother had used him as he dance partner to just mess around. He remembers the laughter, the feeling of being free, and everyone doted on him. Lucas started to come to the dance studio more often after that.
💪 for a strength
A strength for Lucas is his resilience. It doesn’t matter how many times he gets knocked down, he always gets back up on his feet. When he gets overwhelmed, he might freak out for a bit but he’ll eventually calm down and end up back in the fray of things. Whenever someone says something rude, Lucas just smiles and shrugs the comment off. He likes to think that he’s been through hell and back and if he can do that, what can’t he do? Admittedly, it helps that he’s very good at smiling through things.
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octavia-dawson · 6 years
♌ (other personal indicator), 🕑 ❓ARLO BOOTH STERLING WALSH
♌ (other personal indicator)
ESFP: The Entertainer
“If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the ESFP personality type. ESFPs get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as ESFPs when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.” 
🕑 for something your character regrets 
Answered! Outside of that incident, Octavia doesn’t regret her actions. There are a lot of people who have told her (or yelled at her) that she should be ashamed for betraying her high school team, but what’s done is done. 
❓for a random headcanon
Exy Bingo is one of Octavia’s favorite joys. She creates homemade bingo cards featuring a variety of spaces about her teammates and friends. Some favorites include a Fox throwing up at Eden’s and Wymack showing a smile during a game (it’ll never happen but a girl can dream). The free space is usually Octavia not showing up to practice on time. 
ARLO BOOTH: Do you get jealous easily? What do other people have that you wish you had?
“Yup, yup definitely.” Octavia shakes her head, eager to admit something that most wouldn’t. “I’m jealous that E, Camcorder and Syd get to room with Audi this year even though I really wanted to room with her. I’m jealous that the TA in my class has a significant other and I am extremely jealous that Akira is freaking 6′5″ I mean c’mon how unfair is that!” She settles down a bit after her little ramble, unashamed of the things that fuel her envy.
“Even though I get jealous easily it doesn’t stop me from enjoying what I’ve got. I think people should be more honest about being jelly. It could do some good in this world.” 
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STERLING WALSH: If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what three things would you want to do in the time you had left? 
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cartermaddx · 5 years
Where: Fox Tower  When: Tuesday, December 4th Who: @raph-peruggia
It was a strong word but accurate for the type of relationship Carter felt he had with Raph. And awkward was not a place he wanted to be with any of the new Foxes. Somewhere in their first formal encounter, things had gone wrong and Carter hadn’t been entirely sure at which point they took a turn. Carter had only wanted to get across how serious of a matter it was that Raph try to keep his anger on the court in check. Somehow, he came across too strong? Carter still wasn’t sure and he’d had more than enough time to think it over again and again and again. Enough that he’d lost some sleep.
And Carter having always been a very upfront person normally would have just gone up to the person and asked what was going on but navigating the waters with Raph was a little harder than he’d anticipated. Thankfully a weekend brunch was able to calm his nerves and at least point him in a general direction for how to proceed. So, when Carter spotted Raph in the hallway going back to his dorm, he took the opportunity.
“Hey Raph!” Carter called out, smiling and slowing down. “Are you free right now? I want to talk to you for a few minutes if you’re up for it. Totally cool if not—I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I want to better explain myself.” He pressed a hand to his chest. “I feel like I was an asshole and came on too strong. I don’t want there to be bad feelings between us so I just want the opportunity to explain and make things better.”
All he could hope for was a chance. And Carter was purposely putting his joking side away for this, tapping into the more serious Carter he usually channeled whenever the situation demanded that of him. Joking wasn’t going to get him far with Raph, but he hoped honesty would.
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akira-sxto · 6 years
Location: The Court Date: October 21 Time: 10:14 p.m. (CLOSED for @raph-peruggia​)
Akira knows he shouldn’t be tempting himself by spending time alone on the court like this. Knows that it’s just a recipe for disaster. But he can’t help it. The court is the only place on campus Akira even feels remotely like himself anymore. Which isn’t saying much because every time he sits through a Fox practice with Wymack’s firm demand that his ass not leave that bench, it wears away a little more. And he’s just over a week in to this god forsaken injury and starting to fall apart. Akira didn’t like the Raven’s any further than he could throw them but tonight? He hated them. It was a visceral reaction and did very little to actually make Akira feel any better. All he wanted to do was drown his dark thoughts in the familiar and easy rhythms of Exy. He had plenty of drills he could perfect and plenty of drills he should run to perfect himself. But Abby had made it abundantly clear if she caught him using his arm before she gave him the green light he’d be out for the rest of the season. And if Akira thought this week was killer? He knew sitting out for the rest of the season would be enough to make him lose his mind for real. And Akira couldn’t risk that.
And yet, here he was. Every bone in his body told him to take off the sling and test things out but Abby’s threat hung heavy in the air. So he elected to head out to the court without bringing his racket. Better safe than sorry. And without the usual rush of noise of a Fox practice engulfing him Akira found his frayed edges smoothing out a little. It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but at least he wasn’t feeling distinctly useless anymore. 
He’s only there for a few moments before the idea strikes him. Akira can’t play exy but there’s a whole slew of Foxes that can. And Akira knows a handful who would make for a fine stand in this evening. His phone is out of his pocket in the blink of an eye and to Akira’s surprise he doesn’t go straight for Grant or Claudia. He goes for Raph. They haven’t spoken since that disastrous evening on the roof. Akira’s not even mad but he’s not exactly sure how to proceed from there either. Part of him wants to avoid talking to him altogether, Raph made it plain he doesn’t want to be friends, but another part of him doesn’t care. There’s so much raw talent in Raph and Akira would be stupid to lose out on it. In the end Akira’s need to do something involving Exy wins out and he taps on his number and lets it ring. He doesn’t wait long to speak once he hears Raph pick up. “Come to the court. I have a new drill I want to try out on you. If you want.” Akira wasn’t going to force him but he wasn’t trying to cover up how much he wanted him to come either.
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