#raine talks redactedverse
un-beel-ievable · 1 month
I made a Milo plushie T_T
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I grabbed Milo's handwriting from one of the monthly Patreon cards! The stitching is a little wonky in some places; I might start over from scratch and make a version 2.0 sometime soon, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out for now!
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agentplutonium · 1 year
5 + 1 headcanons :O
I got tagged by @mr-laveau to share headcanons which I love doing (kinda, there's a complicated process to get my brain to cooperate) so here I am! Gonna tag @maxpaulll @angelicaether @arrowfleur and anyone reading this but no pressure!! i just like seeing what ppl are thinking :D
rules: share 5 redactedverse headcanons you hold, plus 1 headcanon you're still working on!
5 Headcanons
I might not surprise anyone with this one, but I fully believe that Sweetheart is a pretty high rank in the department. In my fics I usually write them as Head Investigator but really it's just them holding a position of power in general. Especially six+ years into the game in canon like they had to have had at least one promotion.
Sam loves the rain. This is a fairly simple one, but I hold it dear to my heart. As an extension, I headcanon that vamps can go outside during the day when it's stormy out. I'm actually writing a fic currently with Sam/Darlin' that is discussed in this ask answer that explores this idea.
I didn't want to have more than one Sweetheart headcanon but it's me are we expecting anything else? Anyway, Milo is the only serious relationship that Sweetheart has had. I haven't explored this idea much in my writing yet, but like it's true in my heart. Don't get me wrong, Sweetheart still had their occasional fling, because they're too hot not to, but I love the idea of Milo being the only one to stick around and actually put effort into their relationship. There will be a fic that explores this eventually, probably. Oh, and this so ties into my whole "Sweetheart is on the aspec" headcanon that I keep writing/raving about.
Now for someone I don't normally talk about but still love just as much: David. David learned all of his cooking skills from his father from a young age. It was his and Gabe's thing growing up, and it's how he learned to love it so much. As a proxy to this headcanon, I think that David didn't want to cook after Gabe's death for a bit. He just lost interest in it after all the memories he's made around the act. However, as he learned to cope with his dad's death, he learned to love cooking again. It brought on fond memories that stung less and less the more he cooked.
One last headcanon I have for y'all, Baabe is also pretty high on the corporate ladder. This technically goes for Angel as well, but like I'm predictable and won't be talking about that. I don't know what sparked this headcanon but I also love this one. Basically, any time I can make The Mates™ as super important I will. Especially if it's the power couples of David/Angel, Milo/Sweetheart, Asher/Baabe. There's just something that itches that scratch in my brain about this kinda headcanon.
Plus 1 :O
This isn't so much a "headcanon" but there was, a while back, a small trend on tiktok about Traitor Sweetheart and I ran with it. There's a whole storyline behind it and everything. I haven't worked on it in ages but it's still one of my favourite AUs.
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un-beel-ievable · 4 months
Erik put up new Milo merch on the store; a bunch of stuff (T-shirts, sweaters, socks, a necklace, etc.) that says 'property of Milo Greer' on it and the sheer variety is making me giggle because it's like Erik put up Milo's whole damn wardrobe for sale.
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un-beel-ievable · 1 month
my Milo necklace came!! + I've gotten into making bracelets recently. no prizes for guessing who my favourite boys are.
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