#ranxid mathilde
harmcityherald · 14 days
I wanted you to know how much I love you and how much difference you made in my life. I can still taste your lips in that DC hotel. This is for you And I want you to know that Iove you very much always.
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harmcityherald · 3 months
ranxid Publisher Publications - Issuu
Here are some second life publications I created. Some are still accessible, some are not.
Orianne Osiris among others.
Today I am reconsidering a return to a beloved character of mine. I'm unsure what medium might come into play. But I'm oddly excited just for the idea to resurrect something I love.
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harmcityherald · 3 months
For the 1st time last night I tried to resign up for second life. Nothing I have will run it. But I think it's notable that I tried...
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harmcityherald · 2 years
In every game I play, which granted isn't many, my name is always, was always ranxid. runescape? ranxid. raid? ranxid. wizards 101? ranxid, second life? ranxid mathilde, sexiest librarian in the snowy confines of Kuhrang and on and on. someone always asks me what the hells with this name? I always say "google me" takes a minuite while I watch their poorly crafted avatar go through its afk animations and then they come back and go "oooooh, hey you are.... somebody"
yes my silly pixel opponent I am a web destination. act accordingly. unguard!!
we all chose stage names in the early band days. which I might add was before rancid the punk band plagiarized my identity.(tongue in cheek) more power to them. I hardly blame them. Im not the biggest fan of them but that's neither here nor there. That's on me. They rock at what they do. I really don't hate any band, music is divine magic, even if its noise, and we all mystically create it, and that is the magic of art.
well.....(and here I go) maybe 'mickey's all stars' can get my vote for most hated mediocre cover bands. Mickey 'shit for brains' Coachella. They let this no personality ground slug do a radio show on 98rock(one of our harm city stations) only because his daddy owned hammerjacks, nepotistic assholes. I do, really and without reservations, hate that little short pile of duplicitous excrement. I know I've told that story before. In that story I am not the villain, until me and heeter killed our bass player's prized tank of beautiful tropical fish later that night by trying to get the fish high by blowing pot smoke through a straw into the water. they looked fine when I left but the next day it was Chernobyl in there. I still carry heavy guilt over this fish genocide. valuable lesson though, fish do not like weed. my major admission tonight is that I was a perpetrator of a fish genocide. Wherever you are steve I solemnly apologize about your fish.
so anyway. yes, I was the front man, so I was already a dick by default.(and a fish killer) When I drank I was unmanageable and a danger to everyone and myself. Unfortunately people enjoyed the drunk maniacal me on stage, say anything, do anything, no inhibitions, no fucking shame. well, that plus other members serious drug habits got in the way of our music, our art. I blew so many chances. I broke so much shit. I went through foot pedals like candy because I inevitably soaked each one with beer, rum n coke or red headed sluts. whatever was the drink de jure stacked by ten on top of my pevey.(tubes u know it baby) and always a burning cigarette tucked between my e string and my bass neck. 2.5 packs a day. when I was 13 I could get my marlboros for 42 cents and still have school lunch money. we fucking had it made.
In most of these stories I am the villain. I don't tell them to brag. I tell them because something happens and a memory returns, I feel a lesson or a vision and if I don't tell them no one will. Also I have come so far as a person I have no aversion to delivering the truth even when I was the antagonist. As you all well know, my lovely readers, when something touches my verbosity bone Im quite unstoppable.
I've been invited to a jam session with our first drummer. My brother is planning to show up to demonstrate his incredible lead ability and that should be pretty interesting it's kind of a reunion of the three-piece band we put together back in 1986 called Rapture. He told me he's got a nice brand new set of Ludwig skins so I can't wait to see his new setup. He says he has a bass that I can borrow so it will be good to play a bass again. You know that I wish it was fretless and we both know it's not going to be but I will make the best of it. There was no talk of anything like getting the band back together I can absolutely not see me doing any kind of gigging or anything like that with all of my health problems and everything else. Just give me a stool a base and a microphone and we'll see what happens. But it's something that sounds very nice to look forward to and you know I will try to record it and he says that he has a video of us playing at EJ bugs in Fells Point which was probably somewhere around 89 or 90 so I'm going to try to get a copy of that and of course if I do I'll pass that along LOL.
Also I am working on a new CD project which I, as always, post each finished song here as they occur because tumblorians are the one and only people who deserve such a thing. Facebook gets the leftovers. most of my 'who the fuck are you' followers there are old Budweiser gang rejects who follow me because of my bygone metal days. "hey greg do you still do music?" "yes google ranxid to see my electronic body of work." "no man I mean 'real music' when you got naked and drunk on stage." hence my facebook is a place where I have 23 literal friends, 14 frenemys, 8 wives of men I do not know, the ex-coworker and family crowd and the 297 hate stalkers because Im vocally socialist and vehemently anti nazi. I stand up for lgbtq issues and I speak my mind where others fear to tread. I could block them but wheres the fun in that? Im lying I block people there too. I still randomly post there and throw a song or two. meta is the extreme family and friends stalker page. and the birthday guilt if I miss their passive aggressive happy birthday bitch I hardly know and has probably at some time called me faggot behind my back. fucking meta. not a got damn meta thing about it.
moving on.
I have also decided that all my song art and album cover art will be using ai to create them from now on. over the years I've used many photos I shouldn't have. same for my videos I used what I found. So in this case Im trying to turn over my villainous art appropriation ways. Another admission and an attempt to do better. (The hits just keep on coming.) I may go back through my library to make it all copesthetic. You can't make a transgression any better than admitting your failure and moving to correct it.
In other ranxid news tomorrow is my first semi-free day so Im planning on digging out my yamaha and my analog korg so I can plug them to my new tablet. Im jonesing to make some grindy analog loops. maybe one of my shure mics. gotta level up my game. I hate I don't have a bass right now. either my one son or my ex guitar player(the suspects) hocked it, sold it or something, never did find it. fucking lowest of all lows. beautiful 5 string cort with a walnut finish.(this cort was not shit it was a fucking masterpiece.) I was not the villain in that particular story.
I have a long list santa typically ignores. a fretless bass, a bigger telescope, new bigger binoculars, a wok, an electric guitar (my grandson has one I got him and Im teaching him everything I know, which ain't saying much. But as long as you have confidence, heart and you believe in yourself the audience will see that and they will believe in you.) he loves death and doom metal. He is very much like me, one minute he is listening to tool and the next it could be frank sinatra. I hope my genre hopping ways have rubbed off on him. shit, sometimes he shows me things Im not aware of. example: he turned me on to ghost. For an old skeleton like me its good to have trusted young barometers. my benefit for him? I pay for the damn equipment lol. Thats what grandparents do. And I couldn't be more proud to announce he has written his first song. has a chorus and a bridge and everything. no vocals but I tell him Im pretty much done with singing myself, of course Im a drying up corpse I shouldn't be singing about what kinds of girls I like. (that song is burning a hole in my soul lol) but Im proud of him, he shows remarkable artistic fortitude and he does not have an overinflated ego. I hope I could say that may have rubbed off from me...maybe. when I was on stage as the frontman my ego was a tool I used to convince the crowd I was worthy of their adulation. weather I was presenting as male or female I used my big sexy ego to rope in the minions. Strangely and maybe a bit disappointing that my male avatar always got more attention. It was the 90s, maybe that was a factor or like my brother in law once kindly pointed out "you do not make a pretty woman." I admit that hurt my feelings. it shouldn't have. I was strong and burly. I was a truck driver for fucks sake. cancer finally gave me my wish and made me a skeleton, now that it doesn't matter anymore. photos? youll be lucky to find any I scrubbed well. I chased a reporter in the street outside the ottobar once in 7in platform heals. I was seriously an 'in the closet' and if you out me I will strangle you with my new blue and black wig and stomp you with my 7in studded and spike lined boots. camera man ran like a baby. Like a baby running from divine right on his heels. I felt sexy and powerful and every eye was on me. Thats why it suprises me that my long haired, ratty jeans, huge handlebar mustache Hatfield /lemmy look got me more...erm....attention. how do you emulate james Hatfield? you sing a pronounced "A" after every sentenceA. it makes it sound like every metallica songA! anything you say the girls melt in their jeansA! hey babyA, would you like to come over after the showA? I got liquor and weed and cocaineA!! we can have a good timeA!!
my time as a cover band made me literally hate songs. I wont list them because really thats just a trope all musicians face. like zappa said "oNe mOre tiMe!!"
I used to change the words to entertain myself and they were usually political or vulgar which usually made my band angry. my brother once said "I have to play this lead solo note for note but you're getting away singing about republicans fucking chickens"
no one listens man. just say "chickenA!!!"
well thats the state of the union here at ranxid news. I hope you enjoy these little tirades. So this is your first ever fireside chat with ranxid. I'm very glad that you found it in your heart to attend and I look forward to our next. do yourself a favor and make art. aural or otherwise. paint, draw, take a photo. do what is intense to you. whatever you do if its intense to you then its fucking intense and its art. you know why its art? because you say its art. don't let any mouth breathing bible thumper tell you otherwise.
with much love
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harmcityherald · 5 years
I just learned a friend from my sl days has passed away. He had a washing machine that would make you orgasmic if you sit on it. He kicked me off his server when he found out I wasn’t a ‘real’ girl. Crazy it’s one of my favorite sl memories actually.
Me: (sitting on the washing machine) “eedddddiee I haaaave sooooomethiinnggg to teeeeell yoooou”
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