sillyrabbit81 · 8 months
Ohhhhh Any and all information on number 1, of course.
And then number 2 and 8, if you don't mind.
I read Sherlock and I was like 'yay'. Then I saw 'shy' and I went 'awwww'. Then I saw 'sex worker' and I almost fainted... So... jdfkjdfksldkfjsf
Okay so I'm going to just go straight under a cut and get into it.
The Brotherhood... Well its a damn saga... There are about 5 titles in my docs with some variation of TFWB Ch 18 because I have rewritten the start so many times. But I think I have finally settled on a beginning, I have an ending of the chapter written... just need to get the smut out but that is a where the real struggle begins.
Here's a sneak peek: (still rough and not completely edited)
Apparently, a handshake wasn’t enough for Sy and he drew Marshall into a tight hug, of which I was in the middle of. I had not expected to be in a Brother sandwich tonight. The idea struck me as both immensely funny and yet arousing. I bit my lip as I turned my head back into Sy’s chest and tried to focus on not laughing and not how fucking amazing it felt to be held by both men. My thoughts went back to the first night I had met the Brothers, to that dingy, cheap motel room and the shower with shitty water pressure. Back to my first sexual feelings about the Brothers. At the time, the thoughts were fantasy, I never actually thought that’s what I would ever want. But now…  All too quickly Marshall took a step back.  I didn’t like that. I didn’t want that. I reached blindly behind me and found Marshall’s arm, I gripped it tightly and wrapped it around my waist before I snaked a hand around both Brother’s backs.  For a moment both Brothers were frozen in place. I wanted so badly to know what they were thinking, but I couldn’t make myself lift my head and meet their eyes. So I just held them tight to me, Sy’s chest against my chest, Marshall’s chest pressed against my back. The silence dragged on, neither moved for what felt like forever, I don’t think either of them took a breath.
Number 2 is an ask from my milestone game from nearly a year ago... I have so many of those to do and I feel terrible about how long its taken me. It's also had a few iterations, and is really only in point form, but its about a woman who Sherlock met on a case and she made him pay her for her time. He keeps coming back to her with more questions and she starts to suspect that he doesn't actually need to know the answers to the questions and that he might to be too shy to admit he'd like to use her services... its not completely fleshed out yet.
Number 8 is basically the old trope of being caught breaking rules and being busted by August and he makes a bargain with you to keep his silence... Its also not very fleshed out on paper, only a few paragraphs and disjointed dialogue, but its a common fantasy in my head 🤣
I don't know if its what you expected, but yeah, thats what I've got.
❤️ Rabbit
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