corviigay · 4 years
Things that I've learned so far while playing Dead by Daylight as a survivor
don't attempt to unhook yourself unless everybody else is hooked, you have a specific perk or you're the last person alive (not only do you buy other survivors time, but you also have such a low unhook chance already that it isn't really worth the risk)
this is purely circumstantial, but sometimes when you think the killer saw you, they really didn't. if they aren't looking directly at you, hold still and don't move or they will probably hear your movements before they see you.
hug walls during chases if you can. 'fake' vaulting can be useful if you want to try to make distance. watch the killer's red stain carefully.
camping pallets is very dangerous if you don't have fast reflexes (and DBD can have some wack hitboxes. lmfao)
if you start a match with other survivors, work on a gen with them- but don't stay with them. split up after the first gen or two to cover more ground.
unless the killer is a t-bag killer and friendly, do not spam crouch at them if you do not want to be tunneled. It isn't inherently friendly. they will not appreciate it.
pointing gesture: hey you / go away / boop / stop being a fucking fool or im gonna slap the shit out of you
wave gesture: follow me / come here / slap / feel free to hit me (@ killer)
NOED? wack
don't unhook near the killer unless you absolutely have to or if you have Borrowed Time
if killer's hook/proxy camping a survivor, just work on gens. more often than not you can pop a couple of gens while the killer's being busy wanting a single kill
if killer is not quite out of range or if you begin hearing their terror radius AND if you have a gen nearly complete (like...90%+), dedicate yourself to it if you can take a hit.
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Countering Killers (only consists of killers I've encountered a lot. I may come back and edit and add more as I improve)
Bubba [Leatherface]
if you can, jump in a locker if he charges up his chainsaw. probably the smartest decision you can make in this instance.
window vaulting is your friend if you have enough distance
don't don't don't go for an unhook near him. he'll just chainsaw and down you both.
BBQ & Chili? try to hide behind a gen's aura when he hooks somebody or hide in a locker while he picks up a survivor to hook them (unless you can help stun him or are in a short range)
cry a little bit if you get hooked in the basement
Sally [The Nurse]
Try to make chases unpredictable. She ends chases quickly with her blinks, try to juke her by pretending to run in one direction and then backtrack when she blinks (or run straight towards her as she blinks)
if it's a good nurse, you probably won't want to pallet slam unless she messes up and you get lucky.
Amanda [The Pig] 🧩🐷
boop her snoot!!! she might let you.
At 'unsafe' pallets, if she crouches, leave the pallet if you don't know how to counter it. In all likelihood if it's a good pig, she can juke you here. If you're confident in your abilities, you can try to throw down the pallet.
Try to use obstacles to block her ambush. Do not 360. 80% of the time it may not work because she's in control of her ambush and can turn right around with you.
Be vigilant, have a plan. Keep an eye on your surroundings.
Anna [The Huntress] 🪓🐰
While working on generators and you hear a max charge notification of her hatchet, stop repairing and crouch in case she's attempting to hit you. Your hitbox is bigger while you're repairing gens.
The above also can include healing others. Out of courtesy, if you can, take the hit for the survivor you were healing.
Study and become aware of her mind games- she will usually draw her hatchet at pallets and pressure you into slamming them or running. Try to make it hard for her to land these hits so she's forced into a m1 chase instead of using her throwing hatchets.
Please for the love of heck don't hide in a locker near her. She could find you by accident when reloading hatchets.
Tall loops are your friend. Long corridors are not your friend.
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