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The 2 lowest ships from this poll and the other parts will be eliminated
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denois · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dice Punks (Podcast) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ramnet/Dask Týr, Ramnet/Coffee, Ramnet/Original Male Characters Characters: Ramnet (Dice Punks), Dask Týr, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Post canon, Canon Compliant, you can't prove this doesn't happen, I'll fight the hollyhock god about it Summary:
Ramnet searches Taraxis for what's missing from his life after everything settles down.
Someone to warm his bed is simple. Easy.
Coffee take a bit longer.
But eventually, all will be set to right. Even if he has to walk to the moon to make it happen.
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parsabad · 2 years ago
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Traditional fishing in Ramnet village/ babo/ Iran
Photography: Majid zahedi
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gnomer-denois · 2 years ago
@evelynstarshine tagged me so here we go.
Three ships: NurseyDex (omgcp), PolyFrogs (omgcp), PolyFarms (omgcp). if this is cheating then let's substitute in Sam/Nick (Dice Punks), Ramnet/Dask (Dice Punks), Lyssa/Kaya (Dice Punks). If you're going to force me to pick from yet a third source even though those are all actually comprised of different characters (and Sam/Nick isn't even from the same story as the others), then David/Patrick (Shitts Creek)
First Ever Ship: Gambit/Rogue
Last song: Mr Darkside
Last Movie: Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
Currently reading: My own fanfic that I'm writing I guess? I don't have any published books that I'm currently reading. The last that I finished was Strictly No Heroics (highly recommend, check it out)
Currently watching: Cal Kestis fall into space repeatedly because I can't manage this Force Tear in Jedi: Survivor.
Currently consuming: Dr. Pepper
Currently craving: Sleep
I'm going to tag @happinessisntfun @bonesofyarn @quill-of-thoth @draskireis @vanillivilovesreus anyone who actually wants to do it (and if none of y'all do, that's chill)
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usephendri · 11 years ago
New Post has been published on News And Technology
New Post has been published on http://jajalabut.com/cara-mengatasi-virus-ramnet-di-windows-7.html
cara mengatasi virus ramnet di windows 7
Cara Mengatasi Virus Ramnet Di Windows 7
Cara membersihkan pathogen di komputer laptop | windows xp-7, Virus-virus di internet semakin hari semakin tambah varian dan tambah banyak saja. generasi pathogen seperti w32/virut.gen, trojan tr/starter.y – tr/agent.2372096.a. Computer tips, articles as well as utilitarian program -, Akhir-akhir ini windows 7 yang saya pakai mulai bermasalah mendeteksi usb flashdisk yang biasa dipakai. awalnya saya kira flashdisknya yang bermasalah, tetapi ketika. Block/unblock programs di windows firewall | puhpelem, Dengan keperluan tertentu di windows 7 dan xp, kita dapat mengatur windows firewall untuk retard atau unblock applikasi tertentu. berikut caranya : windows 7 1..
Cara mengaktifkan javascript browser | puhpelem cyber city, Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan javascript? berikut ini cara mengaktifkan javascript di internet explorer, firefox dan safari. internet path-finder 6. x dan versi. Cara membersihkan pathogen dari komputer windows | esc creation, 59 responses to “ bersihkan pathogen komputer ” # 1 cara memperbaiki fungsi windows yang rusak karena pathogen | esc origination says: july 6th, 2009 during 3:28 am. Teknisiku.com| teknisi | educational | gangling partial | printer, Dvd educational servis laptop paket dvd ini mengajarkan kita tentang bagai mana cara merakit dan membonkar laptop serta cara menangani trobelshoting laptop, record berupa.
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Cara Mengatasi Virus Ramnet Di Windows 7
Cara Menghapus Virus Shortcut | a-zlada
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Mengatasi pathogen Batch dan VBS tanpa antivirus ~ Tips & Trik Ala OP
windows 7 dengan cara memasang wallpaper bergerak di desktop windows 7
Cara Mengatasi Virus Ramnet Di Windows 7
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Round 1: Fight 7
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Ramnet/Dask Tyr (Dice Punks Podcast) vs Janai/Amaya (TDP)
Propaganda under the cut!
Ramnet/Dask Tyr:
Spoilers: Dask fell first. He craves knowledge, has pledged himself to shady organizations that may or may not be cults (they were) for access to libraries, wants to know everything and be everything. So when he meets Ramnet, a prophet who is sometimes the literal voice of a god and has mystical and magical ways to know the unknowable, his eyes grow beyond the comprehension of mere mortals and he falls. Total elapsed time approximately 15 minutes Ramnet fell harder. His craving is in physical, human connection. Not necessarily long lasting, many of his dalliances are one night stands and that's fine by him. When he meets Dask, he's partway through his goal of bedding the entire adult male population of the city. As he sets his sights on wooing Dask, his interest in other men fades. When Dask leaves him for minor things like saving the world (by becoming a god), he spends a bit of time in a furious depression about the abandonment. He ends up working for Dask and as he deals with the entire situation, he returns to being free with his physical affections, all while working to find a way to save the world again and remove the power imbalance between him and Dask. In the end, he walks to the moon and murders the concept of divinity by ripping divine shards from his heart. Unfortunately, in the newly un-divine world, Dask does not return with Ramnet and their other found-family members. And Ramnet is left to search the world for his return. Total elapsed time: as long as it takes to get him back.
First of all, they're an awesome warrior lesbian couple and Janai is a literal queen. Amaya DEFINITELY fell first, and Janai fell HARD. They love each other so much and I NEED them to make it into a tournament
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denois · 2 years ago
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Dice Punks (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ramnet/Dask Týr Characters: Ramnet (Dice Punks), Dask Týr, Lyssa Krait Additional Tags: Minor or background Imbi, Minor or background Kaya, Minor or background Lyssa/Kaya, Minor or background Lyssa/Raemulus, Implied Mavia via Raemulus, If you don't listen to the podcast you probably won't pick up on that though, you should listen to the podcast, it's very good, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, coffee shop AU, Getting Together, flirting at work, flirting with coworkers, Workplace Romance, bit of a power imbalance, minor or background Timothies, can't forget the Timothies Summary:
Ramnet has been working at the Mot Spot for awhile, alone. It suits him. It has all the things he most loves, coffee and attractive men to flirt with.
When he suddenly has new coworkers and neighbors, he can adjust. He's nothing if not flexible, after all. It's not a problem.
The wanting to kiss one of the new coworkers? That's a problem.
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I currently cannot find the ship names for:
Ramnet/Dask Tyr (Dice Punks (podcast))
Nando/Matt (The Doctors are out)
Killer/Penguin (One Piece)
Or if they don't have ship names please tell me
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I don't think you can edit poll posts, but I realized that I had several typos trying to submit my propaganda on my phone that I didn't notice when I submitted. In the *hugely* unlikely event that Damnet survives the first round, could I submit an updated (corrected) propaganda copy?
Spoilers: Dask fell first. He craves knowledge, has pledged himself to shady organizations that may or may not be cults (they were) for access to libraries, wants to know everything and be everything. So when he meets Ramnet, a prophet who is sometimes the literal voice of a god and has mystical and magical ways to know the unknowable, his eyes grow beyond the comprehension of mere mortals and he falls. Total elapsed time approximately 15 minutes Ramnet fell harder. His craving is in physical, human connection. Not necessarily long lasting, many of his dalliances are one night stands and that's fine by him. When he meets Dask, he's partway through his goal of bedding the entire adult male population of the city. As he sets his sights on wooing Dask, his interest in other men fades. When Dask leaves him for minor things like saving the world (by becoming a god), he spends a bit of time in a furious depression about the abandonment. He ends up working for Dask and as he deals with the entire situation, he returns to being free with his physical affections, all while working to find a way to save the world again and remove the power imbalance between him and Dask. In the end, he walks to the moon and murders the concept of divinity by ripping divine shards from his heart. Unfortunately, in the newly un-divine world, Dask does not return with Ramnet and their other found-family members. And Ramnet is left to search the world for his return. Total elapsed time: as long as it takes to get him back.
done! sorry for fixing it late. i was panicking trying to get the other polls out cause i was late lol
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Ramnet/Dask Tyr from Dice Punks Podcast is being sadly eliminated
Round 1: Fight 7
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Ramnet/Dask Tyr (Dice Punks Podcast) vs Janai/Amaya (TDP)
Propaganda under the cut!
Ramnet/Dask Tyr:
Spoilers: Dask fell first. He craves knowledge, has pledged himself to shady organizations that may or may not be cults (they were) for access to libraries, wants to know everything and be everything. So when he meets Ramnet, a prophet who is sometimes the literal voice of a god and has mystical and magical ways to know the unknowable, his eyes grow beyond the comprehension of mere mortals and he falls. Total elapsed time approximately 15 minutes Ramnet fell harder. His craving is in physical, human connection. Not necessarily long lasting, many of his dalliances are one night stands and that's fine by him. When he meets Dask, he's partway through his goal of bedding the entire adult male population of the city. As he sets his sights on wooing Dask, his interest in other men fades. When Dask leaves him for minor things like saving the world (by becoming a god), he spends a bit of time in a furious depression about the abandonment. He ends up working for Dask and as he deals with the entire situation, he returns to being free with his physical affections, all while working to find a way to save the world again and remove the power imbalance between him and Dask. In the end, he walks to the moon and murders the concept of divinity by ripping divine shards from his heart. Unfortunately, in the newly un-divine world, Dask does not return with Ramnet and their other found-family members. And Ramnet is left to search the world for his return. Total elapsed time: as long as it takes to get him back.
First of all, they're an awesome warrior lesbian couple and Janai is a literal queen. Amaya DEFINITELY fell first, and Janai fell HARD. They love each other so much and I NEED them to make it into a tournament
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I'll be waiting til tomorrow to post the bracket so I can find the remaining ship names. Please tell me before the or they will be going as name slash
I currently cannot find the ship names for:
Ramnet/Dask Tyr (Dice Punks (podcast))
Nando/Matt (The Doctors are out)
Killer/Penguin (One Piece)
Or if they don't have ship names please tell me
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