#rae's new horizons countdown
swablueskies · 5 years
66 days until New Horizons! (x)
Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share?  I have so many! It’s amazing how Animal Crossing and the community has impacted my life, especially since New Leaf. 
One of my most special memories is from back in early 2014 when I first released North’s dream town and it was starting to get some attention. I kept seeing this one user on Animal Crossing Community recommending it in threads and I was so flattered that she was being so nice and hyping up my work to other people when she didn’t even know I would ever see it 😭 
She approached me one day with a bunch of items from my wishlist and she came to my town to drop them off, and then asked if she could take a look around. I was incredibly anxious about playing with others (I’d just spent an entire year shut up in my bedroom, what’s social anxiety, I don’t know her) but she’d been so kind that I couldn’t say no, so I showed her around!
That was my first interaction with @famousmushroom who is now one of the most important people in my life 🥰 And she told me later that she found my wishlist and specifically gathered up those items as an excuse to talk to me SORRY KENDALL I’M EXPOSING YOU
So yes, without New Leaf I don’t know where I’d be because Kendall has been such an incredibly positive influence on my life these past few years and I love and adore her with all my heart~ 
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swablueskies · 5 years
62 days until New Horizons! (x)
Favourite furniture item? I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s even really possible to give even a narrowed down list, there are just too many items that I love and I don’t have the energy to think about them all adgkjdhjdfh
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swablueskies · 5 years
56 days until New Horizons! (x)
I missed the last few days because of work so here I go:
60. Least favourite furniture item? There are plenty I don’t like but nothing that sticks out ... although I like the aesthetic of the Hot Plate, I absolutely hate the sound it makes?? I don’t know why??
59. Favourite flower? Jacob’s ladder, easily! 
58. Least favourite flower? Mmm probably ... cosmos maybe? Cosmos on the whole are probably my least favourite but white cosmos are possibly second behind Jacob’s ladder so like I DON’T KNOW MAN
57. Favourite hybrid? Pink roses and pink lilies I think, they’re a really nice soft pastel pink and I wish the other pink hybrids were like that (why can’t you be more like your sisters pink tulip?). I also really like orange and purple pansies a lot!
(As an aside, I didn’t play City Folk much but I’ve seen pictures and on the whole pink hybrids looked so much better than in New Leaf and I would love to see a return to those soft colours in New Horizon!!)
56. Least favourite hybrid? I don’t care for pink/orange cosmos at all. 
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swablueskies · 5 years
61 days until New Horizons! (x)
Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one?  I don’t have a Switch yet! I’ve been holding out for a cute Animal Crossing special edition Switch ... Please don’t let me down, Nintendo 😭 If they don’t release one though, I guess I’ll either just get a regular Switch with the grey JoyCons or else a Switch Lite which have such nice colours! Why can’t the regular Switch come out in those colours too?! 
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swablueskies · 5 years
63 days until New Horizons! (x)
Least favourite carpet? Again there’s a lot I don’t like, eg. balloon floor, sleek carpet, cheese floor (why), paintball floor, the Nintendo ones, also I don’t like the dirt ones unless they’re incorporated into a really well done themed room.
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swablueskies · 5 years
64 days until New Horizons! (x)
Favourite carpet?  God I don’t know, I have so many 😭 I really like using the hardwood floors like the Herringbone Floor, Old Floor Board, and Parquet Floor. The Classic Carpet is, well ... classic. And the Neutral Floor is really nice too for bright airy rooms. The new Observatory Floor is also really nice but I haven’t had the chance to use it yet ... it’s very bright and not my usual style but I love it so much. And, last but not least, the Daisy Meadow is beautiful! 
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swablueskies · 5 years
65 days until New Horizons! (x)
Least favourite wallpaper?  I think the Paintball Wall is really ugly and the Ramshackle Wall makes me feel like a mouldering corpse 
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swablueskies · 5 years
67 days until New Horizons! (x)
Favourite wallpaper?  My favourites in terms of general, versatile use are Classic Wallpaper, Cabana Wall, and Chic Wall. My favourite “niche” wallpaper is the Lunar Horizon 🤩
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swablueskies · 5 years
70 days until New Horizons! (x)
Least favourite furniture series? Ooh boy I have plenty that I strongly dislike and never use. I think my least favourites are Balloon (dog lamp excluded!) and Polka-dot, but I also don’t really care for Robo, Astro, and Sleek.
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swablueskies · 5 years
71 days until New Horizons! (x)
Favourite furniture series? I have a lot! Some of my favourite series’ are Princess, Rococo, Green, Classic, Mermaid, and the Sanrio series’ are really cute too. 
On the whole, I’d probably choose the Classic series as my top favourite. 
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swablueskies · 5 years
69 68 days until New Horizons! (x)
(I knew I’d mess up and miss a day eventually!)
69. Favourite soundtrack?  (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc)  I genuinely don’t have an overall favourite, as I really love different tracks from Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf. I like to mix and match!
68. Least favourite soundtrack?  I think the GameCube soundtrack is my least favourite by default as I’ve never played the game -- but also from the snatches I’ve heard from it here and there I think I’d probably rank it last anyway I’m so sorry OG fans 
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swablueskies · 5 years
72 days until New Horizons! (x)
Least favourite fossil? I don’t really have one, to be honest ... fossils are fossils  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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swablueskies · 5 years
100 days until New Horizons
Days 100 - 73
Created by bebebese and low-key tagged by Kendall and I’m so excited that I need to channel my energy into something Animal Crossing related! I altered the question numbers to be a countdown from 100 to 1. Watch me completely fail to do these daily from now on. 
100.  Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? I pretty much always use my name or a derivative for my first player character (younger me used Rachael, now I use Rae). Anything after that is completely fair game!
99.  Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? I used to use the first map I was given but now I’m an elitist and I’ll probably spend the first week of release resetting for the best island, which will be hard because there won’t be any online guides to show off what kind of island layouts are possible 😬
98.  Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? Wait for guides and choose my favourite, always. However, if player customisation is going to be more along the lines of HDD/PC, then I might not need to wait~ !
97.  Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? I’ll assume this question is about my favourite of MY names because if I had to pick from every name I’d ever seen it would be impossible!? My favourite of the ones I’ve had over the years is probably Polaris, my second Wild World town. (I spent several hours after getting New Leaf for the first time agonising over whether to call my town Polaris or North.) I’m very partial to Paprika and Ginkgo too which are two of my New Leaf towns! I might name my island Ginkgo, but I’m not 100% sure yet. I need to start brainstorming
96.  Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? ALL MINE B*TCHES I’M NOT LETTING ANYBODY SCREW UP MY SH*T (also my parents wouldn’t play and my brother has his own Switch and I don’t have any friends so)
95.  What’s a new feature you’re excited about? Pole vaulting?! I am also SO excited about the idea of getting to choose to have my town in the Southern hemisphere and being able to follow the real seasons! I tend to miss summer in Animal Crossing because I drop off playing over the winter for some reason, and I get bored of the snow really easily when I’m playing obsessively over summer, so that’ll be so nice. 
94.  Favourite fruit? Honestly I don’t really have a favourite. Maybe peaches or oranges?
93.  Least favourite fruit? Durians are ugly! I like pears a lot but I probably wouldn’t want them as a native fruit, as they blend in too much with the trees ... and I’m a little tired of cherries, I always seem to get cherries as my native fruit. 
92.  Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) I’m not sure if this is 100% my most accurate answer and I’m probably forgetting a special favourite but I really loved and miss Celeste’s observatory. I also like the museum a lot in general! The music and the ambience and slowly watching the displays fill up is so nice.
91.  Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? In some ways, having restricted choice is easier because you don’t spend so long agonising over the perfect spot. I do like being able to customise my town to that extent though and by the looks of things New Horizon is going to be even better in that regard. I usually like having my house near water and a little bit isolated from my other villagers and shops etc. 
90. Favourite grass pattern?  Probably circles cos I’m basic, but I’m fond of squares too. I don’t care much for the star shaped snow which I know is a big draw for the circle patterned grass.
89. Least favourite grass pattern? Triangles.
88. Favourite villager(s)? Lily is my ultimate forever favourite but honestly I have so so many that I love. 😭
87. Least favourite villager(s)? It used to be Pippy but I have let go of that anger and become a more enlightened person for it and I even made her a very nice house in Happy Home Designer. Now my least favourite villagers are just the extremely ugly ones like Hippeux/Beardo/Barold (and extra bonus hatred points if they’re Smug, I don’t mind ugly Cranky villagers so much but ugly Smugs are just ... slimy)
86.  Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? I used to not really like them when I was young, but honestly I would be so into those being reinstated or just like getting a part time job in general. (The shift at The Roost in New Leaf wasn’t really that great, I liked delivering items for villagers more.) 
85.  Favourite NPC(s)? Celeste! And Isabelle and Sable and Blathers and Brewster and I’m quite fond of Joan and Redd as well. AND LEIF!
84. Least favourite NPC(s)? Mmm ... I don’t think I really have one. I used to dislike Lyle in Wild World but now that he’s had a career change I don’t mind him so much. I guess maybe Don Resetti? Nothing against him but I have had literally zero interaction with him ever so he’s my least favourite by default.  Also ... as much as I like Tom Nook I’m not sure how I feel about him being like the “mascot” of New Horizons. 
83.  Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? I do sometimes and I am!! I’m not sure if I’ll stick with it because I really like grassy paths lined with flowers (and if grass erosion isn’t a thing I might even not use paths at all) but I’m definitely going to give it a go. 
82.  Favourite feature from an older entry? I miss Celeste’s observatory and making my own constellations. I also miss Flea Market day and when villagers developed their own hobbies that you could help them with ... like for a while they’d be really into gardening and they’d plant tons of flowers, or they’d really enjoy fishing and ask you to catch progressively rarer fish for them. I miss how much villagers used to talk to each other out and about, and how the NPCs had more dialogue and history to them. And I kind of miss how narky the villagers could get sometimes! I liked earning their love instead of having it from the beginning. Also the recycling bin was always fun to look at. OH and!! roof items from HHD and the customisable curtains/window panes/doors and ambient sounds etc. I really hope those interior design options make a comeback in New Horizons.
81.  What was your first Animal Crossing game? Wild World!
80.  Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? I like it all really! I maybe have a special spot for watering flowers though. Something about it is very soothing. 
79.  Least favourite activity? Diving. Great concept, horrible execution. I do hope it returns in New Horizons but I sincerely hope it is improved somehow because it was just painful. I don’t know a single person who actually enjoyed it after the novelty wore off and they started hunting the more skittish sea creatures. 
78.  Favourite bug(s)? Birdwing butterflies are prettiest but I love seeing fireflies in the summer. Also I like the crickets in autumn. Also honeybees and snails just make my heart full and I think orchid mantises are really pretty too! Possibly my number one hope for New Horizons is a revamp of bug containers so I can display them in my house. 
77.  Least favourite bug(s)? Basically the gross ones lmao, flies, ants, fleas, and mosquitos are f*cking annoying. I hate hate hate wharf roaches I don’t know why, I think I just hate the sound they make when they scuttle around. Also I hate centipedes on principle. Oh and diving beetles because they’re a pain. 
76.  A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? I am so desperate for this game to finally come out. I thought I could make it to March 20 without losing my mind but it’s hit me all of a sudden and I WANT IT NOW
75.  Favourite fish? I really like Napoleonfish because they’re so iridescent when you catch them in the sun~ I like frogs because of the sound they make and goldfish on account of them being pretty much the only fish with a nice display, also soft shelled turtles because TURTLE and arowanas because they’re pretty.
74.  Least favourite fish? Hmm ... maybe eels? Also sea bass naturally. 
73.  Favourite fossil? I ... really don’t have much in the way of an opinion on the fossils to be honest. 
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