#raknu oliord
vorefluff · 5 years
This story has the V.ore thing in it. And some foodplay but it’s just jello. Es a fluff story. Very safe.  1600-ish words
John wanders out of his room, rubbing his eyes. Most the time it was fine, but sometimes losing the ability to focus on anything really bothered him. He used to be able to read for a solid ten or eleven hours straight, even skipping meals. Not that it was a good habit, of course. Now he was lucky to be able to read for even close to two hours at a time before his brain felt fried.
Coming down the hall, he notices something that makes him stop. 
“Is that blacklight?” he asks, bewildered. 
A little ‘mhmm’ of confirmation sounds from the dining room. Peeking over, John sees Raknu sitting at the table, munching on what looked like glowing goo. A normal lightbulb sits on the counter.
“Are we throwing a party or something? I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules.”
“No. I don’t think I ever would either. Parties seem… invasive, when hosted at your own home.”
“Then why…?” 
“I felt like it,” Raknu answers simply, taking another bite of… jello was that? Glowing green jello that looks rather radioactive. 
“What’s that?” John says, coming closer and gesturing to the back of Raknu’s hand, which had a big glowing spot on it. 
Raknu shrugs. 
“Can I have some of the glowey food stuff?”
“There’s a portion for you and Gryphon in the fridge.”
“Why didn’t you say that sooner?” John says, making a beeline for the fridge. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t ask, so I could have it.”
John snorts and pulls out one of the two containers of the jello. He bumps the silverware drawer closed with his hip as he makes his way to the table to join Raknu. John considers the dish for a moment, then digs out a small spoonful to put into Raknu’s bowl. Raknu’s face lights up and he smiles, happy to see the little extra jello. 
If John’s being honest, he felt more like playing with the glowing green goo than actually eating it. The thought crosses his mind to spread it out on the table, shrink down, and pretend to die of radiation poisoning in the radioactive wasteland. 
Then again, it’s pretty dangerous being small-sized around Raknu. At least, that’s what the very intense dramatic emotional part of his brain says - that he’ll 100% get eaten with that jello if he shrinks down to play with it. Although logically, he knows that Raknu is much more of a gentleman than that and would have the decency to ask first and let him decline. 
John’s eyes drift to Raknu’s midsection. Eh. Better not risk it.
Raknu raises an eyebrow at him, catching where John is looking. “If you want to see, you just have to ask,” he says, putting a hand over his stomach.
“Nope. No thanks,” John says, tearing his gaze back to his jello and taking his first bite. “It’s really good. Did you put extra sugar in this?”
Raknu nods. John finds himself watching Raknu’s throat as he swallows. 
Nope, not thinking about that right now. Now is the time to eat jello. Or play with the jello. It looks fun to poke at and jiggle. Or enjoy the blacklight. It’s doubtful that it’s going to stay up for long, and it’s fun to play around with.  
The more he tries not to think about The Thing, the more it rudely shoves it’s way to the front of his mind. Reverse psychology? Ehhhh. Not gonna try it. Maybe just a focus shift instead of a complete change? He thinks of his own guts filled with the radioactive jello instead and snickers, finally able to eat the green treat in peace.
“Are you going to share the joke?” 
Raknu shrugs and brings his empty bowl to the kitchen, washing it out and putting it on the drying rack. John gets an idea, and leaves a few bites of the stuff, heading to the kitchen with it to find a lid and put it back in the fridge. 
“Are you going to finish that?” Raknu asks, peeking at John’s bowl. 
“You’re not allowed to have it.”
Raknu sighs dramatically. As he leaves the kitchen, John catches Raknu licking the glowing spot on the back of his hand, which confuses him even more. 
“Hey Blaze, would ya be willin’ to risk possibly maybe getting sick for a video?”
Blaze looks up at the spellcaster distrustfully. “Why?”
“Because I have an idea.”
“What idea?” 
“We have glow in the dark jello that lowkey looks radioactive and would make for a great aesthetic.” 
Blaze looks uncertain.
He fidgets, looking elsewhere. 
“You don’t have to, that’s cool too.” 
“I… guess I could do it,” Blaze says, crossing his arms over his midsection. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, now go away before I change my mind.”
“That’s the whole point of staying to double check though. If you would change your mind then it’s not proper consent and I’d just be peer pressuring you into it which ain’t cool.”
Blaze grumbles. 
“What was that? I didn’t catch it.” 
“Go away and I won’t change my mind.” 
“Does that mean if I stay you will change your mind?”
“No! That’s not what I meant! I’ll do it! Now go away! Fuck off!” Blaze says, exasperated.  
John clasps his hands together and points at Blaze with both index fingers. “Now are you saying you’ll do it just to get me to go away or-”
“John I swear to the devil I will tear your face off.”
John snickers and holds up his hands. “Alright, alright, I’m going,” he says, backing out the door.
Blaze pokes at the jello distrustfully, watching it jiggle in the blacklight. "It looks like it's going to possess me and melt me from the inside out."
A small John clambers over Blaze's hand and onto the jello. He digs out a small piece and munches on it. It's a bit disappointing, because even though it looks massive, the only little bit that he can fit in his mouth feels as small as a crumb. 
He drops the rest of his handful and stands up, his arms straight out in front of him like one of the undead in one of those horror movies. "Ohhhhhh nooooooo I've been possessed. I'm melllltinnnn- IPE-" John yelps, flailing as his foot breaks through the surface of the jello.
Blaze snickers and picks the little man up, carefully setting him aside. John shakes jello off his foot and glances up at the clock. 
"We should get started,"
"...Jello first?"
John nods. "Yup yup."
Blaze picks up the bowl and takes a bite, his face immediately screwing up with disgust. John watches his throat as he swallows. 
"Is that the face you make when you eat me?"
"No, that face is worse. You're gross."
"I'm offended. I should taste like Skittles."
"Because I'm gay."
Blaze looks even more confused as he takes another large bite of jello.
John sighs. "Taste the rainbow?"
Finally Blaze's face lights up in understanding. "Oh! Gay!"
"There we go."
Blaze glowers as he eats the third and final bite of jello. John puts on his oxygen mask and waits for Blaze's hand. Blaze hesitates a moment before offering it, but as soon as it's there, John climbs on. It’s sorta fun, being this small. There’s definitely perks, like being able to be picked up and carried like a little bird. Probably best not to jump and try to fly though. Or be dropped. 
“Good to go?” Blaze asks.
“Yup yup.”
"Alright. Down the hatch, I guess," Blaze mumbles and sighs, opening his mouth for John.
The little spellworker climbs in with a practiced ease, still a bit wary of Blaze's teeth. John clicks on his blacklight flashlight, shining it around at the glowing residue. It sorta looks cool. Mostly weird though. Blaze swallows, pulling John's legs into his throat. Another one had him up to his shoulders, and with a third he was completely gone, pulled into the heartbeat-less flesh. Despite how many times they had done this, John still got distracted and fascinated by the sound of lungs and a few other internal organs working around them working around him. There were little bits of green leaving a trail down Blaze's throat.
John falls into the vampire's stomach. He snickers at hearing a little welcoming growl from around him while Blaze shifts uncomfortably. He muses about whether or not guts have a mind of their own, or whether it's just some subconscious thought. People talk to their stomach frequently as if it's a different person, or at least think the words even if they don't say it out loud. Like, 'I know you're hungry but settle down, we will have food in half an hour' or 'I just ate, why are you still growling at me'. If a stomach is a separate mind, then can someone reincarnated as one? Not another human, just the guts of a human. The idea is sorta funny to think about.
John leans into the walls heavily. It’s a habit he’s picked up recently, although he can’t tell if it’s supposed to be affectionate or just to annoy Blaze. 
He shines a blacklight on the area, looking at what he had to work with. The jello looked kinda like a bunch of semi-transparent glowing rocks on an alien planet. At least, they did when they weren't sliding and bouncing from the constant little movements from Blaze and his guts.  John pushes one of the jello chunks, sending it sliding across the flesh room.
He pulls his camera from one of his belt pouches. This might actually be cooler than he expected. Or at the very least, be more amusing than it had any right to be.
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vorefluff · 5 years
Raknu’s Interview
Character Interview Rules: Pick a character from your WIP and have them answer these 14 questions, then tag 14 people.
I was tagged by Stomach-rental to do this! I uh. I don’t know who to tag though. Ah. @angelabsol . Almost everyone I know has already been tagged lol. If you wanna do it, I tag you! 
Also feel free to suggest other characters of mine to do this with! 1. what is your full name?
Raknu Heifman Oliord.
2. what does your full name mean?
There are several different meanings for my first name alone. The meanings vary from timid and patient to strong willed warrior, if I remember correctly. I’ve always found caring about the meaning of a name to be inane. 
3. what are your nicknames/other names?
Common ones are Rak and Raky.  
4. what is your gender?
Male. It aggravates me when people assume all shape shifters are genderfluid.
5. what is your sexuality?
Straight, with the occasional helping of gay in the right circumstances.
6. where are you from?
North Dakota.
7. how old are you?
I am 34 years old. 
8. what is your magic form/what species are you?
I am a shapeshifter, though not the kind you see in fairy tales. I cannot change the shape of my bones, or grow fur on command. I can, however, change and manipulate muscles and organs. There are some that, say, fashion gills for themselves. I personally utilize my abilities for impersonation. It’s an art that takes several hours.
9. what does your human form look like?
This is my ‘human’ form.
10. what is your aesthetic?
Sharp suits, impeccable posture, perfectly seasoned food, strong whiskey, a cool autumn evening, the smell of a book, dusk, city lights, unfair fights, small delights in common sights.
11. who is your best friend?
Myself. I make a great conversationalist, and I’m quite interesting. Very nice sense of humor with a generous helping of humility as well, I might add. 
12. would you ever get a piercing or tattoo?
Tattoos are hard to maintain as a shape shifter who utilizes his abilities frequently. I have had piercings in the past.
13. when are you happiest?
Cheesy as it may sound, when others around me are content. Sitting with friends and family after thanksgiving dinner, watching the sunset. A little bit of alcohol perhaps.
14. what is your biggest secret?
Well if I told you, it wouldn’t be much of a secret anymore.
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