#racetrack higginsxreader
crutchie-with-a-y · 2 years
breakfast duty
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The sun peaked through the windows of the Newsie Lodging House so bashfully it reminded Jack of one of the younger newsies poking their little head through a door to ask him for something. But the morning was not asking for anything, it was forcibly reminding him that there was a new day here, which was less adorable. Jack rolled over and sat up in his bed in one fluid motion, having done it enough times over the years to not hit his head on Race's bunk above him. He peered around the room to see if anyone else was awake yet as he dug under his bed for clothes and his shoes. Specs was slowly beginning to stir, but JoJo, Tommy Boy, Henry, Finch, Crutchie, Mush, and Albert were all still sound asleep. Jack pulled a shirt over his shoulders and slid on a clean(ish) pair of trousers before slipping on his shoes. As he laced them up, Jack heard Race groan loudly. In doing he so, he stirred some of the still sleeping newsies, which garnered a round of 'shuddap's and "can't ya see i's sleepin's and even a few chucked pillows in response. Jack chuckled.
"You're on breakfast duty, Racer," He said, slapping the bottom of Race's bunk as he stood up. Race sat up, his hair disheveled and a blanket hanging off half of his head.
"What? Why?"
"Because Earl is still too sick to do it and Specs and I have already done it." Race groaned.
"Ain't nowhere in the lease did it say that if the landlord was sick I's got to make breakfast." He said, throwing his feet over the bunk and rummaging through the pile of clothes on top of his covers.
"That's 'cause most people don't need a legal document to remind 'em to do what's right. They's got common sense," Specs responded, tapping the side of his temple. The still half-asleep newsies laughed.
"Ay, ay guys be nice!" Albert walked over and patted Race's back as he grumpily hopped down from his bunk. "You know's Race lost in common sense in a bet on a losing horse yeeeears ago!" The newsies roared with laughter so loud it shook the window panes.
"It was a sure thing!" Race shouted in his defense as he stormed out out of the room.
Jack grinned. Despite the complaints, it was proving to be a pretty good morning. And as long as Race didn't try to get revenge by poisoning the oatmeal, there would be a tolerable breakfast too.
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theys-a-joke · 7 years
Paper-Crossed Lovers
Heyo guys! Here’s another request I completed, though it’s long overdue, I got this request, what, three weeks ago? And im finally done with it. I’m super sorry about that. Quick shout out to my most favoritest mother @lovethyfanperson for helping me out with dialects. 
Request: hi! could you please write something about race? maybe similar to katherine and jack, except the reader isn't the daughter of pulitzer or something. just kinda rich. and she helps race with food, clothes, shelter, and stuff. thanks!
So here it is, this was 18 pages long, enjoy. (Plus the ao3 link for those who want it!) 
Everyday you made sure to walk for a bit outside, whatever the weather. Your family had a tendency to keep you inside for the majority of the day, and you just needed that breath of fresh air. And it wasn’t like they kept you inside for malicious purposes, they just wanted to make sure that you were safe and being courted by someone. They were good people, really, but they were also rich people. So whenever you did go out, you would always need to take the proper precautions and make sure you represented the family well and did everything else your mother and father told every time before you went out.
“Mother, father! I’m going out again.” You shouted as you raced down the stairs. You had finished your studies and were eager to get away from your books.
“Again? That’s the third time today, is everything alright (Y/N) dear?” Your mother said from the parlor. She was sat drinking tea and talking to the mother of another suitor.
“Yes mother dearest, everything is fine. I finished my reading and I needed to get out of my room.” You looked outside, clouds were starting to form, you should probably bring an umbrella. “Well, if you’re going out, could you get the evening paper? I didn’t manage to get one this morning. Here’s some money.” She set her tea down and walked over to her purse and pulled out some coins and handed them to you.
“Thank you mother, I’ll see you when I get back.” You gave her a hug and kiss and walked to the door. You grabbed an umbrella before walking out as well.
You had walked around for quite some time, past all the shops and restaurants. You took in the sounds and sights of New York, what a time to be alive. You were lost in thought when you heard some vague yelling.
“Pape! Evenin’ pape! Animals escape the zoo and go on a rampage!” You walked up to the boy yelling the headline. He seemed to have a cigar in his mouth, and how he was still able to clearly yell the headline was beyond you.
“Now, that can’t be true.” You said as you approached him. “What can’t?”
“The headline.” “And why’s that?” He took the cigar out of his mouth and crossed his arms defensively. “Well you would’ve seen them if they were on the streets.” “Fair point.” He paused, and looked you up and down. “Look, youse interested in buyin a pape or what?”
“I would be, if you told me the actual headline.” “It’s ‘bout the trolley strike.”
“Sweet lord, again? Well, a deal’s a deal,” You stick out your hand for the paper, to which he gives you, “and here’s some change.” You began to walk away when he spoke up again, and you turned your head to face him. “Uh, miss, this is way too much for a pape.” “Keep it, part for the paper and part for telling me the actual headline, and it’s not like my family needs it anyway.” You shrug your shoulders and were about continue walking back when you felt raindrops on your nose.
“Ah christ.” You heard the boy behind you mumble.
“Oh, do you need to borrow my umbrella?”
“Uh, I couldn’t ask that miss, ya need to get back to your own house.”
“No, I insist, we can both use my umbrella, look it’s big enough.” You opened your umbrella and walked over to the nameless newsboy.
“See?” You said with a smile.
“I guess so miss.” It was his turn to shrug, and then the two of you began walking. He told you the directions to take him to where he was going, and you chatted here and there about previous headlines.
“Here we are miss, this is where I get off, er, go in. Thanks for walkin me here.”
“No problem, and the names (Y/N) (L/N) not miss.”
“Well it’s been awful nice talkin to ya (Y/N), I’m Race.”
“It’s nice to meet you too Race, I’ll have to buy a paper from you more often.” You smirked and walked away from Race and the lodging house. This was going to be interesting.
“Mother! Father! I’m going out to get the paper!” You had grabbed some money off of a shelf in your room, plus a little bundle you had created for Race.
“Alright dear! Just make sure your back in time for supper, Mr. and Mrs. Heiser and their family are coming over!” Your mother said from her own room. You groaned internally on your walk to Race. You knew this would never end. They just wanted you to have a nice and comfortable life, with a nice and rich man. It annoyed you that it was still happening, yet you knew why. You were brought out of your slump when you heard Race calling your name.  
“(Y/N)! Ay (Y/N)!”
“Hello Race! Tell me, what’s today’s headline?”
“Bat child found in a cave on the outskirts a New York.” He said smugly.
“And the real headline?” You asked. You and Race had fallen into this pattern of you asking for a paper and him telling you the headline he was selling it under, and then the actual headline. It was refreshing, you never really got to joke with your family, so you cherished your time with Race.
“Annodda article ‘bout Pulitzer’s hate for Roosevelt.” “Do you think he’ll ever move on?” You asked, while handing Race some money in exchange for a paper. “Over Roosevelt? Never.” He was being dramatic, making you laugh.
“Speaking of not moving on, I brought you something!” You handed Race the little bundle you had brought with you.
“You’re still on about this? Ise told ya, I don’t need ‘em.” “Well, if you don’t want them, you can give them to some of the other newsboys, and if you do, make sure to give them my regards.” You said with a shrug and a smile, knowing it would get him to take it.
“This happens every week Race, is there anything else I can say to get you to take the things I bring you?”
“Maybe youse could stop bringin’ em?” “Only until I run out of things to bring you!” You say brightly.
“Plus, I’ve seen you wearing the things I bring you, so to say you don’t like them would be false.”
“You got me there doll. They are pretty nice, say, where is you gettin’ these clothes anyway?”
“I, uh, I got it from my brother. He’s been gone a while, he died in the war a while back.”
“Oh, I’m sorry ‘bout that doll. Guess it must be difficult seein his clothes on me eh?” “Not really, it kinda makes me happy seeing them be worn again, is that weird?”
“Not really, now I never had much a family, but I would guess that seein somethin that has meanin to you everyday makes it easier to get used too. Just like how quick you got used to me.” He nudged you on that last part, and you sighed.
“You know, I think you might be right Race, you just might be right.” The two walked for a bit more, you thinking about what Race had said, and Race enjoying the view of area.
“I should probably be getting home soon.” You said, pulling Race out of his own head and thoughts.
“Yeah, the settin sun, while a lovely picture, bears a horrible reminder that we gotta part ways. Hey, hows about I walk you home?”
“I’m not sure if that’d be a good idea, my parents planned dinner with another family they’re trying to marry me off to.” You grumbled.
“Ah, the burden of bein rich.” “Hey now, I’ve got a difficult life, trying to maintain my image and all.”
“Yeah, come talk to me when you don’t know if you’ll be able to buy dinner.” You stop after he says this.
“Wait, are you serious?” You say in shock. “What, ya think I can get dinner every night like you? Nah, I gotta make sure I got enough money to buy papes for the next day, and sometimes I just can’t afford it.” His speech is nonchalant.
“Race, I, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s alright, though I gotta say, with youse bringin’ me money an’ clothes an’ such, life’s been easier.”
“I’m glad I can help. But if you or any of the others need anything, really, please tell me.”
“Good to know sweetheart. Now hows about we get youse home eh?”
“Oh, right, that, yes. Alright.” The pair of you meander back to your house, the silence solemn. When you had finally gotten back to your house, you turned to Race.
“I was serious back there, if you or any of the other guys need something, please feel free to ask me for it. I want to help you guys.” “Thank ya’ sweetheart, now I gotta be gettin back.” He turned to leave but before he could you enveloped him in your arms. He was surprised to say, but he enjoyed the feeling nonetheless.
“Have a safe trip back, ok?” Your voice was muffled by his shirt.
“Doll, when have youse known me not to be safe?”
“I mean it.” You said firmly.
“What, you care ‘bout me or somethin’?” He turned around in your arms and looked into your eyes.
“Of course I do, you think I’ve been doing all of this because I don’t care?”
“Doll, I didn’t mean it like that, I know you care. An’ I cares about youse too. I just, I don’t know how to show youse yet.” He was the one hugging you this time, his hands rubbing your back.
“I’ll see ya around, yeah doll?”
“Yeah Race.” His hands slid down your arms, ending at your hands. He brought them up to his lips and kissed them.
“Till next time.” He turned and left, leaving you on the steps to your house. You smiled and opened the door. You saw your parents in the parlor talking with the Heisers, you managed to hear what you determined to be the end of a conversation.
“. . . just went out to buy a paper, and probably got distracted.” You heard your mother's voice. You walked towards the parlor and leaned against the frame.
“Are you talking about me?”
“There she is! Yes, we were just talking about you, how nice of you to finally join us.” You could hear the joking tone of her voice and laughed.
“As you said, I got distracted. Lost track of time. Though I finished all my work before hand so you don’t need to worry about that.” You left your spot against the frame to go hug your mother. She hugged you back and pulled you into the seat next to her.
“These are the Heisers, Elizabeth and her mother Cordelia.” “It’s a pleasure to make both of your acquaintances.”
“The pleasure is ours.” Cordelia said.
“Where’s father?” You asked your mother.
“Outside with Charles and James.”
“Smoking cigars no doubt.” You commented.
“Of course, what else does your father do?” “He acts as if we’re never going to run out of money.” You were exasperated with his constant consumption of cigars. At least Race always seemed like he had the same one. But it worried you still. What if that killed him off early?  
“It doesn’t quite seem like it though, does it dear?” Cordelia joked. She seemed nice enough, though you knew these types. Everyone one of them were always there just for the money. They didn’t quite care about what you wanted, that’s how it always was. That’s what drew you in most about Race, that he didn’t care about your money or your social standing. He liked you for you, and as cliche as it sounded, you enjoyed it. While in your daze, the conversation had carried on about more trivial things. You were brought back by the sound of a door opening and the closing shortly after.
“Ah, George dear,” Your mother to get your father’s attention, “why don’t you bring Charles and James over here to meet (Y/N).”
“Ah yes, at long last, the great and wonderful (Y/N) is finally home.” “Oh, my ever charming and darling father, how are you?” You got up to hug your father, ever the hardy man, a bit hard headed too. Yet you loved him despite it.
“I’m doing quite well, I had a chat with these fine gentlemen and they are some of the funniest people I have met in all my years. Behind you, of course, my dear. And how are you doing?”
“I had quite an eventful day, I went for another walk through the city. Stopped by the bakery, the flower shop, chatted with shop owners, the usual.”
“Did you at least buy a paper?” Your father asked, jokingly.
“As a matter of fact, I did.” You took out the paper and handed it to your father.
“I also had a very nice chat with the newsboy selling the paper. They all seem to be quite interesting young men.” You mentioned it offhandedly, hoping that no one would really critique what you had said.
“Chatting? With a newsboy? I didn’t know they knew basic english.” The son said. He was either James or Charles, which one you didn’t really care.
“They have to, how else would they sell papers!” Elizabeth said, chuckling.
“(Y/N), why would you be talking to one of them, you’re just supposed to buy a paper from them.” Your mother scolded.
“They provide a new perspective and can be quite thoughtful.”
“Sure they can.” The boy scoffed. Good lord he was annoying.
“At least they’ll listen to what I have to say and aren’t judgemental like someone I barely know and really don’t have the desire to get to know.”
“Well I’d never!” Cordelia exclaimed.
“Mrs. (L/N) please contain your daughter! It’s not right for a girl to be making such accusations!” The father said.
“Please, I don’t even know either of your names, you have no right to be talking about what I should and shouldn’t be!” You shouted at him. You were completely done with this conversation and stormed off. You headed towards the door and heard your mother shout at you.
“(Y/N) (L/N) you come back here right now!”
“I’ll be back later! When the ever so lovely Heiser's have left!” You slammed the door closed. You were unable to deal with these people. No discussion had ever gotten that heated. Though you hadn’t brought up the newsboys in any discussion ever. At least until now. Though had you brought them up earlier, you were sure more conversations would end like this one. You didn’t even know where you were going until you looked up. You had brought yourself to the lodging house. Maybe that’s why things had gotten so personal. Maybe you felt like it wasn’t just the newsboys you were defending, but a certain one in particular. How would you even get up there to meet him. You walked around the building, looking for options, checking your surroundings to make sure you were still safe. You saw a balcony with clothes that looked all too familiar. You managed to climb the fire escape connected to building and stopped once you had reached the balcony with the clothes. And when you looked through the window, sure enough, there was they guy you had given the clothes to. You knocked on his window, causing him to jump.
“(Y/N)? What is youse doin here? Shouldn’t you be at home?” He opened the window and helped you in. You were glad to see he didn’t have his cigar in his mouth.
“Yes, well, you see, I had a disagreement with my family and had to leave.”
“Youse sure it was just a disagreement?” “That doesn’t matter, what does matter is that now that I’m here, I want to meet some of your friends.” You got up off of his bed and dusted off your clothes. The want to look presentable still heavily ingrained into you.
“Well alright then. Come one, I’ll give ya the grand tour.” He took hold of your hand and lead you through a doorway that opened into a hallway. He told you about each of the rooms and where everything was until you came into a main room. There were a couple guys in there playing a card game, though they lifted their heads as you entered.
“Well hey now, whos the goirl Race?” “And how long you been hidin her?” Out of the two boys who had spoken, one had red hair and the other was quite short.
“Albert, Romeo, Specs, Jojo, Elmer, this is (Y/N), a friend o’ mine.” He wasn’t quite sure what to call you, as he wasn’t quite sure of the relationship the two of you had, so he thought friend would be the best for now.  
“Well, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you sweetheart. The name’s Romeo.” He came up and bowed in front of you, and to be extra dramatic, he kissed your hand.
“The pleasure is all mine.” You returned his dramatic gesture with an over the top curtsy causing him to laugh. Though, you didn’t spend to long laughing due to the arm that slid around your shoulder.     
“Don’t pay him no mind doll, he does this with everyone, and I mean everyone, even me.”
“And who might you be exactly?” “Well you, can call me Albert.” “We all call ya Albert ya nitwit!” Shouted one of the boys from the table.
“Then I’m glad to be included?” You said, hesitantly. You weren’t sure if they were really including you or not.
“Any friend of Race’s is a friend of ours doll.” Another boy said from the table. Gosh, you were really going to have to get to know their names.
“That’s good to know, and I’m sorry for barging in on all of you like this. I needed to get away from my family for a bit.” “It’s alright girlie, bein able to see youse is a good enough apology.” Race said, sighing.
“I’ll make sure to return the favor someday.” “Ahh, no need. With everything youse been givin me lately it seems Ise owe you.” “Wait, Race, this goirl is the one that’s been givin you all the clothes and food and such?” Said somehow another boy from the table.
“Yeah, this is her. Ain’t she a gem?” He gave you a squeeze and you smiled.
“You sure youse ain’t gone soft Race?”
“I sure have, and lemme tell you, I love it.”
“Aww Race, are you saying you love me too?” “Maybe I am sweetheart.” This caused you to blush, you weren’t really sure what was going on between you and Race. You just went along with it, at first, out of fun, but later on you had developed feelings for him, and in fear of losing the relationship you had with Race, a relationship where he didn’t care about your money or your family status, he cared about you and your friendship. But now, he was saying he loved you. Sure you knew he cared about you, but love? Maybe he meant it platonically, like he loved you as a friend. But maybe he loved you romantically, and if he did, now would be the best time to tell him.
“Hey, (Y/N), sweetheart, you all right?”
“Good job Race, ya broke ‘er.” “Nah, she’s just thinkin, ain’tcha (Y/N)?”
“Race? I don’t think sh-” “I love you too Race.” You stated suddenly.
“What was that doll?” He seemed shocked at your sudden outburst after your silence. “You said you loved me and I said I love you too.” You said simply.
“Well I’ll be, looks like Race finally got himself a goirl!” This came from a new guy, who had just walked in. The confusion on your face was evident as Race introduced him promptly.
“(Y/N), this is Jack, the head of us newsies.” “Oh, it’s nice to meet you! I heard some pretty nice things about you.”
“Well the pleasure is all mine doll. And I would hope that Race speaks good of me.” He winked at you and you smiled, a ladies man just like Race said.
“He does, he speaks pretty highly of all of you, and actually, now that I’m here, this would be the best time to learn names.” “You know the Albert, Romeo, and Jack, so the one in the specs is Specs, the guy that looks like a cunning fox is Jojo, and Elmer’s the one at the end of the table not paying anyone any mind.” Each of the boys waved when Race had told you the names. “It’s nice to properly meet you all! I’m (Y/N) if you didn’t know already.” “Oh sweetheart, Race talks about you all the time, we have a pretty good idea of who you are.” Albert said as he walked back to the table.
“So you talk about me huh?” You questioned jokingly. “And with that I think we’ve had enough socializin so (Y/N) and I are gonna go get some sleep.” Race steered you buy your shoulders back to his room. As he did you heard Jack yell from back where the other boys were playing cards.
“Make sure ya keep ya hands to yaself Race!”
“Shaddup Jack!” Race yelled back.
“I apologize for them, they are usually like this and I didn’t warn ya.” Race said as you approached his room. He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. “It’s fine Race, really.” You sat down next to him and rubbed his back. “They all seem like pretty nice guys. Just like you told me.”
“Yea, just, your comin from something with your own family and I don’t wanna add on to your stress, ya know? I wanna help.” “And you are helping! You let me in and let me stay and let me meet your family! Plus, you let me be open about my feelings. . .” You trailed off at the end of your sentence and reached for Race’s hand. You laced your fingers with his and began playing with them.
“Yeah, about that, Ise gotta know, did ya really mean it?”
“Of course I did, why would I ever lie about that? Why would I ever lie to you?”
“I know I know, but it just seems so, impossible? That someone like you could end up with someone like me.” “Race, take a look at the situation right now, does this seem impossible?” You wave your laced fingers in front of his face with a faint laugh.
“But what about your family?” “To hell with my family! If they don’t like you it doesn’t matter. I like you, love you, even.”
“You really willing to leave your family for me?” “I would, in a heartbeat. I would’ve sooner too had I known about your feelings earlier.”
“Now I wish I had told you earlier.” He leaned his head against your shoulder and exhaled heavily.
“Hows about we get some sleep huh? This has been pretty excitin and I need my beauty sleep.” “You’re already pretty enough Race.” Your voice was muffled by his hair.
“Aww, thanks doll. But I’m still tired.” He, to the best of his ability, flopped down onto the bed, his hand still in yours, effectively pulling you down with him. After you had fallen he had wrapped his arms around you.
“Goodnight (Y/N).” He whispered.
“It really has been, hasn’t it.” You whispered back.
Race had gotten up as usual, ready to sell papes, but when he tried to get up, there was a weight on his arms preventing that. Then he remembered how you had came in the window last night and everything after and opted to go back to sleep, deciding that after all the things you had given him, he really didn’t need to work for a few days. Though, out of habit, he couldn’t go back to sleep. So instead he just watched you. He watched your breathing and the sunlight being cast on your face and really looked at you. You were beautiful. And you were his. And he was yours. He wouldn’t have it any other way. After a while, he decided to wake you up, it would probably be better to get you back to your place sooner rather than later.
“Hey, (Y/N).” He said softly, trying to nudge you awake. He tried again, though a little more forcefully, and that seemed to get you up.
“Youse gotta get up (Y/N) and get back to your place.” “Why? It’s so warm here.” You snuggled up  closer to Race, and he sighed.
“Your parents is probably worried an’ waitin for ya.”
“I thought we were going to forget about my parents.” “Naw, we can’t do that. Theys still your family, and they gotta know youse is alright.” “Carry me home?” You looked up at him with your eyes wide and pouting.
“You gotta get up though.” As soon as he said that you finally found it in yourself to get out of Race’s bed.
“Your turn.” You said to him, making him laugh.
“Hold on, I gotta prepare for carryin you, it’s one thing to carry papes, anodda to carry a person.” You rolled your eyes and waited for him to get up. Once he did, he motioned for you to come stand behind him. You jumped onto his back and he caught your legs. He straightened up and proceeded to walk down the hallways and stairs until you were outside.
“Now sweetheart, I’m not exactly sure where ya live, so youse gotta give me some directions.” When he didn’t receive a response, he looked at your head which was on his shoulder, and you had fallen back asleep.
“For crying out loud.” He mumbled to himself. He shifted you on his back for a bit, and nearly dropped you. That seemed to get you to wake up.
“Ahhh! Race! What in the name of the lord? Why would you do that?” After he had brought you back up, you secured your arms and legs around him much tighter than before.
“You had fallen asleep, and I don’t know where you live exactly.” “Alright, just, don’t do that again, okay? You scared me.” “I’m sorry doll, I promise it’ll never happen again.” “Ok, I forgive you. Anyways, my house is down about three blocks from here, then you take a right and go another block, then you’re there.” “You live that close?”
“How do you think I got to the lodging house so quickly? And remember the first time we met? I walked you here and then walked home because it was so close.” “Ohhhhh.”
“Now shush, I’m trying to sleep.”
“Hey now, is that any way to treat the guy who is ever so graciously carrying you home?” He shifted you behind him again, and out of fear your grip tightened.
“That is not funny Race.” “It’s kinda funny.”
“You are impossible.” “But you still love me.” “I wouldn’t if you drop me.” “Don’t worry doll, if you do fall, which you won’t, I’ll be there to catch you and pick you up.” “Oh my hero.” By the time Race had brought you home, the sun had risen a bit more, making his blonde hair a beautiful shade of gold.
“Alright doll, time to hop off the ol Racetrack rail track.” He let go of your legs but this time you didn’t fall. You turned to face him to say goodbye.
“Thank you for taking me home Race, it was quite kind of you to do that.” “Oh anything for my goirl, right? Plus, now we’ve both walked eachother home. We’re even.” “On that field at least.” You chuckled.
“It’s kinda bittersweet, ain’t it? I’m takin you back to the people keepin us apart.”
“Hey, they aren’t keeping us apart, I’ll come visit you, and until then, you can have this to remember me.” You kissed his cheek sweetly, and he seemed to melt.
“And once we’re old enough, we can spend our lives together, alright? Nothing will keep us apart then.”
“Yeah, a nice house with just you an’ me.” He said dreamily as he pulled you closer towards him.
“Here’s something from me to hold you over till that happens.” He took your chin in his hand and brought his lips to yours. His kiss was much more passionate than the one you gave him. He put his forehead against yours and brought his hands to your face.
“I love you (Y/N) (L/N).”
“I love you, Racetrack I don’t know your last name.” He smiled at that.
“Higgins, it’s Higgins.”
“Well then I love you Racetrack Higgins. And I always will. But for now, I have to go. It’s been absolutely lovely.” You brought your hands up to his and intertwined your fingers. You gently pulled his hands away from your face and gave them a squeeze. Then you let go and left Race standing there bewildered at how he had ever managed to meet you.
You were able to sneak upstairs into your bedroom, and after all the excitement of the morning, you couldn’t fall asleep again. You didn’t have any work to do so you choose to take some time to read. That’s how your mother had found you after she woke up and came into your room.  
“Oh (Y/N)! Your home!” She gasped. She ran to your bed and enveloped you in a hug.
“Oh I was so worried about you after you stormed off I had no clue where you went and your father! Oh he was so scared you would get hurt out there! I’m just so glad your home dear.”
“You act as if I’ve been gone for weeks mother.” “Oh but that’s what it felt like dear!” “Well I’m back now and mother I must tell you I met this boy a wh-” “You met a boy! What was he like? Has he been like any of the suitors?” “Please, if he were like the suitors I would hardly give him the time of day.” “What problem do you have with them? There all fine, upstanding young men.” “They’re all arrogant, entitled, greedy, bratty children. They have no respect for anyone and are completely fine in expressing that. The boy I met may be a bit arrogant, but he’s got none of the other traits.” “Well who is he?”
“He’s a newsboy.” “A newsboy, really? Your father might not enjoy that fact.” “You know who would? Edward.” “(Y/N) please this is hardly the time to bring him up.” “You know it’s true. You know the respect he had for the working class. You know he wanted to support and protect us if there ever came a time for it.” “So he did, and you know what he got for it? Death.”
“The war wasn’t his fault!” “But he didn’t have to go and fight in it!” Your raised voices had brought your father to your room.
“What’s going on here? (Y/N)? Oh thank the stars you’re back! Did you mother tell you I was worried? Of course she did she’s your mother. But, truly, what is going on here?” “I’m in love with a newsboy. There. It’s been said. And I was having a disagreement with mother about how Edward would approve of it.” “There is something enticing about working, isn’t there.” “George! Don’t encourage her!”
“What? She clearly hasn’t liked any of the suitors so why can’t she choose her own lover?”
“Well, that’s a fair point, but still George shouldn’t we-” “Mary, I really don’t think there’s any way to change her mind. You saw how she took the disrespect of the newsboys last night.” “Yet I worry still. I just want you to have a nice life is all dear.”
“I know mother, and just because I’m in love with a newsboy, who does happen to have a name, Race, doesn’t mean I won’t live a nice life. I don’t want to leave this family for good!”
“Alright dear, if you truly love him, who I am to stop you.”
“Oh thank you mother, thank you father.”
Though the day had started out bright, it became gray soon after. You didn’t mind, the rain was calming to you and a nice thing to read to. Your little bubble was broken when you heard knocking on the door downstairs.
“I’ll get it!” You rushed downstairs as quick as you could, you didn’t want to leave whoever was the door wait out in the rain for long. You opened the door to see quite a familiar face.
“Race? What are you doing here?”
“Ise was in the neighborhood, and got caught in the rain.” “Oh my god, well come in! Don’t just stand there!” You ushered him in and lead him to the parlor. You went to grab a towel for him and took out some soup for him. When you came back he seemed smaller and kind of uncomfortable as he looked around. You handed him the towel and offered him a seat.
“Here, dry yourself off and have a seat, I’ve got some soup I’m about to put on to keep you from getting sick.” “Wow, thanks, youse uh, didn’t need to do all this ya, know. Ise wasn’t out in the rain for more than 5 minutes.” “Race, your shivering. I’m getting you that soup.” You got up to go back into the kitchen to make the soup. It was simple enough and ready quickly, you let it cool only a bit before bringing it to Race.
“Here, eat.”
“Alright boss, I’m eatin.” He ate the soup and stopped shivering.
“So, what brings you out here?” You sat next to him as he ate. “Ise was doing what you do, takin a walk.”
“And you just so happened to end up here?” “I did, as a matter o fact.”
“I guess rainy days are our special days, huh?” “How do ya mean?” “We met on a rainy day, and today, another rainy day, was our first kiss and now here you are.” “I guess youse is right.” “When am I wrong?” You smiled and leaned into him. He brought his slightly damp arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“You’re so warm doll, like a heated blanket, care to warm me up?” “Sure.” You pushed Race down on the sofa and climbed on top of him, splaying yourself over him to warm him up.
“Hey, how many times do I gotta thank you for everything you do? Cuz I’m thankin youse again.”
“I’m not sure Race, all I know is that I’m never going to stop helping you, so maybe that means you’ll never stop thanking me.” “I can see the headline now, ‘man thanks himself to death’.” “And do tell, what’s the actual headline?”
“Annoda stinkin article on Roosevelt.”
48 notes · View notes
theys-a-joke · 7 years
Race/Reader : I am
 So uh, I lied, I edited the fic and decided to post it now. I just couldn’t take it you know? But anyways, this was my first request!! I did the first part of the request:
Something fluffy with Albert?? Or Race??? Maybe (if you do modern!Newsies) it could be them asking the reader to Homecoming or Prom? 
So this is Race asking the reader to prom, though be warned, that doesn’t happen till the very end and there is a bunch of fluff until then. 
Here’s the ao3 link!
You honestly had never expected this. The day had started out normal, you presented your projects in science, nothing over the top, but still worth an A. You weren’t really paying attention to the other presentations though, something was eating at you. Your friend Katherine picked up on this due to your usual enthusiasm for science being at an all time low.
“Hey, everything alright? You don’t seem to be as into this as you were last week.”
“I don’t know Kath, it’s just, I’ve been seeing the prom flyers going up and I guess I’m bummed out that I don’t have a date.”
“Hey! What about the time we went together! I was going to ask you this year too!” She scoffed, sarcastically. You laughed at her little outburst, but began to sulk again.
“And I would say yes a thousands times, but I think someone else wants to ask you out.” You silently gestured up to the front of the classroom where Jack and Davey had just finished giving their presentation. Jack had been staring at Katherine and wiggled his eyebrows when she looked back at him, as if he knew you were talking about him.
“How long have you two been dating now, a year?”
“I’ll have you know he never formally asked me out until after prom, 10 months ago.”
“Oh excuse me.” You said sarcastically. You always enjoyed talking with Katherine as she brought up your spirits.
“Anyways, this conversation wasn’t originally about me, it was about you and you being sad that you might end up going alone or not at all. So let’s turn it back there and begin.” The bell rang and you and Katherine got your stuff and headed to your next class, history. It was a short walk, only a few doors down from your science class. You both sat down and continued the conversation.
“Let’s start off with the basics, is there anyone you would like to ask you to prom?”
“Is ‘kinda sorta maybe yeah but they would never ask me’ a valid answer?”
“Sure, but you have to elaborate, as all our wonderful teachers have drilled into our brains.” You scanned the room to see who was there. It just seemed to be you, Kath and a few other students you didn’t know quite well.
“Race?” As soon as you said his name he popped in the doorway. You nearly jumped out of your seat and Katherine laughed.
“Um, what was that?” She asked playfully. She was smiling, now aware of your crush, she was going to annoy you about it. What fun.
“Katherine Pulitzer I swear to god. You’re lucky he practically never takes out his earbuds.” You were calming down, though you had to say you were significantly frightened about him finding out that you had a crush on him.
“Alright alright, though I have to know, how long?”
“Since sophomore year?” You knew she was going to flip.
“You sneaky little devil! We’ve been friends since elementary school and I like to think we told each other everything! God what kind of journalist will I be if I can’t pick up on my friend’s crushes!” She gave an exaggerated exhale and slumped in her seat.
“Hey, just because you couldn’t sniff out one thing doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get the story for anything else. You picked up on Jack’s feelings pretty quick.”
“Yeah, because he has no filter!” Just then, the teacher walked in and was ready to start class.
“Later. We. Will. Have. Words.” Katherine whispered to you, causing you to chuckle.
“Good morning everyone! I’m sure you’re all aware of what we will be doing today as we have done it for the past 7 months! We will be starting to create our review projects for the unit! Now I have been generous in letting you work in partners,” There was a collective cheer from the class, “but I have chosen them.”  And then a collective groan.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like projects, it’s just that you didn’t really have the time to put up with anyone who wouldn’t keep up their end of the project, which was usually why you worked with Kath.
“I’ll be reading off the partners so listen closely.” He rambled on for sometime, barely listening, until you heard something you couldn’t process.
“… (Y/N) (L/N) and Racetrack Higgins …”
Katherine was called right after you and got partnered with some guy who’s name you didn’t recognize. Though that didn’t matter at the moment. What did matter was what you were going to do about your current situation. Just handle it like every other group project right? Except you were crushing on the guy you were partnered with.
“And because this was a short unit, I expect your projects to be done by spring break. You may begin now.”  
Absolutely amazing. God how were you going to do this. You were so caught up in your own head that you didn’t notice the one looking down at you.
“You’re (Y/N) right?” He knew your name.
“Yeah, what of it?” Amazing first impression.   
“Woah woah woah, no need to get all defensive sweetheart. I’m Race, your partner for this project?”
“Slow down sweetheart. I’m never gonna understand you if you talk that fast.” He had pulled up a chair next to your desk in hopes of seeming less intimidating. He really didn’t mean to startle you, but you seemed kinda distracted and not about something good. He was hoping you weren’t unhappy about being his partner. He had seen you around, you had a few classes together and he had fallen for you. From the way you spoke to the enthusiasm you gave while presenting. You always seemed on top of your work and never really stressed. He truly admired your work ethic.
You seemed to have calmed down, and looked ready to talk again.
“Can we start over?” You asked, completely embarrassed at yoyo first proper introduction.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N) and I’m your partner for the history project.” You smiled and stuck out your hand.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N), I’m Racetrack, though my friends call me Race, and hopefully you will too.” He shook your hand and smiled back at you, this seemed to be going well enough.
“So, where do you want to start?”
“Well, personally, I like to start with how we’ll be presenting the information, just as a way to plan how much time we’ll need to spend on everything else.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. How about a model? With everything we did, I feel like the best way to show it would be three dimensional.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea! How about we get the information we can this week and then meet up to build the project? That way we don’t have to worry about finishing it over break.” This might not be so bad, if the two of you could work on the project, maybe you could get closer and become friends with him! At least it would be better having him as a friend than never really knowing much about him at all.
“Then we better get started.” And with that you two began, you got out your notes and he got a textbook. You brainstormed ideas for the model and set up some times to meet up to further discuss the project. Class was almost over when he asked you about your weekend, which you completely misunderstood.
“So do you wanna come over on Saturday?”
“How do you mean?” You were confused, you were talking about the project a few minutes ago and now he seemed to be asking you out. What?
“To build the model, do you wanna come over Saturday or is Sunday better?” That made much more sense than him asking you out, you didn’t even know each other that well!  
“Oh yeah, um, I can do Saturday. If we can compile a list of materials next class I can check to see what I have and bring it over.” Nice recovery.
“Cool, does 11 work? That way if we get tired we can take a lunch break at an appropriate time.” He laughed at his own little joke.
“Yeah. Oh, here let me get your number so I can reach you after school,” You pulled out your phone and opened a new contact, “here you go.” You handed him your phone and he put in his number.
“R-A-C-E, Race, great! Now you’re in my phone and i’ll text you later.” The bell rang for the end of class and you gathered your stuff and walked over to Katherine, leaving Race standing by the desk smiling. He told you his friends called him Race and then you put him as Race in your phone. It might’ve just been an easier thing to do but it made him happy. He gathered his own stuff and headed to his next class.
Race In Math
Race was sitting in math class, somehow surrounded by all of his friends. They were all talking amongst each other because there was no substitute for their teacher. Race though, he was distracted with you and still thinking about how you saved him as Race in your phone.
“Hey Race, what do you think?”
“About what Albert?”
“About going to prom, I was thinking maybe just us guys should go ya know? And just hang out.”
���And I said that we could all just hang out without having to go to prom!” Jojo spoke up from next to Albert.
“We don’t need to spend that much money on one night is all I’m saying.”
“I don’t know guys, I think I might actually wanna go this year?” That caused the boys to get louder, asking questions like, what, with who, and since when. Then Jack spoke up.
“Calm down will ya? I don’t think he’s half crazy for wanting to go! But he might be full crazy depending on who he wants to go with!”  That got him a few laughs, though most of the guys were interested in who Jack and Race were going with.
“Well, I was planning on taking my ever amazing and talented girlfriend if you must know.”
“The newspaper girl?” Crutchie asked.
“Yes her, I plan to take her dancing and then spend the night together afterwards. Typical coupley stuff. But what I want to know is who convinced our big buff Race into thinking of taking them to prom?”
“Just someone I see in my history and marketing class.” Race brushed it off, acting like he didn’t really care about the conversation. It was fun to see them all on edge at what he had to say next.
“Well they’re clearly not ‘just someone’ if you want to take them to prom! Tell us, who has stolen our sweet, lover boy’s heart?” Romeo was such a dramatic.
“(Y/N), they’re one of Katherine, the newspaper girl’s, friends.” He repeated what Crutchie had said earlier, as it had become a joke within the friend group.
“And just how do you plan on asking them to prom? You’ve never spoken to them before.” Jojo was still skeptical about the whole prom thing.
“Yeah but you see I got their number, given, it was to talk to their about the history project we’re working on, but still. I have talked to them. I’ll get there.”
“Good luck with that!”
“I don’t need your luck Albert, I’ll do just fine on my own.” Though he was beginning to think he might actually need it. He didn’t even know if you wanted to go to prom! But hey if you didn’t want to go to prom, maybe he could ask you out on a date. Hopefully you would say yes.
Race had texted you his address the night before and you were able to find it, though, it looked like no one was there when you got there. You checked the address again and texted him that you were here. You got out of your car and headed towards the door you assumed to be his, yet you were still unsure. You knocked on the door and heard a pitter patter of paws running behind it.
“Coming!” Oh good, Race was here and he hadn’t sent you to some haunted house to get killed, though he wouldn’t do that right? You were snapped out of your thought when you felt other legs on your own legs. You looked down to see a boston terrier at your feet looking back up at you.
“Sorry about Ben, he just loves people.” And there was Race, the reason you were here, er, he wasn’t the reason, the project was, you were just here to work with him–
“Hey you alright? You don’t look so good, kinda red actually. Come inside and let me get you some water.” He ushered you inside and you sat down on a couch. Now this was embarrassing, he thought you were sick when really you were just nervous about being here. He brought you water and you took it gratefully, despite you not actually needing it.
“I’m sorry if I kept you waiting outside, I was setting up some space for us to work and I guess I didn’t hear you knock, Ben did though. It’s those dog ears.” He laughed, though it was shaky. He was clearly worried about you.
“Race, I’m fine, really. I guess I expected more people and I was scared you had sent me to some haunted house to get killed.” You smiled at the actual truth of Race being here and not the morbidity of the thought. He seemed shocked by what you had said, but continued on.
“Well, I can assure you that you aren’t going to get killed in a haunted house. My folks are outta town for the weekend on business so I’ve got the house to myself. Well, mostly to myself, I gotta share with Ben here.” He rubbed the dog’s head as he mentioned him. As soon as he finished, Ben jumped onto the couch and into your lap.
“Aww look at that, he likes you! That’s good, can’t have friends that Ben doesn’t like.” Friends? You were friends? You had ascended past acquaintances to the friend zone. Nice.
“Sooo, where did you set up the space for the project?” You had set your bag of supplies down when you first came in, but now you had lost it in petting the dog.
“I set up down stairs, laid out a bunch of newspaper and stuff, so we can go whenever you’re ready.” He gestured to the dog that had fallen asleep on your lap. You gently nudged him, and he opened his eyes. You picked him up and laid him where you were sitting, and just for good measure, kissed his head.
“Okay, I’m ready.” You saw your bag of supplies by the door and went over to grab it, then followed Race downstairs.
“Wow. You were not kidding when you said ‘a bunch of newspaper.’ Where did you get all of this?”
“Well, a couple generations back, I’m related to one of the original newsboys from the news strike of 1899, so we got a couple papers from then for prosperity sake, and then the rest are cause my old man doesn’t throw out papers. So we just have a whole lot of them lying around. Crazy right? Those kids back in 1899 did anything to sell the papers, and now here we are, keeping them all over our house.”
“Man that is crazy. Look at some of these headlines!” You had crouched down to the floor too look at the older ones. You could tell they were older by the coloring of the paper, plus some of them had the date.
“Look! Here’s one about the strike!” You carefully pulled out the paper and began reading it, it was in pretty good condition for just ‘lying around.’
After reading the article, the two of you set to work. You had worked for about 3 hours before you started to get bored painting the model. Then you had an idea.
“Hey Race?” You needed him to look at you for this to work. He looked up at you from his side and you flicked paint on his face. You smiled while looking at him. He just had a splatter of green going across his face.
“Hey (Y/N)?” He asked as if you hadn’t even flicked paint in his face, and began leaning closer to you over the model.
“Yeah?” You answered cautiously. You weren’t sure where this was going. You thought that he was going to flick paint on you, but you couldn’t see a paint brush. But he was also leaning in. Was he going to kiss you? Were you going to kiss back? Maybe you were. The only way to find out was to lean in. And lean in you did, you were only a few inches apart when you felt something cold and wet swipe across your face. He had spread purple paint across your face with his hand. The nerve!
“Oh it is so on!” With that broke an all out paint war between the two of you. You both ended up in a heap on the floor, a multitude of colors splattering your clothes. The two of you were laughing and you couldn’t be more relaxed.
“Hey, how about we get some lunch?” He asked after a few minutes of resting.
“Like this?”
“Who cares if we’re covered in paint, it’s dry and it won’t get on anything.”
“That’s fair. But, where would you want to go?”   
“I’m down. Let’s go, we can take my car.” You hopped up off the floor and off of Race, offering him a hand when you got up. Big mistake. He took your hand and made eye contact as he stood up and neither of you spoke. You just looked at each other until he cleared his throat.
“You, uh, you might wanna wash the purple off your face though, before we leave.”
“I think I’ll keep it, who cares anyway right?” You parroted what he had said earlier, hoping to lighten the very heavy mood.
“Come on, I want pancakes.” You bolted up the stairs with Race close behind. You passed Ben on the couch who lifted his head up when he heard you guys passing the couch.
“Hey boy, me and (Y/N) are going out for a bit. I’ll bring you back a doggie bag okay?” Race scratched Ben’s head before putting his shoes on and following you out the door.
“Oh wait, let me get my wallet, we can split the bill.” He turned around to go back inside before you stopped him.
“It’s fine, I can pay for the both of us. Think of it as a way of paying you back for letting us work here.”
“I couldn’t possibly let you pay it by yourself though.”
“Racetrack Higgins, I am paying for this meal whether you like it or not. Now get in the car.”
“Alright, alright. I’m getting in the car, happy sweetheart?”
“Very.” You started up the car and drove to the closest Denny’s, which actually wasn’t that far. Huh. You’d have to ask Race about that later.
“Alrighty, we’re here! Let’s go join the weird hive-mind that is Denny’s.” You got out the car and then gestured to Race to get out too.
“That is one of the best descriptions I have ever heard.”
“Hey, that’s what I’m known for.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you know all those little ads to join clubs in the school newspaper?”
“Yeah? You’re telling me you wrote those?”
“Yeah I am. And you’re lucky too, no one besides Kath knows I write stuff for the paper.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t know, when I started I never really put my name in the paper while doing that, and now I just don’t do it. It’s nice, it makes me feel mysterious.”
“I’ll take your secret to my grave. On my honor.”
“And what honor is that?” You quipped.
“You got me there.” You had reached the front doors and entered the Denny’s. You were greeted by a hostess and immediately led to a table. You weren’t sure if this was surprising or not.  
“Here are your menus and a server will be with you shortly!” Her eyes seemed to look at the two of you distastefully, probably because of the paint.
“Thanks!” You matched her attitude. Like you guys said earlier, who cares? As soon as she left Race spoke up.
“So what are you thinking of getting? I was thinking that maybe we should share a meal, that way it’ll cost less, but I don’t know about you or how hungry you are so that’s just an idea. That is to say, I, myself, am very hungry.”
“Honestly, I’m really liking the sounds of pancakes.”
“Oooh yeah let’s do that! And to drink, how about a milkshake?” He was engrossed in the menu, contemplating which milkshake would taste the best with pancakes.
“Okay…” You were unsure of how a milkshake would taste with pancakes, but you trusted Race and his judgement. Once he looked set with what he was going to get, the waitress came over.
“So, can I start you two of with drinks?”
“Yeah, could we get a strawberry milkshake?” Race seemed very eager to order the milkshake for some reason.
“Alright, and can I get you guys anything else?”
“Yeah, could we also get the Double Berry Banana Breakfast?”
“Sure thing, lots of fruit today huh?” She tried to make small talk, yet her disinterest was clear. Race wasn’t having any of it.
“Yeah, sure is. Thanks.” He took your menu and handed it to her. She seemed a bit shocked at his curt response but didn’t say anything and left to go place your order.
“That was rude.” “I didn’t like how she was looking at and speaking to us.” He said it simply with a shrug of his shoulders and leant back into his seat.
“That’s understandable, but still no reason to be rude. You should apologize when she comes back with the food.”
“Do I have to?” He whined, slumping even farther into his seat.
“If you want to eat anything here, then yes.” He shot up immediately and jokingly glared at you.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I’m the one paying, so try me all you want Higgins.” You put your elbows on the table and head in hands, your eyes asking him so what’s your next move?
“Oh, this is not the last you will hear from me (L/N). It’s unwise to make an enemy out of me.” “Oh I’m sure I could take you… ” You enjoyed having him at your mercy. “… but for now, I propose a truce, you can be civil, can’t you?”
“Oh I can be civil. You’ll see just how civil I can be! I accept your truce!” You were laughing now, you couldn’t help it. He seemed confused at your sudden laughter, leading you to explain.
“I feel like you would either be best friends or worst enemies with Kath.” You spoke between laughs, calming down once he responded.
“How do you mean?” “You both have this competitiveness in you to rise to any challenge given to you. You also don’t take any crap from other people.”
“Amazing qualities. This ‘Kath’ sounds like a cool person.”
“She is, she’s been my best friend since elementary school and we’ve been as close as can be since then.”
“I know the feeling. I’ve got this friends, Albert, who I’ve known since diapers. For better or for worse I don’t know.” He laughed at his own joke, you laughed too. His was contagious and one of the most amazing sounds you’ve ever heard. But then he stopped laughing and was talking again.
“And my friend Jack, he’s got this friend, his name’s Andrew but we call him Crutchie, he’s known him for a while too.”
“Andrew, as in Andrew Morris?”
“Yeah, why?”
“It’s nothing big, it’s just that that’s who Kath got partnered with for the history project. I didn’t recognize his name, I think I’ve only ever associated him with the name ‘Crutchie’. Huh.”
“Yeah, a lot of people are like that when they find out. Hey, you should do that!”
“Do what?” “Use a nickname!”
“For what?” You were utterly confused at why he was bringing this up and what it related to.
“For when you write in the newspaper! That way, you’ll get some credit without outing yourself!” It wasn’t a bad idea but …
“I have no clue what nickname I would use.” His response was immediate.
“Mark Twain.” “That’s hilarious. I’ll do it.” Just then, the waitress reappeared with your food and your milkshake.
“Oh look Race! The food is here! Don’t you have something to say?” Race shot you a look that could kill, but spoke anyways.
“I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. It was uncalled for rude. Please accept my apology.”
“I accept your apology and I apologize too, somethings in my personal life have been screwing me over and I’ve been letting it get to me. I hope you can accept my apology.” “I can. And I hope the things in your life turn out well for you.” He gave her a heartfelt smile that only made you slightly jealous.
“Thanks. I mean it. And I hope you enjoy your meal.” She left, seemingly better than before, you guessed the interaction had gotten to her too and apologizing lifted a weight off of her shoulders.
“I’m proud of you.” You said.
“Oh yeah sure big deal I can apologize whatever. Let’s eat!” You shook your head at him and put a straw into the milkshake. You could see why he was so excited to order it, it was delicious. Race was digging into the pancakes and fruit, stuffing his face. You were scared for a moment that he might choke, but he didn’t. You shared more stories of your friends. It came to your attention that Race and his friends seemed like a bunch of cartoon characters with all the adventures they supposedly went on. You told each other about your personal lives, always managing to stray away from love lives. Soon enough, the pancakes were gone and milkshake cup was empty, and the both of you were ready to take a nap. The server came back with the check and you were surprised at how cheap the meal was. But what surprised you even more was the little note at the bottom of the receipt. Race clearly saw the shock on your face and took the check out of your hands.
“What? Is the meal way more than you expected? Are we gonna have to–” He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes went to the bottom of the receipt.
“‘For the cute blonde: Call me sometime if you ever want to apologize again.’ Winky face.” He seemed confused, like the thought of someone flirting with him was foreign to him.
“Race just give it back so I can pay.” He hesitated for a second and you thought he was going to pull out his phone and put in her number, but he handed the receipt back to you.
“Thanks.” You mumbled. You put the money in and waited for the server to come back. It was an awkward few minutes until she came back and took it. The two of you then got up from the booth and silently walked back to your car.
“God I am so tired.” You couldn’t stand the silence anymore.
“Me too. I could nap for a week. Wait, I feel like I’m missing something.” He stopped in the middle of the parking lot and started patting his body.
“Do you have your phone, your keys, your ID?”
“Hey, hey hey, it’s okay. I’m sure he can go without pancakes.”
“But I lied to him.” He looked so sad.
“We can pick up something for him on the way back if you want.” You rubbed his back in hopes of soothing him.
You had gotten into your car a drove to a pet store and picked up some treats for Ben. Funny enough it seemed farther from Race’s house than the Denny’s. When you got to Race’s house you could hear Ben from across the street.
“I think he knows we’re back.” You joked.
“I think you’re right.” You walked across the street and Race unlocked and opened the door. Sure enough, there was Ben, happy to greet you.
“Hey benny-bear!” Race had crouched to Ben’s level and began petting him and offering him treats.
“Yeah, uh, I have a bunch of nicknames for him, but I think Benny-bear is his favorite.” He had only looked up for a second but you could tell he was embarrassed.
“Hey, I’m not going to question what you call your dog.” You entered the house and headed to go downstairs.
“Hey, let’s go finish the project, yeah? We only have a bit left to do and once we’re done you can spend all the time you want with your Benny-bear.”
“I’m never going to hear the end of this am I?”
“Nope!” With that you went downstairs, Race following you, and Benny-bear waiting at the door.
“Does that look done to you?”
“Yeah pretty much.” You and Race had spent another hour finishing up the painting and other little details.
“Now, to make sure nothing happens to this so we get a good grade.” You put it on one of the tables that was downstairs. It was too tall for Ben to jump on and there was nothing he could use as a ladder or step-stool to even get up to the table.
After a moment of admiring your work, you turned to Race.
“This was fun, we should keep in touch.” You hoped that this could become a regular thing, just the two of you hanging out. You really enjoyed getting to know him as a person and just talking with him.
“What, did you think I was only gonna talk to you while doing the project and forget about you after? Nah, you’re too cool of a person to do that to.”
“So you’re saying you have done it in the past?”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Yeah I know, I was just kidding. Hey what time is it?”
“Uh,” Race checked the clock on the wall “It’s about 4, why?”
“I was just wondering. I told my parents that I didn’t know what time I would be back, but I said that I would text them before 5 if I was getting home after 5.”
“Oh alright, well, since we’re done, you could go home anytime you like.”
“I don’t know, I mean, I kinda wanna stay and take a nap or something, it’s pretty quiet here compared to my house.”
“You’re welcome to stay, I could put on a movie or something so you have something to fall asleep to and aren’t just falling asleep in my house.”
“Yeah, I’d like that. Let me text my parents. So what movies do you have?”
“Let me look.” While you texted your parents, he looked around for awhile until he seemed to find something worthy of your viewing pleasure.
“I found tapes of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’.”
“No way.” “Yep! Hop on the couch and I’ll set it up.” You did as he said and sat on the couch, there were a couple of folded blankets in the chair next to you begging to be used. You took one and wrapped yourself in it and by the time Race was facing you again, you were wrapped up like a burrito. He chuckled at how cozy and content you looked and sat down next to you. Before you knew it old episodes of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’ were playing and you were in tears from laughing to hard. You had ended up lying in Race’s lap after falling over from a fit of laughing and he was playing with your hair. The both of you just found this so comfortable and relaxing that you didn’t notice time passing. It had been another few hours and you and Race had watched all the tapes. It was nearly 9pm.
“Amazing choice Race, that was exactly what I needed.” You head was still on his lap so all you had to do was turn to look up at him. He seemed to be in a trance looking at you, and he didn’t quite process what you had said for a minute.
“I’m glad you feel better.” His voice was hushed and calming. He sounded so sincere and real that you didn’t know what to do. So you just laid there, your head in his lap, his hand in your hair, staring at each other. There was silence, but it wasn’t like the silence in the parking lot, no, this was nice. Time seemed to stop for the both of you and you were content.
“Hey (Y/N)? Do you want to go out sometime?” He broke the silence with a simple yes or no question the left you stunned. You voice failed you when you needed to respond, but you took a deep breath and it came back .
“I’d really enjoy that Race.”
“Does the Tuesday before spring break work?”
“Yeah.” Then it hit you, that was prom night.
“Wait, Race, are you asking me out to prom?”
“I am. Are you saying yes?”
“I am.”
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