#raid recovery
it4aweek · 2 years
IT Training services in San Diego. Grow your IT skills in San Diego with our comprehensive IT training services! Phone: 858-324-2820  [email protected]
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fairymint · 10 months
so. holiday work has had me tied up, but I'm planning a small comeback with my crafting/ animal centric muses-
mostly shovel knight and Steve, since i just grabbed pocket dungeon and have dabbled in minecraft and my animal crossing restart-
So! shoves, steve, and villager felix have high muse! I've also just finished Evangelion the other week and may have muse down the line, we'll see!
On the flipside, however, I do know that I need to work on bios since I feel like that's the biggest obstacle of interaction outside of direct engagement. (plotting, seeing them on the dash, basically remembering that they Exist™️) So, downtime I think i wanna spend filling those out. If you see a muse on my list that does not have a bio up currently, feel free to send asks about them if they pertain to that basic information-any category works! I'm going to be trying to refrain from ask memes until i can get more of that done, and I don't plan on doing pkmn ingame stuff for inspiration until the 2nd DLC drops tbh.
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dascarecrow · 2 years
The Failed Raid - A Gentle Recovery VIII
Little Eri was of the opinion that this was a good day, despite the bad things that had happened. 
Her Papa had gotten hurt trying to stop a bunch of villains, which had left her fretting something fierce. But her and her Mama were doing their best to help him get better. It was nice spending time with him when he needed it. And she got to see her Nana and Aunt Mitsuki when they came to visit Papa. Now the rest of her aunts were here for Cookie Time! 
A one Aunt Mitsuki seemed to be having the best time, fussing over Eri by giving her a bite sized cookie each time she passed by. Something that was happening quite a bit considering the little unicorn was going around passing out cookies to everyone who had joined for Cookie Time today. Still something was bothersome in the fiery woman’s mind. 
“So did that brat of mine stop by already? I figured he’d be here after a loss like that.” Izuku was reluctant to answer, knowing that it was likely to end in trouble for Kacchan. Unfortunately Uraraka would take the decision out of his hands. “Haven’t seen him. He wasn’t even waiting around when Deku was allowed to have visitors.” 
The ash blonde woman’s eyes became sharper and her smile got just a bit more pointed. “I see.” And that would be the sound of impending doom for a certain explosive hero in training. “Well doesn’t that just figure. That brat walks away from a fight without a scratch while his best friend is laid up in recovery and he doesn’t even bother to stop in for a single hello. It makes me ashamed of him sometimes.” “Mitsuki!” “Don’t tell me I’m wrong Inko. That brat of mine skated off to who knows where without so much as a care. Meanwhile his own niece is fretting her little head off.” “I am?” Mitsuki looked at Eri with a kind smile. “Yes dear you are.” “Oh, I didn’t know that. I better start fretting properly. Worry, worry, worry. Worry, worry, worry.” Eri went about her worrying with a wide smile on her face as she fed more fruit to her Papa. 
Inko looked at her friend with disapproval. “Mitsuki...” “Well it’s decided then.” The blonde woman was heedless of her level headed friends concerns. “I’ll be right back.” She left the room, leaving the rest of its occupants wondering what she was up to. They wouldn’t wonder long for after a while they heard a familiar explosive voice approaching. “Dow, dow, dow, dow, dow...” And soon enough a one Katsuki Bakugou was brought in to the room, held up by the collar by his mother. After tracking down her wayward son she had seen fit to almost literally drag him to see his childhood friend, knocking his face against the wall repeatedly as she carried him along. 
Long used to his mother’s antics Bakugou simply stared at her with his version of disinterested calm. “What was that for you old bat?” “Sorry Katsuki I think I misheard you. It sounded like you were insulting your own mother, who had to drag you to see your injured friend. But there’s no way you’d be that ill mannered, now is there?” Mitsuki may have been smiling but everyone could tell she was on the verge of volcanically releasing her rage if her son acted up. 
“Drr!” Not willing to risk his mother’s wrath but equally unwilling to demonstrate any concern for Deku of all people, Bakgou chose what he felt was a good middle of the road approach. “So what if Deku’s laid up? I’m not the one who put him here!” “You sure as heck didn’t do anything to stop it!” “Since when is looking out for Deku my job?!” “Since he’s willing to put up with you for more than five seconds!” The volatile son and mother glared at each other until one of them was willing to concede to the other. And Bakugou was not the winner of that particular staring contest. 
“Tch. Whatever.” He looked away from his mother’s glare with attempted indifference and certainly not some level of fear. Nope, not even slightly afraid at all. With his attention no longer taken up by his mother’s threatening temper he saw Uraraka in her nurse uniform and made the only sensible comment he could. “What the heck are you dressed like that for?” “We’re being Papa’s nurses!” The ash blonde looked down and saw Eri, who was also dressed by like a nurse. Something seemed to be happening inside his mind but what was anyone’s guess. 
“Oh.” And that was his only response. He kept looking at Eri with an unreadable expression. “That’s... a good thing.” It was surprising that he was speaking at a normal volume level instead of shouting at max. “You’re a good girl for doing that.” Bakugou hesitantly put out his hand and slowly lowered it, eventually reaching Eri’s hat covered head and gently patting it. She looked at him in confusion, making Bakugou a slight bit self-conscious, then she smiled at him with closed eyes and a small giggle, eliciting a blush from the boy and making him look away. 
This did not go unnoticed by the rest of the room. As Uraraka would prove.  
“Oooooh. You’re just a big old softie deep down aren’t you Bakugou?” And to prove her complete lack of fear she started pulling on his cheek. “Yeah Katsuki. You talk all tough but you’re just a big marshmallow on inside.” And now his mother was tugging on his other cheek. And that was setting off his all too volatile temper. So he did the only thing he could think of. 
Blame Deku of course. 
“Dang it Deku, I’m gonna...” Bakugou’s threat died on his lips as he took in Izuku’s injured form. Now as bad tempered as he could be even Bakugou wasn’t low enough to try and attack someone who was so injured. Sadly this left him with no way to actually let loose the pressure valve on his temper. “Drrrrrrr! Gaaah! Would you let me go already?!” Uraraka and Mitsuki promptly ended their taunting but kept their teasing grins on. Soon enough Bakugou felt something tugging on his pants and saw that it was Eri, who held up a cookie for him to take. “It’s a cinnamon.” The explosive teen took the treat offered with an uncharacteristically mellow “thanks” and let himself be led over to a nearby chair, deciding that it wouldn’t kill him to keep slightly quiet for a day.  
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recdati · 16 days
🛑 5 Segnali che il tuo Hard Disk sta per rompersi 🛑
Il tuo computer inizia a fare i capricci? Potrebbe essere l'hard disk a dirti che è ora di fare un backup! Ecco i 5 segnali da non ignorare:
1️⃣ Avvio lento: Il tuo PC impiega un'eternità per accendersi? L'hard disk potrebbe essere il colpevole.
2️⃣ Prestazioni a picco: Tutto diventa incredibilmente lento? Se anche aprire un file richiede pazienza, potrebbe essere un sintomo di un disco rigido in difficoltà.
3️⃣ Strani rumori: Ticchettii, ronzii o scricchiolii non sono suoni che vuoi sentire dal tuo hard disk! Sono spesso i primi segnali di un problema meccanico.
4️⃣ Settori danneggiati: Quando il disco comincia a perdere settori, la sua capacità diminuisce. Attenzione, la situazione potrebbe peggiorare velocemente.
5️⃣ Dati inaccessibili: Se ricevi errori come "Accesso negato" o "Posizione non disponibile", è un brutto segno. Potresti avere dei dati persi o inaccessibili.
🌐 Cosa fare? Prima di tutto, fai subito un backup dei tuoi dati importanti. Se noti questi segnali, potrebbe essere il momento di sostituire l'hard disk. Se i dati sono già inaccessibili, meglio rivolgersi a un esperto di recupero dati.
Hai mai avuto problemi con il tuo hard disk? Condividi la tua esperienza nei commenti!
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techsee · 21 days
Expert Data Recovery Services for All Hard Drive Configurations!
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townpostin · 1 month
Police Nab Five in Major Motorcycle Theft Bust in Jamshedpur
Jamshedpur Police Arrest Five, Including Two Minors, in Motorcycle Theft Case. In a significant breakthrough against a motorcycle theft gang, Jamshedpur police arrested five individuals, including two minors, recovering three stolen bikes. JAMSHEDPUR – Jamshedpur police achieved a major success in cracking down on a motorcycle theft ring, arresting five youths, including two minors, and…
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RAID Array and Server Recovery
Businesses often rely on RAID arrays and servers to keep their data safe. But when these systems break down, it can lead to a lot of lost data and mess up how things run.
At Data Recovery Malaysia, they're really good at getting back the important data from RAID setups or servers that have stopped working right. No matter if the problem is with the hardware, some software glitch, or a setup mistake, their team knows what to do.
SD Card Data Recovery
They use special recovery software designed just for figuring out and fixing RAID setups so you can get your important stuff back. Even in tricky situations where there are lots of drives involved or complex server issues, they've got it covered.
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jeantalks · 2 months
Expert RAID Server Data Recovery Services | Fast & Reliable Solutions!
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hotghnews · 2 months
Top RAID File Recovery Methods You Should Know
Top RAID File Recovery Methods You Should Know Top RAID File Recovery Methods You Should Know Data loss can be a nightmare for businesses and individuals alike, especially when it comes to RAID systems. RAID file recovery has become increasingly important as organizations rely heavily on these complex storage configurations. From cyber attacks to human errors, various factors can lead to data…
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backupcse · 2 months
A Guide for Recovering Data from a RAID Array
Data loss from a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) system can be a nightmare. However, all hope is not lost. Depending on the severity of the issue and the type of RAID you’re using, there are several methods for recovering your precious data. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources to navigate RAID data recovery. RAID arrays combine multiple physical disks into a…
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harryfebus · 3 months
Professional RAID Data Recovery Services!
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Qubex Data Recovery is dedicated to providing top-notch flash drive data recovery in Aurora. Whether your flash drive has been physically damaged, corrupted by a virus, or accidentally formatted, our expert technicians can recover your lost files. We use cutting-edge technology and advanced recovery techniques to ensure the highest success rates.
Qubex Data Recovery 2821 S Parker Rd #285, Aurora, CO 80014 (720) 319–7239
My Official Website: https://qubexdatarecovery.info/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8612459308869067272
Our Other Links:
hdd data recovery Aurora: https://qubexdatarecovery.info/data-recovery-services/hard-drive-data-recovery/ raid data recovery: https://qubexdatarecovery.info/data-recovery-services/raid-data-recovery/ Aurora data recovery: https://qubexdatarecovery.info/data-recovery-services/
Service We Offer:
RAID array Data Recovery services SSD Data Recovery services NAS, SAN, DAS Data Recovery Service Virtual Server Data Recovery Services Head actuator exchanges Platters cleanup and swap Electronic board (PCB) repairs Stuck head or spindle services Password and Encryption Firmware repair
Follow Us On:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Qubex-Data-Recovery/100046968165655/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/QubexR63939 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/QubexDataRecoveryAurora/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qubexdatarecovery/
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recdati · 20 days
💾✨ RAID5 vs RAID6: il dramma dei dischi rigidi ✨💾
Ok, ragazzi, immaginate questo: hai un server pieno di dati preziosissimi (sì, parlo di quei file che non puoi assolutamente permetterti di perdere). 🔥 E ora arriva il grande dilemma: RAID5 o RAID6? 😳
⚡ RAID5? Yeah, super cool, fa il suo dovere e ti dà ottime performance. Ma... plot twist! Se due dischi decidono di fare un tuffo nel nulla? Boom, tutti i tuoi dati se ne vanno. Bye bye. 👋💀
💪 RAID6 invece è tipo il bodyguard dei tuoi dati. Due dischi possono andare in fumo, e lui sarà ancora lì, fermo, proteggendo i tuoi preziosissimi gigabyte. Due guasti? Nessun problema. RAID6 ce l’ha sotto controllo. 👊😎
✨ Morale della favola? Se ci tieni a quelle foto imbarazzanti del liceo, ai documenti aziendali super importanti o a qualsiasi cosa tu abbia lì, RAID6 è l’eroe di cui hai bisogno. Certo, costa un po’ di più, ma hey, prevenire è meglio che piangere su dischi guasti, no? 😅
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techsee · 28 days
Expert RAID Data Recovery Services - Fast & Reliable!
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townpostin · 3 months
ED Intensifies Probe Into Illegal Land Occupation In Ranchi
Investigators Visit Chama Village In Search Of Absconding Land Dealer Kamlesh Kumar Agency recovered Rs 1 crore cash and 100 cartridges in recent raids. RANCHI – The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has stepped up its investigation into illegal land occupation cases in Jharkhand, focusing on absconding land dealer Kamlesh Kumar. "ED teams visited Chama village in Kanke, Ranchi on Wednesday to…
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salvagedata-toronto · 11 months
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Address- 344 Bloor St W Suite 206, Toronto, ON, M5S 3A7  Canada
Phone- +1 (437) 900-5122
Website- https://www.salvagedata.ca/
Start recovering and restoring your data from anywhere in Canada. SalvageData combines quality customer service, professional expertise, and certified secure data recovery equipment to recover personal and business data with over 96.7% success rate. Located in Toronto, ON, SalvageData has been offering certified recovery services for all device types under the strictest standards for data privacy and data security.
Business Hour- Mon - Fri: 9:30AM – 5PM | Sat: 11AM – 4PM
Payment Methods- All Payments Method
Owner Name- Bogdan Glushko
Year Est.- 2003
Find us on-
Facebook-       https://www.facebook.com/SALVAGEDATA/
Instagram-      https://instagram.com/salvagedata
LinkedIn-        https://www.linkedin.com/company/salvagedata-recovery
Twitter-            https://twitter.com/salvagedata
YouTube-         https://www.youtube.com/@SalvageData
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