#rainbow colred photo of a man with disassociate disorder
ilyabelov · 2 years
Update is available
Now I’m located in Brooklyn, and translated myself to English.
Student, focused on math and physics, but I’m interested in everything. Doing research in modelling N-body problem.
Musical tastes are blurred: jazz, classics, rock, alternative is my favourites, but I listen a lot of other stuff.
Trying making music, but it still sounds cringy.
Really love architecture and art, sometimes working as UX designer.
Weak and unmotivated, unsocial, and you know, bad person to have a relationship with. So I have a couple of friends, and lonely. Not gay if someone interested in.
I don’t want to live, but to lazy and indecisive to kill myself.
Maybe I’ll die a little bit later.
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