#rannadros the cursed
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romantichore-blog ยท 3 years ago
Yes, yes, and yes, please.
Here are multiple pens: ๐Ÿ–Š๐Ÿ–Š๐Ÿ–Š๐Ÿ–Š๐Ÿ–Š๐Ÿ–Š
(I didn't want you to run out of ink while you're gushing.)
want me to gush about my ocs?
why thank you for supplying me with those! I will put them to good use! (as per usual, this got long lol) for the skyrim kids:
๐Ÿ–Š Both Ranni and Murien were characters that I rolled for rather than coming up with everything from scratch. At first it was just meant to be an exercise in character creation but it was so fun they became official OCs. I used Skyrim-specific generators on Perchance, character details on Springhole, and character creation tables on some TTRPG books, saved all the results, then used the ones that came up more than once or were similar enough. Finally, I named them and built the story around them. I cannot recommend this enough as an exercise! Also I should really compile a list of all the things I used so I can do it again lol
๐Ÿ–Š When he joined the Thieves Guild, Kieran became fast friends with Sapphire. He latched onto her because she reminded him of his older sister, and though she'd never admit it she quickly began to see him as a brother as well. They were each other's rock through his entire time with the Guild, and really his only regret regarding everything he did ten years prior (breaking into the vault, stealing what he could carry of the Guild's valuables, dumping Mercer's most prized possession into the canal) is that he didn't have time to speak to her and possibly bring her along. Growing up an orphan, raised by the Thieves Guild and losing her only friend who she saw as a brother is what gets us grumpy, backstabby Sapphire in game, so the headcanon goes. Eventually Kieran returns to Riften while looking for Esbern, having ignored his dragonborn blood long enough, and that means dealing with Sapphire again.
bonus: eons ago, I wrote about the two of them meeting again. I have plans to revamp and then repost my old writing on this here blog, but if you'd like a peek at the ole 1.0 version, it's here
๐Ÿ–Š Sweetroll named herself Sweetroll because she has absolutely no idea who she is, much less what her real name might be. She woke up in an island full of falmer with absolutely no memories, not even the most basic ones. Most things felt familiar, but she could not tell what they were called, nor what they were for, which led to some unusual situations such as biting into a septim, drinking a vial of mild poison, drinking an entire bottle of wine and passing out, and just in general ingesting a lot of strange ingredients because alone in an island with no memories made her go a little toddler mode. She finds she can still read, however, and becomes obsessed with books from that point forward. It is through books she relearns how society works, basically, but she still messes up quite a bit in social contexts. The first person who asks her name is Blaise, the boy in the Solitude Stables, and he tells her it's super cool that she doesn't remember, because that means she gets to pick a name. He says if he could, he'd name himself after something he likes - and sweet rolls are her favorite thing, so why not? Also no one's really sure what she is. Some people guess short nord, others imperial, but she's really good with magic so maybe breton? Really hard to tell. She'd hoped something about her appearance would stand out but really she is quite Generic Looking and it's no help at all.
๐Ÿ–Š Murien is a breton with a bit of a peculiar backstory. She has no idea who her birth parents were, nor where she came from; as an infant, she washed ashore near Dawnstar, neatly bundled and though cold, she was perfectly healthy. She was adopted by the nord couple who found her, and she was named Murien, 'born of the sea'. 'Sunbreaker' was a nickname given to her around the same time because she had very unusual, warm yellow eyes. As she grew, she decided to keep it as a last name. She left Skyrim for Cyrodiil when she was around 5, and grew up in the Imperial City. An incredibly boring life with parents who, as it turns out, were not ready to be parents and grew worse as time went on. She began working as a private tutor for increasingly posh families at 17, and also helped out with her father's blacksmithing business. By the time she turned 20, she could barely stand them both, but having grown up sheltered, lonely and manipulated, she stayed. At 25 she was the sole provider for the family, her parents' money being diverted to other ventures. Things reach a breaking point on her 28th birthday, when she receives a letter from her estranged maternal grandmother, who still lived in Dawnstar. As she makes it known that she would like to visit, a huge fight ensues, and later she books passage with a caravan going towards Bruma, leaving in the middle of the night with little else other than the clothes on her back and what little coin she could scavenge.
๐Ÿ–Š Rannadros' epithet, 'the Cursed', has quite a bit of history behind it. The man is, indeed, cursed, in the literal sense of the word. As a young young lad, Ranni, a nord, got incredibly drunk and woke up at the foot of a statue his own father, a dunmer, had built for Azura. He comes to find out that whatever it is he has done that night, she took it personally. Azura looked at this man and said fuck him specifically for what he's said, cursed him to slowly take the form of a dremora. He has no idea why, considering the dremora are not part of her domain, and he likely will never find out. All he knows is that after severe pain lasting over many days he woke up bigger than he was when he went to sleep and with a pair of horns that were both uncomfortable and terrifying to the average citizen. He tried apologizing, praying, going to a priest - nothing. He quickly became an outcast, lost his job, lost his friends, and even his family began stepping away from him. So he did what he would always do when life got hard: he drank. Twice as much as he did that night, a party that extended over another full day when he was invited by a shady man to find this place where wine ran like a river. When he finally came to, he was at Azura's feet again, but this time with a different name dancing on his lips: Sanguine. Sanguine, who found the whole thing hilarious and Rannadros too much of a snack to waste away being shunned by polite society. And so he bestows his blessing upon him: he could not revert Azura's curse, but he could at least slow it down and make it so others found him charming instead of terrifying. An already charismatic, confident Ranni turned the charm up to eleven and ventured forth to get his life back. And that is precisely what he did.
๐Ÿ–Š And finally, some quick facts about the kids: Kieran is addicted to collecting shiny things, that he later gives as gifts or slips into containers for people to find (but mostly hoards); Sweetroll has a horse named Horse, because she was really happy she remembered what they were called; Murien is a huge nerd, who studied Dovahzul for fun and becomes addicted to exploring dungeons once she manages to learn a combat skill to keep herself alive; Rannadros fell into an old well as a kid and found an old box from which he pulled the deed to a merchant vessel, which he kept hidden until he 1) found the damn thing and certified it was in one piece and 2) had to run away when the local lord's daughter started the rumor that she was pregnant with his child - he jumped headfirst into the sailor's life and never looked back.
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romantichore-blog ยท 3 years ago
26 & 28 for the Skyrim Dragonborn ask meme ?
thank you so much! ๐Ÿ’œ sorry for taking a while ๐Ÿ™ƒ
skyrim questions ask meme
I've answered these two for Kieran, so we're going with Ranni this time
26. What flowers lie on your Dragonborn's final resting place, if there are any?
To be quite honest, I doubt that Ranni would have a final resting place at all. Likely died somewhere out at sea, or got roasted by a trap in some cave and when found was just this random skeleton.
If he does get that honor, though, he likely wouldn't get flowers. He always makes it a point to be remembered for who he was, not who people thought he should be, and by that he means he was a boisterous scallywag who loved adventure first and his life second. Booze being a very, very close third.
So on his final resting place you'd find bottles of various spirits, seashells, shiny trinkets. Things that reminded him that life was not bleak.
28. What did your Dragonborn feel when they killed their first dragon?
He remembers feeling very euphoric, but not unlike Kieran, Rannadros also didn't get the usual Helgen start to his dragonborn journey. The night before he fought his first dragon, he got absolutely shitfaced, wandered away from the tavern he was at, and woke up in a completely different place, butt naked. He had never been there, no clue where that place might be or how he traversed what he imagines was considerable distance in such a short period of time. For a while, he thought he wasn't actually awake, just having a really weird dream.
Enter the dragon. He only had a rusty sword, a bit of destruction magic and his audacity at his disposal, but somehow he managed to bring the beast down. The entire time the fight's going on he's chuckling to himself because man, this skooma was something else. Then the whole devouring a dragon's soul happens and he's certain he's just high as a kite.
It's only when he makes it back Falkreath, passes by Helgen and sees Alduin flying by that he realizes that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as out of his mind as he'd thought.
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