#rana understands what its like not to have family... i think theyd be good friends!!!
timothylawrence · 5 months
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Hiii, if you’re still doing these this is my tav Cernunnos. He’s a circle of the moon druid who was adopted into a noble family when his older sister found him wandering the woods on the edge of their property when he was about 6 (no family, no nothing). I can’t quite decide if he has a neutral good or lawful good alignment at the moment but that’ll come with playing him some more and seeing what happens. He’s deaf, he can read lips but will almost exclusively respond in sign (sometimes writing responses down in necessary). He’s probably my social butterfly out of all of my OCs, he loves meeting people and talking to everyone he can and tends to be very outgoing (this can also lead to impulsivity but he’s working on that)
OMG!! Hi Cernunnos!!!! I love the design !! The horns are so sick!!!
I think Rana would be intimidated at first but her curiousity is most definitely taking a charge here. I like to think she'd know a decent amount of sign language (to me... the thieves guild would use sign to commuicate ! its quieter than speaking!!) but would be a lil reluctant to use it at first because she doesn't want peoeple to connect the dots to her being an ex- thieves guild person! Rana would absolutely get along though, I know she'd have a blast listening more than speaking and hearing all his wonderful stories....
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