#raetsel and fakir best siblings
nnoodlewhale · 1 month
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Raetsel is 1000% the kind of sister to force Fakir to do silly cute trends with her like matching rocks to their eyes
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edwardslostalchemy · 3 years
I know I mention the modern au that lives in my brain rent free......but I want to share details about it because it's a lot of fun to just think about it. Like first of all, I pay a lot of attention to Fakir's and Raetsel's lineage since they are biological siblings in my au. Because Fakir is Arab in canon and my friend Nima discussed this with me, I think Fakir and Raetsel being Egyptian or Moroccan descent is logical. From their dad's side, they'd be Egyptian (or Moroccan), and because initially I had them being Iranian, I have their biological grandfather as Egyptian (or Moroccan) and their biological grandmother as Iranian. The lineage to me is important, okay. I don't know why, but it has to do with language learning, and i will get to that. Okay so their dad's side is settled. Egyptian (or Moroccan) and Iranian.
Their mom (and their aunt Edel and the rest of their maternal family) would be German and Russian. Their grandfather (who I have very creatively named D. D. Drosselmeyer) is German and their grandmother Odile is Russian. This, again, has a lot to do with my hyperfixation on language learning (AND also grandma Odile being a ballet dancer?? Love that.) So that's settled, too. German and Russian. Stay with me.
So Edel and her husband, Charon, adopt her niece and nephew after their parents unfortunately pass away. Charon is Greek. So much goes on in my head it's not even funny. Languages galore.
Don't look at me weird okay. I just have the kids, their aunt and uncle, learn like 12 languages together (including the ones they individually already know well) and it's their family hobby. Fakir and Raetsel want to keep learning Arabic and Farsi. Aunt and Uncle get them resources abd books and activities to learn more. They keep in touch with their biological grandparents. Edel and Charon are very good about encouraging the kids to talk to their grandparents. Charon wants to teach them Greek. The kids learn Greek. Edel teaches them Russian upon their request. Edel and Charon know Portuguese because they learned it in college, so they teach that to the kids. Not to mention the kids learn several languages in school so it becomes of a flurry of languages. Then at some point, Uzura is born and she comes into a family of like 10 or 12 languages. She is confused with several of them. Still does her best. The family eventually comes up with their own type of mixed language and if anyone else hears it they're like What. Its like. Spanglish. But Advanced^TM. Anyway this post is getting away from me......where was I going with this.
OH YEAH LINEAGE AND THE IMPORTANCE. OKAY SO I very much want for Fakir to succeed as an author. So he writes novels and book series. His series about a magical ballerina who helps a Prince regain his heart (you know Princess Tutu??? I love Princess Tutu! He wrote it), that one gets really popular. He wrote it for his wife, Duck, and his little sister, Uzura. They were his audience. Everyone else just luckily enjoyed it as well.
I'm getting to the lineage part. It would be so cool...if Fakir....wrote books about like....the Egyptian gods and something to do with that.....it would be cool if he wrote a series with Greek gods.....a series with like something to do with Persian stuff (excuse my ignorance about Persian deities!!! I will do more research)..... And Then I realized these sound a little too much like Rick Riordan or Idk his name bit the PJO and Kane chronicles author. But Fakir would do a much better job. (Ive mot read those books. But I know Fakir would do amazing.....given he's Egyptian......has a Greek dad.......his family lineage....YOU GET ME???) If he could do a series with his Russian lineage that would be cool too.
If anyone would like to correct me on anything pls feel free to do so. And if anyone wants to discuss with me, my inbox is right there lol. I just want Fakir to write write write and for people to connect with his books. (Also Malen is the illustrator for his books. 👌)
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