#ranting since I'm high strung from even taking time off. there's a goblin in my brain going 'oh but then you won't be as PRODUCTIVE'
distort-opia · 7 months
It's very funny to do my planned absence report from the PhD program with motivation being 'personal reasons' when I'm actually desperate to have a week off so I can nosedive into all the comics I haven't been able to catch up on. Like sure, I need to figure out my future project, but whatever the hell Zdarsky is doing with Batjokes is keeping me up at night!!
And also I want to write. Fucked up the resolution of updating FTS once a month but maybe there's hope... how does one manage work-life balance in goddamn academia?? Will I need to take time off to write my stupid little fanfics every time or will I learn how NOT to be a workaholic?? Who will win, drowning out existential dread via working or drowning out existential dread via daydreaming about fictional men kissing?? Stay tuned--
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