#rahhh im hungry
eros-ghoulette · 2 months
It's really hard to resist the urge to get up now and just snack the ribs I cooked for lunch tomorrow
Others sleep at 1:30am
I make ribs
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tachimichishrine · 9 months
ppssps..hey bae 😍😍😍❤️❤️🙈🙈🙈
heyyy babygorl 🤪😳🥵🥵😻🙉🙉 oh my god this is indeed extremely cute and sexy, just imagine...
tachihara around the holidays, a sense of nostalgia for something that never existed as he watches families with shopping bags in their arms. they look happy in the way he'd never felt with his own, and it's got him looking down for most of the season.
tachihara catching himself staring at you for too long, watching you give small gifts to the other members of the black lizard, even speaking with the nameless suits about their plans with their families like you really were a goddamn angel.
tachihara daydreaming about you in the middle of missions, distracting himself with the thought of you to the point where he accidentally bumps into santa cosplayers and has to threaten to beat them within an inch of their lives as soon as they start singing carols merrily at him.
tachihara who is stupid in love, head over heels even before you started asking him about his holiday plans and he begrudgingly admits that he doesn't talk to his family; you pouted sadly and promised that you'd try to make up for it, whatever that was supposed to mean.
tachihara strolling into his office, finding a small box of chocolates wrapped in a red ribbon with a note saying "from santa", even though it was obvious who it was from. it took him a while to stop blushing before he could stash the box in his pocket and pretend like he didn't just get shot by cupid's arrow all over again.
tachihara trying (miserably) to return the favour, having no clue what you like and needing hirotsu's advice. he made the old man swear not to tell anyone about this because if word spread through the black lizard that he was buying gifts for someone, he'd look weak and mushy and he didn't want you to know that this was what you did to him.
tachihara not knowing how to ask you out, painfully terrified that you were just being nice to him because that's who you are and not because you had any interest in him. he thought the mistletoe maneuver was cliché and stupid and soft and perfect for you.
tachihara using his ability to carry the mistletoe around with him, feeling dumb as he waits for you to stumble across him all the while trying to psych himself up to actually kiss you.
tachihara who turns around for one second to yell at an underling, leaving the mistletoe in the air as you, hirotsu and gin stroll in.
tachihara watching in agony as you point out the mistletoe above your heads and kiss hirotsu right in front of his eyes (you said that you would've kissed gin but she had her mask on).
tachihara giving up and heading home after a long day, the stupid thing in his pocket serving as a reminder that he's a coward and can't even do this one simple thing right.
tachihara hearing you call out "wait up!" while he walks home, hands in his pockets and about to throw the world's biggest tantrum at the sight of lovers holding hands and laughing at all the christmas lights put up around the neighborhood.
tachihara slowing down his pace but not stopping as you talk to him, saying things that he barely processes because your smile is so beautiful and you look so excited.
tachihara following you on your little detour, taking him to decorated squares and clinging onto his arm when night fell and it got too cold. he would've suggested buying you a hot chocolate but he didn't want you leaving his arm anytime in the foreseeable future.
tachihara's confidence slightly restored, taking a deep breath and looking around while you babbled about loving the spirit of the season, his eyes locking in on the mistletoe in front of a small shop.
tachihara suggesting to you that go in and explore the shop, then trying (awfully) to smoothly point out the mistletoe on the sign above. he swore that he was a spy, a trained, high-level spy that could infiltrate even the most dangerous of organizations, but you made him nervous and it came out wrong.
tachihara listening to you giggle, pointing out what a coincidence it was that this was the second time today that you found yourself under the mistletoe.
tachihara not believing it when you grabbed him by the front of his jacket and kissed him like it was nothing, not giving him any time to say how he really felt or process the feeling of your lips on his.
tachihara trying to kiss you back but the kiss was short and you were already giggling and ushering him into the shop.
tachihara yelling out "stop! just... wait. just wait," with a lot more desperation than he wanted.
tachihara unable to say anything coherent, describing his appreciation for your gifts and thoughtful words and time you spent with him spontaneously like right now and how gorgeous you looked and how your smile made him feel and just about a thousand other things he never thought he'd say out loud, to your face.
tachihara breathing heavily after his rant, face hot enough to warm up half the city and unable to look you in the eye.
tachihara growing hotter once you grabbed his chin, tilting it so he would look at you, then you said "you know, we're still under the mistletoe... dontcha think we should kiss again?"
tachihara not believing his senses when you did just that, this time pulling him in deeply, hands on his shoulders and body twisting the slightest amount as you kissed him like he'd never imagined before.
tachihara feeling drunk on your lips once you told him that you followed him on his way home not just because you didn't want him to be alone during the holidays, but because you barely saw him today and missed his company, because you missed him.
tachihara getting himself dragged to your home that evening, condemned to plans of baking, house decorating and cuddling whether or not he wanted it. but you both knew that he did, more than anything.
tachihara walking with you like he was in a fever dream, your fingers intertwined while you occasionally kissed his cheek and watched him blush when you got closer to him or asked if he was the one who planted that mistletoe in the port mafia hq this morning.
tachihara making sure he discreetly tossed the mistletoe in his pocket in a garbage on the way there because he denied this morning's "accident".
and most importantly, tachihara getting spoiled the entire holiday season, especially since you made sure to hang dozens of mistletoes across your home and agreed that he would have to comply with each and every one of them, not that he was complaining.
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isa-ah · 8 months
the crushing autistic defeat of taking your whole family out to eat on ur dime and after spending all that money the food u got was Not Autism Approved so you ended up throwing away 80% of ur meal
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sunloveskel · 5 months
rahhh im going to die if my parents fight Infront of me one more time. they keep fighting over my grades. over me in general. my dad is mean. tough but loving. my mother is protective. when my dad slapped me and my brother my mom kicked my dad out for a while. part of me felt horrible. the other part felt weak. I got my brother in trouble since I didn't eat. he didn't eat some of his food so? he wasn't hungry leave him alone!!! that was a while ago but still. they fought yesterday over a fucking BULLET i know, dangerous to loose bullets around 2 German Shepard's and two (by law) children. i swear. they act like nothing happens after but once I do something and try to forget about it OH HOW DARE I? HOW DARE I FOR ACTING LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED? OH THATS FUCKING PETTY anyways this was just a tiny little rant sorry guys this really isn important!
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hi! I hope You’re doing well and I wanted to ask who you’d match me with from HSR, preferably the guys because ahhahdjsbdks my pfp, but ignore jingy rn I want your true and honest opinion. (I don’t mind a female suggestion either)
I’m going to really try and keep this short (I feel like I will fail this as I literally over-explain everything—) but don’t feel pressured at all to reply to this or anything! (I kinda feel i alr did this but im forgetful too help-)
A quick summary:
I’m afab, like 160cm(5’2? With chest which I hate because I want the dark academia dressing style (i dont have money)), she/they, libra, INFP, I’m sorry, I haven’t really had the hyperfixation on sun moon and rising and well astrology stuff tbh 😭
My personality (a mess im so sorry):
Well, I don’t think I could tell you. What I know of myself is that I try to be honest, I am loyal to my friends and probably obsessive when someone shows me interest and i dont know- (there’s some mental disorders going around, along a suspicion of autism) Personally I see myself as a shy annoying brat, while in reality I don’t ever initiate conversation and never know what to say unless it’s about a hyperfixation or something—AGAIN I OVEREXPLAIN EVERYTHING. My mouth doesn’t work as well as I’d like to, I cry too much (imo) I’m sensitive to well a lot, I get overstimulated quickly depending on the situation and um well I’m a picky eater I guess.
RAHHH I LOVE FOOD. And I’m chubby. I’m VERY self conscious and messy (which I’m sure you’ve noticed if you got this far)
Fun fact! If i were to live alone (still living with parents because house market is hell) I’d probably forget to eat a lot/overeat even more than I already do. Why? Because I don’t feel it. I don’t feel a limit to my ‘hunger’ and I don’t even really think I feel hungry at times.
Also, I hate to be perceived by people. It makes me feel like… too much alive. I don’t really feel a connection between my mind and my body, like someone sees my body and I’m just: THAT AINT ME YALL PLEASE IT AINT MEEEEE 😭😭😭😭 but id never say that bc again, my mouth doesn’t work.
I think I’m pretty useless at a lot too, but I don’t mean for this to be a traumadump thingy, which I also don’t realise when I should stop or not like RIGHT NOW I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP (the doubt is real, I’m so sorry—)
I’m a Jing Yuan simp, obviously, name and all, but I also firmly believe we wouldn’t be good together? Like he’d be great for me. But what would I bring to him? Besides messy thoughts and nothing?… Which is literally nothing. I want to be someone he could properly rely on and not just a hopeless random girlypop who stops processing information after something becomes a bit too much mentally.
I have my serious moments, which will for most part go unnoticed online, but it’s not like I’m inherently useful or whatever. I feel like I’m really lacking in lots of aspects, and yes I’m aware I’m not ‘old’ yet, but my thoughts eat me alive and I won’t be surprised if I well blablah me me me I hate talking about me. Nothing bad even happened I’m just weird at this point, apologies! (Im a mess, my mind is still that 12 year old kid who just wanted a good hug from her mom and a good chat with her mom without all the school and later college problems aghh I wanna be 5 again.)
ANYWAYS if you made it this far, kudos to your determination anddd i hope you stay hydrated! And eat well. Health before anything.
I FAILED TO KEEP IT SHORT. Sorry I- AAAA that’s how my brain is.
Good god jingsnuggler you're Litteraly the best request I've had in my inbox- (IM SORRY MY OTHER CUTIEPIES DONT GET JEALOUS)
And I also was scrolling from like bottom to top to write some request and saw your pfp and was like "wait didn't I just recently get another one of them?" And I was right >:} You really did stay in my memory HSHSHS anyways anyways not tryna chit chat too long since we know why you're here, and I'll use both of your submits to give you the perfect match...
Drumrolls please....
I genuinely with all of my heart think that you guys would be perfect like no joke
He would balance you out, just fine.
He's a gentle soul, and would find you very amusing and enjoy being around you
Your talkative and bubbly nature would soothe his soul and calm him even.
Sensitive personality? Don't worry Jing yuan will pat your head and tell you it's fine
Forget to eat? Jing yuan will take note of it. And make sure you never forget. Ever
Okay enough of fluff you said you don't think you have anything to offer for him while I strongly disagree
I think Jing yuan needs someone who can keep him entertained, someone that can talk to him, he's a lonely man believe it or not, he doesn't really interact much with plp other than Yanqing, and between you and me Yanqing is boring af
So he'll greatly appreciate having a small birdie on his shoulder that will tell him all that they think , after hours of doing general work all he would need is to have someone talk to him about some casual stuff and random thoughts, yk?
I also think he would turn to you in case of a crisis, sometimes just come home to you and lay down to cuddle with you, it comforts him somewhat, youre like his stress reliever, hes usually very reserved and calm with other people, but with you..it's so different
To him you're like a fresh breath of air, like just a slap to the face to wake him up, you keep him from going freaking insane
I don't think Jing yuan is usually fit for people with a personality of like blade or Dan Heng (just an example of personality I am no shipper nor anti shipper don't shoot me)
Like ...yeah I guess they can be friends but like...Jing yuan wouldn't click with them? I don't know how to explain it but jing yuan needs someone lively and like all over the place, so he can take time to slowly organize you and your thoughts in his mind.
Phew that's all from me, sending lots of hugs and loves I hope to see you around on my blog since you're a small blessing on my acc (≧◡≦) ♡
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areislol · 10 months
progress on chap 6?? no rush at all BUT MAMA WE E HUNGRY FEED US MORE CONTENTTTT :3
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ignore the grammarly thingy.. this doesn't seem like a lot BUTTTTTTTT that's just the start so
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mellofi · 4 months
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pupuyvs · 5 months
luckily u wont be hungry for long it seems chapters sooner will win so youll be fed tmrw 🤭🤭🤭
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benatarrrr · 1 year
hey uh
havent posted much art heres some shit from whiteboard with @marvusxoloto69
art dump ahead warning u now
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i love the demon drawing honestly
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ok marvus is hot af but i drew him so badly (lolbit is cute but i drew them awfully too)
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miguel o'hara shitposting
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i drew some hs characters i never drew before (kurloz, sollux, eridan, mituna, and then the stinky vriska doodle)
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another persona
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holy fuck i love drawing fangs
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he got hungry (he goes on hunts and slaughters and devours humans) but bro i think he needa napkin (also a sona thing)
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im so sorry for drawing karkat in crocs (karcroc) /ij this is actually from an older wb but oh well its goofy
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another older one but hs oc lore rahhh manalo death and lore (basically portraying how he never got to express his red feelings to oaklin) buT I MADE HIS HANDS TO FUCKINFG BIG GRGRGRGD
ok thats it sorry for art dumping but yeagh
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ashen--dreams · 1 month
rahhh im hungry but i hate mysellffff
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groochi-gang · 2 years
i feel like im being punched in the stomach im so hungry rahhh rahhh i ran out of food and ive been eating pbj out of jars like a fucking cockroach 
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