#raditz smut
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS 😃 May I please request NSFW Prompt #5 with Raditz as Person A and Fem!Reader as Person B? 😊
warnings: smut. unprotected sex, rough sex, fucking a Saiyan, reader is human
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Ever since Raditz came to earth, he's been nothing but a thorn in your side. He teases you, insults you and pulls your hair. And while at first you tried to convince yourself you hated him, deep down you knew you were sinfully attracted to the large Saiyan.
It all happened one night at one of Bulma's parties. You and Raditz were both tipsy. He was gloating about his sexual prowess, driving you up a wall with the way he was so cocky about everything. You scoffed at one of his claims.
"You're probably a two-pump chump,"
Raditz growls, "What do you know? You've probably had nobody pleasure you because you're so frigid."
You smirk at him, "I've had plenty of lovers please me. You just have too tiny of a dick to match them." This causes Raditz to puff up his chest and lean in closer to you.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah! You two-pump, limp dick chump!"
"Oh fuck! Fuck me, Raditz!" You moan, now on your hands and knees in the nearest available bedroom.
"Fucking told you," Raditz growls. "Now let me fuck you stupid."
He grips your hips harshly, pulling you in for every hard thrust. Your mind is slowly turning to mush as your body goes numb with pleasure. Bulma was right, having sex with Saiyans was the best. You'd never be able to cum again unless it was Raditz making you cum.
He spanks your ass, making you moan out. You feel the coil in your tummy starting to tighten with every hard thrust. You get closer and closer to what you believe might be your most intense orgasm to date. The dam breaks and with a cry of Raditz' name, you have an earth shattering orgasm. You're shaking as your juices begin squirting out everywhere. The force of your orgasm even manages to push his cock out of your hole.
"Fuck, that was so hot," Raditz comments. He then smirks at your quivering form. "Let's see if you can do that again."
He pushes into you again, starting a brutal pace. You try to tell him to slow down, but all that comes out are moans and mewls as he fucks you stupid.
"Shh...I got you. Remember, I gotta show you that I'm not a two-pump chump."
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vegeta-bananabluish · 9 months ago
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Choose Your Adventure: Wedding Night Edition! – A Reader-Insert collaboration by the authors @Bananabluish, Stardust HB, @yeowangies & @raditzxsthighband! Chapter 3: Raditz × Reader (Link)
Summary: Facing the man who had just become your husband, anticipation crackled in the air as his strong fingers sought the delicate edges of the veil. With deliberate precision, he slowly lifted the fabric, drawing out suspense before revealing your face. As he leaned in for the kiss, you caught a clear sight of his handsome face for the first time today.
It's your husband, Raditz/Vegeta/Broly/Vegito/Goku/Kakarot/King Vegeta
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akaridream · 2 years ago
dragon ball z fanfic masterlist
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please my prince (vegeta x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
glancing blows (raditz x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
all the right buttons: pt 1 (vegeta & goku x reader; college AU)- inspired by the infamous Fuzzfeet Studios figure
all the right buttons: pt 2 (vegeta x reader; college AU)- coming soon
all the right buttons: pt 2 (goku x reader; college AU) NSFW
fighting time (future Trunks x gn! reader)
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loser-writings · 2 years ago
DRAGONBALL | Masterlist
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Last Updated: August 2020 | Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content | [ Back to Nav ]
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Son Goku
N/A: Open to requests
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N/A: Open to requests
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N/A: Open to requests
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N/A: Open to requests
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N/A: Open to requests
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N/A: Open to requests
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[HC] ✿ SFW Alphabet Headcanons
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Future Trunks
N/A: Open to requests
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Android 17
N/A: Open to requests
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Feel Free to Request a character you don't see here! I'm currently re-watching DBZ so new characters may be added at random
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tellingtime-fanfiction · 10 days ago
The next two chapters of Barracks Bunnies are lengthy and 18+, and, unfortunately, I still don't have much opportunity to edit stuff like that. Chapter four is coming along nicely though and I hope to publish it within a week or two.
On the bright side, I've had plenty of time to work on my 7-year gap story for Vegebul; Save a Horse, Ride a Saiyan's sequel! I've made good progress writing the final chapter. More on that later. 😊
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ato-catto · 2 years ago
(I've given you the name Yasha- just because I don't like typing Y/N over and over- please forgive me <_< also this will be on AO3 later this week.)
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Part 1
Hell sucked.
Keeping his body was an extra perk, but in all honesty, it hadn't made anything better for Raditz. Big empty fields of nothing and dry rotting trees graced The landscape before him. The idea of making friends was out of reach- he was never a sociable person. Vegeta had beaten any of the social butterfly Gines DNA had given him out with excessive bullying of his character. And now, after being defeated by a NAMEKIAN, he wasn't about to go and share his entire life story, or even name with any individual in this hell hole. Word seemed to spread quickly around here, and he didn't need people knowing how much of a pussy he had been. He didn't need to be bullied in the after life AS WELL.
Raditz put up camp by a tree, shedding his now unnecessary armour. What a worthless life he had lived, he thought. How entirely pointless his existence had been, especially being a lackey almost his entire life after Planet Vegeta had been destroyed. He slouched slightly and mumbled cursewords to himself under his breath, a sickening feeling growing in his stomach. Kakarot- He was dead too. But he certainly wasn't here. The goody goody was probably in some form of heaven, having the time of his life. The thought irritated him.
Weeks passed, feeling like mere days with Raditz barely eating or sleeping. Night, hunger and exhaustion were not things your body needed or craved in the afterlife, and it gave way to a very boring existence. He took up his time punching the air, throwing ki blasts at the tree he had taken up camp by. He rarely saw anyone else. On the odd occasion there would be a wandering soul or Hell Attendant, but that was all. Until that after noon, that was.
She was a Saiyan, that much was clear. Her tail coiled around her middle, her hair dark and spiked like his own. He gave her a cryptic look and stood straighter. He towered above her- but not by as much as he would have previously thought. The Saiyan woman gave him a slight smirk.
"Another Saiyan, huh? No surprises there. We all belong in hell." She said, eyeing up his stature and figure. "Nice hair. Impressive."
Raditz was slightly dumbstruck. He hadnt spoken to another person in weeks, and certainly not a female. She had a well rounded chest and hips too- he wandered if you still had certain... needs after being dead.
"Thank you?" He said, the world's tumbling off of his tongue in a clumsy manner.
The womans smirk spread wider. "Aha."
Raditz gave her a quick and polite once over, before a frown settled on his face. "So did you die in the explosion on Planet Vegeta?"
The woman shook her head. "No. But I am sorry to hear of that. What a waste."
Raditz cocked his head. "Yeah-" he didn't entirely care. But he was curious. He had never seen her type of armour before. It was definetly Saiyan- but not from a period he knew of. "What did you die of, then?"
"Another Saiyan." She grinned. "We were at war with eachother before your generation somehow managed to get enslaved."
Raditz sneered. "I would rather be enslaved than killed by my own people."
The woman tousled her hair, completely unphased. "Mm. Of course you would. Word has it that you were Prince Vegeta the fourths little lackey- but you aren't little at all."
Raditz was thrown through a loop at this insult/compliment. "What? How did you-"
She laughed. "I know your father."
"Father is here..?" Raditz eyes went wide.
"He is." She watched his face contort through a series of emotions. Raditz decided he would push for details- Bardock would most likely be ashamed of his behaviour.
"Back to my question. Who are you?" He crossed his arms defensively over his bare chest.
"Yasha." She stuck a hand out. "Nice to meet you."
"Yasha-" He repeated, not accepting her hand shake.
She scowled slightly and returned her arm to her side. "Yeah. From before the Vegetas were even royalty. I was part of the war against the kindhearted on our planet Sadala."
Raditz was taken aback slightly. Looking at her, he had presumed she was one of the kindhearted. She had a soft face and gentle features- until she scowled. "Ah. I see."
"The first woman to achieve the art of Super Saiyan."
Raditz tail twitched. "Super....Saiyan?"
Yasha nodded. "Mhm."
"That's real!?"
She nodded again. "Do you want to see?" She couldn't resist a little showing off. After all, she had been stuck here for hundreds of years in her 27 year old body.
Raditz nodded vehemently, stepping back cautiously. He had only heard of the immense power a Super Saiyan could hold.
Yasha took a stand with her feet apart, her fists raised and clenched. She began to power up, her yells shrill and piercing. Raditz flinched, shielding his eyes from the bright yellow light that dawned from the woman's body, turning her hair an almost white shade of blonde. Her tail too had joined her in this spontaneous colour change, whipping around as she grinned with pride from inside her aura.
Raditz breath was hitched in his chest, his amazement freezing him in place. He was in total awe, at both the transformation and display of power.
"You...you changed-" he spluttered, his heart still pounding in his ears.
Yasha laughed. "I would hope so. That's part of become a Super Saiyan."
"Would... would you teach me to do that?" He gasped, kneeling at her feet as if she were some sort of idol or god. She gave him a confused look.
"If you want. I don't have anything better to do. Doesn't mean you'll ever achieve it, though. Bare that in mind."
Weeks passed. Weeks turned to months. Raditz was become more powerful by the day but still could not reach the level of a Super Saiyan, or transform. It didnt make any sense.
"This is ridiculous!" He panted, leaning on his knees as sweat dripped from his nose. "I'm pushing the limits of my very being and I'm still not even close!"
Yasha laughed, and powered down from their latest sparring session. "I did warn you."
"You did." He affirmed, wiping his face on the back of his hand. "I was a fool to even try."
Yasha had grown accustomed to his self pitying, self bullying ways. She rolled her eyes. "You don't know if you don't try."
Raditz grinned. He too had become used to Yashas all knowing wise words. "You said that last week."
"You complained in the exact same way last week." She shrugged, walking over to brush hairs from his cheek that had stuck to his sweat.
"You ought to tie this up when fighting." She commented.
He could feel her breath on his cheek, she was so close. His gut flip flopped, his eyes travelling down to her chest. Her armour was made for a woman- it shower off the good parts. She looked both strong and feminine and it had been rising the poor man up for weeks. Her cleavage heaved as she took breaths, her hip cocked as she inspecting his face and hair. He was snapped out of it when she suddenly rooted a hairband from her pocket and scooted round to attempt tying his hair.
"Hey! Leave my hair alone! I like it down!" He protested.
She ignored him, successfully twisting his long mane into a pony tail. "See? Much better."
He shook his head, feeling the weight of the hair be seemingly taken off his shoulders. It did feel.... better. He grumbled a thank you and crossed his arms. Yasha shook her head. "Ready to go again?"
Raditz hated it when she somehow got him pinned. She was barely half his weight yet she could keep him on the ground with one arm tied behind her back, literally.
Yasha taunted his as he laid beneath her, a sliver of blood trailing from his mouth where he had bitten his tongue in the impact. "Sh-shut up!" He growled.
Yasha felt his energy spike. She grinned. "Make me."
Raditz thrashed, grabbing her thigh with his tail in am attempt to throw her off. He failed, again. "This isn't fair!"
Yasha smiled sweetly. "Try and use another method. Use your cunning."
Raditz pursed his lips and thought for a moment, still straining slightly against her grip. His cunning? He could be cunning and conniving, and even smart. But right now nothing seemed like it would work.
"Look over there!" He yelled.
"That won't work." She sighed, pushing him down harder as a sick form of punishment. He winced and tensed, his dark eyes connecting with her glowing green ones, then travelling down to her smirking lips.
That was it! The number one thing to throw her off guard was-
He darted closer and kissed her on the mouth, her smirk being replaced with a hated but surprised look. He pulled away, taking the opportunity to throw her aside. She hit the tree with a thud. That was the first hit he had EVER gotten on her. He grinned.
Yasha stood. "That's playing dirty!" She complained, wiping her mouth as if she had eaten something disgusting.
Raditz laughed and resumed a fighting stance. "You said to use my cunning, and I did."
She gave him a sour look. "Disgusting." She spat, before launching at him with a look of fury.
Hell hath no fury like a woman kissed without permission-
Raditz was very very glad he could not die a second death, but Yasha made him wish he could. She pummelled him with angry fists and ki blasts full of anger. "ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!" She reiterated, roaring in rage. Raditz flew away with a cheeky grin, trying to block and evade to no avail. "I'm sorry!" He wailed, being beaten into a cliffside, the rocks around him crackling and falling away with the impact of his body.
She pulled one last punch and stopped, her hand pressed against his throat, holding his against the rocks. "Dumb ass!" She snapped, tiptoeing up to return the favour he had given to her.. but far softer and more calculated. Her kiss melted the pain from his body and settled a warmth in his stomach. She pulled back for a moment.
"Ha~ wha~?" Raditz began, his eyes lidded and eyebrows raised.
She sighed in frustration and kissed him again, this time letting her hands rest on his burly chest. Raditz was lost in a fog of need, his Saiyan instincts taking over. His hands found her waist, settling on the dips on her hips as he deepened the kiss to another more passionate level.
He hadn't kissed a girl since he was a teenager. Being a pillaged and soldier didn't give time for such leisurely things. But he had had plenty of sex- he just hadn't romance those women. They were cheap off world hookers often present at the Princes birthday.
Yashas tail brushed his bulge, then wrapped around his thigh, leaving his lower body tingling. He pulled back to breathe, strings of hot saliva still keeping them attached. Her tongue was soft and pink, slightly poking from her mouth as she panted for air, gazing up at him with a dazed look. Raditz purred inwardly, darting back for more- and then she punched him. Hard in the gut. Hard enough to have him cough blood and keel over.
"That's what you get!" Grinned Yasha, an evil look passing behind her previously glazed eyes. "Don't EVER jilt a woman like that."
Raditz groaned, nursing both his ruptured organs and a stiff boner. "I'm.. sOrRy-"
Raditz waddled to his bed that night, within the carved casm he had created in the giant wilting tree. 'Typical Saiyan Women', he thought.' Playing hard to get.'
He settled in his bed, stripping to his boxers and shifting beneath the covers.
He grumbled as he adjusted himself under the cotton shorts, his balls aching from the encounter earlier that day. His stomach had healed, but his ego and neediness had NOT. He fished his length out from under the waist band and began stroking it to ease some tension that had balled up in his gut.
"Stupid woman." He scowled, before his head fell back. He started pumping at a good pace, thinking of the hot kisses they had shared. He pictured her beneath him, whimpering and begging him to go faster, harder.
Raditz groaned as he picked up speed, his hips twitching in unison to catch more friction. His tail looped around his balls, giving him the sensation of a lifetime. "Yasha~" He murmered, before coating his stomach with his own seed.
Then he turned red. "Oh. Gross-"
He clambered back into bed after a well deserved shower and turned on his side, closing his eyes. He could see images of golden hair and yellow sparks in his eyelids. "Damnit.."
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enayru · 2 years ago
Wellcome to the Sexy Voting Game - Raditz Edition - round 3
“all right, human... Did you like what you see?“
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**************** MDNI *****************
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astronautmike-dexter · 2 months ago
This year saw an amazing Vegebul renaissance, and it's been such a blessing to be part of it! I have read so many wonderful fics this year and I wanted to point out some that were started in 2024 that have really stuck with me.
I have popped these into the following categories:
Multi-chapter - ongoing
Multi-chapter - completed
(Please note that I obviously have not read everything and have probably missed quite a few amazing pieces. Hopefully I get to my reading list soon and can rec some more!)
Take a look under the cut, ring in 2025 in Vegebul style!
Homeworld Lost - @astral-mariner Saiyan's under Freeza's rule. Bulma listening to Vegeta's horrifying origin story through a fixed scouter, told by the unreliable narrator, Raditz. I've been reassured we have not got anywhere near the level of horror the tags suggest. Fucked up, dark, kinda horny (if you're fucked up and dark as well).
Mission Critical - herpb4uderp An AU set in space. Enemies to lovers, with so much sexual tension throughout. The characterisations of the side characters are just as amazing. Absolutely love this one!
The Saiyan Accord - VolgaFjorgan Oh man, you want to talk tension?! Saiyan's are in an alliance with Earth, and Bulma and Vegeta have to work together while combatting unknown forces that threaten to dismantle everything. Tension, babes... TENSION!
Sons of the Saiyans - @mawrblaidddrwg MOTORBIKE SCENE. Sorry, let me calm down and start again... MOTORBIKE SCENE!!!!!!! ok, got that out of my system. It's not just that scene. I promise. It's everything. The world building, the smut, the absolute heartache throughout. Violent, gritty, sexy, amazing AU. Please consider giving this a go if you don't like AU's - I promise it will make you a fan!
When Heaven Takes You Home - @superaliencake Forced to work together on an important project, Bulma gets dragged into Vegeta's dark world under Frieza's rule. The tension throughout this is absolute *chefs kiss*. The author's first time writing fanfiction is an absolute home run, and I'm excited/terrified to see where this goes!
Lachrimae - @rozzingit Trunks from a future lands on Vegetasei and has to navigate Saiyan's, his father as a child, and absolute grief. The world building in this is next fucking level, and the flashbacks to the Vegeta Trunks knew are just devastating. I have no idea where this is going, but I am absolutely frothing this one!
Beyond the Stars - @twenty--one--violets Planet Vegeta still exists. Tasked with destroying Earth, Vegeta pops in to take a small holiday on the planet before its destruction. But of course, his plans are thrown when he gets one (1) look at Bulma. This Vegeta is as dark and violent as he is smitten.
Homeward Bound - @galexibrain Set in the 7YG, Trunks has been kidnapped. Vegeta, with Bulma in tow, plus a cheeky lil stowaway, track down the evil Cooler to bring him back to Earth. Beautiful, gut-wrenching, with some of the most stunning visuals I've read.
Blue with Envy - @serenityhime1 The tag "Tension thicker than a snicker" is underselling this one. You want pining Vegeta? You want brilliant Bulma? You want what you can't have? If you answered yes to that last one, you might just be Vegeta. Read the tags before entering... or don't. Either way, you're in for a wild ride.
A Vast, Cold Space - VolgaFjorgan STAR TREK AU!!! This is one of my favourite Bulma fics. Yes, there's Vegebul (oh lordy, is there Vegebul), but the multi-dimensional, intricate take on Bulma is top tier. It tackles longing, grief, action, with all that delicious tension the author does so well.
A Heart Worth Believing In - @galexibrain FUTURE BULMA FUTURE BULMA FUTURE BULMA! Vegeta falls ill to the mysterious heart disease that once threatened to claim Goku's life. The only person Bulma can turn to is herself. If there's one thing Lexi loves to do, it's whump Vegeta and make us cry over it.
Illicit Affairs - @lawnchairthethird Oh y'all wanted a twist?! Listen... if you haven't got on the Illicit Affairs train, then idk what to tell you. This is a dark, sexy fic, with enough twist and turns to keep you guessing throughout. Babygirl loves a cliffhanger, and you will want to keep hanging on throughout!
Beyond the Field - @frandafwen fucking..fuckign.fuckhgfidf....igjfjdifd;..... this is a series of glimpses into the world of Vegebul. the btich fuckin wrote poetry for Vegebul. all of it is amazing, but I read the last chapter in a camera-on work meeting and had to force myself not to cry. A fucking marvel.
Only One Beast - @cuddlesomeone BED-SHARING BED-SHARING BED-SHARING BED-SHARING!!! starting from "bed-sharing...but Vegeta is the bed", this became a fucking amazing fic. I just... I will never get enough of BED-SHARING!!
Me Dedo - @saiyanmazen The gift that kept on giving, and then some. Priest-geta is honestly so brilliant, let alone Bulma being so devilish, leading the priest into the most carnal of sins. This is an absolute treasure, and will probably require some uhhh... re-reading... in future.
Strength and Weakness - @astral-mariner Set in the same story as Homeworld Lost, this extremely explicit smut is jam-packed with tension, confused and pining Vegeta, bold and brilliant Bulma. The fic so hot that people regularly forget to leave kudos.
Persistence - @lawnchairthethird VIRGIN VEGETA!!! I absolutely headcanon Vegeta as a virgin (though ask me tomorrow and that might be a different story), and this fic is one of my favourite approaches to it. The build up, the dialogue, the smut itself, every part of it is amazing.
Mirai Bulma: an appreciation by Vegeta - @iamakynge It's in the name, but it's still... you won't be prepared for how brilliant and devastating this is. Vegeta honours Future Bulma's life, as well as his own growth. An outstanding piece.
Dynamics - @serenityhime1 Any time someone mentions this I go positively feral. Like Vegeta does in this. For real though, Bulma educating Vegeta on sex might just be my kink. And Vegeta being so animalistic, so alien in his approach to it, is also my kink. This fic...might just be my kink lol.
Bury Me Between Your Ribs - @rozzingit POST-BUU MY BELOVED!!! I said this in my comment on this fic, but this is the post-Buu fic. Devastating, poetic, a reminder of just how fucking perfect this duo is, even in their darkest hours.
Summer Heat - @twenty--one--violets ohjhghghjgh my gooododddd this is so hoootttttt. literally. and figuratively. just... beep boop brain broke. I did a cheeky re-read just now and nearly yeeted myself into the sun. 10/10 no notes
Mercy - @frandafwen oighhgfjk.... post-Buu. probably my favourite timeframe to explore. but not only that, the way this one is written is fucking phenomenal. I just... the way Franda can bring forward new things for a time well-visited in fandom is fucking amazing. Highly recommend this one.
The Vow - @mawrblaidddrwg Majin Vegeta returns under a full moon. Bulma is terrified, not wanting to lose him to the darkness once more. Though killing Goku is on his list, it's not the top of the list... guys, this is so fucking hot. So fucking hot. Majin Vegeta is a Hottie McHottie and I refuse to back down from this fact.
In Another Time Under Another Sky - @saiyanmazen When I fucking tell you... that this is one of the best things I have ever read... I am not exaggerating. A devastating look at what became of Future Vegebul. I can't even think about this now without tearing up. Simply brilliant. Also I think we can all agree we're ignoring what became of Future Bulma in Super, right? Right?!
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vee-vee-writes · 1 month ago
Bath time (Raditz x gn!reader)
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Warnings: implied smut, mostly sfw
Notes: A short drabble about Raditz returning to his partner for some pampering after a mission off world
“Come on big man, let’s get you a bath. You’re a mess” you mused at your partner. Tousling his bloody mane of once glossy black hair Raditz smirked at you but offered no argument. After being sent to wipe out the locals on a pacifist planet so that Frieza could strip the planet of its resources, all the man wanted was fed, a bath, bed…well maybe a little something else before bed. Though he would hardly admit it where there could be prying ears, Raditz had missed you.
Months spent away from one another were no easy feat for a Saiyan couple, yet you made the best of the circumstances you found yourselves in. After the destruction of Planet Vegeta when you were children, the two of you had vowed to stick together. Two lowborn elites constantly sneered at, mocked, and beaten on by those who considered themselves your betters. Naturally, it had only driven the two of you closer and after many years the two of you made it official.
Raditz was quick to follow as you turned and strode off the launch deck, navigating the twists and turns of the corridors towards your shared quarters. A shared understanding between the two of you meant conversations were left unsaid until you reached privacy. It did not take long before the two of you stepped into the comfort of your quarters, Raditz turning to watch the door seal before he properly greeted you.
But as he made a move to pull you into a crushing bear hug you stepped out of his reach. With a wiggle of your finger, you teasingly scolded him, “Oh no you don’t mister. You smell like you’ve rolled in something that had been left to rot in the sun for three weeks, not to mention you’re covered in blood and God knows what else.” Raditz rolled his eyes, stepping towards you once again but you continued to step away. “I’m serious Raditz, bath now. I already ran it for you, it should still be hot” you turned away heading for the refresher. With a grunt the unimpressed giant stalked after you.
Kicking off his boots and stripping off the rest of his clothing, Raditz turned towards the tub. You were perched on your knees beside the tub with a hand dipped in to test the warmth of the water. Your own armor and boots had been discarded leaving you only in your battle suit. “You plan on getting in too or does only your arm need cleaned?” Raditz teased as he gently stepped around you and settled into the tub.  Returning his jest with a playful eyeroll, you splashed a bit of water his way. “Actually, I figured with how matted that mane of yours is I better help you wash all of the blood out of it.”
Though he did not say it, Raditz’s heart swooned at the thought. It was no secret that the man was proud of the way he looked, especially when one took the time to take in his hair. But he especially loved evenings like these where you doted on him, taking the time to look after him. Laying out a clean battle suit for the next day, feeding, or grooming him were all small gestures that Raditz greatly appreciated.
Raditz was lulled away from his thoughts as he felt warm water pour over his scalp, drenching his hair and dripping down his muscles. It was the beginning of what he knew was going to be the most soothing twenty minutes of his life.
Want to read more? Check out my masterlist.
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fortunesque · 7 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Here's a bit of a future chapter of Think of Me (Raditz x Reader, rated E). It's getting a little harder to find stuff to share for WIP Wednesday because most of the stuff I have at this point is either major spoiler heavy, or smut. Thankfully, this is neither 😅
The drinks have done a lot to open him up; Raditz is leaning back in his seat, with his feet propped up on a chair across from him. His tail is draped over the side of the chair and lays on the floor.
Between his tail, lounging around, and crazy amount of hair, Raditz reminds Yamcha more of a lion, than anything.
It's so weird to him that Raditz gets treated like such a loser. He's a really cool dude, at least, in Yamcha's opinion. He's certain that a lot of people on Earth would find him cool, too.
Maybe, he's not cool out in space? That's not really fair, though.
Well, Raditz is more than welcome to chill with him anytime. He's a cool dude.
Raditz shrugs. "Look, it wasn't really complicated. Power level is lower? Shoot em. Power level is higher? Get the fuck out."
"Wait, so you'd run away?" Yamcha asks.
Raditz rolls his eyes.
"Of course," he says. "I'm not going to get fucked up by natives just because some rich asshole wants to build a resort planet. Fuck 'em."
He brings his fingers up to his mouth, then sighs in frustration and puts his hand down.
Yamcha's seen Bulma do the same thing when she's done one of her many attempts to stop smoking. He wonders what kind of invisible smoke Raditz is craving, right now.
It's absolutely wild to him that this is Goku's brother. They don't look a thing alike, for starters. Not only that, but Raditz cusses and talks shit like a thug.
It's surprising, though, that he doesn't talk about getting laid, or about what women are like out there in the galaxy. Raditz almost talks like he's a taken man.
Maybe he is, and he's just not aware of that, yet.
Yamcha thinks there's something more going on with you and Raditz. Realistically, though, a long distance relationship is hard to maintain.
He thinks it's a good thing, though. Bulma says Raditz seems to have perked up quite a bit. Good sex with a beautiful woman will do that, but—
Yamcha swears there's more to it. You two looked right together when you curled up on the couch in his lap.
He's going to see if he can get Raditz to talk about you more, then talk to Bulma about it.
He can't help but notice, too, that Raditz cusses way less around you and doesn't talk about anything too violent.
Yeah, Raditz is trying to leave a good impression by being polite with you.
Good. That's a very good start. It's how Yamcha started reforming.
He hopes that Raditz makes friends along the way. One woman can't bear all of that. Goodness knows Bulma couldn't. Little Goku was a godsend to keep Yamcha in line. Maybe, Yamcha should be Raditz' Goku?
Yikes. Those are massive shoes to fill.
Yamcha should probably call Krillin to come help.
He makes up his mind; he's going to ask Raditz if he wants to train with him. The guy has potential in all sorts of ways.
And, it's a way they can hang out. Because, Raditz is cool.
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yeowangies · 1 year ago
Blood Stains
CHAPTER XI: In spite of big fears
PAIRING: Raditz/F!Reader RATING: Teen and up CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow burn, Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, Blood. WORDCOUNT: 5581
“I love Raditz. I know he’s done things, terrible things, and we had our arguments about it, you know? But I’ve seen so many sides of him to know there’s more to him than just violence. I don’t expect him to change, but I’ve made peace with his history. It made him who he is, and I love him. I love him on purpose.”
After a million years (it's only been like four months) I finally finished this chapter!
It took me so long to be satisfied with it, I wrote, erased, rewrote, moved around, erased and rewrote again so many times.
This is heavy on dialogue, obviously since a lot of issues have to be resolved!
Next chapter is gonna be an epilogue! I already have in mind what I want to write for it, but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears!
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
Getting to Kame House never seemed like such a long trip until that very moment. It was a long way there, but whether you like it or not, you have a lot to think about. 
Raditz has kissed you repeatedly for no reason. Or well, for reasons that might have been obvious, but you don’t want to conclude anything, especially when you don’t know what he’s planning to do once the Saiyans get here. 
Bulma greets you as soon as you get to Kame House while you save your hover car inside a capsule. 
“Hey!” You smile at her, and she quickly grabs your arm and tugs you the farthest away from the house. “What are you doing?”
“Listen, I didn’t wanna say anything because I was waiting for you to tell me,” Bulma whispers, just in case someone might listen. “But you never did. I saw the security cameras the day Raditz destroyed my lab.”
“Do you really don’t know what I’m talking about?”
You frown, confused. The day Raditz destroyed her lab, what else happened that day?
You remember instantly, and immediately Bulma notices the change in your expression. 
“You kissed him! And didn’t tell me!” She practically yells, and you wince when she raises her voice. “Has he been with you all this time?”
“Not exactly.”
“Well? Aren’t you gonna tell me?”
“We weren’t… I thought it was better to keep it a secret. I didn’t think you’d see that…” Very stupid thinking, or lack of thinking on your part, you realize. Of course she was going to check the security cameras. 
“So? I’m sure it wasn’t just that one time. No wonder you didn’t visit me as often.”
You smiled despite yourself. You weren’t ready for that kind of conversation, but what was the point of still keeping it a secret then? Of course you don’t want to tell everyone just yet. But Bulma already knew.
“We… spent some time together after that, but it was on and off.”
“‘Spent some time’? Did you sleep with him?”
“You don’t sound too happy about it…”
You run a hand down your face, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment before speaking again. 
“Raditz stayed at my apartment for a few days, but… he left for God knows where, and came back every once in a while. Technically, we spent less than a month together, I guess.”
“Okay…” Bulma is smart, obviously, and you know she’s seeing right through you at the moment. “You don’t know what he’s gonna do today, do you?”
“No, we avoided the topic, most of the time. It was kind of what we agreed on.”
“How do you feel, then?”
“I honestly have no idea. I didn’t think I would feel like this… Raditz is either going to leave this planet… or he’s going to die, and both options break my heart.” Your voice wavers at the end, and you lower your gaze, trying to hold in your tears. 
“I’m sorry, I thought…” Bulma runs a hand up and down your back. 
“I know…”
“We don’t know what’s gonna happen, so calm down, ok? Goku is gonna get here soon.” Bulma reassures you, patting your head. 
You nod, at a loss of words. 
Verbalizing what you were afraid of doesn’t make you feel better at all, and now you're more on the verge of tears than before. You know that Raditz likes being with you, even when he hasn’t said it, but you doubt that would change anything. His over 30 years of existence can’t be compared to whatever relationship he’s been having with you for less than a year. 
It’s ironic how certain you feel about that conclusion when you know those days you spent with Raditz had inevitably changed your life. You can feel it in your bones, no matter the outcome of this day, you’ll be spending the rest of your life getting over him.
Everything is a blur the whole time you’re at Kame House, and you wonder if it would be better or worse if you could actually see what the hell is happening. You even wonder if you could actually sleep this day off, and wake up when it’s all over.
Hours later, you drag your feet to hop on the aircraft to get where the battle has taken place as anxiety eats your insides, and you try to tone out everyone’s voice (and you really understand Chichi’s desperation to get there as quickly as possible, but she was being really loud and that just puts you more on edge). Getting off the aircraft is easier after Chichi practically throws herself out there to look for Gohan once they land. You follow suit, landing your eyes on Goku, completely beat up and bleeding, but conscious. A little relieved, you look at Krillin briefly, noticing that he’s in a slightly better shape, before glancing around, trying to find Raditz. If he’s there at all.  
Krillin notices your trepidation, and calls your name, making you look at him. 
“That other Saiyan, Raditz, he helped us…” He smiles at you, before pointing towards his side. “He’s over there, alive but barely…”
Before you even know it, you run towards the place Krillin pointed to, and immediately spot him.
He’s looking at you through hooded lids, perplexed, when you kneel beside him. Your heart beats inhumanely fast as you eye him up and down, horrified to see him completely covered in blood and bruises, but absolutely glad he’s alive. 
“You told me you wouldn’t come here…” Raditz grumbles with a hoarse voice as you lean over him.
“I guess I lied.” 
Blood is flowing from many different places all over his body that you can’t even see where the wounds are, he might as well be bleeding from every pore. Sliding one hand down his cheek and into his scalp, your vision gets blurry when you feel hot thick liquid running through your fingers. 
How many nights did you spend with your hands up in his hair? Seeing them now soaked in his blood as you thread them through his hair only fills you with panic.
“Why are you crying?” Raditz asks, looking at you curiously. You didn’t even notice that you were until he said it, feeling your face completely drenched.
“Why am I crying?” You hiccup, smiling sourly at the ironic question. “Have you seen yourself?”
“I’ve gotten out of worse situations…” He smirks, coughing up blood before going on. “This is nothing.”
“Have you?” 
You try to comfort him with your touch, keeping your hands in his hair and softly caressing his scalp, no matter that you’re getting covered in his blood in the process. Your eyes scan over his body once more, though you’re not sure why, before landing your gaze back on his. You stare at him with so many emotions bubbling up in your chest at once, and you know he must be seeing them all, even through all your tears. 
“You’ve been keeping secrets from me.” Raditz utters, his gaze fixed on yours. You snort, amused that he can see right through you. 
“And you? What did you do? Why did you…?”
You trail off when a shaky hand slides up your cheek, wiping away a few tears with his thumb. 
It’s a simple gesture that fills your entire chest with a certain kind of warmness that you would have never expected, not in that moment. Especially because of Raditz. 
Maybe you both have been too naive.
Leaning down with your hands cupping his face, you kiss him sweetly, trying to convey how relieved and happy you are that he’s alive. Raditz returns it, skimming his hand into your hair to keep you close.
“I’m getting blood all over you…” He murmurs against your lips. 
“I don’t care.”
“I’ll stain you…” His hand in your hair drops.
“Then you’ll stain me.”
You kiss him briefly again before pulling away, just as you hear Bulma crying some feet away. You turn in her direction, confused. 
Why is she crying? You know some of the guys have passed, but you can still use the Dragon Balls. If Yamcha has died, they can still bring him back. 
But only if Piccolo is still alive…
“Did all our friends… Did they die?” You ask Raditz quietly, when you realize what the situation might be.
He only looks at you and nods meekly, and you couldn’t help your tears as they flow out of your eyes once more. 
“I’m sorry.” Raditz mutters softly, to your surprise.
“You’re sorry?” You ask, flabbergasted. He snorts with a smirk, entertained by your reaction. You sigh, showing him a small smile. “You’re gonna be okay.”
Raditz stares at you with soft eyes for a few seconds before he closes them, and you panic once he passes out.
There’s too much light in the room when Raditz wakes up, to the point where he thinks that place must be heaven, because everything in the room is just white and light blue, and the bed he’s on is soft and warm. 
That is until he feels a sharp pain all over his body.
Groaning, Raditz tries to move all his limbs and fingers, but only ends up making the pain much worse. He notices his entire body is bandaged, and his right arm is wrapped in a cast. The room he’s in reminds him a lot more of the room he used to stay when he got injured after his fight with Goku and Piccolo, but he knows it’s not the same place. 
He attempts several times to actually get up to find out where the hell is that place until you walk into the room.
“You’re finally awake!” You smile, before scowling at him. “Are you trying to get up?”
Raditz tries to ignore the way his heart beats enthusiastically in his chest when he sees you. It’s going to take a while to get used to that, for better or for worse. 
“I want to know where the fuck I am.” He retorts with no real contempt. 
“Again with that attitude.” You sigh, rolling your eyes. “If I recall, last time I had to trick you into saying ‘please’.”
“You’re a manipulative woman.” Raditz smirks when you walk over, sitting on his bed. 
“Excuse me?”
Your arched eyebrow and your eyes wide open amuse him to no end, making you roll your eyes when he chuckles. 
“Are you going to tell me where I am?”
“In a hospital, dufus, I’m not trying to trick you this time.”
“A hospital?” Raditz asks, confused. 
“It’s where sick people get treated.”
“I know what a hospital is. Why didn’t you bring me here the first time?”
“You were a menace to society then.” 
“And you think I’m not anymore?” It’s his turn to quirk an eyebrow. 
You show him a knowing smile, before looking down at him. 
Raditz knows he’s not as dangerous as you thought he was back then. Though you were never even afraid of him to begin with. He’s fine with that. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” Raditz winces when he tries to move again. His body hurts from the beating he took from Vegeta, but he’s also somehow exhausted from laying down. 
“I figured.” You smile, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Try not to move too much.”
“I can’t even if I want to, can I?”
“Well you blasted a hole in the wall last time you tried to leave while you were injured, remember?”
Raditz laughed quietly, before groaning in pain. Fuck, he’s in terrible shape. 
“You have a few ribs broken.” You explain, looking out the window by the bed. “And you lost a lot of blood. The doctors were a bit shocked when they tried to do a transfusion and I told them you might not have a blood type like we do. They probably passed out when they found out I was telling the truth.”
He only understood what you were saying partially. Blood type? Humans don’t have the same kind of blood? He lets it go, not really caring enough to ask you about it. 
“What happened to Kakarot?” Raditz asks, keeping his eyes on you when you turn to face him.
“He’s ok. He has as many broken bones as you do, but he’s been conscious for days now. He didn’t lose as much blood as you did, so he’s slightly better. It’s gonna take like four months for you to heal, so take it easy, okay?”
“Four months?!”
Raditz groans exasperatedly and throws his head against the pillow, grunting in pain when he feels a sharp pain up his spine. Fuck this place. He misses the technology in Frieza’s army. 
“I told you not to move too much.” You try to contain your smile. 
He glares at you. It’s not like he’s going to leave. He doesn’t even want to, but taking so long to heal is going to be a pain in the ass. 
“Don’t worry, you probably won’t take so long to get better.” You grin reassuringly. “They’re not ready yet, but we have some magic beans here that will heal you in no time.”
“Magic beans?”
“Yeah, you get instantly better when you eat them.”
Raditz’ eyebrow twitches instantly. 
“And why didn’t you get me one of those when I was on the verge of dying a year ago?”
“You were the enemy, I couldn’t! I didn’t know what you were gonna do!”
“What other things have you been keeping from me?” He looks at you with curiosity. 
He doesn’t resent you for not telling him about things you thought were important; he does feel a little stupid for not realizing the amount of information you actually had, though it never would have occurred to him that something like ‘magic beans’ existed. 
“Well, I don’t know… I wasn’t doing it on purpose.” When he raises one brow, you roll your eyes. “Okay, maybe I was hiding some things on purpose, but what about you, mister?”
“What about me?”
“You were obviously not telling me anything.”
“About what?”
“Anything, everything! Like, what did you even do when you weren’t at my place?”
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Raditz smiles, amused. That time you got upset when he mentioned he slept with another woman came to mind, and while he obviously hasn’t slept with anyone else since then, he felt the need to reassure you. “I didn’t fucked anyone else.”
“That’s not what I meant!” You blushed slightly, shaking your head. 
He tries to move his arms, or at least one arm, to pull you down and kiss you, but he only ends up grunting, feeling a pungent pain through his muscles. Your blush fades quickly and you snicker at the sight, earning a playful glare from him. 
“I told you not to move.” You quip.
“It was just that one time that I had sex with someone else.” Raditz says without provocation. 
“We already talked about this, you don’t have to explain-”
“You brought it up.”
“I didn’t!”
“I didn’t even sleep with her.”
“What?” You frown, not following. 
“We just had sex.”
“…What do you mean?” You frown deeper as you raise your voice. “Do not give me details, or I swear to God.”
“It’s exactly like I said.” Raditz huffs, trying not to smile at your reaction. “We just had sex.”
“In the middle of nowhere?”
“What happened afterwards?”
“Nothing. I finished and left her there.”
Raditz frowns when he sees the expression on your face transforming into what can only be anger, but he doesn’t know why you’re mad this time.
“You left her there? Just like that? Raditz!” You yell, making him jolt instantly, pain pulsing through his muscles.
“What was I supposed to do?” He asks, confused. 
“Not throw her away like a used ragdoll! This angers me more than you sleeping with her to begin with!”
“Wh-What?!” His body is in pain from tensing up after your outburst, but Raditz is just perplexed. What should he have done then?
“You’re not supposed to treat women like that!”
“What are you talking about?” Raditz asks loudly. “I’m not going to fuck anyone else, so why are you even telling me this?!”
Your expression softens considerably, and it takes him a few seconds to realize that reassuring you of the fact that he only is interested in you is what you need. When your cheeks flush faintly, he smirks triumphantly. 
“Okay…” You smile softly, and Raditz isn’t prepared for the warmth he feels in his chest. At least he’s in the hospital if it ends up being a disease or something. “Was that something you were hiding too?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you said to let you know when our arrangement would be over… But now, it sounds like you don’t want it to end.”
“I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.”
“No.” Raditz says as soon as he notices the sad gleam in your eyes. “I wasn’t thinking because… I was enjoying our time together. And I was sure I could stop seeing you at any moment. I was being an idiot.”
“Maybe we both were.” Your smile is on your face again, though he still sees a little sorrow in it. “I thought we could keep it simple, you know? We really should have talked in depth about this.” 
“Because the last time we talked about ��our feelings’ it ended so well.” He jests, rolling his eyes. 
“Come on!” You nudge his side with your hand gently, making him grin. “All the more reason to talk, don’t you think? We have been keeping a lot of things from each other.”
“You more than anyone.” Raditz remarks with playful annoyance. 
“Honestly, baby, who’s counting?” You return his playful smile, and he knows whatever might have happened between the two of you isn’t a threat to the relationship you had. Whatever that relationship is. 
He’s been wanting to kiss you since you walked into the room, but he doesn’t have the ability to move any limbs at the moment and it never frustrated him so much to be immobilized. With a brief second of looking into each other’s eyes, you seemingly read his mind, though, and shifted on the bed to lean down and kiss him. 
Does that warm feeling in his chest whenever he sees you come with telepathic powers? 
You sweetly press your lips to his, softly moving them, and Raditz feels like it’s been ages since he had a taste of you. He wants more, so much more than just a simple peck on the lips, but there’s nothing he can do once you pull away, cupping his face in your hands and leaning your forehead over his. 
He notices the shift in your tone as you speak.
Raditz still doesn’t fully grasp how many emotions humans even have (apparently Saiyans are capable of them, but he’s been exposed to anger, hatred and violence all his life that he doesn’t recognize them when he feels differently). You seem sad, maybe it was because your friends have died. 
He recalled the moment when he was laying on the dirt after Vegeta took off, and you were looking down at him, eyes filled with tears. He didn’t know how, but he perfectly recognized the gleam in them then. 
Affection. It was even dripping from your tears as you cried, like you couldn’t contain them. You are wearing a similar gleam just now, as you look at him carefully. 
“I don’t know what I would have done…” You whisper, so quiet for only Raditz to hear. “If you had…”
You trail off, leaving the words hanging in the air. The emotion in your voice, he understands that too; fear, embarrassment and nervousness. 
“Hopefully use those Dragon Balls.” Raditz replies wittily, making you snort. 
“If Piccolo died, then…” Your voice is still somber, even with the soft look you’re giving him. “We can’t use the Dragon Balls…”
“Those things have too many rules to function.” He frowns, perplexed. “Was that another thing you forgot to mention about them?”
“Well actually, I did forget. I wasn’t thinking about that detail.” 
“So you can’t bring back any of your friends.”
“No, but we have a plan.” You smile widely, pulling away from him as you sit back. 
“A plan?”
Raditz listens to you carefully as you explain that Bulma, Krillin and Gohan are set to go to Namek in just a couple of days, to find the Dragon Balls that supposedly exist on that planet. He sweats slightly while you speak; the planet Namek is a peaceful place, without any significant threat. But he knows that Frieza sometimes liked to listen in on the conversation his soldiers have through the scooters. There’s a chance he might know about the Dragon Balls and Namek if he heard Vegeta talking about it.
“You’re not going to go, are you?” He asks first and foremost. He’s in no condition to go himself, but if you decide to go then he would have no other choice. 
“Of course not, I wouldn’t be of any help.” You snort, amused. 
Raditz lets out a sigh he didn’t know was holding in. 
“Namek is not a dangerous planet, its inhabitants are peaceful and weak. There shouldn’t be any problem…” 
“But?” You ask, noticing the uncomfortable look on his face.
“Saiyans are not the strongest race. I was lying about that.” Raditz states, looking into your eyes. “Tell your friends to be careful. Vegeta might show up looking for those things too.”
“I’ll tell them to be alert.” You nod, completely serious. He’s satisfied with your answer so he doesn’t talk about the matter anymore. 
He has nothing to worry about if you’re not going on that trip, and he can’t wait to heal so he can actually grab you and press you closer. Apparently whatever emotion is coursing through his veins made him completely attached to you. It’s a literal pain not being able to pull you down for a kiss. 
Your eyes are on him with a warm look on them, and the more you stare, the more he feels like something is bubbling up inside him. 
“Sit on my face.” Raditz says out of the blue. He watches with amusement as your face goes from surprise to confusion to embarrassment in less than a second. 
“Sit on my face.” He repeats, smirk growing wider when he notices the faint blush on your cheeks. “I can’t do much in this situation, but I know damn well what I’m good at.”
Raditz licks his lips in anticipation, looking at you with a lecherous glimmer that only makes you blush harder. It’s still fun to tease you that way, but he’s truly desperate to taste you again after so long. After all, he was in a coma for days. 
“I’m not doing that.” You glare playfully, crushing his dreams. “This is a hospital, and I don’t know if you noticed but you’re bedridden until further notice.”
“I can still move my tongue and that should be enough.”
When you laugh, it’s like music to his ears, and even then he couldn’t help but grin. 
“Not this time, handsome. I’ll sit on your face all you want some other time.”
Raditz grunts, annoyed, but he’s rewarded with a kiss on his lips.
It’s the kiss he’s been wanting since you walked in there, or maybe even long before that. Sliding your tongues together, gliding your lips slowly and sensually, and he hates that he can’t even cup your face or wrap his arms around you. You sneak one hand into his hair, caressing his scalp, and a low purr rumbles from his chest. 
He’s really fucked. 
You break the kiss sooner than Raditz expects when the door suddenly opens. 
“Who are you?” Raditz asks with contempt when a man dressed in white walks in. 
“I’m your doctor.” The man answers with a stern tone, glaring at the both of you. “And this isn’t a hotel.”
“Sorry, doc, I was just happy he was awake.” You reply naturally. 
“You’re his wife, right?”
“She’s my mate.” Raditz replies before you can even open your mouth.
He hasn’t thought it through when those words escaped his lips, but you’re looking at him with a wide smile so he doesn’t regret it at all.
The doctor looks at the both of you with confusion so you speak, still smiling and looking at Raditz with affection in your eyes. 
“I’m his girlfriend.”
You recall everything that happened in the past year as you walk to the room Goku was staying at. 
Raditz’s heel-face turn was surprising; you didn’t expect him to be influenced by anything, especially you. If anything, you were ready for the most gruesome outcome after Goku arrived. No one told you exactly what happened during the battle, but you don’t really need to know more; Krillin had said that Raditz helped and that was more than enough for you.
As you approach the room, you see Chichi coming out alone. 
Maybe it was time to apologize to her. Bulma wasn’t wrong months ago when she said you also didn’t try to reach out after Goku died and Gohan was taken, and while you weren’t the only one responsible, you were still involved.  
“Chichi.” You call for her and the moment she looks at you, her expression hardens. “Chichi, I’m sorry.”
“For what, exactly?” She only gives you a moment to open your mouth but doesn’t let you speak. “For not telling me that my husband had died? For saving the monster that killed him? For letting my son be kidnapped?”
“Um, all that, but if you would hear me out-”
“I don’t need to, I already know everything. And this is not the place to talk about this.” Chichi coldly cut you off before you could add anything else, walking right past you. “Goodnight.”
Your shoulders droop as you watch her leave, sighing loudly. Maybe eventually, she’ll listen.
Knocking on Goku’s door before stepping in, you smile at the sight of him, still amused that he looks like a mummy, trapped in a sarcophagus. He returns the smile, calling your name as you take the seat next to him. 
“You still look so funny.” You comment, giggling like a little girl.
“It’s not as fun as it looks like.” Goku replies, pouting. He seems like a child at that moment as well, and it warms your heart.
It would be the first time you actually talk to him, one on one, since he died. And even before that, it was years ago. You haven’t realized how much you missed him until now. 
“I’m still happy you’re okay.” You smile gently. Goku blinks before returning the gesture. 
“I heard you’re the reason Raditz helped us during the fight.”
“You heard?” 
“Okay, I kinda saw it.” Goku admits with a knowing grin.
“That sounds even weirder.” You laugh, but he only shrugs, as if it was the most obvious thing.
“When Vegeta threatened to destroy this planet, the look on Raditz’s face kinda spoke for itself.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m no mind reader, but he looked scared. And he jumped back on the battle and took our side and helped us in the blink of an eye.” He waits for your reaction, but your blank expression prompts him to go on. “I figured you might have something to do with his change of heart?”
“Why do you think that?” 
“I saw you kissing. I wasn’t unconscious, you know?” 
“Oh…” You blush slightly, but the smile on your face only gets wider, just like Goku’s grin does. 
“So, you two are together, huh?”
“We are. Sometimes this still feels surreal.”
“What do you mean?” Goku asks, confused. 
“That Raditz chose to stay. I thought he might end up leaving this planet, or that he’d die. I’m so happy that wasn’t the case.”
Goku looks at you with soft eyes. He might not be the brightest of the bunch, or at least that’s what everyone thinks about him, but he understands people’s feelings more than anyone else, and at that moment, he’s looking at you like he knows all the fear and trepidation you had been going through the past twelve months. 
“But he stayed.” He says, reassuringly. 
“Yeah, and I’m so grateful.”
“Do you love him?” Goku asks, to your own surprise. That softness is still in his eyes, and you can’t help the warmth that spreads through your chest when you answer his question. 
“I do. I love Raditz. I know he’s done things, terrible things, and we had our arguments about it, you know? But I’ve seen so many sides of him to know there’s more to him than just violence. I don’t expect him to change, but I’ve made peace with his history. It made him who he is, and I love him. I love him on purpose.” 
Your face is hot, not because you’re embarrassed, but you assume the way your heart is currently beating has something to do with it. Confessing out loud that, in spite of deep fears, you were unequivocally in love with Raditz made your blood run faster. Goku is grinning, completely pleased with your answer, and amused that you’re blushing. 
“I guess he’s staying on Earth, then.”
“I suppose so.”
“Chichi aint gonna be happy about it.” Goku chuckles, but you only smile for a second. 
“About that, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to her…” You say, this time truly ashamed. 
“Whaddaya mean?”
“About what happened when you died…” 
You are not sure how much Goku knows about the situation, but you know you have to apologize for almost all of it. Not talking to Chichi in time, letting his son be kidnapped (even when there wasn’t much any of you could do). You had been too wrapped in your own bubble to think about it but in retrospect, you feel terrible. 
“Chichi only found out about your death and Gohan’s kidnapping over 24 hours after it happened. I’m sorry.”
Goku blinks, and you wonder if he even knows what you’re talking about. His subsequent smile is your answer.
“You’re the first one who apologized about it.”
“Really?” You ask, taken aback. 
“Krillin kinda did but not really. He only said sorry because he was scared of Chichi.”
You facepalm, in disbelief his best friend would be so vague and kind of a dick when talking about Goku’s wife. 
“I assume Bulma did not even mention it?” You ask, ready to be annoyed. 
“She didn’t, she sounded more mad about Chichi than anything else? I didn’t get it.”
You roll your eyes. Bulma is resentful for a woman who has everything and anything she wants at the reach of her hand.
“She was mad that I didn't invite her to the wedding.” Goku adds.
“I know.” You sigh, exasperated. 
“Why? Back then, I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“You think it is now?”
“Well…” Goku fixed his eyes on the ceiling, thinking for a second before answering. “I didn’t really know what the big deal about marriage was. I never even went to a wedding! When Chichi asked me if I wanted to invite you guys, I said no because we only saw each other for training and adventures and stuff.”
That reasoning sounds so much like him that you didn’t have it in you to be even a little mad. Of course, you were never too upset about it as Bulma was. 
“Bulma is still a little childish.” You comment, but Goku only shrugs. 
“I didn’t think she’d be mad about it. I guess I could have invited you all for the wedding, since it was a big deal after all. I wouldn’t have gotten to know Chichi, and Gohan wouldn’t even exist.”
So Goku loves Chichi. 
It should have been obvious. The way he talked about her, as Goku-like as that was, and the way you noticed how he looked at her. They only married because of a promise they made as kids, you wouldn’t have expected them to actually get to know each other and fall in love. You should’ve known.
“Goku, I can’t say I wasn’t childish back then,” You start, and he turns to look at you with quizzical eyes. “But it’s been a while, and honestly it’s cute you found someone you decided to spend the rest of your life with, even if it was just a promise. I know you love her after all these years.”
“I do.” Goku grins. “She’s great! She’s patient with me about a lot of things I don’t get, and she’s real sweet. She’s cute when she gets mad, too.”
You chuckle. Is it a Saiyan thing to like women with a little attitude?
“Hopefully she’ll warm up to me. We’re family after all, now.”
“We are?” Goku questions, brows furrowed. 
“Well yeah. I’m dating your brother, we’re in laws now.”
“Huh.” He thinks about it for a second before smiling. “That sounds fun. Maybe Raditz won’t be so bad, either.”
“Give him a chance. You did say he helped save the Earth and all.”
“It’d be cool to spar with him! I know I can beat him!”
You smile, excited to see how this new period of your life will be like. 
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astral-mariner · 1 year ago
Fic illustrations are usually a combination of the above: atmospheric, angsty/dark, and horny just like my writing, lol. Though I would happily illustrate things from other people's fics and have in the past!
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vegeta-bananabluish · 9 months ago
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Choose Your Adventure: Wedding Night Edition! – A Reader-Insert collaboration by the authors @Bananabluish, Stardust HB, @yeowangies & @raditzxsthighband Chapter 4: King Vegeta × Reader (Link)
Summary: Facing the man who had just become your husband, anticipation crackled in the air as his strong fingers sought the delicate edges of the veil. With deliberate precision, he slowly lifted the fabric, drawing out suspense before revealing your face. As he leaned in for the kiss, you caught a clear sight of his handsome face for the first time today.
It's your husband, Raditz/Vegeta/Broly/Vegito/Goku/Kakarot/King Vegeta
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akaridream · 2 years ago
glancing blows (raditz x reader)
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tags: raditz x reader, raditz x Saiyan! reader, raditz x Time Patroller! reader
warnings: MDNI explicit sexual content, smutty goodness, all the bad words, afab reader
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When Raditz saw a red band hiked high up your left thigh, he was grateful. Grateful that the Supreme Kai allowed him to become an instructor in Conton City, grateful that you had taken up his training session, grateful that you were a fellow Saiyan. But he was most grateful for the fact that male Saiyan armor had a plate over the crotch. Without it, there would be no way to hide his aching boner.
Raditz swelled with pride at the sight of you wearing classic armor just like his. But the fact that you had copied the band he wore on his leg too? Devastatingly sexy.
“Like it?” you asked with a glint in your eye as you crested the hill, your preferred training ground outside the busy city.
Raditz smirked. “Suits you well,” he said, snapping the band against your muscular leg. “And it shows exactly who you belong to.”
You swished your tail and stretched the matching band against his taut bicep.
“It shows which new instructor belongs to me,” you purred with salacious eye contact. “I am your first student, right? Better make this training session worth my while, pretty boy.”
It had been like this since Raditz’s arrival to Conton City. The Supreme Kai of Time thought a high-level Saiyan Time Patroller would be perfect to show him around and whip him into an effective instructor. Had she known your chemistry was this good, she might have chosen differently. You couldn’t stop making bedroom eyes at each other.
“Oh, I’ll show you what I’ve got, my little Saiyan princess. And you’ll see I am anything but a boy,” he said, his gruff, gravelly voice making you tingle.
You chuckled. “Is that right? I guess we’ll see then.”
As you stepped away to warm up, Raditz followed close behind, stalking you like prey. “How about we start with a little grappling match? I’ll pin you before you can count to three.”
You turned to him as you stretched. “You might be surprised. I can hold my own against any man here. I’ll top you before you know what’s hit you.”
His eyes raked over you hungrily. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To top me?”
You bit your lip and raised an eyebrow at him. “Of course. But I wouldn’t mind letting you win at least once.”
It took great effort for Raditz to refrain from shoving you to the ground and having his way with you then and there. The way you spoke, how your tail mesmerized him, your plush lips and dark eyes… You were perfection. How long could he stay focused before he gave in to temptation? Your soft touch on his arm already had him pining for you. His filthy mind was imagining your voice desperately moaning his name, piecing together a mental picture of you writhing beneath him. Or on top of him, he really didn’t care which.
You held a hair tie between your teeth as you gathered up your long hair. Raditz salivated at the sight of your parted lips, his predatory gaze never leaving you. You gave him a show by dipping your head back to display the delicate tower of your neck, prime for love bites. You arched your back, sending his attention to your ass and tail as you tied your hair up in a ponytail. And damn, did he love your strong legs too. He wanted them crushing his head as he tasted you.
You opened your eyes to find his, inky black and full of lust as he leaned against the lone tree, arms crossed. Your knees went weak as he devoured you. In his armor, his thighs were also on full display, nearly as thick as the trunk he leaned on. But his arms were your favorite. Well defined and drool-inducing, you craved to know how they’d feel wrapped around your waist as you bounced on him, or holding you up against that tree. Oh, but that tail of his. It swayed like a hypnotist’s watch, drawing you in like a moth to flame.
“Want me to tie you up, too?” you asked. “Your hair, I mean.”
He smirked. “Would you like that?”
“It won’t get in your face while we train,” you replied. “Plus, a ponytail could look hot on you.”
“I prefer mine natural,” he growled as he twirled a lock of your hair around his finger. “Though I like the ponytail on you. Gives me something to grab onto.”
You blushed and bit your lip. “Don’t you think we should at least try to train a little before you start trying to seduce me?”
Raditz leaned in close, towering over you in the most heart-pounding way. “Why? I think you’ve already fallen under my spell, darling.”
You raised an eyebrow and nearly brushed noses with him. “My, my. So confident.”
He purred, breathing in your scent. “I saw the way you were looking at me. Why not skip straight to the good part?”
You laughed and playfully shoved him away. “I heard you were a slacker, Raditz. Don’t you have any inclination to get stronger as a warrior?”
He frowned and stepped forward to take your jaw between his index finger and thumb, tilting your face up towards his. “Not when there’s such a tasty reward already ripe for the taking.”
You drew a finger down his chest. “Prove to me training with you is worth my time and maybe I’ll let you take a bite, pretty boy,” you breathed over his lips. You chuckled and stepped back, inviting him to spar.
Ever impatient, Raditz scoffed, but pursued. Despite his grand size, his blows lacked the sting and fire of his younger brother. You easily had him on the defensive, overpowering him with a barrage of punches and kicks. His surprise pleased you, and your attacks sent him to one knee, desperately panting to catch his breath.
“Come on, that isn’t all you’ve got, is it?” you asked with a scowl.
His dark eyes caught yours, frustrated. “I… Didn’t realize I wouldn’t have to hold back with you.”
You glared at him. “Tch! Don’t be such a coward! You should know better than to hold back just because I’m a woman!”
Raditz launched himself towards you with a guttural yell and punch, more powerful than before. Still, you evaded him with grace and ease, adding fuel to his burning annoyance.
“How-” He threw a punch. “Are you-” A kick. “So swift?” Another punch.
You caught his fist and bent his wrist and sending him wincing on one knee again. “This is nothing! I’m starting to see how great the difference between us is,” you scathed. “Pity. I had hoped you’d be more competent than this.”
Raditz’s nostrils flared with rage as you turned your back and walked away from him. He punched the ground with a fiery grunt before chasing after you. His muscled arms clamped around your waist, his back arched and he slammed you down with a bone-shattering suplex. The blow rang through your head like a gong. Before you could claw your way out of his grasp, Raditz flipped you to your stomach and pinned an arm behind your back.
“Not bad,” you mumbled, beginning to smile with your face pressed into the grass.
His elbow dug into your spine. With your shoulder twisted into an agonizing position, you desperately tried to maneuver out of the pin. You managed to get your knees under yourself, but your torso was well and truly trapped under Raditz’s massive form.
“Face down, ass up. Just how I like it,” he quipped as he contorted your arm even further. You groaned at the pain, swearing he was going to rip your shoulder from its socket. Just as you were about to tap out, your free hand brushed against fur. An idea dawned on you.
Like a vice, your hand clenched around Raditz’s tail. His entire body grew rigid and powerless with a strangled gasp from his throat. His grip on you loosened and you wriggled out from under him. You pounced on your opportunity by shoving him down and onto his back, straddling one of his thick thighs and pinning his opposite knee to his chest over your shoulder.
“Me on top. Just how I like it.” You glowed in pride over him, chest heaving.
Raditz’s eyes narrowed. “That was cheap!”
“Should have trained not to be so sensitive,” you mocked. “What’s your excuse? Afraid of hard work?”
Fury bloomed in his chest again, but he was immobilized. He frowned and laid his head against the ground, looking anywhere but at you.
“Aw, don’t pout,” you patronized. “I’ve trained with all kinds of strong warriors. I knew you wouldn’t beat me.”
“Then why even bother,” he growled, still avoiding your gaze. You pressed your shoulder in further, squeezing his knee to his chest uncomfortably.
“Because I’m sizing you up, dummy. How else but to fight you?”
“You can let go of me now,” he strained, growing irritated.
You cocked an eyebrow. “Hmm, I thought you wanted me to top you.”
You dropped Raditz’s leg back down and climbed over to straddle him. His eyes grew wide as you planted your palms on his chest and began to drag your hips over his armor plate. Funny that he had been so thankful for that very plate. Now he couldn’t wait to get rid of it.
He ran his hands from your knees up the soft skin of your thighs. “I thought Saiyan women weren’t interested in weak men,” he admitted quietly.
You peeled off your upper armor to reveal your black sports bra underneath. “Oh quit your pouting. Just because I’m strong doesn’t make you weak.”
Your words triggered a deep, long forgotten memory. Time and time again, fellow Saiyan warriors called him pathetic, lazy, cowardly. And maybe he was. Maybe his strength paled in comparison to other soldiers. But long ago, while watching his tiny brother float in his tank, their mother had patted his head lovingly and told him, Don’t let his high power level discourage you, Raditz. Just because he’s strong does not mean you’re weak.
Now, Raditz’s eyes brimmed with the softness of his mother as he gazed up at your beautiful face. He reached up, thumb brushing your cheek with a gentleness you didn’t expect. You leaned against his touch and closed your eyes.
“May I…” he started. “May I have a taste of you now?”
Pleasantly surprised by his romantic expression, you blushed deeply and leaned forward. You raked your nails through his wild hair, then held his face and pressed your forehead against his.
Raditz stole your breath with a kiss laden with electricity. Your heart soared with excitement as you began to explore one another, the press of every kiss weakening you. You melted over him, arms snaking around his shoulders. He sighed heavily into your mouth, his tongue chasing and teasing yours as he held the back of your head. Your hands curled into fists in his hair, pent up with passion.
“I need you, darling,” he said in a desperate voice.
“Let me give you what you want. Take off your armor.”
With a parting kiss, you sat back and allowed him to sit up to strip his armor. Without it, you could finally see his incredible body and the intimidating size of his bulge. You felt an immediate rush between your legs.
“Lay back for me,” you said, eying the print of his cock.
Raditz obliged, propping himself up on his elbows under the shade of the tree. You positioned yourself between his legs before kissing his lips, then began a journey down his jaw and neck. You kissed shapes into his tender flesh while your hands caressed the firm muscles of his chest and arms, stopping to snap the red band around his bicep again.
Breaths of pleasure escaped him as you touched him, working your way slowly towards the destination you both could hardly wait for. While your hands explored his sculpted abdomen, your tongue lightly dragged over his pectorals. You teased his nipple, causing a suppressed moan to rumble in his throat. You smiled and made a mental note for later.
When your fingers finally reached the band of his black briefs, you lightly traced along the waist as you kissed down the trail of black hair below his navel. Your palm began to graze over his cock print, so incredibly hard. His eyes closed with a groan. You worked your palm over him with an agonizingly light touch, then did the same with your lips. Raditz clawed into the ground, gripping the grass and growling.
“Stop teasing me, woman.”
You smiled, watching his every movement while blowing hot breaths over his cock.
“Mmm, but I love seeing you squirm like this,” you purred. “Tell me how bad you want it, pretty boy.”
He groaned. “I want your lips around my cock so bad, darling.”
“Tell me you need it.”
“Need your mouth, baby girl.”
“Tell me what else you want.”
“Want to cum in your mouth, want to fuck you ‘til you’re sore. Want to hear you scream my name ‘til everyone knows who’s fucking you.”
You bit your lip, supremely satisfied with Raditz’s response. You removed his briefs and watched his cock fall against his abdomen, heavy and thick. Saliva filled your mouth at the sight and you gave a long lick up the underside of his dick. He shuddered.
You began circling your tongue around the fat tip as your hands lightly squeezed his thighs, teasing around his signature band. You sucked his shiny head like a popsicle, letting your spit drip down the shaft. Your slender fingers wrapped around his cock, making you moan at the size and weight in your palm.
“Fuck,” you said under your breath. Raditz watched you bite your lip and stare at his stiff member with lust. “You’re so thick. Not sure if I can take it.”
He chuckled and grabbed your ponytail as you started working your hand and mouth together to suck him off. “Oh, you’ll take it. You’ll take every inch.”
You groaned in response and took him further, nearly to your throat. His girth made it difficult and your jaw already felt the strain. But Raditz’s grip on your hair said he wanted more, so you dug your nails into his thighs and forced his cock deeper. You whined and tears formed at the corners of your eyes, but the ragged moan from Raditz was well worth it. You breathed through your nose and relaxed as you choked him down until you felt his head reach the back of your throat.
“Aghhh,” he whined in pleasure. You smiled internally and let up, allowing your hand to help work his shaft. Up and down you stroked him with just the right pressure, and he made sure to let you know with feral growls. You pulled your mouth off and spit into your other hand so you could give his heavy balls attention. Your lips enclosed over one and sucked as you continued to stroke him with both hands.
“You’re sloppy,” he chuckled. You moaned and made eye contact, bringing him dangerously close to the edge.
“Mm, but does it feel good?” you asked between slurping at him.
“Ugh, you have no idea, doll. You’re so fucking good.”
The praise made you take him fully down your throat again with a quickening pace, your pussy fluttering with his every sound. The faster you could make him cum, the faster you could have him inside you. Excited at the notion, you focused your energy on finishing him. He grunted and rocked his hips in time with your ministrations. His tail, softly swirling until now, began to twitch at the tip. Growing more noisy, you could tell he was nearing his climax.
“Fuck! Just a little more!” he wailed, grip on your ponytail painfully tight.
“Look at me,” you commanded. He did as you told, and you pumped him hard, pulling your mouth off to wait for his load. With a final throaty grumble and groan, Raditz’s abs and glutes tightened as pulses of pleasure burst behind his eyes.
“Ah, fuck! That’s it!” he cried. His tail went rigid and his legs trembled as his cock spurted onto your patient tongue and you slowed your strokes to draw out his orgasm. “What a good girl,” he breathed at the sight of his cum covering your tongue. “Now swallow.”
You did as you were told and reopened your mouth to prove your obedience. He smiled and chuckled, then caressed your cheek.
“Such a good girl. Now turn around and sit on my face. Let me taste you,” he said. Heart leaping, you obeyed.
You removed your remaining armor, bra and briefs, leaving only your leg band to match his. He laid back on the grass and you lowered yourself over him, skin tingling with anticipation. He hooked his arms around your thighs and positioned you perfectly to feel his breaths on your lips.
“Goddamn,” he grumbled. “You smell so delicious.” He blew deliberate hot puffs of air onto you as his thumbs pulled you apart. You were trembling already. He started with a slow, gentle rhythm around your clit, tongue soft and pliable. You closed your eyes and whined at the sensation. As his pace began to build, you started to rock your hips against his tongue, hands on his hard abs for support.
He rolled your clit between his tongue and upper lip, then brought a thumb to your pussy’s entrance, dipping in only enough to gather some of your slippery arousal. He repeated the gesture a few times, then moved his tongue to penetrate you and started working your clit with his thumb. You moaned and laid forward, head on his lower abs. As he tongue-fucked you, you teased his cock with the tips of your fingers, causing him to jolt beneath you.
“Hah! Not yet!” he said with a shaky voice muffled by your pussy.
“Then can I watch you?” you asked. He pulled off and allowed you to turn around. Before you sat back down on his face, you kissed him, dying to taste yourself on his hot tongue. He groaned, then ran this thumb over the band on your thigh and gave it a tug.
You mounted his face, never breaking eye contact as you did so. His dark eyes were clouded with lust, just like yours. As his mouth reconnected with your clit, you grabbed his hair, hard. Raditz’s breathing grew labored as he lapped at your sweet pussy, loving the pain of you yanking his hair. His cock started to reawaken with each honeyed moan from your lips. Your tail softly brushed over his stomach while his arms guided your hips. You closed your eyes as you rode, orgasm building closer and closer to the soaring bliss.
“Ahh! So good!” you called out. “Please don’t stop!”
Raditz’s watched you as he shook his head back and forth, making your cunt pulse. Your nails gouged into his scalp.
“Oh fuck!” you squealed.
Fireworks exploded in your vision as the rush came. Raditz was captivated, staring at your quaking form above. The bliss radiated as he continued flicking at you with his tongue. You basked in the warm pleasure, sighing and catching your breath. You finally opened your eyes to find Raditz grinning underneath you.
“That was so good. God damn,” you praised as you sat back, softly stroking the hair you just had a death grip on.
There was darkness in his smile. “Think you can handle more?”
You brushed your thumb over his bottom lip, now cherry red from eating your pussy. He captured your thumb and sucked.
“Want it all.”
Raditz sat up and leaned against the trunk of the tree, pulling you along with him to straddle him. Hard once more, he aligned himself with your soaking wet entrance and teased with his cockhead.
You let the head slip into you, then lifted off, steadying yourself with hands on his shoulders.
“Me on top, again? You really are lazy,” you teased.
He snickered and sucked on your neck as you lowered yourself further down onto his dick. “I’ll put in some effort, don’t you worry.”
Raditz was thick, making you take your time despite your orgasm and overwhelming arousal.
“Shit, you’re huge,” you whined. He bit down on your shoulder as you dropped your weight over him, letting his cock fully seat inside your blissful walls. He groaned, head dizzy and abs already tight from cumming once already.
“Fuck!” he said through clenched teeth. “So tight for such a slut.”
You pinched both his nipples as you began to ride. Raditz gasped sharply, then grinned.
“I am not a slut,” you said. “You make me wanna act like one.”
“Is that right? And why is that, darling?” he purred, making good on his word as he met your thrusts with plenty of power.
“Mmh!” you cried after a particularly hard thrust. “Because I’ve always wanted a big boy like you.” Each stroke on his fat cock sent pleasure deep, satisfying your craving to be fucked.
“How about I make you feel small?” Raditz growled and rolled you onto your back. He crawled on top of you and wrapped your thighs tightly around his waist before reentering you with shocking force, making you gasp. Kissing at your chest and neck, he fucked you with thorough strokes.
“Ahh! Mm, you feel so good!” you wailed as one of his hands found your chest. He rolled your nipple through his finger and thumb, never missing a beat with his hips. His grunts and groans rumbled in his chest, animalistic and erotic. His hands wandered and gripped you all over, from your breasts to your ass and thighs. You tossed your head aside, letting him bite and suck your neck as he pounded you into the ground.
He unwrapped your legs from his waist and gripped your ankles, forcing you into a mating press. The angle change was perfect.
“Haaaahh!” you whimpered. “Yes, please don’t stop, Raditz!” His cock pulsed at the sound of his name falling from your lips in such a heated manner, so he did exactly as you requested. Cock drilling you and your nails digging into his strong arms, he fucked you until you saw stars.
“Couldn’t stop if I wanted to! Too tight!” Your tail found his and twisted together, an intimate sensation that only added to the immense pleasure.
“Cum inside, please,” you begged him, feeling the approach of your climax deep in your stomach. Despite his heavy breathing, Raditz insisted on kissing you. He grunted from his chest, grounding down through his knees to push every ounce of energy into fucking you. Bodies entwined, sharing breaths, he delivered another few powerful thrusts.
You crashed and pulsed with a cry, riding the high like an ocean wave, the breathtaking peak bright and blissful. Raditz did the same, his final pumps sending a spine-tingling shock through his entire body. His arms shook as he moaned at the pleasure, collapsing onto you in a heap of muscle and wild hair. He nestled into your bitten neck, leaving himself sheathed until the final surges of orgasm had dissipated.
He withdrew from you and rolled onto his back beneath the grand tree, the only witness to your deed. He pulled you into his side, still wanting to feel your warmth. You smiled and snuggled into him.
You caught your breaths together, listening to the gentle breeze rustling the leaves above and feeling the tingle of the sun on your exposed skin. After a long silence, Raditz chuckled.
“I don’t suppose many of your other training sessions go this way,” he said.
You smiled and looked up at his handsome features. “And what if they do? You jealous?”
He frowned and met your gaze. You reassured him by twisting your tail up with his again.
“The only thing I’m wearing right now is your leg band, big guy. I’m yours,” you said with a lingering kiss.
He hummed his satisfaction. “Good. I better not see anyone else’s marks on that gorgeous neck of yours.”
“I guess I should amend that statement,” you said with a laugh. “I’m yours, so long as you continue to fuck me like that.”
He chuckled and kissed you once more. “Deal.”
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dbz masterlist
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zoey-hey · 1 year ago
DBZ FICS (Smut, Angst, Romace, multi, AUs)
This Ready Flesh created by gutterbunnyx
Son Goku/Other(s), Chi-Chi/Raditz (Dragon Ball), Son Goku/Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball), General Blue (Dragon Ball), Upa (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs, Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Hit (Dragon Ball), Merus (Dragon Ball), Hercule Satan, Dabura (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball), Android 16 (Dragon Ball), Dr. Gero (Dragon Ball), Yamcha (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball), Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Maron (Dragon Ball), Sex Worker Son Goku, Everyone Is Gay, Sorry Not Sorry, Alternate Universe - Human, Slow Burn, Eventual Vegekaka, Christian!Merus, Businessman!Zarbon, Please read my disclaimer at the end of chapter one, Trying to cover my ass, Wrestler!Hercule, Cruising, Diary/Journal, Dr Gero is an asshole, Yamcha is an ass, Yamcha is gay for Tien, Piccolo is Ace, Tien is gay
Warning - Oral Sex, bathroom blowjobs, Office Blowjobs, Boyfriend Experience, Prostitution, Erotic Massage, Buttplugs, Exhibitionism, Prostate Milking, Exploitation of a sex worker, Blowjobs as bribery, Semi-Public Sex, Bathroom Sex, Condoms, goku fucks everyone: the fic, Character with Traumatic Brain Injury, Canon Disabled Character, Disabled Sex
Hi! I'm Goku. I'm twenty five years old. I'm an Aries. My hobbies include working out, eating and relaxing. According to my friends, I'm carefree, down to earth, a bit of an airhead, but really compassionate. I have a tendency to get hangry if I haven't eaten enough. Oh, I'm also a sex worker. [ON HIATUS]
Language: English Words: 17,460 Chapters: 7/? Comments: 18 Kudos: 62 Bookmarks: 9 Hits: 1315
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tellingtime-fanfiction · 2 months ago
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“GOOD GRIEF!” Bulma pinched the bridge of her nose. “Wow, bad people really do get to have all the fun, don’t they?” 
Smiling a sinful grin, Vegeta licked his teeth. “I certainly did.”
~ Quote from chapter 3 of Save a Horse, Ride a Saiyan 
Have you ever wondered what Vegeta’s ‘fun’ looked like before he came to Earth? Yes, so did I. 😏
My new erotic comedy "Barracks Bunnies" will give a detailed example and the first chapter should be out in January!
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