#ranboos story confirms hes actually learning. holy shit hell yeah guys
codecicle · 5 months
a second slimecicle pole dancing video has hit the tumblr user
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kozozaki · 4 years
We really fucked up this time - Ranboo x Reader Chapter 4
Y/n will be a little touchy with Tubbo this chapter (Tubbo and Tommy throughout the story) Y/n is just really comfortable around them and I don't have a better way of showing that than them hugging and stuff. Everything with anyone that isn't Ranboo is platonic no matter how much it doesn't seem like it.
Y/n hadn’t been to L’manburg in a couple of days, she didn’t want to be there until she was required to. Ranboo came over that day as he promised, it was really sweet of him to offer. Y/n must admit, she didn’t realize how lonely she was over there until Ranboo showed up, it was nice having someone over who she got along with.
She was just barely missing the qualifications to be considered late. She rushed to the holy lands, where the meeting room was, “Y/n, you’re here! I didn’t think you would want to come after, the other day,” Fundy said.
“Umm, yeah, I’m sorry, I broke down for no real reason. B-But I’m fine now,  I promise!” Ranboo had comforted her a lot when he was there.
“It’s perfectly fine Y/n. Are you okay though, really? If you have a nervous breakdown in the middle of the meeting, I’ll feel responsible, please, tell the truth, Y/n,” Tubbo made her feel guilty, but it wasn’t completely a lie, she was feeling better for the most part.
She nodded, “I promise, Tubbo.”
“Big Q and Fundy, you will be seated on the left side, Y/n and Tommy will be seated on the right, Tommy, you will be next to me,” Tubbo informed. Everyone nodded and prepared themselves to enter the room, as the atmosphere was already tense, they couldn’t imagine how it would be in there. Y/n gave Connor a confused look. He shrugged as if to say, ‘I don’t know why but I’m here’.
They entered the blackstone building, Y/n’s anxiety rising by the second at the sight of her older brother. They all sat in their designated spots.
After a moment of silence, Dream spoke, “Hello,” they all greeted him in return, some more hesitant than others, “Did you bring a book and quill?”
“We need the minute man,” Tubbo said. Y/n blinked in confusion until Ranboo came through the door holding a book and quill. She smiled nervously at him. She couldn’t tell, but Ranboo felt extremely guilty, she looked so uncomfortable, and he was the one who pushed her to go to that meeting. 
Tubbo and Dream began discussing the possibility of Tommy being exiled and the walls, but Y/n zoned out when she heard Tommy breathing heavily next to her. She grabbed his hand to calm him, and it helped, but not great.
Dream began to say that Tommy couldn’t curse towards anyone and he lashed out at him, “You can’t silence my swearing you motherfucker!”
To which Y/n yanked his hand downwards and he groaned in pain, “Tommy you have to learn to shut the fuck up when you need to, okay?” She scolded him, he was like a brother to her, she didn’t want him to be exiled.
“Fine, jesus…” he breathed out. Y/n zoned out once again, for who knows how long, not noticing what was happening until Tommy started taking apart the table.
“Tommy what are you doing?! This is the exact opposite of what I just told you!” He ignored her still and stood on a makeshift podium.
“Dream, you idiot. You walk around all day, thinking you’re the shit. This isn’t some insanity thing, I’m not going down Wilbur’s path, I’m not getting exiled, because my friend, you have nothing of mine. But Dream, a long time ago, I got something of yours.”
“Tommy…” Y/n whispered, not loud enough for him to hear. She was scared, he had no idea what he was doing. Tubbo put a comforting hand onto her shoulder, “Tubbo, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“It’s okay, Y/n,” she nodded slowly, she had no reason not to listen to Tubbo. She had no reason to not listen to anyone in the room, everyone had been there for her and helped her.
Tommy paced towards the enderchest, “Dream are you familiar with your old pet horse? What was its name, Dream?” Dream pulled out an axe and Y/n put her hand out to stop him but Tubbo pulled her back, and she melted into the slightly taller boy's arms. Her head rested on his shoulder as a few anxious tears fell from her face. He wasn't gonna let Dream kill Tommy, but if he couldn't prevent it, he sure as hell wouldn't let Y/n see it.
“Kill me all you want Dream, kill me all you want, what was it’s name?” Y/n seethed at the boy’s confidence that she used to admire before it got them into shitty situations like the one he was in now.
“I can’t it’s the holy ground,” Dream said. Y/n let go of Tubbo and turned around. His voice was uncharacteristically quiet. There was no way he still cared, he didn’t care about anything, even his sister, why would he care about a horse that died months ago? 
“What was it’s name, Dream?” 
There was a small moment of silence, “Spirit,” he stated. Y/n knew better, she knew he was only pretending to have trouble saying Spirit’s name, pretending to have trauma attached to that name. But she didn’t speak up about it. No one would believe her.
“Spirit, ‘Tommy confirmed,” Months ago, months ago, I retrieved Spirit’s remains, an item that means so very much to you. You don’t have anything on me anymore, not even the discs! And I’ve been holding onto this for so long. You have nothing on us anymore.”
“Tommy, you’re speaking out of line,” it pissed Y/n off when Tubbo spoke like a president, like he was more entitled than Tommy and her, even though he was more entitled. And he was correct, Tommy was speaking out of line. She wanted nothing more than to be with her friends without any issues, just like it was in the summer.
“I can speak out of line, what does he have on us, what does he have on us?!” Tommy repeated, not understanding why nobody else was contributing to his detestable words towards the man. 
“He has the power to destroy our nation, you’re being selfish Tommy, you’re acting like the bad guy here,” Y/n had it up to here with Tubbo’s hurtful words towards Tommy, he was one of the most selfless people she knew even if he didn’t seem like it.
“No no, Tubbo, listen, he’s had my discs all this time, he’s had the high ground, but Spirit is the one thing he actually cares about, he doesn’t have anything on us, alright? As long as we speak to Skeppy and Purpled before him, which we can do easily, Tubbo, you have one of them, we’ll have all four discs!” Y/n looked up from the ground, was it truly that simple? Dream took her discs, wait and chirp when she fought alongside Tommy, Sapnap, and Tubbo that day.
“Everyone thinks I’m out of line, everyone thinks I’m being naive, no. Dream, you don’t have anything on me anymore. You don’t have the discs.”
“But he has shit on us!” Fundy argued.
“Tommy, what if I get it, Tommy? Right now I have nothing, but what if I get it?” Dream tried to threaten.
“Cause Dream, I can burn Spirit,” Dream visibly tensed at Tommy’s sheer lack of care, “Why is no one else freaking out right now?”
The room devolved into Quackity, Tubbo, Tommy and Fundy talking over each other, “Well Dream you don’t have anything on me, and I have Spirit on you. And this is the only item that means anything to you now, and it’s in my possession.”
While listening closely to Tommy venting to make sure he didn’t fuck up any more than he already had, Y/n made her way across the room over to Ranboo. He had his sunglasses off once more, and by looking closer she had noticed that his left sclera was black and his right was the normal white. His eyes also had a soft glow to them. She realized she had been staring at him and her face was quickly covered in a red hue as she muttered curses at herself, halfway hiding behind Ranboo and half hugging him from his side. 
Ranboo looked down and smiled sadly, she was getting stressed again, he could tell by the way her hands were shaking slightly as they clasped together on the other side of his torso. She looked up at him, her breath feverish and her eyes moving around his face sporadically. He ran his hand through her hair, attempting to calm her down. He set his hand onto her shoulder since that always seemed to work more than other things. Her frantic breathing patterns had ceased, but her shaking stayed. He decided to leave her alone and let her hug him. Since that first time they had hugged each other, it seemed to be one of Y/n’s favourite things to do. Besides, he could always help her more later.
She shifted her focus onto the conversation happening elsewhere in the room, “Tommy, tell him what he has to do,” Fundy spoke, no longer wary of joining Tommy’s side.
“Dream. You’ve got to take down those walls,” Tommy ordered, Big Q and Fundy chuckling in delight, Dream had finally been put in his place. At least that’s how they viewed the situation, “Let’s go, we don’t need the holy land for protection anymore,”
“This is a really bad idea,” Y/n agreed with Tubbo, it was relieving to see her cruel older brother finally at everyone else’s level, but it was all a ruse. He didn’t care about Spirit. But she didn’t say anything about it. She loved seeing Tommy happy like this, but if she said anything while he was in this mood, he would either not listen or it would put him in an unbearably upset mood. She knew it would be apparent why she was so silent during the meeting in a few minutes regardless.
They all stood there just outside of L’manburg. Fundy and Quackity were just making fun of him, “Well Tommy- ugh,” Dream groaned in annoyance, knowing he couldn’t make a sufficient rebuttal, “Tommy, if I get a- grr,” Tommy made a surprised laugh, taking pride in the fact that Dream couldn’t do anything. Y/n scoffed and turned away back towards the direction of the museum. His difficulty speaking was patently fake, why was it just her that realized it? Her eyes became cold and dull to anyone who didn’t bother looking closer. She was so frustrated, she couldn’t do anything. Tommy and Tubbo are the only ones that ever took her seriously, but they’re both being arrogant. 
She only turned back around towards the walls when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around to see Ranboo towering over her with a sweet, nervous smile. She returned it the best she could, and Ranboo snaked behind her. Y/n saw a small section of the walls being torn down by her brother and smiled a little. It wouldn’t last long, but when he wasn’t being unruly, it was nice to see Tommy proud of himself.
Dream stood still, before beginning to place back the obsidian that he had been forced to mine. Tommy, Fundy and Big Q were bewildered, Y/n looked guilty, and Tubbo was indifferent, they both knew it was bound to happen, “Y/n? Y/n you have a really guilty look on your face right now, did you do something?” Tommy asked very quickly, “Or- You knew that this was gonna happen. Didn’t you?”
She looked away with an even guiltier expression, laced with a sad smile as she watched her older brother build the walls even higher, “Why didn’t you say anything!? I would’ve stopped if you’d just say something!”
“Because I like seeing you happy,” Y/n sniffled, “and if I told you he didn’t actually care, you would either ignore me because you were being arrogant, or you would be upset. So I just didn’t say a thing,” Tommy looked at the girl with sad eyes as Dream jumped down from the walls in front of them.
“Tommy. Listen, you fucked up this time,” Tommy asked him not to swear, “No, Tommy. I don’t give a fuck about Spirit, I don’t give a fuck about anything actually, I care about the discs. I care more about your discs than you do! That’s the only thing I care about actually! I don’t care about Spirit, Spirit was my horse, died ages ago. I care about the discs, cause that’s what gives me power over you, your friends, and everybody that you care about because you care about the discs more than anyone else here. So if you are not exiled from L’manburg, I will build these walls until I can’t anymore! I will keep everybody inside, I will hire guards, Punz and Sapnap to patrol all around the walls keeping them inside. No trade, no one leaves, no armour or they get slaughtered inside,” Y/n was grinding her teeth against each other, Dream was pissing her off. They both had slight anger issues, like brother like sister, “Don’t try and threaten me! I don’t care, I have lost all care for anything in this world-”
“Really, so if I burn Spirit, right now, you wouldn’t care-”
“Burn Spirit, right in front of me right now!” That was it. Y/n couldn’t take any more of him yelling at Tommy, and she snapped. In one swift movement, she was in front of Dream, holding the flat of her gleaming netherite sword to his neck, effectively putting decent space between him and Tommy.
“Quit shouting at Tommy Clay!” She could only see one of his eyes from behind his cracked mask, but they told her everything she needed to know. He was taken aback, he seemed to have temporarily forgotten how much she cared about Tommy. She used his real name, that even she rarely used, and she only used it when she was beyond pissed. She wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if he tried anything, he knew that for sure. Despite being nearly a foot shorter than him, she was a threat to everyone if they pissed her off or hurt or offended someone she cares about. Dream’s eyes flicked over to Ranboo, someone else she seemed to care about a great deal, “Don’t you fucking dare,” she spat, knowing what that look meant.
“You wouldn’t kill me, you’re too-”
“I would,” she said simply, with a sick smile, “I would kill you. Half those discs are mine too, I couldn’t care less if you lost one, or two, or all three of your lives.”
“Well this is the only thing you’ve had attachment to this entire time, how do I know you aren’t fucking lying?” Tommy stated shakily.
“I have an attachment to you and Y/n’s discs.”
“What- Why would you care about them, they’re ours, why do you even care about them?”
“No no no, Tommy, they’re my discs,” the edge of Y/n’s blade pressed further against his neck, just a bit more pressure and it would puncture his skin, “I’ll get them, I’ll keep them, and I’ll put them in my enderchest for the rest of your lives. Listen Tubbo,” Y/n took her sword away from his neck and walked back towards Ranboo only to be engulfed in a hug. She faced the scene while leaning her back into his chest (or waist? I don’t fucking know he’s too tall. ribcage?). “You have three days. If you don’t exile him in three days, I’ll do what I said.”
“What does that entail, what the fuck do you mean?” Tommy asked.
“L’manburg can be independent, but L’manburg can’t be free,” Dream answered simply. Dream stopped talking and immediately went to raise the walls.
“Tommy you had one job. You had one job. To be positive, to be peaceful. And you messed it up,” Tubbo criticised. 
“You fucked up,” Quackity whispered, “You really fucked this up now Tommy-”
“No this is on you two as well!” Tubbo shouted at Fundy and Quackity, and they all argued for a moment while Tommy just stood there, watching Dream build up the walls, bewildered at what had just occurred. Y/n huffed at the sight, Ranboo just held her tighter to his chest.
“Tubbo he’s only doing this so he can get under your skin to get you to turn on me,” Tommy tried to tell him but he wouldn’t listen.
“No, he’s very clearly doing this to get the discs, cause he wants them.”
“You guys are idiots, he wants Tommy as far away from L’manburg as possible, while also getting the discs to gain control of Tommy and I,” Y/n affirmed quickly. They both turned towards the girl who was rested in Ranboo’s arms, that was standing behind Tubbo, both giving her a baffled look, “What? You guys didn’t realize that?” Her face was covered in blush as she realized how weird it must look to them that out of nowhere Ranboo and her were so comfortable with each other within less than a week of him being here when it took her at least a month to hug even Tommy. She exhaled in relief when they turned away, but also grief when they started arguing.
“You couldn’t do one thing for me, Tommy! And it was for your own good! So you know what, if the roles were reversed as you said, yeah, you probably wouldn’t have exiled me, because I would’ve actually listened to you and done what you said! And maybe had a couple ounces of respect! You’ve messed this up for no one but yourself,” There was an agonizing silence after Tubbo’s line, but as much as it angered Y/n seeing Tommy pushed around, it was the painstaking truth. Tommy had no one to blame but himself and Dream, “It’s selfish.”
“I’m gonna say it now,” Big Q sighed, “What’s happened has happened, there’s no going back.  What do we do next?”
“We have three days-”
“Tubbo-” Tommy started.
“I don’t want to exile you, okay?!” Tubbo yelled.
“This whole war, all of this, L’manburg, everything. This has started way before L’manburg, me you and Y/n versus Dream. This can’t be where we split now, you can’t- it’s always been us three, man, we can’t- C’mon, please, you-,” Y/n zoned out until Ranboo spoke up for Tommy.
“Tubbo, you said that Tommy was selfish. You said that Tommy doesn’t care about anyone else, well that’s not true. I robbed George’s house too. I did it with Tommy. But in court, he said that it was just him. He could’ve pinned the blame on me, there was evidence that it was me. But he didn’t. He’s not selfish. Me and Tommy robbed George’s house, we didn’t mean for it to burn. We didn’t mean to burn anything down.”
“Tommy, is this true?”
“Yeah. It is.”
“He covered for me. He’s not selfish. Calling him selfish after what he did, I’ve only been on here for about five days, is it? That’s not selfish. Tommy isn’t selfish-”
“Ranboo, stop,” Y/n said, no longer leaning into him but standing up on her own with his arms around her, “Stop trying to pretend like I wasn’t there too.”
“Why didn’t we question Y/n? She’s always the one who causes most of the damn fires around here anyway,” Big Q said. 
“You didn’t even think about it? The girl who’s nickname is literally firebug? I didn’t burn it down, and neither did Tommy or Ranboo. I simply burned a tree, went back to George’s home and the outside was burning. Both Tommy and Ranboo were inside, there was no way they could’ve started it,” she left out a few details, of course, but it wasn’t like they could fact check it.
“Tubbo I’ve put the discs aside for so long, I think for once, now that Wilbur’s gone, now that the dictator, the man who has exiled us before, Schlatt, is gone. Tubbo you can’t turn into what you hate. You can’t be the next Schlatt. If you exile me, you’re following in that mans footsteps.”
“Well, as long as I can’t be the next Schlatt, you can’t be the next Wilbur,” Y/n’s eyes narrowed, he really had the audacity to compare Tommy to Wilbur. Quackity started talking and she left, she’d had enough of her brother’s bullshit for one day.
OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN’T UPDATED IN NEARLY A MONTH! I’ve been meaning to write but this chapter was especially difficult. I probably updated too quick in the beginning, giving out chapters every two or three days like they were candy. I’ll probably start updating around once a week. Also if anyone would like to draw fanart for this book that would be very pog, my discord is in my bio!
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