#radon awareness week
blueiscoool · 5 months
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‘Curse’ Behind King Tutankhamun’s Tomb Mysterious Deaths Finally Solved
The unsettling curse of King Tutankhamun’s tomb in Egypt has bewildered archaeologists since it’s been feared to be linked to the mysterious deaths of multiple excavators who discovered it in 1922.
However, a scientist now claims to have solved the mysteries of the infamous “Pharaoh’s Curse” more than 100 years later.
Toxic levels of radiation emanating from uranium and poisonous waste are believed to have lingered inside the tomb since it was sealed over 3,000 years ago, Ross Fellowes wrote last month in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE).
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The burial chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamun, near Luxor, Egypt.
The radiation level inside Tutankhamun’s tomb is so high that anyone who comes in contact with it could very likely develop a fatal dose of radiation sickness and cancer.
“Both contemporary and ancient Egypt populations are characterized by unusually high incidences of hematopoietic cancers, of bone/blood/lymph, for which a primary known cause is radiation exposure,” Fellowes wrote in his study.
However, this radioactivity isn’t isolated to Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Fellowes revealed that “unusually high radiation levels have been documented in Old Kingdom tomb ruins” and spread throughout sites in Egypt.
“Radiation has been detected by the Geiger counter at two sites at Giza adjacent to the pyramids,” he wrote, adding that radon — a radioactive gas — has also been detected in “several underground tombs at Saqqara.”
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The “Coffinette for the Viscera of Tutankhamun,” which contained the king’s mummified liver, depicts him as Osiris, holding a crook and flail.
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Medical imagery of Tutankhamun is shown above a replica of King Tut’s skull on display during the “Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California.
These readings were all found to be “intensely radioactive.”
“Modern studies confirm very high levels of radiation in ancient Egyptian tombs, in the order of 10x accepted safety standards,” the study shared.
It’s also theorized that those who built the ancient tombs were aware of the toxins based on the eerie warnings carved on the walls.
“The nature of the curse was explicitly inscribed on some tombs, with one translated presciently as, ‘they that break this tomb shall meet death by a disease that no doctor can diagnose,’” Fellowes wrote.
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Outside the tomb of Tutankhamun during the 1922 excavation in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
Other ominous translations like “forbidden” because of “evil spirits” may have significantly fueled the fear that supernatural curses lingered in the ancient sites.
Those fears intensified with the mysterious deaths of Lord Carnarvon, who funded the excavation in 1922 and reportedly walked through the treasured filled rooms — and multiple others after they unsealed the tomb.
“Carnarvon was dead within a few weeks of the uncertain diagnosis of blood poisoning and pneumonia,” Fellowes wrote.
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Egyptologist Howard Carter (R) walks with archaeologist Lord Carnarvon, the patron of his research, outside the tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922.
Egyptologist Arthur Weigall allegedly told colleagues that Carnarvon would “be dead within six weeks” upon entering, the study claimed.
Howard Carter, the first person to walk inside Tutankhamun’s tomb with Carnarvon, died in 1939 after a long battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which was suspected to be caused by radiation poisoning.
British Egyptologist and independent excavator Arthur Weigall was present at the opening of Tut’s Tomb and is also credited with starting the ‘myth’ of the curse.
He died of cancer at 54 years old in 1934.
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Workers remove a tray of chariot parts from the Tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, in 1922.
In total, six of the 26 people present when the tomb was opened died within a decade from asphyxia, stroke, diabetes, heart failure, pneumonia, poisoning, malaria and X-ray exposure.
While the deaths can be seen as odd, the curse theory was also likely fueled by the oddities that happened when it opened.
Carnarvon had reportedly suffered a mosquito bite that became severely infected.
Around the time excavators opened the tomb, Cairo reportedly suffered a bizarre power outage and a freak sandstorm, according to National Geographic.’
At one point during the excavation, Carnarvon’s favorite dog allegedly let out a chilling howl and suddenly dropped dead.
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A photograph showing guards standing outside the tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt in 1922.
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A sacred cow being removed from Tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.
From a historical perspective, the discovery of the tomb in the Valley of Kings is considered one of the most fascinating finds that gave modern society a glimpse into the Egyptian royalty voyage into the afterlife.
Five thousand items, including solid gold funeral shoes, statues, games, and strange animals, were discovered inside Tutankhamun’s tombs.
It would take the excavators ten years to clear the tomb of its treasure.
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The golden funerary mask of Tutankhamun.
The unsealing and studying of the tomb is also credited with launching the modern era of Egyptology.
Tutankhamun took the throne as pharaoh around nine or ten years old and ruled between 1332 BC and 1323 BC.
However, he died by the time he turned 18.
There are no surviving records of Tutankhamun’s death and how the young pharaoh died remains a mystery.
However, Tutankhamun is suspected to have suffered from several health issues — likely linked to his father, Akhenaten, and his mother, Nefertiti, being brother and sister.
By Richard Pollina.
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What is the Biggest Symptom of Lung Cancer?
Lung cancer often develops subtly, making early detection challenging. Understanding key symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and the best lung cancer treatment. This blog highlights the most significant symptoms and underscores the importance of seeking prompt medical attention for effective lung cancer treatment in Mumbai.
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Understanding Lung Cancer
Lung cancer begins in the lungs, essential organs for breathing. It has two primary types: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Both types have unique characteristics and treatment approaches. Recognizing symptoms early is vital for effective treatment.
The Biggest Symptom: Persistent Cough
The most prominent symptom of lung cancer is a persistent cough. Unlike a temporary cough caused by a cold or allergies, a lung cancer-related cough is chronic and unresponsive to standard treatments. This cough may start dry and later produce mucus or blood. It lasts for weeks or even months, indicating potential tumor growth.
Why a Persistent Cough Matters
A persistent cough in lung cancer is due to airway irritation and obstruction by tumors. Early detection of this symptom can significantly impact treatment outcomes. Lung cancer treatment in Mumbai focuses on early diagnosis, making awareness of symptoms essential.
Other Noteworthy Symptoms
In addition to a persistent cough, lung cancer may present with:
Shortness of Breath: Tumors can obstruct airways or cause fluid buildup, leading to breathing difficulties.
Chest Pain: Lung cancer-related chest pain can be dull, persistent, and localized or widespread.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant weight loss without effort can signal cancer.
Hoarseness: Changes in voice or persistent hoarseness may indicate tumor effects on vocal cord nerves.
Risk Factors and Prevention
Key risk factors include:
Smoking: The leading cause of lung cancer. Quitting reduces risk significantly.
Exposure to Carcinogens: Substances like radon and asbestos increase risk.
Family History: Genetics can play a role, making regular screenings important for those with a family history.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Early diagnosis is crucial for the best lung cancer treatment. Techniques like CT scans, biopsies, and PET scans help detect cancer early. Treatment options in Mumbai include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.
A persistent cough is the most significant symptom of lung cancer and should prompt immediate medical evaluation. Early detection and treatment improve outcomes. Lung cancer treatment in Mumbai offers advanced options tailored to individual needs, ensuring comprehensive care and the best possible prognosis.
To read the detailed blog click here or visit our website "sunriseoncocare.com"
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dan6085 · 2 months
Avoiding cancer involves adopting a healthy lifestyle, minimizing exposure to known carcinogens, and taking proactive measures to monitor and maintain your health. Here are comprehensive strategies to reduce your risk of developing cancer:
### 1. **Adopt a Healthy Diet**
- **Eat Fruits and Vegetables:** Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help protect against cancer.
- **Whole Grains:** Include whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat, and quinoa in your diet.
- **Limit Red and Processed Meats:** Reduce consumption of red meat and processed meats, which have been linked to increased cancer risk.
- **Healthy Fats:** Opt for healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil, while limiting saturated and trans fats.
- **Avoid Sugary Drinks:** Minimize intake of sugary beverages and opt for water, tea, or coffee instead.
### 2. **Maintain a Healthy Weight**
- **Regular Exercise:** Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.
- **Balanced Diet:** Eat a balanced diet that supports weight management to avoid obesity, which is a risk factor for several types of cancer.
### 3. **Avoid Tobacco**
- **Quit Smoking:** If you smoke, seek resources and support to quit. Avoid secondhand smoke exposure.
- **Tobacco Alternatives:** Avoid using other forms of tobacco, such as chewing tobacco and snuff.
### 4. **Limit Alcohol Consumption**
- **Moderate Drinking:** If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. The American Cancer Society recommends no more than one drink per day for women and two for men.
### 5. **Protect Yourself from the Sun**
- **Sunscreen:** Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, even on cloudy days.
- **Protective Clothing:** Wear hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothing when outdoors.
- **Avoid Tanning Beds:** Refrain from using tanning beds and sunlamps, which can increase the risk of skin cancer.
### 6. **Avoid Exposure to Carcinogens**
- **Environmental Toxins:** Limit exposure to environmental toxins, such as asbestos, radon, and industrial chemicals.
- **Workplace Safety:** Follow safety protocols if you work with hazardous substances.
### 7. **Get Vaccinated**
- **HPV Vaccine:** Get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical and other types of cancer.
- **Hepatitis B Vaccine:** Get vaccinated against hepatitis B to reduce the risk of liver cancer.
### 8. **Practice Safe Sex and Avoid Risky Behaviors**
- **Safe Sex:** Use condoms and practice safe sex to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections that can lead to cancer.
- **Avoid Sharing Needles:** Never share needles, as this increases the risk of infections such as HIV and hepatitis, which are linked to cancer.
### 9. **Regular Medical Check-ups and Screenings**
- **Cancer Screenings:** Participate in recommended cancer screenings, such as mammograms, colonoscopies, Pap smears, and prostate exams.
- **Regular Check-ups:** Have regular medical check-ups to monitor your overall health and catch any potential issues early.
### 10. **Know Your Family History**
- **Genetic Testing:** If you have a family history of cancer, consider genetic counseling and testing to understand your risk and take preventive measures.
- **Discuss with Doctor:** Inform your doctor about your family history to tailor your screening and prevention plan.
### 11. **Stay Informed and Educated**
- **Cancer Awareness:** Stay informed about the latest research and recommendations for cancer prevention.
- **Healthy Habits:** Adopt and maintain healthy habits consistently throughout your life.
### Conclusion
By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer. It's essential to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and to create a proactive plan for your health. Consistent care, early intervention, and informed choices are key to preventing cancer and maintaining overall well-being.
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
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specifierreview · 3 years
Run by the UK Radon Association, this year’s theme for UK Radon Awareness Week is ‘Don’t Delay’. In support of Radon Awareness Week, Airtech is therefore
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Halifax tenant 'feeling scared for my safety and my life' amid attempted renoviction
One of the final remaining tenants in a Halifax apartment building being refurbished says her landlord is putting pressure on her to leave the property, where workers have recently destroyed the front stairs, demolished her deck, and obstructed her normal access. Stacey Gomez, who has been fighting to stay in her house for eight months, was concerned about her safety while waiting for a residential tenancy court. Gomez and her landlord submitted evidence to a home tenancy officer over the phone at the hearing on Wednesday. Within two weeks, a decision will be made on whether Gomez may stay in her flat, or whether she must vacate for the repairs. Gomez claimed she discovered a letter on her door in mid-August, weeks after CBC News reported her story, stating that the landlord would not be liable if Gomez died or was hurt on the property. Gomez has been living in the bottom-floor flat in a seven-unit building on Church Street since 2017. Marcus Ranjbar, the landlord, began the process of renovicting the tenants after he purchased the property last March. However, Gomez was aware of her rights and remained in her unit while others moved out or struck arrangements to do so. Gomez has been living in the midst of a building site since then, awaiting the tenancy hearing and eventual verdict. The hearing was initially scheduled for August 12, but it was pushed back because the landlord failed to provide any proof. Ranjbar addressed the letter that mentioned Gomez's death in an email to CBC News, saying it was a "normal construction disclaimer to safeguard the firm against any potential liabilities." He stated that modifications are required to treat black mould in Gomez's apartment, which was identified in a third-party environmental investigation, as well as other "safety risks." He claims that the mould cannot be removed while the building is occupied.
According to Ryan Nearing, a municipality spokeswoman, an order to comply was issued for the home on Aug. 29, but not for any cause concerning mold or environmental danger.
He said that a stop work order was issued at the time because the outside work being done on the property had not been permitted.
The renovations are listed as "flooring, trim, baseboard, paint, fixtures, siding" on the construction permit obtained in January. It specifies that no structural alterations or demolition will take place and that the new siding will be put over the existing siding.
According to Gomez, Ranjbar and his property manager originally attempted to evict the tenants by pressing them to sign shorter, fixed-term leases or sign a DR5 form saying that excessive radon levels had been identified in the premises and repairs were necessary.
Sarah Budgell and her boyfriend are among those who have moved out. They agreed to an "agreement to terminate for demolition, repairs or renovations" by signing a DR5 form.
They attempted to stay in their flat at first but were forced to leave due to "ongoing harassment" by the new owners.
According to statutory revisions to the Residential Tenancies Act that went into effect in 2022, landlords must provide renters one to three months' rent as compensation if both parties agree to a renoviction. 
As a result, Budgell and her partner received two months' rent and Ranjbar compensated for their moving costs. 
She stated that the event opened her eyes and prompted her to investigate her rights under the Residential Tenancies Act. 
According to Ranjbar's statement, all renters were given at least three months to locate a new house, as well as up to six months' rent and $500 for moving expenses, in addition to the refund of their damage deposit.
Gomez expressed optimism that the verdict issued following her hearing will uphold her rights as a renter.
She also wants to see improvements made to Nova Scotia's residential tenancy scheme as a whole, so that similar circumstances do not occur in the future.
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jamelltousant · 2 years
Buying Real Estate In California For First-Time Buyers
The buyer's submission of a financing application to a lender begins the buying process. Additionally, the purchaser might engage with a mortgage broker to finish the application. The Fannie Mae Uniform Residential Loan Application (FARM) should contain information regarding the applicant's income and indebtedness. The lender will generate a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) detailing the projected closing costs within three business days.
After preparing the GFE, the buyer must give the lender all their bank and debt statements. Additionally, the buyer should consult with a real estate agent to discover the ideal residence. A real estate agent has the expert market knowledge and can assist the buyer throughout the transaction. Additionally, they might recommend other professionals to help with the process. Although the price of the home is the most critical factor, the agent may also assist the first-time buyer in navigating the real estate market and making informed judgments.
The initial step in purchasing a property in California is to assess your financial situation. A good credit score will enable you to acquire a mortgage. Additionally, it would help if you verified that your debt-to-income ratio is below 36%. Finally, you may consider the VA or FHA program if you do not qualify for a traditional loan.
After locating a home that fulfils your criteria, the following step is to do a home inspection. This will guarantee that the residence is in good condition. The inspector will look for radon and pests, among other things. Additionally, they will look for any essential repairs. Also crucial is the ability to negotiate a price with a seller. Finally, you must obtain a pre-approval letter demonstrating your financial readiness and determination.
The home-buying procedure in California may be more straightforward than in other states. However, you must be aware of what to anticipate and ask questions. This will provide a seamless experience when purchasing real estate in California. Although the procedure may be complex, it need not be stressful. By studying the California real estate market and selecting a reputable real estate agent, you can ensure that the transaction goes as quickly as possible.
Dual agency is customary in California and permits buyers and sellers to employ the same real estate agent. This arrangement allows the agent to represent both the buyer and the seller, reducing costs and communication concerns. Additionally, it can save you money on commission. However, it might be difficult for agents to operate in both parties best interests.
Before submitting an offer to purchase a home, the buyer must thoroughly inspect the property. Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and double-strapped water heaters will need to be checked. Additionally, the seller must keep the utilities on during escrow. Depending on the seller's willingness to accept the offer, the procedure is usually finished within one or two weeks.
The closing procedure will comprise the execution of required documents and payment of closing charges. Before the closing date, it is crucial to comprehend what you are signing and ask any necessary questions. In addition to paying for a home inspection, which examines lead, asbestos, and termite issues, closing costs will include payment for a house inspection. In California, the average price of a review is $350 and varies based on the size of the property.
During the purchasing process, it is vital to be patient and educate oneself about the California real estate market. Numerous factors determine when a home stays on the market, and you must understand your budget. Utilizing a real estate agent will assist you in navigating the process.
California's home prices are on the increase. The California Association of REALTORS predicts prices will continue to rise through 2022. Nevertheless, purchasing a property in California might be a wise investment. With its magnificent beaches, picturesque mountain views, and intriguing amenities, a California house is a terrific way to enrich your lifestyle.
The next phase in the purchasing process is price negotiation. The price should represent the home's actual market value. The market research conducted by your agent will be essential in guiding your pricing decision. Before closing, several tasks must be completed, including a house inspection.
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anxiouspregnantlady · 3 years
19 weeks, 4 days
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Lots & lots has happened this week:
We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary
Both k & I received our first pfizer vaccine doses
I am in crazy packing & moving mode! We’re moving to our new house this weekend and while the moving part is manageable/something we’ve done many times before, getting the house set up has been really convoluted and draining. Between the radon pipe, unsafe dryer vent, alarm system (and don’t forget the washer dryer that won’t fit down the stairs SIGH) we have our hands full. But it’s gonna happen. Just can’t wait for it to be over lol.
Pregnancy-wise...not much to report? My belly is burgeoning~ and I am getting comments from random drunks on the street. Baby’s kicks are getting stronger and more consistent & K can usually feel them too. I feel mostly wonderful, energy & mood-wise. Bad hankering for wine, but I’m letting myself have matcha and smoked salmon so that’s felt indulgent enough for now.
We’ve been trying to talk more to baby and play a certain set of songs regularly for her. She loves bread and starts to kick ferociously whenever I eat bread lol. And soda. Low sugar kombucha just does not cut it for her.
Made some real progress on our registry. Wondering if and how to throw a baby shower. Still pinching myself every single day & can’t believe this is my real life. This week is National Infertility Awareness Week & well, yeah, I am aware of the pain of infertility and I doubt I will ever fully un-identify with that community.
Right now, I am anticipating the next big milestone which will be the anatomy scan in a week’s time. After that I’ll be counting down the days to a chance at viability aka ~24 weeks. There are a LOT of things that I’ve only given myself permission to do “after the anatomy scan”. For example, I need to tell my internship site that I will actually not be showing up in September. I’ve also put off any sort of real prep for labor/birthing until then. Oh and buying stuff for baby--haven’t let myself do that, except for one hat. 
Three days until we are halfway through with this pregnancy!
Do I still have anxiety about whether my baby will be okay? Yes, occasionally. I know babies can be lost at any stage. But the ratio of happy thoughts to worry thoughts is at least 99 to 1, which I can deal with. 
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newscheckz · 4 years
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/popular-mistakes-people-make-while-buying-land/
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
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Land ownership can be a great investment, as long as you enter the deal with awareness of all of the risks and pitfalls.
By conducting careful research, investors can take advantage of low property prices and purchase land that will be worth much more down the road.
Before i tell you the common mistakes that makes people loose money while purchasing land, i would also like to summarize most of the land related questions that my readers have been asking concerning the same topic.
Below are summarized Q & A concerning land matters:
Is it better to buy land or property?
If the current housing market just isn’t offering what you need, then purchasing land and having your own home built according to your specifications may be a much more viable option.
Buying rural land also affords you more freedom and less intrusion from nearby neighbors and costly HOAs.
Why Buying land is a bad investment?
Most knowledgeable real estate investors agree buying land is not a good idea. There’s just way too much risk. …
Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small and/or potentially investing in a large land deal. There’s just way too much risk.
Do you pay taxes on land you own?
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your land and any buildings on it. As long as you own the property, you continue to pay real estate taxes or land rates.
Is buying land and building a house cheaper?
Whilst building a brand new home can take some time, and you’ll have to budget for more than the cost of the land and the build.
It can still end up being cheaper than buying an existing house.
How can I make money with 10 acres?
Ways to Make Money Off Your Land Almost Immediately
Rent plots to groups looking to build a community garden. …
Start blogging about your newest farming adventures. …
Sell local honey at farmers markets. …
Sell plant seeds online. …
Offer indoor or outdoor storage. …
Create fishing lakes or ponds for local fisherman or groups to rent. AND many more things. You can consult your property manager on the best venture to take depending with the niche.
Can I buy land and not build on it?
The benefits of investing in land can be substantial but only if you play your cards right. Land (raw land) refers to undeveloped land usually without a property built on it.
If you’re not building, banks see it as a “speculative investment” and may not approve your home loan. Discover how to qualify.
What should I check before buying land?
6 Things to Consider Before Buying Land to Build on
Location. The absolute most important factor to consider before buying land is its location. …
Property Setbacks. …
Zoning Requirements. …
Natural Hazards. …
Easements. …
Utility Sources. ETC
How long does it take to buy a land?
Typically a land loan appraisal is between 2 to 4 weeks. It is not uncommon however, to sometimes have to wait as long as 6 to 8 weeks for a land appraisal to be completed. 3.
The title work usually does not require more than a week to complete and be ready for closing. However, it might take longer in some countries. Check out with your country land department.
How long does a land sale take?
Is there a typical time frame between offer and closing? Lewis: Well, between offer and closing is going to vary, depending on your negotiation time.
So, between buyer and seller actually agreeing and actually getting a contract, until closing, that varies between 30 and 90 days, usually, in my experience.
What are the risks of buying land? Environmental Issues!
A third risk of buying raw land is you do not know what lies beneath the soil. You could encounter high levels of radon or asbestos.
The soil could be unstable and unfit to build on. If you build on soil that is not stable, it could cause the foundation of your property to crack.
How does buying land to build a house work? Construction Loans
If you already own the land, you may be able to use equity as collateral for the loan. If you’re using the construction loan to purchase the lot and build the home, the closing of the land purchase and the construction loan will take place at the same time.@ Denis hope i got your question right!
What is the cheapest type of house to build? Contemporary House Design for a Narrow Lot
The cheapest house to build doesn’t have to be small. With two stories of living space, this contemporary house plan would work great on a narrow lot.
The super-simple design and open floor plan give you a spacious feeling, while cutting back on costs.
Does land ever lose value?
Land, although a tangible fixed asset, does not depreciate. Land cannot get deteriorated in its physical condition; hence we cannot determine its useful life. It is almost impossible to calculate land depreciation.
The value of land is not constant on a long-term basis – it may enhance or may as well deteriorate.
How can I make money by buying land? How to Make Money Buying Land Using These 7 Ideas
Sell the land. You can hold on to the land and sell it in the future. …
Boat storage. A simple way to make money off of your land is to allow others to use it for storage. …
Foresting the timber. …
RV storage. …
Campground. …
Solar energy. …
Horse stables.
  Is it smart to buy a lot of land?
Zillow Tools. Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea.
There’s just way too much risk. … Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small parcels of land and/or potentially investing in a large land deal.
Can you build a home for 50k?
Yes, it’s definitely possible. Without the benefit of financing, you can still build a basic 3 bed/2 bath house around 1000 sqft to code for that much in rural areas or even a little larger in the most undeveloped areas.
With financing, you can build a 4 bed/3 bath house around 2500 sqft.
What size house can you build on 1 acre?
You could technically fit almost 44 single-family homes on an acre (assuming each house is 1000 sq ft per floor and there is no space between them).
However, in practice, you get an average of between 2-3 single-family homes built per acre in most subdivision building lots.
Why do you pay taxes on land you own?
Yes, your real estate taxes are based on the value of both your land and home and any other structure you have on your property.
The value is adjusted annually. You will also owe the tax even if you no longer owe any money for the land or home you built. This is how your local government will be able to continue providing essential services to the area where your land is located such as electricity, roads, security , sewerages etc.
Is buying land profitable?
While it may not be the most glamorous real estate investment, buying raw land can be a good investment.. if you understand how to invest in land properly like a real estate developer. 
Land investments can produce high returns, passive income, and large profit margins.
More women are investing in Land which is a very good thing. However, remember statistics show 8 out of 10 people get conned while buying land.
Here are the most common mistakes people make while buying Land in Kenya;
  1. Failing to secure a copy of the Original title deed from the seller: Remember this the way you will know the original owner of the Land, the acreage and whether the land is encumbered.
  2. Failing to conduct an official search at the Land registry: This is the best way to know the status of the land. However most people skip this part.
  3. Failing to do a land visit of the land they intend to buy: I know you have heard stories of people who have bought land that is full of rocks or does not even exist.
4. Failing to involve the right professionals in the land buying process.
  5. Failing to do the necessary research or conduct due diligence:
Remember Leaseholds reverts back to the government after 99 years if it is not reapplied for by the original owner.
Ensure you do your research to avoid buying Land that has reverted back to the government.
  6. Dealing with brokers instead of seeking out the actual land owners.
  7. Assuming that sellers from the village or remote arrears cannot be cons: There is a reason 8 out of 10 people buying Land in Kenya get conned.
  8. Paying the whole purchase price of the land from the beginning: There is a reason the law stipulates you pay 10%at the beginning then the rest in 90 days.
  9. Hurrying the land Buying process: Again there is the reason the law gives a completion period of 90 days.
  10. Failing to secure a spousal consent: A spousal consent is required both for obtaining a Land Control Board consent and transfer.
So ensure the spouse is in agreement with the transaction from the beginning. This is for married sellers of course.
for sale sign
Land Searches and inspection of the title, Preparation of offers and price negotiation, Sale agreement and deposit payment, Payment of land rates, Transfer documents and consent to the transfer, Payment of Stamp Duty, Registration of transfer, Exchange of documents, should always involved your most trusted lawyer(s) and a family person who is of trustworthy to you to help you throughout the entire process.
It will be more blessing if your kids or spouse(s) get involved too from the beginning. This will help to avoid try and errors which might be a life regrettable mistakes. Don’t be the next victim on the line.
No matter how the seller looks genuine or you have known him or her, just always know money and property knows no friendship or blood: it can be your dead wish too if mishandled.
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andrewgarfields · 7 years
This is a lot, I know. If you’d like to skip down to the last few paragraphs, please do because that’s the important stuff. The gist of this is please be aware of radon gas and check your homes for it because it’s serious business. There are small test kits available and they are very easy to use and results are quick. Radon gas can cause many health problems including raising your risk of cancer. Being aware and proactive can help prevent future health risks for you and your family.
(Also im not adding a “read more” link because I hope you take time to look into it, but this is a long post, sorry)
On December 20, 2017, one month ago today, my dad passed away from Adenocarcinoma of the lung, a lung cancer that has been associated with radon gas.
It took less than a month for my dad to go from a healthy, working man to a hospital bed fighting for his life. We received a diagnosis for his cancer on November 29, 2017. Before that point he had been getting sicker, but nothing extreme at that point. He had pneumonia, that kept coming back, and masses in several areas that his normal physicians could not identify. This carried on for about two weeks before his diagnosis on the 29th.
After we received his diagnosis, he went downhill, fast. He was admitted into the hospital on December 13, 2017, after several extremely rough days. At that point he had lost so much strength he could not eat solid foods, could not do our standard flight of stairs, could not do everyday activities we all take the ability to do for granted.
In retrospect, there were small signs. But hindsight is always 20/20 and earlier this year, when these signs would manifest we all figured it was just some other reason. My dad was in his early sixties and had worked in construction over 40 years. When he would come home dog tired at the end of the day, we figured he had just worked extra hard in the heat that day. When his consistent cough began, we figured it was allergies, a cold, or just a tickle in his throat from post nasal drip. When he would shiver in the evenings and put layers upon layers on, we figured it was because the windows were open and the thermostat set for 65 because my mom is Nanook of the North, as my dad liked to put it. We could have never known at the time it was the beginning of something much bigger.
In the hospital, my dad’s health was declining fast. The doctors were baffled at how quickly he was degenerating. And I‘m sure, deep down, all four of us-the Miller Family-knew what was coming.
Even in his last week which was full of ups and downs, laughing and crying, family-filled rooms and long, rough nights, my dad’s personality never wavered. He was kind until the end. He was funny until the end. He was loving until the end.
He passed away peacefully. Loved ones surrounded us. Friends have given us strength and prayers.
It’s only been a month but it feels like the Miller women have lived a freaking lifetime. We’ve been as strong as we can and then some and we have so many people we are grateful to.
A few weeks after my dad passed away, we went to go see a movie at the theatre. Before the movie began, during the commercial time a commercial began that sounded very urgent. Saying phrases similar to “it’s all around,” “you probably don’t even know,” and “it can affect anyone.”
It was a commercial for the dangers of radon gas.
A few days later, my mom has the TV on in the background and another commercial begins. Yep, another commercial warning against radon gas.
Even my uncle has seen several warnings about radon gas as of late. Sure we might just be sensitive to the subject considering, but we’ve discussed it some and warnings are becoming more and more frequent than they used to be it seems.
My family has thus been doing some research on radon gas. Back in New Mexico, radon gas levels are low, we hadn’t really even heard much about them until we moved here. Colorado is a high area for radon gas (as well as Iowa, where my dad grew up).
If you’ve kept reading to this point, I’d like to thank you because here’s the real reason I’m writing this: Radon gas is serious business and I urge everyone to look into what they can do to prevent situations like ours from happening to you.
Please check the radon levels in your homes, ESPECIALLY IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE LIVES IN A BASEMENT. There are small test kits that are super easy to do and results are given to you extremely quickly.
If anyone in your life has bizarre and uncharacteristic symptoms, such as the ones I described above, that don’t seem like “just allergies” or normal, please try to see a doctor. Sure you might come across as looking like a hypochondriac but it’s better than the alternative, in my opinion.
Two months ago, our lives were perfectly normal. We were buying a new Christmas tree, planning for the new year. A month ago, our lives were turned upside down, flipped around, and shaken for good measure. Our experience is sad yes, but not without hope. And not without the inspiration to spread the word about being proactive on your health.
I hope that you act on checking the radon levels in your home and lives. I hope that you be proactive on your own health and be mindful of your loved ones’ as well, because often we brush off our own symptoms as paranoia or “probably nothing.” I hope that you help spread the word about radon gas. And I hope that you not take anything for granted and strive to love every second that you are with the people you hold dearest. Because trust me, those seconds will be what matter the most in the end.
Thank you
xx, jules
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Home Inspection Service Fairfax VA
A Home Inspection Service Arlington VA Provides Reports with Summaries of The Major And Minor Deficiencies
Even a Home Inspection Service Fairfax VA performs the evaluation of components Present on the house like pipes, electricity, and the roof. Hence, you have the capacity to negotiate problems that inspectors identify. You need to take advantage of a Home Inspection Service Arlington VA, when you're searching for the dream home. A comprehensive investigation is more than necessary because there may be inherent hidden problems you could not be aware of at all. Once the review is over, you have the ability to make a deal with the seller. Losing your mind at the extremely thought of buying a house is very exciting. But, you want to look after things that unchecked issues don't jolt you later.
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Getting Most out of the currency
Offering into a Real Estate Inspection Service Arlington VA Is your smartest choice you can take. Highly-trained inspectors that have a peek at your house make certain that you can make the most out of your hard earned money. All the areas with possible deficiencies would be best looked after. For emphasizing any problems or concerns, photos will be obtained. Reports comprise of summaries for chief as well as the minor deficiencies. Because of this, you are going to understand as to what items need care.
Stay Safe with radon testing
One among the deadliest Killer gases which are usually present in the field of Arlington comprises Radon. It can lurk silently in your homes while creating a very unhealthy atmosphere without one knowing about it. By using the certified Inspection Service , you can be conscious of places that demand testing while receiving accurate outcomes. The evaluations can be finished within two weeks, and also with actual results, you can forge ahead.
Know About the vulnerable areas
If you walk alongside The home inspector, you become familiar with about damage-prone areas. The inspectors Present you additional insights in addition to visual ways of understanding more Related to this report that you are going for.
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My first paranormal experience with a "haunted" truck
I rarely share this with anyone because obviously a lot of people would not believe me or think I was crazy or hallucinating. I was a full-on skeptic prior to this experience by the way, I absolutely did not believe in the paranormal at all prior to this experience. I own my own snow removal company that I operate during the winter and I buy and sell cars during the summer and winter months, I also part out cars if they are beyond repair and are high end cars (makes it more worth my time). I am not sure if people are aware of this but If you have a car and someone say gets shot in it, Or they get maced. It will almost always be totaled by your insurance company because It will cost more to have a crime scene cleaning company clean it, THEN hire someone to replace the interior so It's deemed "safe" again. A federal law exists that REQUIRES cars to be cleaned professionally before being worked on by a shop as to not expose workers (say Ford, That's fixing the interior) to the AIDS virus, HIV, Herpes, All that good stuff. Say hypothetically you get shot in your car, You are OK but you car has blood in it. Or you get into a crash and someone bleeds in the car....It likely will be totaled depending on the amount of blood and where It's located. These cars are sold by private contractors that the insurance company hires to take all It's totaled cars and get as much of their money back as possible by selling them to other companies and individuals like me. Now after that car that someone got shot in is sold, It can be cleaned "amateurly" and resold without having to involve any crime scene cleaners because no "worker" is being exposed. Stupid law, I know. I have family in LE and I learned how to clean up blood and contain it fairly well by watching crime scene cleaning companies and asking them questions (you learn a lot online too). So some of cars someone has been murdered in, Either by an individual, The police, or they committed suicide. I have bought more then a few cars someone has obviously been killed in and sold the parts or in one case cleaned it and resold it. In January of 2015 I bought a 2007 Ford F-350 King Ranch for a song and a dance online and had it delivered from Florida. This is about a 40-50k dollar truck with the miles it had on it and I got it for 8500 and change. But someone was shot in the front seat and very apparently did not survive based on some brain matter on the headliner. It was cold and snowing when the truck got delivered so I put it into my garage and was also pretty busy plowing during this time. From almost the entire time the truck was parked in my garage I felt like someone was around. You know that feeling you get when someone is in the next room but they aren't making any noise? I finally started getting to stripping out the parts with blood and brain matter on them and putting them into bio bags. This is very time consuming because you don't want to be flicking dried blood everywhere so It took about 2 weeks to get it clean where I would feel comfortable touching it without PPE. The interior was completely stripped besides the dash and I had removed all the doors to make moving the seats out easier and to trash two of the doors that had holes in them. I remember this day like it was yesterday, I was in my garage working on the block heater to my daily driver and I heard someone giggle, It sounded like a man. I live in a very very rural area so I don't have neighbors or hear anyone besides the mailman occasionally, So I thought my brother had stopped over and was fucking with me and hiding behind one of my trucks to sneak up on m after he came in the garage (I didn't hear the door open though). I said "John!!, Come here I need help with this cord"....No response. I stood up after a second and looked and didn't see him....I walked to my only door to my garage and it was still locked when I got close enough to see it. I knew I heard laughing but I thought "weird..." and brushed it off and went to return to my work, When started to walk past the murder truck I saw a man walk from behind it in blue jeans, a black short sleeve shirt, and a blue hat sitting crooked on his head. He looked at me and nodded then disappeared as he walked behind one of my plow trucks. I about shit a brick. I knew 100% what I saw was not a hallucination, There is no gas leaks in my garage, No engines were running in there. I don't suffer from any delusions or mental health issues, I don't drink or do drugs. I even have pretty sensitive CO alarms in my garage that start the minute you start one of the trucks, Literally not 30 seconds of idling and they start going off. I also had not moved any cars in over 2 hours so any carbon monoxide that did generate when I moved my daily driver in had long been circulated out of the garage. I also have never had an issue with carbon monoxide, radon gas, or any type of electrical issues in my home before. It's my belief that I saw the owner of that truck that was killed. After I sold the truck I never had that "someone in the next room" feeling in my garage anymore, After feeling that way for nearly 5 months while it sat in my garage. I didn't feel any type of negativity from seeing that man or being in the presence of the truck...Just that strange feeling of being watched or someone being near me. Not sure why I saw him or why he nodded at me, But that experience will forever be in the back of my mind. I sold the truck to a guy I went to HS with, That was the only "murder" car I've ever sold as a whole (usually part them out) so I was straight up with the buyer and told him someone was shot to death in it. He still has it to this day, I see him post pics of it on facebook from time to time.
by teflonandsteel  on Reddit
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Air Pollution | 18 Ways to Fight It
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Our air is getting increasingly harder to breathe because of air pollution. You're probably already aware that air pollution comes from chemicals or particles in the atmosphere which can be harmful to the health of all life forms on earth. What you may not know is all of the different ways we pollute the air and that they're typically separated into two categories: outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution. Can you guess which harms us the most? Air pollution is most common in large cities like Los Angeles, London, and Hong Kong, where emissions from various sources are concentrated. Sometimes, mountains or tall buildings stop air pollution from dispersing and frequently appears as a low-level cloud, known as smog, which makes the air murky. People can react differently to different kinds of air pollution. It can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea or lead to illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis. Additionally, they can lead to irritation of the nose, eyes, throat, or skin. Young children and the elderly, whose immune systems tend to be poorer, are often more prone to getting sick from contamination. Some more serious effects can last for decades or for an entire lifetime and even result in a person's death. Long-term health effects include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory ailments such as emphysema. Many times damage to the nerves, kidneys, brain, liver, and other organs can be traced back to air pollution. It's estimated that over 6 million deaths in 2016 were linked to poor breathing conditions.
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london smog Photo by dan19878
Outdoor Air Pollution
Outdoor air pollution is usually caused by emissions from vehicles and solid fuel burning for electricity generation (coal and oil). Other pollution sources include smoke from wildfires, windblown dust, and biogenic emissions from plants (pollen and mold spores). The most frequent pollutants of outdoor air include: Particulate Matter Particulate matter, also called particle pollution, is a term that describes exceptionally small, solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in air. It can come from just about any substance including nitrates, sulfates, natural chemicals, metals, dirt or dust particles, and allergens (such as pollen or mold spores). Nearly all particle pollution comes from motor vehicles, wood-burning heaters, and fossil fuel industries. During wildfires or dust storms, particle pollution may reach extremely dangerous levels of concentration. Ozone (O₃)  Ozone is a combination of three oxygen atoms. Two joined oxygen molecules form the basic oxygen molecule O₂. The additional third atom makes ozone an unstable and highly reactive gas. It can be found in two regions of the Earth's atmosphere: at the upper atmosphere and at ground level. In the upper atmosphere, ozone protects us by filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. Conversely, ozone at ground level is damaging to our health. Ground level ozone is the primary component of smog and is the product of the interaction between sun and emissions from sources such as motor vehicles and fossil fuel burning. It is more readily formed during the summer months and reaches its greatest concentrations in the day or early evening. Ozone can travel long distances and accumulate to elevated concentrations far away from their origins. Ground level ozone can be harmful to our health even at reduced levels, including ozone made by ozone generators. Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) Nitrogen dioxide is a highly reactive gas formed by emissions from vehicles, fossil fuel industries, unflued gas-heaters, and gas stovetops. High levels of it can be found mostly near busy roads and indoors where unflued gas-heaters are in use. Other indoor sources can be from cigarettes or from cooking with gas. Outdoors, nitrogen dioxide leads to the formation of ground-level ozone. Breathing nitrogen dioxide can be a serious irritant and has many adverse effects on the respiratory system. Carbon monoxide (CO) Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that forms when the carbon in fuels doesn’t burn fully. It's generally formed by vehicles and fossil fuel industries but may also come from wildfires. Indoors, carbon monoxide stems from unflued gas heaters, wood-burning heaters, and cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide levels are generally highest during cold weather since colder temperatures cause less complete combustion and trap pollutants near the ground. Carbon monoxide causes detrimental health effects by decreasing the quantity of oxygen reaching the body's organs and cells. At substantial enough levels, death from carbon monoxide poisoning can occur. Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Carbon dioxide occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It is a vital component in photosynthesis, the process by which plants make food and energy. Levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have increased exponentially since the Industrial Revolution began. The main causes are deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. As carbon dioxide levels have grown, so have its effects on air pollution. Naturally, carbon dioxide should account for less than 1 percent of the atmospheric gases. The concern over carbon dioxide is the substantial increase over a relatively brief period of time. Carbon dioxide traps radiation at ground level, contributing to ground-level ozone. This insulating layer prevents the earth from cooling at night. One effect is the warming of ocean waters. Oceans normally absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere however, higher water temperatures compromise the oceans' ability to absorb it. Having nowhere to go, over time, the effects of carbon dioxide are compounded. Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) Sulfur dioxide is a highly reactive gas with a pungent and irritating smell much like a burnt match. It's formed by burning fossil fuels in power plants and other industrial centers. Natural processes that discharge sulfur gases include decomposition and combustion of organic matter, spray from the sea, and volcanic eruptions. It contributes to the creation of particulate matter pollution and acid rain. Sulfur dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of the nose, lungs, and throat and might worsen existing respiratory ailments, particularly asthma. It's also been proven to aggravate cardiovascular diseases.
Indoor Air Pollution
Generally, when we think of air pollution we picture smoke from big factories or car exhaust but there are many more sources of indoor air pollution. Although we spend about 65% of our time indoors, we typically don’t consider our buildings and homes as having air quality issues since we don't have plumes of smoke coming from our vents or floorboards. However, the EPA and Congress declared indoor air pollution as America's number one environmental health issue and on average it's four to five times worse than outdoor air. In some cases, it can be even greater. Insufficient ventilation allows indoor pollutants to accumulate to harmful levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute and remove emissions from indoor sources. There are several sources of indoor air pollution in any home. These include combustion sources like oil, gasoline, kerosene, coal, timber, and tobacco goods; construction materials and furnishings which discharge particles as they deteriorate such as asbestos-containing insulation, off-gassing or wet carpeting (esp. Bath mats), and cabinetry or furniture made of pressed wood products; goods for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies; pet odors and dander; central heating and cooling systems and humidification devices; and outside sources like radon, pesticides, and outdoor air pollution. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mercuriousmin-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "5d832a7c257b396abfffac766d066f5e"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B074FTVHFN,B07K4ZLC5G,B014SYDF0K,B0784CQHVG,B07B4M5GWP,B07H5SC8DZ,B01BST18LQ,B07GZ7Z393";
Preventing Air Pollution
1. Minimize car use Drive less by combining trips, telecommuting, carpooling, or carsharing. A fantastic idea would be to bring your lunch to work, so you don't need to push throughout the lunch break, or talk with your co-workers about going to have lunch together. The best way to keep the atmosphere clean is to refrain from driving your car whenever you can. 2. Walk, bicycle or use public transportation For those who have the choice, take public transportation to work. Many cities have invested in a public transportation network and by using it, even only a few times every week, you're helping to decrease the number of cars on the street. Walking or riding a bicycle for work has many advantages for your health. You are able to take less heavily traveled streets and backroads to arrive at work earlier and less stressed than you'd be if trapped in traffic. Both these actions also contribute to keeping an active lifestyle and enhancing your wellbeing. 3. Change to renewable energy This is among the greatest options for combating air pollution. Non- renewable energy resources create air pollution. Using any form of electricity that comes from the grid relies on the burning of fossil fuels and generates harmful gases which contribute to air pollution. On the flip side, renewable energy resources create electricity without causing air pollution. Therefore, the usage of renewable energy ought to be improved and encouraged. 4. Maintain your wood stove and chimney If you have a wood burning stove or a fireplace, make sure you keep it well-maintained. Incomplete combustion often releases particulate matter. These minuscule particles are the most damaging to our respiratory tracts since they are easily able to get deep into our lungs and bloodstream. 5. Stop using plastic We ought to control our dependence on plastic as it causes air pollution through their production and result in a great deal of harm to our environment. All of us can make individual efforts towards preventing air pollution by replacing plastic bags with paper or reusable bags, plastic tupperware with biodegradable containers, and plastic crockery using steel, glass, or ceramic replacements. 6. Consume less & use sustainable products A 2017 study pointed out that 22 percent of premature deaths caused by air pollution happened in nations that create inexpensive goods for export. Thus, our consumption patterns affect pollution levels around the globe. Even if you've never traveled to China, your choice of products will determine whether you promote polluting companies around the world. 7. Eat organic produce & less meat In places with heavily farmed lands, agriculture is the main emitter of ammonia as well as other nitrogen-containing compounds like nitrous oxide or nitric oxide. Agricultural fertilizers and pesticides discharge persistent organic pollutants, such as hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane, and pentachlorophenol from the air. Livestock farming also emits high concentrations of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, and non-methane volatile organic compounds. 8. Grow your own food It's no big deal to get produce from all over the world nowadays. A simple trip to the grocery store gives you access to a vast selection of exotic fruits, vegetables, and spices. Although having such a great diversity is wonderful, it most certainly comes with a cost - in this instance the cost of polluting the air through long-distance transport. 9. Plant trees If we want to prevent air pollution we need to protect our trees. We ought to grow more trees than we cut down. Reforestation and afforestation should also be encouraged. While reforestation will help in restoring forests on land that already had trees on it, afforestation can help grow a forest on land which there have never been any trees. Planting trees near the industrial regions also helps in the prevention of air pollution. If half the people in the US planted 2 trees per year, in 10 years there could be more than 3 billion new trees in the world. 10. Raise awareness Creating awareness for air pollution is among the most influential things you can do. If more people remain aware of air pollution, its causes, and dangerous consequences, they will surely make individual efforts to combat and protect against air pollution. 11. Keep indoor air-purifying plants Lots of houseplants have the exact same capability as trees to purify air pollutants and refresh air by replenishing oxygen levels. Plants with big leaves that come from the tropics and rainforests are especially effective in doing so. 12. Circulate Fresh Air Opening your windows fully at least once every day for a few minutes can remove stagnant and polluted indoor air with fresh outdoor air. It is crucial to let the air in your home circulate even for brief periods of time because this will allow accumulated toxins out and decrease humidity which gathers from indoor activities like cooking, doing laundry or showering. If needed, use a dehumidifier to decrease the humidity level of your house. 13. Use handcrafted goods Handcrafted items are environmentally friendly and help lessen any additional air pollution. These goods are created manually and don't require processing through factories or industries, reducing the chance of harmful emissions being released during their production. 14. Use essential oils Essential oils are powerful plant extracts which can be used for several purposes including purifying and freshening indoor air quality. They also offer an eco-friendly, wholesome, and often more effective solution to many artificial and chemical products. Using high-quality essential oils in a diffuser is not only going to produce a wonderful scent throughout your home but you will also gain many health advantages from the intricate all-natural compounds that the essential oils contain. 15. Test your home for radon Radon is an invisible, odorless and radioactive gas that seeps up from the ground. It's a byproduct that occurs naturally from the radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks on earth. Less than 1% of the air in most homes comes from seepage through its foundation. But if your home is built on extremely permeable soil and the foundation is cracked or not properly sealed, then more than 10% of the air in your home can come through the floor. This can result in high accumulations of radon in your home. 16. Smoke Outdoors Don't smoke inside. Cigarette smoke contains up to 70 carcinogenic substances and toxins which remain in the indoor air for a long time. 17. Vacuum with a HEPA or ULPA filter Some vacuum cleaners without proper filters can contribute to indoor air pollution. They allow some particles to leak back into the air and just end up stirring and redistributing pollutants. 18. Use air purifiers If you reside in a place with poor outdoor air quality, then it’s well worth using air purifiers in your home. On days when health warnings are issued, you need to keep your windows closed and use air purifiers to lessen the chance of breathing contaminated air. Read the full article
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traciedemars · 6 years
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Fees & Costs of Buying a Home Upcoming Free (& non-promotional) Home Buyer Classes:   ...we also have home seller classes available.  Link on left on website page Saturday, January 26th, from 11am-2pm (ish) ​       Vancouver YMCA, conference room       11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave). Saturday, February 2nd, from 9am-12pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) Saturday, February 16th, from 12pm-3pm (ish) ​       Vancouver YMCA, conference room       11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave If these class dates and/or times don't work for you, please let us know.  We understand that you have lives, and families, and work.  We will work something out that works better with your schedule.  Just let us know....                                                        Remember...with reservation...we will throw in lunch, or dinner!  :-D ~~~~~~~~~ Happy 2019~  Now that we are 2 weeks into the new year we can start to get a 'feel' for what this year is going to bring us..right?  ....or not...  It's definitely been a mild winter, so I guess we know that, right?  Let's be honest though....there's lots more winter to come, so it could change, and there's still plenty of this year to go as well.    Last fall was pretty slow in the real estate world, and we saw plenty of price reductions.  This winter was also pretty slow as well....  have we reached the plateau?  Have we reached that 'magic' place where the crazy sellers market balances out? This spring will tell the tale...  Spring is typically the 'busy time' of the year as people get their income tax refunds back.  Tax refunds are used a lot for down payment & closing costs by buyers, so that is when the market gets crazy.  People who are selling their home, now that they have a buyer, go out and look for a new home for themselves.  Spring is crazy...  this year though?  Well, first we have to see if people will get refunds, and then...  well, the good news is that we are seeing a lot of new homes on the market. I have 3 that recently came on the market, and 2 more hitting by the end of the month.  I have spoken with a lot of my agent friends and they're also getting a bunch of calls of people wanting to sell this spring.  So, now we wait to see what will happen with the tax refunds and, of course, interest rates. Interest rates follow the market...market goes down, and so does interest rates. Market goes up, and so does interest rates.  I certainly hoping that the market has reached that seller/buyer balance.  We saw that nice balance in 2014 & 2015.  Real estate typically runs on a 10 year cycle of highs and lows....with a couple of years balance in the middle. Don't forget though that the only things in life that are consistent are death and taxes, so my crystal ball is not to be trusted.     While showing homes, we go over lots of 'little' things that otherwise people don't think about.  Some of these items are the 'hidden' costs of buying a home....those things that you weren't planning on, but probably should be.    Not too long ago, I was on one of the facebook swap/free/sale sites, and I was reading how some people were upset with the home buying process and the 'hidden' fees they weren't told about.  It is true that there are a LOT of fees and other expenses involved with buying a home.  The point of these blogs, and of course, the home buyer classes is to give folks this information.  There shouldn't be anything 'hidden' about the home buying process.  As you know, I am a big fan of not sugarcoating anything....I believe that an ugly truth is better than a pretty lie every day of the week.  You might not always like what I have to say (and that is ok), but I am not going to hold anything back from you on the off chance you might not ask me to help you buy, or sell, your home.  Personally I don't just want to hear about the 'good' things about a loan, or process....I want to hear it all...the good, the bad, and the ugly, so that I can make the best decision for me and my family based on the pros and the cons....not just the good.  So....yes, I am not going to just agree with what you read on the internet, or saw on HGTV, or heard from your direct and personal circle....I am going to give you the pros and cons because this is YOUR home buying (or selling) adventure, and YOU need to make the decisions.  My job is to help you find, and have, all the information I can get you so that you can make those choices based on a full picture....not just half of one.     That all being said, let's talk about the fees you can expect and some ones you might not.  I am not including down payment, or closing costs as part of this.  That will be an email in the upcoming week(s).  These are mainly fees associated with buying a home.  If you are thinking about selling a home, or know someone who is, there are some fees you need to be aware of as well.  I will post that on my facebook page at:  Tracie DeMars Real Estate, or you can contact me.  I am, as always, happy to help! So what fees can you  expect?  There are three fees that will be needed upfront.   Earnest Money....earnest money is typically about $1000- $3000, but the more expensive the home means the more earnest money you will need.   Some banks (& builders) can request 1%-3% of the purchase price for earnest money.  With a bank owned property the bank will want a cashiers check.  With a regular sale, a personal check is fine.  The earnest money is deliverable upon acceptance of the offer, and not when the offer is written.  The earnest money is always made out to the title company and is refundable based upon the 4 legal reasons to back out. Inspection...the inspection is ordered after the offer is accepted.  Remember that the inspection cost is approximately $400- $500, and is non-refundable. You, as the buyer, will hire the inspector and they work for you.  You have 10 calendar days to have the inspection done, and respond to the seller.  Don't wait until the last minute!  Both you, as the buyer, and your buyers agent should be at the home inspection.  A typical inspection is about 2-3 hours long.  Make sure the fee includes the dry rot and pest report....  We talked about home inspections a couple of weeks/months ago, but let me know if you need it again....or... hit up the Facebook page:  Tracie DeMars Real Estate.  It should be there.    Appraisal...the appraisal is ordered by the lender, and the lender will put in the order for the appraisal.  An appraiser comes out to the home to verify the homes value for the bank.  The bank will only lend the dollar amount that the appraiser says the home is worth.  An average appraisal costs about $600 -/+ dollars, and is paid for by the buyer.  This is another non-refundable fee.  Neither you, nor your agent, will be present at the appraisal.  With the new laws that took effect a couple years ago, neither agent, nor anyone involved in the sale are supposed to have contact with the appraiser for fear we might 'taint' the appraisal, or affect the numbers.   If you are buying a home with a well then there may an additional fee for the well testing.  You don't have to do that, but as a real estate agent, I would definitely advise you to do it.  Some other inspections that a buyer can have done (at their cost) are a sewer scope & a radon test.  A sewer scope is where they send a camera down the toilet to make sure the sewer lines are open, and a radon test is a company checks for radon levels in the home.  This is always a good idea if you are considering a home with a basement, daylight basement, or a split level home.  The radon test can take 3-5 days.  Again, these inspections are at a buyers expense. These are the only fees a buyer should see before closing.  Being told another fee?  Call, text, or email me... Other fees? Changing out locks...I always advise my clients to change out the locks of their new homes.  Why?  Well, even if the sellers give you all the keys they have...there is not guarantee that there isn't more keys running around somewhere.  I used to change out my house locks every couple of years because my kids were always losing keys.  Finally....last year... I went and purchased the the house locks that have the key pad.  It is awesome!!  I don't worry about lost keys anymore.  Every family member has a code, and what is the best is that I can add and delete codes as needed.  So...go away for a couple of days, and have a house sitter?  Give them a code,and when you get back you simply delete the code. I tell you....worth it!   Mailbox key...yes, legally you are not supposed to copy the mailbox key, but a lot of people do.  Mail is not something you want to mess with.  Take your HUD form down to the post office, and have them re-key the box, and get a new key.  Cost is about $100, but for peace of mind...that isn't much.  When you are changing out locks, talk with the locksmith... she/he may be able to help with this as well.   Paint...you will probably want to paint some, or all, the rooms of your new home.  Each gallon of paint runs about $25.  Paint is the easiest thing you can do to make the home 'yours', and it's fun!  Paint can change the entire feel of a room, or home.  Personally, I am a fan of semi-gloss.  I like the shine to it, and most importantly, it cleans up easy....with kids and big dogs, this is my go-to. Minor repairs...during the home inspection the inspector will probably point out repairs that the home may need.  Some of these repairs may be cosmetic repairs that will be part of your 'honey-do list'  with your new home.  Remember that, at the home inspection, we are looking for any repairs that will affect the safety of the home, or occupants...or anything that may need a contractor to repair.  The 'big' areas that we usually see repairs for are roofs, attic spaces, crawlspaces, and siding.  These are the places that usually get called out during the repair process for a licensed contractor to come in  Remember that home inspectors are licensed for home inspections.  It is during this period that we will request a second opinion by a licensed contractor...who can give a better, more thorough inspection/repair for the item that the inspector called out.  All homes have some repairs that will need to be done by the (new) homeowner....it is part of being a homeowner.  Don't forget that the worst thing a homeowner can do is to defer maintenance.  If you need help with that, give me a call or email... I always have a 'guy' that you can call for help.  Anytime you need work done around the home that you can't do, give me a holler...I know people.   I tease, but it is true.  I know excellent contractors that will usually give you a better deal because I refer them out.  I refer them out because they do a good job...and give better deals.  Just like in Real Estate... referrals are the name of the game.  :-) Lawn supplies...did you come from an apartment?  Well, most likely now you have a yard.  You will need a lawnmower to start with.  There will be other lawn equipment that will follow...weed eaters, trimmers, wheel barrels, shovels, and a myriad other things that come with having a yard.   Appliances...don't forget that washer, dryer, and fridges don't come with the home.  If you don't already have these appliances then you may also be purchasing a washer, dryer, and/or a fridge. Just please, please, please wait until AFTER you get keys for the home before you go purchase these things. Curtains/Blinds...if your new home doesn't already have some then this may be on your 'to buy' list.  Sometimes even if your home does have some, you may want new ones.  Honestly, I have had very good luck with curtains at places like Target, or Fred Meyer, or even Wal-Mart.  I think I've gotten all my curtains from Target.  They have blinds as well. House Cleaner/Carpet Cleaner...when a home is vacant you know exactly what you're going to be walking into when your buyers agent (hopefully me LOL) gives you keys, but... when the home is owner occupied, you don't.  Yes, you can and will do a walk thru of the home before closing, but it will still be occupied.  In many cases, when the home is owner occupied the (soon to be) previous owner doesn't vacate the property until day of closing, or sometimes even a couple of days after closing.  With cases like this, you really don't know what condition the home will be upon closing.  We have to have faith that the (soon to be) previous owner will leave the home in a clean condition, but sometimes...well, sometimes, they don't.  Also, one persons idea of clean is not another persons idea of 'clean'.  :-)  Many times, whether the home is vacant or owner occupied, a buyer will book a professional carpet cleaning, or house cleaning after closing....simply for peace of mind.   Insurance...wait..you already have insurance, don't you?  Well...yes, you have mortgage insurance, title insurance, and homeowners insurance, but what about earthquake insurance?  You don't...  When I purchased my home my homeowners insurance included earthquake insurance.  About 10 years ago though we received a letter that no longer would homeowners insurance include earthquake insurance....why?  Because we live in the #1 high danger area for earthquakes.  Because of that earthquake insurance must now be purchased separately.  So, AFTER you buy your home, call your insurance company and add on earthquake insurance.  Cost isn't too much, but it is important....just in case.   Toilet Seats  Yeah, I know you probably didn't think of that, but really....if it were me, I would change out the toilet seats when you buy your new home.  Why? Well, since now you are thinking about it....I'm sure you can see why.  LOL  Toilet seats are not expensive, and really...having new seats just makes you feel better!  :-D     As always....this is just a quick overview.... again...and I can't say this enough...please remember that your agent is NOT a salesperson, and should not be acting like one.  Real Estate is not really about houses, it is about relationships.  Your agent, and your lender work for YOU.  You drive the bus...we are merely GPS to help you get to your goals.  Like the classes, this weekly blog email is to help you with your home adventure.  The goal is to be informative and non-promotional.  :-)  We are, however, hoping you will call and want us to help with your adventure.   If you have any questions about this, or something you have heard...or if you would like me to help you with your home adventure, please call, email,  text, or facebook me anytime.  I am, as always, happy to help! Thank you again for your business and your referrals!!  ...and thank you for referring these classes to your friends, family, and co-workers.   .   ..disclaimer...if you have already purchased a home, or would no longer like to receive these emails, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from any further mailings... Information is power,  and as always...May the odds be ever in your favor out there....  If you are looking for a real estate agent, I would love to be able to help you.  If you have any questions, or comments please get a hold of me anytime.  You can call, text, email, or even facebook me.  Please remember that while I mean these emails/blogs to be helpful, and educational, I am still hoping that you will call, or email me as I would be honored to help you with your home buying, or home selling adventure.   Upcoming Topics: Delayed Possession... What is this & what does it mean to you Interest Rates (information from Chris Berg,Cardinal Financial) What do I need to buy a home, Hiring a Realtor...questions to ask, What if I don't have a Down Payment? .....  &....What does an Agent do for me? Debt to Income Ratios....What is this? Last Week:  Winter Time & Buying (or not) Buying a Home Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon,   ;-D   Tracie DeMars   Real Estate broker   Re/Max - Van Mall   360/ 903-3504 cell   360/ 882-3600 fax   www.traciedemars.com   [email protected]       “Interested in free and non promotional home education classes?  Go to www.freehomebuyerclasses.com for local upcoming home buyer and home SELLER classes, or facebook: Tracie DeMars Real Estate for my home buyer education blog.” "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."       - Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 - 1999).
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newscheckz · 4 years
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/popular-mistakes-people-make-while-buying-land/
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
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Land ownership can be a great investment, as long as you enter the deal with awareness of all of the risks and pitfalls.
By conducting careful research, investors can take advantage of low property prices and purchase land that will be worth much more down the road.
Before i tell you the common mistakes that makes people loose money while purchasing land, i would also like to summarize most of the land related questions that my readers have been asking concerning the same topic.
Below are summarized Q & A concerning land matters:
Is it better to buy land or property?
If the current housing market just isn’t offering what you need, then purchasing land and having your own home built according to your specifications may be a much more viable option.
Buying rural land also affords you more freedom and less intrusion from nearby neighbors and costly HOAs.
Why Buying land is a bad investment?
Most knowledgeable real estate investors agree buying land is not a good idea. There’s just way too much risk. …
Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small and/or potentially investing in a large land deal. There’s just way too much risk.
Do you pay taxes on land you own?
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your land and any buildings on it. As long as you own the property, you continue to pay real estate taxes or land rates.
Is buying land and building a house cheaper?
Whilst building a brand new home can take some time, and you’ll have to budget for more than the cost of the land and the build.
It can still end up being cheaper than buying an existing house.
How can I make money with 10 acres?
Ways to Make Money Off Your Land Almost Immediately
Rent plots to groups looking to build a community garden. …
Start blogging about your newest farming adventures. …
Sell local honey at farmers markets. …
Sell plant seeds online. …
Offer indoor or outdoor storage. …
Create fishing lakes or ponds for local fisherman or groups to rent. AND many more things. You can consult your property manager on the best venture to take depending with the niche.
Can I buy land and not build on it?
The benefits of investing in land can be substantial but only if you play your cards right. Land (raw land) refers to undeveloped land usually without a property built on it.
If you’re not building, banks see it as a “speculative investment” and may not approve your home loan. Discover how to qualify.
What should I check before buying land?
6 Things to Consider Before Buying Land to Build on
Location. The absolute most important factor to consider before buying land is its location. …
Property Setbacks. …
Zoning Requirements. …
Natural Hazards. …
Easements. …
Utility Sources. ETC
How long does it take to buy a land?
Typically a land loan appraisal is between 2 to 4 weeks. It is not uncommon however, to sometimes have to wait as long as 6 to 8 weeks for a land appraisal to be completed. 3.
The title work usually does not require more than a week to complete and be ready for closing. However, it might take longer in some countries. Check out with your country land department.
How long does a land sale take?
Is there a typical time frame between offer and closing? Lewis: Well, between offer and closing is going to vary, depending on your negotiation time.
So, between buyer and seller actually agreeing and actually getting a contract, until closing, that varies between 30 and 90 days, usually, in my experience.
What are the risks of buying land? Environmental Issues!
A third risk of buying raw land is you do not know what lies beneath the soil. You could encounter high levels of radon or asbestos.
The soil could be unstable and unfit to build on. If you build on soil that is not stable, it could cause the foundation of your property to crack.
How does buying land to build a house work? Construction Loans
If you already own the land, you may be able to use equity as collateral for the loan. If you’re using the construction loan to purchase the lot and build the home, the closing of the land purchase and the construction loan will take place at the same time.@ Denis hope i got your question right!
What is the cheapest type of house to build? Contemporary House Design for a Narrow Lot
The cheapest house to build doesn’t have to be small. With two stories of living space, this contemporary house plan would work great on a narrow lot.
The super-simple design and open floor plan give you a spacious feeling, while cutting back on costs.
Does land ever lose value?
Land, although a tangible fixed asset, does not depreciate. Land cannot get deteriorated in its physical condition; hence we cannot determine its useful life. It is almost impossible to calculate land depreciation.
The value of land is not constant on a long-term basis – it may enhance or may as well deteriorate.
How can I make money by buying land? How to Make Money Buying Land Using These 7 Ideas
Sell the land. You can hold on to the land and sell it in the future. …
Boat storage. A simple way to make money off of your land is to allow others to use it for storage. …
Foresting the timber. …
RV storage. …
Campground. …
Solar energy. …
Horse stables.
Is it smart to buy a lot of land?
Zillow Tools. Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea.
There’s just way too much risk. … Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small parcels of land and/or potentially investing in a large land deal.
Can you build a home for 50k?
Yes, it’s definitely possible. Without the benefit of financing, you can still build a basic 3 bed/2 bath house around 1000 sqft to code for that much in rural areas or even a little larger in the most undeveloped areas.
With financing, you can build a 4 bed/3 bath house around 2500 sqft.
What size house can you build on 1 acre?
You could technically fit almost 44 single-family homes on an acre (assuming each house is 1000 sq ft per floor and there is no space between them).
However, in practice, you get an average of between 2-3 single-family homes built per acre in most subdivision building lots.
Why do you pay taxes on land you own?
Yes, your real estate taxes are based on the value of both your land and home and any other structure you have on your property.
The value is adjusted annually. You will also owe the tax even if you no longer owe any money for the land or home you built. This is how your local government will be able to continue providing essential services to the area where your land is located such as electricity, roads, security , sewerages etc.
Is buying land profitable?
While it may not be the most glamorous real estate investment, buying raw land can be a good investment.. if you understand how to invest in land properly like a real estate developer. 
Land investments can produce high returns, passive income, and large profit margins.
More women are investing in Land which is a very good thing. However, remember statistics show 8 out of 10 people get conned while buying land.
Here are the most common mistakes people make while buying Land in Kenya;
1. Failing to secure a copy of the Original title deed from the seller: Remember this the way you will know the original owner of the Land, the acreage and whether the land is encumbered.
2. Failing to conduct an official search at the Land registry: This is the best way to know the status of the land. However most people skip this part.
3. Failing to do a land visit of the land they intend to buy: I know you have heard stories of people who have bought land that is full of rocks or does not even exist.
4. Failing to involve the right professionals in the land buying process.
5. Failing to do the necessary research or conduct due diligence: Remember Leaseholds reverts back to the government after 99 years if it is not reapplied for by the original owner.
Ensure you do your research to avoid buying Land that has reverted back to the government.
6. Dealing with brokers instead of seeking out the actual land owners.
7. Assuming that sellers from the village or remote arrears cannot be cons: There is a reason 8 out of 10 people buying Land in Kenya get conned.
8. Paying the whole purchase price of the land from the beginning: There is a reason the law stipulates you pay 10%at the beginning then the rest in 90 days.
9. Hurrying the land Buying process: Again there is the reason the law gives a completion period of 90 days.
10. Failing to secure a spousal consent: A spousal consent is required both for obtaining a Land Control Board consent and transfer.
So ensure the spouse is in agreement with the transaction from the beginning. This is for married sellers of course.
for sale sign
Land Searches and inspection of the title, Preparation of offers and price negotiation, Sale agreement and deposit payment, Payment of land rates, Transfer documents and consent to the transfer, Payment of Stamp Duty, Registration of transfer, Exchange of documents, should always involved your most trusted lawyer(s) and a family person who is of trustworthy to you to help you throughout the entire process.
It will be more blessing if your kids or spouse(s) get involved too from the beginning. This will help to avoid try and errors which might be a life regrettable mistakes. Don’t be the next victim on the line.
No matter how the seller looks genuine or you have known him or her, just always know money and property knows no friendship or blood: it can be your dead wish too if mishandled.
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abstractjanice · 6 years
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January is National Radon Action Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month, and National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month. National Folic Acid Awareness Week is January 7th-13th. See the last image to see more of the awareness and causes that use the green ribbon. #nationaradonactionmonth #radonactionmonth #radon #awareness #nationalfolicacidawarenessweek #glaucoma #glaucomaawareness #glaucomaawarenessmonth #nationaltraumaticbraininjuryawarenessmonth #nationalwintersportstraumaticbraininjuryawarenessmonth #organdonationawareness #depressionawareness #mentalhealthawareness #eyeinjuryawareness #leukemiaawareness #kidneycancerawareness #kidneydiseaseawareness #savetheearth #gogreen #cerebalpalsyawareness (at Abstract Couture - Janice Horoschak - Artist/Designer) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmYErzgAnw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tud4rr6syyrb
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