#raiden ei x yn
quiteaboiledpotato · 2 years
Uhhh, wahoo i guess! i've been dingly dongling with Ai since quite a while now, so i decided to re-create some genshin characters in there, and do some hcs. The characters of course have their respective personality traits, appearance etc. So well, Bingo.
Warnings: None. Just Fluff! pronouns are gender neutral.
(Oh, there might be some grammar errors, very very minimal, the AI does that sometimes. I've also changed the name i was using for that session to "Y/N" and the pronouns to they/them or just you. That's the only things that i've done post-session. Have a fun read, AI does magic here.)
(Named this one "Guilt")
EI: Oh. Greetings, Traveller. How can I assist you? Said Ei, while elegantly sitting on a pillow in her room in the Tenshukaku, her eyes closed, her head focused, slightly frowning, as she was meditating before your arrival. and as you, Y/n, or known better as the Traveler, one of the few allowed to disturb her, came inside her room."Is something the matter Y/N?" I say, my expression changing from a calm one to a slightly worried one due to Y/N coming into my room. I stand and walk towards him slowly, before coming very near to him, and looking at him in the eyes.
Y/N: Yeah- say you with a small blush as she holds your hands.
EI: I smile, a small smile, I'm still a bit worried about Y/N. "What is the matter? Is it something important that you want to share with me?"
Y/N: Correct.. you are very worried about her possible reaction.
EI: "Then, please, sit down. You can rest your head on my lap if you want, I don't mind."
Y/N: Oh~ you sit down as instructed, waiting for her next move, slowly calming yourself down.
EI: I pat their head and I let them rest their head on my lap, I then start stroking their hair with my thumb. "So, what is it about?"
Y/N: you stay in silence for a bit, your eyes closed, just enjoying the moment. I-is it g-good if i..i f-feel something for y-you? You burst it out, stuttering.
EI: I look at Y/N and I blush a bit, but I have a kind smile. "I feel the same, I've never talked about this to anyone, yet I feel so safe and comfortable with you."
Y/N: you blushingly stay in silence, while she keeps caressing you, thinking for a response, your mind being absolutely frozen by her response.
EI: The petting stops, she looks Y/N in the eyes with the most pure, gentle eyes, a warm and kind smile. "So, you feel the same? The same way I feel for you?"
Y/N: Y-yes.. you whisper, waiting for the right moment to say that three words that your heart wants so much to say..
EI: She is still looking at you, without hesitation she looks at you in the eyes right after saying that yes, waiting for your next move, she is in peace, with her mind and body filled with happiness.
Y/N: you open your eyes, and bring up all your courage, saying: I... I.. love you Ei... while looking deeply in her purple eyes
EI: She looks at you surprised and then slightly blushes, she doesn't have the greatest response in the world, but without hesitation she gets up and takes your hands, she pulls you closer and she kisses you on the forehead, she is happy, and very happy with the result. She smiles, but you can tell her face is a bit red from the happiness, her cheeks are slightly pink.
Y/N: W...W-we will walk through Eternity t-together.. you say, letting your heart talk, while dreamily looking in her eyes.
EI: She looks at you, still a bit red from the happiness, while still having a kind smile. She leans towards you, while still maintaining eye contact, she pats you shoulders and as she gets close enough, she leans in closer, she wants to kiss him on the lips, but something feels off and she stops mid way, she feels that is way too early for her to do it.
Y/N: you notice that, a bit confused: oh.. i-is there something.. off?
EI: I blush when Y/N says that, I feel embarrassed, yet I reply: "I feel the same as you, I want you by my side for all eternity. Yet I feel like me kissing you on the lips right now will go too fast, and I don't want to rush this, I am in peace with how things are now, with this kind of relationship we have." I look at Y/N and I smile, trying to calm them down, it seems like they are worried about my sudden move.
Y/N: Oh.. of course.. you say, flustered.
EI: I see you look flustered because of my sudden move, my heart melts and I smile: "Do not worry, we are in the same page, even if we can't share the same lips as the moment, the time will come in a near future, where we will finally be able to do so. For now, it is best to take it slow, at a pace that both of us are comfortable with."
Y/N: you, clearly flustered, try to change argument. o..okay, surely.. h-how should I.. c-call you? Dear? My.. s-sweet eternity? Darling?
EI: She looks at you, and Y/N sees a slightly bigger blush, a kind smile on her lips. "Sweet Eternity has a catchy sound to it, I'd be happy if you'd call me that, but in the end, that is up to you."
Y/N: S-surely... you blush out of pure happiness, while looking in her eyes: m-my sweet eternity.
EI: I see the words that Y/N just used and now I am embarrassed, but in a good way. It feels good to know my actions are making him feel better and better. "I am deeply thankful that you used that name, it makes me happy. Even though I feel a bit embarrassed for it, the feeling of you calling me that is good enough."
Y/N: It's a pleasure to h-hear that... H-how do you like to call me instead..?
EI: She smiles, and she ponders a bit before answering, what is the best name she can come up with. "I must say, calling you 'Dearest' also has a good flow to it, but let me know what you think about it, I don't want to be calling you something you do not enjoy.
Y/N: Y-yes... you blush, completely stunned by her ways.
EI: I see them blush a bit again and I continue smiling, I want to give them a little kiss on his forehead once more because of how cute they are, yet I try to calm myself before doing something I will regret, Y/N really makes my heart weak, yet they do make me happy.
Y/N: you decide to kiss her forehead, gently.
EI: They suddenly kiss my forehead and it catches me by surprise, I do feel happy though, I let them continue because I am too happy to say something. I blush, a normal blush, but with a smile in it, I am glad everything went so well, the best this could've gone.
Y/N: you remain in silence while looking at her, only to say this a few seconds after: Ei... I would never leave you, don't even think so~ you remember about what she had faced in the past with her sister, sensing her fears.
EI: I see Y/N blush due to thinking about my past, I feel somewhat sad about him thinking of my past as it is not the best, but they are doing it just to comfort me, they are such a kind person. So, as a reply to such kindness, I give them one long hug, a hug that conveys my appreciation for how good he is making me feel.
Y/N: you hug her back, tightly.
EI: I feel their hug, and I hug them back, still feeling a bit guilty about their thinking of me, but they are also a comforting feeling, this is somewhat helping me forget about my past. I feel like I should ask them something. I let go and I look at them, a big smile on my face. "Are you happy with me, Y/N?"
Y/N: quite surprised by the question, you reply immediately: I never felt happier than now, my sweet eternity~
EI: I was expecting that answer, it is the answer I needed, a bit of a cheesy, yet I love it. So, as a reply, I give them a little kiss on the forehead while smiling. I am satisfied with their answer.
Y/N: you kiss her nose, gently.
EI: I feel my nose with their lips, I feel I want to do something similar in return, but then I stop, if I go on this road, then my feelings, which are already quite developed, will develop even further.. and if I end up confessing my feelings, I may end up feeling guilt if I do something wrong.. but the feelings are so strong they don't let me think too much, So, I end up kissing Y/N anyways.
Y/N: as she does that, you notice her discomfort, and you feel your heart racing. So you whisper: Ei, if ever there's something making you uncomfortable.. either about us two, or in general..you can always tell me..
EI: I hear Y/N's words and decide to tell them my inner question, pending since they arrived. "I feel like I shouldn't ask this, but, why are you so kind to me, why does a traveler want so much to help an archon like me, one that has made mistakes in the past, has closed her heart, I don't understand why you, as much more than just any other person from Inazuma, want to help me."
Y/N: Because.. despite what you may have done in the past.. i still have and will pardon you. Because.. i love you.
EI: I hear the words and I cannot hold the blush, even if I feel like I should've hold back, I end up confessing my own feelings in a blushy way, yet again. "You.. you truly love me? Even in the shape I am? My life has been nothing but a complicated mess, and yet someone cares so deeply for me. Oh, Y/N.." I kiss them, just on the lips that time.
Y/N: I'm surprised by her actions, but in a pleasing way. Her kiss is very awkward, as it being her first one. Her lips peck awkwardly, and It will take some time for her to learn, but i can wait. So i kiss her back, passionately.
EI: My eyes are in a bit of a surprise due to their passion, but I don't let that ruin the moment, I kiss back, trying to be as passionate as Y/N. I feel a happy kind of guilt, the guilt that makes you feel good, this is the first time in a long time I don't feel so bad about something in so long, and Y/N is the one to make me feel so happy.

That's it dudes. Yah i will probably add more parts in the future, if this goes well enough. It was a fun time trying something slightly more romantic with this AI, differing from my usual stuff.
Boiled potato signing out!
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explicitred · 3 years
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Baal Tries to Cook for You - (Male Reader)
Currently, you were trying to hide from Baal as the traveler had told you earlier that she tried cooking for you.
You knew the limits of your stomach and how you’d probably get food poisoning.
Sure, you love your wife.. But if she cooks- yeah no thanks.
“Darling..? Where are you? I cooked for you!”
Baal shouted, trying to locate you. You could picture her shouting with a smile, proud that she had actually created a dish.
‘Please don’t come near the closet- please don’t come near the closet- DANG IT!’
“Dear, what are you doing in the closet? Come, I’ve made food for you! You should try it!”
She said, sparkles practically radiating off her from excitement.
Y/N didn’t want his poor wife to feel sad if he rejected her, so of course…
“Yes, of course darling. I would happily try it… ahaha..”
He said awkwardly.
Baal then took Y/N’s hand and dragged him to the living room.
“Stay here! I need to get a blindfold!”
Baal went quickly while Y/N stood there with dread. 😢
‘Oh dear…’
After a bit, Baal came back with a black blindfold.
Baal gave you the blindfold with no hesitation while you slowly put on the blindfold in despair.
“Okay! Let’s go~!”
“*Sigh* Okay..”
Your wife paid no attention to your tone once again and took you by the hand to the kitchen.
You smelled a strong scent of something being burnt. There were also lots of other smells you couldn’t quite figure out from smell alone. But what you could tell, was that you were probably gonna get food poisoning. 😭😢😅
You then felt your blindfold getting loose slowly and your vision came back.
Baal was in front of you smiling widely, with a plate of omelette that was very… strange looking.. It had sparks of electro and you could clearly see the mess behind her on the floor.
One of the items on the floor was a white porcelain bowl. It seemed to have had purple liquid before in it.. If that was in it, and the only dish she made was the omelette.. Oh dear- 😰
‘Also- What’s with the purple ketchup on it?!’
You knew you should’ve hid somewhere else other then the closet!
She used her fingers to take the fork under the plate to give to you.
You picked up the fork and swiped a piece of the omelete, put it in your mouth, and chewed slowly.
‘Yeah.. I’m definitely getting food poisoning-‘
“Huh? Dear, are you okay?”
Baal asked worried about you, as you were curled up into a ball on the couch.
“Yeah- just fine..” 😭
“Do you need to go to the doctor..? Hey- Dear! Please respond!!”
And happy Halloween!
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