#rainbow quest first hero
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incorrectstevesagaquotes · 2 years ago
Blue Steve: We don’t talk about Rainbow, no no no.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month ago
My roommate made a joke about wanting to play a sonic the hedgehog tabletop game. Is there a ttrpg for that?
THEME: Sonic the Hedgehog.
Your roommate is about to be surprised because there isn't just a single Sonic ttrpg. There's at least seven.
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Speeding Bullets!, by Princess Grace.
In SPEEDING BULLETS!, you play as three to five intrepid, plucky anthropomorphic animals on a quest to save the day- or end it. It’s up to you, some six-sided dice, and your beloved SO (Shadow Operator) to determine the fate of the world.
SPEEDING BULLETS! is a single-page Lasers and Feelings hack where your stats are FAST! (hero) and GUN! (antihero). You and your friends will create Sonic OCs, randomly assign them backstories like "Dark Warrior's Advent" or "Purification via Ruination" from a table of 326 genders, and put them up against insurmountable odds, Dr. Robotnik, and their own rivals.
Lasers and Feelings games all have the same basic premise: you have one number that represents your abilities in two different stat, in this case, Fast and Gun. Rolling above the number is good for one stat, while rolling below the number is good for the other. Roll your number exactly? Then something special happens.
What Speeding Bullets takes from Sonic is rivalries, a perpetual quest to defeat Dr. Robotnik, and an alternate suggestion for playing as your character's rivals, taking references from Dark Mirror. The game also comes with a Gender Table, a roll-table that appears to reference every Shadow the Hedgehog ending.
Rainbow Runaways, by UkeleleBard.
You are an animal living in a human’s world. The humans have found you, and the military will pursue you with every weapon, vehicle, and trap they have at their disposal. You’ve only got one option. RUN!
Rainbow Runaways was created for the Caltrop Core game jam, and runs on the Caltrop Core engine by Titanomachy. You can play it Solo, or with a GM, with a deck of cards and a 1-3 d4's per player.
The goal is simple: escape the military by reaching the edge of the city. You track this by using a clock with 12 slices. The deck of cards represents the actions of the military as they pursue you. Your character is composed of three stats and three techniques.
All in all, Rainbow Runaways is succinct and to the point. I think one of the benefits of fan games like this is that much of the lore is already assumed to be known by the players, and as a result reading the game book can be much quicker, since you just need to learn the rules.
Edge Hedge Arena (Beta), by ANIM TTRPGS (@anim-ttrpgs).
Throughout all human history, people have been given names. You thought yours was only mean to be used as an identifier, but you were wrong. Your name was chosen carefully, with the conscious (or subconscious) knowledge that one day it would inextricably link you to a champion of immense power who is also a hedgehog. This “game” serves as a set of instructions for revealing this mighty guardian, so they can defend your honor and name in a battle to the freaking death!
Still in the early stages, Edge Hedge Arena is partially a battle game. This is firmly a pvp game, using your weapons, powers and style to give you an advantage in the arena. However, first and foremost, Edge Hedge Arena feels like a bit of a love letter to the Sonic Fandom, more than Sonic itself. When you make a character, you actually have to search for art of a hedgehog OC online!
Chaos & Control, by farmergadda (@farmergadda).
Chaos & Control is a hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper, inspired by a similar hack, Steel & Spirit by Occupied Hex. In this game, Players will take on the roles of colorful, cartoony animal people and go on adventures through fantastic locations, facing off against maniacal foes, and looking really cool while doing so.
Another Lasers & Feelings hack, Chaos & Control adds the use of character types to further differentiate your characters, as well as tokens that can be used to trigger powerful moves unique to your character. For the GM, there's a number of roll-tables to help generate locations, problems, badniks, and so much more.
Rings and Running Shoes, by RingsandRunningShoes.
Welcome to Sonic's World - A universe unique and beyond what you know from the SEGA games! Where, inspired by Sonic and other heroes of the franchise, you and your friends will create a team of heroes that will save the world from the forces of evil!
The system is based on PbtA with heavy modification to fit the care-free power fantasy of Sonic's Adventures, but anyone familiar with the core game, should know the basics. On a very surface level the gameplay loop consists of alternating between "Peace and Quiet" and "Stages" sections. During P&Q your group will rest, prepare for the Stage, roleplay and develop your characters.
One of the benefits for PbtA games is playbooks. Playbooks keep most of the information that a player will need to know in one place, allowing you to choose a character type based on vibes, and then make selections within just the options provided to you. It's excellent for minimizing choice paralysis, and it can make teaching the game simpler, as each player has a number of references to the rules that are specific to their character in front of them at all times.
Mobius, by Ioan Davies-John.
Mobius is a fan-made tabletop wargame based on Archie Comics’ 24-year run of Sonic the Hedgehog, allowing you to fight Large Skirmishes in the gone-but-not-forgotten take on Sonic's World!
It features stats for all your favorite heroes and villains, and rules to suit every play-style from hordes of Eggman Robots to squads of elite Freedom Fighters. There’s an ever-evolving plethora of army books and supplements to represent the many factions within the pages of the world’s most way past cool comic!
Mobius is a tactical wargame, focused on moving little guys around on a map and taking down your opponents. There's plenty of minutiae here for folks who love figuring out what strategies work for them, including various extra rules, as well as 14 different factions to choose from. If you're not sure who you can play this with, the designer has a link to their community discord on their Itch page!
If you want something a little different in theme but similar in spirit, you might interested in Davies-John's other sonic game, a naval wargame set in the same universe: Egg Fleet!
Radical Spin, by Will Uhl (@raffitheowl)
Will you beat your evil twins, stop the robot army, and survive the perils of high school?
Radical Spin is a micro-RPG about melodramatic action animals. Hedgehog heroes, will you beat your evil twins, stop the robot army, and survive the perils of high school? Live out your bad fanfic fantasies today!
I don't know much about this game, but based on what I can find out about it, it seems to be designed to shine when you're exploring Sunday Morning Cartoon-style plots. I'm expecting characters with abilities that are larger than life, as well as a fairly simple rule set that's easy to pick up and learn without much trouble.
You might also be interested in...
My Silly Games recommendation post, which has a link to a Sonic game called Spindash!
I've also got a Ko-Fi account where you can leave me a tip if you like what I do!
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stilljuststardust · 10 months ago
Stop over dramatizing shifting
I understand why we frame shifting for the first time as a big event. It's exciting and we want to celebrate something memorable, however I think this is what leads so many shifters to put too much pressure on themselves.
Your first shift doesn't have to be difficult, or emotional, and nothing important has to happen.
It doesn't have to be a big cinematic moment where everything finally clicks.
Stop thinking you have to force yourself. Have you ever even considered that maybe your first shift is going to be easy?
Have you ever even considered that maybe it will come naturally to you when you let it? Stop envisioning it as this super climatic moment, maybe when it happens you'll really just feel like it was surprisingly natural.
It doesn't have to feel like your body was infected with rainbows and you backflipped all the way to your DR, because more often than not, shifting feels like nothing.
It could happen tomorrow. You could fall asleep and do it on accident.
Shifting isn't some final boss you have to prepare for, it's something you do all the time without even noticing.
"the final push" isn't real. You don't need anything to push you into your DR. I'm sick of people framing shifting as some kind of Herculean task or heros journey. Do you know how many people shift on accident? Do you know how many people did nothing but take a nap when they shifted the first time?? There is no final push. You're not missing some kind of secret information.
Stop making up side quests like a madman chasing after a magical solution that doesn't exist. Maybe the real final push was the friends you made along the way.
YOU are what makes you shift. Stop waiting for a hand to come out of the sky and throw you into your DR. It's up to you whether or not you shift, not the universe, not whether or not that dog stops barking, you.
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tylermileslockett · 1 year ago
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“Hades”, digital, (#4 in my Olympians series)
OK, no 4, mr underworld..HADES! super fun piece to do. I didnt want him to feel evil, but the underworld is described as murky and deep, so it wasn’t going to be full of sunshine and rainbows. I love the idea of a silver and gold mine, as he is the god of wealth and precious minerals/metals. (hence the jewels in the bottom foreground) 
Its apt that this piece is done now, as Persephone, his wife, has joined him (forcing Demeter to bring forth winter). Hades holds his bird tipped scepter, and his helmet (or cap) of invisibility (the same one he gave to Perseus as one of his magical items to go and slapy Medusa) .
Sitting Beside the throne is the three headed guard hound; CERBERUS, and in the deep, cavernous background we can the furies, those older, primordial creatures sent forth to punish bloodshed and murder with a family. (and who i cant wait to design and illustrate when i get back to the Oresteia’s second play “Euminides” (i.e. “furies”) 
Next will be DEMETER, and I’m super excited about her piece, because i will bring in the Eleusinian mysteries/cult of Demeter into the portrayal somehow. Stay tuned folks! Thanks for looking! xoxo. 
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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moociaoafterdark · 3 months ago
My opinion on Rogue Trader companions so far (I just finished act 1)
Idira - deserved better both in story and in gameplay. Seriously, why do enemies target her so much, what did she do?? Also, her insights are very useful, wish I could consult the voices in my head the way she can. And I know for a fact Idira and Vigdis explored each other's bodies, tho I can also see some toxic yuri potential between her and Argenta.
Pasqal - surprisingly chill for a magos! Also, he definitely wants to be called a good boy, but, like, not in a kinky, but platonic way. You know, the same way your dog wants to be called a good boy/good girl. Even though I already play a respectful and chill Rogue Trader, I still try to be a bro to Pasqal (yes, I'm a girl who roleplays as an old dude, what about it?) I do hope that he actually starts seeing you as a close friend/companion later down the story line, because I genuinely love him. Also, Pasqal's melee attacks >>>>>> Pasqal's range attacks.
Argenta - I'm pretty sure at some point in her life, the Emperor sent her back into our time and made her shoot Tr*mp. She missed, as we all know. LIKE. GIRL. PLEASE HIT THE TARGET, I'M BEGGING YOU. Every time it's her turn, I legit start praying to Big E. Story wise... Not gonna lie, out of all the dogmatic leaning characters, I prefer her the most. I especially prefer her over Heinrix. Not that I hate him, and I'm not a big fan of SoB, but... there's something about Argenta that just makes me like her. Though, she is sus. Like really sus. I expect her to do something insane later down the line.
Abelard - MY MAN. Like, yes, I did the quest with the Lower Decks and I know that Abelard is not sunshine and rainbows, in fact, he is quite a classist ass, but! I like that about him! And his dedication and loyalty to both us and Theodora (well, the entire house of Von Valancius) is admirable. I like him a lot :) BUT! I LOVE HIM IN COMBAT. DUDE IS HIM. Every time it's his turn, I know for a fact someone is going to fucking die. AND he is a healer! Dude's theme song is Holding Out For A Hero and I accept no arguments. Might just be my favorite. I hope we get to meet his family, because one of his comments mentioning his youngest great-granddaughter being a working adult made me intrigued. I know that people can extend their life span + he constantly has to travel through the Warp with the Rogue Trader, so I'm curious if they're going to elaborate on that.
Heinrix - I heard a lot about him. I can see why many people thirst over him and ship him with their fem!Rogue Traders and! Good for you! I support yume/self-shipping as well as oc x canon with all my heart! However, he didn't impress me much. Maybe it's because my Rogue Trader is an old man and there were no spicy/romantic dialogue options for him. He is cool, and I did help him complete his mission. Though, I wish he stayed after act 1, because I want to learn more about him... And also I really like him in combat. He's like if Abelard was a psyker, and you already know how much I love Abelard in combat. I wish we get to meet him again.
Cassia - Okay, first things first: I LOVE HER. I love her design and I'm glad we got an abhuman companion, because I want more abhumans in w40k. Love how she is sweet with us and seems, ya know, very demure very mindful, but I do also love she is not like this with everyone, judging by her combat voice lines and how she needs human blood for her paintings. However, that time you are summoned by her after you recruit her to be the ship's Navigator... Hoo boy did I momentarily regret picking a male!Rogue Trader, because *some* of the dialogue options were so cringy and creepy. If you played as a male Rogue Trader, you know what I'm talking about. THANK GOD the game wouldn't reward you for being too fast and too lustful with her from the get-go. Not that I picked those options, but I did read up about Cassia's romance after that event. It does make sense for a sheltered girl like her to be into courtly, romance book type love! Also, she once one-shotted like... 8 enemies with her attack... Really made it easier to focus on Aurora. Blood for Navigator Cassia, skulls for Navigator's Throne!
Jae, Yrliet, Marazhai, Ulfar and Kibellah - I know they exist! REALLY eyeing Marazhai because he is the only possible mlm option in this game. I'm a toxic yaoi whore, I'm sorry. We'll see, because I'm not a fan of Drukhari, but MAYBE Marazhai will make me change my mind.
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No you dont understand
The inherent sameness that Lyney has to Aether (Specifically Aether, Lumine, you are similar but just slightly less) is !!!!!
The fact that Lyney HAD to have known who Aether was before he got here. A hero who is trying to find his twin sister?? Of course, enemy to Fatui and all that, but its clear that the twins dont care about that other than “I hope he doesnt find out so he won’t hate us”
Like!! Lyney can relate to that!! Maybe not with all the abyssal stuff, but he was still a child when he went to rescue Lynette from that creep!! Did he even know for certain that she was there? That man might have up and moved all of a sudden. If he had failed, he would have never stopped looking for her, just like how Aether is still looking for Lumine.
That’s what makes him so interested in Aether!! And if while doing his “verbal magic” he realizes that he fell for real?? Well he’s not going to stop? That’s his only way to get people to like him (at least, that’s what he believes). So of course he’s still going to flirt like he always has.
And the Rainbow Rose?? Like, ffs, i cant stand people who say that “ohhh it’s not really something he meant like that” Because like??? Why else would he give the “Passion and Romance” flower to us? He was perfectly fine with using Lumidouce Bells in his first trick. Like, i get that he puts on an act 24/7, but come on. He is not the kind of guy to know flower meanings. And even his reactions seem genuine. There’s a lack of his suave persona when Charlotte is explaining the flower meanings. And it’s literally canon that he uses Lumidouce bells in all his flower tricks, so I think of it as a coincidence that the meaning happened to align with how Lyney and Aether’s relationship was at the moment. And not to mention at the end of the quest, where he’s called out for the Rose. He panics and tries to change the topic!! It’s clear that he did not think that Paimon would bring it up so suddenly. It’s also clear that he, in fact, did not swap to doing rainbow roses for his performances. I mean, in his cutscene, the purple petals were most likely Lumidouce Bells still. Even Lynette gets on his case. Though, her “You never gave ME a rainbow rose” can be easily dissected into a “Are you serious. You gave him a rainbow rose?” And while it might be a stretch to say that, i really dont think it is. I think that was also one of the very few times we’ve seen Lyney not put on an act.
Oh hell i wrote a lot more than i was planning on uhhhh ROSSELAND BEST CAT <3
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itsabouttimex2 · 10 months ago
Plot Idea: Azure Lion unknowingly had a child with his lover before his defeat and death at the hands of Sun Wukong. Subsequently leaving his lover (and future Cub) to live on without him. Maybe their mother passes away during their birth? The kid long out lives their human family and their friends and their village.
Alone, sad and bored they go off on their own to explore the city that they’ve heard traveler’s passing through their village speak off. Megapolis is a bit overwhelming for them at first but they come across Pigsy’s Noodles. Pigsy seeing this borderline feral kid looking in his shop hesitated on shooing them away and offers them some food, a few years later MK arrives and the rest is history…
They finally meet Azure with MK and Mei trying to get the scroll. The kid has no idea that he’s their dad and Azure is just shocked to see them. He sees both himself and his old lover in their features.
His kid feels extra betrayed and he can see it in their eyes when the group confronts the now reunited brotherhood. They are 100% on MK’s side and don’t hesitate to fight with the group.
Maybe they land some heavy enough hits the Azure has to leave them behind or maybe he’s able to capture them and force them to come along with him and his brothers. Though with their rather vicious stubbornness they might be more of a hinderance to his quest than he’d like. Maybe he traps them in the scroll and keeps them on his waist like he does with Wukong?
I’d love to hear your thoughts about this idea 💖
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Leonine Love
This is a really fun (and kinda sad) idea! I’m a big fan, actually! I loved this so much that I wrote a little (admittedly, non-yandere) intro because this is such a creative and interesting story idea.
Just… Lion!Y/N being pried from the arms of their dead mother, taken in by humans who recall Azure not as a delusional tyrant but a hero, recalling his mighty blade and fondness for mortals. How he knelt to level with children, how he stopped to help with the harvest. Feeling as though they owe him, the village takes you in and raises your as their own, watching in awe as your leonine ears and tail come in, marveling at the cyan growths.
Through a few generations you grow from infant to child, just in time for the legends of your father’s exploits to be consigned from legend to rumor, and now all the love you were lavished with has turned to dust.
To these new folk you are more fixture than family, an ever-present individual that they merely accustom to.
No more praise or warm embraces, no further tales of your ‘heroic papa’. All that you know about him is written on an old scroll that none are allowed to touch. Each story has been carefully penned, allowing you to preserve the legacy of a father you’ve never met.
With that scroll, a notable stash of pilfered money, and the clothes on your back… you bid farewell to a village that is no longer home, trudging out to find somewhere new.
And what name do you hear again and again?
A few kind strangers help you along the way, hikers and hermits pointing you to the illustrious city and sharing supplies with what they take as a hapless child.
It feels too much like how you were treated by the original villagers, a communal child to be cherished and loved. Still, you thank them and leave, still intent on seeing this city with your own two eyes.
Of course, you’ve spent all your life in a slow and quiet village, so nothing has prepared you for even a single neon billboard, much less an entire futuristic city of light and noise, electric sugar for the eyes and ears.
The photonic onslaught of blinding light sears your eyes, leaving you disoriented and dizzy. Your stomach turns in circles, empty and begging for food. A strange black post that reaches to the sky blares with sound, causing you to scatter into the back alleys.
Any note of wonder at the electric rainbows and thrumming music is dashed by now, leaving you to curl up and sob, paws clamped tightly over your ears. There’s no one to wipe your tears or ask you not to cry, no one to tell you to be strong and brave. All you can do is crawl into the nearest discarded cardboard box, feeling like a coward and an outcast as you weep yourself to sleep.
And you wake up in a cozy little store, wrapped up tight in a two-tone changpao. A scholar argues at the front counter, the porcine demon behind it looking at you cautiously.
“They’re starving, Pigsy! You can see their ribs poking out, can’t you?!”
“I can see that! I’m just not sure about feeding a demon, Tang…”
“You’re a demon! A pig demon!”
“No, that’s different! I am a perfectly respectable noodle-chef! Not some damn ‘pig demon’!”
Hic. Sniff.
The little pitiful noises draw their attention, looking upon your quivering form with split reactions.
The scholar is worried, clearly. There’s a kindness in his eyes that looks almost ancient, like it’s been passed from generation to generation. He nudges his… friend? Rival?
You can’t tell what their relationship is, really.
The pig isn’t unkind with his gaze or words- cautious, maybe a little nervous. But he grumbles to himself at the sight of tears, stomping off to his kitchen and turning on the stove.
“You better be right about this kid, Tang…”
The scholar- Tang, then, comes to you and ushers your shivering and scrawny form onto a chair, pulling the changpao tighter around you.
“It’s alright, dear,” his soft voice promises. “Just sit down and try to relax. We’ll get a nice bowl of noodles ready for you-“
“There’s no ‘we’ about this, Tang!” Calls Pigsy, his voice booming above the clatter of metal and the sizzle of oil.
Actually, they do remind you of something- the old couples in your village who had been together a little too long and thus grown sick of one another.
But those were always men and women, weren’t they?
Tentatively, you wipe your eyes and ask:
“Are you two married?”
“That’s how we met Y/N,” Tang cheerfully explains, patting your head as you fixate your eyes on the ground.
The child (or is he a toddler?) -MK, as your fathers are calling him, looks up at you, stumbling over to your slowly swishing tail. “Kitty,” he says, a new animal he’s learned from the children’s books that you gave him. Tang had gifted them to you not long after he had convinced Pigsy to take you in, and now you had given them to the new kid.
New. Younger. Cuter. No demonic features. No fangs or sharp pupils or sheathed claws.
Are you being replaced?
“Kitty,” the little one repeats, tugging on the cyan fur of your tail. “Meow.” The babbling of a toddler or at least a very young child, stilted and happy. “Kitty.”
“Very good,” Tang praises, clapping his hands to provide encouragement. “What other animals do you like, MK?”
You step out of the room just as the adorable little thing starts to make loud oinking noises.
The storage room is tiny, just big enough to fit a few people and a cleaning cart. It’s fortified in case of emergencies, serving as a tornado shelter. You’ve spent a few prospective storms in here, clinging to Pigsy and sniffling at the sound of blaring sirens. Thankfully, nothing bad had ever even come close to happening, and eventually you shifted to viewing it as almost a break from the world. Just you and your…
Guardian. Boss. Caretaker.
You want to add father to that list. But taking that first step is a terrifying ordeal, and would involve putting yourself through a potential rejection.
You don’t think you could recover from that.
Another person enters the storage room, one hand on your shoulder. It’s not rough or big enough to be Pigsy. Not warm enough, either.
“Y/N? Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine, Mister Tang.” Too fast. The words slur together, a falsity even by the first second you speak.
The freeloader sighs, lightly moving to tilt your chin up, meeting you eye-to-eye.
“You don’t come to hide in here when things are ‘fine’, dear. And you don’t slur your words like that, either. Why not tell me what’s wrong?”
“…do you think Pigsy likes MK better than me?”
“Wh-what? Y/N, why would you- dear, what’s going on?”
“…MK is a normal kid, isn’t he? He’s not some half-breed freak like me, and-“
“Y/N. I know you’ve been through a lot, but I don’t ever want to hear you say that again.”
A scholarly man with the build to match, Tang is far from strong. But he’s got just enough strength to pull you into his arms, letting you bury your head into the cloth covering his shoulder.
“Please, Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m scared that he doesn’t see me as his child,” you gasp out, clinging to Tang. “I’m not just his sous chef, tell me I’m not just his sous chef! Dad, please-“
You break down a little further, legs giving out as your body struggles with the fearful anticipation of potential disappointment. You wait there against his chest, weeping.
“I don’t mind if you see me as a father figure, dear. If anything, I’m actually flattered. You don’t need to be worried about that.”
“Not mad?” You manage to spit out, face thoroughly drenched in your own tears.
“Not mad,” he confirms, patting your head. “Now, let’s dry those tears and get you something to eat. I talked Pigsy into making grilled cheese dumplings with canned tomato soup.”
A moment to compose yourself is taken, wiping your puffy eyes.
“Pigsy hates using canned food, though. He always says: “It’s a disgrace to my profession, using canned ingredients! There’s no alternative to fresh!” and then he’ll throw a spoon at whoever asked.”
“Well, MK loves them. And you know that Pigsy can’t say no to kids.”
And Tang was the only one who got spoons thrown at him, but he left that little bit out.
“Now, come on. Let’s get you to the bathroom to clean your face up. If Pigsy asks you can just say you got peppercorn dust in your eyes and needed a moment.”
The door opens, and you see the other half of this family, Pigsy and MK.
A real one, this time. Flaws and cons and stumbles thorned all along interwoven vines of love and adoration.
It wasn’t perfect.
But it was yours.
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the-moral-of-the-rose · 11 months ago
If anybody wanted to write a crossover between L.M. Montgomery's books, here is a little help with the ages of the characters (@no-where-near-hero maybe it will be a tiny help for your fanfic):
Anne Shirley - born on 5th of March 1865
Gilbert Blythe - born in 1862 or 1863
James Matthew "Jem" Blythe - born in July 1893
Walter Cuthbert Blythe - born in 1894
Anne "Nan" and Diana "Di" Blythe - born in 1896
Shirley Blythe - born in 1888*
Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe - born in 1900*
Gerald "Jerry" Meredith - born 1894
Faith Meredith - born 1895
Una Meredith - born 1896
Thomas Carlyle "Carl" Meredith - born 1897
Jims Anderson - born in August of 1914
Emily Byrd Starr - born on 19th of May 1888
Ilse Burnley - born in 1888 (probably)
Perry Miller - born in 1887
Frederick "Teddy" Kent - 1887 or 1888
Dean Priest - born in 1865
Patricia "Pat" Gardiner - born in 1913
Rachel "Rue" Gardiner - born in 1919
Winnifred "Winnie" Gardiner - born in 1910
Sidney "Sid" Gardiner - born in 1912
Joseph"Joe" Gardiner - born in 1908
Hilary Gordon - born in 1911
Elizabeth "Bets" Wilcox - born in 1913
David Kirk - born around 1893
Jane Stuart - born in May 1918 or 1919
Valancy Stirling* - born 1883**
Barney Snaith - born 1877**
Cecilia "Cissy" - born 1886**
Olive Stirling - born 1884**
Gay Penhallow - born in 1904***
Nan Penhallow - born in 1904***
Roger Dark - born in 1890***
Donna Dark - born between 1894 and 1896***
Virginia Powell - born between 1894 and 1896***
Peter Penhallow - born between 1888 and 1890***
Margaret Penhallow - born 1872***
Brian Dark - born 1916***
Hugh Dark - born in 1887***
Joscelyn Penhallow: born between 1889-1892***
*In both Anne of Ingleside and Rainbow Valley Shirley is two years older than Rilla. But in Rilla of Ingleside, he turns eighteen few months before Rilla... it is pure chaos. Rilla was supposed to be nearly fourteen, according to the RV, in 1914, but she is nearly fifteen in RoI. So I apologize, but I had a lot of trouble here...
**The Blue Castle is the most difficult to place in time. It is set several years before it was published, and in my own opinion: before Tangled Web and Pat of Silver Bush. Why? Because of this reference: "This was before the day of bobs and was regarded as a wild, unheard-of proceeding—unless you had typhoid." (The Blue Castle). Bobs were already "in fashion" at the beginning of Pat of Silver Bush (so, in 1919, when Pat was six years old: it was said that Winnie wanted to have her hair bobbed) and in Tangled Web (which is set in 1922). Yet, the cars, motorboats and movie theaters were a rather common occurence in The Blue Castle's times. But... there might be an explanation. Valancy doesn't live on PEI, which might have been a little "behind" the rest of Canada, as far as modern technology went. It is my own personal opinion, but I think that it might be set just before the war, at the same time as the end Emily's Quest. I know that the clothes seem more "modern" in TBC, but Emily wore "a little sport suit" and dress that was described as followed "there was so little of it". Teddy and Perry both had cars, as sone of Ilse's cousins. I would say that the Blue Castle book might be set around 1912-1913. Still, the timeline is extremely elusive. Please, let me know, dear Blue Castle Book Club's members, what is your opinion? I think I have read some amazing discussion about TBC's timeline a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, everyone was certain that this novel was set post WWI (me included, until this very moment when I tried to place Pat and Tangled Web and remembered the "bob" quote). So I choose 1912 as the beginning of TBC, when Valancy was twenty-nine.
*** the ages of characters in Tangled Web:
"They were first cousins, who were born the same day and married the same day,--Donna to her own second cousin, Barry Dark, and Virginia to Edmond Powell--two weeks before they had left for Valcartier. Edmond Powell had died of pneumonia in the training camp, but Barry Dark had his crowded hour of glorious life somewhere in France." (Tangled Web).
"Virginia Powell, whose husband had been dead eight years and who was young and tolerably beautiful" (Tangled Web).
"Valcartier, Quebec was the primary training base for the First Canadian Contingent in 1914."
- from: https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/going-to-war/canada-enters-the-war/training-at-valcartier/
So, from this I assumed that Virginia's husband died in 1914 (so Tangled Web is set in 1922-23). Gay is 18 at the beginning, so she would be born in 1904. If Donna and Virginia were 18-20 when they got married, they would be 26-28 (so still "young"). at the beginning. Peter was 14 when Donna was 8, so he'd be 32-34 at the beginning of the book (same age or a bit older than Roger). Hugh was 35 at the beginning. I guess Joscelyn was a bit younger- most of LMM's heroines are at least two years younger than their love interest. I'd say she might have been 20-23 when she got married, so she'd be around 30-33 at the beginning of the book. I would say Brian is about six years old - he doesn't seem to attend school yet, but is big enough to be sent to the harbour. Margaret Penhallow was about fifty at the beginning of the book.
So sorry that this post was rather long, but it was a great fun to write (even if it took me A LOT of time). Thank you for reading. Please, let me know if you agree. Any feedback will be very welcome!
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gm-warlic · 8 months ago
DragonFable Timeline
Hello again my friends! Now that Book 3 is complete, I am back with an updated timeline complete with holiday events! It isn't perfect, as I am missing the most recent holiday events (really hoping I can fit those into Book 4 or the space between Books 3 & 4), but I think this is a pretty accurate timeline overall, perfect for all those wanting to play the game all the way through now that Book 3 is finished.
(One thing to remember is that not all holiday events happen exactly on the holiday itself, and not all are explicitly a year after the last event. I have placed certain holiday events in the same year where it makes sense to do so)
Book 1
Year 1
A Hero is Born Bored
Undead Assault
Sepulchure's Flying Fortress
Ice Dragon War
Frostval Chapter 1: A Frostval Tale
(This technically isn't actually the holiday itself, but instead the event that leads to the Frost Moglins creating the holiday, so it does not necessarily have to happen at the same time of the year as the holiday. After all, Jesus wasn't born in December)
Dragon Egg Saga
Robina→The Hatching
Sunbreeze Grove
DragonLord Training
Willowshire Burns
Haunted House
Crystal Clear Lake
Graveyard (Meet Artix)
Sir Ano's Quests
Beach Invasion 
Vampire Tower
War at See
Mogloween Chapter 1: First Mogloween
Saving Lymcrest
Thankstaking Chapters 1→3
Sunbreeze Grove
Titans of BattleOn
Frostval Chapter 2: Out in the Cold!
Year 2
Wind Orb Saga
Water Breathing Potions
Nythera Saga
Stocking the Shelves→It's Elementary!
Wind Orb Saga
Pirates vs Ninjas War→Sepulchure
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 1→2
Lucky Day Chapters 1 & 3
Nythera Saga
Potion Mastery
Darkness Orb Saga
Save Moonridge!→Moonridge: Saved!
Light Orb Saga
Meeting Zhoom→Dynasty Tomb
Darkness Orb Saga
The Outcast
Nythera Saga 
The Storm→The Storm War
Darkness Orb Saga
The Gate Keeper→Extra Credit
Light Orb Saga
The Sandwich→Death From Below!
Ice Orb Saga
Mogloween Chapter 3: Mogloween Theft
Thankstaking Chapter 4: Gooble-ocalypse
Energy Orb Saga
Frostval Chapter 3: Lumps of Coal!
Year 3
Fire Orb Saga
A Letter From Home→The Ultimate Weapon
Vilmor Saga
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 3: Change of Heart
Lucky Day Chapter 4: (Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge)
Fire Orb Saga
Going East→Epilogue
Water Orb Saga
Mogloween Chapters 4→5
Tomix Saga
The Clashening
Thankstaking Chapter 5: Welcomegiving!
Nythera Saga
Into the Void→Face Your Destiny
Tomix Saga
Penitentiary→The End?
Darkness Orb Saga
A Dark Letter→Memory-Demons
Tomix Saga
Meeting Aegis→Soulweaver Training
Frostval Chapter 4: Frosty Reception
Year 4
Earth Orb Saga
Dravir Siege→Gorgok?
Spy Saga
Earth Orb Saga
Guardian Tower?→The Whole Truth
Nythera Saga
Know Your Nature→Embrace Your Destiny 
Earth Orb Saga
The Temple→Hidden Blades
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 4: The Greatest Hug of All
Lucky Day Chapter 5: Unlucky Escape
The Final 13th
True Mortal: The Rise of Nivalis
Alexander's Saga 
(Not when the events actually occur, but when you should play the questline)
Book 2
Elemental Dissonance
Introduction: Flames in the Dark→A Brief Respite
Mogloween Chapter 6: 48 Weeks Later 
Elemental Dissonance
To Atrea→The Hunt Begins
Thankstaking Chapter 6: The Biggest Thankstaking Ever!
Elemental Dissonance
Frostval Chapters 5→6
Year 5
Elemental Dissonance
North→The Merge
Thankstaking Chapter 7: Good Gravy!
(Yes, this is while the Hero is frozen. But these events actually don't need the Hero to be present to happen exactly as they do, and the feast has character models from both Book 1 and Book 3)
Book 3
Year 5/13
The End of Magic
Hero is Thawed→Player Hatching
To Edelia→The Headmaster
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 5: The Threat List!
13th 13th
The Gnomes Gnow→Autumn Wind
The End of Magic
The Rose Tree→Sands of Eternity
Desert Night→Tithril
Blood and Roses
Full Moon War→Swamp Lake
Deep Void→The Codex
The End of Magic
Discover Sulen'Eska
Song on the Wind→Dancing Breeze
Forest Hunt→The Evil Artifact
Mogloween Chapters 7→8
Thankstaking Chapters 8→10
Frostval Chapters 7→8
Year 6/14
The End of Magic
Smoke in the Trees→Chains of Command
Blood and Roses
Neron's Request→Blood Patrol: Weres
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 7: The Love Ship
Lucky Day Chapters 6→7
Into the Ynnungaap→Epilogue 
The End of Magic
Haven on the Horizon→The Siege of Haven
Serenity Before the Storm
Mogloween Chapter 9: Candy Troubles 
The Valtrith Tomb→Breaking Down
Thankstaking Chapter 11: Attack of the Filler Golems!
Blood and Roses
The Locket→Blood and Roses
Frostval Chapters 9→10
Year 7/15
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 8: Bubble Trouble
Lucky Day Chapter 9: Cysero's Golden Eggs
The End of Magic
One Step Forward→Trust
The Shears
Oculus Tower→ Shear Destruction
Just Chillin'
The End of Magic
Melissa→ A Day for Farewells
Madness→ Weal
The Nest
The Nest→ Leaving the Nest
The End of Magic
Unbound→ Timelines
The Thorns
Dark Devices
The Nest
Mogloween Chapter 10: Bubble Trouble 
Thankstaking Chapter 12: The Felonious Five
Frostval Chapters 11→13
Year 8/16
The End of Magic
The Tournament of Champions
The Thorns
Enigmatic Epidemic→Artifact Heist
Six Heroes
Return to Lymcrest→The Burning Village
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 9→11
The Maleurous
The Thorns
A New Student→Theano: A Thorn's Story
The Maleurous
Mr. Nameless
The Maleurous
Archive E-189-L
Six Heroes
The Apprentice→ ANOMALY 
The Maleurous
The Angel of Azaveyr→Myalos
Mogloween Chapters 11→15
(Time in Apsaydaaun is stated to move differently than on Lore, so these could all feasibly happen in the same month)
The Maleurous 
The Thorns
The Maleurous
Epilogue: Remembrance 
Thankstaking Chapters 13→14
The Thorns
Fortress of Thorns→Epilogue: Loose Ends
Frostval Chapter 15: The Great Giftnapping
Year 9/17
The End of Magic
My Spot→Khvorost
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 12→13
The End of Magic
A Petal Falls→Plans Entwined 
The First Weaver
Introduction→Father of Mine
The End of Magic
Out of Control→Sunfall: Part 2
Mogloween Chapter 17: The Ebil Dread
(Technically this would be partway through Storm in the Night, as I imagine it as the Hero stopping in Falconreach on their way to Doomwood, but the quest skips from talking in Swordhaven to arriving in Doomwood)
The First Weaver
From the Citadel with Love→Marzanna
The End of Magic
Storm in the Night→Broken Circuit (Part 1)
The First Weaver
The Beginning of the End→The End of the Beginning
The End of Magic
Broken Circuit (Part 2)→Of Duty and Dragons
Thankstaking Chapters 16-17
The End of Magic 
Speaker and Slayer→Reasons to Fight
Frostval Chapter 16: The Grand Snowfight
The End of Magic
Into the Unknown→Awakened Depths (Epilogue)
Frostval Chapter 17: The Reindragon
Year 10/18
The End of Magic
The Point of No Return (Part 1)→The End of Magic (Epilogue)
I hope you enjoy the timeline! (It took a lot of work to put together) Battle On!
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bestanimatedmovie · 10 months ago
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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itsgirlcraft · 3 months ago
Small collection of goofy ahh dreams I've had
Weird dream 7/5/23: Someone referred to the Steves as fruits. Time Steve quick-changed into jeans. I had colorful balls in my backpack, which seemed to turn into Steves (ie Red Steve).
Weird dream 10/15/23: Steve themed Barbies/Kens
Weird dream 8/13/23: watching Twisted Rainbow on late night tv, it's echoing across my dark, silent house. The TV and my phone start glitching, and I can't pause. Loud..Elite suddenly can hear me. He appears, and I have to hide him in my closet
The funniest:
Weird dream 10/3/23: Plastic piss legs being sold at a grocery store. "This has been generously donated by over 1,000 anonymous donors"
Weird dream 10/1/23: Gargoyle (?)/beast master gal, werewolf wheelchair, apocalypse. Elemental (movie) Ember/Wade, MLP, Fluttershy/Applejack/Sunset Shimmer, Jesus (what), Saga/Quest, others (ocs), TOH Hunter at the mall.
And the board game/TR and RQ crossover au one:
Weird Dream 8/19/23: Dream 1, Board gqme Steve Saga roll dice pick clothes make up own story. Dream 2 tr shadow in rq, turn into diff char like Faceless, maybe Elemental first but he forget then becomes time but have to pretend bc Sabre there, they find Elemental dead. Sabre leave Shadow to mourn, shadow take off time's mask and starts loudly worrying abt situation, Sabre hear and discover shadow. Shadow/Sabre find time in time dimension in unknown machine, time worrying more abt Elemental dead than shadow situation. Shadow put into machine after give time clothes back, all go to sleep, shadow wake up in lights body, pretend for guards until can ask where Sabre. Guards don't know, shadow tp time dimension, all freak out again (Sabre yell at shadow for doing it on purpose, shadow deny close to tears, admit he almost scream when see he was light). Sabre decide shadow can't be out of sight at any time, shadow agree, shadow realize don't know how to "take off" light, light body stuck to him, panic. Find light in sewers/prison of rw kingdom, even madder at shadow than Sabre, shadow want to hide, bandanna finally appear, edge of ears/hands turn shadow again. Shadow still stuck as light but give back clothes/accessories/armor/etc.
Andddd finally... Weird dream 6/26/22 Girl posse vs Steves! Ft some artistic interpretations!
Anyway it started out with me in a relatively small room alone, watching a video on a TV that showcased some sort of Steve-related thing, like an AU or something? I thought it was just a silly little video until I ended up in a bigger room with 6 other girls, at this table. We each had a sheet of paper, and we had to figure out which of 8 boxes was the correct one. We all agreed eventually on the top left. We were also required to draw something in the other boxes. The two girls next to me saw my cool art of RQ and SS and tried to draw that too.
However, then the girl to my left looked at me with fear. A loud noise came from the front door. She asked me loudly, over the noise, if I thought we could summon a hero and not just get info but that their presence would eliminate the enemy outside. I couldn't understand what she was saying, so I just said I didn't know. I was busy thinking about if the hero in question was Sabre, and somehow knew the entity outside was Dread Steve. I also was considering the strange video from earlier, didn't it mention something about the heroines being able to temporarily summon a hero to gain knowledge?
Later on, we escape from the building but as I leave I have visions of a dark-haired boy, bleeding from several wounds. A girl sitting on the floor begs him not to go, saying he was dying. He looks at her with a sad smile, kneeling down. He says he has to go save the world, and he kisses her on the forehead before walking away. The girl is teary-eyed, knowing he won't last another day. I choose to ignore the vision and that's when I hear a bunch of lightning as some of the girls run back in, frightened.
I'm not super freaked out though, as if I expected this to happen. After the lightning is done, we cautiously go back outside. The outside area has concrete ground and these sturdy crates stacked up in neat piles all over the place, the piles are at least 6 or 8 feet high. I spot a concerning scene: the girl in red and the girl in blue were laying out on the concrete, Blue being soaking wet and Red having dried blood splattered beneath them. Both looked unconscious.
The girl in green ran to Red, picking her up slightly to see where the wound was and how bad it was. Blue woke up confused by the fact that she was soaking wet. Also the blood looked like this
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Yeah, somehow I feel like Red was not the only one who bled there. Anyway after Blue wakes up and Green is handling Red's injury I hear one of the girls shout, "the hero!" I race over to see the other girls looking at this white thing with ribbons attached to it like this:
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(It was a mushroom-shaped plastic white object, with little "teeth" lines on the inside)
For whatever reason, we all knew this had something to do with the lightning and somehow they all thought this thing implied that the hero disappeared before we could see them. One girl said "we're too late" with a defeated look on her face. This was the point when I opened my eyes, realized it was past 4 am, and decided to try going to bed and seeing how things go. I took control of the dream, as I no longer was able to actually dream. I decided I was Indigo.
I knelt down, seeing the object up close. I uttered "Light.." under my breath with a sudden realization widening my eyes. I stood up and told everyone to spread out, certain that he was still there. I went straight to a nearby building just beyond some crates, where I discovered Light Steve, except he looked...different somehow. I realize that RQ and SS Light must have merged, and they were having trouble figuring out how to coexist. I go in, trying to calm Light down and calmly explain that I was the same species as Sabre. Light grew more trusting of me knowing that I somehow was aware of or knew Sabre. I convince him to come out and meet the others. He awkwardly waves to them after running over when I shouted out that I had found him.
But then another round of lightning strikes. I immediately go into fight-or-flight, as the sudden loud noise causes sensory overload. Afterwards, I realize that not everyone was with us. Violet and Orange were nowhere to be seen. I get up and immediately start towards where the lightning struck, worriedly asking where they were.
I ask Light to follow me and the others to stay. I climb up a stack of crates and see Dark Steve, except just like Light he was both RQ and SS Dark. I push down my fear, walking right up to him. I speak his name, and he turns toward me with an intimidating look on his face. Except I notice RQ Dark is freaking out while SS is angry and trying to fight himself. I manage to befriend RQ Dark, but SS Dark makes it difficult. Eventually SS completely loses it and lobs a fireball in my direction. I manage to avoid it, and quickly tell both Light and Dark that they should be able to unmerge manually.
Light does so as RQ Dark overpowers SS Dark, the Steves unmerging right before my eyes. RQ Dark is pushed to the floor as SS Dark runs off a bit, preparing to summon lava. I quickly explain that RQ Dark is kind and that the 3 of them will need to work together to stop SS Dark. They hesitate, as RQ Light and RQ Dark are archenemies. But after I run off to avoid the lava, they quickly agree to team up. I watch as the three fly up with SS Dark, preparing to fight.
I shout a few words of encouragement before spotting the girl in violet and the girl in orange behind a bunch of crates. I run over, confirming that neither were hurt. I explain that the two white entities are on our side, and that the dark figure with a missing eye is on our side too. I watch the fight for a moment, noticing snow building up on the ground. Snowballs, of course! I instruct the girls to follow me back to the others, and we manage to sneak out without being caught.
I give a quick recap of what happened and that we could help the fight by throwing snowballs at "the punk-looking dark entity making lava." Green tells Red to stay behind, as she wasn't in a bad place but her head was scraped up so it was for the best. As we made our way towards the battle, I explained that there were two dark entities and only one was currently evil. Yellow questions why, but we get there before I can answer her. We grab handfuls of snow, and I showed who was the evil one by hitting SS Dark in the head. I also run, showing how to avoid getting burned by him with Sabre's good ol' "run as fast as you can while the evil guy destroys the ground around you" strategy. As Dark turned towards me, RQ Light threw a fireball at his chest while he was distracted. Dark returned to fighting, and the girls and I slow/distract Dark with snowballs.
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incorrectstevesagaquotes · 2 years ago
Void Steve at Colle: hey sorry your boyfriend created the Darkness and got consumed from the inside out. no yeah he really experienced a lot of pressure from being the Hero and the threat of the Demon Steves didn’t help. he lost all sense of morality as a result. sorry. i’m so sorry.
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ymaohoh · 1 year ago
Yankee Candle Baby - Fic
Eddie wants to buy something nice for Chrissy. Candles are romantic, right?  Oneshot (See at the end for notes)
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Word count: 3,730
Chapter: 1/1.
No trigger warnings. No real plot. Just fluff and lust. 
Also on Archive of Our Own.
Oh yeah. He was most definitely out of his comfort zone. He was so far out of the zone that he felt like he was standing on a sinking ship surrounded by menacing hungry sharks. 
The mall. The fucking mall. On this perfectly fine Saturday he was here of all places. 
The small town of Hawkins boasted exactly one mall which meant it was unfortunately one of the busier places to be at the weekends, though at this precise time of the day he was thankful to see most of the shoppers were old folks, and noisy kids. His peers (and he used this term very loosely) would likely show up later when it was time to…God knows…go to the movies? Get a burger? Hit the arcade? Whatever it was the average American teenager did at the weekend with their friends or dates. As if he gave a flying fuck. 
No, he hoped he wouldn’t run into anyone he knew. Not because he cared about their opinion - he was Eddie Munson, after all, have you met him? - but because he wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as humanly possible. He was on a secret D&D quest with one singular (but important) purpose...and as soon as he found his holy grail he would race back to his beat-up van and get the hell out of here. 
His leather boots scuffed on the linoleum floor (decorated with some bright nonsense pattern) as he walked forwards reluctantly into what he considered the jaws of hell. Eddie was not typically a morning person and it seemed too early in the day for the overly bright lights that lined the walls or the music blasting out of stores that he could only assume people who hung here found ‘cool’ and ‘trendy’. He ignored the posters that lined the windows advertising whatever shit was for sale inside and kept his eyes open for one specific store. 
Harrington said it would be right at the end of the first floor by the food court…and here…finally. Here it was. The walls to the store were painted bubblegum pink and unsurprisingly the patrons inside were all teenage girls wearing pastels and preppy makeup. 
Hell was apparently the cover of Teen Beat or Just Seventeen, the magazines that he often found rolled up in this van nowadays. 
Eddie looked at the bright and cheery store in question with something akin to repulsion (could he seriously hear Robert Palmer being played on the stereo behind the counter?) before taking a deep breath and plummeting inside before he could change his mind. 
Addicted to love? Apparently he fucking was because it was the only reason he was here. The only reason he’d step inside a capitalist cesspit that was so intense and cheery and uncomfortable to him. The object of said addiction? 
A tiny cheerleader who looked at him like he was her God-damned hero. 
Chrissy was everything to him, even though they’d only technically been a couple  (or ‘going steady’ as she reminded him) for a month now. Honestly? It felt longer. It felt like she’d always been a part of his life from the moment he first laid eyes on her neat strawberry-blonde ponytail. If you asked him if he could remember a time before her he’d draw a blank. He’d had a life without her, sure, but damn if he could remember much about it. He didn’t really want to. She’d woken him up like he was Snow White and she was the prince and life was now all singing cartoon birds, rainbows and sunsets. She was like the fucking sun itself. 
Best of all? She was his. All his. They navigated through the highschool gossip, the stares, the outright rude comments that made him want to ball his fists like how the hell did that loser pull someone like her? Is she crazy? To be fair, it wasn’t a stupid question. He’d asked himself the same thing over and over. They’d laughed when hearing the suggestions of blackmail and magic and he’d fallen a bit in love with her when she admitted there could be magic at play. 
If he thought it would make her smile (and seriously her smile always had the power to totally pierce through his chest like an arrow) then he would most gladly step into whatever hellish landscape needed. He’d move mountains for her. Battle demons. All that cliche romantic stuff. 
Shit, he couldn’t wait to see her smile again. Maybe he was addicted. 
Later on today she was coming to his trailer and they’d be all alone as his uncle was working a night shift at the plant. They’d arranged it so casually yesterday when he drove her home from school - ‘I’ll be there after I finish my chem homework, okay? Maybe six…seven?’ ‘Sure thing. Come round whenever’ - but despite the casual tone he really wanted to do something extra nice for her. He had an idea about making her dinner and setting it up all fancy on the table with the forks and spoons and whatever lined up in the so-called right places. Hell, he’d even bought some wine for them both and Harrington said it was a good bottle (for under $5).
He wouldn’t call Harrington a friend exactly, but he wasn’t a stranger either. He was also one of the only guys he sort of hung around with who actually had experience with women. Eddie would die if any of the kids found out about this (though really they knew how soft Eddie was for Chrissy. It was almost nauseating to be in the same room as them). Harrington has also recommended getting candles. 
Girl’s love them, he’d said confidently. He’d pieced everything together immediately when he ran into Eddie at the store buying fancy healthy ingredients and wine. Eddie was a beer guy usually - wine had to only mean he was trying to impress someone. Trust me, man. There’s a new place in the mall that all the girls talk about. Sounds seriously lame but if you’re going with Chrissy the queen Cunningham then you better up your game. No offense.  
So here he was. Like he said, he’d do anything for Chrissy. Even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone and doing something different. 
Just like when she surprised him last Tuesday by showing up at The Hideout to hear his band for the first time. She’d looked so out of place in her floral dress beside the regulars who stuck to black and ripped denim as a rule, but she’d cheered loudly (his own personal cheerleader) and it made him feel like the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. She really was a fucking gem. 
“Hi. Can I help you?”
A friendly voice came out of nowhere and he looked up to see a salesgirl eyeing him curiously. He couldn’t blame her for looking at him in that way. Next to the other customers he stood out like a sore thumb in his jeans and leather jacket. Still, he had a reputation of bravado to uphold and he wasn’t the kind of shitty person who was rude to staff. Her name badge said ‘Becky’ in a tiny purple font. She looked to be around Chrissy’s age. 
Becky, you’re going to be my best friend right now. 
“You sure can. Candles? Word on the street is you sell them.”
She smiled and led him to the back of the store past all the scented bath crap, the bright cushions with tassels, the art-deco type figurines, and other trendy kitschy items that teenage girls seemed to adore having in their bedrooms. She led him to a counter at the back which was full of the promised candles. Several heads turned in surprise as he moved around but they soon went back to whatever little item that so fascinated them. 
Ah shit. 
“This is the only brand we sell as it’s the most popular. Is there one you have specifically in mind or do you need help picking one out?”
She was assuming he’d been sent here by his girlfriend (or sister or mom) to collect something on their behalf because they were tied up somewhere else. In which case he’d know exactly what it was he needed. How many boyfriends (or brothers or dads) had been in the same pitiful position as he was now? Becky probably spotted it right away which is why she was being so helpful. Golden star for Becky, he thought. 
(He did love the term boyfriend though. Chrissy’s boyfriend. Chrissy’s boyfriend who would run errands for her. Ah, bliss). 
He fixed her with a smile, saying honestly… “I haven’t got a clue, Becky. Honestly. I’m just trying to find something nice for my girlfriend.”
(His girlfriend. His girlfriend Chrissy. The person who braided his favourite bandana into her hair, marking her as such). 
“Well that’s adorable,” Becky commented. The smile she wore now seemed far more genuine. “In that case let me help. What does your girlfriend use them for? Reading? Putting on during a bath? General ambience?”
Dude. Do not think of Chrissy in a bath. Not Chrissy in a bath wet with water and soap and…
“I’m fixing her dinner tonight,” he explained, turning to more pure and wholesome thoughts. “So something for that? I thought it might look…nice?”
This was hell. Absolute hell. 
Still, two girls who were standing by all the bath crap nearby let out little sighs at his stilted phrasing. Becky looked pretty impressed too. Wow, was he nailing this? And was it just him or did his voice get softer when he spoke about anything to do with Chrissy? 
“I’d go with a pillar candle then, for sure. You can place it in the middle of the table,” Becky suggested. She waved towards the right side of the display. “What’s her favourite smell?”
“Uh…well, she likes loads of things…”
And this was the trickiest bit. He didn’t know. Chrissy liked all sorts of smells and tastes. He’d noticed her happy sigh when she smelled the football field after the grass was freshly cut, and she said she liked the smell of ‘new books’. How could they make candles out of that? 
“I see. Well, maybe test some? See which ones remind you the most of her. I need to go and help that customer over there, but I’ll be by the counter if you need anything else, okay?”
This wasn’t going to be so quick and easy as he’d hoped. 
Who the hell needed so many candles? Why were there so many sizes? What the hell was Home for Holidays? He managed to stifle a sigh. He focused on the taller candles to the right where Becky had waved, agreeing that they were probably best suited for his purpose (and would last longer - you know, if he and Chrissy forgot all about them in a daze of frantic making out). Wait - was his home at serious risk of burning down tonight? 
It was a herculean effort to drag his mind away from Chrissy’s spectacular lips and back to the mission at hand. Really. He should be awarded some prize for this. 
Right. Maybe focus on scent like Becky said? That was the whole point of candles now the lightbulb made them otherwise obsolete, right? He scanned the labels. What smell would Chrissy like? 
Using his keen powers of logic and intellect (sharpened recently with Chrissy’s tutorage) he noted that the candles seemed to be arranged in a specific order. The ones on the top shelf sounded like flowery ones. 
Lavender? French Lavender? Lilac Blossoms? Lily of the Valley? He held the latter up to his nose but yanked it away quickly. No way. It smelled like something his grandmother would buy. From what very limited information Chrissy offered about her batshit family they seemed to uphold ‘good old-fashioned conservative values’ like most of middle America and Chrissy herself unknowingly still toed some traditional ideals (though she’d hate any comparison to her crusty bitch of a mother). For example, she was the one who wanted to ‘go steady’ and go on ‘dates’. She also made them wait for date three before…well, what she would very cutely describe as ‘PG stuff’ stuff. As for Eddie? Hell, from day one he’d wanted to throw her over his shoulder cave man style and fuck her on the floor of his van (where she’d first gloriously uttered the perfect words ‘yes, Eddie, I like like you too’) . 
Floral smells seemed to go hand in hand with those traditional ideals…yet Chrissy was showing day by day she didn’t want to be held back by that crap any longer. It started with baby steps - hell, dating him a biggie - but who knew what the future held? Chrissie wanted to go to college after graduation and instead of writing ‘baby-maker extraordinaire’ on her applications (as her family wanted) she confessed to wanting more. Maybe teaching? Maybe social work? She had the brains, for sure. His Chrissy was a Fourth of July sparkler, burning bright and sparkling. She could be whatever she wanted to be. She could have both a career and a family if she wanted because she admitted she did like kids (though the idea of Chrissy holding another little Chrissy in her arms made him feel things he never thought possible). With a fond smile he placed the candle back and moved along. 
White fig, Sicilian Lemon, Sea Salt and Sage, Sage and Citrus, Olive and Thyme. The next shelf seemed to hold the candles that smelled like food. Which was bizarre when he really thought about it. He sampled them each. After all, he was buying a candle to go with dinner so didn’t it make sense for it to be food related? 
He quite liked the citrus smell but he smiled when he saw the label for Thyme. He thought about the first time (ha) they’d cooked together at his trailer a few weeks back, back before they were dating. They’d still been at that bullshit flirty-but-not stage, both too scared of admitting their real feelings in case they ruined the tentative and unexpected friendship they both secretly cherished. Dinner hadn’t been anything special - they’d been hanging out watching a movie with accidental (or not in his case) brushing of limbs and secret glances to her legs (she’d been wearing her cheerleader skirt, for crying out loud - he was not made of stone) - when they’d grown hungry and started fixing some pasta. Chrissy had been awkward when it came to food back then and it was something he’d picked up on right away. She would always make excuses not to eat in front of him but her growling stomach had on this occasion betrayed her big time. He’d heated up the pasta and asked her to pass the thyme to stir into the tomato sauce and she’d eventually admitted to not having a clue what that herb was. He’d been so careful to show not even the teensiest amount of surprise in his eyes, and instead patiently showed her how to use it in cooking. It was apparent that Chrissy only ate the same things day after day and it was all bland and unseasoned. 
Less calories, right? 
Since then she’d come along leaps and bounds with her eating, though it was still something present in the back of her mind like a cobweb they couldn’t quite dust away. Though he worried about the future - what would his dumbass do while Chrissy excelled? - one thing he knew for certain was right after graduation (maybe while still wearing those dorky robes) he would bundle Chrissy into his van and drive her far away from the influence of her asshole mother. If she let him he would dedicate his life to feeding and caring for her like she deserved. He hoped she’d be game. 
He looked away from this shelf. They still had some work to do in this area. 
He liked Candy Cane Lane, Cranberry Twist, French Vanilla, Pink Grapefruit…He smelled them appreciatively even though they were very sickly sweet. He liked his coffee black but he knew Chrissy preferred hers laden with sugar and cream (now she actually let herself indulge more). 
Chrissy was sweetness personified in human form really. All sweet smiles and warm skin and caresses. She was popular for her looks, her kindness, her cheery nature. She also had the glorious ability to look past the dark parts of life (and in people) and see the goodness and the light. It was a trait that Eddie simply didn’t have and he marvelled whenever he was privileged enough to see it swell inside her. No matter how many times life seemed to try and beat it out of her, Chrissy was a God-damned angel who got right back on her feet and was unapologetically kind and sweet and dazzling. Eddie knew he would do anything in his power to keep that flame inside of her bright and fucking destroy anyone who tried to take advantage or smother it. 
(Was he an attack dog now? A bull terrier? Why not. She already held his metaphoric leash. Where she went, he went gladly). 
Chrissy had looked at him - him, Eddie, the guy who was all swagger and sarcasm and enjoyed guts and gore. The person who was labelled a freak, an outcast, a junior delinquent - and seen someone she wanted to be with. Her sweet pretty smile seemed to shine on him and say you’re my person and you are good and you are mine.  
Hell, he was going to ravish her later on. 
Oh yes. We have a winner. This would be the part where quiz show lights went off and heaps of cash fell from the ceiling. 
He didn’t need to sample this candle because he knew right away this was the one which reminded him the most of Chrissy Cunningham. 
Of her fucking perfect little mouth. 
Chrissy had a habit of wearing lipgloss and it tended to be of the fruity variety which was A-OK with him as long as he was the one tasting it. He’d drown himself in buckets of strawberries if it meant he could once more brush his tongue against that soft velvet cupid bow. The rush he got from kissing Chrissy was better than any illicit high, and he knew as soon as he’d sampled just a little bit that it was game over. He was hooked for life. Chrissy was now in his veins - channelling through his body - and keeping his small insignificant heart beating. 
Their first kiss hadn’t been planned but it was fucking spectacular all the same. So were their other firsts. All of them etched into his memory forever. He might casually use the word fucking to describe what they were doing nearly every single night in his trailer, but they both knew it ran much deeper than that. They were hooked on each other. Couldn’t get enough of each other. It made them frantic and careless at times. Though she swore him to secrecy (blushing as she did so because of course good girls would never) he would never tell another soul about the times they’d frantically fucked in the back of his van, or on the bench in the woods where they re-met. They’d even fucked hurriedly behind The Hideout and the image of him lifting Chrissy against the brick wall with her long legs wrapped around his waist, was something he thought about a lot. He remembered how her pretty lips looked when she came for him. 
And before that when they first uttered the word fuck infront of him. They’d been sitting on the lawn with their friends at the time, and everyone had cheered at Chrissy Cunningham saying a bad word. He’d whistled and cheered too, though it was incredibly hot and a base instinct deep down wanted to grab her like he was some savage neanderthal and have her there on the field. He was pretty sure she knew that too because there was a coy twist to her smile. 
Ding ding ding. We’ve found the candle. He picked it up and went to pay Becky. 
“Nice choice,” she said as she popped it in a paper bag. 
“Yeah. Chrissy is…” Chrissy was a lot of things. He settled on, “She tastes like strawberries.”
Becky’s cheeks flamed at his words and she couldn’t stop herself from giggling. Instead of feeling embarrassed, Eddie felt pretty proud of himself overall. He’d battled the demon that was the mall, found a sidekick of sorts in Becky, and retrieved the holy grail that would please the beautiful princess. Not a bad campaign really. “Chrissy Cunningham, you mean?”
Christ. They knew her here too? He gave her a stiff nod. Was she going to start coming out with the usual crap he heard in the corridors about not being good enough? 
But no. Becky only gave him the bag. “Lucky girl.”
“Nah, I'm the lucky one.”
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing for the couple, so apologies for any errors or mishaps with the setting or characteristics. It’s a learning curve. I was not alive during the 80’s so I did rely on a trusty search engine for a few parts. I actually searched for ‘Yankee Candles which are now obsolete’ (apparently they started in the 60’s - who knew?) and the ones listed above are the search results. Pretty sure some of them have come back into circulation though. The store Eddie so bravely ventured into is essentially an 80’s Oliver Bonas. 
I’m also not from the US though I tried using some of the lingo. I think I actually wrote the word mum but it looked so out of place for this world. I can’t bring myself to swap the spell check over though so you still get plenty of u’s in unlikely places (or likely - eh). 
I really enjoyed writing this. It came very naturally. I’ve posted some prompts on my page which I’ll make my way through but give me a shout if you’ve got any requests. 
Toodles x
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headmate-lootbox · 7 months ago
Alright, I want to do things in the order I get them, I really do however.
I keep getting requests from sources I don't know and thus have to do research on, which I do not mind for the record, but it is significantly slowing down the rate at which I get ALL requests out because of doing them in order brain. So instead, here is a list of all sources I know, that will be done FIRST over any non-listed sources. I need to make clear, I will accept reqs outside this list. They will just take longer.
-MCYT / Most SMPs, incl. Fics (Hermitcraft, LSSMP, UU, DSMP, OSMP, QSMP, etc.)
-Stardew Valley
-Star Trek (Though the most recent I've seen is early season 1 of Disco)
-Minecraft in general
-Undertale & Deltarune
-Bendy And The Ink Machine
-Rainbow Friends
-The Mandela Catalogue
-The Backrooms
-Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
-Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss
-Most Disney movies
-Fantasy Island
-Knight Rider
-Spongebob Squarepants
-Criminal Minds
-Crossing Jordan
-Most Minecraft ARGs
-Most Horror movies
-Factives are a gamble, feel free to try em anyways.
-Stranger Things
-Dead By Daylight
-Hades & Hades 2
-Geometry Dash
-Warrior Cats
-Goddess Girls
-Dear Dumb Diary
-Geronimo Stilton
-The Binding Of Isaac
-Epic Battle Fantasy
-Bit Heroes
-Dino Run
-Blush Blush + Crush Crush
-Coffee Talk
-Cube World
-Cult Of The Lamb
-Darkest Dungeon
-Death Road To Canada
-Dont starve
-Emily Is Away
-Enter The Gungeon
-Dear Cells
-Slay The Spire
-The Escapists
-FATE (The traitor soul/the cursed king/etc.)
-Henry Stickmin collection
-Lethal Company
-Papers, Please
-Portal + Portal 2 + Meet The Cores
-Slime Rancher + slime rancher 2
-Spooky's jumpscare mansion
-Super Auto Pets
-Vampire Survivors
-Wolf Quest
-Dragon Adventures
-Creatures of Sonaria
-Animal Kingdom
-Creepypasta -Dandy's World
More TBA as I learn more sources and remember ones I've forgotten.
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literaticat · 11 months ago
Hi Jenn. I know you haven't read my book or my query so this might be hard to answer, but I was looking for some tips on how to construct feedback. I've gotten feedback that my query letter(s) read more like "high-level back jacket blurbs" instead of "what is needed for the query". They also said they almost moved on from the letter in their inbox but was hooked by the time they read it all. Could you break this down a bit for me and offer any advice? I can parse most of it but am still confused. (It also says at one point that that there should be more about the MC.) Does this mean I've written nice-sounding blurb that would entice a reader but not an agent? Why would a blurb entice a reader but not an agent? If it would entice a reader, surely it could hook the agent too? I kind of see what they're saying - but I'm also confused and not sure I'm analyzing the feedback right. Thank you so much.
As you note, it's hard to say really, since I don't know what the material is, and also I'm not sure what kind of "feedback" this was -- like was it a paid critique from an agent or editor? A friend just giving advice? MULTIPLE friends? Input on a writer's forum? Random offhand comments from different agents you actually queried put together? (Something else?) -- I feel like all these different people or groups might have different kinds of feedback, and I'd take some of it more seriously than others, you know? BUT ANYWAY:
When I see "high-level back jacket blurbs", that implies to me that you've given a big-picture kind of set-up in the pitch. ("High Level" not being synonymous with something like "Fancy and Sophisticated" or "Gifted and Talented" -- but in this case meaning more like "birds-eye view" kind of thing). Combined with them wanting "more about the MC", I suspect you are giving us a taste of the setting and world and a broad-strokes indication of the problem -- when what tends to be more effective is giving us a way in through the main character, and what THEIR problem is and what the stakes are for them, personally.
It would be like if you described the Wizard of Oz by telling us about how this is a fantasy about a magical world ruled by four witches, two of them good, two of them evil, and when a girl gets sent there from Kansas by a tornado, and accidentally kills one of the witches, she must go on a dangerous quest with her band of misfit friends, meeting all kinds of munchkins and whatnot along the way to meet a wizard in the Emerald City who might be able to grant them all wishes, but they face a variety of perils and all is not as it seems. In other words, the focus here is "big picture" and mostly setting up the world and the main thing that happens, but not setting up the main character or the stakes.
When what would probably be a more compelling pitch is focusing more on DOROTHY, what she wants, what her problem is, etc. She's the reader's way in to the story -- we want to care about her and find out what happens to her, right? So you might start by asking yourself some questions about her.
*** [ETA: It wouldn't hurt you to follow this "But" and "therefore" advice, either -- the literal "buts" and "therefores" do NOT have to be in the query itself, but it might help when writing out the story beats as below to help you from falling into a boring "and then" trap where you are just listing off events.]****
WHO IS OUR HERO? She's Dorothy! A plucky, resourceful farm girl who lives a hardscrabble existence in Dust Bowl Kansas, but has big dreams of a bigger and brighter world.
WHAT DOES SHE WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING? To get tf out of dusty old Kansas and find rainbows and happiness!
WHAT'S STOPPING HER FROM GETTING IT? She's a child, she has to live with her family, she loves her family but her family lives in Kansas, etc.
WHAT PROBLEM DOES SHE FACE? First there's a massive storm, which is scary -- BUT, her wish to leave Kansas actually DOES come true -- her house is swept up in a twister and deposited in the glittering realm of Oz! YAY! BUT, unfortunately, her wish came true at a cost -- her house crushed a witch when it landed. THEREFORE, though the people of Oz are happy about the witch thing, actually, she's now a murderer, and has been separated from her family with seemingly no way home. :(
SO WHAT CHOICE DOES SHE HAVE TO MAKE? Will she stay and embrace her new life as the pampered Hero of Munchkin-land with every treat and beautiful, magical thing she has ever dreamed of? Or put herself in danger and give up the lollipops to find a wizard nobody has ever even seen who MIGHT be able to help her get back to the farm and her family?
OK, THAT'S BAD -- BUT HOW DOES HER PROBLEM GET WORSE? Not only would the journey be lengthy and hard under normal circumstances, it's made significantly worse by a witch hell bent on killing her and her friends as retaliation for the death of her sister.
If you can answer these questions about your main character in the pitch, I suspect that it will help it feel less "High Level" and more High Stakes, and get the reader wanting to know what happens to the MC more quickly. (Maybe???)
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facesbehindglass · 1 year ago
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
Art Squad
✓ Barbie (My First, Extra Mini, Extra Mini Mini)
✓ Barbie Dream Besties
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
Coleção Camilinhas
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
✓ Cyborg Rocks
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants (Hasbro)
Disney Descendants (Mattel)
✓ Disney ily 4EVER
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
✓ The Fresh Dolls
✓ Fulla
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
Groovy Catz
✓ Hairdorables
✓ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
Lollipop Girls
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
✓ Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
Passport Friends
Peppermint Rose
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
Rainbow Brite
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Rose Petal Place
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
✓ Unicorn Academy
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
✓ We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
Zodiac Girlz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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