luckylymantriid · 1 year
ok this a bit of a random hc, and I’m not totally sure how much this is supported by canon, but here we go:
there are no stars in mandela.
no north star, no orion, no ursas, nothing. the night sky is completely devoid of light. I don’t think “black” even begins to describe it. it’s just— empty; almost as if there isn’t anything being hidden, there’s just never been anything there at all.
most residents would probably just blame light pollution, or not even notice (there’s enough weird shit as it is). but to any outsiders visiting for god knows what reason, it’s jarring, to say the least. “Something’s wrong,” they’d think. they can’t pin it down. “Something is very, very wrong.”
the only thing left up there is a watchful moon, starting to look more and more like an pale, inverted pupil with every time you look up.
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luckylymocs · 1 year
finally gave into the temptation of making an oc blog 😔 ah well
i’ll make intro posts for the main cast soon
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common-man · 5 years
Life 263.
Life is Beautiful 263
.Exactly after one hour Ram received a call from Vasanthi. Ram.How are you Vasanthi.Today i did n't expect your call.But i am happy  to hear your Beautiful voice. Vasanthi.Thank you.Why i called you was to find out a good place for Kathambari's marriage.First i thought of Celebrating in Mysore but later i changed my mind to Dubai. Ram.Why. Vasanthi .The reason  is Kathambari has plenty of friends here and we need not  go to Mysore and arrange. Ram.Good idea. Vasanthi .Prasanna's mother and others i will arrange to attend the marriage. Ram.Good idea.They all can see Dubai. Vasanthi .I thought this will be a better idea. Ram.You are not only Beautiful but your idea's also beautiful. Vasanthi .All because of your association.What are you doing now. Ram.Talking with my beautiful lady. Vasanthi .Yesterday in the tamil channel i was watching Sumai thangi and remembered our  old days. Ram.I can not for get on that day.You are wearing beautiful Blue saree. Vasanthyi You still remember that.You were wearing Cream colur shirt . Ram.You are also remembering.After this marriage we have to join. Ram.Nice.Waiting for that day Vasanthi .I have expressed every thing  like a story in my letter to you. Ram.Yes,Yes Vasanthi O.k.Take care ,I will call you later. After that Ram started thinking what she has written in that letter. Because in Cyprus his room boy by oversight took his coat along with that letter and spoiled.He does not want to tell his Beautiful Vasanthi  about the letter he lost.At the same he was curious about the content of the letter. Will his anxious to know the letter Content wheather  he will succeed or not  we can see in the coming days. K.Ragavan
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
*sarah heathcliff voice* you let a blonde man speak to you like that??
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
its so funny having high pain tolerance. ppl are literally freaking out trying to console me and telling me not to look while im just like “it’s ok! 🙂 im good u guys dw about it 👍”
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
okok ik this is super apparent BUT adam saying “god” instead of “the sheperd” or even “an angel” in presto as a signifier that gabriel has now truly usurped the position of Creator with his new world and new inhabitants … its a new era in mandela babey!!!
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
Tumblr media
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
honestly after watching presto i think it actually makes a lot of sense that adam didn’t like jonah at first. ive seen a couple posts talking ab how it was ooc but honestly…? i can definitely see it. not just bc adam is a little hater in general but there is def potential for deeper, interpersonal reasons too.
ok more under the cut cuz this kinda got long:
i mean think about it. hunting alternates is something that means so much to adam. i wont expound on lynn and her tragedy; we all know what happened then. but he doesn’t. (well, didn’t.) it’s his raison d’être, almost, to find out what happened that cold night in 1992. that night but that changed everything.
whereas with jonah… we really have no idea why he joined BPS, actually. I have my own hcs of course, but little has been depicted so far as to give any canon motive. shits and giggles, maybe? thats what adam would’ve thought at first, at least in my eyes. he never really seems to be taking it seriously, always joking and messing around. i can easily imagine adam resenting, almost loathing jonah for not realizing the extent to how much this matters.
dont get me wrong, i dont think adam /continued/ to hate him. that log was written two years prior to what we see in vol 2, after all. plus, it wouldn’t make much sense considering their dynamic shown before in canon (which isn’t to say there still aren’t underlying tensions ofc).
what adam told thatcher during presto was very contradictory; both “hating” jonah and felling guilt over his death. which is good!! it adds more complexity to their dynamic! but yeah, i definitely feel that adam has conflicting emotions on jonah, and was mostly just trying to convince himself it was that simple.
idk i just wanted to get this idea out there while presto was still fresh in everyones minds. theres more i wanna say than this but i dont wanna derail the post so see yall later 👍
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
im back what did i miss
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
resisting the urge to start both an askblog AND a tourney (with zero experience in either) rn please help
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
i wonder how all those artists that interpreted wally as some sort of dreamy/seductive bedroomed-eyed yandere will adapt to finding out he is just a Weird Little Guy after the update. the ramifications shall be immense
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
me, circa 1:30 am last night: huh. kinda weird how even though mirrors were banned in the tmc universe, we still haven’t seen any incidents of alts abusing them… i wonder if it had to do with cesar?
me three hours later (wide awake, surrounded by post-it notes, flapping my hands at a frequency that could shatter glass): uh oh
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
wow! hello tumblr
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luckylymantriid · 11 months
sorry for the recent lack of tmc art btw— ive been working more on writing and oc stuff as of late. i’ll try to post more soon!
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
i’m not going to go back and re-draw my old ocs. i’m not going to revamp their lore and make profiles for them. i’m not plunging myself into my old hyperfixtation from half a decade ago. i’m simply not doing it. i’m not. i’m not.
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luckylymantriid · 1 year
unstoppable force (urge to write/draw/etc) VS immovable object (THE GODDAMN ASSIGNMENTS)
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