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raggedclanlifegen · 6 months ago
Moon 14 - Surrender!
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"I'm grateful that the sun is finally back." Minkstar was purring, stretching out in a patch of sun with Bitternlightning.
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Bitternlightning nodded in agreement. "It's not only good for my pelt but drying my herbs." Her whiskers twitched. "Speaking of herbs, StarClan blessed me and Stemstripe yesterday with a nice patch of garlic."
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"Do you think it's a sign that Garlicash will finally get a mate?" Shinelight joked as she settled down beside Minkstar.
Bitternlightning laughed. "Maybe!"
Minkstar sighed. "It's about time he does. He's yet to secure the mediator line." Minkstar turned to Bitternlightning. "And neither have you."
Bitternlightning frowned. "I'm old, Minkstar. Just give me some time." She set her head back down on her paws.
Shinelight glanced back at her mother who was deep in thought. Instead of interrupting the she-cat, she too settled down and enjoyed the rare sunlight on her fur.
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"Hornetstem." Shinelight called to the tom.
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Hornetstem lifted a brow as he turned to face Shinelight. "Yes?"
Shinelight smiled. "Do you mind helping me move a few sticks on the outside of the warriors den?"
Something flashed in the tom's eyes before he perked up. "Of course! Lead the way." He set down whatever he was messing with before following Shinelight.
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"Are you sure your paw feels well enough? You're going to be moving a lot, I imagine." Minkstar was looking at Ponddrop skeptically.
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Ponddrop rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure, Minkstar. Now come on, you're holding up the rest of the patrol." The tom padded past his mother, joining the battle patrol.
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"Glad you could join us." Shinelight teased as Ponddrop padded beside her. She was leading the patrol out towards where the rogue group had last been spotted.
Ponddrop simply scowled.
Gosh, what's his issue? Shinelight frowned.
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"Well, I know I'm excited to finally teach those filthy rogues a lesson! This time they won't come back." Asterseed came up on the other side of Shinelight, his tail twitching with excitement.
Shinelight smiled. "Now that's the spirit! We won't have to worry about them anymore after today."
It was a long and grueling battle. The RaggedClan cats were battered and bloody and the rogues weren't much better either. But RaggedClan had won. They had the rogue group circled.
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"Do you surrender?" Minkstar glared down at the rogue leader.
The toms head was lowered. "We do. This time we will move on. We understand now that we are not the strongest here."
Minkstar seemed satisfied. "Because of your cooperation, you are being spared today. Treat your injured and leave. Next time we see one of your members they will be killed on sight." Minkstar summoned her clan around her. "RaggedClan, our business here is over. I can't say we wish you and your group well, but we hope you can find a better life elsewhere. Good luck."
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"Wake up, Shinelight. You assigned us to dawn patrol, remember?"
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Shinelight grumbled something as she blinked open her eyes to see Asterseed standing over her. "Remind me why I did that again?"
Asterseed snorted. "No clue. Now come one."
The two set out towards the closest border, chatting the entire way and laughing. The mood was light for some time before they heard a groan from a nearby bush.
"Did you hear that?" Asterseed stopped, narrowing his eyes at the bush the noise came from.
"Yeah..." Shinelight nodded, carefully approaching the bush. "Do you think it's a cat?" She paused and glanced back at Asterseed who shrugged.
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A she-cat poked her head out of the bush, startling Shinelight. "Hello?" The she-cat said slowly, wincing.
Shinelight, still shaking, just looked at the she-cat.
"Hello? What's your name?" Asterseed, who wasn't as startled, stepped forward.
The she-cat narrowed her eyes. "Hazelwhisker. I'm looking for LittleClan. Surely they're around here somewhere..." She looked around, confused.
Shinelight and Asterseed both gasped.
"LittleClan? We're from RaggedClan!" Shinelight said with excitement.
Hazelwhisker looked even more confused. "RaggedClan? Doesn't sound familiar.
Asterseed cleared his throat. "RaggedClan is the old TreeClan. And some CloudClan. And a few stragglers we picked up."
Hazelwhisker frowned. "Well, where's LittleClan? I think I'm a little lost..."
Shinelight shook her head sadly. "They're gone, Hazelwhisker. Minkstar sent out search parties for the other clans but they were all gone."
"Well they must've gone somewhere!" Hazelwhisker's voice rose, causing her to wince again. "They wouldn't just leave without me..."
"The skyflames. It killed so many. Cats, prey, the forest..." Asterseed looked at Hazelwhisker sadly. "LittleClan is gone. Maybe there are survivors somewhere out there, but there are no others around here."
Hazelwhisker groaned. "I came all this way...just for them to be gone!" She looked down at her paws.
"Came all this way from where?" Asterseed inquired.
Shinelight shook her head. "You can tell us that later, Hazelwhisker. Just come back to RaggedClan with us. You look like you could do with a good meal and a check from our Healer.."
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"I haven't a clue how you survived that long with this kind of head trauma." Bitternlightning shook her head. "It's a miracle!"
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"StarClan has it's ways..." Hazelwhisker sighed.
"Right." Bitternlightning nodded.
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"Now, Hazelwhisker, tell us about your journey." Shinelight had gotten the curious eyes away from the den, allowing Hazelwhisker to explain in a quiet environment.
Hazelwhisker frowned. "Well, it started when twolegs snatched me on the moor one day. They tried turning me into one of those kittypets!" Hazelwhisker shivered.
Bitternlightning narrowed her eyes but said nothing.
"And you escaped?" Shinelight titled her head.
Hazelwhisker nodded. "When the skyflames as you call them fell. The twolegs were rushing out of their den in a hurry. They left me." She scoffed. "They wanted me so badly just to abandon me," Hazelwhisker muttered something before continuing. "But they left the 'door', as I had heard it called, open and I was able to escape. Something hit my head when I was running out and I woke up some time later surrounded by strange cats."
Bitternlightning and Shinelight exchanged a glance.
"Their fur was burnt and their skin raw. They must've saved me. And I left them as soon as I could. I can't remember how far I traveled. But I know my head felt better after a few moons. I think I was finally close when another strange group of cats attacked me. They looked like the rest but even stranger. And scarier." Hazelwhisker shuddered.
"That must've been the group we were having issues with. We just recently got rid of them." Shinelight looked thoughtful.
Hazelwhisker shrugged. "I wouldn't know. All I do know about them though is that they're vicious. Threw me against a tree and left me for dead. I guess that's what caused this more recent injury. After that, I'm not sure. I don't remember well. But I'm here now." She was silent for a few moments. "Are you sure you haven't seen any other LittleClan cats?"
"I'm afraid not," Shinelight said with sympathy. "If we did, we'd tell you. I promise."
Hazelwhisker seemed to accept that and settled down in her nest. "Thank you."
"Of course." Shinelight touched her nose to the she-cat head gently. "Welcome to RaggedClan, Hazelwhisker."
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raggedclanlifegen · 6 months ago
Marsh & Bittern
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Marsh used to be a loner. He had no desire for a family. Why bother? He was happy in his solitude and didn't want to cause any cat heartache if something happened.
Until he met her.
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She called herself Bittern. Marsh always thought it was a weird name. But he decided it suited her. She had a sharp tongue but also showed him her caring side.
That's why it was no surprise that Marsh asked her to be his mate. And it was no surprise that she accepted.
Soon enough there were four little paws running around. Then two. Then one. Then none. All four kits had grown up.
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Meadow was claimed to be the prettiest she-cat in the area. And it was hard to deny it.
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Borage, too, was highly complimented. Both left one night after a quick and quiet goodbye. Meadow had found a mate and was going off to live with him. Borage decided to join her sister and was welcomed. Meadow would be having her own litter soon, and an extra set of paws was greatly appreciated.
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Burnet never was one to hunt or fight. Whenever Marsh would give her and her littermates lessons, she never seemed to get the hang of it. After not much thought, she became a kittypet. Marsh and Bittern weren't necessarily angry but they surely weren't happy either. But they supported whatever Burnet, now Cassie, wanted.
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And Sparrow. Bittern couldn't contain her shock when he was born. He looked identical to her own brother, also named Sparrow, who she'd lost sight of in a storm moons ago. It's safe to say that Sparrow was a mamas boy. It was a tough goodbye when he finally decided to set out on his own one day, but Bittern and Marsh wished him well. They never saw him again, no matter how long they waited.
Bittern longed for another litter and got just that with Leaf and Magnolia.
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Leaf was a lot like Cassie in his parent's eyes. But instead of simply not getting the hang of hunting or fighting, he was disinterested. He decided to become a kittypet, spoiled by his twolegs. Bittern and Marsh were sad to see him go, but knew this lifestyle suited him.
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Magnolia, on the other hand, was skilled. She was eager to learn. But when Leaf left, she knew she couldn't be without her brother. So she too became a kittypet, settling into the house right next door to him.
Marsh and Bittern had made many trips over the mountains in their lifetime, but this time would be their last. They said their goodbyes to what kits they could locate and set off. They were old now and wanted to live out their days in a peaceful forest somewhere where their kits wouldn't have to dote on them. That's why it was a surprise when Birch was born only a few moons before the skyflames came.
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He was always distant with his parents the few moons they were together. He got in fights with the local clan cats, earning a nasty scar on his throat. Bittern was furious. Did he have no sense of self-preservation? She had no clue. All she and Marsh knew was that they regretted how harsh they had been those days leading up to the skyflames. No matter how desperately they tried following Birch's scent trail from where he left them two days before, they couldn't find him. Bittern often catches herself wondering if he's happy, wherever he is.
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But now the pair get to live out their days together in the clan. Bitternlightning gets to treat cats just like she always wanted and Marshstalk gets to tell stories to the youngsters. The two only wonder about their kits, wherever they are now.
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raggedclanlifegen · 6 months ago
Moon 13 - Building relationships.
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"It feels like it's been raining for an eternity." Asterseed complained, shaking out his soggy fur.
Shinelight nodded. "It's miserable, isn't it?"
Ponddrop huffed. "Don't complain too much. We're lucky to have any kind of shelter in camp." The tom motioned up to the overhanging rock that was sheltering them right now.
Shinelight had to agree. It could be much worse. "Asterseed, can you get this patch behind my ear? I can't seem to get it."
Asterseed smiled. "Sure, Shinelight." The tom sat down and began grooming the she-cats fur.
Ponddrop rolled his eyes and scowled.
Shinelight snickered. "What's wrong, Ponddrop? Missing Stemstripe? Wishing she could help you?"
Asterseed let out a quiet laugh.
Ponddrop huffed. "Whatever you say, Shinelight."
"Oh don't be such a big baby." Shinelight teased. When Asterseed was finished grooming all the damp fur behind her ear and head, she got up and sat beside Ponddrop, working on places on his back.
"Shinelight, you don't have to do that. I can get it myself." Ponddrop grumbled.
"No, no, I insist!" Shinelight smiled and Ponddrop grumbled something.
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"So, first I want us to work on throwing off the balance of our opponents. I noticed when we fought the rogues that many cats seemed to get trapped under cats bigger than them." Shinelight was looking at the small group in front of her.
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"Back in my old clan, we were taught to kick at the cats back legs." Curlthorn offered up. The older she-cat seemed a little disinterested.
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"Back in old TreeClan, I heard the apprentices talking about that move." Asterseed smiled.
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"My old mentor in CloudClan taught me that move! But I never was good at it." Silkdance sighed and glanced over at Asterseed.
Shinelight nodded. "Alright. Curlthorn, you seem to be the most knowledgeable about it. Minkstar taught me it, but I'll let you lead this exercise."
Curlthorn nodded, stepping forward.
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Marshstalk sat in front of the elders den, eating a robin.
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"Hey, Marshstalk." Shinelight approached the elder with a smile.
Marshstalk looked up, a feather stuck to his face, but he didn't seem to notice it. "Well hello, Shinelight. How can I help you?"
"Well, I was going to ask about a story I remember you telling me when I was a kit, but I think I'd better let you know that you have a feather on your face." Shinelight motioned to the area where the feather was.
Marshstalk raised a brow and patted that area, removing the feather. "Well, I thank you kindly!" Marshstalk smiled. "Now, tell me, what story was it that you were wondering about?"
Shinelight settled down beside him. "The one where you were talking about the thing you called a 'wolf'. Where did you even encounter that?"
Marshstalk grinned. "Well, you know me and my Bittern were wanderers back in our prime. We used to cross the mountains way out there. You can barely see them from here. They're small specks. That's where the wolves live. It was always a challenge to cross the mountains, but we did it." He motioned off in the direction where the mountains were. "But with the trees here, you'd never see them. You'd have to walk out to the closest moor, and even that is about a half-days journey."
Shinelight looked amazed. "I don't think I've ever been out to a moor. Snowyfeather told me about one when he was still alive. Apparently, it's where a clan called LittleClan used to live."
"Ah yes, I remember them. They weren't all that welcoming when Bittern and I passed through there before with our third litter." Marshstalk was nodding. "Not the most happy cats. But living on the moor is harsh, so the cats there have to be too."
"The moor is harsh?" Shinelight tilted her head.
Marshstalk nodded again. "Oh yes, there are many dangers. There's barely any place for a cat to hide, and it's very open so there's nothing to shield you from weather. And the hawks are bad there. They can pick up a kit and there would be nothing you could do. And the occasional owl or eagle. You're more likely to see an owl out here, though. And eagles rarely make it far in these woods."
Shinelight's fur prickled. I can't imagine a hawk plucking up some cats kit. That must be awful... She shook her head. "You said your third litter? How many litters have you and Bitternlightning had?"
"Just three." Marshstalk smiled. "Four kits in our first, two in our second, and one in our third. By the time we had our third litter, both of us were up in age. But I imagine Birch, our son from our last litter, would be about twenty-four moons now. Most of our kits left us when they turned twelve moons old. And only a few would ever come visit if we were back in an area they lived around."
"Do you know where any of your kits went after they left?" Shinelight titled her head.
"Some. Birch set out early, and then those flames rained down on us, so I have no idea where he is. Both kits from the second litter, Magnolia and her brother Leaf became kittypets. Their two-legs as you call them lived next to each other. But we had them on the other side of the mountains, and it's a much too far journey to travel now. But when Bittern and I lived in that area we'd visit them." Marshstalk looked wistful.
"What about your first litter?" Shinelight was extremely interested now.
"We had them in the same area as the second. Meadow, Borage, Sparrow, and Cassie." Marshstalk smiled.
"Cassie?" Shinelight echoed. "That's such a strange name."
Marshstalk chuckled. "She chose to become a kittypet and that's the name her two-legs gave her. Originally we named her Burnet."
Shinelight wrinkled her nose at the thought of being a kittypet.
"I know you clan-born cats are judgmental of kittypets because of their soft life, but I assure you it was the best thing for her. She wasn't any good at hunting or fighting. I'd rather have a kittypet daughter than a dead one." Marshstalk said firmly.
Shinelight looked down at her paws. "Sorry."
Marshstalk touched his nose to her ear. "It's quite alright. I understand that this was simply how you were raised."
Shinelight lifted her head. "It must be hard not knowing where they're at now."
Marshstalk closed his eyes. "I just like to imagine that the sky flames only affected this area. Best not to let my imagination go too wild though." He was silent for a moment. "But back to the topic. You wanted to know about the wolves, huh?"
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"Asterseed, I'm worried." Shinelight admitted, lowering her head.
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Asterseed looked surprised. "About what?" He shuffled a little closer to the she-cat.
"About the war." Shinelight looked up and locked eyes with Asterseed. "The rogues have cost us so much!"
Asterseed shook his head. "Don't be silly. There are plenty of us still. We can fight them. And Minkstar has all her lives! I know she'd gladly spend them protecting us."
Shinelight narrowed her eyes at the latter part of his statement but said nothing. "I just want you to know that if something happens to me--"
"Stop." Asterseed frowned. "I know you're going to say that you want me to 'Go on living!' and 'Find someone!',." He sighed. "But that isn't going to happen. Nothing bad is going to happen. We're going to win this war, I know it."
Shinelight's smile returned and she placed her paw on Asterseed's. "You're right. We'll be fine."
Asterseed smiled as well, looking happily at Shinelight.
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Ponddrop's figure could be seen in the distance as he slowly slunk out of camp, probably thinking he was going undetected.
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Shinelight's brow furrowed and she sent a silent prayer to her ancestors. Please StarClan, keep him safe. Don't let anything happen to him. She sat there, contemplating, until she heard her name being called.
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"Shinelight." Minkstar approached her daughter cautiously.
"Minkstar!" Shinelight was surprised to see her mother out of her nest. "What can I do for you?" She dipped her head.
"There's no need to be formal. I just wanted to talk to you." Minkstar sat beside her with a heavy sigh. "I'm worried about this war. It's taken a toll on me. And everything else that's happened." She shook her head. "I don't know what I'm going to do."
Shinelight smiled softly. "You know, Asterseed and I were just talking about that the other day. He's convinced it'll all be fine."
"But what do you think?" Minkstar turned to her.
Shinelight suddenly looked very tired. "I don't know, mama. I really don't know." Shinelight looked up at the morning sky that was slowly getting lighter. "I really don't know."
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"I told you to watch where you were stepping." Stemstripe hissed.
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"I know." Ponddrop growled. "I don't need to be reminded again!" He huffed as he leaned on Stemstripe's shoulder, carefully keeping his paw off the ground.
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Shinelight rushed over. "What happened? Ponddrop, are you okay?"
Stemstripe answered before the tom could. "He was helping me clean up by the burial grounds and stepped on a thorn when I told him there were thorns scattered on the ground." She side-eyed the tom.
Ponddrop scowled.
"Well, as long as you're alright." Shinelight let out a short sigh of relief.
"He will be once I patch up his foot." Stemstripe rolled her eyes. "He was complaining like a kit on the way here."
Ponddrop muttered what sounded like a curse under his breath before stalking away towards the Healer's den, leaving the two she-cats to their quiet laughter.
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 12 - Never trust a rogue.
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"RaggedClan, gather around the waste for a clan meeting!" Minkstar's yowl echoed through the clearing. The clan crept out of their dens and gathered around her.
Minkstar's eyes looked hollow as she waited for every cat to settle. When they did, she finally spoke. "I have decided that it is time to finally name my deputy." She took a deep breath in and out. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors and Snowyfeather may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RaggedClan is Shinelight." She motioned Shinelight forward. "You are young but capable, and I trust you to look after RaggedClan as long as you are living."
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Shinelight dipped her head and stepped forward to sit beside her mother. "I vow to do my best. I will take care of RaggedClan until my dying breath."
Minkstar nodded. "Good." She turned her head back to the crowd. "Pondpaw, step forward."
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Pondpaw's eyes were shining as he stepped forward.
Minkstar turned to Curlthorn. "Has Pondpaw learned the skills of a warrior? Do you believe he is ready and worthy?"
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Curlthorn nodded. "He has, and he is."
"Then I, Minkstar, leader of RaggedClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and though he is eleven moons old, I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Minkstar sighed. "Pondpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." Pondpaw dipped his head.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Pondpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Ponddrop. StarClan honors your hard work, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RaggedClan."
"Ponddrop! Ponddrop!" The clan erupted into cheers for the new warrior.
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"It's going to be so weird now, calling you my deputy." Asterseed smiled as he and Shinelight walked through the clan's territory.
"Oh yeah?" Shinelight titled her head. "I suppose it'll be strange bossing you around now." She grinned, shoving him playfully.
The two chattered back and forth, almost oblivious to their surroundings.
"So, did your pretty leader finally replace that old tom?" A new voice sounded from behind the two, causing them to whip around in alarm.
Shinelight gasped. One of the rogues! "What're you doing back here? I thought there was an agreement?" She hissed.
"Yeah well, this area is the richest in prey, so we decided to pop back over." The rogue tom was grinning evily.
"Well, you're not welcome here! You'd better leave before we make you." Asterseed growled.
"Oh?" The rogue tom laughed.
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"They're back because they couldn't find any suitable land?" Minkstar huffed.
"I doubt that." Bitternlightning said between licks as she dressed Asterseed and Shinelight's wounds.
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"That's what he claimed." Asterseed winced as he shrugged.
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Shinelight frowned. "It just doesn't make sense. This place is in no way prey-rich. I'm sure there's better places!"
"They just didn't want to look." Bitternlightning shook her head. "And you're lucky these scratches are the only things you got out with. Not only do we know what those rogues are capable of, but me and Marsh had run-ins with them while we were still loners."
Shinelight sighed. "We'll just have to have extra patrols around the borders again. And bigger groups."
Minkstar nodded. "That's a good idea. I'll leave you to organize those." Minkstar turned and left the den.
"You two will be fine. Go get yourselves something to eat, though. And don't push yourselves for a few days." Bitternlightning narrowed her eyes. "Please."
Asterseed and Shinelight nodded before padding out into the clearing and grabbing a piece of prey each.
Shinelight led the way to a patch of sun, settling down with her mouse. "I'm grateful for this Newleaf weather." Shinelight purred as she took a bite. "And for the sun being back out."
Asterseed was nodding in agreement. "So am I. I was getting tired of the cold weather."
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"If I don't have kits soon, Stemstripe, you'll have to become the next Lead Healer. And I'm sure you'll be fine. You've also got a mate set up for you." Bitternlightning's voice drifted from the Healers den.
"Set up for me?" Stemstripe echoed.
"Oh please dear, I see the way you and Ponddrop look at each other. He's head over heels for you." Bitternlightning chuckled.
Stemstripe sighed. "Yes, he's nice. But I don't want you to talk like that. You've still got plenty of time. And so does Marshstalk."
"I suppose." Bitternlightning yawned. "We can talk more about this later. And we'll need to talk to Minkstar about this as well."
"Ok..." Stemstripe agreed.
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"Surely Bitternlightning isn't that old..." Shinelight murmured to herself as she turned away and began walking back to the warriors den. She settled back into her nest, and was almost asleep when she felt a paw shake her gently.
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"Psst, Shinelight." Garlicash's face was close to hers, startling her when she opened her eyes.
"Garlicash!?" She pulled away from him. "What is is?" She narrowed her eyes after her heart slowed a bit.
"Sorry to startle you. I just wanted to ask if Ponddrop was scared of spiders?" Garlicash blinked his eyes innocently.
Shinelight looked at him suspiciously. "Yes..why?"
"Just curious." Garlicash smiled. "Thanks!"
The next morning, Shinelight heard a shriek about spiders.
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 11 - You'll be missed.
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"There is lots of good news to be shared today!" Minkstar was smiling for the first time in moons, looking down at the gathered clan. "The rogue group's leader and I came to an agreement last night. They have agreed to move on to new territories and leave us in peace!"
Minkstar waited for the cheers of the clan to die down.
"And we are welcoming two new warriors into the clan. Shinepaw, step forward."
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Shinepaw's eyes widened in surprise as she padded forward.
"Though you are young, only ten moons to be exact, you have proven that you are more than ready to become a warrior." Minkstar smiled. "I, Minkstar, leader of RaggedClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." She took a breath in. "Shinepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." Shinepaw dipped her head, barely able to contain her excitement.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shinepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shinelight. StarClan honors your spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RaggedClan." Minkstar touched her nose to Shinelight's head, and Shinelight licked her shoulder in return.
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"Shinelight! Shinelight!" Shinelight could hear her brother's voices the loudest, but she could also hear the fit of coughs Breezepaw broke out in. She noticed Pondpaw give him a worried look, but Breezepaw simply shook his head.
"Now, Asterpaw, step forward." Minkstar said when all was quiet.
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Asterpaw stepped up, looking wide-eyed.
"Curlthorn, has your apprentice, Asterpaw, learned the skills of a warrior? Do they understand the importance of the warrior code?" Minkstar turned to Curlthorn.
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"He has." Curlthorn dipped her head.
Minkstar nodded. "Asterpaw, though this ceremony is a moon late, I, Minkstar, leader of RaggedClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."
Asterpaw was looking at her, and Shinelight could see the light of excitement in his eyes.
"Asterpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Minkstar titled her head.
"I do." Asterpaw said quickly.
Minkstar chuckled. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Asterpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Asterseed. StarClan honors your versatility, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RaggedClan."
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"Asterseed! Asterseed!" Hornetstem's voice was the loudest by far, and he rushed up to his son as soon as the tom stepped away from Minkstar.
"I'm so proud of you!" Shinelight could hear Hornetstem saying, covering Asterseed with licks. He had been cleared of whitecough just in time.
Shinelight laughed at the sight. But it seemed Minkstar wasn't done, and most of the clan seemed to realize as they quieted.
"Now, Bitternlightning has something to say." Minkstar stepped aside to allow Bitternlightning to be in the center of attention.
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Bitternlightning cleared her throat. "Last night I traveled to the Light Water with Stempaw. Today, we honor her as a full healer." She motioned for the she-cat to step forward.
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"Last night, Stempaw was honored by StarClan for her hard work and dedication, despite the medical obstacles she faced. And now, StarClan has returned her as Stemstripe to us." Bitternlightning touched her nose to Stemstripe's head and the she-cat beamed.
"Stemstripe! Stemstripe!" Shinelight was competing with Pondpaw for being the loudest voice, and she couldn't help but inwardly laugh.
"Now, our two new warriors will hold their silent vigil tonight, and will not speak until the first rays of sunlight are visible, or if they need to alert danger. We send you two with warmth to the camp entrance." Minkstar dipped her head to Shinelight and Asterseed, who both dipped theirs in return. "Good luck."
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"I'm sorry, Minkstar..." Bitternlightning's voice was soft. "He was just too weak to fight the sickness off. But know he rests easy in StarClan now, with Snowyfeather and all our other fallen clanmates."
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"It's not fair! He was so young!" Minkstar wailed over the body of Breezepaw.
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Shinelight and Pondpaw watched from behind their mother. Shinelight glanced over at her brother who had a strange look in his eyes. Anger? She thought. "Pondpaw, are you ok...?" She whispered.
All Pondpaw gave was a brisk nod. The two sat in silence for a moment more. "I need fresh air." Pondpaw said suddenly, whirling out of the den.
Shinelight watched him go. She wanted to go after him but knew nothing would change his feelings. It was best to let him calm down by himself. Or maybe Stemstripe will go to him...
She turned to her mother. "Minkstar?" She sat down beside the distressed she-cat.
Minkstar didn't even look at her. He gaze was fixed on Breezepaw, and Breezepaw only. "He should've been a warrior..." She heard her whisper.
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"This moon was supposed to be exciting." Asterseed looked off into the distance, a strange look in his eyes. "Rogues gone, new warrios and a healer...but now sickness."
Shinelight was silent, playing with a tuft of Breezepaw's fur. The young tom had been buried some hours ago.
"I know I shouldn't look into it too hard. I'm no Healer." He shook his head. "But I can't help but get a strange feeling, like something else is going to happen."
"Don't say things like that." Shinelight frowned. "If we were in danger, StarClan would warn us. We must trust that we're safe."
"I'm sorry." Asterseed ducked his head.
"There's no need to be," Shinelight replied softly, looking up at the stars. "There's a new star up there, shining brightly down on us. Breezepaw wouldn't want us to mope around, he'd want us to live."
Asterseed formed a small smile. "I suppose that's true. What do you want to do?"
"Let's hunt, and celebrate my brother's life." Shinelight got to her paws and gently let the tuft of fur go, allowing the sudden breeze to lift it away. She watched it go, sadness sparkling in her eyes. But she knew, deep down, that Breezepaw would always be with her in her heart.
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 10 - Sickness and dreams.
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"This cloud was so weird looking! It looked almost like a rabbit, but them it started looking like a shrew, and..."
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Shinepaw yawned. She didn't mean to, really, but Silkdance had been going on and on about the cloud for the last hour.
"Shinepaw, are you even listening?" Silkdance scowled. "And did you just yawn?"
"Oh uh, sorry!" Shinepaw shook her head. "It's just that you've kind of been going on about this cloud for a really long time..." Shinepaw trailed off when she saw Silkdance's face.
"Right. I see." Silkdance huffed and got to her paws. "See you later, Shinepaw." The she-cat turned her back to Shinepaw and padded off.
"Whoops..." Shinepaw sighed.
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"What did you do to make her angry?"
"Curlthorn!" Shinepaw beamed. "Has your bite-wound fully healed?"
Curlthorn nodded. "Is has. Now, I answered your question, so answer mine." Curlthorn looked down at her. "Please."
"Oh," Shinepaw smiled awkwardly. "You know how she gets on those rambles about things! And well, I happened to yawn and she got mad."
Curlthorn looked amused. "Yes, well, best not do that anymore, huh?"
Shinepaw laughed. "Yeah. I don't want to be on her bad side forever!"
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"It's yellowcough, I'm afraid." Bitternlightning's worried voice drifted from the Healers den, and one could only imagine the she-cats expression.
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"Yellowcough?!" Breezepaw cried out. "But that means I won't be able to train for--" He broke off in a fit of coughs.
"And you have whitecough, Hornetstem. But that will be a much easier recovery if you do as I say. Same goes for you, Breezepaw." Bitternlightning sighed.
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"I told you playing in that snow wasn't a good idea." Hornetstem grumbled.
"But we only played in it before you told us not to!" Breezepaw protested.
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"Yeah! And wouldn't I be sick too, if it really was bad?" Shinepaw stuck her head into the den, looking worriedly at the three.
Bitternlightning frowned. "It's more likely that Breezepaw was already sick and being out in the cold just worsened it. Hornetstem could've gotten whitecough from anything." The she-cat shrugged. "But I suggest you stay out there, Shinepaw. I don't want to start an outbreak." She frowned.
"But I want to see--" Shinepaw began.
"No, Shinepaw. You might catch it too, and no cat wants that." Bitternlightning narrowed her eyes. "I understand you want to see Breezepaw, but you'll have plenty of time when he recovers. Plus, I need him to rest. Having you here will just excite him, I'm sure."
"Nuh uh! I can still sit still!" Breezepaw huffed, sitting up before breaking out in a fit of coughs.
Hornetstem looked over at the young tom, his eyes shining with worry.
"Just go, Shinepaw. Please." Bitternlightning turned to her. "I promise, he'll be ok."
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"As much as I hate their guts, I just want to have peace with them. They've taken so much from us, and I don't want them to take more." Minkstar said, her gaze far off.
Shinepaw nodded in agreement. "It'd be best for both of us."
"Hopefully they will be able to see that. I imagine with this cold leaf-bare that they're struggling too." Minkstar frowned. "Maybe that will knock some sense into them."
"I hope so. I don't want to lose anyone else to the rogues." Shinepaw sighed and rested her head on her mothers side.
The two sat in silence for some time.
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"Minkstar? Can I talk to you?" Pondpaw poked his head into the den. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I want to talk, alone."
Minkstar lifted her head. "Of course, Pondpaw." She turned to Shinepaw. "Sorry, dear. We can talk later, I promise."
Shinepaw nodded. "Ok. See you later." She padded from the den, curious. What does he want to talk to her about? They never talk.
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"Hey, Shinepaw!" Asterpaw padded up to Shinepaw, smiling.
Shinepaw looked up at him and with a jolt realized he was twelve moons old now. Will his ceremony be late? She wondered. "Oh, hey, Asterpaw." She smiled back.
"Look, I had such a weird dream last night. Well, actually, I had the dream the night before, and before, and so on." He frowned.
"Oh yeah? What about?" Shinepaw titled her head.
"Well, you were there." He began. "And then there were dogs. So many dogs. And they..." He frowned. "They got you."
Shinepaw's fur bristled. "Got me? As in...?"
"They tore you apart." He grimaced. "Sorry if that freaked you out, but maybe it's a warning. I remember when there was a dog wandering around these parts." He sighed. "Just be careful, ok?"
Shinepaw nodded. "I will be. As usual." She laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
Asterpaw chuckled. "Yeah, as usual." He touched his nose to her forehead. "See you later, ok?"
"Y-yeah!" Shinepaw's ear tips were hot as she watched him go.
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"And I had him pinned down! Even though he's way bigger than me, I had him squirming on the ground!" Pondpaw was grinning. "And then Curlthorn declared me as the winner! You should've seen Asterpaw's face. He was totally mad!"
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"I bet." Shinepaw looked a little disinterested as she groomed herself.
"Oh please, you're just mad because I beat your boyfriend in a fight." Pondpaw teased.
Shinepaw froze. "Am not!" She hissed. "And he isn't my boyfriend!"
"Yet." Pondpaw laughed.
"Oh yeah? Would you be upset if I beat Stempaw in a fight?" Shinepaw countered.
Pondpaw's jaw was left hanging. "W-well, you couldn't! Even though she isn't trained to fight, she could totally kick your butt!"
"Oh yeah?" Shinepaw scowled.
"Yeah!" Pondpaw stuck his tongue out.
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 9 - Attack! Oh yeah, and snow!
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"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Shinepaw's head snapped up as she heard one of her clanmates sound the alarm. She jumped to her paws and rushed into the camp clearing to see multiple rogues locked in combat with her clanmates.
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"Shinepaw, help!" Breezepaw was pinned under a large tom.
"I'm coming!" Shinepaw gasped and dashed over, barreling into the tom who fell to the ground, his limbs sprawled out. The rogue leapt back to his paws and faced the two apprentices.
"Get out of here!" Breezepaw hissed, his fur spiked up.
"I'm not afraid of some little kits, I--!" The tom was cut off as Hornetstem jumped on him from behind.
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"You better stay away from them!" Hornetstem growled, slicing the toms ears.
The rogue tom took one look back and ran, many of his groupmates following him. It didn't take much longer for the rogues to clear out of the camp, leaving only the bedraggled RaggedClan cats.
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"Is every cat unharmed?" Minkstar called out, surveying her clan. It seemed nobody was harmed.
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"I've only strained the wounds from those mange-pelts during our last run in." Curlthorn spat.
Minkstar nodded. "Go see Bitternlightning. The rest of you, let's start rebuilding what we can. We need to be on a constant watch now that they know where our camp is."
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Shinepaw trailed after Minkstar, her head held low. I did terribly during that hunt! She's the only one that's bringing back any kind of prey. Shinepaw sighed.
"I'll be honest with you, Shinepaw." Minkstar began. "You did terrible today. Are you distracted? Did the recent attack cause this?" Minkstar slowed her pace and turned back to look at Shinepaw.
"I don't know." Shinepaw mumbled.
Minkstar sighed, continuing to camp. The two arrived and Minkstar placed her catch on the pile before going and sitting just outside her den, a blank look on her face.
Shinepaw glanced around camp. Most of her clanmates looked busy. I should apologize for my performance today. Shinepaw thought. Making her way over to Minkstar, she sat down beside her.
Minkstar doesn't seem to notice and she continues looking out in the distance.
"Minkstar?" Shinepaw looked up at her mother.
Minkstar seemed to snap out of it. "Yes, Shinepaw?"
"I'm sorry for my performance today. I guess I am just distracted." Shinepaw ducked her head.
Minkstar was quiet for some time before resting her head on Shinepaw's. "It's ok, dear. I'm still proud of you. You've worked very hard. I can't blame you."
Shinepaw smiled and purred. "I love you, mama."
"I love you too, Shinepaw." The two sat in silence for some time.
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"Hey, Shinepaw!" Stempaw padded up to them. "I don't mean to steal you, but want to come eat with me and Garlicash?" Stempaw tilted her head.
Shinepaw looked up at Minkstar who nodded. "Sure!" Shinepaw grinned, getting to her paws and following Stempaw over to where Garlicash was sitting.
"I went ahead and got you a mouse. I know you like them." Stempaw grinned.
"Thanks, Stempaw." Shinepaw smiled.
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"Well hi there, Shinepaw." Garlicash greeted the she-cat.
"Hi, Garlicash." Shinepaw dipped her head to the mediator before settling down beside Stempaw.
"So, Shinepaw, I had a question." Garlicash said after taking a few bites of prey.
Shinepaw took a bite of prey and swallowed before answering. "Hm?" She raised a brow.
"I noticed that maybe you've been having some...issues. But shouldn't Minkstar be letting you off easy?" Garlicash looked genuinely curious.
Shinepaw frowned. "Actually, Minkstar has higher expectations for me than she does others. I don't really get off easy. Sure I have benefits, but nothing major." She shook her head. "If anything, my brothers have it easier at times, especially since I'm in line to be leader."
"Oh." Garlicash looked surprised.
Stempaw nudged him. "Told you so. You owe me a trip out to the herb patches."
Garlicash rolled his eyes. "Sure, Stempaw." He turned to Shinepaw. "Sorry for assuming."
"It's fine, really. I get it." Shinepaw laughed.
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Shinepaw shivered as she made her way to the Light Water. It feels like it's going to snow. She looked up at the clouded sky, only a few stars shining through. "I just want to get this over with."
Arriving at the Light Water, Shinepaw could see the light fluttering about, but as soon as she approached it, it dashed away.
"No! Come back! I want to speak to Snowyfeather!" She cried out. But she knew it was useless when the sour smell rose from the pool. "I'll be back, I'm telling you." She hissed.
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"Psst, Shinepaw! Wake up!"
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Shinepaw grumbled and rolled over to see Breezepaw in her face. "What is it?" She grumbled.
"It snowed!" Breezepaw looked at her with kit-like excitement.
"Snow?" Shinepaw sat up quickly, grinning.
"Yeah! Wanna go play in it?" Breezepaw grinned.
"Yes! Let's go!" Shinepaw giggled and dashed out into the clearing, immediately sinking down in the snow. She giggled like a little kit as she frolicked around in the snow, Breezepaw on her paws.
"It's so cold! And fluffy!" Breezepaw giggled, flicking the snow about.
Shinepaw grinned mischievously before launching snow at Breezepaw who shrieked.
"That's cold!" He gasped. But before long he was laughing, shoving snow back at her. The two continued to play for some time more.
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"What do you two think you're doing?" Hornetstem hissed at the two from the nursery. "You're going to catch your deaths out there! It's far too cold to be playing. Now get inside and clean each other up!" Hornetstem scowled at the two before turning back into the nursery.
Breezepaw sneezed. "He's kind of right. I am really cold." Breezepaw sighed.
Shinepaw frowned. "Ok. I'll help you clean your pelt." Shinepaw padded back into the apprentice den with Breezepaw behind her.
The snow didn't last very long. It had melted, leaving a small stream through the camp. But it was still cold, which meant it was more important than ever to be stocked on herbs.
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Stempaw was empty-pawed as she padded back into camp. So was Pondpaw. But the two were laughing and leaning in to each other.
"That's a good one, Pondpaw!" Stempaw was laughing loudly.
"Thanks!" Pondpaw beamed, seeming quite confident.
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"I thought you two were supposed to be getting any late herbs." Shinepaw looked at the two with a knowing and teasing look. "But apparently Pondpaw was too distracting, huh?"
Stempaw looked embarrassed. "N-no! We just didn't find anything." She sniffed.
Pondpaw looked embarrassed too. "Yeah, there was nothing out there!"
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"Right, because I remember saying there was a decent patch left yesterday." Bitternlightning padded out of her den, exchanging a look with Shinepaw.
"We can always look again tomorrow." Stempaw offered, her eyes sparkling.
"Yes, we can. I'm sure Curlthorn has something for Pondpaw to do." Bitternlightning gave a tight smile.
Pondpaw and Stempaw exchanged dejected looks and sighed.
"Fine." Stempaw grumbled, muttering a quick goodbye to Pondpaw before padding into the Healers den, Bitternlightning on her heels.
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 8 - Wake up, it's mourning time.
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"RaggedClan is gathered tonight to honor the memory of one of our brave warriors. Chivefuzz was a beloved friend and mentor. She gave her life to ensure RaggedClan would survive because, without her, we'd be without Bitternlightning tonight." Minkstar dipped her head and touched her nose to Chivefuzz's cold fur. "And we should also honor Curlthorn for her bravery. She chased off the rogues and suffered minor injuries from it." Minkstar and Curlthorn's gazes met.
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"I wasn't going to let Chivefuzz's death be in vain." Curlthorn said, her gaze hard. "And I want to request to take Pondpaw under my wing. It will be good experience for Asterpaw, too."
"Very well." Minkstar dipped her head. "You may proceed with his training tomorrow if all is well." Minkstar got to her paws and sighed, watching her breath billow out in front of her. "Please carry on the vigil without me. I need to consult the Light Water." Minkstar licked Chivefuzz's forehead before padding away.
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"She was your mentor, right?" Shinepaw asked Silkdance gently.
"Yes. She was the best mentor I could have ever asked for in those times. She was a great warrior." Silkdance's head was lowered as she smoothed a stray piece of Chivefuzz's fur.
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"She really was." Pondpaw agreed. "Even though she was only my mentor for a moon, she was great to me. She was so patient while I recovered from whitecough." Pondpaw looked sadly at Silkdance who nodded in silent agreement.
"Well, I'm sure she's watching right now. And I'm sure she's proud of both of you." Shinepaw said, trying to reassure her brother and friend.
"I hope so." Silkdance gave a small smile.
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"Shinepaw, catch!" Pondpaw, who had cheered up some after a few days, tossed a mossball to Shinepaw who leapt to catch it.
"Almost!" Shinepaw huffed as she dropped down to her paws, the mossball rolling off into a corner of the camp. "I've got it!" She called back to Pondpaw as she bounded over to grab it.
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"What do you think you're doing?" Minkstar hissed from behind Shinepaw.
Shinepaw whirled around and gave a little squeak. "Um, just playing with Pondpaw!"
"This is no time to be playing. That moss could be used for nests or retrieving water. Instead, you're playing a kit game." Minkstar scowled.
"I was just trying to cheer Pondpaw up!" Shinepaw insisted.
"I don't want to hear it. Inform Pondpaw that you two are on tick duty. Use that moss to get mouse-bile and get the ticks off Marshstalk's back." Minkstar ordered before whirling around and stomping off to her den.
Shinepaw grumbled. She informed Pondpaw, who was dismayed. It didn't take long for the two to get mouse-bile from Stempaw who was in the Healers den before making their way to the elders den where Marshstalk was lying lazily.
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"Well hello there." Marshstalk smiled as the two apprentices walked in. "It's nice to have visitors."
"It's nice to see you too, Marshstalk." Pondpaw gave a forced smile while Shinepaw just dipped her head and dropped the mouse-bile next to Marshstalk.
"We have to check you for fleas on Minkstar's orders." Shinepaw sighed.
"Oh yeah?" Marshstalk raised a brow. "Well, I'll tell you a story while you work, how about that?"
Shinepaw and Pondpaw exchanged a glance. "Ok!" The two said in unison.
"Good, good." Marshstalk nodded as the two began to work on the ticks on his back. "I admit I haven't been back there in a while..." Marshstalk look embarrassed. "Will you check for fleas, too?"
"Of course, Marshstalk." Pondpaw nudged the elder. "Anything to make you feel better."
"Well thank you kindly." Marshstalk chuckled. "Now, what do you two want to know about?"
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Shinepaw felt a shiver down her spine as she stared out at the foggy territory. Well, here goes nothing. Anything to impress Minkstar, I guess..! Shinepaw began making her way through the territory, checking her surroundings every few paw steps.
A rustling in front of her suddenly caught her attention. It seemed to be getting closer and she fluffed out her fur and let out a warning hiss. But she was surprised when it was only a raccoon that appeared from the bushes. It looked at her curiously, and she looked back curiously as well.
"Hello." She said. I know it can't understand me, but it's worth a shot, right?
The raccoon seemed startled by her voice and it scurried off quickly.
"Well, at least it didn't cause much trouble." Shinepaw felt her muscles become less tense. She decided that instead of pushing out further, she'd return back to camp while she was still well.
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"Stempaw said she thinks I'm the best hunter in the clan." Asterpaw beamed. "And she thinks I'll be a great warrior."
"Oh yeah?" Shinepaw raised a brow, a twinge of jealousy stabbing her belly. "Well, she's right. But you know she's just saying it in a friendly way, right?" Though Shinepaw was unsure of that last part, she sure hoped she was right.
"Of course, I know that, silly!" Asterpaw laughed and nudged Shinepaw. "She was only saying that because I caught her a huge robin like she asked me earlier." He grinned.
"When will you catch me something?" She teased, feeling relieved.
"I can tomorrow, just tell me what you want!" He grinned.
"Well..." Shinepaw began listing things Asterpaw could get her. The two talked more for some time until Shinepaw heard a rustle at the entrance of camp.
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Minkstar had just entered the camp, a well-sized haul of prey in tow. The leader had been hunting almost non-stop.
"I worry about her, Asterpaw. All she's been doing is hunting. We're going to run out of leaf-bare prey at this point." Shinepaw frowned.
"She wants to be well stocked in case the rogues take over more territory. We'll have plenty of prey in camp." Asterpaw shrugged.
"But if the rogues find camp, it'll all be wasted." Shinepaw sighed.
"She won't listen and you know that."
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 7 - Ceremonies and Secrets
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"RaggedClan, gather around the waste for a clan meeting!" Minkstar's all-too-familiar call echoed around the clearing as the clan joined together. "Today, we welcome three new apprentices into RaggedClan. Shinekit, step forward."
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Nervous butterflies made her stomach flutter with both excitement and nervousness. She stepped forward, meeting her mothers gaze.
"Shinekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shinepaw. I will be mentoring you myself. You're my heir, and I expect you to learn all you can from me before it is your turn to lead." Minkstar touched noses with Shinepaw.
"It's an honor." Shinepaw was able to say quietly.
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"Shinepaw! Shinepaw!" Snowyfeather led the chant for her new name, looking at his kit proudly. Shinepaw ducked her head and joined Stempaw and Asterpaw.
"Now, Breezekit, step forward." Minkstar summoned her son.
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Breezekit rushed forward, grinning. He clearly wasn't nervous at all.
Minkstar looked amused as she began. "Breezekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Breezepaw. Your mentor will be Silkdance. I hope Silkdance will pass down all she knows on to you." Turning to Silkdance, who she motioned forward, she began to speak once more. "Silkdance, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You have received excellent training from Chivefuzz, and you have shown yourself to be extremely determined. You will be the mentor of Breezepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."
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Grinning, Silkdance stepped forward and touched noses with Breezepaw. "Thank you, Minkstar. I'll do my absolute best to train Breezepaw." She purred. The two retreated into the crowd as Breezepaw's name was being called. "Breezepaw! Breezepaw!"
"And finally, Pondkit, please step forward." Minkstar looked warily at Pondkit who stepped forward, his eyes drooping and snot running from his nose. He let out a few pitiful coughs before looking up at Minkstar.
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"Pondkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Pondpaw. Your mentor will be Chivefuzz. I hope Chivefuzz will pass down all she knows on to you." Minkstar motioned Chivefuzz forward.
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"Chivefuzz, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be dedicated to this clan, and you proved to be a worthy mentor after training Silkdance. You will be the mentor of Pondpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Minkstar dipped her head.
Chivefuzz turned and awkwardly dipped her head to Pondpaw who gave a cough in return.
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"Snowyfeather's dead! Oh he's dead!" Breezepaw's cries rang through the clearing, causing cats to storm out of their dens.
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"What happened?!" Minkstar demanded, looking at the body of her mate with devastation. "Who did this, Breezepaw?" She hissed.
"Rogues! They attacked us and Snowyfeather shielded me!" Breezepaw wailed. "They barely looked like cats, mama!" Breezepaw rushed up to Minkstar and pushed his face into her fur.
Minkstar stood in silence, draping one paw on Breezepaw's back.
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"Snowyfeather..." Shinepaw looked at the body of her father, her eyes wide. Pondpaw stood just behind her, coughing. He'd gotten whitecough, according to Bitternlightning.
"Is he really...?" Pondpaw whispered.
Shinepaw nodded.
"We'll find the rogues who did this. And they'll pay." Minkstar hissed. "RaggedClan, it seems we are at war. Prepare yourselves." She rose to her paws, leaving behind Breezepaw as she padded toward her den, anger and sadness rolling off her in waves.
Shinepaw turned to Pondpaw who was looking at her weakly. Oh, Pondpaw... She shook her head. "Come on, let's get you into the Healers den. Being up and out here can't be good for you." She nudged Pondpaw back to his nest in the Healers den, with minimal protests from her brother.
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"I found this flower growing in camp. I reminds me of Snowyfeather's eyes..." Breezepaw showed Shinepaw the cobalt blue flower, the same shade as her own eyes.
Shinepaw's gaze softened as she looked at her brother. "It's lovely. I'm sure Snowyfeather would've liked it."
"He liked anything we brought him." Breezepaw gave a weak smile to which Shinepaw returned.
"Say, do you still have hopes of being my deputy one day?" Shinepaw said, trying to lighten the mood.
Breezepaw looked thoughtful. "Maybe. If it was offered up to me, I think I'd take it, even if it would be a short run."
Shinepaw was about to say something else when she heard her name being called.
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"Shinepaw, come here. We need to talk." Minkstar looked tired. Much more tired than Shinepaw had ever seen her.
Shinepaw mewed a quick goodbye to Breezepaw before padding off to meet Minkstar. As she was led into the Leaders den, she broke the silence. "What is it, Minkstar?"
"I just wanted to say that if something were to happen to me or one of your brothers, don't act rashly, please. Don't seek reckless vengeance." Minkstar sat down heavily, looking at Shinepaw as she waited for her answer.
"Of course. I understand that self-preservation is something that is needed. But I'll make them pay. Don't doubt that, mother." Shinepaw narrowed her eyes and dug her claws into the ground beneath her.
"Thank you. You're dismissed." Minkstar dipped her head before making her way to her nest.
Shinepaw lingered for a few moments before ducking out of the den.
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"Do you ever wonder if there are other clans out there, Shinepaw?" Stempaw was resting her head on her paws and looking up at the stars above.
"Maybe." Shinepaw shrugged, resuming working on a tangled patch of fur on her hindleg.
"Maybe there were survivors from the other clans and they made their own clan far away." Stempaw looked wishful. "Wouldn't that be nice?"
"I guess so." Shinepaw shrugged. "As long as they stayed out of our territory and didn't try to harm us."
Stempaw sighed. "Yeah. I guess I just hope I still have kin out there. But I know who I'll meet in StarClan when I get to see them again." Stempaw murmured.
Shinepaw felt a stab of sympathy. Stempaw had lost a lot. She'd been from one of the other clans, arriving with Curlthorn, Tempestfur, and Silkdance after the sky flames. That was before she was born. "It was CloudClan, right?"
"Yeah." Stempaw nodded. "I don't remember much. I was only a moon or so old." She looked at Shinepaw sideways. "Do you ever wonder about your roots in TreeClan? That's where some of the clan came from."
"Sometimes, but Minkstar never talked about it, and I could tell Snowyfeather didn't want to." Shinepaw frowned.
"You could always ask Hornetstem. I'm sure he'd tell you. Or Asterpaw. He would've been two moons, so surely he'd remember something. Or even Chivefuzz." Stempaw suggested.
"Maybe later." Shinepaw shrugged. "I'm curious about it, but I'm more focused on what's here, you know?"
Stempaw nodded. "Yeah, I understand. I just wish that--"
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"UGH!" Bitternlightning's angry yowl shocked Stempaw and Shinepaw.
"We'd better check if everything's alright!" Stempaw jumped to her paws and raced off to the Healer's den.
Shinepaw followed her with a sigh, reaching Bitternlightning's den moments after Stempaw.
"Is everything alright, Bitternlightning?" Stempaw approached her mentor cautiously. "We heard you yowling..."
Bitternlightning looked surprised. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just frustrated. Some cat knocked over most of the herb piles that I organized yesterday." She hissed.
"Oh, good!" Stempaw looked relieved before realizing what she said. "Wait, not good! I mean, good that that's what's wrong, but not good!"
"I know what you meant, Stempaw." Bitternlightning sighed. "Now unless you two want to help me, you should go to bed. You're blocked the moonlight."
"Sorry." Shinepaw and Stempaw said together, vacating the den.
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Shinepaw didn't really realize where her paws were taking her until she was there. The full moon hung in the sky behind her as she stared down at the pool. The little light was flickering around in the water, teasing her almost. "What do you want, little light?" Shinepaw touched her paw gently to the water, watching the surface ripple.
Instead of running though, the light stayed. A sweet scent drifted from the water, and Shinepaw could almost hear her name being whispered. "Shinepaw...Shinepaw..."
Shinepaw felt it was the right thing to do, truly. Touching her nose to the water, Shinepaw was surprised to find herself blinking awake in what she could only assume as StarClan's hunting grounds.
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"Shinepaw..." A gentle voice sounded from behind her.
"Snowyfeather?" Shinepaw whipped around and beamed at him, rushing forward to draw in his scent.
"Hello to you too." Snowyfeather laughed, a purr rumbling deep in his throat. "I wish we could do this longer, but I have to tell you something." He gently pushed Shinepaw away.
"What is it?" She looked up at him, eyes wide.
"I need you to tell Minkstar about the pool. It will be StarClan's new meeting place with the Healers and the leaders, new leaders and their heirs. Tell them they'll know we want to talk if the light in the water is visible." He intructed.
Shinepaw was nodding. "I will, I promise. In the morning, I will."
"Good. Thank you." Snowyfeather touched his nose to her head. "We will meet again, my daughter. Good luck." Snowyfeather's form began fading.
"Wait, no! I don't want to go yet, Snowyfeather! Please!"
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 6 - Family and Friendships
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"How do you always win?" Shinekit whined. Pondkit had beat her in a game of mossball again, and boy she was mad!
"It's because I'm cooler and better than you, duh!" Pondkit teased and stuck his tongue out at her.
"Nuh uh!" Shinekit huffed and turned her back to Pondkit.
"Hey, come on, Shinekit. I didn't mean it! Don't get upset, we can--" Pondkit began but Shinekit darted off and out of his view.
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"Everything alright over here?" Asterpaw's gentle voice startled Shinekit, and she whipped around to see the young tom looking at her sympathetically.
"Yes." She said quickly. "Just mad at Pondkit, that's all." Shinekit frowned and looked at her paws.
Asterpaw smiled. "I see. Well, if you're too mad, I can come back later." He turned to leave.
"No, it's ok!" Shinekit got to her paws quickly.
Asterpaw twitched his whiskers. "Oh yeah? Well, in that case, I've got some things for you." He dropped a variety of things. Feathers, pebbles, and some shiny objects she didn't recognize.
Beaming, Shinekit looked up at him after sniffing the trinkets. "Thank you!" She purred and touched her nose to his shoulder. "I really appreciate it."
"Of course." ASterpaw smiled. "Need help moving these to your nest?"
Shinekit nodded. "Please."
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"Oh Asterpaw, thank you for all these beautiful things! You spoil me!" Pondkit was mocking Shinekit. And to top it off, he had taken over her nest.
"Why are you being so annoying today?" Shinekit hissed and glared down at Pondkit who was sprawled out in her nest and playing with the gifts Asterpaw had brought her.
"You think I'm annoying?" Pondkit looked up with big eyes and Shinekit, faking a hurt expression.
"Yeah, I do. Now move!" Shinekit swatted at Pondkit, her ears pinned.
"No thanks!" Pondkit turned his back on her. "Hm, look at this pretty feather!" Pondkit picked it up and played with it for a few moments before Shinekit heard a small crack. "Whoops..." Pondkit grimaced, setting down the broken feather.
Shinekit gasped. She stood silent before leaping at Pondkit, her claws out.
Pondkit let out a shriek and tried throwing her off of him, but Shinekit had him pinned.
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"What's going on in here?!" Hornetstem burst into the nursery, his fur spiked. "Shinekit! Get off him!" He gasped and hauled Shinekit off Pondkit.
Pondkit was licking the small scratch marks on his pelt. "Should I go to Bitternlightning?" He said after licking a particularly nasty looking one.
"Yes, go." Hornetstem nodded and Pondkit ducked out of the nursery. After watching him go, Hornetstem turned back to Shinekit. "What is the matter with you?"
Shinekit hung her head in shame. "He was making me angry. And he broke the feather Asterpaw gave me..." She said quietly.
Hornetstem sighed. "I understand that he made you mad, but you should never resort to violence in that kind of situation, especially when it's your clanmate and your brother no less!"
"I understand." Shinekit said quietly.
"Good. Now go to bed. I'm telling your mother about this in the morning, and I hope whatever punishment she gives you will teach you a lesson."
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Shinekit was exhausted. Minkstar's punishment wasn't cruel by any means, just exhausting. Shinekit had to haul fresh moss into every den and freshen up any nests that needed it. I could fall asleep right here. I've got enough moss for my own nest. Biting back a yawn, she headed towards the Healers den now.
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"Hello, Shinekit--ow!" Chivefuzz hissed as Shinekit stepped hard on her paw.
Eek! I totally did not notice her there! Shinekit just acted as if she hadn't heard or seen Chivefuzz and just kept walking until she was out of the she-cats sight.
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A storm raged outside. It was the dead of night. Shinekit had slept barely a wink, and most cats were awake, the faint rustling of their bodies reached her ears during the breaks in the thunder.
Shinekit turned her head to see Breezekit looking at her, his eyes as big as two moons and the fur on his back and tail spiked. He's scared, she thought. "Yes, Breezekit?"
"Can I sleep in your nest? I can't sleep in mine--!" He squeaked as thunder crashed outside.
Shinekit flinched. "Sure, I guess. Just be careful with my things."
Breezekit nodded. "Of course." He settled down beside her. Soon, she heard purring from his body and the gentle rise and fall of his chest was soothing to her.
Shinekit yawned and laid her head on her paws and drifted off to sleep.
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"You're getting a little big for badger rides." Minkstar grunted as she carried Shinekit around on her back.
"Really?" Shinekit grinned, clinging to her mothers back.
Minkstar nodded. "You'll be an apprentice next moon, so you tell me!" Minkstar snorted.
"Oh yeah!" I'd forgotten that I'd be an apprentice so soon! Then I'll be denmates with Asterpaw and Stempaw! She purred. "Who will be my mentor?"
"It's supposed to be a surprise." Minkstar chuckled as she gently dumped Shinekit off of her back. "I'm sorry dear, but I'm tired now. Go see if one of your friends will play with you." Minkstar licked Shinekit's head and padded off.
"Ok..." Shinekit frowned, scanning the clearing. But her frown turned into a smile when she spotted Asterpaw. Dashing over to him, she must've caught him by surprise as he jumped slightly.
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"Shinekit! I didn't see you there!" Asterpaw smoothed his fur, slightly embarrassed.
She giggled. "Sorry! I was just wondering if you wanted to play a game? Minkstar said she's tired and Breezekit and Pondkit are off doing who knows what. And Stempaw is busy with her Healer duties, I'm sure." She looked hopeful.
"Er, sorry, Shinekit." He looked down awkwardly at his paws. "Curlthorn has me working on some uhhh," He looked slightly panicked. "Stuff! Yeah, some stuff today. Sorry!" He rushed off, his head ducked low.
"Oh, ok..." Shinekit watched him go, disappointment worming in her belly.
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"Ughh, Shinekit." Stempaw groaned.
Shinekit raised a brow and turned to Stempaw. "Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, my stomach is killing me! Can you grab the chervil root, please?" Stempaw looked at her with big eyes.
"Uh, yeah, of course!" Shinekit turned to the herb store. Stempaw had shown her the herb earlier, and she hoped she had the right thing as she reached for an herb. "Is this it?" She dropped it in front of Stempaw.
"Yep! Thanks!" Stempaw grinned and grabbed the herb, but instead of using it, she turned and padded out of the den. A few moments later, she returned, smelling faintly of Marshstalk.
Shinekit's jaw was dropped as Stempaw looked smug.
"Thanks for the help, sucker!" Stempaw nudged her playfully, causing Shinekit to scowl.
"Yeah, yeah, but now you owe me a--" Shinekit's sentence broke off as the entrance rustled.
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"Out of the way!" Bitternlightning pushed past Stempaw and Shinekit, her and Curlthorn setting Asterpaw down in a nest. "Shinekit, out. Stempaw get over here." She ordered.
Shinekit hurried out of the den, confusion sparkling in her eyes.
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"The ground just caved in under me. I don't really remember much after that, but I do know that when Curlthorn finally got me out, there was so much dirt. It was all I could smell and taste." Asterpaw shuddered and shook his head.
"Who knew the ground was so unstable. I assume it happened after everything that happened with the flames." Stempaw murmured, looking sympathetically at Asterpaw.
Shinekit frowned. She had been born after the sky flames descended on the clans, so she had no idea what the land was like before, but she did know that now it was dangerous. "That must've been so scary. I don't think I'd have it in me to go back out." Shinekit said quietly.
"I can. I know the world is full of dangers now, but I'm willing to take that risk." Asterpaw said confidently.
Stempaw nodded. "You're also lucky you didn't break anything. I've heard horror stories from Bittern about cats caught in cave-ins from old rabbit burrows, and it almost always ends with a cat having a broken bone."
"You're right. Thank StarClan nothing worse happened." Asterpaw agreed.
"They're definitely watching over you." Shinekit chimed in.
"I hope so." Asterpaw smiled, looking up at the stars visible through the den ceiling.
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raggedclanlifegen · 8 months ago
Moon 4 - Ceremonies and Trouble
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Minkstar called for a clan meeting. The she-cat looked much stronger this moon, seemingly having recovered from giving birth and her grief. Even Shinekit could notice a difference in her eyes.
"RaggedClan, gather around the waste for a clan meeting!" Her call echoed around the clearing, and the clan filled in the space in front of her.
"Today, we name a new apprentice and a new warrior. First, Asterkit, please step forward."
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Looking delighted, Asterkit stepped forward.
"Asterkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Asterpaw. Your mentor will be Curlthorn. I hope Curlthorn will pass down all they know on to you." Minkstar touched her nose to Asterpaw's head.
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"Curlthorn, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a dedicated member of RaggedClan. You will be the mentor of Asterpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Asterpaw." Minkstar summoned Curlthorn forward.
"It is my honor to." Curlthorn proudly walked up to Asterpaw and touched noses with the young tom.
The crowd erupted into cheers for Asterpaw, with Shinekit, Stemkit, and Hornetstem being the loudest.
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"Asterpaw! Asterpaw!" The clan called out. Asterpaw ducked his head and licked his chest fur in embarrassment before returning to the crowd with Curlthorn.
Hornetstem rushed over and covered him with nuzzles. "Oh my baby is all grown up!" He purred and Asterpaw swatted him away.
"Now to welcome our newest warrior. Though she is only 11 moons, I think she is more than ready." Minkstar smiled down at Silkpaw who padded forward, Chivefuzz not far behind her. "I, Minkstar, leader of RaggedClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." She paused and took a breath. "Silkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
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"I do." Silkpaw nodded.
Minkstar turned to Chivefuzz. "Chivefuzz, has your apprentice, Silkpaw, learned the skills of a warrior? Does she understand the importance of the warrior code?"
"She has." Chivefuzz dipped her head.
Minkstar smiled. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Silkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Silkdance. StarClan honors your willingness to help your clanmates and your bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RaggedClan."
Silkdance stepped forward and licked Minkstar's shoulder as Minkstar rested her chin on Silkdance's head. Once the two stepped away from each other, the clan erupted into cheers. "Silkdance! Silkdance!"
Shinekit watched Silkdance and Asterpaw with wonder and a twinge of jealousy. She hoped she could be half the cat Silkdance had proven herself to be, and she couldn't wait to become an apprentice.
As the clan dispersed and Silkdance went to begin her silent vigil, Asterpaw wandered over to Shinekit. "I'm so excited! Curlthorn says we're going out tomorrow so I can see the territory! But I'm kinda nervous...Curlthorn's a little scary." He admitted.
Shinekit snickered. "Oh come on Asterpaw, don't be a scaredy-mouse! I don't think Curlthorn's going to eat you." She teased.
Asterpaw rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah." He swatted at her before heading to the apprentices den. He'd likely take Silkdance's old nest while the others worked on making Silkdance a new nest that she could go to after her vigil.
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"Snowyfeather, can me and Breezekit please play outside camp? We won't go far, I promise! We just want to see if we can find some trinkets for our nests!" Shinekit begged her father with wide eyes.
Snowyfeather sighed, looking defeated. "Very well. But seriously, don't go far. I don't want to have to send out a search party for you two." He licked the two kits heads before they scampered off.
"This is gonna be awesome!" Shinekit beamed.
"Yeah, I guess so...but shouldn't we have asked Pondkit to come too?" Breezekit tilted his head.
"No way! Pondkit has been a big meanie! Plus, Stemkit needs someone to keep her company." Shinekit grinned as she padded up to a strange pool only a few fox-lengths from camp. She couldn't smell any of her clanmates' scents around here. How could no-cat have found this? She raised a brow.
"What is it?" Breezekit peered over her shoulder.
"Some kind of deep pool." She frowned and sniffed the water, recoiling slightly from the smell. "It stinks! How has no cat found this thing?" She glanced back at Breezekit.
"Really? Can I see?" He asked, stepped forward.
"No!" Shinekit shook her head. "It could be dangerous...let's get out of here and find something to take back."
Breezekit frowned. "Aww..." He pouted. "Should we tell some cat about this?"
Shinekit looked thoughtful. "No." She shook her head. This place could be special! And I'll be the first cat to have found it! "This will be our secret, got it?"
Breezekit nodded. "If you say so."
The two kits found their own trinkets and padded back into camp, only to be met by Minkstar.
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"Where were you two?" She hissed at her kits, glaring down at them.
"Out collecting trinkets." Shinekit said, narrowing her eyes.
"Only you two? With no grown cat?" Minkstar scowled.
"Snowyfeather said we could!" Breezekit squeaked from behind Shinekit, looking up challengingly at Minkstar.
"Oh?" Minkstar raised a brow, fury still burning in her eyes. "Good to know." She turned around and left a blaze of fury in her paw steps as she went to hunt down her mate.
"Uh oh..." Muttered Breezekit.
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"Shinekit, can you go take Stemkit this wet moss? She had another seizure this morning and Bitternlightning wants someone to keep her company while she's out picking herbs." Hornetstem dropped the sopping wet moss in front of Shinekit.
"Of course!" Shinekit purred and picked up the moss, padding off happily to the healers den.
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"Shinekit!" Stemkit greeted her with a purr. "Is that moss for me? I'm soooo thirsty." Stemkit grinned.
"It is!" Shinekit said after setting down the moss in front of the she-kit who lapped at it gratefully.
After a few moments of Stemkit drinking, she finally gave a satisfied lick of her lips and looked up at Shinekit. "Come sit beside me. I've been dying to talk to someone all day."
Shinekit grinned and settled down beside Stemkit and the two chatted for some time.
"I'm bummed out that I missed the sunset tonight. I've been watching them every night for a moon." Stemkit sighed. "Was it pretty?"
Shinekit nodded. "It was, but I'm sure there will be prettier. As soon as you're out of here, I'll watch all the sunsets with you!" Shinekit promised with a grin.
Stemkit smiled and the two talked for some time more, even after Bitternlightning had returned and settled down into her own nest. Before long, Stemkit yawned. "Well, I think I'm about worn out for the day." She gave Shinekit a sleepy grin.
"Good night, Stemkit." Shinekit licked her friend's head and padded out into the clearing. The cold night hair ruffled her fur, causing her to fluff up.
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"It was an ugly thing. And it stank." Shinekit perked her ears as she heard Minkstar's hushed voice. Slinking quietly towards it, she saw Minkstar sitting across from Snowyfeather who was nodding.
"It stank when I came across it, too. That dog hasn't gotten any closer though, has it?" Snowyfeather raised a brow.
Minkstar shook her head. "No. It seemed to be going in the same path as your patrol reported. I want you to have patrols out there to make sure it isn't coming any closer to camp."
Snowyfeather nodded. "Of course. I'll organize one in the morning." Snowyfeather got to his paws. "Good night." He turned away from Minkstar who headed to her den.
Stay still and he won't see you, Shinekit! Shinekit froze and held her breath as Snowyfeather padded past her. He was oblivious to her presence and padded off towards the warriors den. Sighing in relief, Shinekit made a not-so-graceful run for the nursery.
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"The rabbit was huge!" Asterpaw motioned with her paws. "And I had almost gotten it, too! It didn't know I was there until the last second when the wind changed and boom!" He widened his eyes. "It dashed off as I leaped for it." He shook his head regretfully.
"Well I'm sure you'll find another rabbit one day." Shinekit smiled. "There seems to be plenty from what I've heard Chivefuzz say."
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"Yes, there are plenty. Though I couldn't help but notice that you left out the part where you tripped on a rock as you ran after it." Curlthorn came up behind Asterpaw, teasing him light-heartedly.
Asterpaw's looked embarrassed. "Well, it wasn't really an important detail..." He muttered.
"Don't sweat it, kid. I lost plenty of prey when I was an apprentice. Plus, you've been an apprentice for barely a moon. There's plenty of time to catch more prey." Curlthorn assured him, giving him a light nudge.
That seemed to brighten him up as he continued to tell Shinekit about his other adventures of the day. Whether they were entirely true, she was unsure. Curlthorn made no other comments but instead listened to the rest of Asterpaw's ramblings with a kind smile.
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raggedclanlifegen · 8 months ago
Moon 3 - Is Everything Alright?
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"No fair, Pondkit!" Shinekit whined as her brother held a tight grip on her mossball. Shinekit had just lost the game to him, but he had cheated.
"You're such a goody four-paws!" Pondkit scowled.
"What's going on here?" Pondkit and Shinekit whipped around to see Garlicash looking at them with a raised brow. The toms eyes wandered down to the mossball and he gave a knowing look. "Mossball troubles?"
Shinekit spoke before Pondkit could. "Yeah! And Pondkit cheated!"
"Did he now?" Garlicash looked over at Pondkit who was glaring at Shinekit.
"Did not! You're just mad that I'm better than you! That's why I should be the next leader!" Pondkit stuck his tongue out at Shinekit.
"Oh yeah? Then I challenge you to a rematch!" Shinekit declared.
Garlicash sighed and watched on as the two began playing again, but this time, catching Shinekit's eye, he directed her to throw him the mossball.
Shinekit did, and holding the mossball high up, Garlicash grinned down at the two kits. "Me and Shinekit win!"
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Shinekit was sitting in the clearing, watching Asterkit and Stemkit play. It was scorching today, and she could almost imagine that her fur was smoking. I have no idea how those two have so much energy to play in this heat. She thought, shaking her head. Most of the clan were taking shelter in their dens, but not Bitternlightning. Shinekit was aware of the she-cats gaze watching the kits.
"You can't get me, Asterkit!" Stemkit called, grinning as she jumped away from Asterkit.
Asterkit, despite panting tiredly, jumped after her. He was almost about to tackle her when Stemkit suddenly dropped down to the ground, seizing.
"Stemkit?!" Asterkit's eyes were wide as he looked in horror at his denmate.
Shinekit jumped to her paws, about to run over to her friend when she noticed Bitternlightning dashing across the clearing.
"Out of the way, Asterkit!" Bitternlightning ordered, gently pushing the tom-kit away.
Shinekit instead switched her path over to Asterkit who was still wide-eyed. "What happened?" Shinekit said quietly to Asterkit.
"I don't know." The tom answered without looking at her. His gaze was still fixed on where Stemkit was laying, though she was blocked by Bitternlightning.
A few other cats had come out into the clearing, peering at Bitternlightning with worry.
"She's fine now. I think she's prone to seizures. I want to keep her in my den for a while to keep an eyes on her." Bitternlightning finally looked up, her sides heaving. She looked sick almost.
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"That sounds like a good idea." Minkstar had come out of her den and was nodding. "But it looks like you need to tend to yourself as well. The stress and heat has gotten to you." Minkstar narrowed her eyes and Bitternlightning nodded.
"I will, but first, help me carry Stemkit to my den." Bitternlight and Minkstar bent down and picked Stemkit up, carrying her off to the healers den.
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Shinekit was relaxing in the cool nursery, sprawled out in her nest. She finally had it all to herself since Breezekit and Pondkit were out in the clearing with Asterkit. Also in the nursery were Garlicash, Bitternlightning, and Hornetstem. Bitternlightning was making a slow recovery from her heat exhaustion and had said she wanted to let Stemkit sleep in peace.
"Thank you both for everything you've done." Hornetstem purred, nuzzling his friends.
"Of course, anything to help you." Garlicash smiled and Bitternlightning nodded.
"I'll always think about those kits, but I'm able to move on now." Hornetstem said quietly, shooting a wary glance over at Shinekit who perked her ears.
Is that what he was guilty about? Were they his kits...? Shinekit frowned slightly but shrugged it off. It wasn't her business, she supposed.
A few minutes later, the three of them padded out of the nursery, continuing their conversation, leaving Shinekit alone...briefly.
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"Oh, hello, Breezekit." Shinekit lifted her head, greeting her brother.
"Hey, Shinekit." He gave a small smile. "I wanted to ask you something..." He trailed off.
Shinekit raised a brow. "What about?"
Breezekit looked down at his paws as he sat beside her. "Well, it's about when you become the leader. I was wondering, couldn't I be your deputy? You'll be in charge, so it's up to you if you want to change the rules!" He looked hopefully at her, his eyes shining.
But Shinekit looked back at him sadly. "You know that's not how it works. I can't just go around and change the rules." She licked his head. "But how about this...if I don't have a mate by the time I'm leader, you can be my deputy temporarily." She offered.
Breezekit's eyes lit up. "Ok! Don't go about trying to get a mate, though." He teased her, purring.
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The two sat together and giggled for some time before Pondkit walked in, carrying a strange feather.
"Look at what I found!" Pondkit announced, dropping the large feather at Shinekit's paws.
"What kind of birth is it from?" Breezekit raised a brow, sniffing it curiously.
"No clue." Pondkit shrugged while Shinekit scowled. "But you should've seen Hornetstem's face when I showed it to him! He totally freaked out and demanded to know where I found it."
Shinekit and Breezekit exchanged looks. "That's kind of...concerning." Shinekit said nervously.
"Eh, oh well! Let's just worry about how cool it looks!" Pondkit grinned.
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"Lower you haunches just a bit, Asterkit...and stop wagging your tail, Breezekit!" Silkpaw was doing her best to show the all to eager kits how to do the hunting crouch with little success. She sighed as Shinekit lost her balance and flopped over. "You don't have to pull your paws in that tight, Shinekit..."
"Sorry, Silkpaw." The kits all said in unison. After some trial and error, Silkpaw had gotten them to a decent point where they were all balanced. "Well, there's room for improvement, but I think your mentors can handle that when it comes to it." Silkpaw sighed.
Silkpaw supervised the kits for some time more until the border patrol, Curlthorn and Snowyfeather, padded back into camp. Silkpaw dashed off to meet them without saying a word. At that point, however, Asterkit and Breezekit were distracted and playing with each other.
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"Hello there, Shinekit." Snowyfeather stopped as he was padding by and smiled at her.
"Hi!" Shinekit squeaked, smiling back.
Snowyfeather purred and gave her head a small lick before turning to Minkstar, who was approaching him.
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"Snowyfeather, come with me. I want to talk with you and Curlthorn. Alone."
"Alright, then." Snowyfeather sighed. "See you later, Shinekit." He bid her farewell.
"Bye..." Shinekit frowned. "And hi, Minkstar." Shinekit said, looking up at her mother.
Minkstar only looked back hollowly before turning and leading Snowyfeather to her den where Curlthorn was waiting.
Shinekit huffed but got an idea. I wonder what they're gonna talk about? It couldn't hurt to listen, right? She grinned, quietly trailing them and waiting just outside the den.
"There were three of them, just by the CloudClan border." Snowyfeather said, sounding worried.
"I didn't recognize any of them, but how could you? They barely looked like cats." Shinekit could only imagine Curlthorn shaking her head.
"Hm. Keep a close eye on that border, then. Did they see you?" Minkstar asked.
"We don't think so. They didn't look too friendly and we had no intentions of figuring out if they were or not." Snowyfeather said with a small bit of fear in his voice.
"I'll prioritize taking Silkpaw with me there. Maybe she'll recognize someone." Curlthorn offered.
"You may." Minkstar approved. "But do it safely and with caution. We don't need any unnecessary injuries, especially with Bitternlightning ill."
"Of course." Snowyfeather agreed, and Shinekit thought she heard Curlthorn make a small noise of agreement.
"You two are dismissed." Minkstar said. Shinekit heard her rise to her paws and begin to leave the den.
Scrambling back quickly, Shinekit hid from view. Weird! Rouges by the CloudClan border, huh? Totally freaky! Shinekit shuddered. She wanted to tell her littermates about it but decided it was best not to. Quietly, she slunk back to the nursery.
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raggedclanlifegen · 8 months ago
Moon 2 - Guilt, Suspicion, and Curiosity
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Shinekit blinks open her eyes as she awakens. She stretched out her paws in front of her in a yawn before rolling over to look at her littermates, Breezekit and Pondkit, who were both still fast asleep. She sighed. Sleepyheads. She couldn't help but purr.
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"Thank you, Bitternlightning." Hornetstem's hushed voice drifted over from across the nursery. "But I just feel so guilty. Sure they were born weak, but couldn't there have been something done? I'm supposed to be a queen!" His voice raised and cracked and Shinekit watched him shake his head.
"It's not your fault, Hornetstem. You've got to realize that." Bitternlightning licked the young toms head. "Like you said, they were born weak. There's nothing even I could do. They're in uh," She paused for a moment. "StarClan's paws. Those are your ancestors, right?" She inquired.
That's right. Bitternlightning is still getting used to the clan customs, but at least she's trying. Thought Shinekit.
Hornetstem nodded. He seemed grateful. "I need to stretch my paws. Come with me. We can take Marshstalk since he's always complaining that nobody goes out with him anymore." Hornetstem said suddenly, rising to his paws.
"Alright..." Bitternlightning frowned as she followed Hornetstem out of the nursery.
Guilty about not being able to save who? Shinekit wondered. She had only been told about Tempestfur, but Tempestfur was a full grown cat. She frowned. Maybe I'll ask Snowyfeather. Or Minkstar, if she's in a good mood.
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Shinekit ducked out of the nursery, hoping she'd given Bitternlightning and Hornetstem enough time to clear out. As she padded towards her mothers den, Marshstalk intercepted her.
"Shinekit, what are you doing out this early?" The senior tom raised his brow.
"Oh, hello Marshstalk!" Shinekit looked up nervously. "I thought you were going out with Hornetstem and Bitternlightning? Don't you need to stretch your legs too?"
Marshstalk purred. "That's actually where I'm headed! Thanks for checking up, but surely it's not wise to eavesdrop?" Marshstalk gave her a look.
Shinekit frowned. Was that 'thank you' just a cover-up for throwing out suspicion? Narrowing her eyes slightly, she spoke. "Well, I was awake and they were talking quite loudly. You should catch up to them." She suggested.
"If you say so." He sniffed. "And good idea. See you later, Shinekit." He waved his tail as he padded off.
Shinekit shook her head as she continued on with her mission. Reaching the entrance to her mothers den, she poked her head in and cleared her throat. "Minkstar?" She called.
There wasn't an answer, but she could clearly scent Minkstar's scent mixed with Snowyfeather's. Shrugging, she padded in, noticing Minkstar curled up in her nest in the corner, Snowyfeather sitting beside her. "Snowyfeather?" She tried instead.
Snowyfeather lifted his head, seeming somewhat surprised. "Shinekit, what are you doing in here?" He narrowed his eyes as he got up to pad over to her.
"I wanted to ask Minkstar something about--" She was cut off as Snowyfeather made a tsking sound.
"Not right now, I'm sorry. And I can't answer it either." He said when she opened her mouth again. "Just go play. Surely it can wait? Minkstar's busy right now and I've got to help her out." He began shooing Shinekit from the den.
"But it's just a little question--!" She argued.
"No, Shinekit. Final answer. Now go." Snowyfeather ordered with narrowed eyes. He stood at the entrance, watching her go. He only turned back into the den as she ducked back into the nursery.
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"Shinekit, we'll never fight, right?" Pondkit was laying beside Shinekit outside the nursery, the two appreciates the somewhat clear weather.
Shinekit raised a brow and tilted her head. "Where's this coming from?" She turned to her brother.
"Well, I heard stories from Silkpaw about siblings who fought, and it didn't end well. I don't want us to be like that!" He looked at her with round eyes.
Silly Pondkit! "Of course we won't! Don't ever worry about that." Shinekit grinned, licking Pondkit's head.
"Claw-promise?" Pondkit asked, raising one of his tiny kitten claws.
"Claw-promise." Shinekit agreed, hooking their claws together in a small agreement.
"Well I'm never claw-promising you that so I can do this!" Breezekit pounced playfully on Shinekit from behind and the two rolled around in a fit of giggles.
"Eek!" Pondkit jumped back from the rolling bundle of fur. He looked shocked for a moment before bursting out into a fit of giggles as well.
"Oh come on, Breezekit! Get off!" Shinekit said through laughter, gently kicking at Breezekit.
"No way!" Breezekit grinned, stilling rolling around with her.
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"Mouse-dung!" Shinekit scowled as a thorn became lodged in her paw while she was digging through the bush for her lost mossball. "I'm never getting that thing back! And now I have to go to Bitternlightning." Shinekit sighed. My luck.
"What is it?" Bitternlightning's voice came from the very back of the healers den. It seemed she was in the herb storage, and she sounded annoyed. "This better be important because I've got to re-organize everything after a certain someone decided my herbs made a great place to play!" She was shaking her head and scowling as she met Shinekit in the main area of the den.
"I've got a thorn in my paw," Shinekit informed her, lifting up her paw. "I was trying to get my mossball back, but that clearly didn't work."
Bitternlightning twitched her whiskers. "That was very brave of you, but next time, get a warrior."
Shinekit beamed, but her happiness was short as Bitternlightning suddenly plucked out the thorn, causing Shinekit to yelp.
"Stay there while I get some ointment for that. It's kind of deep." Bitternlightning ordered as she turned to the herb storage.
Shinekit limped out of healers den with a sigh. She wasn't expecting it to hurt that bad!
"Bitternlightning pull that nasty thorn out?" Asterkit padded up to Shinekit with a grin.
Shinekit nodded. "Yeah, and it hurt."
"I bet!" Asterkit laughed, and Shinekit noted he smelled faintly of herbs...weird. "I also heard you say mouse-dung." He grinned, as Shinekit looked alarmed. "Don't worry, I won't tell! I wanted to teach you some cooler words though!"
"Cooler words...?" Shinekit looked confused and tilted her head. "Like?"
"Like fox-heart, fox-dung, dungface, dungheart..." Asterkit trailed on and on and Shinekit yawned.
"Oh RaggedClan, the clan where the kits teach each other insultssss!" Stemkit had come up behind the pair and was now singing a strange song.
Shinekit giggled and joined in. "Oh RaggedClan, the clan where silly kits roll about in herbs!" Shinekit shot a teasing look at Asterkit who's ears turned red.
Stemkit continued on with her song and Shinekit occasionally chimed in with Asterkit watching them and rolling his eyes,
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"I wonder how she's caring for them." Shinekit perked her ears as she overheard Silkpaw, part of the returning border patrol, speaking to Curlthorn. "They're getting away so often she said!"
"They're just a bunch of troublesome kits, but I'm sure they'll be fine. She said they weren't that far from their home." Chivefuzz said, twitching her whiskers.
"Plus, CloudClan had to deal with equally troublesome kits sneaking off." Curlthorn nudged Silkpaw playfully who looked hot with embarrassment.
"I was only going along with what..." The patrols voices faded as they walked to the other side of the camp. Shinekit was interested, but didn't want to be caught snooping. Instead, she looked up at the setting sun and smiled.
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raggedclanlifegen · 8 months ago
Moon 1 - An Heir is Born but Not Without Sorrow
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Minkstar hadn't been prepared for this as she lay in her nest in the makeshift nursery. Snowyfeather looked down at her happily and Hornetstem was keeping Asterkit and Stemkit away from her nest.
"Congratulations, Minkstar. StarClan has blessed you with five kits! Two she-cats and three toms." Bitternlightning purred as she gazed at the small bundles at Minkstar's belly.
"Thank you," Minkstar said quietly. She was gazing down at her kits with worry. Two of them weren't as active as the other three, and she couldn't help but assume the worst. "But Bitternlightning, those two are less active. Will they be alright?"
Bitternlightning's tail tip twitched, and a strange flash of emotion crossed her face. "To be honest with you, Minkstar, I don't know. There isn't much we can do but hope." Bitternlightning dipped her head. "I'll do what I can, however." She promised.
]Snowyfeather, who had been mostly silent, finally spoke up. "Let's name them then." He looked into Minkstar's eyes. "They deserve it."
Minkstar was silent for a moment before sighing. "Very well. I want to name the eldest kit Shinekit. Her fur is so silky." Minkstar nuzzled her daughters head.
Snowyfeather purred. "I want to name this spotted tom Breezekit. Just look at those legs." Snowyfeather gently stroked the tom-kits long legs.
"Then this she-kit will be named Waterkit for how her fur flows." Minkstar declared, looking down at the weak kit whose chest was shakily rising and falling.
"This little tom-kit will be Pondkit, for my mother. He looks just like her." Snowyfeather gently lapped the kit's head, and Pondkit squeaked in reply.
"Then this last tom-kit will be name--" Minkstar was cut off as Stemkit and Asterkit snuck past Hornetstem and up to the nest.
"Can we name him?" Stemkit looked pleadingly at Minkstar, her yellow eyes shining.
"Yeah, can we?" Asterkit chimed in. "So it's even!" He added.
Minkstar exchanged a glance with Snowyfeather who nodded. "Very well. You may name him." Minkstar decided, drawing her tail back slightly so the two older kits could get a better look.
Both beaming, Asterkit and Stemkit whispered briefly to each other as Hornetstem looked on disapprovingly.
"We've come up with a name!" Asterkit declared, his little tail vibrating excitedly.
"We want to name him Fernkit, so the forest will one day be covered in them again." Stemkit said proudly. "Do you like it?"
Minkstar smiled. "Of course. It's a wonderful name. Thank you." She licked the two kit's heads. "Now, off you go. I'm sure it's your nap time, and I need my own rest."
The two kits nodded and scampered off over to Hornetstem who scowled at them both. "Next time, talk to me before you--" He was interrupted as Shinekit began mewling loudly, kicking her little paws.
Minkstar and Snowyfeather looked down worriedly, but both breathed a sigh of relief as they realized Pondkit had simply rolled on top of her.
"Silly kits." Snowyfeather chuckled. Though Hornetstem didn't look too amused as he settled down with Asterkit and Stemkit. The little ordeal apparently had struck a small nerve.
"Yes, silly kits." Minkstar agreed as she settled her tail around her kits, snuggling up to them. She was purring as she drifted off the sleep, and Shinekit felt the gentle vibrations.
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Minkstar was staring out of the entrance, her mind far away. Waterkit and Fernkit had taken their last breathes some time during the night. Though she still had three kits left, she felt hollow. How could Starclan be so cruel? Snowyfeather had just returned to camp from burying the two small kits who were barely as light as a feather. The weather surely reflected Minkstar's mood. It was raining and the clouds hung low. There was no pleasant earthy smell, only the smell of death and decay being carried on the wind.
"I ran into a few rogues on the border who used to have an issue with me, but I was able to talk it out with them. They shouldn't be a problem..." Garlicash's voice was faintly carried by the wind over to Minkstar's ears, but it didn't really register.
"Good." Came the reply to Garlicash from Hornetstem. He seemed content and noted to Garlicash that Asterkit had found a baby rabbit earlier that day and that he had shooed it off. "It could make for a good food source when it's grown." He continued.
Minkstar finally blocked the two completely out. She felt a twinge of jealousy. Some stupid prey got to keep her baby but she couldn't? But then she shook her head. That was nonsense. She was sure that the rabbit mother probably lost some of her babies too. How couldn't you, out in this new world? Her jealousy was replaced by a strange piece of pity. She hoped the mother rabbit found some kind of peace of mind. But that was silly too, she thought.
"Minkstar?" A small voice broke through her clouded thoughts and she raised her head slightly to see Asterkit looking at her innocently. Can't I play with your kits?" He asked.
"NO!" Minkstar hissed at the kit, curling her tail tightly around her own kits who mewled with surprise at the sudden noise.
Asterkit looked shocked and fell back in surprise. "I-I'm sorry, Minkstar, I just--"
"I'll play with you, Asterkit. You know my kits are young, and Minkstar's a little sad right now." Snowyfeather had entered the nursery and was looking down at Asterkit pityingly. "Let's see who's the last to fall in the mud." He said, gently guiding Asterkit out without saying a word to Minkstar.
Guilt wormed in her belly for yelling at the kit, but she only wanted to keep her babies safe. She'd already lost two and wouldn't risk losing another. She watched hollowly once more as Asterkit and Snowyfeather played in the rainy clearing.
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Minkstar had left the nursery as soon as Hornetstem said he'd be able to feed them small amounts of prey. Though they were young and would have a better chance with her milk, Minkstar couldn't bear to be around them anymore. Something had changed within her, and she was almost back to normal, completing her duties and keeping the clan organized. However, it came crashing down when Chivefuzz burst into camp, eyes darting around widly.
"Tempestfur is dead! A wolverine grabbed her from its burrow and ate her! She's gone! I couldn't retrieve her body!" Chivefuzz wailed, falling to the ground in despair.
"What?!" Multiple cats jumped to their paws, swarming around Chivefuzz, demanding her to answer their question.
Minkstar jumped down from the low ledge she was on and pushed through the crowd, crouching beside Chivefuzz. "Where was this? We need to take care of this issue before the wolverine becomes a bigger threat to the rest of the clan." Minkstar looked furious.
"It was out by the old BushClan border, not hard to miss at all. The smell was awful." Chivefuzz said through tears. "Please be careful!" She pleaded.
"Of course." Minkstar nodded, turning to face her warriors. "Curlthorn, Silkpaw, Snowyfeather, I want you three to either kill this wolverine or drive it from the territory. Chivefuzz, lead them to it, but I only want you to fight if you're able." Minkstar ordered.
Curlthorn nodded and called over Silkpaw. The two she-cats had a certain look in their eyes. Tempestfur had come to the clan with them, and these two would likely do anything to avenge her.
"Be careful." Minkstar made a point to look at the two sternly, though she made no moves towards Snowyfeather, who seemed hurt. The tom gazed at her briefly before turning to follow Chivefuzz out, Curlthorn and Silkpaw hard on his tail.
"A hairless dog missing a limb?" Minkstar cocked her head, looking thoughtful. The patrol had just returned with good news of driving out the wolverine, but also brought the news of a huge dog.
"Yes. A foul smell came from it, but it looked to only be passing through. It made no moves to come any closer." Curlthorn was nodding. "Should we set up extra patrols through that area?"
Minkstar nodded. "Yes, that's a good idea. Let Snowyfeather know. We've just lost one cat, and we don't need to lose any others."
"Of course." Curlthorn bowed her head before padding off to search for Snowyfeather.
Minkstar, now left alone with her thoughts, was scanning the barren camp. The rain still pushed on, forcing most cats into their dens. She swallowed back guilt as she got to her paws and padded towards the nursery. A familiar scent hit her nose as she poked her head in. Marshstalk was sitting and gently playing with her kits. He looked sad a longingly at them.
"Marshstalk?" Minkstar called out, padding towards the senior tom. He looked up in surprise and gave a small smile as she sat beside him.
"Hello, Minkstar. I hope you don't mind me being in here. Hornetstem asked me to watch them while he took Asterkit and Stemkit to the dirtplace." He chuckled.
"Of course not." She shook her head. "But are you alright? You looked...sad." She looked at him questioningly.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just thinking about mine and Bittern's kits. We have a litter of three, but we're not sure where they are now. Once they grew up they left us to travel, but always came back to visit." He sighed. "But ever since the flames fell, we haven't had much hope. We don't know where they are. We tried sticking around for them, but when we found Garlic we knew we needed to do something."
Minkstar was surprised. She hadn't realized the pair had had a little together. "I'm so sorry. It must be awful not knowing where they are." She rested her tail on his back.
He shook his head. "No, no, it's alright. I've come to terms with it. They were all grown, they knew how to take care of themselves and Bittern taught them all her medical skills. I know they're out there somewhere." He smiled, hope shining in her eyes.
"Would you ever consider another litter?" Minkstar raised a brow. "The way you look at mine makes me think so." She said gently.
Marshstalk gave a small nod. "I wouldn't mind it at all if Bittern wants it. It'd be nice to give these three some more playmates." He went silent for a moment. "But I'd feel guilty, almost like I'd be replacing them."
Minkstar nodded in understanding. "I can see how you'd think that, but I'm sure they'd understand. Do what your heart tells you." She assured him.
Marshstalk seemed lighter. "Thank you, Minkstar. I appreciate it." He perked his ears. "I think I hear Hornetstem coming back. Better clear out. I can't tell you how many stories I've told Asterkit and Stemkit today." He chuckled.
Minkstar gave a small laugh as well. "I'll talk to you later. Have a good night."
Marshstalk dipped his head and ducked out of the nursery, being replaced by Hornetstem, Asterkit, and Stemkit. Hornetstem gave Minkstar a small nod before settling down the two older kits.
"I'm sorry little ones. I'll stay with you, just for tonight." Minkstar gingerly settled beside Shinekit, Breezekit, and Pondkit, who all gave little mews as they snuggled up to her. She let herself purr as she set her head down with a smile, drifting off to sleep.
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raggedclanlifegen · 8 months ago
Moon 0 - Who's left?
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It was cold. Well, it used to be anyway. Surely all the snow was melted. Until the sky fell, flames dropping down into the territory. What was once a beautiful, plentiful forest was now shrouded in mist and death.
"Minkstar! Minkstar!" A voice called her name in the distance, but she just shut her eyes tighter. Everything hurt, and she could hear the fur on her back sizzling.
"Snowyfeather, we can't keep looking for her tonight. I promise you, we'll come back out when every cat has rested." A fainter voice was carried by the wind, tickling her ears.
She lifted her head slowly, wincing at the throbbing. What had happened? She couldn't remember much. All she could remember was that she was running for shelter, her clan behind her. What had become of them? Were they alright? She got to her paws. She was inside some kind of metal barrel. Slowly and carefully, she made her way out of it, stopping in shock as she saw what was in front of her. The remnants of her beautiful clan, TreeClan, were in front of her. The camp was almost gone. Whatever was left was ragged and strewn everywhere and anywhere.
"Minkstar!" She lifted her head to see a tom with cobalt eyes running towards her, his pelt filthy and tangled.
"Snowyfeather..." She stepped towards her mate who began to nuzzle her as soon as he reached her, his purr the only thing she could hear for a few moments.
"It's good to see that you're alright, Minkstar." Hornetstem dipped his head wearily to her.
"Thank you, Hornetstem. it's good to see you in good health as well." She was able to give the young tom a small smile. "Where is everyone else?" She questioned him, gently shaking Snowyfeather off of her. Although she appreciated her mates' concern, it was becoming too much.
Hornetstem's brows furrowed at the question and he dropped his head. "Most of dead." He said after a moments silence. "Only a few of us are left. We thought you were gone too, Minkstar." He admitted, looking up at her with tears in his eyes.
Minkstar was shocked. How could she have let this happen? It was her sworn duty as leader to protect her clan. "Perhaps we just haven't found them all yet." Minkstar finally said, hope flaring in her heart. It burned out quickly however, as Hornetstem continued.
"We've found their bodies already. We were bracing ourselves to find yours too." He shook his head in despair. "I only hope it was quick for them all."
Minkstar held a moment of silence for her clanmates. She hoped StarClan would be kind to them. "Tell me then, who is left?"
"Obviously Snowyfeather, myself, and you. Chivefuzz is back at camp looking after Asterkit. That's it." He shook his head and looked back down at his paws.
"Only us five..." Minkstar exhaled. "I'm sorry you lost your mate, Hornetstem. But Asterkit is waiting for you, and Chivefuzz is likely expecting you and Snowyfeather to be back soon. Let us hurry back." Minkstar got back to her paws. "Please, lead me to where you're sheltering." As Hornetstem nodded and got to his paws, Minkstar let herself look back at TreeClan's old camp for just a moment. All the memories of her life there were gone, but she sent a silent promise to her clanmates in StarClan that she would do anything she could to rebuild the clan.
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"Excuse me." Minkstar whipped her head around to see a golden tom, clearly in his later moons. He was accompanied by two other cats, a she-cat and a tom. She was silently surprised to see other cats so soon. It had only been a few days since Snowyfeather and Hornetstem has found her.
"My name is Marsh. This is my mate, Bittern. And this fellow behind her is a friend named Garlic. He needs medical attention. My mate knows herbs, but we have no access to any. Do you have any?" Marsh, the golden tom, looked pleadingly at Minkstar.
"Of course. You may use whatever we have, but under one condition." Minkstar said, looking at the trio.
Marsh's eyes lit up. "Anything!"
"Join me and my group. We lost almost all of our members and need to rebuild our numbers. Your mate will be welcomed as our new Lead Healer, if she wishes."
Marsh looked back at Bittern and Garlic, who both nodded. "Very well." He nodded. "Take us back to your camp then."
"Of course," Minkstar said, beaming now. Perhaps there was hope in this barren place after all. "Though, I must ask if you three would take on traditional names like my group members?"
"We will think about it." Marsh dipped his head to Minkstar, as well as Garlic and Bittern.
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"Thank you for coming out with me, Chivefuzz." Minkstar smiled at her good friend. Chivefuzz, who was only a few moons older than her, had been almost like a sister to her growing up.
"Of course, Minkstar." Chivefuzz let out a faint purr. "It's good to strech my legs. Even better to be able to see our new surroundings now."
Minkstar nodded. "I wish it was our old surroundings." She glanced up at the huge ancient oak they were passing. It had been there for countless moons, there before her grandmothers grandmother. "Only fragments of TreeClan live on."
"Better fragments than nothing," Chivefuzz said, following Minkstar's gaze. The two sat in silence for some time until a twig snapped behind them, causing them both to whirl around.
"Curlthorn!" Minkstar recognized the CloudClan deputy. The she-cat's pelt was ragged, and she looked on edge. Not far behind her stood an orange she-cat who was shielding what looked like an apprentice and young kit behind her.
"Minkstar. It's good to see you." Curlthorn dipped her head. "CloudClan is gone. It's just myself, Tempestfur, Silkpaw, and Stempaw. We came to check on TreeClan. We've visited the other clans' territories, but we've seen no sign of anyone." Curlthorn sat with a sigh, beckoning her companions forward.
"I'm sorry to hear." Minkstar dipped her head. "Only five of us remain from TreeClan, though we were joined by three loners. We would be happy to take in you and your companions." Minkstar offered, looking hopeful.
The apprentice, Silkpaw, perked her ears. "Curlthorn, I want to join them. I can't live as a loner. I want to be with a clan." Silkpaw whined, looking pleadingly at her deputy.
Curlthorn sighed and lifted her head. "If you'll have us, Minkstar, we'd be honored to join your clan. Though I must ask what will become of my position?"
Minkstar looked awkwardly down at her paws. "Snowyfeather is still living, so you will be welcomed as a warrior."
Curlthorn nodded. "Very well. Please, lead us to our new home."
"You!" Marshstalk hissed at Tempestfur as she followed her companions into camp. "You're the one who injured Garlicash!" The tom stalked forward, glaring at the she-cat.
"He attacked me first! I was only hunting for my clanmates!" Tempestfur lowered her ears, glaring back at Marshstalk.
Minkstar scowled. She'd just brought the former CloudClan cats back and now there was already a fight. "Marshstalk, that's enough!" Minkstar padded towards the two bristling cats.
"No, Minkstar. She needs a taste of what she did to him! It was completely unnecessary!"
Minkstar shook her head. "Just step back--"
"Marshstalk, it's fine. It was only a misunderstanding, and she was only doing what she could to make sure she and her friends would survive." Garlicash, who was still limping, came out of the healers den, his eyes betraying no emotions. He looked calm.
"But Garlicash--" Marshstalk began before Garlicash silenced him.
"We're supposed to get along. The past is the past. We need to focus on surviving now. I'm sure you two can put this behind you." Garlicash said gently. Tempestfur was nodding, and while looking reluctant, Marshstalk have a small nod as well.
"Fine." He said grumpily, looking away. "But if it happens again, I won't be as nice about it." Marshstalk stalked away to go sit with Bitternlightning.
"Garlicash," Minkstar looked proudly at the tom. "I want you to become our Lead Mediator. You've shown great skill, and you'd be honoring your clan."
Garlicash dipped his head. "I'd be delighted. Thank you, Minkstar."
"Of course. Serve us well." Minkstar smiled.
"Well, I guess we're part of TreeClan now?" Silkpaw looked questioningly at Minkstar.
"No." Minkstar shook her head. "We're RaggedClan. Though small and well, ragged, we've risen and accepted the challenges this land has presented us with, and we'll accept the future challenges as well. We'll grow and prosper. I welcome you all to RaggedClan."
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raggedclanlifegen · 7 months ago
Moon 5 - Healers and Teasing
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"RaggedClan, gather around the waste for a clan meeting!" Minkstar's yowl echoed around the clearing. The clan soon filled in what they could in the clearing and look expectantly at their leader.
"Today, we welcome a new Healer apprentice to the clan. Though she most likely will not be filling the position of Lead Healer in her lifetime, she will be valuable to us nonetheless." Minkstar scanned the clearing briefly. "Stemkit, step forward."
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Beaming, Stemkit rushed forward, a stick in tow. The she-cat had found it not long ago and hoped it could help her with her Healer duties.
"You claim to have been inspired by Bitternlightning's work while you were in the Healers den. Is it your final wish to become a Healer apprentice? You will not be able to change your mind later." Minkstar warned.
"It is." Stemkit dipped her head.
"And Bitternlightning, do you agree to take Stemkit as your apprentice?" Minkstar turned to the Healer.
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"I do." Bitternlightning purred, looking at Stemkit happily.
"Though we have no sacred place in this waste any longer, I hope you find the approval of StarClan. Stemkit, step forward." Minkstar's eyes followed Stemkit. "From this day forward, until Bitternlightning decides you're worthy of your full name, you will be known as Stempaw." Minkstar touched her nose to Stempaw's head.
Bitternlightning stepped forward and touched noses with Stempaw after Minkstar backed up. Bitternlightning, still purring, spoke. "It is with great honor that I get to train you in my ways. I hope you become a Healer worthy of your StarClan's approval."
"As do I." Stempaw agreed, purring too.
"Then it is official. Welcome our newest Healer, Stempaw." Minkstar announced.
"Stempaw! Stempaw!" The clan erupted into cheers for the she-cat.
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"I'm glad I recovered from that heatwave just in time." Shinekit heard Bitternlightning say to Stempaw who laughed.
"So do I." Her apprentice agreed.
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"He ran right into the tree." Curlthorn laughed, telling Shinekit the adventures that Asterpaw had today.
"Did he not see it?" Shinekit couldn't believe Asterpaw managed that.
"Obviously not." Asterpaw scowled. Though he looked annoyed, the small sparkle in his eyes said otherwise. "But just you wait, Shinekit. When you're an apprentice, all the trees will jump out at you!"
"Right." Shinekit looked unconvinced.
"I think that's just a you thing, Asterpaw." Curlthorn smiled. "Minkstar will have to call you Astertreerunnerinto."
Shinekit broke out into a fit of giggles while Asterpaw looked shocked.
"No way she would?" He looked wide-eyed at Curlthorn.
"I can always request it..." Curlthorn grinned deviously.
"No way! Don't you dare!" Asterpaw swatted at Curlthorn with his claws sheathed. "If you do, I'll stick thorns in your nest for the rest of your life!" He threatened.
"Not if I get your nest first!" Curlthorn playfully tackled Asterpaw and Shinekit was giggling even more now.
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"Shinekit, Pondkit, I had a nightmare." Shinekit felt Breezekit's paws shake her shoulder before he moved on to Pondkit.
"About?" Shinekit heard Pondkit say groggily.
"Well, it was about these flames that were falling from the sky." Breezekit shuddered. "And there were a bunch of cats running in all directions! But I couldn't make out a specific cat...they were all dark." Breezekit frowned.
"It's ok, Breezekit. You can snuggle with us." Shinekit offered, patting the moss beside her.
Smiling gratefully, Breezekit curled up beside Shinekit, and Pondkit went to his other side.
Warm and content, the bundle of fur drifted off the sleep, Breezekit feeling content.
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"I'm gonna get you!" Minkstar playfully lunged at Shinekit who was squealing in delight.
"No you're not!" Shinekit scampered off, her tail high.
"I will too!" Minkstar dashed after her and scooped her up and cuddled her fiercely.
Why's she acting like this all of a sudden? Shinekit wasn't complaining, but it was strange how affectionate her mother had become recently.
After a few more moments of play, Minkstar stepped back, exhausted. "I have no clue how you have so much energy." Minkstat chuckled and shook her head. "But I'm sorry I can't play anymore, little one. I have some business to attend to. Maybe ask one of your brothers?" She suggested, licking Shinekit's head before padding off.
Shinekit watched her go with a sigh. She sat there for a few moments before movement caught her eye.
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"Oh, Asterpaw!" Shinekit beamed. "Do you want to play with me?" She approached the young tom.
"Er, sorry, not right now, Shinekit." Asterpaw ducked his. "Curlthorn um, needs me! Sorry!" He dashed off, his head still ducked.
Weird. I hope I haven't upset him. I'll make sure to ask if I need to apologize for something next time I see him. Shinekit got to her paws and went off to find her brothers.
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It had been bugging her for quite some time now as she ducked out of camp. That strange pool had been on her mind, and now she was retracing her and Breezekit's steps. It didn't take long before she found it. "Huh." Shinekit raised a brow. There was a strange light flickering in the pool. And it doesn't stink anymore. Weird.
She approached it with caution, watching the light dance in the water. "What are you...?" She wondered aloud. After some time passed, she reached out a paw and gently touched the water. The light dashed away and disappeared, leaving Shinekit shocked.
"Where could it have gone?" She surveyed the pool closely but soon wrinkled her nose. "It stinks now! That's so weird." Shinekit frowned. She was sort of starting to get freaked out now and decided to return back to camp.
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"They were gone by the time I found them. I don't know what killed them. All I know was that it must've hurt if it wasn't quick." Shinekit heard Minkstar's faint voice as she snuck back into camp.
"A shame that an innocent cats life was wasted." Bitternlightning's voice was a little clearer.
"I just hope they're hunting with their ancestors now." Minkstar admitted.
"I'm sure they are," Bitternlightning said assuringly. "But right now, we both need rest. Stempaw is a handful to teach. She's so eager to learn! And you also need to rest."
"Very well." Minkstar sighed. "Good night, Bitternlightning. And thank you."
"Of course," Bitternlightning said in return. Shinekit heard some rustling and saw Bitternlightning's shadowy figure padding back to her den.
Shinekit waited, hidden, for a moment longer to make sure Minkstar hadn't come out after her. When she was sure she wasn't going to, she padded back to the nursery and settled back down beside Pondkit, who gave a groggy greeting.
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"Where were you?" He said sleepily.
"Making dirt," Shinekit answered quickly, turning away from him so he wouldn't pester her any further.
"Oh, alright." Pondkit seemed to accept that answer and rolled back over.
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