#rae answers 🪓
texas-chainsawed · 7 months
📼 RAE!!!!!!!!!
//Giggle :3 traumatized asshole ‼️‼️
Rae winced, groaning in pain. He’d just jumped down a well, heart pounded wildly, his chest heaving. His ankles ached from the rope burn, there were bruised, cuts, and scrapes scattered across his body. He had no clue where his friends were—the ones that were still alive at least, hell he wasn’t even sure if any of the, were still alive. There was some..behemoth with a chainsaw looking for him, as well as however many other maniacs…he wasn’t even sure at this point, and now, he was back in the basement, lost, scared, and confused. The blondes heart sank when he heard the sound of a chainsaw revving nearby…
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texas-chainsawed · 5 months
also can i put you in a controlled environment and record your reaction to certain stimuli and maybe even put u in a maze and give u little puzzles to solve while i study u
can you what.
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texas-chainsawed · 3 months
Do either Rae or Lynn believe in ghosts?
You’d have to be kinda stupid not to.
Okay, people aren’t stupid just because they don’t believe in ghosts–but yeah. I mean, I see and hear shit all the time. Not so much over here at mamas, but when I stay over with Nubbins, Bubba, ‘nd Drayton there’s a lot of shit. ‘Specially in the kitchen and one of the front rooms. I don’t really see stuff most of the time but I do hear stuff. Not screaming or anything, but like, thudding up and down the halls and stairs sometimes…it is kinda stupid not to expect that kinda shit here though.
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texas-chainsawed · 5 months
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Sighssssss look at her😔💔
Nevermind it was your boyfriend but still fuck you🙄
ohh, that girl that was in that group that was lookin’ for that one bitch Johnny thought was pretty…yeah I didn’t do anything to her. Suck my dick.
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texas-chainsawed · 5 months
be honest is he ugly yes or no
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His hairs better than Leland's fuckass haircut... so..
If he was ugly I wouldn't let him hit.
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texas-chainsawed · 6 months
rae will you be my meow meow
your what.
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texas-chainsawed · 7 months
Rae are you and Johnny dating
…um. Not that it’s yer business, but we’re…somethin’
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texas-chainsawed · 7 months
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rae how does this make you feel (queer test)
…excuse me while I go um. Do normal things in that shack with him. (Biting him)
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texas-chainsawed · 7 months
rae what’s your opinions on all the family members? :3
I can’t speak about my opinion on Johnny…Nancy ‘nd Drayton are kinda scary, honestly, but they ain’t that bad, they’re both kinda sweet in their own way? Sissy’s…annoying, why the hell’re you singin all the time for? ‘Nd where the fuck are her shoes. I’m praying for the day she steps on somethin’ or one of them damn cattle grids while they’re still turned on, but other than that she’s okay, I guess. I think it’s kinda funny that her ‘nd Nubbins get along. Them traps is a bitch to get out of though. Bubba’s actually really sweet, I dunno why he’s always so worried about the fuckin chainsaw scar, it ain’t that big of a deal…he’s a little…odd, but not in a bad way. I don’t even know what to say about grandpa’s prehistoric ass.
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texas-chainsawed · 7 months
pspsppspss rae are you free tonight
Should be, unless Johnny manages to bring some random girl back later, but he can deal with that...so, yeah.
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texas-chainsawed · 4 months
Rae did you ever meet ChopTop before he was drafted?
Mhm..he ‘nd Nubs are a nightmare to be around at the same time. Swear they got about a braincell each. Dunno how the hell he got drafted neither.
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texas-chainsawed · 5 months
Fuck you I hope you go blind in your other eye for killing my bae 🖕/hj
(question for Rae)
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texas-chainsawed · 5 months
rae whats ur favourite treat for science reasons
Uhh if you mean other than people wise, I like uhh pomegranate, cherries, oranges, and Black Forest cake I guess
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texas-chainsawed · 6 months
rae did those mfers give you a damn dinner scene too 😮‍💨
…like..tied up at the table?? Yeah.
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texas-chainsawed · 7 months
rae….do you know what 9/11 is
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