#raneka king
tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Maribel wanted to reject Litzy, she really wanted to. She never asked to have another sibling. As if it wasn't enough to suddenly have to share the room with another girl her age. But Litzy was just so cute! She couldn't help but like that little bundle...
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Josue was so annoyed that he was - together with Mr. King, but you couldn't really count him - the only boy in the house. But the house itself was pretty cool, with the pool and everything!
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Raneka couldn't wait to get out of the house. So to spend less time out of it, she got herself an after-school-job.
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David loved his little Litzy. He could have like three more of her running around the house. But Gabriela said no more kids. Even Litzy had been unplanned. But David was so grateful to have her. It was like having little Raneka all over again...
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Around Midday Mr. Splitter and Mrs. DeShong came to visit. David didn't know why they came over, but he was always happy to have a full house. He only felt a little attacked when Maribel and Josue started talking about the newest additions of the family and lets say, they didn't choose the nicest words for his part of the patch work family.
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Genesis: Mari, I know you're not feeling so great about this situation, but please, give David and Raneka a chance. They're not that bad. Maribel: I know Tia. It's just... Papa had only been dead for such a short time when Mama came home with this guy... And the pregnancy and moving and Raneka - urg - she's just driving me nuts! Genesis: What's wrong with her? Maribel: She... she knows a secret about me... and I'm afraid she'll tell Mama. Genesis: What can be so bad, Amor? Why don't you tell it your Mama yourself? Maribel: That's not so easy Tia! I - I'm really afraid... Can - can I tell you? You won't tell anybody, will you? Genesis: Of course I won't! Maribel: Tia - I - I'm in love with a girl.
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Genesis had almost started laughing at her nieces confession. She knew that Maribel's father had been really traditional and would have rejected a relationship like that, but Gabriela was a doctor, she knew that nobody could choose who to love and she wouldn't react badly on hearing about Maribel's first crush (what more could it be at that age?). Genesis herself tried to get some adventure in her life too, but Dr. Splitter didn't seem interested... Too bad, being with a Mad Scientist would no doubt be exciting.
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tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Gabriela was out of the house a lot due to her job, so she insisted on having a family breakfast every morning before everybody left the house.
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David's brother Andy came over and Genesis let him in. Gabriela said, she would like Andy, that he was just as handsome as David, but Genesis couldn't agree. Andy was a huge bore - and he was dating his land lady!
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David: Great you're here, bro! Today's Josue's birthday, you know, Gabby's boy. Could you help me prepare something for it, you know, as Gabby is at work...
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Maribel brought one of the Rotspatz boys home with her for Josue's birthday and the young one invited his best friend Isaiah over too.
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Isaiah: So good I won't have to bend down to hug you in a few hours! Josue: So glad you still came while I'm still just a kid! Isaiah: Sure, wouldn't miss my best friend's birthday!
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Then it's time to blow out the candles!
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Despite everything, Josue grows up well. He follows his Mama's path as a Fortune Sim, developing the habit of being some kind of Mooch and he likes buff Sims with a flawless reputation and natural faces.
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Josue is glad with his new looks.
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David: They grow so fast, don't they? Gabriela: Yeah, what a relief. It's good to see them getting independent.
David's face fell for a second. Seeing the blister of pink pills on the night stand he remembered that Gabriela took them religiously every morning before crawling out of bed.
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tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Back in the roaring center of Emerald Height lives our next family - and it's a pretty big one!
Gabriela never expected to fall in love again after her first husband died. David asked Gabriela to marry him because he knew their families belonged together. If only Maribel and Raneka got along better... Will they be a happy family or will something break them apart? And when will Maribel reveal her family about the secret feelings she has for Holly?
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David asked Gabriela to marry him because he knew their families belonged together. But it seems like he's been waiting forever to get married! At first, things were too busy at work, and then Litzy came, and now David is starting to wonder if he'll ever see Gabriela walk down the aisle.
David King: male, adult, Sim Family/Popularity (Have 6 Grandchildren) Aries (4/7/5/3/6) Unemployed, OTH: Music and Dance Traits: Natural Born Performer, Disciplined, Colorblind, Jealous, Dog Person
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Raneka's sick of sharing space with that slob! Daddy hasn't paid her any attention since they moved into this big, red, chicken coop of a house. Mom wouldn't make her share a room, no way.
Raneka King: female, teenager, Sim Popularity (Become Celebrity Chef) Aries (8/9/3/3/2) Private School, OTH: Cuisine Traits: Social Butterfly, Neat, Vegetarian, Cat Person
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When her first husband died, Gabriela brought her family to Emerald Heights for better educational opportunities and a fresh start. Now she's working at LaFontaine Memorial Hospital as an anesthesiologist. She never expected to fall in love again, but who wouldn't love David?
Gabriela Montes: female, adult, Sim Fortune/Popularity (Become Business Tycoon) Aries (4/8/5/1/7) Medicine Career, OTH: Music and Dance Traits: Childish, Self-Assured, Pianist, Workaholic, Equestian
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Living with her sister's family suits Genesis just fine — you meet everyone, when you're just minutes from all the downtown hotspots! Someone's got to take Maribel in hand, though, or she'll never get out of the house. She could use a little spoiling from her favorite aunt!
Genesis Montes: female, adult, Sim Romance/Pleasure (Have 20 simultaneous Lovers) Capricorn (8/7/1/3/6) Culinary Career, OTH: Cuisine Traits: Loves the Cold, Proper, Glutton, Great Kisser, Party Animal
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For a while now, this old house has felt too crowded to breathe. But being out with strangers is worse! Maribel is glad at least Tia Geni listens to her — she hasn't gotten up the courage to tell Mami about Holly, yet.
Maribel Montes: female, teenager, Sim Popularity (Have 20 simultaneous best friends) Aquarius (2/1/5/7/10) Private School, OTH: Tinkering Traits: Cheerful, Unlucky, Perfectionist, Dog Person
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If Josue closes his eyes and remembers real hard, he can still smell Papi's cigarros and hear the coqui. He can't help feeling that if he could only just go back home — really home — Papi would still be there. It's better than trying to fit into this mixed-up city with his mixed-up family.
Josue Montes: male, child, Sim Grow up Scorpio (6/5/10/2/2) Private School, OTH: Sports Traits: Adventurous, Supernatural Skeptic, Match Enthusiast
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Papi call Mami queen. Litzy pretty like Mami. Litzy queen too. Yay Queen Litzy!
Litzy Montes: female, toddler, Sim Grow up Leo (0/10/5/10/0) Traits: Outgoing, Clumsy
Challenges rolled for: - round: Local lottery winner: Your sims win a small prize on the lottery. Add d8* 100 to their family funds. - season: Private School: Invite the headmaster over and try to get the children into private school. - Business failure: Turns out your business wasn't as successful as you thought it was. Lay off all employees, close a business, and figure out what to do next. Not allowed to open a new business for two seasons but can continue with existing businesses. -> Once Litzy becomes a child, he parents will try to get her into private school too!
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tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Had Josue been skeptical towards the youngest member of the family as a child, did he now take responsibilities for her. He was happy that his Mama could spend some time with the only hobby she had besides her work and family.
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David: Girls, I want you to sit down with me.
David had waited for Raneka and Maribel to come home from school so he could summon them to the living room. He could see they weren't thrilled.
Raneka: I have work in an hour. David: I won't take this long. Sit down.
He took a deep breath. He hated being the bad one but he needed the girls to finally behave. Or else his nerves would break down.
David: Maribel, I have talked with Miss Voyante - No don't pretend you don't know who she is. I just wanted to tell you, that Gabriela and me know that you are seeing Holly Wood. And we want you to know, that we totally support you. You don't need to hide your feelings. We love you just the way you are. Maribel: Thank you David, I was really worried... Raneka: And why am I here? Are you telling me I don't have to share room with this freak anymore? David: No. But you gave a good cue. I don't accept that kind of behavior under my roof, Raneka! Genesis told us that you are extorting Maribel with her relationship. I don't want you to say things like this ever again. This is not how I raised you! Raneka: But Daddy, this is just not natural! And why can't she share a room with her brother? I feel peeped at by her, when she sleeps next to me! Maribel: Urg, I would never! You're totally not my type! David: We are not talking about rooms now girls. I just want you both to know, that you are free to date whoever you want, okay? Raneka: Yeah, fine, I'm gonna date my work place now, if I'm allowed!
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When Gabriela came back home, she was glad to hear that David had already talked to the girls. He was way better with words than her.
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She refrained to help Josue with his homework.
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When Raneka came back from work, she was still fuming. How could her Dad side with that Maribel-freak? When her room mate crossed path with her, she just couldn't hold onto her.
Raneka: Don't you think I'll ever accept your freak behavior! But for now I'll keep quiet. You'll see, my Mom will take me in, when she hears what's going on here. 'cause I still have a second parent.
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David didn't hear any of that, he was busy with little Litzy.
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