#rammstein rammblings
morgana-lefay · 4 months
Not sure if anyone shares this sentiment, but…Till with rolled up sleeves…
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[all photos from this Tour. Source: @endlich-allein]
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2 cts..
Thought i had (because i read on some social media that the Till distancing himself from the band that Schneider mentioned, started with him taking on the 'Lindemann' project and from that got separate management, separate circle of people, separate 'bubble' (as Schneider called it)):
i often saw Emigrate and Lindemann as two similar projects, both Richard and Till taking the chance to do something that they weren't able to do with Rammstein.
Well, looking at it now, i think Emigrate actually saved Rammstein in a way (Flake even said as much in a podcast, about how Richard is so prolific and produces so many ideas, that they wouldn't fit in one band and that's what the solo project was for). Richard loves Emigrate as the 'interesting new girlfriend', but always talks about Rammstein as 'the mothership', 'the wife', 'the relationship', 'the marriage' and he has set clear boundaries for himself with Emigrate, like not playing live. Emigrate eventually took the tension off of Rammstein for him and imo that took the tension off of the others as well. After the latest Rammstein album Zeit, Richard even forgot fo mention in interviews that 'it would be the last', something he always did before 🌺
Till's things he can't do in Rammstein are the extremes, in pain, sex, darkness. The Rammstein democracy and quality control always knows exactly where to reign him in (not just in lyrics and performance (remember Schneider looking very uncomfortable when Till bashed his head against a stagelight every show in Heirate Mich?), but when they met up more often, i wouldn't be surprised if they commented on other stuff as well (there are some real meddlers in that band 🌺). It may have felt good to not be on the leash in Lindemann and i think Peter Tagtgren and him worked well together from a 'creation' point of view, but Peter probably didn't intend to put in a quality control on Till. And Till's new circle certainly wasn't into reigning him in, they only encouraged the extremes. Imo Till is very bad at setting boundaries for himself, and easily influenced when indulged (i think Paul even said as much in a making of once, in slightly different words). Ofcourse it feels nice if people don't argue with you all the time, and there are people who manage to arrange everything you come up with and make it happen...but that doesn't mean it's good for you. And when Till started mixing the two, by at a Lindemann concert showing the infamous BJ video set (either real or staged) at a Rammstein show, and everybody in his circle probably thought that was great...in hindsight that might have been a pivotal point.
It's a shame that it has come to where we are now, it probably wouldn't have happened if someone would have been able to put their foot down sooner. But with Till's people only indulging him, and the foot-put-downers at a distance... imo this was a situation waiting to happen.
Just my thoughts, but if i'm right, than i would say that where Emigrate saved Rammstein, Till's solowork almost destroyed it.
Almost, but not completely.
Because i honestly feel that the Rammstein democracy is still the best way for the 6 of them to work and shine. And I hope all 6 of them are doing their best to make it happen 🌺
(Ps. i don't mean this as an 'excuse' post in any way, we are talking about adults here, who should accept consequence for the actions they do or omit)
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she ramm on my stein till I lindemann
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laguera25 · 2 months
I think @rammbles did this first, but I'm going to jump on the two-seater bandwagon and give my Rammstein hot takes, too.
-As much as I love some of the songs on Zeit--"Armee der Tristen," Adieu", and "Zeit" destroy me without fail, and "Dicke Titten" and "Angst" go balls-out--the ones that don't do it for me really don't. They're just...there, and I skip them so often that I have to look them up to be sure of their titles.
-I'm glad they're likely taking a break after this tour. They absolutely deserve it, but it's also because the fans' mood at concerts has been oddly sour. There's been way more aggression in crowds, and the fans have been far more entitled and douchebaggy to the band themselves. Trying to rock boats, climbing into boats, complaining about the stage or the setlist, making snide jokes about waiting for the stage to collapse, lol. It's gotten uncomfortable, and everyone needs to go to the timeout corner.
-The way some fans treat Schneider after his statement on Till is vintage fandom. Everybody howled for a band member to make a statement, to reassure them. He did. He put his name on it, and he said it with his whole chest.
Everyone sang his praises and kissed his ass. For about a day. Then some fans decided that actually, he was a disloyal asshole for not painting Till as a saint, and instead of kissing his ass, they tried to take a chunk out of it, and they still snipe about it.
Schneider said what he said, and he knows Till better than any of us. Smoke some copium or die mad about it. Anybody madder at Schneider for telling the truth than at Till for being an idiot is part of the reason this world is a dumpster fire. The truth is the truth, not what makes you feel the best.
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schnoodlestein · 2 years
Just finished my first listen of the Zeit album and…. wow. Like just WOW.
I’ll give my thoughts proper after a couple of listens but til then my favourites as of now are definitely Zeit, Angst, Dicke Titten, OK, and Schwartz
Adieu is a powerful yet lovely send off to the album, and if this is indeed their swan song then what a beautiful way to do so
All in all, they definitely put their Kollektive-Rammussy into that one folks
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062467 · 5 years
the fact that there are people who legit write rammstein with a “+” instead of the “t” each and every time is so funny to me.
i mean it’s not that i’m laughing at these ppl, their effort is adorable tho.
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thecultoftill · 7 years
They won’t read this but I still wanted to wish our beloved boys good luck for the first night of their tour, especially Till because I know what a huge struggle it is for him to battle his stage fright night after night, to perform in a role that he doesn’t enjoy, and to face his fear of people staring at him.
I’m so proud of all six of them, and I’m so grateful to them for everything they’ve given to their fans, for the sacrifices they make to entertain us. I can’t be with them tonight, as I’d like to be, but I hope that everyone who can make it has an incredible time.
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morgana-lefay · 6 months
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My most wildest dream about Rammstein right now? That they're rehearsing and chilling like this somewhere...
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morgana-lefay · 6 months
I don't know guys, I'm feeling very overwhelmed by these 6 weirdos and their music (that I constantly have to translate, because I keep forgetting what some words mean)...
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It's a young love, but fucking hell, did it hit hard!
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morgana-lefay · 3 months
I'm loving how everyone's going crazy over wet Richard in Barcelona™! It was a very beautiful and wholesome sight to see! (And to think they tried to put a huge umbrella on his spot 😂)
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morgana-lefay · 3 months
I'm tired as hell, as I got to my hotel only about 1 hour ago (the concert ended at 23h30-ish) and I got wet to the bones, but it was worth it! They're beautiful!
I'll share more tomorrow, because by now I'm not even sure I'm still alive...I gotta get some sleep. 😵
P.S - Till's tattoos and the rolled up sleeves live...
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morgana-lefay · 4 months
My Rammstein concert is next week already!
By this time then I'll already be dealing with post-concert blues, actually.
I'm feeling a bit anxious and I'm not really sure why, as for the last month, at least, I can't think about anything else and focusing on my concert and my trip to Barcelona is keeping me sane from some bullshit that's been annoying me lately.
Also, me being me, ended up ordering my shirt from the store like last week and I think it might not arrive in time, so I'll have to figure out something else to dress (First World Problems at it's finest 👌🏻).
But...have I mentioned I'm gonna get to see The Boys in 6 days?!
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morgana-lefay · 6 months
I've been reading Till's poetry book, "In Stillen Nächten" ("Nas Noites Tranquilas") and I'm actually enjoying most of the poems. Some seem to make no sense or I just don't think I understand them (many times I catch myself commenting in the end "What the fuck did I just read?"😅). Others make me laugh. My favourites, so far, are the most depressive and fatalist, I'm reckoning (guess it's the Portuguese in me). And there are others that make me a bit more uncomfortable (although I think this book is "lighter" on that matter compared to what I've read about Messer). But, in the end, they all make me feel something.
This means, I will, most likely, be sharing some of my favourites, particularly in Portuguese.
Right now, I feel like talking about one called "Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht" ("When Mother goes to work late"/"Quando a Mãe vai trabalhar tarde").
Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht Dann bleibe ich allein Sie wirft mir Zwieback auf den Mund Schließt mich im Zimmer ein Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit muß Fährt nicht mit Bus noch Bahn Ihr Arbeitsplatz ist gar nicht weit Ist das Zimmer nebenan Sie kommen und sie gehen Manchmal auch zu zweit Die späten Vögel singen Und wenn die Mutti schreit Wenn sie mich früh zu Bette schickt Sagt ich soll nicht traurig sein Weint mir ein bißchen ins Gesicht Schließt mich im Zimmer ein Sie kommen und sie gehen Das Licht im Fenster rot Ich sehe zu durchs Schlüsselloch Und einer schlug sie tot Traurig war ich vorher schon Die Mutter fehlt mir nicht Ich riech an ihren Schlüpfern Und mal mir ihr Gesicht
During my searches, I ended up on RammWiki (bless them) and was linked to MusikGuru, to find that there's a GDR children's song called "Wenn Mutti Früh Zur Arbeit Geht". Well, I'm assuming (and then, after reading the RammWiki page, confirmed) this poem takes inspiration from said song, which was interesting to learn.
As we know, Till adapts some of his poems into Rammstein songs and Lindemann/his solo work (we can read some more familiar lines in this book, that I might bring up too) and for those of you who get the language, you might have already noticed he made this one darker and it became "Puppe".
The GDR song talks about Mom having to go to work early and how the child engages in all these age appropriate chores while, also, having time to play with her "child doll" ("puppenkind"), certainly training her to be a good mother one day.
Till's poem and lyrics twist it around, setting the time in darker hours and giving it a darker meaning. In the poem, the child is on his own, after Mom feeds him a biscuit and shuts him in his room. Mother seems to be a prostitute and her work place is the room next door. He peeps through the lock and sees her getting killed by one of her clients. There's, then, a final verse where he adds how he's been sad before and won't miss her.
In "Puppe", he filled the text more and upped the weird/dark scale. This time, the story goes around a sister and no longer a mother. Same line of work, same working place [from what translation gives me, he gets a bit ironic and goes on a little word play here, changing from work place ("Arbeitsplatz") to creative place ("Schaffensplatz")] and same fate in the end. He picks the doll part from the GDR song, as the sister leaves it with him and it keeps him company (and they take it up a notch live). There's also a change to what he's feeding on - from biscuits to medicine. Contrary to the child in the poem, who wasn't sad anymore, the child in Puppe gets increasingly upset and angry, until, putting all these emotions out in the doll, ends up making him feel better.
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morgana-lefay · 5 months
treat this as an invitation to talk/gush about till/rammstein in general, because i've had a long week and terrible luck with tumblr and i need some wholesomeness :3
(btw, it's me medoh, my new blog got terminated accidentally and i'm waiting to get it back this is a backup 😭)
Hello, medoh! 😊 Oh, I'm sorry Tumblr is being a little shit and you still haven't been able to solve your troubles with it. Hope things are getting better, though!
Also sorry this took me a while to answer but, honestly, you gave me an impossible task here! 😬 I had no idea where to take this, because I'm a slightly anxious person, with poor skills for summarizing my thoughts, hence one (or both) of two things happen If I'm left unsupervised like this: a) won't know were to start; b) won't be able to shut up. 😅
But I will try my best! 🤘🏻 From all the things I could have picked from, because there's a lot, I chose to talk about (one part of) their weirdness. These are men who gave us photoshoots as follows and managed to look great in all of them (also, thank you to the photographers who shared the vision).
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I mean...
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Look at them...
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If these aren't the coolest bunch of losers you've ever seen, I'm not sure who are. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also the men (and woman. My Queen 🙇🏻) who went crawling their way through the streets of Berlin...
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(And thank the sweet gods of kink they did 🖤)
They're the ones who got oily, almost naked (or, at some point, completely), with a bunch of other guys and left an entire fan base guessing (and learning screencaping skills, because of science).
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[Let's not forget this guy...weird scale through the roof]
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And there's that time when some of them were birthed on stage, coming out from a giant uterus/womb. Good times...
People say they're mean, dirty, bad(ass) German men, but, deep down, they're just a bunch of dorks, who enjoy dancing and having a good time.
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[Side note: that last Richard gif goes along with any song] I could continue, but Tumblr, fortunately, has an image limit for post or I wouldn't shut up. In conclusion, they're my 6 favourite weirdos and I'm here to embrace it all.
Thank you for your ask! I really enjoy rammbling about them. I'm not sure if this is what you were expecting, but, still, I hope it made you feel a bit better. 🖤
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morgana-lefay · 5 months
Ciao (◕U◕)ノ You are walking around in your city, minding your own business, when suddenly Till appears. He materializes out of nowhere! After the initial surprise, what would you like to say to him? (•̀ω•́ )
Ciao, completely unknown Anon! 👀 Come stai?
Oh my...It took me a while to focus, as I was thinking about an answer (this was VERY hard), while creating a few scenarios in my head.
So let's see...First, yes, you bet I'd be surprised, because how the hell would he find this place?! 🙈 It's not in the middle of nowhere, but still, it's a small city. Anyway, this is my daydream take on how I imagine it going. I got a bit carried away, as usual.
I would be taking one of my walks along the sidewalk, by the sea, up until my favourite place, at my favourite beach that, at this time of year, is mostly deserted. I sit on the sand, distracted with my thoughts, contemplating the ocean, as I always do, while listening to my favourite music. I have Rammstein, Lindemann and Till's solo songs on shuffle. It's almost lunch time, so I start getting ready to get back home, as it's another hour walk back and I enjoy taking all in.
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(photos by me)
I stand up, shaking off the sand from my pants and quickly turn around, when I completely face-bump into this huge, dressed all black body that came, literally out of nowhere, as there wasn't anyone at the beach, besides me. [it would be something like this, but not on purpose and without the squeezing]
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I get jump scared, my headphones fall, hanging from my neck (yes, I still use wired heaphones) and when I realised it was a person and not a fucking imaginary wall, I automatically say, apologetically, "Ai, desculpe!" ("Oh, I'm sorry") and hear something being mumbled back, in what I believe sounded like German. Somehow, the "not a wall" person (at this point I still didn't look up), heard the music coming from my headphones and comments, little smile on his voice, "buena música" (the song was "Entre dos Tierras" 🤷🏻‍♀️). I promptly answer, while starting to look up to the actual person, slight irritation in my voice, because the person spoke in Spanish, "I think so, but I'm not Spani--", "Oh shit!", I say when I finally look up at the person's face and realise who it is.
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He gives one of his shy little grins and says "I don't think that's Portuguese either", while frowning under his sunglasses, because the sun was shining directly on his lovely pale, slightly red, face.
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The only thing I could manage to get out of my mouth was "What the hell are you doing here? How do you know this place?". He started to tell me about how he was chilling by the lake in his place and suddenly, he felt something pulling him and ended up here, like some kind of teleportation.
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We both thought that was silly at first, but couldn't really find a better explanation...I jokingly apologised to him, saying I might have caused it, as, during all my walk, I was thinking about him and the next Tour, while listening to his voice, which always gives me a sense of comfort and makes me feel happy. He gave me a tight hug, which felt like I always imagined it would (warm and familiar) and I told him how the other day I read somewhere that "Thoughts become things", so that might be it. We both laughed, slightly nervously, pondering about what kind of Twilight Zone episode was this, but decided to embrace the madness for the time being.
He asked me my name and said it was funny the way I pronounced it, as it sounds different in German. We sat back in the sand, close to the sea and I told him I was reading "In Stillen Nächten" and that I was really enjoying it, even if at first I had my doubts about it. I shared which kind of poems were my favourites and that some I didn't really understood and others I just thought were weird. He laughed, in one of his adorable laughs. (You know, those...)
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[me inside...]
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[me on the outside, trying my best...]
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...and remembered how the book is called in Portuguese ("Nas Noites Tranquilas"), which made me laugh and make fun of his accent, because I'm a little shit. 😏
We talked a bit more about his poetry, music, Portuguese food and Port wine, of course and he also asked me about myself, while we just sat there until the tide started rising and I completely forgot I was on my way home to have lunch.
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morgana-lefay · 8 months
99% of Rammstein fans hates on Richard solo project, it’s just less loud as he’s not as successful as Till. I think fans just don’t like to see them do other things than Rammstein?! I think it’s good they have their own thing on the side! No one’s asking Rammstein fans to listen to it!!
My point exactly on my other post. Sometimes I feel like it's not only Till-related, it's just that people have issues, for whatever strange reason, with the band members having solo projects. Not sure if I'd say it's 99% of the fans that don't like Emigrate, but it just might be that a lot of the people I follow here are Richards fans, so I might have a biased view on that. 😜 I guess this happens frequently in other fandoms too, though. Stone Sour, for example, was always tagged as a Slipknot wannabe project (especially having two members there. Thinking about it now, it was what Richard wanted to do with Till for Emigrate...Huh. Never thought about that before 🤔) and some fans never gave it a chance because of that and because they always thought it was not heavy enough (a real shame, because they have some really good music, especially when Jim was still in the band. But I digress 🙈). People are so used to Till being the voice and the words that I think they don't even give a real change to Richard. I made the comparison myself when I discovered Emigrate. Not gonna be a hypocrite here, I do think Till is a better singer (even if RZK is actually very competent. I was positively surprised!) and lyricist than Richard (he has more practice too) - some of his lyrics seem to make no sense/or have parts that don't seem to make sense, but others are really interesting (and sexy 😏). He puts a lot of heart in his work (listen to "We are together", knowing it's about Rammstein and tell me you don't feel a little warm feeling in you heart 🖤) and, to be quite honest again, musically, I identify more with Emigrate (there's some cool rock n' roll stuff there) than I do with Till's solo work or Lindemann (more electronic than I'm usually used to). Completely agree with you on that last part. We all heard Richard talking about how Emigrate was important to him and made him fall in love again with music when he was on a bad space. And we all see how Till seems happy on stage with his solo project. So how can this be a bad thing if it's important to them and they still keep doing good music and rockin' on stage with Rammstein? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well, you didn't come for a dissertation, but that was what you ended up getting 😅. Apologies and thank you for coming, Anon. 😉
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