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jacesvelaryons · 1 year ago
english love affair
social media au
kpop idol!reader x tom blyth
fc: jennie kim
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i love making these and have some in my drafts so feel free to send requests/face claim requests/suggestions
(ps: i had to redo this bc the first time i posted not only did it not post, it didn’t save any of my changes so i had to do it again. 😭)
Requests are OPEN for both soc med aus and blurbs for Tom and his characters
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liked by zendaya and others
hunterschafer beautiful girl
liked by yourusername
↪️yourusername that’s you babes 😘
taylorswift so proud of you hon
lola.tung can’t wait to see your pretty face all on the billboards AHH
tomblyth ❤️
liked by yourusername
↪️ user23 OH?
↪️ fan98 they know each other?
↪️ user9 and she liked!
user8 insert olivia wilde nodding meme
random56 when you’re that girl!
username7 y/n world domination she’s a singer dancer rapper songwriter producer model like what can she not do
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liked by randomuser and others
y/n has now followed actor tom blyth who has recently stared in the new hunger games movie the ballad of songbirds and snakes!
he has previously liked and commented on her recent post, and she’s stated previously that she’s a fan of the trilogy and has watched this new movie multiple times!
ynfan98 this is interesting bc she barely follows ppl as it is
user76 the way she’s barely active on social media and does this she’s so old lady coded 😭
↪️ user8 HIS WHAT?!
↪️ username6 YES SKDKDK not even a few hours since she followed now he’s like this
↪️ random87 real because i’d be thirst trapping to get her attention
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liked by yourusername and others
outtakes from my recent vogue italia shoot
user1 ok thirst trap
↪️ random488 HES SO REAL
rachelzegler you look okay i guess 🙄
↪️ tomblyth i’ll take it
mayahawke looking good my boy
↪️ tomblyth 👍
↪️ random5 his millennial ahh reply 😭
liked by mayahawke
yourusername stunning
liked by tomblyth
↪️ user12 not him acting coy after that thirst trap when she followed him 😭
↪️ user9 he thinks he’s slick when he’s probably fangirling she’s noticing him
user12 how did they meet not my worlds colliding
↪️ random1 probably rachel introduced them yk how rach is a social butterfly
liked by rachelzegler
↪️ user9 see? rach liking just confirms it she set them up
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liked by tbfns and others
tom’s now deleted story (1.12.2024)
user097 not him deleting this naurrr
tomfans wait my friends said they saw him in london what is he doing there if he ain’t filming anything?
user64 wait the shoes he’s holding look like something yn would wear at the recent gala in london hold on 👀👀
↪️ username678 you’re so right cause coincidence i think not
↪️ random75 maybe he went as her date! it’s a big night for her and her career. how sweet!
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liked by naomi and others
A huge honour to receive the Honorary MBEs and attend the South Korea-UK State Banquet at Buckingham Palace 🎖️💂‍♀️
onyourm_ark congrats y/nnie!
↪️ yourusername thanks markles im gonna cry omg
↪️ johnnyjsuh so proud of you y/n 🎉🥳
dualipa you’re one of us now 🥰🥰
↪️ yourusername kisses kisses hugs hugs
↪️ user87 one of us like 👀interesting
↪️ person97 cause she got an english man too
oliviarodrigo congrats my love!
liked by yourusername
↪️ yourusername thank you angel ✨
↪️ random97 wait both my girls booed up by english boys they’re on the same wavelength
username188 am i dreaming or does the shoes on tom’s deleted story match her dress
↪️ ynfan I SEE IT OMG did they go together
↪️ fan65 my cousin who works at the palace apparently heard he entered through the private back entrance to attend the ball and seated where he’s not visible by the camera
↪️ user97 so cute for her to bring him as a date! must be serious tho
↪️ randomuser7 great he attended and supported her during one of the biggest nights of her career but didn’t hog the spotlight
↪️ user121 a real man wouldn’t be threatened by a woman’s success
liked by yourusername
↪️ user53 exactly yn deserves someone who knows his place and that she’s a star and not to be jealous and try to stifle her talent and creativity and personality
yourusername posted a story
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orangepawn39 · 1 year ago
OrangePawn39 :3
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Little Mikey Future Masterpost
My first comic and the only one at the moment it's about future mikey :3
#Rottmnt Maria
My oc that doesn't have a story yet but have a lot of drawings :3
Masterpost HERE!!!
Other comics:
Little subjects AU little story (an idea that i just have but the real comic is from allyheart707)
Rise Virus AU MASTERPOST (@lacydraws /Michelangelo hamato (amino account)):
(Rottmnt oc au)
Tmnt fandom family reunion
Some drawings:
Profiles, Profiles2, Random1, leo..., first post Orange Knigth random 2, old doodles kid leo DTIYS Tmnt stumble guys Rottmnt oc random3 random4
Something Happy birthday Maria Happy birthday!!!! swagreecrow
Mikey the last airbender
Mikey and Webby
Rise April 2024 challenge:
Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
TMayNT challenge:
Day: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
The clothes dont make the turtles figures:
Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
Random1, Random2 Random3 Random4 Random5 Random6 random 7
Random posts:
Clay figures
Dancing turtles
Wild eevee
Spinning turtles
Random thing
Rottmnt plush video
Rottmnt mini stampers
Sonic posts:
Crystal the cat
Cream the rabbit
Sonic 33rd anniversary
Amy rose (fleetway comics)
Sonic oc + Sonic Movie 3
Tmaynt and the next thing i have on mind.
Second masterpost
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weird-ass-playlists · 4 years ago
Random Playlist 1
Add a few new songs to your playlists :)
You can ask me for character or word themed ones and also recommend your own music!
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nengahadinda · 5 years ago
Some people assume that we can break our limits, but the truth only u and God know "when to stop" even though its still far from ur limits :)
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saean1620 · 2 years ago
Hey, Have you entered this competition to win ✨ MAGIC CLUBxGOODFRIENDS ✨ yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/QPAt8M
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Hey, Have you entered this competition to win ✨ MAGIC CLUBxGOODFRIENDS ✨ yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/RrATUd
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natedrink · 5 years ago
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Random5🤔🤔🤔 #sports #natedrink1 #mma #ufc https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0O84JDRF5/?igshid=lnmwmxh3512r
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edd-steals-cola · 3 years ago
*comments on adfs channel*
Random1: woah cool
Random3: oof too short
Random4: I'm mad for something you can't control as a youtube creator
Coladrinker: cool vid reminds me of someone I know
Random5: like
Random6: first!!
Random7: FIRST!!!!
Random6: NO IM FIRST!!!
Random8: who cares
Random8: SECOND!!
* later*
Tom: * watching videos of kids falling over with Susan and Jacob*
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your-tabitha · 8 years ago
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mndigr · 6 years ago
League of Legends: Bugari porazili Crvenu zvezdu!
Finalisti četvrte sezone sreli su se 30. marta u Beogradu pred više od 1.400 navijača, koji su bodrili omiljene timove u pohodu na titulu, ček od 10.000 evra i mesta među najboljim evropskim timovima na EU Masters-u. Ekipe koje su uspele da obezbede meč za titulu sa sobom nose dve potpuno različite priče. Sa jedne strane imamo domaćeg predstavnika, ime koje u svim sportskim okvirima slovi za najslavnije ime na Balkanu, Crvenu zvezdu. Crveno-beli su ponovili uspeh od prošle sezone, domogli su se velikog finala, ali ovoga puta ambicije da se dočepaju trona su još veće. Sa druge strane imamo priču, koju svaki nepristrasan navijač voli. To je nešto nalik Lesterovom osvajanju Engleske Premier lige, Ivaniševićevom osvajajnju Vimbldona ili za eSport fanove trenutak kada OG osvaja The International. Apsolutni autsajderi, tim koji je u polufinalu uspeo da izbaci ASUS, još uvek aktuelne šampione. Pet drugara, koji vole League of Legends, bez trenera i bez organizacije da ih podrži, ali uz mnogo truda i rada, dolaze iz Bugarske, a zovu se Random5. Iako je Kombank dvorana listom bila za domaći tim, Bugari nisu bili bez podrške - Random5 imao je nekoliko desetina navijača, koji su u glavni grad Srbije stigli iz svih krajeva Bugarske. A u publici pretežno dečačići, pubertetlije, koje ne kriju “da žive za ovakve stvari“, kako nam je rekao jedan Miloš. “Nadam se da će igrati na 3:2, ma najmanje pet sati“, dodao je udarajući u navijačke rekvizite. A, publika - kao na stadionu, prosto neverovatno, posebno, ako ste kao i mi, prvi put prisustvovali ovakvom jednom finalu, koje nije “klasično sportsko“ (da nam se gejmeri MONDOVCI ne naljute, ne mislimo time ništa loše). U zanimljivom i napetom finalu, koje je publika dupke pune dvorane pratila čas otvorenih usta, čas ovacijama trijumfovao je tim iz Bugarske, koji nije krio svoje zadovoljstvo nakon pobede, a pehar i prvo mesto EBL-a proslavljen je sa navijačima. Lepo je biti deo ovoga i videti da se i kod nas održava ovako neki događaj. Vidimo se i dogodine! Čekamo vaše komentare ispod vesti i na Facebook, Twitter i Instagram mreži. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mttbernardini · 10 years ago
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Random5 Live @ Largo Gentilucci 29/06/2015 > Album Completo
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anythiiingunderthesun · 11 years ago
5 random things;
One: I am currently bored right now that's why I'm trying to ease my boredom by typing a (nonsense) blog post.
Two: Can't wait to actually start working! Yaaaay! (I'm finally part of the workforce)
Three: I hate the feeling that I'm coughing but I don't really have cough; its only an allergy, but still feeling that I have a cough.
Four: Its Liam's birthday today! Hooray! (Shameless 1D fan over here)
Five: Now time to get ready to go to the doctor.
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spunk-ransoms-blog · 11 years ago
After a stressful day of working, Rob and Kristen decided they were going to sit and relax, watching a movie together, something they hadn't done in so long together, just having a quiet night in. Rob watched as Kristen went to the dvds, letting her pick which they were watching, because after all, his eyes usually weren't onto the movie, they always glanced towards the girl he had in his arms. He gave her a smile as he continued to watch her place the dvd inside, god she was beautiful and she looked amazing, he was thinking to himself before she  came over and sat beside him, cuddling up to his side as the film was about to start. 
As the movie progressed, Rob began to rub onto Kristens arm, as if he was soothing her through the movie, Kristens hand tracing up his shirt, stroking onto his chest as it seemed to usually relax him, but not this time, this time it was getting him wanting her, being so long apart with work they hadn't been as one with each other for a few months. Robs mind began to wonder, his eyes now glancing towards her. He lifted his hand and ran it down her arm, finding its way to the bottom of the tshirt she was sporting that evening. He couldn't take his eyes from her, Kristen now looking towards him, sharing the look, knowing she could see what he wanted to do to her through his eyes. His hand began to slowly creeped up her tshirt, stroking up onto her stomach. His fingers tracing along the material of her bra before his hand dipped inside of it, his full hand cupping one of her boobs and squeezing down onto it, his thumb rubbing over the nipple as he kept some what massaging onto it. Kristens grip becoming tighter onto his tee as he was groping all over her boobs. God knows what would happen tonight with them two. 
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mndigr · 6 years ago
Nova sezona Esports Balkan Lige
Osam najboljih timova na Balkanu kreću u borbu za nagradni fond od 20.000 evra i plasman u Evropu. Plej-of, odnosno polufinala igraju se 23. i 24. marta, a veliko finale održaće se u Kombank Dvorani 30. marta uživo. Foto: Mondo/ Stefan Stojanović ilustracija Najveće regionalno esport takmičenje - League of Legends Esport Balkan Liga otvara vrata svoje četvrte sezone.  Fortuna Esports stoji iza projekta pod nazivom EBL (Esports Balkan League) koji je najveće esport takmičenje na Balkanu. Posle tri izuzetno uspešne sezone, 28. januara je zakazan početak i četvrtog izdanja, a kako najavljuju iz Fortune, možemo očekivati najuspešniju sezonu do sada.  Osam najboljih timova u regionu učestvuje u EBL-u. Šest najboljih ekipa iz prethodnesezone, plus dve koje su obezbedile plasman putem kvalifikacija. Debitantski timovi su Random5 (Bugarska) i Level Up Rhinos (Srbija), dok ostatak najboljih na Balkanu čine: Asus Rog Elite (Srbija), Crvena zvezda Esports (Srbija), Rift (Mađarska), X25 (Srbija), Wild (Mađarska) i Nerotec (Srbija).  Asus Rog Elite je branilac titule, dok svi ostali timovi ulaze u novu sezonu sa velikim ambicijama jer su pojačali svoje redove velikim talentima iz Srbije, ali i igračima iz čitave Evrope (Švedska, Poljska, Holandija...). EBL ima veliki značaj za regionalni esport, jer pruža igračima, timovima i organizacijama priliku da u jednoj kalendarskog godini učestvuju u dve sezone kontinuiranih takmičarskih mečeva i na taj način doprinese razvijanju profesionalnog esporta na Balkanu. Uz to ide i nagradni fond od 20.000 evra, pri čemu pobednik lige osvaja polovinu pomenute sume.  Važnost, ali i kvalitet Esport Balkan Lige je prepoznala i kompanija Riot (kreatori League of Legends video igre), pa je dodelila dva slota za European Masters, evropsko takmičenje u kojem učestvuju šampioni regionalnih liga, ili u našem slučaju, i vicešamponi. "Ove godine ćemo se posvetiti ekipama i gledati kako sve možemo da ih podržimo da bi se one razvile kao brend. Zdrav pristup tome već imaju Crvena Zvezda i Asus, ali ideja je razviti i ostale ekipe i podići ih barem na taj nivo. To uključuje sve od razvijanja kanala komunikacije do pomoći sa potencijalnim sponzorima, generalno želimo da im pomognemo da prođu sve korake koji će im omogućiti da otključaju svoj ogromni marketinški potencijal. Sa takmičarske strane, verujem da nas očekuje još jedna napeta sezona u Evropi. Iako su lige poput španske, nemačke i engleske dobile sestrinske timove ogromnih evropskih franšiza, mislim da su naši igrači i više nego sposobni da se nose sa njima", rekao je Aleksandar Anokić, Head of Esports u Fortuna Esports.  Prvo kolo je zakazano za 28. januar, a ligaški deo takmičenja ćemo gledati narednih sedam nedelja. Plej-of, odnosno polufinala igraju se 23. i 24. marta, a veliko finale održaće se u Kombank Dvorani 30. marta uživo. Karte za ovaj događaj možete nabaviti na blagajni Kombank Dvorane. Prenose svih mečeva možete pratiti na Fortuna Esports Youtube kanalu svakog ponedeljka i četvrtka od 19h, i na Vavoom kanalu vikendom od 22:25h. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mttbernardini · 10 years ago
This is my favorite song I’ve ever composed so far for my band, I believe ;)
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