#rally 5ds
Lizard Trail
YGO Rare Pair Week Day 7
Prompt: Trails/Camping
Pairing: Leo/Rally
Word Count: 968
Summary: Leo and Rally get lost on a nature trail together.
@ygorarepairweek tagging cuz my entries haven't been reblogged so far
“Rally… Are you sure we’re not lost?” Leo raised an eyebrow at the taller boy as he caught up to him.
Rally had stopped at a crossroads. Both routes lead down the mountain they'd hiked up, but because of that, they both looked practically identical, save for a stray boulder or fallen branch.
Sweat formed in Rally’s hairline. If he was being honest with himself, they’d been lost for a while. But he couldn’t tell Leo that! Leo would just freak out and if that happened, it would take them even longer to find the right way home! So Rally kept up the lie.
“Of course we’re not lost,” Rally insisted with a shrug and a chuckle. “What do you take me for?”
Leo frowned. “Someone who’s lost, honestly.”
“Well, I’m not!” Rally took Leo's hand, his tone boisterous. “Growing up in the Satellite gave me an innate sense of direction!”
“Yeah, for the city clearly! Not the wilderness!”
Panic slipped into Leo’s voice, making Rally stiffen. He’d been trying to give Leo a fun day out when he suggested they take this trail, not stress him out even more!
“We’re not in the wilderness, Leo,” Rally insisted, taking both of Leo’s hands this time. “We’re on a nature trail.”
“What’s the difference?!” Leo’s eyes were wild. “What’s stopping us from running into a lion or a wolf out here?!”
Rally couldn't bite back a chuckle. “The fact that neither of those animals live in this country.”
“O-oh…” Leo’s eye twitched a bit. “They don't?”
“No, they don’t. And there aren’t going to be any other dangerous animals out here. This place isn’t wild: it’s tamed countryside specifically for people to go on safe nature walks.”
“Well…” Leo’s shoulders relaxed a little. “I guess if you’re sure…” He looked back at the split path ahead. “So… Which way then…?”
Rally let go of Leo’s hands, turning away and discreetly flipping a coin on his finger. It landed on heads.
“This way!” Rally pointed to the left path, taking Leo’s hand in his other hand.
“Did you just flip a coin?” Leo asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ha!” Rally forced a laugh as he led Leo down the left trail. “Good one, Leo!”
“I wasn’t- EEK!” Leo suddenly broke off with a squeal of alarm.
Rally flinched when a new weight was flung against his chest, making him stop in his tracks and instinctively throw his arms out to catch whatever it was. Turns out it was Leo jumping into his arms.
“LIZARD!” he yelled out, pointing at something.
“What?! Really?!” Rally perked up excitedly at the idea of a lizard.
Tilting his head to the side to see around Leo, he indeed caught a glimpse of a little green lizard darting off the edge of the trail and into the thick leafy undergrowth.
Rally frowned in disappointment. “Aww. I barely got to see it.”
“Lucky!” Leo wrapped his arms around Rally’s shoulders, and Rally noticed Leo was trembling. “That was so creepy! You said there wouldn’t be any wild animals out here!”
“I didn’t think we’d see a lizard,” Rally admitted in earnest. “But I wouldn’t really call a lizard ‘wild’. They’re pretty harmless to humans. A lot of people even have them as pets.”
“W-wha-? Really?!” Leo lifted his head, still not getting out of Rally’s arms as he met his gaze.
“Yeah.” Rally smiled a bit. “I honestly think lizards are really cute.”
“Well I don’t… And I don’t wanna be anywhere near another one! So! Why don't you just…” Leo gripped Rally's shoulders. “Carry me back to the city!”
Rally chuckled a bit. He thought Leo was being a little immature but wasn’t gonna complain about getting to carry him.
“Okay, no problem,” Rally replied with a shrug, continuing down the left trail.
“Thanks!” Leo’s eyes went wide for a moment. “I mean! Not that I was scared! I just didn’t want to accidentally step on a lizard since you love them so much!”
“Uh huh, uh huh.” Rally couldn’t keep the disbelief out of his tone.
It was beyond obvious that Leo was scared, Leo always tried to act tough when he was scared. Rally didn’t mind it though; it was kinda cute.
After a while of walking, Rally stopped in his tracks at the sight of two familiar figures up ahead on the trail.
“Is that…?”
“Yusei! Luna!” Leo, seemingly forgetting his fear, hopped right out of Rally’s arms and booked it down the path.
“Leo! Rally!” Luna brightened at the sight of them.
“Hey, Yusei!” Rally ran up to them as well, his hand on the back of his neck. “So you came out to find us or are you guys lost too?”
Leo staggered back with a horrified gasp. “So we WERE lost?!”
“Not anymore,” Yusei assured them quickly, dipping his head. “We figured you two might be lost so we all went out looking for you.”
“All of you?” Rally bit his lip.
Luna nodded. “Jack, Akiza, and Crow each took a different path.” She turned to Leo with an annoyed frown. “You were gone so long we got worried!”
Leo broke into a nervous chuckle. “Sorry, Luna. But I was fine! Rally was with me the whole time!”
“Yeah, I kept him safe from all the scary lizards,” Rally teased, nudging Leo's side.
H-hey! -Leo's face was bright red as he exclaimed, -I wasn't scared! I just didn't wanna hurt your feelings by accidentally stepping on them.
Luna chuckled a bit. “Well, at least we found you. Come on, let’s get back to the city.”
“And get donuts?” Leo suggested with a bright smile as he followed his sister.
Luna rolled her eyes. “Pft. No way. You’re hyper enough as it is.”
“Aww!” Leo and Rally groaned in unison.
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ask-the-5ds-twinnies · 9 months
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Sticker overload?!
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shionsky · 10 months
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rally doodle:D
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digitaldashart · 5 months
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Yugioh twins and Rally doodles :3
I love drawing these silly little guys
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moddeerling · 4 months
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Some shitposty doodles cause the realization was a lil funny (and a lil sad-)
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hyperfixatinglove · 2 months
My sims adventures caused me to be attached to name Zafira because that's what I named my & ZEUS' daughter in Sims when I was creating us but ultimately deleted and now it won't leave me alone
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watertribe-enya · 1 year
ygo5dsmonth2023 Day 3 - And the Grammy Goes to
My favorite background track in 5D's has to be "Sad End"
I always gets me emotional (maybe because it involves so many death scenes). It truly conveys a feeling of...farewell
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
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I know the show plays most of the sequence where Rally and the others push Yusei's broken runner all the way to Martha's for laughs, but honestly? I think it says a lot about Yusei as a person that pretty much all his friends are completely ride-or-die, with the Satellite quartet even going so far as to ditch all their cards at a moment's notice just to save Yusei's runner when push comes to shove, especially when you think about how much value cards have in yugioh. I'm just saying, that's a kind of loyalty I don't think many people could inspire.
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maggot-baggage · 10 months
I dont wanna derail the convo around the boyvoice thing. Specifically transfems being comfortable with perceived masculine aspects of themselves. But i do wanna understand why everyone except transfems seems peeved by that
Im not a transman but i consider myself transmasc and i still like when that bit of high school girl peeks through despite me bein affirmed by being masc. I know other transmascs do too and tbh id hope that all trans people are able to love shit bout themselves that probably wouldve been labeled as dysphoric before sooooo like whats with the insistence of affirming transfems and their feminity when theyre not asking you for that. And then punishing them for challenging what that means for them personally like
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opelman · 1 year
79 - Lancia Stratos Gr.IV de 1974 by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Tour Auto 2023 Pilote : Bernard FIGUIERE Copilote : Isabelle GODIN Col de la Madeleine D19 Vaucluse France IMG_3437
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namitomoon · 1 year
Ok so I'm on Episode 25 of 5D's and just NOW I found out that Rally is supposed to be a BOY
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microcomets · 11 months
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Hi folks, today we're announcing the Rally for Palestine Raffle, a cross-fandom charity raffle to raise funds and awareness for Palestinians in the Gaza strip. (Reblogs appreciated to spread the word!)
Why donate?
Some background on what’s going on in Palestine and how you can help:
There is an urgent need for awareness, solidarity, local action and donations regarding the current genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Palestine, led by the Israeli government. After weeks of bombing and military attacks — and decades of displacement and occupation — Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip are currently in need of aid that has been blockaded, as well as solidarity and local action from global citizens.
Palestinians have most immediately asked us to put pressure on our local governments to end the ceasefire and to end the blockade to humanitarian aid. Please find action links below:
For US citizens, call your reps and demand a ceasefire and an end to the current blockade on humanitarian aid: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
US call script and petition: https://act.uscpr.org/a/callforgaza#:~:text=%5BREPRESENTATIVE'S%20NAME%5D.-,I'm%20calling%20about%20Palestine%20and%20Israel.,funding%20to%20the%20Israeli%20military
For UK citizens, email your MPs: https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/stopthewarongaza
How to enter and donate:
You can win a fanwork from an amazing crew of cross-fandom creators, and one bid is only $10. Rules for how to enter AND the bidding site are here: https://rallyforpalestineraffle.site/
Please donate directly to the org FIRST, then send your donation receipt to [email protected] to verify your number of bids before checking out on the site!
Links to Donate:
Doctors Without Borders
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Palestine Action
Palestinian American Medical Association (PAMA)
Save the Children
If you are a US citizen, sign the ceasefire petition HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-congress-ceasefire-now
Here is our incredible first lineup (with several amazing creators waiting to be unlocked in stretch goals!). Bid on them right now!!!!!
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The more we raise, the more mystery creators will be unlocked!
You have until Friday, October 27 to bid. Matches are highly welcomed; see the site for more details.
Let's get raffling!
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sparatus · 6 months
Hit me with some info about Custom of Fell Deeds pretty please?
wip folder game
so this one is mostly in the concept stage still, but it's on the "when main wips hit block time" board. it was inspired by one of my all-time favorite movies, the death of stalin, and. well. honestly if you've seen the movie yeah that's the fic, we're doing death of stalin but make it the hegemony
the title comes from marc antony's famous speech in shakespeare's julius caesar, the same monologue that gave us "cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war". i have a few different fics planned that take their titles from that monologue, just because it's very fitting for the hegemony and the resistance as a whole. carrion men is a post-retaking of khar'shan examination of rebuilding, cry havoc is the formation of the resistance, etc. the specific line in use here is "All pity choked with custom of fell deeds", in reference to the hegemony's bloated, decaying culture and how the most horrific of sapient rights abuses are just commonplace and accepted because things have become so dire. but that's another discussion :)
effectively, this would be a big exploration of hegemony politics, i'm thinking right around the time of the hegemony closing their embassy on the citadel protesting humanity's expansion. the conclave, the ruling body and highest caste of the hegemony, is ostensibly elected, but passed laws to make themselves god-emperors for life and their seats hereditary many generations ago. when the speaker of the conclave, nokosvin pron'kerak, unexpectedly falls gravely ill in his home, his inner circle are thrown into a crisis of succession - nokosvin is unlikely to recover, but his only children are unable to take command, and now what?
nokosvin's second-in-command, ibaros krok'kah, takes command in his stead, but there's dissent in the ranks. sekath kherbavan, nokosvin's very best and favorite ass-kisser, sees himself as the true successor, and schemes to pull the rug out from under ibaros's feet. prathar has his own machinations, and sees an opportunity to take power himself by helping sekath, as does his usual crony ratosk. shahok hates all of these options, and rallies others to help him pull strings and quietly set everything up for a domino fall in the future.
and then nokosvin dies, and everything gets worse, because it comes out that his claim to his family's authority was never verified at all, and he legally shouldn't have even been allowed near the conclave chambers, much less running it.
it's gonna take a lot of 5d chess outlining but honestly. i cut my teeth in this fandom on writing xenopolitics fic, i LOVE political machinations bullshit, it would be such a fun little project to chew on for a while.
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digitaldashart · 1 year
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Ahhh!! Rally!
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moonlit-orchid · 1 year
I need to revise, so I played 5ds to work to, particularly my favourite episodes: Will The Real Jack Atlas Please Stand Up
And I noticed something and decided to analyse this little scene
Yusei's immediate response to Jack saying he won't have it is "So you're leaving". It's not even a question. It's a statement. He immediately expects Jack to leave. And here's the thing: Jack never said he was leaving up until Yusei said it.
The whole time Jack was saying that the others should be glad to have him, and that he wasn't gonna work their way. The conversation was "you need me, I don't need you", not "I don't need you, I'm leaving". Jack never said he was gonna leave. He didn't even put his helmet on until Yusei spoke. I think Jack didn't even think of going off until that point, because Yusei expected him to.
And why did Yusei expect him to leave? From what I remember, Yusei never argues with Jack. He disagrees but after season one he never really argues with him. Crow's the one doing the arguing the whole time. Why does Crow argue with Jack and not Yusei despite it being said that Yusei is Jack's rival and had been so since childhood?
Because the last time they argued Jack left them.
Jack left Yusei during an arguement. He was in the position to accept Lazar's offer, because he was angry and isolated. And he was angry and isolated because he and Yusei had an arguement which led to everyone siding with Yusei (even though it seemed Yusei didn't want them to take sides, considering how he said Rally was free to hang out with Jack if he wanted). Because they argued, Jack left.
And clearly Yusei hasn't forgotten. No part of the conversation had led up to Jack leaving the team. They were still on the who needs who stage. Jack hadn't even said "if I leave". Yusei was trying to calm him down and make him see reason. Jack refused to listen and Yusei immediately translated that into Jack is leaving.
Yusei geniunely believes Jack will leave him and the others again if he argues with him
Also look at the body language in this scene
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Jack's pissed, Yusei looks geniunely serious, Bruno is quiet. But Crow is smiling. Crow isn't taking this seriously at all. It makes sense for Bruno to remain serious and quiet, because he's watching a fight between siblings and he doesn't want to interfere. But the indication that this isn't really such a big deal is in Crow.
He's smiling. He's relaxed. He finds Jack's behaviour to be ridiculous, that this whole arguement is ridiculous. Jack is understandably annoyed because he's been called out here, but Yusei is the only one who is really taking this seriously.
And look at his reaction when Jack leaves
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He reaches out as if to stop him. Neither Crow nor Bruno even move. Yusei is the only one who reacts here because he's scared he's lost Jack again.
And look at Crow.
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His eyes aren't in the same direction as Yusei's, who is fixed on Jack, so much so that he stays reaching for him for a long moment. Crow's eyes are on Yusei. And we can see how he's now looking serious and how focused his eyes are. Because he can recognise Yusei's fear.
And Crow's reaction isn't to insult Jack. He says "he hissy fits all the time, he'll come to his senses", but this isn't even him making a general statement. He's talking and directly addressing Yusei. Crow isn't bothered by Jack. He's calmed down. He's focused on Yusei. The casual attitude doesn't match the serious expression on his face just moments before. He put on the casual attitude to reassure Yusei, to make it seem less of a big deal. And Crow's Yusei's younger brother, not older. His role in the team isn't the reassuring mature one, and yet he took that role here. Usually when Crow is behaving maturely, it's because of Jack's immaturity and he acts mature to Jack. As far as I remember he doesn't take on the calming mature role with Yusei, and yet he did that here.
That's proof that Yusei is geniunely scared of Jack leaving despite covering it up. Instead of mocking Jack or complaining about it, Crow brushed it off to make the situation seem normal, to calm Yusei down.
tldr: Yusei is afraid Jack will leave if they have a fight even though Crow knows it won't happen
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