#rae yaps about jason todd
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 3 months ago
We all know Jason is wonderful and amazing at everything. However, he is also flawed-in the most lovable way. What are things you think Jason is bad at? Like, maybe he doesn't have a sense of rhythm? Or sucks at getting saran wrap out of the box? (that is me self projecting.) Little things that make him feel more human in our daydreaming. Oh! And I was thinking about one of your responses about him liking unique food combos. I agree and It is fun. However it made me wonder if he has issues with plain food. Without a weird combo. Because of the Joker he can't stand plain bread, pizza, ect. because that is what he fed Jason when he was kidnapped. I mean, obviously the food wasn't fresh-- It could be a texture thing too. He HAS to mix things up otherwise it makes him sick. Thank you for reading! Have a lovely rest of your day. -🦧
Okay, ow, first off!! You had me giggling and smiling, and then you broke my heart?? Nonnie?? You are insane for that. (With love)
ANYWAY, things Jason Todd is bad at include:
Brushing his hair. Like, he washes it and everything but brushing it? Nope. He doesn't bother with it because it's just going under his helmet. He doesn't mind if you run your fingers through his hair to untangle the knots, though. (Even if you don't, his hair always manages to look good even when it's messy. No one has any idea how he does it)
Keeping track of his jacket. He doesn't mean to leave it everywhere and anywhere in your apartment, but he does. It's on the edge of your bed, over the back of your couch, hanging on the door knob of the bathroom, but somehow it's never in the same place twice
Turning on lights. He's just used to doing things in the dark, so he doesn't really register that the lights are off. You'll get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get something to drink, and he's just standing in the kitchen making a snack with only the streetlights to guide his actions. It nearly gave you a heart attack the first time, but he's gotten better at calling out to you if he hears you, just so you know it's him and not anyone else
Now, on the food thing, again, ow. I can definitely see AK having an aversion to the things he ate in the asylum. Things like oatmeal, certain breads, and the smell of raw meat makes bile rise in his throat. Texture, too, is a big factor. Anything that's mushy or similar to oatmeal in texture isn't gonna go over well.
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 1 month ago
You are hands down, my favourite Jason Todd writer! I mean the way you write him? *Chefs kiss* I was wondering your thoughts on Gotham knight Jason. I know he’s not everyone’s favourite, but like…HE’s SUCH A SWEETHEART?? Like he’s built like a tank but the way he cares for his fam? He’s like the perfect version for pining fics! Idk I’m unhealthily obsessed with this man.
I adore GK!Jason!! I love to see a version of him that's healing. Ofc, it's a process and there's going to be goods and bads, but he's still healing. He jokes around with his family and listens to them and he's just living. And that makes me feel so soft
The past isn't going to go away, but seeing him be Red Hood outside of a Joker story line or vengeance plot was honestly so refreshing! As much as I love angst and revenge, I like that there's media that shows he has a future. There's more to his days than the mission, and if he can get 'better', or at least happier, than there's something like hope when we look back at the rest of his story
(And yes, I think he's hot. Anytime he's built like a fridge I get flustered fr)
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 4 months ago
Do you think Jason kept his Arkham Knight armor after becoming Red Hood?
!!! Yes, I absolutely do, nonnie! I feel like there's so many reasons for him to keep it.
There's the surface level, somewhat sentimental stuff. Ex: Why thrown out a good set of armor that could come in handy? (He probably reuses some pieces, tbh)
And then there's the things it reminds him of. Ie: He survived. He's not what Joker tried to turn him into. And, in the end, Batman still failed him.
Then I think there's the deeper stuff to it. The thoughts that he doesn't want to admit to anyone, not even himself.
Ie: Everything that happens in Gotham now is on his shoulders. It was his plan that got Bruce's identity revealed. His plan that got Bruce and Alfred "killed". His plan that forced Nightwing to go on the run.
All of it, every bad thing, is on him. The Arkham Knight. And even if he's not running around with that name anymore, it was a villain of his own creation. It's his monsters, his demons, that took away Gothams 'protectors'. And that makes it his job to fill the void. His penance, if you will.
So he can't get rid of the suit. Not until he doesn't need to face down the weight of his actions. Not until the work is done. (It never will be)
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 3 months ago
OKAY ... yan!jason... I could think about this going with both jasons if we thread carefully so bear with me EVERYONE 🎉🎉♥️🎉♥️🎉🎉💞💞🌟🌟💞🎉🎉
As you mentioned, yes your fics w ak!jason kinda thread on the yandere line (specially on the gilded cage series but tbh i could yap about this series separately teehee), which is why I asked first since none are tagged with yandere even though it borders onto it BUT it goes deeper and more unhinged than that
The one thing to like about yandere is how easily the line between infatuation and obsession can blur and 'how far can I go for them' becomes 'how far will i go for them' and you can play with this as you like
Observant and self conscious as Jason is, he is somewhat aware that this is terrible, 'somewhat' because he manipulates himself (and later you) to believe its out of love and infatuation
Of course (unless is Arkham Knight) he wouldn't outright kidnap you and keep you locked up without social interaction
I think it'd start gradually, slowly and indirectly encouraging you to stay at home longer (no longer needing to go out for groceries, gifting you things you want to keep you occupied, and when you go outside, he is there as well). Also, seeing the news reporting the latest criminal activity makes you a bit more aware about going outside (in this case, not going)
Jason used to be under the Bat's wing, is a former crime lord and he isnt feared for nothing, he knows how to do his stuff even if he doesnt think about it, but he cant predict that he is falling into the trap himself.
Now, if we think AK!Jason was just a bit silly, he is definitely...um... very silly now
I've been thinking a thooousand ways a yan!AK!Jason would go but the most prominent is him seeing you as his literal angel or savior.
You had been so kind to him when he looks like he's been through hell, wouldn't you spare to be just as kind when he reveals said hell to you?
And he believes its unreal someone is can be unceasingly sweet to someone like him. You have to be something else, something greater, something he cant let be tainted under Gotham's dirty hands. He understands this philosophy better than no other— understands you better than anyone else, and he loves you, so why not?
This must be fate testing him, to see if he is worthy protecting someone so precious.
So when he puts his plan into action, you are the first step he will execute. You loved that monster before, surely you will do it again, right?
rate 1 out of 10 and I will come back with more goodnight raeba..e.....💞💞♥️♥️💞💞
Interesting, interesting. I really like how you pointed out that he's manipulating himself and you. Because, at the end of it all, even if he's doing the wrong things, at least he's going it for the 'right' reason. He's keeping you safe, alive, close, no matter the cost.
I'll ramble more below the cut:
I'm gonna throw my opinion out there and tell you I can't really picture Jason acting like that in normal circumstances, or at least over an extended period of time. Maybe he'd treat you like that in his early crime lord era, before he has his claws in Gotham. Or if something really bad was happening in the city, but even then, once the problem passed, it wouldn't be an issue. (But that's just me)
I just think that Jason would want you to have a normal life? If you wanted nothing to do with him, wanted to be a civilian, and go out and be someone without him, I really think he would let you go. I mean, he'd keep an eye out for you, but I don't think Jason is the kind of person to force you to stay with him. (That's just more of a character analysis tho, I'm not saying anyone shouldn't write him one way or another)
But, AK is a whole different person, an entirely different Gotham. I looove the idea of combining some kind of vague religious factor into AK. (I have so many wips that play on you being larger than life to him) Because yes, he can't let the filith that is this city taint you in any way. Not when you're so good.
And say, if you knew him before the asylum, you're still seeing that boy you knew, still trying to help and understand and be there. And by the time you realize your presence is only making it worse, that you can't 'fix' him, it's already too late.
It's hard to even consider leaving, because you do love him. And he whispers that he loves you back in the middle of the night. So that has to mean something. How could you leave when there's so much love? You both know there's something wrong, but if no one's getting hurt... are either of you willing to voice there's a problem?
It would just be so easy to let yourself be manipulated by his games, so easy to stay locked away and safe with the wool over your eyes. But is it the right answer? Will it save either of you? I don't think so, but will taking that step to change anything? It would be hard, almost impossible. But you'd have to try. For the people you love. For yourself. For him.
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 8 days ago
Hi there! It's my first time asking a question here, so I hope I'm not bothering if someone else has already asked a similar question.
I genuinely wanted to know how you feel about arkhamverse Red Hood. I've had my own thoughts and curiosities that I haven't been able to fully answer, so I wanted to get some insight on someone who genuinely seems to understand his character pretty well.
We know that after Batman's/Bruce's death, Jason took on the mantle to protect Gotham City in his own twisted way. But I was curious as to how he would go about it, since he's not the only crime fighter around. There's Robin and occasionally Nightwing that comes around to help.
Do you think Red Hood would be interested in speaking to them or interacting with them? Even if he didn't, how do you think it would go if he did somehow encounter them. We also know that Barbara Gordon/Oracle knows about his real identity and that he's still alive. Do you think she would somehow try to get into contact with or something?
Do you also think that over time, the civilians of Gotham City would be comfortable with him? Or respect him in some way?
I'm just curious as to how his dynamic would work after the whole incident blew over and time went by. If you answer this question, I'm very grateful for your time and thank you for being nice enough to do so!
Hi Nonnie!! Pls, I'm literally always so excited to talk about The Arkham Knight and I would looove to deep dive into this one, so buckle up besties and brace yourself for an essay, which I broke into part because honestly, I overwhelmed myself
I think what we gotta clear first is how much you take Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League into the Arkhamverse canon. Personally, I haven't played the game, BUT there is a message that Bruce leaves for Tim that tells him to team up with Jason, if he can find him. (Once Batman goes rouge or whatever) It's not much, but it hints that Jason would be killing to work with them in a crisis situation, if they can convince him
But that's an apocalypse level event years down the line, and doesn't necessarily mean he would work with them on a 'normal' Gotham night. So other than that throwaway line, the only information we really have of Jason post the main story line of the game is the Red Hood DLC (at least that I'm aware of) where he kicks Black Mask out a window
Again, not really giving us a lot to go off of when it comes to his relationships or mental state post game. (Other than that he's willing to kill) But here's the thing, we have an entire game of his actions to analyze
STICK WITH ME, it takes barely a minute for Batman to convince The Arkham Knight to give up his revenge. And not only does Jason abandon his militia and his carefully crafted plan, but he actively goes against it to save Bruce. That alone screams to me that, despite everything he's feeling, he's not going to abandon any one of the Gotham vigilantes
But not letting someone die doesn't necessarily mean he's willing to work with them, let alone be friendly with anyone. So let's take a look at what, Jason didn't do that night. Wild, I know, but hear me out, but Dick Grayson isn't really accounted for in his plans
Sure, he's Blüdhaven based, but of course he's going to come help in Gotham when the entire city is evacuated. The Arkham Knight has a plan for Tim (ie: Scarecrow knows where Robin is, which leads to Tim's capture), he has a plan for Barbara, (ie: personally kidnapping her), but for Nightwing he has nothing?
And yes, Dick is busy with the whole Penguin thing, but Jason doesn't confront him once? It just makes me wonder how close the two of them were before the Asylum, and if The Arkham Knight thought involving Nightwing was more trouble than it was worth
Unfortunately there's really nothing I can think of to base their past relationship on. But the lack of interaction between them in the game, when Jason is carrying out his meticulous revenge, makes me think that Jason doesn't exactly hate Dick and that Red Hood would be willing to work with him/share information in the future
But the thing is, Nightwing is focused completely on Blüdhaven post game. I think he only returns to Gotham to help the GCPD stop Penguin from escaping. From what I remember, Dick basically says his presence in Gotham isn't permanent and that he's sticking to Blüdhaven. So even if Red Hood would begrudingly work with him (which I think he would) there isn't really any opportunities for them to do so
Oracle is a lot easier to answer for. Jason opens up to her rather quickly in the game, as much as he's able to at least
I think they definitely work together, especially since Batman is for all intents and purposes, dead. He won't call it a partnership and she definitely doesn't approve of his killing, but they have an open line of communication when needed
They share information, she keeps track of his movements, he'll do her a favor if she needs it. I think she worries about him, even if she doesn't like his methods, he's still someone she cares about, and she'll hack into his comms to check in once in a while
I think they tend to stay out of each others way though, until there's a reason to contact each other (if that makes sense) But I feel like there's a form of trust between them, an idea that they're both trying to save the city in their own way
Robin is a little harder to figure out than the other two for me, there's no prior relationship between Tim and Jason that we know of, and the plan doesn't even seem to include him until he's needed as bait to draw Batman out
Yes, The Arkham Knight accuses Batman of replacing him with Tim, but every time he brings up the new Robin, it sounds like he's placing the fault entirely with Batman. His revenge is completely centered on Batman, and everyone else is just a piece in the puzzle being used to hurt him
So post game, where does that leave them? I think it's rocky. I mean, Tim is with Barbara (which should be an essay of it's own because I hate it) and Jason kidnapped her. Even if Jason never hurt her, Tim thought he killed her, and I think it takes a lot of convincing from Babs to get Tim to even consider trusting him
Jason has his own issues with seeing another Robin running around, but I'm not sure how he directs those feelings at Tim specifically? I think they just avoid each other completely. It's a big city and they're pretty much the only two vigilantes left, and they have different methods of dealing with criminals
Any information they could share with each other is easily passed through Oracle, and there really isn't any reason for them to team up. I think at some point there is an event/villain big enough for them to put their differences aside for one night and work together though
But I only say that because of the Suicide Squad game. If Bruce thinks that Jason would willingly work with Tim, it's because they've proven at some point in the past that they could
Honestly, Gotham citizens put up with A LOT. So a masked vigilante that kills criminals doesn't change much for a day to day life for them. There's people on both sides of the argument, as there is with everything. There's people that like what he does. There's people who think he should be in jail. Some people love him, some people hate him
At first he scares people, since they don't know where he draws his lines for killing. But I think the average person treats the idea of him the same way as they do Batman, really, once Red Hood has been around for a while. He's a conversation point, a debate topic, but he doesn't really affect their lives because the only time you see a vigilante is if something bad is a happening (and at that point you'd be thankful for anyone's help, killer or not)
If crime rates do end up going down because of his methods, I think there'd be a begrudging respect from the average person, but there's probably more unease than a big sense of comfort. Because even if you're a good person, and even if he only kills criminals, who says The Red Hood wouldn't kill you if he just felt like it? If he thought you didn't live up to his idea of being good? Who could even stop him if he tried?
Anyyway, that's all I got rn, hope this made sense and I answer your questions, nonnie! I know that was a lot of reading, but it's always fun to talk about him
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