elysiumdream · 6 years
Ok so i knooo i dont talk much if not ever on my blog but ohhh boy i have a silly dumb thing to just throw out into the world 
So, i dreamt something that quite literally had me waking up with giggles (and side note: my sister woke me as i was gaining consciousness and she thought i was crying which amplified my laughter lol) and this dream segment incorporated vixx (well... 3.5 members to be exact 4...reasons...). It was kind of being shown like a broadcast game show (it kinda reminded me of that one ep of master key.. U kno the one) and interestingly enough, the hostess was a korean/black lady which made dream-me equally happy i had the compacity of an imagination to this whacko dream world i created in my brain. (She also seemed to be some co-star/actress in one of hb's dramas he was in which was equally cool)
So, like, for reasons unbeknownst of me, there were twin sized mattresses pressed together on the floor with a mess of pillows and blankets. On one matress had, in order, sungmin (from suju) hongbin, taekwoon, and jaehwan. Then on the matress beside them had me myself and i (why i had no bloody clue) with also my rl sister.
Okay, weirdish premise ik, but it gets slightly stranger in a silly way. So the hostness with no name (sorry im not that creative) tries to come up with a game 2 play but mostly for vixx to prank their other members (reasons i have also no idea why) but in like a harmless way. Like, suggesting one member to be a spy/liar.. The details weren't that clear but they weren't that invested which was bizarre.
Not too long the hostess decides to change the subject or something and make it more a quiz/answer thing and just asks all of them what they're good at or some crap idk. Minnie of suju pipes in and says some certain type of martial art (which i know my brain got right with facts), but then taek had to pitch in and be like yeh i kno a martial art too (which in hindsight i knew was false ((right??? Idr)) and the true answer should've been boxing but to err is human). By this point, taek gets teased a lil for his competitive nature by the hostess(which u know is accurate but like also he was contributing so like also lay off taek dream jeez) but what was silly was taek was very animated and the other two were so subdued?!
Lemme esplain, so we have jaehwan casually sleeping underneath blankets and pillows, which means he's technically knocked out for the whole thing. Not to mention, it seems vixx were just tired/exhausted (i feel bad for dreaming that part up) and they're just.. Coping with being tired differently. Like jaehwan catching his zz's, hb being strangely quiet in his typical crossed-arm-sleepy-like pose, and taek probably hyper active on caffeine or something (that or he cracks when tired cause i relate but he seems the least accurate now that i think about it or who knows maybe he gets that way idk).
But okay, so at this point, taek gets a call and it happens to be hakyeon and he answers and kinda messes with yeonie which was ultra cute. (He like tells hakyeon he wont talk to him unless he tells him some secret password and hes saying this with a smile and chuckle tis was lamely cute and just designed to poke a bit of fun at hakyeon harmlessly fufu~)
But the hostess just randomly asks, "are you guys like this usually?" To which dream-me adds while whomst I hilariously had been in a blanket burrito that submerged my face from view, "this aint normal vixx." I mean tbf they were topsy-turvy from their normal. Anyway, taek completely ignores my comment and is soaked up in his phone call, u can hear jaewhan snoring, while my lame-ass comment from thy peanut gallery caused my sister to snicker but bean to cast a judgy face™ my direction (u kno the one) which dream-me thought i hit pinnacle humor heights and started to giggle. LOL It was so lame and dumb that i woke up with the lame giggles and idk it put me in a good mood.
None of this shit was necessary but it had been delightfully dumb so to anyone who reads this, i hope u have a good day as well. ;D
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