thefallencomet · 1 year
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Yet another Pikmin-inspired doodle. (You’ll have to get used to these becoming regular)
This is the S.S. Bobbert. This ship was once an off-the-shelf casual two seater, but after a few years of civilian use it was sold to an esteemed raceship operator and modified to participate in highly competitive (and highly dangerous) Hocotatian ring racing.
After a decade in the spotlight, the S.S. Bobbert and its captain retired from racing to take up low energy deep space scouting jobs, for which the ship was further modified to include a top-mounted excursion pod. This came with the added benefit of giving the Bobbert’s computer an audible voice for the first time in its operating life.
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maomornity · 4 years
Wipeout Quillustration by Mao Mornity View in VR: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/media/242758220445141/493629844969253/
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riacte · 3 years
hello hello, would you mind talking about spopera? Specifically, i saw a post a while ago about space twitter (which was hilarious) and... could you please tell me more about that side of the au :D
(also, what's your favourite little thing in spopera?)
YESS spopera!! And omg I LOVE space twitter. We have a #shitposting channel on the server and it’s my home <3 so thanks for the ask!!
(Coincidentally this is also my favourite thing lolol)
Buckle up because it’s gonna be wild 👀
First we have the genesis of all spacetwt discourse: the trans Lumians discourse. Basically some Twitter (the official name for the app is Twilight in this AU but I’m using Twitter because it’s funnier) users think Martyn is transgender False. Because they’re blonde, the same species, and stick with Ren. That’s literally their rationale. It’s a huge conspiracy with users going “prince of hearts 😍” and deeming it’s “transphobic to use f*lse because it’s martyn’s deadname”. Of course people with common sense go “🤨they look different and their freckles are literally different colours🤨” but the trans truthers don’t listen… it’s a huge argument online 😭
Then of course we have the fanfiction!! Exterra RPF!! Who could forget! We have Launchpad (Wattpad) and the Starchive (Ao3) <3 Someone found out Ren was seen as a delinquent when he visited False during their highschool years and boy you would not believe the EXPLOSION of Bad Boy RK content. It’s embarrassing. It’s funny. Bad Boy RK x Reader…. And of course the classic “got sold to RK and Queen of Hearts”. Because the kids would want that.
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There is ALSO discourse on how Launchpad and Starchive characterise Bad Boy! RK. Starchive has those 10k delinquent befriending private school student Falseren fics with lowercase lyric titles. Launchpad just has a lot of X Reader fics.
BTW the most popular Exterra RPF fic is called Cold Spells— a parody of Heat Waves of course. It’s exactly what you imagine it is. The second most popular fic is a Medieval AU called a hand to hold until the end. Yes, it’s the 3rd Life AU. Yes, the author has the trafficpose url. (Check out the real owner of trafficpose here for more spopera content!! :D)
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So that’s Starchive in a nutshell. However AO3 also exists… as a chemical compound. Someone (we’re thinking Cub) found AO3 and discovered it could be used in starship launchers. Essential, AO3 fuels ships. Yes it’s a pun.
Also the shipping discourse is insane in this universe. The whole “real people shipping is bad and invasive” thing aside, people just love arguing about the ships. The Falseren shippers fight with the Treebark shippers. People ship Ren x Skizz and Ren x Etho or whatever. And Doc. They also ship Ren with his crazy blue stalker (“😍 10k enemies to lovers 😍”). There are also genuine Treebark Truthers 😭 they call the Falseren shippers “comphet” or “heteronormative” or SOMETHING.
You think it can’t get worse. Well, it can! People ship the raceships. Shipshipping. Like, they humanise the freaking ships. The Dogwarts freighter is humanised into a dilf. People would unironically make tweets like “ // shipshipping idk i don’t like how the fandom portrayals falsewell as an old person it’s kinda ageist :( “
NOT TO MENTION THE SUBTWT DRAMA…. part of #hearttwt (False’s subtwt) don’t like Ren because they think he’s problematic and weird and a “Lumian fetishiser”. So we get tweets like “// red king neg DONT WORRY WE’LL SAVE FALSIE FROM THE STINKY MAN” the replies are like “???? They’re literally best friends???”. People also say shit like “my nyooms nyooms 🥺” “my poor glow glow” unironically.
Have some Space Twitter screenshots I made <3 not entirely canon but it’s funny <3
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Also I made Space Gacha. This isn’t spoilers I promise—
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yeah. so like. fictional discourse is the only part of world building ive contributed to 💀 also we borrowed a ton of stuff from f1 fandom which is just irl spopera BSBFHSBSA
I can imagine it’ll only get worse with time… anyways if you’ve read this far thanks for putting up with this LMAO
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tainbocuailnge · 4 years
meteon’s red suit is so fucking cute and sexy ill forever be mad that the sprite for it is his raceship. at least make it so base sprite is him and the uncap his ship or something
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nekocitron · 7 years
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INKTOBER 1.SWIFT with Juliette Andromeda Mao from the awesome tv show THE EXPANSE driving her race ship the Razorback ♡
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atamascolily · 6 years
Fun quotes from The Crystal Star by Vonda N. McIntyre
Dr. Hyos knelt beside Leia. She observed Chewbacca’s wound and Leia’s first aid with a glance. “Ah,” she said briskly. “Good work.” “Come away, now, Princess,” the chamberlain said. “Not yet!” Dr. Hyos exclaimed. “I have only four hands, after all. The princess is quite all right where she is.”
LOL, aliens, I love it.
Leia knew of Munto Codru’s traditions of abduction and ransom. That was why Chewbacca had been staying so close to the children. That was why extra security surrounded and guarded the ancient castle. For the people of Munto Codru, coup abduction was an important and traditional political sport. It was a sport in which Leia did not care to participate.
What a great and wonky political system! Great fic trope, dontcha think?
She felt very alone. Han and Luke had left on an adventure, with her blessing. Winter had taken the opportunity of this peaceful tour to attend a conference on runaway children. She too was worlds away. The coincidence did not amuse Leia.
NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF WINTER HAD BEEN THERE.... I’m just saying. Winter doesn’t fuck around.
I’ll bet Luke just says to his body, Enough, no more being stiff, Leia thought uncharitably. Or he says to himself, I don’t feel any pain, and he doesn’t.
Hahaha, not in my fics he doesn’t!
Maybe it isn’t the dark side after all, Leia thought, desperately seeking comfort. Maybe the castle’s built on some unique mineral, maybe it disrupts my perceptions. If ysalamiri can disturb the Force, why not a phenomenon from the depths of a planet?
Every time an author other than Zahn mentions ysalamiri, I give a little cheer. Continuity! Yeah!
“If I may be so bold …” See-Threepio said. “Despite the extra shielding I can feel X rays penetrating my outer shell, all the way to my synapses. I can hardly imagine what they might do to your more delicate biological structure. Crseih Research Station was constructed to withstand this assault. Might I suggest that we get beneath the spaceport’s shielding as soon as possible?” As if to punctuate See-Threepio’s comment, a bright flash of light with no apparent source streaked across Han’s vision; he recognized it as a cosmic ray traveling across his retina. “Good thinking, Threepio,” he said.
Heyyyy, remember we’re in space! Also, Han agreeing with Threepio - what!
Han shut down the Falcon and set several security devices, some of them cleverer than others. “Let’s go,” he said. “And remember who we are. I mean, who we aren’t.” Threepio had put on the purple lacquer; Han had grown his beard. But Luke had done nothing to disguise himself. “I don’t know, kid,” Han said to Luke. “I still think you ought to do something. Shave your head, maybe? Otherwise, somebody’s sure to recognize you.” Luke gave him a quizzical glance. “I’m not shaving my head. No one will recognize me.” Han felt dizzy. Luke’s features suddenly blurred and reformed. He became, in Han’s eyes, a different individual: darker hair, a handspan taller, thinner, his features ordinary and unmemorable. “Dammit!” Han said. “Don’t do that to me!” The image shivered away, revealing Luke. “All right,” Luke said. “I won’t affect you. But no one else will recognize me.” “Okay.”
LOL to everything in this passage. Aside from the comedic implications, though, I don’t like Luke using the Force for this sort of stuff, it seems like an unnecessary shortcut, and too easy to abuse.
“How do you know?” Luke just looked at him. Han let go. “I hate it when you do that,” he said to Luke.
“Spiders,” Han said, shuddering. “I’m sorry, but spiders really give me the creeps.” “Spiders?” See-Threepio said. “Are there spiders? Where? I must be careful that they do not spin their webs in my joints. Why, I knew a droid once—” “I meant the driver,” Han said. “But the driver was not a spider,” See-Threepio said. “Metaphorically speaking,” Han said.
Oh, Threepio - never change. Also, there is a fic here for sure about Han and spiders.
All along the bar, the slender tentacles waved or waited or curved around mugs or wineglasses or flagons. Han rose to look over the edge of the bar, but the slender tentacle stretched before his face and motioned him back. “If you wish to imbibe, you are in the right place.” The voice sounded like a falling stack of steel rods. “If you wish to indulge your curiosity, may I suggest the museum in the next dome?” “Sorry,” Han said, offended. “No offense taken. Two-element minimum.” The tentacle was poised to serve him. Han subsided onto his barstool. “Then give me two elements,” he said. “How about polonium and plumbum?” “I serve neither here,” the voice said. “Two glasses of the local ale will do,” Han said. “A fine choice for a brave individual.” The tentacle snapped out of sight behind the bar. Han searched his memory for a shy species with many tentacles, but he came up with no one who would suit. He leaned against the bar, content. When he returned home was plenty of time to research the species he had never met, and perhaps to start an expedition to invite them to join the New Republic.
LOLOLOL, physics jokes.
Artoo-Detoo broadcast a loud electronic raspberry and shut down the transmission. “Got that one from Han, did you?” Leia said.
Artoo’s sass predates Han, but they are kindred spirits in this respect.
“Why do you have so many rules?” Jaina asked. “That isn’t a rule,” Tigris said. “If you go near the fence—the dragon will eat you!” A dragon! Jaina was entranced.
Yeah, don’t try to order the Solo kids around - it never works.
Jaina stared at them in disbelief. Why did these bad people have lightsabers? Lightsabers were for good people, for Jedi Knights. She wanted to be a Jedi Knight. She wanted to be old enough to build her own lightsaber, and learn to use it. She also wanted to be a mechanic, and a raceship driver, and a drum player.
Oh, Jaina, <3!
“I see you are from the planet of the foolish people,” the being said. “You aren’t safe to be around, even to make a sale. Your pardon, small person,” it said to Anakin, and disappeared.
LOLOLOLOL. I love this so much.
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Day 15: What technology is used in your world?
OH BOY. Okay, this is gonna be long, so be like Scar: BE PREPARED!
Let’s start with the very basics of most of the things in my multiverse: the Psion particle.
Psion is a particle roughly a photon’s size, which seems to interact quite a lot with both electromagnetism and gravity. Psion is the particle of life: it is found quite a lot in living beings, while in rocks/metals it’s close to nonexistent. Psion can also be found in almost pure concentrations in what’s called Psion-enriched crystals made of either mercury, gallium, or glucose. It is unknown why theses doesn’t seem to have the lack of Psion usually found in inert materials, but this is very useful for a special piece of technology: the Psion Particle Accelerators (PPA for short). Theses Psion Particle Accelerator drain the ambient Psion / a flask of anything who has Psion in it to convert the energy into electricity while, surprisingly, the Psion comes out intact, thus creating effectively a working infinite electricity generator. However, theses things tend to release the Psion stored in them in bursts, causing them to sometime overheat. As such, “Psion vents” are on the side of each torus ring that is a PPA to enable a quick exit of theses bursts, but one must still be careful when this happen.
This piece of technology can also lead to another interesting creation: hard light objects. This allows to effectively create stuff such as light-blades, an add-on to existing weapons to use if they are rigged with a PPA to sharpen even it even more, or extend its range. Hard-light pellets are also used as a projectile by the peoples in the Robot AU, as theses can be either incapacitating or lethal on choice.
Adding to the hard light technology is another using light and Psion too to produce speeds that are very impressive. Introducing the Kugelblitz Motor, existing only in space for the moment. The Kugelblitz works with a black hole put into a controlled confinement and bombarded with photons to end up with an output of something having a mass and thus propelling the spacecraft at LUDICROUS SPEED! Well, for the larger ones. Smaller ones can only accelerate up to a “mere” Mach 2. Theses small ones are the ones put into the raceships.
Yet another technology still untouched right now is the robots. How do they work and how does the AI system works? Let’s talk about that.
Robots are complex machines who moves with “pressure muscles”, tubes of a special compound who, when pressure is added in, gets “wider” and mimic that way a muscle’s way of contracting. That way, the muscles can be easily changed if broken. Bones are made of a carbon-based polymer. Most of the “organs” are instead the computer parts, with some models also being “Factories” able to consume some material to create usable stuff in them. The computer part of a robot/an AI is quantum one, consuming less energy and taking less place. The whole think is either animated by a PPA or, if they cannot have one due to it being too expensive to create/ just plain impractical, they will have multiple incomes of energy with different ways of getting them.
...Boy, this is long. Pause here and go read a book instead of being all your time on the internet!
You read a book? Did something else? Or you just didn’t give a heck? Good, let’s resume.
More technical stuff about Kugelblitz: Suits are mostly skintight suits, except for one case: dragon-newts typically uses hard suits, as their scales would destroy most soft suits, and Guardians evolved to be able to use most of their body in complete vacuum, thus their suits are open at some places. Moreover, some ships have a special gravity generator to be able to have them like long corridors instead of towers. G-Suits and the raceships has been ameliorated to reduce a maximum any internal damage caused by any kind of G-thrust.
Back on Earth, but under the sea, the technology over there is using electricity created by geothermal plants. Underwater jet-skis exists, akin to our motorcycles. Bigger models are actually more like submarines for more peoples. One feat that seems to have been done in the ancient times by Atlanteans is that the capital of the Ocean is a moving, city-sized submarine.
Robot AU again? The mainframes of the AIs are arranged into blocks of 2*2*2, and all of the robots around means there is skyscrapers of theses mainframes. All of them are regular-working computers, except in their center where there is a quantum hard-drive to do all the computing. The rest is just everything needed for it to work in the most optimal way. This way of arranging the mainframes however means that the places around theses skyscrapers are scorching hot. Part of this is recycled with some thermal generators, transforming the heat back into electricity, and the rest of the heat is cooled with some coolant units sometimes put instead of some mainframes. Speaking of generating powers, the Robot AU uses different methods such as solar panels and wind turbines to create energy. Psion Particle Accelerators are quite uncommon here. However, they are working on it, and one of their prototypes, a gauntlet capable of creating a breach between dimensions, is what sets the plot of Alternate Takes forward. Another thing to note about the robots is that they are coded with different languages: in the original Earth, the four original AIs created are named Adam, then Eve, Lilith and Hal, and their code is the Adam (.adm) code. On the Robot AU, their code is instead the Gregory code (.gre) or the Intelligence Servant Kimera (.isk).
Meanwhile in the Fantasy AU, Steampunk is of order near Brittany and the United Kingdom, as zeppelins and lots of Victorian-era technology is still used, but they sometime uses more contemporary tech, as theses are available nearby. Excepted the Crimson King’s kingdom, it is everywhere a nearly contemporary level of technology. Even in Hell and Heaven they have guns, computers and smartphones. Beats the old scrolls, stone slabs and bows.
One last thing back on the Earth! There is prototypes being created during the stories, but they’re not quite working yet. For example, mechas are being designed to be able to be used both as a utility vehicle with a car, a plane, or a boat form, or be used to fight extremely large threats in mecha form, such as exceptionally large animals.
That, and Lilith wanted a mecha so she’s making one for her. Can’t really blame her.
...Did I said it was the last thing?
Oh sorry, I lied.
Another piece of technology being worked on is Carol’s genetic experiments with the DNA-mixer substance brought up in day 12. The end goal would be to be able to control it to be able to genetically enhance peoples the way they want, by giving them animal/plant attributes using this and a bit of surgery.
The medical level has progressed quite a bit, but let’s just talk about the technological side of that: grafts can now be almost easily 3D-printed with enough material, but others prefer to have sweet robotic arms to are compatible with actual robot limbs (well, you can’t change your head though.). To each their own.
Also, of course, there’s the possibility of creating a time machine, as Tales Of Time shows us, with the side effect of this one exploding. But hey, we can’t go right on the first try?
A peculiar piece of technology is also the less used kinetic weapons used by some robots in the Robot AU, which change the spin of the gun charging into shockwaves. Or the fact that some technology seems to reinforce when used in rhythm…
A weird thing of technology mishmashed with magic are the demonic guns in the Fantasy Universe, which fire soul-catching cartridges with a classic gun mechanism mixed with some special magic.
Oh and there is a kind of diving apparatus called “rebreathers” which basically lets you either recycle the air in your air tanks or let you breathe directly from the water, as it exacts the oxygen in the water and changes it into dioxygen. In space the former is used to attain a near infinite amount of air for anyone breathing dioxygen.
...Okay yeah let’s stop here.
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bestcgart · 6 years
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meanwhile elsewhere - raceships and warbirds, Christian Reichelt (2D) by
Forum: Latest Entries Posted By: Retta Post Time: 08 August 2018 at 03:10 PM
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tainbocuailnge · 6 years
fangusklot replied to your post “home alone on a friday night?”
I haven’t personally met him yet but he seems like a exceptionally good lad
he’s the reigning champion of 5 years of the platinum sky cup, a race where everything is allowed and contestants routinely build their raceships into death contraptions to beat up the competition with. meteon is immensely popular among race enthusiasts for winning without ever trying to hinder his opponents and instead just doing everything to go faster, which incidentally also makes his rivals fucking hate his guts cause he doesn’t even cheat to win like the rest of them he’s just fuckin good babey. 
he’s competent and knows it and it shows in his big mouth but he’s not outright cocky cause he’s not really in it to be better than others he’s in it to go fucking fast. he’s usually aloof and focused on improving his own times above all but during his event he gets too caught up in his rivalry with the reigning second place and you gotta remind him of the reason he’s racing in the first place. he’s got a heart full of love but he’s bad at openly appreciating what’s around him so he gets all bashful it’s cute. the moment you recruit him he gives rackam an aneurysm trying to fly the grandcypher like its a raceship
his event was one of the first where cygames really buckled down on making a story heavy event and they put a lot of effort into the visuals too so it’s one of the fan favourite events. it got a rerun not too long ago so it’ll probably be a while before it’s added to the side stories and you can meet him tho
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tainbocuailnge · 7 years
thessaliah replied to your photo “not to be horny on main on this fine monday afternoon but: holy shit...”
is that genderswap atalanta
it’s meteon from granblue fantasy! he’s a racecar driver (raceship technically since everything is airships) and won the biggest race of the skies for 5 consecutive years. his event is on now and it’s about making him remember he started racing not to win but for the sake of just going as fast as possible bc granblue is cheesy like that. he’s very small but has a big mouth and the moment you recruit him onto your airship (which is more along the lines of a huge passenger ship than anything close to a racecar) he immediately goes “hey lemme try how much speed i can wring out of this engine” cause hes a reckless dumbass
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