#rapahel x gwen
unreadpoppy · 10 months
a small snippet of something
Raphael x Pregnant!Gwen
This is somewhat the "sequel" to The making of heirs
A/N: I wanted to write more but im having a real hard time focusing today so... have this!
Also, @bg3fan i'm tagging you cause i guess this is close to dad!phael? (i have others things planned but the adhd is kicking today)
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It didn’t take long for Gwen to discover she was with child. 
The first few months had been less than stellar. She felt nauseous often, had more mood swings and the food cravings didn’t help. Thankfully, Raphael had been more caring, since she had broken the news to him. 
He had given her space when she asked for it, and comforted her when she needed it. He even got some poor mortal to cook her food, and for that, she was grateful. In truth, Gwen was surprised to see this new side of Raphael. 
As the months passed, things had gotten slightly easier. Her food cravings had started to favor what she used to eat as a child, such as her mother’s homemade apple pie and strawberries dipped in chocolate. The cook had been working overtime. 
A nursery had been made for the baby, and although it had more red then Gwen would like, she managed to convince Raphael that skulls would be too grim of a decoration for a child, no matter how infernal they were. Gwen had even been able to travel to her old home and use the crib her mother had once owned. 
Most recently, the baby had begun kicking. 
A lot. 
One night, when she was around seven months along, Gwen’s sleep was disturbed by her child kicking. She tried to ignore it, but after the third in a row, she couldn’t hide her displeasement anymore. 
“Hmpf…” Gwen sat up in the bed, and nudged Raphael until he awoke. If she wouldn’t be able to sleep, neither would he. 
He opened one eye. “What is happening?”
“Your legacy gives very strong kicks, my lord.” She expressed, feeling another kick. Gwen rubbed her belly. “I can’t sleep.”
 Raphael, sighed, turning on the bed towards her, both eyes opened. “They have to be strong, my love, if they are to be my heir.” 
“Yeah, yeah, and what about my sleep, hum?” She complained. Finding a good position to sleep in had been hard enough, but the kicking made the job even harder. Gwen couldn’t wait for her child to come to the world. 
Another kick made her groan. Raphael thought of something. “Lie down again, facing that wall.” He pointed, and she obliged, her back to him. 
He shifted on the bed, holding her from behind. Both of his large, warm hands made their way towards her belly, and he began to hum.
After a few more minutes, and some kicks, eventually, the baby calmed down, allowing a very tired Gwendolyn to finally sleep. 
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