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designnurd · 5 years ago
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We DEMAND Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism NOW! 🤖💅🏽💖💫🌹 Breaking down the Anatomy of an Icon. There are 3 main parts to this icon: The Rainbow, The Hand, & The Rose. 🌈✊🏽🌹 The Rainbow colors are the original Pride flag colors created by San Franciscan Gilbert Baker, plus light green & lavender - Agender and Aromantic Pride flags both use light green. There are over 30 different Pride flags, my aim was to use all of the colors in all these flags, plus throw in a lil Socialism. Since Instagram only allows 10 slides I didn’t get to explain every color’s origin. Light grey was left out of the slides as well. This color is used in Asexual, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Aromantic, Demigirl, Agender, Demiboy, Aegoqueerplatonic, & Disability Pride flags! 🤝🌹🌈 You might notice that the fist is left-handed and (my) Left of Center. I’m so left, I’ll never be right 💪🏽💗🤚🏽 The Latin word “sinistra” originally meant “left” but took on the meanings of “evil” or “unlucky” by the Classical Latin era, so if you were left-handed or sinister, you were associated with evil or “queer” (as in strange.) The right has BEEN pointing their finger at the left, blaming us for everything they do. No bb. You can eat that. 🌱🍆👄 Speaking of eating 😂 I have something of a green thumb 🍀 I love gardening and wish the world had more flowers and trees and less empty buildings and cement. The rose does not play, its a site for sore eyes, a beautiful nosegay for your friends & a thorn for your enemies. The 40 hour work week is garbage. We demand time to smell the roses. 😘 #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism #FullyAutomatedLuxuryGaySpaceCommunism #socialist #marxist #greenthumb #arosebyanyothername #gaygardeners #queerenvironmentalist #radicalinclusion (at Design Nurd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOzpY-h84s/?igshid=1grj64xnug614
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talthejourneyed · 2 years ago
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Looks like Chanukah Harry took a Christmas Cookie!! If your house hold can’t support multiple versions of the same book then get the fudge biscuit out of this planet! #multiculture #hearthwitch #jewish #christmascookies #glitchartistscollective #badart #glitchmafia #radicalinclusion #beloud #fucknazis (at Hearth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmmHBi-LsK9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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epii-blog · 7 years ago
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#NierAutomata Ω ending: researching human culture, #MachineLifeForm discovers #BurningMan - many machines build a temporary community in the desert. They engaged in traditional activities like sunrise at the #trashfence, and created iconic haven like #pinkheart Following #radicalinclusion, even androids were invited to join the machines. For a week they explored their creativity through #radicalselfexpression. (at Black Rock City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUSFtFgMoc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7msn2pczc0vz
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anyaayoungchee · 8 years ago
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I think it's safe to say that before going to #BurningMan I had a very skewed understanding of what it was really about. Yes it's a festival of sorts, there are non stop parties, it's wild and over the top in many ways... but in its essence and at its best it can teach us what our societies could actually look like. . The Ten Principles of Burning Man represent a core structure that when heeded create a temporary existence many of us envision for our own worlds. . #RadicalInclusion #Gifting #Decommodification #RadicalSelfReliance #RadicalSelfExpression #CommunalEffort #CivicResponsibility #LeavingNoTrace #Participation #Immediacy . #BurningMan2017 (at Black Rock City)
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fiberistanora · 8 years ago
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Nellie took me to one of my favorite fabric stores today! @gather_here does such an amazing job: they have a *fabulous* selection of different weights of fabric, thread, yarn, patterns, etc; they have machines and workspaces you can rent; classes and machines to demo in the back and have a super amazing commitment to building community and radical inclusion. They have been a constant inspiration to me over the past few months especially! Then nellie took me to a bar and made me talk through all of my sewing plans for my new fabric. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 #youbelonghere #radicalinclusion #craftispolitical #craftwithconscience #fabric #fabricshopping #besties (at Gather Here Stitch Lounge)
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As a woman only attracted to other woman, I just call myself a monolesbian when I need to be specific. I'm sure some exclusionist has already created a new term though :/
Hmm, I would use that term when discussing lesbians vs. mspec lesbians if I didn't think I would get shit for it. I think that's a good label, though! Fuck whatever label exclusionists come up with.
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queerautism · 3 years ago
hello! we dont hve Tmblr rn & hve nvr mssgd u b4, but many of us in our system wantd 2 reach out & say TY genuinely 4 starting UniquelyPlural. we dont feel safe enough atm in current environmnt 2 participate, but we r inspired by this movement & hope1day 2 get more involvd w. community of RadicalInclusivity. Thats the real Paradox of Tolerance,only exclusionists&badfaith actors deserve 2b excluded. Keep up theGoodFight! Much Solidarity to You& and yours (luv 2 ur Stuffies ofc!) plz take care :)
Thank you so much!!! <3
Whenever you feel ready, we'll love to listen to your uniquely plural experiences!
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nojarama · 6 years ago
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Be an ally. Create and encourage safe spaces. Acknowledge Identity. Trans Rights Are Human Rights 🏳️‍🌈 #transrightsarehumanrights #translivesarehumanlives #acknowledgeidentity #createsafespaces #allbodieswelcome #radicalinclusion #inclusivityrocks https://www.instagram.com/p/BpOfAzWF0ga/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ylec9v2cxqbx
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goodsignmovement · 7 years ago
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Thanks for the tag @anjunabae ! - The 10 principles of @burningman • • • • • #burningman #10principles #blackrockcity #radicalinclusion #gifting #selfreliance #participation #responsibility #leavenotrace #selfexpression #burner #washingtondc #nospectators #renwickgallery #streetsign #prism #goodvibes #thisisagoodsign
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mobiuscynosure · 8 years ago
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Weekend update! Gummy Bear Pyramid is progressing fast! All power to engines, we are blaring through hyperspace! We still need your help to fund this thing though! We have some great bear related prizes to choose from too! Head over to the Kickstarter page and help is finish off our funding! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gummybearpyramid/gummy-bear-pyramid-art-installation-burning-man-20?ref=project_link . . . . . #burningmanart #burningman #crowdfunding #kickstarter #crowdfundedart #gummybears #gummybearpyramid #radicalinclusion #pyramid #sculpture #bigart #playaart #ttitd #themanmustburn #yesthesepyramidsalsobeingbuiltbyaliens
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blakesdungeon · 7 years ago
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ONCE MORE FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. #RadicalInclusion #RepresentationMatters #BlackLivesMatter #NikeBoycott
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danielacorrente-atelier · 5 years ago
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@koro_loko was there. I love seeing Burning Man art #garganoinlove 📸 by @p.lyg.n #burningman #burningman2019 #burningmanfestival #burningmanpicture #blackrock #blackrockcity #blackrockdesert #burningmanart #playaart #art #instaart #beautiful #instagood #masterpiece #creative #artoftheday #burner #thankslarry #10Principles #radicalinclusion #industwetrust https://www.instagram.com/p/B5evH6LqhyQ/?igshid=gpe40ptpim22
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jennimonet · 7 years ago
Oct. 30, 2017
Working out those podcast muscles again; feeling great.  Here’s a tease from the latest episode:  Journalism and the Indigenous Narrative... It’s in Trouble.
Sill Here: Modern Stories of Resilience, Indigenously Told
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babyawacs · 7 years ago
#radicalinclusion #bad #leadership #style @martin_dempsey @centcom @amazon @kindle @book @books @barnesandnoble "Yes Leslie... uhm,.. Imean uhm... colonel happ-hepp-habbaplapp,..." #abstract #humour #bad #command #styles Could be an interesting b
#radicalinclusion #bad #leadership #style @martin_dempsey @centcom @amazon @kindle @book @books @barnesandnoble “Yes Leslie… uhm,.. Imean uhm… colonel happ-hepp-habbaplapp,…” #abstract #humour #bad #command #styles Could be an interesting b
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#radicalinclusion #bad #leadership #style @martin_dempsey @centcom @amazon @kindle @book @books @barnesandnoble
“Yes Leslie… uhm,.. Imean uhm… colonel happ-hepp-habbaplapp,…”
#abstract #humour #bad #command #styles
Could be an interesting book though
I am Christian Kiss BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG
https://babyawacs.wordpress.com/ [email protected]
View On WordPress
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tinyhouseexpedition · 8 years ago
HOME. A place where you can express yourself and be accepted. #home #community #radicalselfexpression #radicalinclusion #burningman2016 (at Black Rock City)
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chocolate-soulfire · 9 years ago
Because ‪#‎BlackJoy‬ ain't going nowhere.
Because we are reignited by the fire of each others love and understanding.
Because I just got 'filledt' up by 2 days of intentional healing as resistance work.
Because moving grief through the body carves out space for clarity, for wholeness, for the very Embodiment of Liberation. And as we collectively move more deeply into what it means to Embody Liberation, there ain't a power under the sun that will be able to disrupt that which must come to pass.
Because ‪#‎BlackLove‬ contains within it all the medicine needed to heal Black pain.
Because Ancestral history and culture are supremely relevant and real. ‪#‎BlackityBlackityBlackBlackness‬ ‪#‎Africanity
Because making time and space to sit down somewhere and learn to hear the sweet whispers of our Ancestors in your ears will tell you exactly what your role in this movement is, the form(s) your contribution needs to take, who you need to rock with to make it happen, and what needs to be cleared out from within and around you in order for you to do what you came here to do.
Because Liberation moves from the inside out, and needs the support of loving community in order to happen.
Because trans-generational trauma does not simply dissipate on its own. It replicates and spreads itself around and has kept us on a perpetual hamster wheel. And then we get blamed and blame each other for the unconscious destruction done in the process.
Because ‪#‎epigenetics‬. Google/youtube Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary.
Because 'black on black crime' is still a damn myth. It is not some unique phenomenon that only happens in our communities. Pain always first spreads to and through those who are closest, and therefore are more likely to look like you. This is universal. ‪#‎Duh‬
Because not everyone has built a system designed to displace their pain onto to the backs, necks, and shoulders of those who don't look like them. ‪#‎ImaSayItAgain‬
Because not everyone has built a system designed to displace their pain onto to the backs, necks, and shoulders of those who don't look like them.
Because our pain and trauma has been manipulated and used against us to infiltrate and undermine our movement work ... time and time again.
Because more and more of us have to stop and say ... 'what do we need to do differently this time around?' What are the lessons the past has to teach us, and how do we incorporate them? ‪#‎Sankofa
Because we all have to undergo the process of fully and unapologetically reclaiming the Ancestral values, ways of being, worldview, and norms that have been systematically hidden from us in order to force our assimilation.
Because there is no critique of white supremacy without the critiques of the capitalism and patriarchy that uphold it.
Because in clearer terms ... the values of modern Europe, of domination instead of collaboration, of valuing money and objects more than human beings, and the normalization of hierarchy that demeans and denies human dignity. All that shit is in the very air we breathe and everything we consume. It sits so deep within us, we don't even see it or question it. It comes through in the way we think, and the way we treat ourselves and each other.
Because white supremacy is an addiction that requires recovery.
Because the ways of thinking, and behavior patterns we have been forced into, that dishonor Life & Love must be deconstructed from the inside out.
Because Black self-determination means more than "economic empowerment" inside a corrupt and toxic economic system that devalues life, puts a premium on health, and ALWAYS takes more than it gives. ‪#‎WhatsTheDollarValueOfYourMentalEmotionalSpiritualPhysicalHealth‬
Because inclusive to human rights is the right to create culturally specific definitions of success, education, economy, and labor, based on the prioritization of human life, human dignity, and wellness.
Because "If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive." ~Audre Lorde
Because ‪#‎TrustBlackWomen‬
Because Mama Audre Lorde, Auntie Assata Shakur, Uncle James (Baldwin), and so many many others have been instructing us on exactly what to do for over FIFTY years now. If you need to, google and youtube them asap.
Because there is no liberation without the liberation of Black LGBTQ+, queer, trans, gender non-conforming, disabled, folks without monetary/material resources, young folks, elder folks, bodies that don't conform to European beauty standards, and bodies that exist outside the confines of 'respectability politics.'
Because listen to the voices of those that have been most targeted ... by multiple layers of oppression. They know stuff. They are exposed to things that others are shielded from. They are forced to learn the lessons that can free all of humanity if they were simply listened to.
Because healing between the generations MUST happen. Young folks need access to the wisdom, insight, lessons, LOVE, and nurturing of the Elders. Elders we need you to have done enough of your own internal work that you can embody inclusive, loving, and respectful support. Please have the humility and understanding that it is the young folks that must now take the wheel. To the best of your ability please be as available, accessible, and engaged as you can in the process of passing the baton. We honor and thank you for your work, your sacrifice, and for your very existence. It is young folks job to take what you have given and change it by infusing their own voices and understandings. This means things ain't gone look the same as they did 50 years ago, nor should they. Today's methods are gonna be different, and that is quite fine. This world has changed, and with it so must we. Understand that you need young folks as much as they need you. For within the minds and hearts of the young, lies the fulfillment of your every dream as well as the dreams you never dared to dream. Please be receptive to the voices of the young, especially those you may be most likely to disregard. They've seen things too. They know things too. They've been exposed to that which was unfathomable in times gone by. And they too hold Ancestral wisdom in their DNA. Love, value and respect allows this wisdom to issue forth. I bow to the wisdom within the young Gs on the street. I bow to the wisdom of my Elders.
Because equality (equity) is a prerequisite for love! Y'all hear me?!! Equality (equity) is a prerequisite for love! If you find yourself in a relationship with a person, group, organization, or whole culture of people that operates on f$%cked up power dynamics, that is not Love. Please tell me what is more important than learning what love is, how to embody it, and how to live a loving life.
Because I have had to redefine Love. It truly does reside within. Self Love will teach you how to have boundaries that serve as protection when necessary. It will teach you that you don't deserve abuse. There is a difference between conflict which is inherent to being human, and abuse. Love will show you the difference. It will teach you that your Life is worth fighting for, when/if necessary. It has taught me that I get to focus on and prioritize myself, my community, and my culture without explanation or justification. I do so without apology. I cannot be shamed in this.
Because 'whiteness' will drain the very Life out of you if you don't erect strong boundaries and choose to be very intentional about how you use your precious time and energy.
Because I love you. I love us. I will live and die for us.
Because my 'us' used to be overly inclusive. And eventually I understood that the them/us paradigm has been created and enforced by white supremacy and the complicity of the masses of white folks. We are not to hold ourselves or each other responsible for division we did not create, and have spent over 150 years contorting our very beings by trying to pretend our way around it. Ignoring that fact, trying to sing kumbayah and 'spiritually transcend' that fact is not what changes it. While those things may make an individual feel free, it does not free the collective. It can actually function to abandon them. If I wanted to permanently disconnect from society, move to a mountain or monastery, and just meditate and be blissed out at all times, I could so do that. Y'all hear me? I am about that life. But my work is here with my Beloved people. And yes, there is a time and a place for both. We are the mountain. We are the monastery. We are the connection between worlds. Here to birth Spirit & Life in the face of death.
Because in the spaces between horrific headlines, we must be urgent, intentional, deliberate, and insistent on reclaiming and living within the fullness of our humanity.
Because until all of us are living with full and unobstructed access to our undeniable human rights, none of us are truly and fully free.
Because we don't have time to rush. Frenzy ain't never freed nobody.
Because there is medicine in our bodies, if we would press pause just long enough to touch it and learn how to use it.
Because Blackness ultimately holds all of humanity. The care and centering of Blackness is not exclusivity. It is the height of inclusion. Within the honoring of the humanity of Black folks, lies the safety and survival of the whole world.
Because when a Black, trans, disabled, low/no income, plus-sized, dark skinned (cause colorism is too real), young or elder woman with big full lips, and wide nostrils can know without a shadow of a doubt that she is safe, respected, and deeply loved anywhere her foot touches the Earth, we will all thrive.
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