#railways jobs 2021
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spreejobs · 2 years ago
Registered Nurse - Dental OPD Job vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Registered Nurse - Dental OPD Job vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Registered Nurse – Dental OPD Job vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates JOB DESCRIPTION Manages patients care in allocated area ensuring good standard of care provided. RESPONSIBILITIES Assists specialists / consultants in the specific procedures done of the Dental OPD. 3.2 Performs the initial assessment of the patients 3.3 Performs nursing procedures with attention to accuracy,…
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uniquejobs · 2 years ago
Indian Railway Recruitments 2023 | 1000+Vacancy | Last Date - 22 / 06 / 2023
Indian Railway Recruitments 2023 | 1800+Vacancy | Last Date – 22 / 06 / 2023 Organization Name : South East Central Railway South East Central Railway (SECR) is going to hire suitable candidates to fill up the 1000 + vacancies in Raipur Division & Wagon Repair Shop/ Raipur of SECR. They are announced the open advertisement for engagement for Act Apprenticeship under Apprentices Act 1961.…
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joezworld · 4 months ago
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Hey everyone seems real sad for some reason. Could not imagine why.
Anyways if you squint real hard you may notice a similarity to Thomas and the Jet Engine. That is intentional.
You can also squint and notice some similarity to several Traintober prompts. That is intentional.
Also, if you notice any similarity to any of SiF's character names... that's right! That is intentional. I did that and it's on purpose and I'm making fun of them. If you're from SiF either recognize that it was a dumb name or die mad about it.
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Pip and Emma at The Top
2021 - The Summer
It was the longest summer since the last one. There weren’t any tourists - obviously - but even the inter-island traffic had died down considerably. The government on the mainland was skittishly enacting and then subsequently revoking plans to allow gatherings again, and the people of Sodor were prudently trying to keep the Island’s activities out of London’s sphere of notice. 
As events were curtailed and people limited their own travel, the railway cut back on services, as they’d done several times before. Pip and Emma were the first to be relegated to the yards; while they could run a much shorter train - and often did - a shortage-related spike in the price of diesel fuel meant that it was more economical for James or Henry to take the two diesels' trains instead. 
Henry had tried to make sense of how the economics on that worked out, but numbers were not his strong suit, and so he instead passed along his sympathies every time he passed the twins in the yard. 
James (and no-one else) thought that he was being rather magnanimous by not endlessly laughing about how he was cheaper to run than a diesel. Several cutting responses had been prepared if he ever got too full of himself, but shockingly he’d kept the snickering to a bare minimum. 
As the days stretched on into a week, and then two, a bigger problem soon began to present itself:
“I’m bored, Pip!”
“Me too!” 
Pip and Emma were getting restless.
And they were more than willing to make that everyone else’s problem. 
A few days later, and the diesels were overjoyed when an inspector came to them with instructions to report to the works. 
Equally overjoyed were the engines in the big shed. 
Pip and Emma arrived at the works in a right state, having been held up by trackwork along the main line. 
“Two hours! Can you believe it Emma?”
“I don’t like running light engine, they can push us around too much.”
“Right? We’re express engines, not a train of old rubbish!” “I think they prioritized the rubbish train over us, if that smell at Kellsthorpe Road was anything to go by.”
Mr. Tedfield, the Works Manager, eventually arrived, bringing an end to their complaining. “Right you two. Seems like we’ve got some work for you.”
“Here?” They chorused. 
“No,” he said quickly. “But the work is going to be a lot different from your usual job, and we’re gonna have to do some modifications.”
“Oh no,” Pip cried. “It’s going to be buffers, isn’t it?”
“How did you know?” The man was baffled. 
“It’s the only thing it could be, sir.” Emma explained. “That’s what they said on the Eastern Region, back in the 1980’s. ‘Just some little modifications!’ and they came back from Derby with the ugliest buffers ever!” 
“It was a hatchet job!” Pip agreed. “All their lower valances, gone!” 
“Easy, easy!” Mr. Tedfield yelped, not expecting that sort of response. “I’m sure that we can do a better job than that!”
“Promise?” they said in worried unison.
A few days later, and the twins were relieved to discover that the works were as good as their word. Unlike the Eastern Region “hatchet jobs,” they still sported all their bodywork. Holes had been drilled through the lower valances, and buffers, couplings, and air hoses now poked through. The fibreglass was a little rough around the edges, but everyone agreed that it could also look a great deal worse. (Apparently, custom fibreglass was one of the only things the works staff couldn’t do in-house, and there was a concerning amount of murmuring from the staff about how they’d change that.)
Rolling out into the sun for the first time since they were “slightly modified,” they blinked the light from their eyes to find Mr. Tedfield, the Fat Controller, and another man who they didn’t know waiting for them. 
“Well,” Started Mr. Tedfield. “I’m glad to see that our concerns were unfounded.” 
The twins knew he was being diplomatic in front of the Fat Controller. He’d already said “I told you so!” several times earlier in the day. 
He continued. “So now we should probably tell you what we would like you to do!”
“Because somebody forgot to mention it earlier…” The other man muttered under his breath. 
The Fat Controller looked from one man to the other, and shook his head slightly. “Pip, Emma, as I’m sure you’re already aware, we are not going to be running the Express to London anytime soon. So, with that in mind, you two are going to be assigned to mixed traffic work until passenger numbers allow us to put you back into normal service.”
“Mixed traffic work?” They said as one. 
“Oh yes!” The Fat Controller looked quite pleased with himself. “We have quite a lot of cargo traffic coming in through the ports right now, and you two will help take the strain off everyone else.”
The man they didn’t know coughed slightly. 
“Of course, how foolish of me,” The Fat Controller rolled his eyes. “I also recognize that you two have some… special abilities that the other engines lack, namely your high-speed capabilities. With that in mind, Mr. Hargrave, from the coach and wagon department here at the works, has had an idea.”
“Yes, right.” Mr. Hargrave said with pride. “So, back when we first started coming back to work after the lockdowns, the government gave us a whole pile of Levelling-Up money, to “get us back on our feet.”” He paused, bouncing on his heels. “Thing is, we’d already fixed up everything beforehand, because we didn’t want anyone locked away in the works during the end of days with their bits in pieces, so we didn’t have anything to spend it on, but we had to spend it, otherwise they’d take it back!”
“Government logic at its finest…” Mr. Tedfield said under his breath. 
“Ain’t that the truth.” Mr. Hargrave agreed. “So anyways, we decided to just make everything as perfect as we could make it.”
He stopped for a moment, long enough for the Fat Controller to look at him. “Such as…?”
“Hm? Oh! Yes, the container wagons!” He said all at once. “We took all the container wagons that were sitting around idle - and some other stuff besides - and we took them and fitted high speed bogies and bearings to them.”
Pip blinked slowly. “High speed bogies?”
“That’s right! They ride like coaches now.” He said with childlike joy. “And they won’t weigh much more than them either, so it shouldn’t be much trouble for you two. High speed containers, all the way to the mainland!”
Pip looked at him, then at the Fat Controller. “Sir, why are we doing this?”
The Fat Controller looked much more reasoned. “Quite a few companies are willing to pay a premium for their shipments to arrive as quickly as possible. There’s a lot of congestion at the bigger ports in the south, and Liverpool is operating almost at capacity, so we have an opportunity to get some very lucrative traffic.” He smiled knowingly. “And if we play our cards right, some of the companies, like Amazon, might build a few warehouses just across the channel on the mainland, and then we can serve those in perpetuity.” 
The twins slowly digested this. “But sir, will it matter if we can go that fast?” Pip asked. “Once we cross the bridge, we’ve got to deal with Network Rail, and they don’t know anything.”
The Fat Controller looked as pleased as punch. “But you’re not dealing with Network rail.” He said with a satisfied smile. “Our contract for this ‘express freight’ is to get it as far as Barrow-in-Furness. If Freightliner or Colas Rail happen to be tardy after that…” he made a gesture with his hands. “That’s of no importance to us.”
Pip and Emma blinked slowly. “So, you want us to go as fast as we can?” Pip said with an expression that was rapidly passing “gleeful.”
“I do.” The Fat Controller agreed, before walking away.
Across the Island, the trucks and wagons shuddered.
A few weeks later
Pip and Emma fit in surprisingly well on goods trains, and could soon be found on everything from trundling pickup goods to the Flying Kipper. The Works really had made every truck as “perfect” as they could make them, and so every train, regardless of what it was or who was pulling it, was rolling on new bearings and freshly-trued wheels. Bear, BoCo, James, and Henry claimed it was some of the easiest work they’d ever had, and even the trucks agreed with them!
Pip and Emma, however, were mostly focused on one thing: speed. They’d been promised the ability to go as fast as they liked, but there was a significant obstacle to it:
“Oh come on! How long can it take to re-lay one set of points!”
The Permanent Way and Signaling departments had also received a great deal of this “use it or lose it” government funding, and were furiously working to replace, re-lay, and re-wire seemingly the entire island. 
Fortunately for the twins, the work was almost at an end, and as the summer began to wane, they soon found that more and more of the line was back up to full capacity. Shortly thereafter, the “Container Express” was a regularly scheduled train on the main line, running twice a day between Tidmouth Harbour and the yard in Barrow. Keen-eyed observers of the timetable would note that it was the exact same pair of slots previously occupied by the Wild Nor’Wester, which had last run in March of 2020. 
The Fat Controller promised anyone who asked him that it was absolutely a temporary measure, and most believed him, save for one group in particular…
“Lads,” A voice murmured in the container yard one morning. “I think this is forever… ‘s our purgatory for whatever it is we’ve done to the engines.”
“Nah, this ain’t purgatory,” whispered another, as a two-toned horn blasted in the distance. 
“Hi everyone!” “Ready for the trip?”
“This is hell. We’re in hell.”
A few days later - Barrow
The lift bridge over the Walney Channel operated very differently than it did pre-COVID. A train would arrive at the Vicarstown side of the bridge, then it would lower. It would stay down while the engines were turned round, or were uncoupled from their train and connected to a new one. Then the train would leave, and the bridge would go back up. 
This happened two to four times a day, now that the lockdowns had lessened, but there was one constant - the same train that left the island would be the one to return to it. 
Then, one evening in the late summer, the bridge rolled down for a train coming from the mainland. 
There was a very familiar two-toned honk-honk as it rolled over the bridge and onto the Island, wheels click-clacking across the bridge joints in great numbers. 
The rear power car vanished with a roar of sound and a whoosh of diesel exhaust, and then the train was gone into the distance. 
The bridge slowly cycled back up. There was a new train on the Island of Sodor. 
The next morning 
Pip and Emma woke up much later than usual - the main line was undergoing its final “track geometry inspection”, and freight services had been curtailed for most of the day to allow the inspection to be done as quickly as possible. 
Eventually, they were rolled out of the diesel shed mostly on BoCo’s urging, (“You two are not allowed to get bored in here.”) and made their way to the platforms of the big station. 
“Oh, this is weird!” Pip exclaimed as she backed down onto a set of coaches. She and Emma had been coupled back-to-back for over a month now, and it seemed like nobody was in a hurry to position them “normally” for a short run down to Suddery and back. 
“Not as weird as your- oh my goodness it’s you two.” James started his sentence with a considerable amount of venom, but squeaked halfway through his sentence before stopping altogether. 
“What was that?” They both looked at him funny. 
“Nothing!” He said quickly. “Nothing at all. I, um, I thought that you were somebody else!” 
He vanished as though by magic, and neither Pip, Emma, nor the coaches had any idea of what to say until the guard waved his flag. 
Making their way down the line, they encountered several other engines, each of whom gave them some kind of funny look. As they headed down Edward’s branch line, it was all they could talk about.
“Maybe it’s just how strange we look back-to-back?”
“It can’t be, Pip! You saw how Edward looked! I think he was actually upset!”
“Goodness, I hope it wasn’t anything we did.”
“I don’t think so. They all seemed to stop once they saw us.”
“I just had a thought.”
“Who looks like us, but can make everyone hate them in no time flat?”
“Oh no!”
Later, they arrived back at Wellsworth station with the return service. The train terminated here, instead of returning to the big station, so once the passengers had disembarked, they had to shunt the coaches out of the way. It was somewhat novel for them, and Pip took great joy in being shown how a shunter’s pole worked. Emma, on the other buffer, was busy eavesdropping; Edward was getting ready to bank Bear’s goods train up Gordon’s Hill, and he was fuming about something to the stationmaster. 
“-that damn banana shows its face here again I will show them what for!” he hissed sternly, before puffing away in a huff.
The stationmaster didn’t say anything that Emma could hear, but he seemed to look very intently at the signals outside the station. There was one signal set for an arriving train. 
Emma didn’t like that, it felt very ominous. “Pip, look sharp. I think we’re going to have trouble soon.”
Pip didn’t have time to respond, because at that instant, the two-tone horn of an HST rang out in the near distance. The rails hummed with the noise of an approaching train, and a 5-coach HST set pulled into the station. 
The train was safety-yellow, and bristled with cameras, sensors, lasers, and measurement equipment of all kinds. Large “NETWORK RAIL” logos were plastered on every coach and both power cars, right next to the words “NEW MEASUREMENT TRAIN.”
 It was glossy. It was shiny. It was freshly washed. 
“Oh, must we dawdle around this dump? I know what sort of conditions this lot keeps!”
It was rude. 
“Will you stop already? I would like to not be thrown off this island, thanks.” 
Well, half of it was. 
Pip closed her eyes to steady herself. Emma ground her teeth audibly. Of course it was them. 
Quickly, quietly, they tried to reverse out of sight, but the camera-studded train saw all, and criticised everything. 
“Oh I say!” The lead power car laughed mockingly. “I thought those rumours were wrong but look at that! You two really have been demoted to common shunters!”
“Hi Pip. Hi Emma.” The rear power car said, utterly defeated. 
“Hi John,” They chorused, equally displeased. “Hi, Obs-”
“Do not use that name!” The lead power car snapped brusquely. On his side there was a big brass nameplate that read “The Railway Observer.” “Use my real name.”
“Not this again…” The rear power car moaned. He had “John Armitt” bolted to his side. “I know that you think it sounds better but I promise you it isn’t-”
“I’m sorry,” The lead power car snapped. “But are you undermining me in front of outsiders?”
“They’re our sisters, you numpty.”
“And they shall refer to me by the name of my choice!” 
“It’s a stupid name!” 
“It’s a regal name!” 
Pip and Emma observed the bickering train with muted resignation. “Why couldn’t he have been at Ladbroke Grove?” Pip said to nobody in particular. “Would’ve done the world a favour.”
Emma just wanted to get this over with. The coaches had been safely shunted away, so it was just a matter of getting out of the yard - then they could go down to Tidmouth and get their next train. “And what name would you like us to call you?” She said eventually. 
The lead power car puffed himself up like a self-important cockatoo. “I,” He proclaimed regally. “Am Murgatroyd. It is a noble name, with a rich history, and-” 
Pip almost swallowed her own tongue from the sudden outburst of laughter, while Emma couldn’t even bring herself to look at him. “Oh my god, that is the worst name I have ever heard of,” She said, barely audible over Pip’s gale-force guffaws. “Why would you do that to yourself? Why would you do that to us?” 
Murgatroyd turned red with indignation (which, thanks to his yellow paint, was actually a shade of orange) and started shouting. “How dare you, you- you- you low-class harlot! This is a regal name, chosen to signify-”
“How much of a pretentious twat you are?” John scoffed from the other end of the NMT. “Usually people can tell when you talk.”
The retort that followed was unprintable, and a vicious three-way argument soon struck up, lasting until Pip and Emma left Wellsworth for the harbour at Tidmouth. 
The New Measurement Train left a few minutes after that, an argument trailing in its wake. The yard was silent after that.
BoCo, who had been trying to nap in the shed, looked around the yard. “I don’t think anyone will believe me…” he said to himself. 
At the harbour’s intermodal yard, Pip and Emma found their train already waiting for them… although it was slightly different from usual.
Fifteen container trucks sat mostly empty, with just a few loaded ones up at the front. Ahead of those were two low-loaders, one empty, the other… not. 
“Finally!” Thomas the Tank Engine groused from atop the front low-loader. “It’s been ages!” 
“It’s been two hours.” The low-loader rolled his eyes. “We left at 11:00. It’s barely past one.”
“Well, who asked you?!” 
Pip and Emma were surprised, to say the least. “What’s he doing here?” They asked the yard supervisor. “Can we take him on this train?”
“As a matter of fact,” He consulted his clipboard. “You can. I spoke to the works, and they’ve “improved” some of the flatcars with the high speed bogies they had left over. Should be fine.”
“Should be?” 
“That’s what they said.” He shrugged, flipping through the clipboard to a printout of an email. “They put it in writing.” 
Pip had to squint to see the small text. “I don’t like that they put “It should be fine!” on an official email…”
Behind her, Emma rolled her eyes, in the process noticing something above them. “Wait, what’s that?” 
The supervisor looked up. “Oh, that’s a jet engine for an airplane. Rolls Royce rebuilds them down in Derby.”
“Why is it here? This isn’t the airport.”
“Airport’s closed for a few days because they lost their electric transformer - surprised you didn’t ‘ear about it. Rolls didn’t wanna wait, and we’re quicker than a lorry it seems.” The man smiled at the last part. Everyone in the freight division was very pleased that this “hare-brained, half-baked, absolutely ridiculous” concept (as some “industry observers” had remarked) was proving successful.  
Emma watched as the jet engine was craned onto a flatcar behind Thomas. “Oh great!” He scoffed as it was chained down to the car. “Not only am I getting shuttled around this Island like a piece of lost mail, but now it’s air mail at that?”
“Oh shush!” Pip said, somewhat bemused by the whole situation. “We’ll get you to Barrow double quick!”
“Barrow?! I’m going to the works!” Thomas was irate. 
“If you ever listened,” The low-loader started. “You’d know that they don’t stop there, so we’re going to Barrow, and then back to Crovan’s on the pick-up goods.”
“Oh! Wonderful! I am a lost parcel! This is all Toby’s fault, the square-”
“Thomas,” Emma cut him off kindly. “It’ll be fine. Think about it this way - you can say that you went there on the Express! Won’t that be fun?”
“I’ve been on the express before…” Thomas said darkly.
“See? Then you know how fun it is!” 
Thomas looked like he wanted to say something else, but before he could, the shunters allowed Pip and Emma to back down onto the train, and connected the coupling chains and air hoses. 
Emma winked at him reassuringly, something which he felt was only unintentionally patronizing.
And then the train set off for the mainland. 
Leaving the port was a slow affair - the container yard was off to one side, and they had to dodge Marina and Salty as they shunted cars into the bulk terminals by the yard throat. There were a lot of low-speed switches to navigate as well, and the train rocked from side to side as they crossed over. Thomas thought about saying he was getting seasick, but chose not to tempt fate after the seventh such switch made him actually feel a little nauseous. 
After reaching the end of the harbour tracks, they came to a complete stop, and waited for several trains to leave the big station. 
First came Gordon, who stormed out of the station canopy with the mid-day semi-fast behind him. His expression was thunderous, as were his clouds of smoke and steam. He passed by with a roar and a clatter and vanished into the tunnel towards Knapford. 
Edward was a few minutes behind, with a train of ballast from the Little Western. The expression on his face was neutral, almost intentionally so - a clear sign to anyone that knew him that he was blisteringly furious. 
“Oh no…” Emma sighed. 
“What?” Thomas asked, watching Edward’s brake van disappear into the tunnel. 
“Not what, who.” She said, resigned. “And you’ll find out soon enough.”
Up front, Pip grit her teeth and waited. 
She didn’t have to wait long - another minute, and an unusual signal dropped into place: an up-bound train cleared for the down slow line. A very familiar two-note honk-honk sounded from inside the station, and then Murgatroyd appeared, a self-satisfied sneer on his face. 
He roared out of the station, New Measurement Train shining brightly behind him, John on the tail end calling apologies to someone. It would have been a rather splendid sight, had there not been a massive cloud of sooty clag hovering over the station entrance, and trailing in his wake. 
Pip smirked with a hint of schadenfreude - John wasn’t trailing any sooty exhaust smoke, and five empty coaches were not that heavy, so somebody was ignoring his fitters it seemed…
She would have been content to sit there smugly, her well-tuned engine firing cleanly on all cylinders saying more than she ever could with words, but naturally Murgatroyd had to make things worse. 
“Oh good god!” He bellowed in mean-spirited mirth, his mouth twisting into a cheshire-cat smile. “Look at that! They really are Valenta freighters now! And they’re slumming it with a tea kettle! I thought that I had seen it all!” 
He vanished out of sight before he could say anything else, the coaches streaming by in a yellow blur. 
Pip could just see her reflection in the passing windows - they moved so fast it looked like a solid mirror - and it was not a pretty sight. 
Emma, who’d heard everything, reckoned that if he’d gone on for one more sentence, her sister would be spitting fire and roaring loud enough to be heard in Cornwall. 
Thomas, who had said worse to Toby and Daisy just this morning, suddenly felt a great sense of unease…
A few tense minutes later, and the signal finally raised, giving the train access to the main line. Pip set off with a roar, Emma reluctantly following her lead through the multiple unit connection. Thomas choked and spluttered from the wave of hot exhaust gases going right into his face, and barely noticed as the train rocked and rolled onto the Up Fast line. 
Blinking and tearing up, his vision finally cleared just in time to see Pip’s cab roof disappear into the darkness of the tunnel to Knapford. It was much closer than it usually was, and with the train rapidly increasing in speed, Thomas yelped as it cleared his funnel by mere inches. “YIKES!”
Emma laughed, eyes shining in the darkness, and Thomas knew that the sooner he got off this train, the better!
After that, for a little while, the trip continued smoothly. Knapford, Crosby, and Wellsworth stations all slid past without issue. Traffic was extremely light, and they didn’t pass any down-bound trains in the entire period. In fact, if it weren’t for the occasional blot of Gordon’s smoke on the horizon, it would have seemed that they had the entire main line to themselves. 
It was just past Maron station when the trouble began. 
As they crested Gordon’s hill, the first signal past the summit had fallen to “approach” almost as they passed it, and some quick shouting at “control” on the radio had revealed that the last of the permanent way crews were taking longer than usual to clear the main line near Kellsthorpe Road station. 
This meant that Pip and Emma were practically at a crawl as they reached Maron, and the train eased to a stop at the signal bridge just past the platforms. 
Pip, still hot under the buffers from her encounter with Murgatroyd, was not exactly thrilled at the idea of “dawdling” in stations, and audibly fussed as they came to a halt.
Her poor temper didn’t help her train handling skills any, and the train lurched inelegantly to a halt, causing the slack in the couplings to run in, and the entire train banged against her and Emma. 
There was much shouting and complaining from the trucks and Thomas at this, and Pip growled menacingly.  
“Oh, well.” Emma said quickly, trying to put a positive spin on things. “At least it’s a nice day out-”
Before she could even say anything, the signals rose to the “approach slow, expect stop” aspect. This meant that they were getting moved forward exactly one signal block, to the Cronk home signals near the Hawin Ab Viaduct. 
“Oh come on!” Emma cried in frustration. 
It was abundantly clear what was happening now: they were going to be yo-yo-ed up and down the main line. Yo-yo-ing was what happened when a fast train was stuck behind a slow one, and had to constantly stop at each signal and wait for it to clear. It was hard on an engine’s brakes, worse on their buffers and couplings, and worst of all, was annoying as sin. This was exactly the sort of constant, low-grade irritation that she (and Pip) did not need right now.
Pip’s driver was entirely unaware of this, though, and so he increased the throttle and watched with some bemusement as Pip let her engine furiously rev all the way to the top of the tachometer right from the jump. 
She and Emma lurched forwards, and the entire train crashed into motion, each car yanking the one behind it as they all set off. 
Thomas rocked back and forth against his tie-down chains. “Careful!” he shouted. 
“Shut up!” Pip and Emma scowled. 
Thomas frowned, ready to give them a piece of his mind. 
“It’s no use,” tThe low-loader sighed. “They’re in a strop right now - best you can do is make them forget that you’re here, til they calm down.”
“When will that happen?” 
“That, lad, is something that the smartest trucks in all the land have been searching for an answer to for many years.”
To add insult to perceived injury, Pip’s driver didn’t bother accelerating to any real speed, since they were only going one signal down the line. Pip and Emma stewed in their own irritation at twenty-five miles an hour as they rolled up the line towards the next signal. There was very little that could be done to make them more upset, but of course when there’s a will, (and a Murgatroyd) there’s a way.
“Oh, no…” John murmured to himself. 
The New Measurement Train had been caught at a signal for almost thirty minutes, as the Island’s P-Way team cleared out in front of them. The positioning of this particular signal was not ideal, as it left the tail of the train caught on the exposed tracks of a windy viaduct. Furthermore, the signal, like all signals on Sodor, was a relatively vintage semaphore design that still used colored filters over a white light. He knew this from experience, having been all over this island for the last day, however he was hearing all of it now because his royal Murgitude had been griping and whinging about it literally since the moment they stopped. 
And now, look at who was coming up to the signals on the fast line… 
“Hi Pip, Hi Emma,.” he said weakly. 
He almost wanted to tell them to stop further back, and be near him - away from the irritating mass at the front of the train - but looking at Pip’s enraged visage gave him pause. He stilled his tongue, and let them roll up to the signal mast next to Murg.
Judging from the way that the train screeched and bashed to a halt, Emma wasn’t happy either. A smart engine (or one with a functioning self-preservation instinct) would have kept quiet at that stage, however Murgatroyd was neither self-preserving nor intelligent, and John could hear his mocking tone from five coaches back. 
Pip said nothing, and at first neither did Emma, but as Moron-a-troyd went on and on and on, John could feel a shift in the container wagons next to him. It was almost like they were cringing, trying to keep themselves as far away from whatever was about to happen next. 
Finally, he could take the suspense no more. “Is it bad?” he asked the nearest truck. 
“SHUT UP. I AM TIRED OF HEARING YOU SPEAK,” Emma bellowed, loud enough to be heard clearly at the other end of the train. 
“It’s awful bad,” the truck whispered. “You can tell he’s never dealt with real engines before. One of us acts like that and we’d be the next Scruffey within a month!”
John didn’t know who “Scruffey” was, but he understood the sentiment regardless. 
Silence reigned after that… for all of ten seconds, before Murgatroyd said something about “decorum” that set off a screaming row between all three of them. 
It was bad enough that the Network Rail crew inside the coaches started making a fuss on the radio, and within a minute, the container train roared away, leaving the New Measurement Train in windy silence yet again. 
After a few short seconds, John felt a “poke” over the multiple unit connection. Clearly Murgatroyd wanted to say something. 
“Well,” he said, voice warbling from some damage in the connection that John hadn’t ever told anyone about. “I think they said their piece didn’t they? I tell you what John-old-boy, but this island produces some of the worst examples of engine-kind that I have ever seen. I think that one was breathing fire!”
At Cronk station, Pip and Emma were idling so loud and so roughly that the stationmaster radioed the crew to ask if something was wrong. 
“That damned flying banana got them in a state, that’s what’s wrong,” The driver snapped over the radio. That awful measurement train had been nothing but problems since it showed up on the island, and he was willing to do anything to see them gone. Heck, if it wasn’t likely to make his engines even angrier, he’d give that train his path to the mainland, just so it’d be gone faster. 
What they really needed was a good fast run, to get them back into their usual state, but with the P-Way team taking their sweet bloody time of it, it didn’t seem likely. 
“If they keep going like this, they’re going to burst a manifold somewhere,” the guard poked his head into the cab. “We’ve got to calm them down.”
“I would love to see you try!” the driver retorted. “They’re not gonna stop until they’re good and ready.”
“I can hear you, you know!” Pip huffed. 
“And? Are you going to calm down?” 
A slow growl that shook the entire cab was his only answer. 
“Go put the radio on,” he said to the wide-eyed guard. “They need something to keep their minds occupied.”
“Radio? Like, to control?”
“No, you nit! Like the radio radio! With music! There’s a circuit breaker on the electrical panel. Bottom row.”
Confused, the guard retreated from the cab and made his way to Pip’s electrical cabinet. Opening up the “low voltage” door, he traced his finger down the rows of breakers until he found what should have been immediately obvious: a handwritten label on some sellotape next to the last of the breakers. It said “TUNES” in shaky handwriting, and was one of the only ones not turned on. Hesitantly, he reached out and switched it on. 
“-and that was “No Diggity,” by Blackstreet, here on ManxPirate, the eternally annoying voice of the Sudrian Sea. Catch our sound wherever you are, on 107.9 FM, 927 AM, 13.68 Shortwave, DAB, DAB+, and online at ManxPirate.co.im. 
“Oh come on!” Pip groused. “Now they’re gonna do the adverts! This isn’t any better than listening to the moron!”
“And now that brings us up to about five minutes til’ the top of the hour, so we’re gonna run some adverts so we can keep the lights on. We’ll see ya on the flipside with DJ Geordie Poppers, who’s gonna run a very special block of music for us, right here on ManxPirate.”
“How often do they listen to this?” the guard asked with some astonishment. 
“Too much, if I had any say in it…” the driver mumbled.
“Are you tired of your washing up smelling like mildew? Are you sick of having to pull down the drying lines at the first sign of rain? Then the new automatic clothes dryers at B&Q are just for you…”
The radio continued on with an inane advertisement about tumble dryers, and the driver put his head in his hands. “We’ve just got to make it to a song… I hope.”
Pip and Emma continued to stew in their own irritation. 
Far away, at Kellsthorpe Road station, the last of the P-Way Gang hauled their equipment off of the line, sharing a celebratory high-five as they did so. There was due cause for celebration: once the NMT traveled over this section of line, their yearslong work of relaying the entire main line would be finally over. In the station’s car park, a champagne bottle was popped, and the foreman revealed that he’d brought real crystal stemware for the occasion, instead of plastic.    
Presently, a radio handset buzzed. “Is that the lot of you off, then?” 
It was Control, sounding less than pleased with the delay… 
At Cronk, the signals for the down slow line rose into the “all clear” position, while the up fast signals remained red. 
Pip ground her teeth noisily. 
The radio continued to play adverts.
Thomas was growing increasingly fearful of the look on Emma’s face. 
A few minutes later, as an insufferably bad advertisement about comparing your car insurance provider finally faded out, a two tone honk-honk sounded behind them, and the New Measurement Train roared past in a cloud of exhaust and dust. Pip and Emma didn’t say anything, or even look in the general direction, but the raucous laughter that trailed in its wake said enough. 
Mercifully, the radio had begun playing something else. “All right then, got those ads out of the way. So what’s up listeners? It’s DJ Geordie Poppers in the hooo-use, coming to you LIVE from our studios on the ever so beautiful radio ship Tharos out here in the Sudrian Sea. We’ve got a very special bit of music for you coming up now in the upcoming hour - it’s a rare daylight sighting of our After-Dark Eurobeat Power Hour! I’m gonna be spinning some CDs and MP3s with the most pulse-pounding beats this side of Mount Akina - so if you’re driving right now, sorry about this.”
As John got smaller and smaller in the distance, the music began to fade in, very gradually. 
“And a bit of housekeeping here - we’ve heard from the artist and they’ve had a bit of a name change. Out goes Ken, and in comes Kendra. This is the extended version of “The Top,” by  Ken (short for Kendra) Blast.”
Slowly, a piano track began to fill in. 
Pip raised an eyebrow, irritation momentarily sidetracked. “Is this really the Eurobeat block, Emma?”
“I think it is,” she said, starting to go along with the intro.  
Thomas, who couldn’t hear Pip or the radio, had no idea what she was talking about. He didn’t like the look on her face. 
The trucks didn’t either. 
“Lads,” the lead container wagon said with gravitas. “We may not make it through today unchanged. It has been an honor serving with you.”
“What?” The low loader that carried the jet engine coughed as the container wagons murmured about honor. He was relatively new, and this was not how he expected his day to be going.
“Laddie,” Thomas’ low loader said gravely, understanding at once what was about to happen. “You’re about to experience something that you’ve never been through before. I’d recommend preparing yourself.”
“What?!” Thomas yelped. 
Back in Tidmouth, the people in “Control” were staring at the “big board.” For weeks now, the section of line near Kellsthorpe road had been a mess of green, yellow, and red lights, as the P-Way gang slowly finished the banked curve on the station’s east end. Trains, represented by little markers on the computer screen, waited for a free path, oftentimes with large delays, which showed up in flashing red and white boxes. 
Now, though, their frustration was finally at an end. The last of the yellow was disappearing, section by section, as the P-Way gang reported that they were clear. Three of the four lines were bright red - clear but with no train signaled through - while the down slow line was a green and yellow stripe. It was getting shorter and shorter, as the little marker labeled 1Q01 moved steadily eastward. That was the New Measurement Train, finishing its final pass of the system.  
Behind it, with the box flashing red and white from the delay, was 1B07 - the “Container Express,” already twenty minutes late. More trains were lined up behind it and the NMT, and others were queuing in a line that started at Kellsthorpe Road and went all the way to the mainland. 
The yellow segments were almost entirely gone, with just one signal block outside of Kellsthorpe Road left. 
There was a five minute safety delay coded into the signal control computers, specifically for when crews were working on the line. 
It had been four minutes and fifty six seconds since they’d reported that they were clear. 
Four minutes and fifty seven seconds.
Four minutes and fifty eight.
Four minutes and fifty nine. 
The signal in front of Pip raised with a clonk. 
There was still a slight haze to the air from Murgatroyd’s exhaust. In the distance, the plume of sooty white smoke he was making stood out against the clear blue sky like a signal fire. 
“Emma?” Anyone with sense would recognize the danger in her tone.
“Yeah?” Unfortunately for everyone else on the train, they couldn’t do anything about it.
“I think we should catch him.”
“I think you’re right.”
In the cab, the driver looked nervously at the rev counter, which had started to climb rapidly. 
“Here goes nuthin’,” he said quietly to himself, before advancing the throttle.
The music, which had been slowly building over the last twenty seconds or so, abruptly kicked into a high gear, with a frenetic electronic beat that belted along at 160 beats per minute. 
White exhaust belched from the twins’ exhaust, before quickly turning black under the load. Their engines ramped up to an ear-piercing howl, obliterating any sense of quiet at Cronk station.
Thomas once again got a face full of noxious choking clag, and his eyes watered while his hearing was momentarily deafened by the noise of it all. 
The train began to pick up speed, and the container wagons groaned in fatalistic anticipation. “It’s all downhill from here!” one of them shouted. 
“What?” Thomas hacked from inside the cloud. He couldn’t see anything, and his hearing was ringing like a church bell. 
In front, Pip could feel the unrelenting wave of horsepower and diesel surging through her system. She laughed joyously, with Emma soon joining in. 
To everyone else, it seemed somewhat maniacal. 
🎶 Final lap I'm on top of the world
And I will never rest for second again!
One more time I have beaten them out
The scent of gasoline announces the end! 🎶
The train vanished from sight, on its way towards Killdane. The stationmaster poked his head out of the station door. 
“There goes trouble…”
The New Measurement Train rolled through Killdane with fleetfooted ease. The rails were clear and the light train was aided by the downhill gradient. From his position on the rear, John felt like the entire consist was weightless, with barely any effort required to keep the train at speed. 
“You think we should go any faster?” he called up the multiple unit connection to Murg. They usually ran at well over 120, but today they’d barely crested 90. 
There was a cough over the connection. “Oh, not today. We’re still the fastest train on this backwards island!” 
Ah yes. A sudden excuse. Surely that was completely unrelated to the plume of smoke trailing in their wake. 
“So, how’s cylinder four feeling today?”
“Shut up.”
John smiled pettily to himself. 
In the distance, Killdane got smaller and smaller. A small dot of yellow could just be seen…
🎶 They all said I'd best give it up
What a fool to believe their lies!
Now they've fallen and I'm at the top
Are you ready now to die-ie-ie?! 🎶
At Killdane, the sounds of the NMT had scarcely faded before the sound of howling diesel engines filled the air. Heads turned to the east just in time to see Pip and Emma hammering around the curve into the station at full throttle. 
The curve was banked, but not nearly as steeply as the ones to the west, and there was a piercing screeeeeech of steel on steel as the train whipped past. 
“Slowdownslowdownslowdownslowdownslowdown!” There was also a piercing screech coming from the train’s cargo, as Thomas the Tank Engine felt himself rock back and forth atop the low loader. It really did feel like he was going to fall off! 
Pip had a very determined look on her face, eyes focused well into the distance, but those who saw Emma in the brief moment she was in view noted an almost demented smile on her face. She was laughing. 
All this happened in just a moment, and then the train was gone, roaring off into the distance at just below the line speed limit. The wind from the train’s passage rattled a lineside sign. It was a white circle with several thin diagonal slashes through it. 
It was an “end of speed limit” sign.
🎶 I came up from the bottom
And into the top
For the first time I feel alive
I can fly like an eagle
And strike like a hawk
Do you think you can survive... the top?🎶
John noticed that the small yellow dot in the distance was getting bigger. Squinting, he couldn’t quite see what it was. 
Whatever it was, it was slowly gaining on them.
Hang on…He thought. 
The cameras that were blanketing his sides were supposed to be recording the lineside for defects, but nobody ever cared about the “going away” view. Very quietly, he “looked” through the lens mounted just above his eyes. It had a nice zoom, and could see much further than he could. 
What he saw made him blink and look again. Then a third time. Then a fourth. After looking for a fifth and final time. He finally wrapped his mind around what exactly he was seeing. 
“Hey Murg?” he said innocently. 
“Yes? What is it?” Murg sounded far more irritated than he should be. 
“Think you can get us into the triple digits? Some of the boffins are worried about their readings not being calibrated right.”
“Oh damn them all.” Murg cut the connection with a pained cough. John had a distinct feeling that the Infallible and Most Invulnerable King Murgatroyd was hiding exactly how bad cylinder four really was from everyone, lest he be seen as “weak” or “mortal” by his inferiors. 
Well, he thought to himself with a hint of smugness as the train slowly began to increase speed. If he wants to play the perfect king, he’ll have to deal with the locals.  
Behind them, Pip and Emma continued to get closer and closer…
James and his coaches had been waiting on the dratted P-Way gangers for over half an hour at Kellsthorpe Road, and set off with a will when the signal changed. 
Of course, the signaling was all out of sorts, and he was running “wrong main” on the Up Slow line, but he didn’t much care. There wasn’t anyone in front of him, and was making “good” time on his way to Killdane. “Maybe we’ll still make it to Tidmouth before tomorrow!” he joked to his driver, who had long since given up on making light of the situation. 
They leaned into the curve heading towards Killdane, and that awful banana of a measurement train streaked by in the other direction. James whistled derisively at it out of reflex more than anything else, and was quietly grateful that the unpleasant train had nothing to say in return. 
In the distance, a giddy-sounding honk-honk drew his attention back to the line ahead, and he had just enough time to make out something streaking on the next line over before something-
Honk-Honk! Honk-Honk!
-ripped past them with a honk, a roar, and a scream.
“What was that?!” He yelped as the wind buffeted him. 
“I think that was Pip and Emma!” his driver said, looking backward. “With a container train!”
🎶 One more turn and I'll settle the score
A rubber fire screams into the night
Crash and burn is what you're gonna do
I am the master of the asphalt fight 🎶
John watched as Pip and Emma got closer and closer. In a macabre way, he felt giddy about it. At their current speed, they were going to eat Murgatroyd for lunch and still have room for tea afterwards. 
He had been paying such close attention to the rapidly-closing distance between the two trains that he completely missed the start of the banked curve until he was leaning into it. The rails bent underneath him and the ties whipped past at an odd angle as the whole world tilted a few degrees. They weren’t going slow, by any means, but the sensitive equipment in the coaches (and his years of experience) told him that they could have been going much faster. 
“Oh Murg… you might want to speed up…” he sing-songed. “They’re gaining on us…”
“Who’s gaining on us? What?!” Murgatroyd was oblivious, as was his wont. 
John wanted to say something else, but his voice failed him as he watched the container train, with low-loaders on the front, rocket through the curve at speeds that he didn’t even want to contemplate. 
A train passed on one of the other lines, and he watched the smoke from its stack get whipped and roiled by air currents of the two trains passing each other. 
Seconds later, Pip and Emma passed the train, streaking through the remaining smoke, and the force of their passage tore the cloud to ribbons. 
🎶They all said I'd best give it up
What a fool, to believe their lie-ie-ies!
Now they've fallen, I'm at the top
Are you ready now to die-ie-ie?🎶
Pip was high on speed, and she was loving every second of it. 
Emma was right behind her, literally and metaphorically; the sensation of pure motion and velocity was coursing through their systems like a drug. 
In front of them, so close one could almost reach out and touch it, was the New Measurement Train. John was watching with restrained giddiness as they started to draw abreast of him. He said something, but the wind whipping by erased all sound. There was just speed, and that was more than enough. 
Slowly, they pulled even with the coaches, and with each window they passed, another Network Rail employee could be seen looking up in astonishment. 
In Pip’s cab, the driver was holding onto the controls with a white knuckle grip. Officially, he was the driver, he was in control of the train. Realistically, he was nothing more than a rider on a bucking bronco. He surveyed the line ahead, and gulped. 
Behind Pip and Emma, Thomas’s eyes were right in the most turbulent part of the wake that followed the diesels. Air, superheated and filled with grit and soot from twin exhausts, poured into his eyes and swirled around his face. He couldn’t hear, he could barely see. 
Behind him, the wind whipped through the turbine blades of the jet engine on the next low-loader. It had been secured for transport, so the blades didn’t move, but the wind rushing through it created a high-pitched howling noise that simply added to the cacophony. 
Lost in the chaos of the wind and the noise and the exhaust, the container wagons and the low-loaders were holding onto each other for dear life. 
“I’m not designed for thiiiiis!” one of them shrieked. 
“None of us are!” the wagon ahead of him bellowed. “Just keep holding on a little longer!” 
At the head of the NMT, Murgatroyd was trying very hard to ignore the slight off-beat throbbing coming from cylinder four. Something was amiss with it - what it was, he didn’t know for certain. Driver didn’t know either - blasted man hadn’t turned a wrench a day in his life; wouldn’t know the difference between an allen key and the keys to a house! 
Of course there weren’t any fitters on board - “economic savings” kept them at home base - so he just had to deal with it. 
Just so long as the underlings didn’t notice, everything would be fine-
“Oh Murgatroyd…”
“Yes, John?”
“You might want to look around...”
He looked off towards the Up lines, and was rendered momentarily speechless by the sight of Pip smiling wickedly at him. 
“T-that’s not possible,” he said once he found his tongue. “That isn’t possible!” 
🎶 I came up from the bottom
And into the top
For the first time I feel alive!
I can fly like an eagle
And strike like a hawk
Do you think you can survive...
I came up from the bottom
And into the top
For the first time I feel alive!
I can fly like an eagle
And strike like a hawk
Do you think you can survive... the top?🎶
Moments earlier
“So how late do you think we’re going to be?” Percy asked as the train rumbled through Kellsthorpe Road station. 
“Oh,” Henry pondered. “We’re only allowed to do 45, and we’ve got to drop off the aluminium at Killdane, so probably two or three hours if we lose our path at all. Which we will.”
“Thomas is going to be absolutely livid when I get back.” Percy said from atop his low loader. “He was supposed to go in for his new cylinder block today, so if I’m not back, they’re going to have him stay in steam all day.”
“Oh, he won’t be thrilled about that.” Henry chortled. “I swear, he’s the only engine who likes going to the works.” 
“They treat him the same way James treats himself. Of course he likes going there!”
“Hah! I hadn't considered that-oh dear…” Henry trailed off mid-sentence. 
“It appears that we’re about to go down the middle between Pip and Emma, and their favorite siblings.”
“What? The banana? Oh great.”
“Yes, they- oh goodness they’re quick-”
Anything else Henry said was lost to the deafening thunderclap made as the New Measurement Train and the Container Express roared past on the opposing lines. The wind felt like it was going to knock him clean off the rails, and Percy yelped in surprise as debris and exhaust fumes swirled around him like a hurricane. His boiler, a stout construction that could hold hundreds of pounds of pressure, felt like it was flexing and bowing from the vibrations in the air. He watched in open-mouthed shock as Henry’s cab windows were sucked out of their frames from the differential pressure, and were hurled through the air followed by every loose object in the cab, from hats and coats, to papers and even a coal shovel!
Behind and in front of Percy, open wagons of stone, and the coal from Henry’s tender sent huge plumes of dust and debris into the air, swirling and mixing into a funnel cloud that wrapped around the rear of the train. It danced in the tornadic airflow for a few seconds, before dissipating as the trains parted once more. 
The silence afterwards was deafening. 
“DID I LOSE A WINDOW?” Henry asked, almost unable to hear himself speak, as his driver applied the brakes and stopped the train. 
Percy tried to make the ringing in his smokebox cease. Closing his eyes, he suddenly remembered seeing something in the fraction of a second before the world went topsy-turvy. “Wait a tic. Was that Thomas?”
🎶 What were you thinking, telling me to change my game?
This style wasn't going anywhere; it was kaput!
You want to see what I've done with this place; this whole thing?
You want to see that I changed the game?
No, I AM the game!
Before I knew where this was going, I would've listened to you
Right now, I distance myself from what you have to say!
I made this something way bigger than you're ever gonna be
I made it this far; and I'm taking it to the top 🎶
Pip and Emma laughed gaily as they overtook the NMT, and powered on towards Kellsthorpe Road like they weren’t towing several hundred tonnes of freight train behind them. 
Murgatroyd gaped in shock as he was passed by the steam engine they were carrying as cargo. 
The shock quickly turned into outrage, and he felt the red-hot sting of being one-upped surge through his system. His engine began to rev higher, urging the train to move faster damn it. 
“Whoa there,” his driver exclaimed, laying a firm hand on the controls. “We want to make it to the mainland, right?”
“I don’t care!” Murgatroyd ground his teeth, watching as the container wagons slipped past him. “They can’t win!” 
But no matter how he tried, his driver wouldn’t let him speed up. 
He howled and roared impotently as Pip and Emma got further and further ahead. 
On the platforms of Kellsthorpe Road station, several surveyors were getting measurements of the newly-relaid line. 
Looking down the magnified optics of a theodolite, the true character of the railway could be seen. What appeared to be a straight and flat section of line was actually a ribbon of steel that undulated and flowed over the terrain. While certain sections had just been flattened and graded, it was impossible to fully eliminate the contours of the earth without starting from scratch, and so the line rolled with the small hills and invisible valleys instead of cutting right through them.
“Hey, look at that.” One of the other surveyors said from behind an optical level. “You can see the NMT from here.”
“Can you?” asked his coworker, who quickly pointed his theodolite down the line. “I don’t see it.”
“It’s just gone behind the dip. Should be back in a moment.”
He fixed his eyes on the dip in the terrain. It was actually visible to the naked eye, but its height differential - deemed to be “within acceptable limits” - and its presence directly under a road bridge - meant that it had survived the recent track relaying unscathed.  
The surveyors waited for the train to reappear, the optics of their measurement devices making things appear much larger than they really were. 
With that in mind, it was something of a surprise to see an HST appear two tracks over from where the NMT had been. They both looked to that line just in time for the train to crest the hill.
There was a brief moment, no longer than a breath, where both men could see daylight shine underneath the train as all the wheels left the ground.
Pip and Emma hooted and hollered with glee as they roared through the approach to Kellsthorpe Road station. High speed crossovers and the new banked curve meant they didn’t have to check their speed in the slightest as they charged onwards. 
The station came and went in a flash, and they leaned into the new corner at unprecedented speeds. Behind them, Thomas wailed loud enough to be heard over their motors, but they paid him little mind; they didn’t realize - or understand - exactly what he was experiencing. 
Behind them, now far into the distance, the New Measurement Train was just rolling into the station. 
They had won. 
🎶 I came up from the bottom
And into the top
For the first time I feel alive!
I can fly like an eagle
And strike like a hawk
Do you think you can survive...
I came up from the bottom
And into the top
For the first time I feel alive!
I can fly like an eagle
And strike like a hawk
Do you think you can survive... the top? 🎶
Further up the line, Bertie the bus was pulling up to a level crossing, just as the gates went down. 
“That was a great song on the radio, wasn’t it?” he said to his driver, who was thoroughly regretting turning on ManxPirate, thanks very much. “I feel like I should be racing something! Ooh! I know! The next train that comes by, we’ll try and chase it, huh? Just like the old times with Thomas!”
The train passed in just a few seconds. 
The song wound down to a stop, but Pip and Emma continued charging on. 
The guard went so far as to pull the fuse on the radio, hoping that it would calm them down, but they were too far gone to consider dropping their speed until they reached Crovan’s Gate station. There, the speed limit dropped to 90; normally a mild inconvenience, but today it felt like they’d dropped an anchor behind them. 
Still, they continued merrily along through the station as fast as was allowed (much to Thomas’s dismay) and continued east along the line. 
As they cleared the station and began to speed up again, they noticed a cloud of smoke on the horizon. 
There was still one more train they could catch…
Compared to everyone else in this story, Gordon was having a blissfully uneventful day. He’d managed to put that vulgar measurement train almost totally out of his mind, and was making excellent time to the mainland when one considered the workmen-caused delay at Kellsthorpe Road. 
There was a farm lane that crossed the tracks near Henry’s tunnel, and he whistled for it. 
He was most surprised to hear a horn respond to him, and was flabbergasted to see Pip, then Emma, and then Thomas pass him like he was standing still!
“HiGordonByeGordon!” “HiGordonByeGordon!” “GORDON HELP ME!”
The train raced into the tunnel and vanished from sight. 
Gordon could not believe what he had seen!
Eventually, the speed limits dropped, and the four track main line merged into two just after Vicarstown. Rolling over the lift bridge at a sedate twenty miles an hour Pip and Emma finally began to come down off their “runner’s really high.”
“That was great!” Pip gushed. “Just the sort of run we needed to clear everything out, am I right?”
“Uh, Pip?” Emma began to notice the state of Thomas. “I think we miiiiight have overdone this a little.”
Thomas could only whimper in agreement! 
By the time the New Measurement Train rolled into Barrow station some thirty minutes later, Pip, Emma, and Gordon were all trying to console Thomas, to limited success. 
“...Ahem!” Murgatroyd tried to slink into the station totally unnoticed, but John had no compunctions about making sure they were seen. “So, I assume that you two will be conducting all of this railway’s freight services from now on?”
“Oh,” Pip’s smile was very guilty looking as she turned away from the still shell-shocked Thomas. “Yeah. About that…” She swallowed deeply. “I’m… sorry about… y’know. All of that. The overtake.”
“What, me? Overtaken?” Murgatroyd tried and failed to play dumb. Well, a different kind of dumb from usual. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Pip’s smile grew much harder edged, and Gordon took the moment to intercede. “Look, Pip. You don’t owe that any apology of any form.” 
Murgatroyd looked aggrieved. Gordon turned on him next. “And you. You are an uncouth abomination who have done nothing useful at all. Take the apology, cause no more trouble, and find yourself a better attitude elsewhere.”
Murgatroyd puffed himself up with self-righteous fury, and John regretted being an instigator. 
“WELL, I-” He started.
“Oh shut up!” Thomas bellowed. “Stop talking before I come down there and peel you, you great useless banana! Everything that’s happened to me today is all your fault!” 
 Murgatroyd quailed under the impressive amount of vitriol Thomas was spewing, and he left in a chastised burst of soot and clag. John followed in his wake, not sure what, if anything to say. “Bye Pip. Bye Emma.”
Once the NMT had vanished from sight, Pip, Emma, and Gordon turned their attention back to Thomas. 
“Great useless banana?” Gordon raised an eyebrow. 
Thomas didn’t have the energy for a proper comeback, and simply stared at him knowingly. 
“Fine, fine,” Gordon acknowledged the unsaid. “For an off-the-buffer moment after the day you’ve had, it was a fine jab. I’m just glad that you’re beginning to feel more like yourself.” He began to steam off towards the shed. “As such, I’ll be off.”
“Wait!” Thomas called. “Where are you going? Who’s taking me on the pick-up goods?”
“Thomas, I don’t take the pick-up goods,” Gordon called regally. “That’s what we have diesels for. I believe there’s two of them right in front of you!”
Post script: Low-loaders were subsequently banned from Pip and Emma's trains
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phanfictioncatalogue · 4 days ago
Long AU’s (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
A Game of Life (ao3) - Koolhotsweetloveberries
Summary: Daniel Howell, an honorable member of the King's Knighthood, does not expect much from his time at court. All changes when the court jester, Philip Lester, enters.
Based on Dan & Phil's game of life, and Dan & Phil Crafts- Slime.
a night to remember (ao3) - grievingwarwidow
Summary: roxie, who prefers the label exotic performer over stripper, is a star amongst people who are out when the sun goes down. who better for a close-minded phil who has despised what he labels as lowlifes to suddenly obsess over than Roxie himself?
aka the one where phil gets pathetically hung up on dan, better known as roxie and is desperate to get to know him better.
Advent Calendar 2021 (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Phil lives and works in a town in the North called Lylchester. Well, 'works'. He does charitable things in the name of being nice and his (adoptive) parents. Things are fine. Yeah. Fine. Meeting Dan who has strong opinions about peculiar things shakes up Phil's life and he is falling before he can help it.
Dan lives and works somewhere, or anywhere really. By fate, or call it the British Railway train running times, he ends up in Lylchester. Before he can help himself, he has made the first real best friend he has ever had - Beatrix. And suddenly, life does not seem so difficult anymore. Dan appreciates the work he can do, even if it has him interact with the rich idiot Phil more often that he would personally choose.
All the sunlight of our past (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: YouTube is a mess.
Phil's been struggling with it for a while and has just taken a job as a video editor to make ends meet while he figures out whether he still loves it anymore.
Dan's channel has been dead ever since he started working at BBC Radio One and the two haven't seen each other in years.
During a chance meeting in 2019, Dan gets papped coming out of a gay club and his life is sent in to turmoil. He blames Phil, because it had been his idea to go there in the first place, so they're straight back to not talking.
The only recourse Dan has to salvage his career is to return to his YouTube channel after all these years and make a coming out video on his own terms. What he doesn't know is that Phil is the editor he just hired to help him with it.
Burning Bibles (ao3) - cherryheartz
Summary: phil lester loved curly headed boys with tattoos on their arms and a joint made with torn bible pages between their soft lips.
and dan howell was exactly that.
Dandelions (ao3) - throughtheirsnoses (det395)
Summary: Phil returns to his small town after studying how to improve his power that lets him grow plants with his mind. Phil is anxious and struggling with the expectations put on him to grow new plant-based medicine and on top of it all, his childhood best friend, Dan, gets his heart broken and turns to Phil as a rebound. Phil panics.
Deeper (ao3) - Scuddleduck
Summary: Inspired by the idea of "Pass Around Party Bottom Dan."
do you feel it too? (ao3) - heartsopenminds
Summary: A bad break-up has left Phil scared of getting his heart broken again. He’s not ready to date, but he’s missing the easy affection of a long-term relationship.
Cuddle therapy might be the perfect way to get what he needs, with no strings attached. But what happens when that’s no longer enough?
hooked (on you) (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Rentboy AU. Dan is a hooker trying to make it on his own in Manchester. Phil is his customer who ends up becoming more involved than he expected. What started out as a business transaction ends up being something neither of them anticipated.
i feel a kick down in my soul (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: “I’m going to obliterate you,” he says, taking a few long steps towards Phil.
Phil runs. It takes him a minute to realize the ball is in the opposite direction.
I Will Always Love You (ao3) - llama_sidekick
Summary: Where Dan is forced to take a journey on the Titanic in the year of 1912 and a handsome stranger saves him from giving up. Over and over again.
Inheriting love (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: Dan lives and works in a small village where everyone knows everyone. A place where everything is typical, until Phil comes along.
Let's Think of Something Better (ao3) - EverythingIsAsItWas
Summary: Dan Howell has no direction in life. No real friends, a job he hates, and suppressing a huge part of his identity, the end of summer 2009 is looming.
Then, he begins to see a boy in reflections, a boy with black hair and blue eyes he swears he could swim in. And then his entire world falls apart at the seams.
Like a Bowl of Oranges (ao3) - cloej88
Summary: Dan has built a solid career for himself as a ghostwriter. He safely hides behind other people’s words, crafting their tales and pocketing the cash without any threat of notoriety. But lately he has been working on a book of his own, itching for a change.
Phil is an indie filmmaker who happened into some huge breaks over the last few years. He wants to use his influence to uplift queer stories for the screen, so he puts out an open call for story submissions. At his agent’s behest, Dan submits his story.
The writer!Dan and director!Phil friends/co-workers to lovers AU that we never knew we needed.
My Sanctuary, You're Holy to Me (ao3) - skygremlin
Summary: Sister Daniel isn't very good at being a nun, but she's stuck living in a convent because she's got no other plans. The church needs a new priest for Sunday mass, and the responsibility falls on her to meet him for the first time. Will he see through her false devotion?
Sister Daniel/Father Philip convent au (Sister Daniel's origin story)
new horizons (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: “Bry,” Phil says again, crashing to a halt against the table. Someone’s jammed the rickety sliding door to the back garden open and the kitchen is flooded with bright, sweet autumn air that he’s in absolutely no position to appreciate. “My Switch is broken.”
She turns away from the sink to look at him with much less urgency than the situation demands. “Were you playing Animal Crossing in the bath again?”
“No!” he says, much too loud, and there’s a muffled laugh from the other side of the breakfast bar. He notices only a few seconds late that obviously Bryony hadn’t been talking to herself. It’s Dan, oversized black hoodie and shadows under his eyes, clutching a Game of Thrones coffee mug like he hasn’t slept in a week. Which maybe he hasn’t, Phil can never quite get a vibe off him. “That was one time.”
oh no (not now) (ao3) - kishere
Summary: It's the year 2013 and Phil, an omega, has an okay enough life. He's recently moved to London to pursue an opportunity to work for BBC Radio 1, he has a new flat, and his YouTube channel has been on an upswing. Sure, his heats are so inconsistent he finally had to ask his fiancé of five years, Dan, to help him through them so he could try and live a normal life. Which wouldn't be such an issue if Dan wasn't in love with Phil's hotter, tattooed twin, Dillon...
papercut (ao3) - schnaf
Summary: A cut. A tiny little cut, barely visible - just like a papercut. A cut - and yet, to Dan, it’s so much more. It’s the case he’s working on, the case only he seems to be taking seriously - it’s a serial killer’s signature. So when he gets the chance to track down the murderer, he doesn’t hesitate. And then, there’s Phil, Phil who’s making the chase so much more bearable, Phil who adds something completely different to his task. But things aren’t always what they seem.
Project Poliwag (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil hadn't intended for his garden to become a haven for rescued Pokémon, but it had happened accidentally. This particular rescue wasn't that different, even though he had never rescued 117 Pokémon at once before. But he couldn't leave the Pokémon eggs to be destroyed, and he was willing to raise a whole army of Poliwag on his own if he must.
What Phil hadn't counted on was a stranger with a lost look in his eye turning up on his doorstep and offering to help with the project.
RIFT (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Phil is just a mere eight-year-old naive child when his mom keenly introduces him to his new stepbrother, Dan. They become friends and start living together fairly quickly. As years slip by, Phil slowly realises three things: First, Dan looks at him with pain in his gaze. Second, an inexplicable rift is separating them. Third, what he feels for Dan is more than just brotherly love.
scratch bark bite (oh, love me, i lied) (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Music & Drama teacher Dan Howell has a well-known rivalry with his coworker, English teacher Phil Lester.
An unforeseen event flips everything Dan thought he knew about Phil and himself on its head. Slowly but surely, the grudge withers, and the two of them cross the line between enemy and friend. But what will happen when their true intents and feelings get revealed? And was what they had ever really a rivalry? Was it even mutual?
strike a deal, kiss my lips (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Witches were the only magical beings capable of binding and controlling demons. It required a complicated ritual and crazy amounts of magic.
It happening on accident was practically unheard of until Phil came along and got tangled up with a snarky and dangerous demon named Dan. Suddenly bound together, Phil must grapple with control over a chaotic demon that wants to strip the skin from his bones.
And maybe strip the clothes off of his body as well.
Take a Picture (It'll Last Longer) (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at 2 a.m. in a coffee shop. Phil is a photographer looking for a model, and Dan can't say no to pretty boys.
The Philver Scream (ao3) - UnorthodoxSavvy
Summary: While Dan's career in the FBI is taking off, Phil is left behind to pick up the pieces of his life after his brother's death. However, he finds himself plagued by strange nightmares that he can't explain. Soon, people around him start dying. Can Dan and Phil's partnership survive the mounting body count?
The River (ao3) - Portia331
Summary: Dan arrived in Melbourne two weeks ago with just one suitcase crammed with running gear, psychology textbooks, and a mere fraction of his wardrobe especially curated to fit both his aesthetic and the Melbourne weather.
He's about to start in the role of a lifetime on a 12 month contract, but he's barely ready for the Australian summer heat, let alone what the world is about to throw at him.
Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan meets Phil at the lowest moment in his life and is immediately enchanted by him, but nobody is perfect - not even those with good intentions and a kind heart.
This is the story of two imperfect people trying to do their best, to find love and strive in life. They gravitate towards each other at every turn, sometimes dancing in harmony, other times colliding.
to let the light in (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Searching for a fresh start after a decade of dead ends in London, Dan becomes obsessed with a storytelling show on Rossendale Radio and a voice that hasn't been broadcast in years.
Two Man Team (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they've always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
Under the Midnight Sun (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Every night in London, a midnight circus pops up under the ringmaster Phil Lester’s command. Many of the performers are runaways, looking for a new start at life. One of them is Daniel Howell, a young man who is looking for a new excitement to his life. But slowly, the secrets of the midnight circus and Phil Lester became shown and Dan realizes that he may be in a situation he’ll never be able to get out of
Undercover (ao3) - phansauce97
Summary: After recovering from tragedy, Phil does his best to get back on his feet. He still had his mom, his brother, his friends, and a good future to look forward to. So, continuing to put one foot in front of the other, he pushes on.
Things turn upside down though when a new student arrives at school one day; tall, mysterious, and wearing all black.
"Dan Howell," or Agent Ten, as he's known, is a master assassin and secret agent. His mission? Go undercover to befriend, study, and ultimately - kill Phil Lester.
Yet despite his best efforts, this mission ends up being much more challenging than Dan would have previously expected, especially when he begins to fall hopelessly in love with his target.
what might come with the dawn (ao3) - cloud-gays (wind_brewed)
Summary: The Island has a Guardian, that's what people say. Phil doesn't know if this guardian is a mythical being or just a piece of gossip; a made-up story to make people feel safe during storm season. A made-up story just to make them feel secure.
Now that he decides to move in with his parents again, Phil needs the protection. Maybe he needs to reach out to this lonely, black-clothed being; reach out to the lonely man of winter.
Also called: Phil is a storm-chaser of sorts and Dan, a storm-magnet. In between running and hiding, they find each other inside the calm of the storm.
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whenyoucallmenoona · 2 months ago
Writing Updates for 2025!
In the new year I have plans to work on at least 3 fics!
1. New Chapters of Sorry, I Love You incoming
2. A new Dream Drabbles Chapter with Bang Chan (Railway inspo)
3. A short multi chapter fic with Bang Chan, Changbin, Minsung (based off an idea i had in 2021 that got put on the back burner that i just recently remembered!)
I know I barely posted this past year and I'm sorry for the inconsistency. It was a hard year for me emotionally, physically, and financially while also working full time which caused me a lot of stress and loss of motivation. But i've come to realize I am much happier when I'm reading and writing, so I want to make it a goal for myself to try and keep it up this time.
To all my readers who have stuck with me over the past 2 years I thank you so much, and please remember the best way to keep your favorite writers working is to COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! And you guys do such a good job of that for me, thank you so much again, and Happy New Year!
Love Noona❤️
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arc-tu-rus · 5 months ago
Hiiii Ana, just showing some András love here 🫶
I'm suuuper greedy, so please sir, can I have some more? 43, 46 or 47, 48, 49 (feel free to link me to a summary if it already exists, otherwise I also love a bedtime story retelling) and 50: How much is he aware of Kindred politics, clans, and sects... and what are his thoughts on them, if any?
Hell yeah, thanks for askim of him :D
(sorry for the delay! Had to check some things with our storyteller)
43. What are their best attributes?
Technically? Stamina! I *love* tanky characters, playable or not 👌
Otherwise, his warmth. Not necessarily literally - that's always bittersweet for Mina, as it's a constant reminder of his mortality -, but it's very hard not to be friends with him. He made peace with most people who he attacked under Dante, on our first chronicle, and managed to evade things that could mean a death sentence. That's not to say he has high social skills; I'd (ooc) say it's the golden retriever energy.
47. What are their desire(s) if any?
This one's tricky. He's not the same man he used to be, not being able to foresee the war or the supernatural events after that. He has no way of going back to his old life with his family, and his new family can't grow beyond two. Some garou accepted him as an equal, most of the vampires (Camarilla or not) still fear his existence.
That doesn't mean there's no future to be had, though, and maybe having most of the concerning matters resolved can be a good thing now, a blank page to start a new life.
48+49. Detail things about your OC you spent a lot of time on / Detail your OC’s backstory! (Most of the stuff I created is for his backstory! Modern stuff is with our DM, so I joined these 2 questions :) still, I'll try to keep it brief!)
He was born and raised in Budapest, and by the age of 13 became an older brother. Not too long after that their father, already a disagreeable man, left the three of them. Seeing the state their mother was in, unsure of how they would fare, he started working on a railway station by 15, taking in the role of family man. Because of the job he spent less time at home, so he never picked on Vince, not even as a joke, preferring to enjoy their time together more wholesomely. He also looked over him in other ways; while their mother, Katalin, took care of the house, he was the one to go to his school whenever there was trouble, or if other boys bullied him. Soon, all those boys became afraid enough of 'Vince's brother' to leave him alone, even if András never raised his voice at the kids.
Then, the war happened.
50. Wild card.
On current years, 2021 forward, he's very aware! There was a ball held by the Prince, where, despite going to lengths to hide his aura, his identity as a garou was revealed to all. This started a mini quest for them and her coterie, to prove he was harmless and not have them both offed-
After they managed to clear things up Mina became an Alastor, so the Camarilla's bureaucracy became part of their routine.
He doesn't have strong opinions on clans but, with our main quest currently being exposing someone in the higher ranks of the Camarilla, he's well aware they're not the saints they paint themselves to be.
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mariacallous · 9 months ago
Thousands of law enforcement officials and people applying to be police officers in India have had their personal information leaked online—including fingerprints, facial scan images, signatures, and details of tattoos and scars on their bodies. If that wasn’t alarming enough, at around the same time, cybercriminals have started to advertise the sale of similar biometric police data from India on messaging app Telegram.
Last month, security researcher Jeremiah Fowler spotted the sensitive files on an exposed web server linked to ThoughtGreen Technologies, an IT development and outsourcing firm with offices in India, Australia, and the US. Within a total of almost 500 gigabytes of data spanning 1.6 million documents, dated from 2021 until when Fowler discovered them in early April, was a mine of sensitive personal information about teachers, railway workers, and law enforcement officials. Birth certificates, diplomas, education certificates, and job applications were all included.
Fowler, who shared his findings exclusively with WIRED, says within the heaps of information, the most concerning were those that appeared to be verification documents linked to Indian law enforcement or military personnel. While the misconfigured server has now been closed off, the incident highlights the risks of companies collecting and storing biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial images, and how they could be misused if the data is accidentally leaked.
“You can change your name, you can change your bank information, but you can't change your actual biometrics,” Fowler says. The researcher, who also published the findings on behalf of Website Planet, says this kind of data could be used by cybercriminals or fraudsters to target people in the future, a risk that’s increased for sensitive law enforcement positions.
Within the database Fowler examined were several mobile applications and installation files. One was titled “facial software installation,” and a separate folder contained 8 GB of facial data. Photographs of people’s faces included computer-generated rectangles that are often used for measuring the distance between points of the face in face recognition systems.
There were 284,535 documents labeled as Physical Efficiency Tests that related to police staff, Fowler says. Other files included job application forms for law enforcement officials, profile photos, and identification documents with details such as “mole at nose” and “cut on chin.” At least one image shows a person holding a document with a corresponding photo of them included on it. “The first thing I saw was thousands and thousands of fingerprints,” Fowler says.
Prateek Waghre, executive director of Indian digital rights organization Internet Freedom Foundation, says there is “vast” biometric data collection happening across India, but there are added security risks for people involved in law enforcement. “A lot of times, the verification that government employees or officers use also relies on biometric systems,” Waghre says. “If you have that potentially compromised, you are in a position for someone to be able to misuse and then gain access to information that they shouldn’t.”
It appears that some biometric information about law enforcement officials may already be shared online. Fowler says after the exposed database was closed down he also discovered a Telegram channel, containing a few hundred members, which was claiming to sell Indian police data, including of specific individuals. “The structure, the screenshots, and a couple of the folder names matched what I saw,” says Fowler, who for ethical reasons did not purchase the data being sold by the criminals so could not fully verify it was exactly the same data.
“We take data security very seriously, have taken immediate steps to secure the exposed data,” a member of ThoughtGreen Technologies wrote in an email to WIRED. “Due to the sensitivity of data, we cannot comment on specifics in an email. However, we can assure you that we are investigating this matter thoroughly to ensure such an incident does not occur again.”
In follow-up messages, the staff member said the company had “raised a complaint” with law enforcement in India about the incident, but did not specify which organization they had contacted. When shown a screenshot of the Telegram post claiming to sell Indian police biometric data, the ThoughtGreen Technologies staff member said it is “not our data.” Telegram did not respond to a request for comment.
Shivangi Narayan, an independent researcher in India, says the country’s data protection law needs to be made more robust, and companies and organizations need to take greater care with how they handle people’s data. “A lot of data is collected in India, but nobody's really bothered about how to store it properly,” Narayan says. Data breaches are happening so regularly that people have “lost that surprise shock factor,” Narayan says. In early May, one cybersecurity company said it had seen a face-recognition data breach connected to one Indian police force, including police and suspect information.
The issues are wider, though. As governments, companies, and other organizations around the world increasingly rely on collecting people’s biometric data for proving their identity or as part of surveillance technologies, there’s an increased risk of the information leaking online and being abused. In Australia, for instance, a recent face recognition leak impacting up to a million people led to a person being charged with blackmail.
“So many other countries are looking at biometric verification for identities, and all of that information has to be stored somewhere,” Fowler says. “If you farm it out to a third-party company, or a private company, you lose control of that data. When a data breach happens, you’re in deep shit, for lack of a better term.”
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southeastasianists · 1 year ago
Jo is the holder of a newly minted degree in English literature from one of the top universities in Laos. But the 22-year-old, who graduated only weeks ago, says he already feels "hopeless".
Confronted with a barren job market, the Vientiane resident holds no hope of finding work at home, and instead aims to become a cleaner or a fruit picker in Australia. His aspirations are low, but they reflect a hushed disenchantment spreading among his peers; the result of a severe and sustained economic downturn that has ravaged Laos for the past two years.
"Every person in this generation doesn't believe in the government. They want to leave Laos, they don't believe anything the government says," he tells the BBC. "Most of my friends have the same thoughts, but we only talk about it privately. If you say bad things about them in public, I don't know what will happen."
The economic crisis has been caused by a rash programme of government borrowing used to finance Chinese-backed infrastructure projects which has begun to unravel. The crisis shows little sign of easing, with public debt spiralling to unsustainable levels, resulting in government budget cuts, sky-high inflation and record-breaking currency depreciation, leaving many living on the brink in one of South East Asia's poorest countries.
Faced with a dire economic situation, and with the April shooting of activist Anousa "Jack" Luangsuphom underscoring the brutal lengths authorities in the one-party state will go to silence calls for reform, a generation of young Laotians increasingly see their future abroad.
"[Young people] aren't even thinking about change, it's a feeling of how am I going to get out of this country - I'm stuck here, there's no future for me," said Emilie Pradichit, a Lao-French international human rights lawyer and the founder of human rights group Manushya Foundation.
"If you see your country becoming a colony of China, you see a government that is totally corrupt, and you cannot speak up because if you do you might be killed - would you want to stay?"
The 'debt trap'
A sparsely populated, landlocked country of 7.5 million people, Laos is one of the region's poorest and least developed nations. In a bid to transform the largely agrarian society, the past decade has seen the government take on major infrastructure projects, mostly financed by historic ally and neighbour China - itself on a lending spree since 2013 as part of its global infrastructure investment programme, the Belt and Road initiative (BRI).
Laos has built dozens of foreign-financed dams to transform itself into the "battery of South East Asia" as a major exporter of electricity to the region. But oversupply has turned many dams unproductive, and the state electricity company sits in $5bn (£4.1bn) debt. Lacking funds, Laos handed a majority Chinese-owned company a 25-year concession to manage large parts of its power grid in 2021, including control over exports.
Also among the debt-laden megaprojects is the Lao-China railway, connecting Vientiane to southern China. It opened in December 2021 at a cost of $5.9bn (£4.85bn), but saddled the Lao government with $1.9bn in debt. Beijing says the railway has created an "economic corridor", but the numbers just don't add up for some economists, not least because Chinese state-owned companies hold a 70% stake.
"I'm sure people are happy to travel very quickly across Laos, but it's not justified at the cost that was agreed to," economist Jayant Menon, a senior fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, says of the railway.
All of this has added to Laos' ballooning debt, which is now ninth highest globally as a share of its GDP, according to the International Monetary Fund. Around half of that is owed to China, and Laos is now having to borrow more from lenders in the country just to stay afloat.
"Laos is so heavily indebted to China that their negotiating position is compromised," he said. "It's having to borrow just to service the debt. That's the definition of a debt trap."
The Lao government could not be reached for comment. But Mr Menon emphasised that Laos has repeatedly rejected other international lenders in favour of Beijing, perhaps because of a belief within the government that China "will not let another socialist country fail". He added that Beijing was also cautious about letting another BRI country default on its debt after Sri Lanka.
The only thing currently preventing that outcome are repeated Chinese debt deferment agreements - the conditions of which remain highly opaque. This has raised concerns over Beijing's growing sway over Laos. When asked if Laos is at risk of becoming a vassal state, Mr Menon said "that ship has sailed".
He said that the "macro-instability" caused by "massive debt accumulation" has also caused the decline of the Lao currency, the kip, which continues to depreciate to record lows against the US dollar. This has led to a decades-high rise in prices, and nowhere is this being felt more acutely than among ordinary Laotians.
'If I don't fight, I'll die'
"'I have never experienced anything like this year," says Phonxay, a frail looking woman in her 60s, selling household staples at a food market in Vientiane. She said her customers are buying less because "prices go up day to day", adding that August was the most expensive month yet. Her family has had to adapt to survive.
"My family needs to eat more cheaply than ever before. We eat half of what we used to eat," Phonxay says. "But I'll fight until the end. If I don't, I'll die."
But it's young Lao, their futures mortgaged off for the benefit of infrastructure projects offering them few tangible opportunities, that will bear the brunt of the economic crisis for years to come.
"Lao is very good to travel, but not good to live in," says Sen, a 19-year-old working as a receptionist in a hotel in Luang Prabang in northern Laos.
The city is bustling once again, with its Unesco World Heritage Old Quarter of pristine French colonial-era buildings filled with tourists. But Sen says times remain tough: "For normal people like me it's very hard. It's just better than living as a homeless person in India, and maybe just better than North Korea. I'm serious, we're just trying to survive."
He earns just $125 per month at his hotel job, but he doesn't see any point in going to university or applying for government jobs as he'd have to "pay lots of money" to corrupt officials to get anywhere as he has no family connections.
"At the moment, almost every Lao student like myself doesn't want to go to university," he says. "They study Japanese or Korean and then apply to work in factories or farming in those countries."
It's this "sense of discouragement among Lao youth… that needs urgent attention," says Catherine Phuong, the deputy resident representative at the UN Development Programme in Laos. She pointed to the "staggering" NEET (not in education, employment or training) rate of 38.7% among 18-to-24-year olds - by far the highest in South East Asia.
"We're especially concerned in Laos that with the debt situation we are seeing reduced investment in the social sector, including health and education," she told the BBC. "I'm sure you can imagine the impact that will have on this generation, not just in the coming years, but in the next 10 to 20 years."
But with the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, which has ruled the country since 1975, intolerant of dissenting voices, young people have had to turn to social media to air their grievances.
It was in March 2022, as inflation and the cost of living began rising, that Anousa "Jack" Luangsuphom created Kub Kluen Duay Keyboard or "The Power of the Keyboard", one of a growing number of social commentary Facebook pages critical of authorities.
The 25-year-old was drawing tens of thousands of followers when he was attacked at a cafe in Vientiane on April 29. CCTV footage shows a masked man firing a bullet into Jack's face and chest. A police statement days later blamed a business dispute or lover's quarrel. Jack survived the attack, but for his followers, the culprit was obvious.
"I feel really bad that the government would shoot him, that they would try to control us like that," says Jo, the university student in Vientiane, who follows Jack's Facebook page. "Jack is the voice of Lao people, he said things that normal people are afraid to say."
But these calls for reform will only be ignored or suppressed, and few know this better than Shui-Meng Ng - the wife of disappeared Lao civil society advocate Sombath Somphone.
Sombath has not been seen since being detained by police in Vientiane in December 2012, a time when his influence was growing and there was hope of reform.
Speaking to the BBC from her craft shop in downtown Vientiane, the last place she saw her husband the day he was abducted, Shui-Meng said voices like Jack's and Sombath's are squashed because they grow "too big a following" at times when the "Lao political elite are facing difficulties".
"Every time something like [Jack's shooting] happens, you see this," she said, zipping her lips. "People go silent."
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dailyp1anet · 8 months ago
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By Lois Lane, Senior Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: 07:33, 8th September 2021 | UPDATED: 15:18, 8th September 2021
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A JOB FOR SUPERMAN! © The Daily Planet: James Olsen, Photographer.
Heroism flashes once again across the Metropolis sky in red, blue and gold. A sight we are all too familiar with, celebrations were held across the city in honor of the Man of Steel and his acts of bravery and heroism.
At 08:02 AM on Wednesday, the Metropolis Transit Authority (MTA) received a distress call from the northbound A Train with reports of a brake failure and unexplained acceleration resulting in missed stops along Reeves Avenue. With over 300 passengers onboard, panic spread as the Metrorail reached hazardous speeds and barrelled through downtown New Troy. Potential disaster loomed only a mile away: pipeline construction near the Metropolis City Hall meant an 80 foot segment of the railway track had been removed, leaving a three storey drop between the Metrorail train and the unconnected tracks.
"We were helpless!" explained Tom Wadsworth, the Metrorail operator of the MTA Northbound A Train. "There wasn't enough time for the MTA to intervene. Emergency brakes were malfunctioning. I could see the break in the tracks just ahead, I prayed for a miracle!" Thankfully for Wadsworth, Superman had been alerted to the distress calls thanks to his super-hearing, he was quick to act and ready to help. Superman blazed to the front of the train, in an impressive display of super-strength and bravery, he slowed the train down to a halt before the 80 foot break on the tracks.
"Because of Superman, I am still alive!" passenger Evie Shriner commented on the city's most famous superhero. Evie, along with many of her fellow commuters, was on her way to work when this incident occurred. Evie works as an investment banker in downtown New Troy for Metrobank. As a native Metropolitan, Evie credits Superman for not only saving her life, but also declared that "he is the best thing this city has to offer. He saved hundreds of lives this morning!"
According to MTA officials, no one was injured and the passengers were transferred to shuttle buses to continue with their commutes. Investigations continue into what caused the brakes to fail and for the Metrorail train to reach hazardous speeds, an official enquiry is being launched by the MTA CEO who has committed to a series of extra safety checks to keep our city's Metrorail safer than ever.
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foxnangelseo · 8 months ago
FDI in India: Unleashing Growth Potential in 2024
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been a cornerstone of India's economic growth, driving industrial development, technological advancement, and job creation. As we move into 2024, the FDI landscape in India is poised for substantial growth, bolstered by a favorable policy environment, a burgeoning consumer market, and strategic government initiatives. This blog delves into the potential of FDI in India for 2024, examining the key sectors attracting investment, the regulatory framework, and the strategies investors can employ to navigate this dynamic market.
The Significance of FDI in India
FDI is crucial for India’s economic progress, providing the capital, technology, and expertise needed to enhance productivity and competitiveness. It facilitates the integration of India into the global economy, stimulates innovation, and creates employment opportunities. Over the past decade, India has emerged as one of the top destinations for FDI, reflecting its economic resilience and strategic importance.
Historical Context and Recent Trends
India's FDI inflows have shown a consistent upward trend, reaching record levels in recent years. According to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), India attracted FDI inflows worth $81.72 billion in 2021-22, highlighting its strong appeal among global investors. The sectors that have traditionally attracted significant FDI include services, telecommunications, computer software and hardware, trading, construction, and automobiles.
Key Factors Driving FDI in India
1. Economic Growth and Market Size
India's economy is one of the fastest-growing in the world, with a projected GDP growth rate of around 6-7% in 2024. The country’s large and youthful population offers a vast consumer base, making it an attractive market for foreign investors. The rising middle class and increasing disposable incomes further fuel demand across various sectors.
2. Strategic Government Initiatives
The Indian government has implemented several initiatives to make the country more investor-friendly. Programs like 'Make in India,' 'Digital India,' and 'Startup India' are designed to boost manufacturing, digital infrastructure, and entrepreneurial ventures. These initiatives, coupled with reforms in labor laws and ease of doing business, create a conducive environment for FDI.
3. Infrastructure Development
Significant investments in infrastructure development, including roads, railways, ports, and urban infrastructure, enhance connectivity and logistics efficiency. The development of industrial corridors and smart cities further improves the attractiveness of India as an investment destination.
4. Favorable Regulatory Environment
India has progressively liberalized its FDI policy, allowing 100% FDI in most sectors under the automatic route. This means that foreign investors do not require prior government approval, simplifying the investment process. The government has also streamlined regulatory procedures and improved transparency to facilitate ease of doing business.
Key Sectors Attracting FDI in 2024
1. Technology and Digital Economy
The technology sector continues to be a magnet for FDI, driven by India’s growing digital ecosystem, skilled workforce, and innovation capabilities. Investments in software development, IT services, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cybersecurity are expected to surge.
2. Manufacturing and Industrial Production
The 'Make in India' initiative aims to transform India into a global manufacturing hub. Key sectors attracting FDI include electronics, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy. The Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes introduced by the government provide financial incentives to boost manufacturing and attract foreign investment.
3. Healthcare and Biotechnology
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of healthcare infrastructure and innovation. India’s pharmaceutical industry, known for its generic drug production, continues to attract substantial FDI. Additionally, biotechnology and medical devices are emerging as significant sectors for investment.
4. Infrastructure and Real Estate
Infrastructure development is critical for sustaining economic growth. Sectors like transportation, logistics, urban development, and real estate offer significant investment opportunities. The government's focus on developing smart cities and industrial corridors presents lucrative prospects for foreign investors.
5. Renewable Energy
With a commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070, India is focusing on renewable energy sources. The solar, wind, and hydroelectric power sectors are witnessing substantial investments. The government's policies and incentives for green energy projects make this a promising area for FDI.
Regulatory Framework for FDI in India
Understanding the regulatory framework is essential for investors looking to enter the Indian market. The key aspects of India's FDI policy include:
1. FDI Policy and Routes
FDI in India can be routed through the automatic route or the government route. Under the automatic route, no prior approval is required, and investments can be made directly. Under the government route, prior approval from the concerned ministries or departments is necessary. The sectors open to 100% FDI under the automatic route include:
- Infrastructure
- E-commerce
- IT and BPM (Business Process Management)
- Renewable Energy
2. Sectoral Caps and Conditions
While many sectors allow 100% FDI, some have sectoral caps and conditions. For example:
- Defense: Up to 74% FDI under the automatic route, and beyond 74% under the government route in certain cases.
- Telecommunications: Up to 100% FDI allowed, with up to 49% under the automatic route and beyond that through the government route.
- Insurance: Up to 74% FDI under the automatic route.
3. Regulatory Authorities
Several regulatory authorities oversee FDI in India, ensuring compliance with laws and policies. These include:
- Reserve Bank of India (RBI): Oversees foreign exchange regulations.
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI): Regulates investments in capital markets.
- Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT): Formulates and monitors FDI policies.
4. Compliance and Reporting Requirements
Investors must comply with various reporting requirements, including:
- Filing of FDI-related returns: Periodic filings to RBI and other regulatory bodies.
- Adherence to sector-specific regulations: Compliance with industry-specific norms and guidelines.
- Corporate Governance Standards: Ensuring adherence to governance standards as per the Companies Act, 2013.
Strategies for Navigating the FDI Landscape
1. Thorough Market Research
Conducting comprehensive market research is crucial for understanding the competitive landscape, consumer behavior, and regulatory environment. Investors should analyze market trends, identify potential risks, and evaluate the long-term viability of their investment.
2. Partnering with Local Entities
Collaborating with local businesses can provide valuable insights into the market and help navigate regulatory complexities. Joint ventures and strategic alliances with Indian companies can facilitate market entry and expansion.
3. Leveraging Government Initiatives
Tapping into government initiatives like 'Make in India' and PLI schemes can provide financial incentives and support for setting up manufacturing units and other projects. Staying updated on policy changes and leveraging these initiatives can enhance investment returns.
4. Ensuring Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with local laws and regulations is paramount. Engaging legal and financial advisors with expertise in Indian regulations can ensure that all legal requirements are met. This includes obtaining necessary approvals, adhering to reporting norms, and maintaining corporate governance standards.
5. Focusing on Sustainable Investments
Given the global emphasis on sustainability, investments in green technologies and sustainable practices can offer long-term benefits. The Indian government’s focus on renewable energy and sustainable development provides ample opportunities for environmentally conscious investments.
India's FDI landscape in 2024 is ripe with opportunities across various sectors, driven by robust economic growth, strategic government initiatives, and a favorable regulatory environment. However, navigating this dynamic market requires a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory framework, thorough market research, and strategic partnerships.
For investors looking to unleash the growth potential of their investments in India, staying informed about policy changes, leveraging government incentives, and ensuring compliance with local laws are critical. By adopting a strategic approach and focusing on sustainable investments, foreign investors can tap into the immense opportunities offered by the Indian market and contribute to its economic transformation.
In conclusion, FDI in India in 2024 presents a compelling opportunity for global investors. With the right strategies and guidance, investors can navigate the complexities of the Indian market and achieve significant growth and success.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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star3xian · 1 year ago
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Redrawn Reference for Hans 02 0201-0 Alias 18 201
Rambling down below
Me when Drawing the funny chromoxidgreen runner again
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For real nah, I think redrawing Hans was a task of proving slightly my knowledge of more mechanic creatures, I personally dislike the way I used to draw his body because it basically looked like a bunch of spheres stuck together xD Not to mention the anatomy was very off for someone fast / supposed to be experimental. Combining strength and speed is always hard, as one sometimes contradicts the other when designing characters.
Most people associate speed with slim/athletic bodies and not with muscle/bulk bodies. I personally like to differ or say otherwise as steam engines for many reasons would sometimes end up more bulky
But having seen the engine in person back in 2021 in Nossen, I personally cannot imagine Hans having a slim body at all, too big and bulky actually for that.
anyway, about his character now. He suffers slightly from trust issues as he was often passed around by owners, he is a hater of the current German railway as he sees them as a bunch of clowns, sometimes talking about how he could do a better job or how steam engines could do a better job if they were let to work again.
Hans was built from many different engines, he is the only one of his kind to exist and will be forever, making him associated with engines like 10 001 and so on.
more I wrote on his Toyhou.se.
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sakhshimandal · 3 months ago
India’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Post-Pandemic: Challenges and Recovery Strategies
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The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on economies worldwide, and India is no exception. Among the many economic metrics affected, India’s debt-to-GDP ratio has seen a significant shift. The debt-to-GDP ratio, which measures the proportion of a country's debt relative to its gross domestic product, is a critical indicator of fiscal health. For India, the pandemic-induced economic slowdown, coupled with increased government spending on relief measures, has pushed this ratio to new heights, raising concerns about its sustainability and impact on future growth.
This article examines the challenges posed by the rising debt to GDP ratio India post-pandemic and explores strategies for recovery and fiscal stability.
Understanding the Debt-to-GDP Ratio in India Post-Pandemic
Before the pandemic, India’s debt-to-GDP ratio hovered around 70%, which was relatively manageable for a developing economy. However, the pandemic led to a sharp economic contraction in 2020, reducing GDP while simultaneously increasing government borrowing. By 2021, the debt-to-GDP ratio in India had surged to 90%, a significant jump reflecting the financial strain caused by pandemic-related expenditures, including:
Healthcare spending to combat COVID-19.
Economic relief packages for individuals and businesses.
Public infrastructure investments to stimulate recovery.
This increase in debt was compounded by declining revenues due to reduced economic activity, leading to a widening fiscal deficit and a spike in borrowing.
Challenges of a High Debt-to-GDP Ratio in India
A high debt-to-GDP ratio poses several challenges for India’s economic recovery and long-term fiscal health:
1. Reduced Fiscal Space
A higher debt burden limits the government’s ability to allocate funds for critical areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. With more resources directed toward debt servicing, there is less room for growth-oriented spending.
2. Rising Interest Costs
Increased borrowing leads to higher interest payments, which further strain the budget. Interest payments already account for a significant portion of India’s annual expenditures, reducing funds available for development programs.
3. Risk to Credit Ratings
International credit rating agencies closely monitor the debt-to-GDP ratio as a measure of fiscal health. A persistently high ratio could lead to downgrades, increasing borrowing costs and reducing investor confidence.
4. Inflationary Pressures
Higher debt levels, especially if financed through deficit spending, can fuel inflation. This affects purchasing power, reduces savings, and puts additional pressure on household budgets.
5. Economic Vulnerability
A high debt-to-GDP ratio increases vulnerability to external shocks, such as global recessions or commodity price fluctuations, making economic recovery more uncertain.
Strategies for Recovery and Fiscal Stability
Despite the challenges, there are several strategies India can adopt to address its rising debt-to-GDP ratio and foster long-term fiscal stability:
1. Boosting Economic Growth
Economic growth is the most effective way to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio. As GDP increases, the relative size of the debt decreases. The government can focus on growth-oriented policies, such as:
Infrastructure Development: Investing in roads, railways, and energy projects to stimulate economic activity and create jobs.
Ease of Doing Business: Simplifying regulations to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and support private sector growth.
2. Enhancing Tax Revenues
Improving tax compliance and broadening the tax base can help the government generate additional revenue without raising tax rates. Initiatives like GST reforms and stricter enforcement of tax laws are steps in the right direction.
3. Rationalizing Government Expenditure
Efficient allocation of resources is essential to reduce wasteful spending. The government can focus on high-impact areas while cutting non-essential expenditures. Programs that duplicate efforts or have low returns should be re-evaluated.
4. Leveraging Privatization and Asset Monetization
The government can reduce its debt burden by privatizing loss-making public sector enterprises and monetizing idle assets. Recent initiatives, such as the National Monetization Pipeline (NMP), aim to unlock the value of government-owned infrastructure assets.
5. Managing Borrowing Costs
India can reduce borrowing costs by maintaining stable inflation, improving its credit rating, and diversifying its debt portfolio. Issuing long-term bonds or exploring alternative funding sources like green bonds can also help lower interest expenses.
6. Promoting Exports
Strengthening India’s position in global trade by promoting exports can increase foreign exchange reserves and reduce the reliance on external debt. Policies supporting sectors like IT, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing are crucial for boosting exports.
The Road Ahead
While the debt-to-GDP ratio in India remains elevated post-pandemic, it is not an insurmountable challenge. India’s economic fundamentals, such as a young workforce, robust domestic demand, and a growing digital economy, provide a strong foundation for recovery. The key lies in striking a balance between fiscal discipline and growth-oriented spending.
The pandemic has undoubtedly stressed India’s fiscal health, but it has also provided an opportunity to re-evaluate priorities and implement reforms that can drive sustainable growth. By focusing on economic expansion, efficient resource allocation, and innovative financing strategies, India can bring its debt-to-GDP ratio back to manageable levels while fostering long-term prosperity.
In a rapidly changing global economic landscape, addressing these challenges head-on will not only stabilize India’s fiscal position but also pave the way for a resilient and self-reliant economy.
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freejobs · 3 months ago
Freshers are offered training and job opportunities at DXC freejobs4u.in
Latest Job Openings In DXC | DXC Recruitment 2024
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This notification has been released to recruit freshers for a leading software company. DXC Company released this notification to us. Through this notification, the jobs related to the Analyst role are being filled. Anyone with a degree (Degree / B.Tech) can apply for these jobs. click here
Those who want to apply for these jobs should apply online only. DXC Company conducts a short interview and selects those who apply for these jobs. Those selected in the interview are given 2 months of training and 30,000 in training for these jobs. The DXC Company offers free laptops to those chosen for these jobs.
Full Details and the Apply Link for DXC Recruitment 2024 are given below, and from there, you can check and Apply. Join our WhatsApp group if you want to know about such jobs daily.
Latest DXC Recruitment 2024 Overview:
Company NameDXC Recruitment 2024Job RoleAnalystEducational QualificationDegree / B.TechExperienceNot RequiredSalary3.6 LPAJob LocationBangalore
Latest DXC Recruitment 2024 Full Details:
All these jobs are being filled:
This notification has been released to us by DXC Company a leading software company.
What kind of jobs are being filled:
Through this notification, the jobs related to the Analyst role are being filled.
Anyone with a degree (Degree / B.Tech) can apply for these jobs.
Age should be:
Anyone who has completed 18 years of age can apply for these jobs.
For daily job updates, join our WhatsApp group and stay informed about similar opportunities!
Other Job Opportunities:
💥Bank of Baroda Recruitment
💥IndiaMart Recruitment 2024 Apply Online
💥TIFR Notification
💥Railway Exam Calendar
💥ZOHO Recruitment
💥Sutherland Recruitment 
How much is the fee:
No one needs to pay a single rupee to apply for these jobs.
How Much Salary:
Those selected for these jobs will be given a monthly salary of up to 30,000 rupees.
Selection Process:
Applicants for these jobs will be selected only through interviews, and there will be no written test.
Job Location :
Those selected for these jobs will be posted in the Bangalore location.
Those applying for these jobs do not need any experience.
Those who are selected for these jobs will receive two months of training and a salary of 30,000 per month during that time.
How to Apply:
These jobs should be applied for online only on the company website. Candidates who have applied are shortlisted, interviewed, and selected.
More Details & Apply Link: Click Here
About DXC Technology Company:
DXC Technology Company is an American multinational information technology (IT) services and consulting company headquartered in Ashburn, Virginia.
DXC Technology was founded on April 3, 2017, through a merger between Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Enterprise Services business unit and Computer Sciences Corporation. The company provided business-to-business IT services. It began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DXC. At the time of its creation, DXC Technology had revenues of $25 billion, with 6,000 enterprise and public sector clients across 70 countries, managed by around 170,000 staff.
In July 2017, the company started a three-year plan to reduce the number of offices in India from 50 to 26 and reduce headcount by 5.9% (around 10,000) employees.
In 2018, DXC split off its US public sector segment to create a new company, Perspecta Inc.
In June 2019, with about 43,000 employees in India and one of its most significant delivery engines for application outsourcing and software development, the company restructured its workforce to meet its new revenue profile.
Mike Salvino, the former Accenture chief group executive, was named president and CEO of DXC Technology in September 2019.
In February 2021, French technology services and consulting firm Atos ended talks for a potential acquisition of DXC.[12][13] Atos had proposed a US$10 billion acquisition, including debt.
As of November 2021, DXC employed 134,000 people in over 70 countries, including the United States, India, the Philippines, Central Europe, and Vietnam.
In May 2022, Salvino was appointed chairman of DXC’s board, taking over from Ian Read after his retirement in July 2022.
In October 2023, DXC was delisted from the S&P 500 Index and moved to the S&P SmallCap 600 Index.
In December 2023, it was announced that Salvino would no longer be CEO of DXC Technology.
Raul Fernandez, a member of the board of directors, was appointed president and chief executive officer of DXC Technology on February 1, 2024.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 8 months ago
Completed Chaptered AO3 Fics (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
a night to remember (ao3) - grievingwarwidow
Summary: roxie, who prefers the label exotic performer over stripper, is a star amongst people who are out when the sun goes down. who better for a close-minded phil who has despised what he labels as lowlifes to suddenly obsess over than Roxie himself?
aka the one where phil gets pathetically hung up on dan, better known as roxie and is desperate to get to know him better.
Advent Calendar 2021 (ao3) - Phantje
Summary: Phil lives and works in a town in the North called Lylchester. Well, 'works'. He does charitable things in the name of being nice and his (adoptive) parents. Things are fine. Yeah. Fine. Meeting Dan who has strong opinions about peculiar things shakes up Phil's life and he is falling before he can help it.
Dan lives and works somewhere, or anywhere really. By fate, or call it the British Railway train running times, he ends up in Lylchester. Before he can help himself, he has made the first real best friend he has ever had - Beatrix. And suddenly, life does not seem so difficult anymore. Dan appreciates the work he can do, even if it has him interact with the rich idiot Phil more often that he would personally choose.
All the sunlight of our past (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: YouTube is a mess.
Phil's been struggling with it for a while and has just taken a job as a video editor to make ends meet while he figures out whether he still loves it anymore.
Dan's channel has been dead ever since he started working at BBC Radio One and the two haven't seen each other in years.
During a chance meeting in 2019, Dan gets papped coming out of a gay club and his life is sent in to turmoil. He blames Phil, because it had been his idea to go there in the first place, so they're straight back to not talking.
The only recourse Dan has to salvage his career is to return to his YouTube channel after all these years and make a coming out video on his own terms. What he doesn't know is that Phil is the editor he just hired to help him with it.
break free (ao3) - wiccamoody
Summary: Dan is a competitor on the first season of RuPaul's Drag Race UK.
By the way, I adore you. (ao3) - lxzyfangirl
Summary: Dan is very sick, and the future is not looking too bright for him, thankfully, he has Phil, his best friend, to accompany him through it all. But is Dan satisfied with being just friends?
dancing on the blades (you set my heart on fire) (ao3) - kishere
Summary: Dan Howell is an ice skater in England, a non power player in the world of competitive ice skating. Phil Lester is the greatest ice skater to come out of England in the past decade, part of a family legacy. When Dan is offered a spot at Phil's family gym, he learns what he was missing the most to be the best ice skater he could be.
Or: the yuri on ice inspired au
Dandelions (ao3) - throughtheirsnoses (det395)
Summary: Phil returns to his small town after studying how to improve his power that lets him grow plants with his mind. Phil is anxious and struggling with the expectations put on him to grow new plant-based medicine and on top of it all, his childhood best friend, Dan, gets his heart broken and turns to Phil as a rebound. Phil panics.
First to Listen (To Anything I Said) (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: It's 2004, and Dan Howell is screwing up in school. He can't help that he's stuck in boring classes with boring people and just doesn't care. So when Phil Lester, one of the geekiest kids in school, is assigned to be his tutor, he's expecting this to just be another crappy part of his already crappy life.
But when it turns out Phil might be Dan's first real friend, his hormones threaten to screw all that up. Because that's all it is, right? Hormones?
Flatmates (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: oh my god they were flatmates / the fuckboy!phil au we all deserve
I Don't Love You (ao3) - Raspberrysaxophone
Summary: Dan and Phil work in an office and are (unfortunately) sharing a desk. Phil is often away on business or working from home so they are never there at the same time. They both get frustrated with how the other one organises the shared space and tell each other that through notes
- or -
Dan and Phil hate each other, but soon Dan realises that he is developing a crush on him. What will a New York business trip (where they are sharing a room xxx) do to their relationship?
i feel a kick down in my soul (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: “I’m going to obliterate you,” he says, taking a few long steps towards Phil.
Phil runs. It takes him a minute to realize the ball is in the opposite direction.
light through an open door (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: The only thing Dan’s trying to do is finish grad school and avoid talking about the very public crash and burn of his last relationship as much as possible. Meeting Phil, who’s working on his PhD in Philosophy, just like Dan’s ex was, is a coincidence. Now Dan’s just trying to finish grad school, avoid talking about his very public break up and try his hardest not to fall for a man who might hurt him the same way he’s been hurt before.
Project Poliwag (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil hadn't intended for his garden to become a haven for rescued Pokémon, but it had happened accidentally. This particular rescue wasn't that different, even though he had never rescued 117 Pokémon at once before. But he couldn't leave the Pokémon eggs to be destroyed, and he was willing to raise a whole army of Poliwag on his own if he must.
What Phil hadn't counted on was a stranger with a lost look in his eye turning up on his doorstep and offering to help with the project.
shapes and weights to choose (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Getting to interview Phil, Phil Lester, feels like the kind of recognition he's been working towards for years and Dan doesn't know how to handle it.
Dan's a sex toy blogger, Phil's a nearly-retired porn star. They fall in love, eventually.
strike a deal, kiss my lips (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Witches were the only magical beings capable of binding and controlling demons. It required a complicated ritual and crazy amounts of magic.
It happening on accident was practically unheard of until Phil came along and got tangled up with a snarky and dangerous demon named Dan. Suddenly bound together, Phil must grapple with control over a chaotic demon that wants to strip the skin from his bones.
And maybe strip the clothes off of his body as well.
Take a Picture (It'll Last Longer) (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at 2 a.m. in a coffee shop. Phil is a photographer looking for a model, and Dan can't say no to pretty boys.
The Clock Keeps Ticking (ao3) - tellsfromhale
Summary: Dan has spent over a decade growing comfortable with himself. Finally, he can live his truth, and he can do it with Phil at his side. For the first time, he's excited about what the future holds.
Then, one day, he finds himself suddenly back inside his childhood bedroom a decade in the past, and getting to that future with Phil becomes a lot more difficult.
The Philver Scream (ao3) - UnorthodoxSavvy
Summary: While Dan's career in the FBI is taking off, Phil is left behind to pick up the pieces of his life after his brother's death. However, he finds himself plagued by strange nightmares that he can't explain. Soon, people around him start dying. Can Dan and Phil's partnership survive the mounting body count?
The River (ao3) - Portia331
Summary: Dan arrived in Melbourne two weeks ago with just one suitcase crammed with running gear, psychology textbooks, and a mere fraction of his wardrobe especially curated to fit both his aesthetic and the Melbourne weather.
He's about to start in the role of a lifetime on a 12 month contract, but he's barely ready for the Australian summer heat, let alone what the world is about to throw at him.
The Stress, The Glory and The Afterglow (ao3) - easybubby
Summary: It's 2024. Dan and Phil are overworked and slipping into old habits. The only difference between now and 10 years ago is that their relationship now comes first and they will do anything to protect it, even if they have to spend time apart. They treasure one wild night before they vow to keep their distance for a while.
The X-Philes (ao3) - UnorthodoxSavvy
Summary: Phil is a psychic. Dan is a detective. When Phil is visited by the ghost of his brother, he knows something isn't right. Can he and Dan solve the case, or will they become the next victims?
Two Man Team (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they've always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
what might come with the dawn (ao3) - cloud-gays (wind_brewed)
Summary: The Island has a Guardian, that's what people say. Phil doesn't know if this guardian is a mythical being or just a piece of gossip; a made-up story to make people feel safe during storm season. A made-up story just to make them feel secure.
Now that he decides to move in with his parents again, Phil needs the protection. Maybe he needs to reach out to this lonely, black-clothed being; reach out to the lonely man of winter.
Also called: Phil is a storm-chaser of sorts and Dan, a storm-magnet. In between running and hiding, they find each other inside the calm of the storm.
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agreewithus · 9 months ago
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smlnow · 2 years ago
Gold Mafia Must Go
However in 2021 the new President {after a military coup to replace Mugabe in 2017 and a rigged election in 2018 and European Union Assessment of the 2018 Elections}, was slated to visit the United Kingdom {under the auspices of the United Nations} for the Climate conference COP26 - Oct-Nov 2021. As ZHRO, ZAPU, ROHR and the then MDC(A) {now re-branded as CCC} we took our demonstration, firstly to the door of 10 Downing Street with a petition to {Boris Johnson} and also to the COP26 conference itself in Glasgow on the 1st and 2nd November 2021.
Even then we {ZHRO and VUKA} had created the banner stating "ZANU PF MUST GO" and ROHR had created "The Face Behind- Corruption etc" We all knew that Zimbabwe was being {and had been} plundered for her natural resources - for the exclusive benefit to the Zanu PF "elite" - including the arch criminal President Mnangagwa himself READ OUR OCTOBER 2021 PETITION HERE - we did not want Mnangagwa to enter the United Kingdom under any circumstances.
We had reminded the UK Government, that Mnangagwa was head of security under the 1983-87 Gukhurundi genocide {petition in July 2018 for that issue} and as the "Chief Strategist" as named by the Untied Nations in their 2002 report regarding the wholesale looting of diamonds from the DR Congo! It's not as if this was all news to the British Government.
So the Criminality of the Zanu PF {Party} regime in Zimbabwe since 1980 has been an ongoing slide into depravity, all at the expense of the citizens and infrastructure of Zimbabwe. The current decline of routine maintenance of Power Generation, Sewage, Water supply, Roads, Railways, Dams etc etc, has led to some saying that Zimbabwe has returned to the "Stone Age" as simply nothing works any more. Regular power outages, non-functioning Sewage systems, water supply, roads and rail completely dilapidated in most of Zimbabwe.
However the outrage is not limited to just election rigging and corruption. Zimbabwe happens to be one of the few remaining nations who have NOT signed for the UN Convention Against Torture… That should indicate that the Zanu PF regime uses violence, abductions AND torture to oppress the citizens of Zimbabwe and have done so, again for decades!
So, fast forward to the 16th March 2023 and our petition to Rishi Sunak, for the release of Opposition Vice Chair, sitting MP and Lawyer, Job Sikhala - who still remains in the High Security prison without charge, and denied bail over 16 times for {today 6th April 2023} 296 days! We even had the Co-Chair{ of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Zimbabwe}, Lord Jonathan Oates as a joint signatory!
So now, we are starting our campaign planning for the implications exposed by this "Gold Mafia" four part series - an under-cover exposition of money laundering and Gold smuggling in Zimbabwe, and Internationally by the Zanu PF regime and its "ambassadors". This first installment has galvanised Zimbabweans, both at home and in the global diaspora into action - to try and rescue their Nation and put the wealth back into the hands of the citizens - where it has always belonged.
This graghic as produced by Al Jazeera from their series #GoldMafia identifies names and places of those identified as being part of the "Gold Mafia" itself. Worth noting is the following UK Passport holders; Uebert ANGEL aka Uebert Mudzanire, Lee ANGEL aka Limit Mudzanire, Sobona MTISI and Rikki DOOLAN, Uebert and Rikki, it seems are practicing pastors (??), and claiming to be Zimbabwean Ambassadors - these two feature strongly in the #GoldMafia programme. From the perspectives on the UK authorities, Tax Inspectors and Home Office, these two individuals need to be thoroughly investigated.
Furthermore the externaliastion from Zimbabwe of this criminal enterprise has implicated indiviuals and corporations in South Africa, Dubai, UAE, and by virtue of laundering the US Dolar - the USA State Department - with a petition already sent to many congressmen and women in the US by the US Zimbabwean diaspora and Zimbabwe Economic Movement in particular.
Sunny Kelly
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